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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Совершенствование системы формирования и использования целевого капитала учреждения высшего профессионального образования : магистерская диссертация / The improvement of endowment forming and use system

Черепанова, А. Д., Cherepanova, A. D. January 2016 (has links)
This research is devoted to the analysis of the forming and usage of income from the endowment fund of educational institutions. The study is based on the example of Ural Federal university. The relevance of this study is caused by modern economic situation, the state policy in the sphere of education, as well as has rising need of the educational institutions in usage and development of co-financing instruments. Development of the concept and implementation of the First International Forum "Academic Fundraising: attracting money for the development of higher education" has allowed to develop a system of recommendations for the endowment funds of educational institutions, the Alumni Associations, as well as for public authorities promoting the development of endowment funds. The development of such funds will increase the financial independence of universities, reduce the workload of the state budget, as well as make a positive impact on the educational, scientific and innovative progress of Russia. / Данное исследование посвящено анализу процессов формирования, а в большей части пополнения целевых капиталов образовательных учреждений, использования доходов от целевого капитала на примере Фонда по формированию целевого капитала на развитие федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина». Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена современной экономической ситуацией, политикой государства в сфере образования, а также возникшей в связи с этими факторами необходимостью образовательных учреждений использовать и развивать инструменты софинансирования. Разработка концепции и организация первого Международного форума «Академический фандрайзинг: привлечение средств для развития высшей школы» позволила автору разработать систему рекомендаций для фондов целевого капитала образовательных учреждений, Ассоциации выпускников, а также для государственных органов по содействию развитию эндаумент-фондов. Развитие таких фондов позволит повысить финансовую самостоятельность вузов, снизит нагрузку на государственный бюджет, а также окажет положительное влияние на образовательный, научный и инновационный прогресс России.

Les lieux de l'ordure de Dakar et d'Addis Abäba : territoires urbains et valorisation non institutionnelle des déchets dans deux capitales africaines / Rubbish spots of Dakar and Addis Ababa : urban territories and non institutional recycling in two african capitals

Pierrat, Adeline 04 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne les liens entre les territoires urbains et la valorisation non institutionnelle des déchets dans deux capitales africaines, Dakar au Sénégal et Addis Abäba en Éthiopie. Ces relations sont interrogées à l’aune du contexte actuel de modernisation de ces agglomérations, qui ont fait du « vert » et surtout du « propre », de nouveaux paradigmes de leur développement. Tandis que la plupart des études portent sur les carences ou les défaillances de la gestion officielle des services urbains, cette recherche se focalise sur la valorisation des déchets, qui considère ces derniers comme une ressource. Celle-ci, de plus en plus mise en avant au Nord, est une forme de traitement qui redonne de la valeur aux ordures. Au Sud, et dans les deux capitales étudiées, elle est aux mains du secteur informel et des ménages. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse a pour ambition de comprendre, à travers leur valorisation non institutionnelle, comment les déchets participent à la construction de territoires et influent sur les évolutions urbaines actuelles à Dakar et Addis Abäba. La dimension spatiale du processus est étudiée à travers l’analyse et la mise en relation de ce que nous appelons les « lieux de l’ordure » (décharges, marchés des déchets, etc.) perçus comme marginaux. La comparaison et les enquêtes de terrains qualitatives (questionnaires et entretiens) donnent à voir les modalités du développement de la valorisation, ses spécificités et les dynamiques territoriales qu’elle produit. Cette thèse montre que ces dernières peinent à s’insérer dans les nouvelles donnes urbaines, voire interfèrent négativement avec les tentatives de régulation en cours. En revisitant la thématique de l’informel, ce travail questionne les possibilités de développement pour ‐ et les risques encourus par ‐ un processus fondamental pour faire des déchets une ressource urbaine en Afrique. / This thesis examines the links between urban areas and non-institutional recycling in two African capitals : Dakar, Senegal and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. These connections are studied regarding the current state of modernisation of these metropolises, which have been going green and above all keeping it clean and became models of development. Most of the studies are about the lacks and the flaws of the bureaucratic management of the urban transit. This research focuses on recycling, which they see as resource. The latter, more and more promoted in the North, is a way of handling the rubbish that puts more value into it. As for the South and in those two capitals in particular, recycling is the hands of the informal sector and households. In this case, this thesis aims to understand through informal recycling how rubbish plays a part in the creation of territories and the current expansions of Dakar and Addis Ababa. The spatial dimension of the procedure is studied through the analysis and the links of what we call “rubbish spots” (rubbish tips, the waste market) are considered marginal. The comparison and qualitative field surveys (questionnaires and interviews) sho how recycling is developed, its specific features and the regional dynamism coming out of it. This thesis shows that the latter can barely be part of the new urban deal and that they have negative interference with the current regulations attempt. By revisiting the platform of the informal, this job questions the possible developments for – and the risks taken – for a fundamental process to trun rubbish into an urban resource on the African continent.


[pt] Esta dissertação aborda o tema da representação digital das cidades. Ela é resultado de uma pesquisa que foi motivada pelo seguinte problema: como as cidades brasileiras têm sido representadas oficialmente no meio digital? Admitimos, como premissa, que os sites oficiais das cidades são mais uma forma de representá-las e, portanto, eles devem ser compreendidos como signos e como objetos do Design. Nosso objetivo geral foi investigar a semiose do design nas cidades digitais brasileiras a fim de contribuir com reflexões capazes de auxiliar os designers na tarefa de representar oficialmente as cidades no meio digital. O objeto empírico da investigação foi constituído pelos sites oficiais das capitais do sudeste brasileiro. As leituras e análises empreendidas tiveram como referencial teórico, principalmente, as lições de Charles Sanders Peirce sobre a Semiótica e as Matrizes da linguagem e pensamento propostas por Lucia Santaella. Ao final da pesquisa, constatamos que a semiótica peirciana possui um ferramental que pode auxiliar os designers na construção e na análise das cidades digitais. Além disso, a partir das análises dos sites oficiais das capitais do sudeste do Brasil, tecemos considerações que dizem respeito às dimensões sintática, semântica e pragmática desses sites e que são extensíveis às demais cidades digitais governamentais brasileiras. / [en] This dissertation approach is concerned to cities digital representation. It is the result of a research that was motivated by the following problem: how have the Brazilian cities been officially represented in the digital world? We admit, as a premise, that cities official sites are more a representational form of cities and, thus, they must be understood as signs and as objects of Design. Our general goal was investigate the semiosis of design in Brazilian digital cities in order to build up some reflections which might be able to assist designers in the task of representing the cities officially in the digital world. The empirical object of this inquiry was constituted by the official sites of Brazilian Southeastern capital cities. The undertaken readings and analyzes have had as theoretical referential, mainly, Charles Sanders Peirce`s lessons about Semiotics and the Matrices of language and thought proposed by Lucia Santaella. At the end of the research, we have noticed that Peirce`s Semiotics is full of tools that can assist designers in the construction and in the analysis of digital cities. Moreover, from the analyzes of the official sites of Brazilian Southeastern capitals, we have developed some considerations related to some dimensions of those sites, namely Syntactic, Pragmatic and Semantics ones, which are extensible to other Governmental Brazilian digital cities.

Tradition et innovation dans l’évolution du chapiteau ibéro-maghrébin au bas Moyen Âge : le devenir d’une structure ornementale / Tradition and Innovation in the development of the Ibero-Maghrebian capital in the Late Medieval Period : the evolution of an ornamental structure

Fadhloun, Basma 09 January 2016 (has links)
Le chapiteau ibéro-maghrébin apparaît aujourd’hui comme l’une des expressions les plus caractéristiques de la sculpture islamique médiévale : il connaît du IXe au XIVe siècle, avec une riche production, une incessante adaptation à son contexte politique et social ; il s’affirme ainsi comme un reflet privilégié de l’art islamique en Occident et de son évolution. Notre choix s’est porté sur cet élément architectural car il apparaît comme un élément clé — membre d’architecture et œuvre ornementale à la fois — pour appréhender l’art et les techniques du monde ibéro-maghrébin du bas Moyen Age confrontée à la poussée chrétienne des XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Seules les villes nasrides, mérinides et abd al-wadides échappent aux reconquêtes du XIIIe siècle. Le chapiteau constitue l’un des témoins de ce nouveau contexte historique et géographique de l’art islamique d’Occident. Pour mieux saisir ce phénomène, nous avons pris le parti d’étudier les chapiteaux islamiques ibéro-maghrébins dans une perspective diachronique. Ils apparaissent comme le fruit d’une longue évolution que nous avons tenté de saisir dans sa globalité avant de mettre en lumière, à partir d’un catalogue raisonné, la production des trois émirats et des diverses écoles développées au bas Moyen Age. La perspective ibéro-maghrébine retenue a permis d’établir une grille de classement typologique inédite, qui englobe toute la zone visée. Elle met en lumière une évidente évolution et une diversité qui révèle les particularismes liés à la vitalité de foyers d’art sans cesse plus nombreux. Cette évolution, marquée par bien des diversifications régionales, témoigne, au reste aussi bien, de riches échanges entre les émirats de l’aire culturelle ibéro-maghrébine. / The Ibero-Maghrebian capital is one of the most characteristic forms of medieval Islamic sculpture. Prolifically produced from the 9th to the 14th century, it was constantly adapted to its social and political context, and became a prime reflection of Islamic art in the West and its evolution. In the present work I chose to focus on this architectural element because it is key, as at once architectural member and ornamental work, to understanding the art and techniques of the Ibero-Maghrebian world of the Low Middle Ages, and notably its confrontation with the Christian push of the 13th and 14th centuries. Only Nasrid, Marinid and Zayyanid cities escaped the reconquests of the 13th century, and the capital is one of the reflections of this new historical and geographical context for Islamic art in the West. To better grasp this phenomenon, I chose to study Ibero-Maghrebian Islamic capitals from a diachronic perspective. These capitals are the fruit of a long process of evolution, which I describe overall before examining the production of the three emirates and the various schools developed in the Low Middle Ages. By taking an Ibero-Maghrebian perspective, I was able to establish a novel typological framework which encompasses productions throughout the entire area. It highlights clear change over time and a diversity that reflects particularisms linked to the vitality of increasingly numerous centres of production. This evolution, marked by many regional diversifications, testifies to the rich exchanges between the emirates of the Ibero-Maghrebian cultural space.


王毅偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討,盈餘中所包括的由營業而來的運用資金及現金流量相對於盈餘而言,是否具增額資訊內涵?動機來自於我國於民國78年12月28日公布現金流量表取代財務狀況變動表,前者之主要衡量指標為營業活動現金流量,後者則為營業而來之運用資金,而以前者取代後者的理由究竟是因營業活動現金流量較營業而來運用資金更具資訊內涵?抑或是營業而萊的運用資金與盈餘之相關性太高,導致該指標無增額資訊內涵,而須提供與盈餘相關性較低的現金流量資訊?還是財務狀況妥動表相對於損益表及現金流量表而言,已無法提供增額資訊內涵?由於相關研究結果分歧,故本論文試圖做一深入瞭解。 本研究採事件研究法(Event Study),藉由橫斷面分析,透過四階段進行測試:第一階段比較營業而來的運用資金及營業活動現金流量之相對資訊內涵;第二階段則加入稅後盈餘,測試第一階段之自變數相對於稅後盈餘而言,是否具增額資訊內涵,至於測試方法則採用可能比例測試法(Liklihood Ratio Test),測試全迴歸模式中,某一特定變數的估計值是否異於零的方式;第三階段則將異積異常報酬(CAR)分成高、中、低三組,重新檢視一、二階段之結果,看是否在三組間能獲得相同的結論。最後則測試重大非營業項目及土地重估增值之增額資訊內涵。 本研究以162家國內上市製造業為樣本,蒐集其民國八十年至八十四年之財務資料進行實證研究,獲致以下結論: 一、營業而來的運用資金及現金流量相對資訊內涵之比較以年度資料及Pooling結果觀之,除民國80年之營業而來運用資金及營業活動現金活動與股票報酬有顯著關聯性外,其餘年度(包括pooling)則否,故無法得出年度之一般化結論。但若將累積異常報酬之pooling結果依大小分為三組,結果發現高報酬組中,營業而來的運用資金與股票報酬關聯性大於營業活動現金流量,此項結果與前者為加計流動性應計項目之資訊有關,而另外兩組無法得出結論。 二、營業而來的運用資金及現金流量增額資訊內涵之比較以年度資料觀之,民國80年的營業而來運用資金有超越盈餘及營業活動現金流量之增額資訊內涵。而從分組結果得知,高報酬組中,盈餘及營業而來的運用資金皆具有增額資訊內涵。 三、重大非營業項目及土地重估增值資訊內涵之比較以分組結果觀之,在高報酬組中,迴歸模式主要解釋能力來自盈餘,而處分投資、固定資產利得及土地重估增值均無增額資訊內涵;但在中、低報酬組及Pooling,處分固定資產利益皆具增額資訊內涵。 / This study aims to examine the incremental information contents of working capitals and cash flows which is mainly motivated by the mandated accounting regulation in relation to statement of cash flows on December 28, 1989. The empirical analysis includes 162 samples covering from 1991 to 1995. The findings can be summarized as follows. 1. In addition to the samples of 1991, no significant association between cash flows from operations (including working capitals from operations) and stock returns can be detected. Among high returns sample group, the working capital from operations significantly associates with stock returns, if all samples are pooled. 2. In 1991, the working capitals from operations has significant incremental information contents. In addition, among high returns samples the working capital from operations has significant incremental information contents, if all samples are pooled. 3. Among high returns samples, the explanatory power of stock returns is mainly derived from earnings. In addition, gain on disposal of fixed asset has significant incremental information contents in medium and low return sample groups.

Os Guardiões de Semente no Passo do Lourenço, Canguçu-RS: a semente crioula e o habitus do camponês / The Guardians of seed in the Passo do Lourenço, Canguçu-RS: the native seed and the habitus of the peasant

Elste, Fábio Dias Ribeiro 23 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-06-18T20:50:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Fabio_Ribeiro.pdf: 5993890 bytes, checksum: 96cb6fbb56baae10ef58e52ad7dfa77f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-06-22T22:16:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_Fabio_Ribeiro.pdf: 5993890 bytes, checksum: 96cb6fbb56baae10ef58e52ad7dfa77f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-22T22:16:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_Fabio_Ribeiro.pdf: 5993890 bytes, checksum: 96cb6fbb56baae10ef58e52ad7dfa77f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-23 / Sem bolsa / Nesta dissertação, investigou-se a disputa entre camponeses, Guardiões de Sementes Crioulas, em Passo do Lourenço, Canguçu-RS, e as empresas do setor agroindustrial, envolvendo a preservação do habitus, na perspectiva teórica de Pierre Bourdieu. O estudo procurou analisar como esse habitus se transformou em resistência à modernização da agricultura no Brasil, especialmente quanto à forma como foi implantada, que excluiu o campesinato das políticas públicas para o setor; discutindo conceitos fundamentais, tais como campo e capitais simbólicos, e de que maneira se configurou a luta entre os atores sociais, especialmente após a chamada Revolução Verde e a implementação das sementes transgênicas no cenário da agricultura. / In this dissertation, we investigated the dispute between peasants, Creole Seed Guardians, in Passo do Lourenço, Canguçu-RS, and agroindustrial companies, involving the preservation of the habitus, in the theoretical perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. The study sought to analyze how this habitus became a resistance to the modernization of agriculture in Brazil, especially as it was implemented, which excluded the peasantry from public policies for the sector; Discussing fundamental concepts such as field and symbolic capitals, and how the struggle between social actors was set up, especially after the so-called Green Revolution and the implementation of seed transgency in the agricuture scenario.

A crise da eficiência para além do espaço escolar: as influências dos capitais social, cultural e econômico no desempenho escolar de ciências/química / Efficiency crisis, beyond school: the influence of social, cultural and economic capitals on scholar achievement in science/ chemistry

Ribeiro , Eveline Borges Vilela 25 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2015-11-03T18:52:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Eveline Borges Vilela Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 2989262 bytes, checksum: e7887d3b2aa4fba8291e3929d95308a3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-11-04T09:41:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Eveline Borges Vilela Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 2989262 bytes, checksum: e7887d3b2aa4fba8291e3929d95308a3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-04T09:41:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Eveline Borges Vilela Ribeiro - 2015.pdf: 2989262 bytes, checksum: e7887d3b2aa4fba8291e3929d95308a3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-25 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This thesis is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theories about scholar reproduction and in a dialectical conception of world. The aim of this research was to analyze how the crisis of efficiency can be understood from analysis of cultural, social and economic capitals and not as a productivity crisis often debated in the literature. To do this, we analyzed if the cultural, social and economic capitals of secondary students affect theirs school achievement in science / chemistry in different scales (global, national and local). For this, on the global scale (using PISA-2009 data) and national (using ENEM-2009 data), evaluated through Quantile Regression, how the cultural, social and economic capital are related to student achievement in science. We also analyzed the partial and combined effect of different capitals on student performance from a partial regression, followed by a path analysis. These analyzes showed us that, regardless of the context, cultural and social capital have a positive relationship with student achievement in science. Economic capital also has a positive relationship with the school achievement of students in science, however, has different slope coefficients for different quantiles. For the national context, we investigated further how the educational institution the student is in (whether state, federal, municipal or private) affects their school achievement in science, for this we proceed with an ANOVA followed by a Planned Comparison Test. These tests indicated that students in federal and private schools have better achievement than those from the municipal and state schools. To justify our results, we research in a local context (in public and private schools of Jataí-GO and Goiânia-GO) how the student's capitals affect their achievement in chemistry. We elaborated and applied a didactic strategy about “waste and physical and chemistry transformations”, a socio-economic-cultural survey and an interview with responsible for those students. In this context, we could deep the discussions that we had realized in global and national context. Our results provided subsides to affirm that the efficiency crisis of school is configured in a context of crisis of capitalist society. The school crisis is multifaceted and it is a mistake condemns only schools and teachers about the learning problems in science because the social, cultural and economic capital of the students can explain some of these achievement issues. The school is in crisis, but the school's crisis is not a crisis of efficiency, is a societal crisis permeated with ideological aspects, as well as other crises that today's society confronts. / Este trabalho está fundamentado nas teorias de Pierre Bourdieu sobre a reprodução escolar e em uma concepção dialética de mundo. O objetivo desta tese consistiu em analisar como a crise de eficiência da escola pode ser compreendida a partir da análise dos capitais cultural, econômico e social dos partícipes da escola e não tão somente como uma crise de produtividade e eficiência humana. Para isso, analisamos se os capitais social, cultural e econômico dos estudantes afetam o desempenho escolar em ciências/química de estudantes do Ensino Médio em diferentes amostras (global, nacional e local). Para isso, na escala global (utilizando dados do PISA-2009) e nacional (utilizando dados do ENEM-2009), avaliamos, através de Regressão Quantil, de que maneira os capitais cultural, social e econômico estão relacionados ao desempenho dos estudantes em ciências. Avaliamos também o efeito parcial e combinado dos diferentes capitais no desempenho dos estudantes a partir de uma regressão parcial, seguida por uma análise de caminho (path analysis). As análises nos mostraram que, independente do contexto, os capitais cultural e social possuem uma relação positiva com o desempenho dos estudantes em ciências, assim como o capital econômico, que, no entanto, possui diferentes coeficientes angulares para distintos quantis. Para o contexto nacional, investigamos ainda como o estabelecimento de ensino que o estudante frequenta (estadual, federal, municipal ou privado) afeta o seu desempenho escolar em ciências. Para isso, fizemos uma Análise de Variância seguida de um Teste de Comparação Planejada, que nos indicou que os estudantes das escolas federal e privada possuem melhor desempenho que aqueles oriundos das escolas municipal e estadual. A fim de fundamentar tais resultados, investigamos em um recorte local (em escolas públicas e privadas nas cidades de Goiânia-GO e Jataí-GO) como os capitais dos estudantes afetavam seu desempenho em química. Para isso, elaboramos e aplicamos uma estratégia didática cujo tema foi “Lixo e as Transformações Físicas e Químicas”, bem como um questionário socioeconômico-cultural, além de realizarmos entrevistas com os responsáveis de alguns estudantes. Nesse contexto, pudemos aprofundar as discussões que realizamos nos recortes global e nacional. Nossos resultados nos fornecem subsídio para afirmarmos que a crise de eficiência da escola se configura em um contexto de crise da sociedade capitalista e que tem relação não apenas com os problemas de ordem econômica da escola, mas também com os aspectos sociais, culturais e econômicos que permeiam a vida dos estudantes fora do ambiente escolar. A escola está em crise, mas não de eficiência, tal como predita pelo modelo capitalista; é uma crise societária permeada de aspectos ideológicos, assim como os demais flagelos que a sociedade atual enfrenta. A crise escolar é multifacetada, e constitui equívoco responsabilizar unicamente as escolas e professores sobre os problemas de aprendizagem em ciências, uma vez que os capitais sociais, culturais e econômicos dos estudantes conseguem explicar parte desses problemas de desempenho. Logo, é necessária atuação conexa entre o Estado e a escola para a disposição de serviços essenciais para a população.

Asanace Josefova a její vídeňský vzor. Analýza veřejného mínění / Sanitation of Josefov and its Viennese origin. Analysis of public opinion

Brožová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
in English Aim of this work is mostly about process of sanitation of Josefov and also shows themes which are not still much discussed. Just denial opinion about simplification of denying sanitation, pointing on certain inevitability of this decision for Josefov, but also to effors for saving most important thinks from this area, belong to these themes. The effor to refute some myths about sanitation Josefov, is closely related. As a model city for better understanding the situation was chosen Vienna. The Prague town council was inspired by this city for process sanitation itself. The regulation of historic city centre was there about few decades earlier and the Ringstrasse was the result. In both projects are same characters in planning and implementation itself. But on other hand have both cities, especially Prague, own specific features that made both rebuilding unique.

Modelování prostorových interakcí na příkladu krajských měst / Modeling spatial interactions on the example of the regional cities

Zelenka, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
Management and planning of transportation is becoming more important in terms of continuously growing intensity of spatial interactions, which are still mostly realized through transport networks. That's why we can deal with this specific problem of transportation geography using for example spatial interactions modeling. The general aim of the thesis is modeling of spatial interactions and their subsequent comparison with real flows by using calibration in order to predicate the future value of flows taking the planned changes in the transport network in consideration. The main tool used to achieve the goal of the thesis is the gravity model which was applied on the example of regional capitals in the Czech Republic. Based on accomplishments we may say, that centers with lower significance of monitored relations are characterized by further location towards most centers, small number of inhabitants, low intensity of model interactions and lower values of transport intensities with neighboring centers. With the center growth itself, its range of interactions with other centers grows as well. Key Words: spatial interactions modeling, gravity model, model interaction, transport intensity, regional capitals

編織南京夢: 空間重構與知識生產 : 以1927-1937年南京城市建設為中心的研究. / Dream weaving: reconstruction of space and knowledge production : a research on the urban plan and construction in Nanjing 1927-1937 / 空間重構與知識生產: 以1927-1937年南京城市建設為中心的研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Bian zhi Nanjing meng: kong jian chong gou yu zhi shi sheng chan : yi 1927-1937 nian Nanjing cheng shi jian she wei zhong xin de yan jiu. / Kong jian chong gou yu zhi shi sheng chan: yi 1927-1937 nian Nanjing cheng shi jian she wei zhong xin de yan jiu

January 2011 (has links)
劉煒. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-208) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Wei.

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