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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kortspel, mer än bara ett tidsfördriv? : En fallstudie om gymnasieelevers resonemang vid spel av ett kortspel med matematiskt innehåll / Card games, more than just a pastime? : A case study about high school students reasoning while playing a card game with mathematical content

Malmberg, Nore January 2019 (has links)
Studier har visat att det i den traditionella undervisningen i matematik råder brist på förutsättningar för eleverna att utveckla sin resonemangsförmåga på ett betydande sätt (Sidenvall, Lithner och Jäder, 2015; Tranbeck, 2010; Jäder, 2015). Denna brist har identifierats som en av anledningarna till att elever har det svårt på matematikutbildningar på högskolenivå (Lithner, 2011). Detta har lett till att alternativa arbetssätt har undersökts med avseende på hur de främjar elevernas användning av resonemangsförmågan (Liljekvist, 2014; Brunström, 2015). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur gymnasieelevers resonemang ser ut och vad de innehåller när de spelar spel med matematiskt innehåll från gymnasiets matematikkurser. En förståelse för detta kan bland annat möjliggöra en utvärdering av denna typ av spels relevans inom matematikundervisningen på gymnasialnivå. I denna studie studeras två gymnasieelevgruppers resonemang när de spelar ett kortspel som har ett matematiskt innehåll. Två strukturerade innehållsanalyser tillämpas i denna studie. Den första tillämpar kategorier som skapats utifrån tre olika ramverk för resonemang medan den andra utgår ifrån kategorier för ingenjörsmässiga förmågor som valts ur Conceive Design Implement Operate (CDIO) syllabus. Resultatet visar att ett flertal olika former av resonemang och ingenjörsmässiga förmågor förekommer bland elevernas resonemang. Det vanligaste är att eleverna i sina resonemang tillämpar kunskaper om generella matematiska regler och samband på ett imitativt sätt och resonemanget behandlar även samspelet mellan två variabler. Andelen kreativa resonemang var dock fortfarande högre i denna studie än i tidigare genomförda studier. Elevernas resonemang visar vidare främst på ingenjörsmässiga förmågor relaterat till initiativförmåga och beslutsfattning under osäkerhet. Utifrån resultatet görs bedömningen att det spel som studeras i denna studie är att betraktas som relevant för tillämpning inom matematikundervisningen, med några begränsningar. Mer generellt visar resultatet att när spel av den typ som studerats i denna studie används visar eleverna upp resonemangsförmågan på ett nyanserat sätt och även ingenjörsmässiga förmågor framkommer. / Studies have shown that in the traditional forms of mathematics education there is a lack of opportunity for students to improve their reasoning ability in a meaningful way (Sidenvall, Lithner och Jäder, 2015; Tranbeck, 2010; Jäder, 2015). This flaw has been identified as one reason for why students have troubles following the mathematics education at university level (Lithner, 2011). This has led to alternative methods being studied in regard to how they provide opportunities for the students to utilise their reasoning ability (Liljekvist, 2014; Brunström, 2015). The purpose of this study is to examine what the students’ reasoning looks like and its content when they play a game with mathematical content in high school mathematics courses. Understanding this can, among other things, enable an assessment of how relevant this type of games is for use in high school mathematics education. In this study, two groups of high school students reasoning are observed when they play a card game that has mathematical content. Two structured content analyses are used in this study. The first one applies categories that have been created through the combination of three other frameworks, while the second one applies categories of engineering skills that have been selected from Conceive Design Implement Operate (CDIO) syllabus. The result shows that many different forms of reasoning and engineering skills were present in the students’ reasoning. It is most common that the students’ reasoning incorporates knowledge of general mathematical rules and relations in an imitative way that also includes the interaction between two variables. The proportion of creative reasoning was higher than those found in previous studies. Furthermore, the students’ reasoning mostly reveals engineering skills related to taking initiative and decision making under uncertainty. With regards to the result the assessment is that the game that was studied in this study can be regarded as relevant for use in mathematics education, with some limitations. More generally, the result shows that when games of the type that has been studied here are used the students show the ability to reason in a nuanced way and engineering skills are also present.

Vamos jogar um jogo? abordagem de problemas éticos e morais no cuidado em saúde mental a usuários de substâncias psicoativas

Calixto, Alessandra Mendes January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O uso de substâncias psicoativas pode afetar o indivíduo, a família e a sociedade. Sabemos que pessoas apresentam problemas sérios relacionados ao uso ou abuso de substâncias psicoativas independente da substância, lícita ou ilícita, prescrita ou não, considerada forte ou fraca, natural ou processada. Uma vez que o desenvolvimento de um transtorno aditivo à drogas possui causas variadas e correlação complexa. Essa complexidade nos faz avaliar constantemente nossa prática em saúde a fim de apoiar os pacientes que buscam atendimento em um Serviço hospitalar. Assim, este trabalho foi elaborado a partir da demanda das pessoas que buscam tratamento, que se propõe a discutir e pensar além dos problemas causados pelo uso de SPAs, mas seus problemas éticos e morais. Problemas identificados pelo próprio sujeito no seu processo de recuperação da função social, na relação com as pessoas próximas, na administração dos riscos para si mesmo e outros, dentre outros aspectos considerados importantes para mudança do estilo de vida. Fundamentação Teórica: Para a compreensão destes problemas apontados pelo grupo dialogamos na área das ciências sociais com Anthony Giddens e Alex Honneth, na área de saúde mental e Tratamento Congnitivo Comportamental Griffith Edwards, Rangé; na área de grupoterapia Sobell e Yallon; para compreender o desenvolvimento moral e comportamental Jean Piaget, Hoffman e Émile Durkheim, a interface da bioética com Potter. Objetivo: desenvolver um jogo de cartas que exemplifique situações rotineiras que se constituem problemas éticos e conflitos morais, vivenciados pelos pacientes quanto às regras básicas de convivência social antes e durante a internação. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento dos Descritores da biblioteca virtual em Saúde (BVS): Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, após foram feitas buscas bibliográficas nas bases Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Álcool e outras Drogas), PubMed, Scielo, ADDICTION e ISI. O delineamento do estudo é qualitativo realizado por meio de consulta em prontuário, entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais, grupos focais e diário de campo. As sentenças que representam os problemas éticos e morais foram, adaptados do Jogo Sem- Censura: uma questão de princípios. Os dados coletados foram correlacionados com as Regras de Convivência anteriormente elaboradas em oficinas pelos próprios pacientes em conjunto com a equipe. O estudo do material se deu a partir de operação de codificação - recorte dos textos em unidades de registro: um tema. Os resultados brutos foram submetidos a operações estatísticas simples (percentagens) que permitem colocar em relevo as informações obtidas, sendo utilizado o sistema N-vivo. Resultados: Consideramos que houve envolvimento e adesão do grupo na elaboração das sentenças do jogo de cartas. Durante a elaboração do jogo avaliamos que o processo foi rico, lúdico e de simples aplicação para reflexão dos problemas enfrentados na convivência social além dos parâmetros morais do grupo e seus referenciais éticos. A contribuição desta intervenção foi à instituição da cultura em refletir sobre os conflitos éticos e morais identificados pelos pacientes ao longo da sua vida para além dos problemas de convivência na internação. Os problemas identificados pelo grupo foram: a difícil relação com figuras de autoridade (pai, mãe, professor...), preconceito de gênero, percepção de naturalização do crime e a baixa empatia pelas outras pessoas. / Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances can affect the individual, family and society. We know that people have serious problems related to the use or abuse of psychoactive substances regardless of the substance, legal or illegal, prescribed or not, considered strong or weak, natural or processed. Once the development of a disorder, drug additive have different causes, complex correlation. This complexity makes us constantly evaluate our practice in health care to support patients who seek care in a hospital service. This work was developed from the demand of people seeking treatment, which aims to discuss and think beyond the problems caused by the use of PAS, but its ethical and moral problems. Problems identified by the subject in the process of recovery of social function, in relation to people nearby, in managing the risks to yourself and others, among other aspects considered important to change lifestyle. Theoretical Rationale: To understand these problems identified by the group dialogued in the social sciences with Anthony Giddens and Alex Honneth, in the area of mental health and behavioral treatment Congnitivo Griffith Edwards, Rangé; in the area of group therapy and Sobell Yallon; to understand the moral and behavioral development Jean Piaget, Hoffman and Émile Durkheim, the interface of bioethics with Potter. Objective: To develop a card game that exemplifies routine situations that are ethical problems and moral conflicts experienced by patients as the basic rules of social interaction before and during hospitalization. Methods: A survey of Descriptors Virtual Health Library (VHL) was conducted: Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, after literature searches were performed in Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and other Drugs), PubMed, SciELO, ISI and ADDICTION. The study design is qualitative try been held consultations in medical records, individual field diary semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. Sentences that represent the ethical and moral problems were adapted from Game No- Censorship: a matter of principles. The collected data were correlated with the Rules of Coexistence previously developed in workshops by patients in conjunction with the team. The study material was made from the codification - clipping of text in log units: a theme. The raw results were subjected to simple statistical operations (percentages) that allow you to put in relief the information obtained, the N-vivo system being used. Results: We consider that there was involvement and membership of the group in preparing the sentences of the card game. During the development of the game evaluate the process was rich, playful and simple application to reflection of the problems in social life beyond the moral parameters of the group and its ethical frameworks. The contribution of this intervention was the establishment of the culture to reflect on the ethical and moral conflicts identified by patients throughout their lives beyond the problems of coexistence in the hospital. The problems identified by the group were: a difficult relationship with authority figures (father, mother, teacher ...), gender bias, naturalization perception of crime and low empathy for others.

Vamos jogar um jogo? abordagem de problemas éticos e morais no cuidado em saúde mental a usuários de substâncias psicoativas

Calixto, Alessandra Mendes January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O uso de substâncias psicoativas pode afetar o indivíduo, a família e a sociedade. Sabemos que pessoas apresentam problemas sérios relacionados ao uso ou abuso de substâncias psicoativas independente da substância, lícita ou ilícita, prescrita ou não, considerada forte ou fraca, natural ou processada. Uma vez que o desenvolvimento de um transtorno aditivo à drogas possui causas variadas e correlação complexa. Essa complexidade nos faz avaliar constantemente nossa prática em saúde a fim de apoiar os pacientes que buscam atendimento em um Serviço hospitalar. Assim, este trabalho foi elaborado a partir da demanda das pessoas que buscam tratamento, que se propõe a discutir e pensar além dos problemas causados pelo uso de SPAs, mas seus problemas éticos e morais. Problemas identificados pelo próprio sujeito no seu processo de recuperação da função social, na relação com as pessoas próximas, na administração dos riscos para si mesmo e outros, dentre outros aspectos considerados importantes para mudança do estilo de vida. Fundamentação Teórica: Para a compreensão destes problemas apontados pelo grupo dialogamos na área das ciências sociais com Anthony Giddens e Alex Honneth, na área de saúde mental e Tratamento Congnitivo Comportamental Griffith Edwards, Rangé; na área de grupoterapia Sobell e Yallon; para compreender o desenvolvimento moral e comportamental Jean Piaget, Hoffman e Émile Durkheim, a interface da bioética com Potter. Objetivo: desenvolver um jogo de cartas que exemplifique situações rotineiras que se constituem problemas éticos e conflitos morais, vivenciados pelos pacientes quanto às regras básicas de convivência social antes e durante a internação. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento dos Descritores da biblioteca virtual em Saúde (BVS): Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, após foram feitas buscas bibliográficas nas bases Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Álcool e outras Drogas), PubMed, Scielo, ADDICTION e ISI. O delineamento do estudo é qualitativo realizado por meio de consulta em prontuário, entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais, grupos focais e diário de campo. As sentenças que representam os problemas éticos e morais foram, adaptados do Jogo Sem- Censura: uma questão de princípios. Os dados coletados foram correlacionados com as Regras de Convivência anteriormente elaboradas em oficinas pelos próprios pacientes em conjunto com a equipe. O estudo do material se deu a partir de operação de codificação - recorte dos textos em unidades de registro: um tema. Os resultados brutos foram submetidos a operações estatísticas simples (percentagens) que permitem colocar em relevo as informações obtidas, sendo utilizado o sistema N-vivo. Resultados: Consideramos que houve envolvimento e adesão do grupo na elaboração das sentenças do jogo de cartas. Durante a elaboração do jogo avaliamos que o processo foi rico, lúdico e de simples aplicação para reflexão dos problemas enfrentados na convivência social além dos parâmetros morais do grupo e seus referenciais éticos. A contribuição desta intervenção foi à instituição da cultura em refletir sobre os conflitos éticos e morais identificados pelos pacientes ao longo da sua vida para além dos problemas de convivência na internação. Os problemas identificados pelo grupo foram: a difícil relação com figuras de autoridade (pai, mãe, professor...), preconceito de gênero, percepção de naturalização do crime e a baixa empatia pelas outras pessoas. / Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances can affect the individual, family and society. We know that people have serious problems related to the use or abuse of psychoactive substances regardless of the substance, legal or illegal, prescribed or not, considered strong or weak, natural or processed. Once the development of a disorder, drug additive have different causes, complex correlation. This complexity makes us constantly evaluate our practice in health care to support patients who seek care in a hospital service. This work was developed from the demand of people seeking treatment, which aims to discuss and think beyond the problems caused by the use of PAS, but its ethical and moral problems. Problems identified by the subject in the process of recovery of social function, in relation to people nearby, in managing the risks to yourself and others, among other aspects considered important to change lifestyle. Theoretical Rationale: To understand these problems identified by the group dialogued in the social sciences with Anthony Giddens and Alex Honneth, in the area of mental health and behavioral treatment Congnitivo Griffith Edwards, Rangé; in the area of group therapy and Sobell Yallon; to understand the moral and behavioral development Jean Piaget, Hoffman and Émile Durkheim, the interface of bioethics with Potter. Objective: To develop a card game that exemplifies routine situations that are ethical problems and moral conflicts experienced by patients as the basic rules of social interaction before and during hospitalization. Methods: A survey of Descriptors Virtual Health Library (VHL) was conducted: Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, after literature searches were performed in Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and other Drugs), PubMed, SciELO, ISI and ADDICTION. The study design is qualitative try been held consultations in medical records, individual field diary semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. Sentences that represent the ethical and moral problems were adapted from Game No- Censorship: a matter of principles. The collected data were correlated with the Rules of Coexistence previously developed in workshops by patients in conjunction with the team. The study material was made from the codification - clipping of text in log units: a theme. The raw results were subjected to simple statistical operations (percentages) that allow you to put in relief the information obtained, the N-vivo system being used. Results: We consider that there was involvement and membership of the group in preparing the sentences of the card game. During the development of the game evaluate the process was rich, playful and simple application to reflection of the problems in social life beyond the moral parameters of the group and its ethical frameworks. The contribution of this intervention was the establishment of the culture to reflect on the ethical and moral conflicts identified by patients throughout their lives beyond the problems of coexistence in the hospital. The problems identified by the group were: a difficult relationship with authority figures (father, mother, teacher ...), gender bias, naturalization perception of crime and low empathy for others.

Vamos jogar um jogo? abordagem de problemas éticos e morais no cuidado em saúde mental a usuários de substâncias psicoativas

Calixto, Alessandra Mendes January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O uso de substâncias psicoativas pode afetar o indivíduo, a família e a sociedade. Sabemos que pessoas apresentam problemas sérios relacionados ao uso ou abuso de substâncias psicoativas independente da substância, lícita ou ilícita, prescrita ou não, considerada forte ou fraca, natural ou processada. Uma vez que o desenvolvimento de um transtorno aditivo à drogas possui causas variadas e correlação complexa. Essa complexidade nos faz avaliar constantemente nossa prática em saúde a fim de apoiar os pacientes que buscam atendimento em um Serviço hospitalar. Assim, este trabalho foi elaborado a partir da demanda das pessoas que buscam tratamento, que se propõe a discutir e pensar além dos problemas causados pelo uso de SPAs, mas seus problemas éticos e morais. Problemas identificados pelo próprio sujeito no seu processo de recuperação da função social, na relação com as pessoas próximas, na administração dos riscos para si mesmo e outros, dentre outros aspectos considerados importantes para mudança do estilo de vida. Fundamentação Teórica: Para a compreensão destes problemas apontados pelo grupo dialogamos na área das ciências sociais com Anthony Giddens e Alex Honneth, na área de saúde mental e Tratamento Congnitivo Comportamental Griffith Edwards, Rangé; na área de grupoterapia Sobell e Yallon; para compreender o desenvolvimento moral e comportamental Jean Piaget, Hoffman e Émile Durkheim, a interface da bioética com Potter. Objetivo: desenvolver um jogo de cartas que exemplifique situações rotineiras que se constituem problemas éticos e conflitos morais, vivenciados pelos pacientes quanto às regras básicas de convivência social antes e durante a internação. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento dos Descritores da biblioteca virtual em Saúde (BVS): Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, após foram feitas buscas bibliográficas nas bases Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Álcool e outras Drogas), PubMed, Scielo, ADDICTION e ISI. O delineamento do estudo é qualitativo realizado por meio de consulta em prontuário, entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais, grupos focais e diário de campo. As sentenças que representam os problemas éticos e morais foram, adaptados do Jogo Sem- Censura: uma questão de princípios. Os dados coletados foram correlacionados com as Regras de Convivência anteriormente elaboradas em oficinas pelos próprios pacientes em conjunto com a equipe. O estudo do material se deu a partir de operação de codificação - recorte dos textos em unidades de registro: um tema. Os resultados brutos foram submetidos a operações estatísticas simples (percentagens) que permitem colocar em relevo as informações obtidas, sendo utilizado o sistema N-vivo. Resultados: Consideramos que houve envolvimento e adesão do grupo na elaboração das sentenças do jogo de cartas. Durante a elaboração do jogo avaliamos que o processo foi rico, lúdico e de simples aplicação para reflexão dos problemas enfrentados na convivência social além dos parâmetros morais do grupo e seus referenciais éticos. A contribuição desta intervenção foi à instituição da cultura em refletir sobre os conflitos éticos e morais identificados pelos pacientes ao longo da sua vida para além dos problemas de convivência na internação. Os problemas identificados pelo grupo foram: a difícil relação com figuras de autoridade (pai, mãe, professor...), preconceito de gênero, percepção de naturalização do crime e a baixa empatia pelas outras pessoas. / Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances can affect the individual, family and society. We know that people have serious problems related to the use or abuse of psychoactive substances regardless of the substance, legal or illegal, prescribed or not, considered strong or weak, natural or processed. Once the development of a disorder, drug additive have different causes, complex correlation. This complexity makes us constantly evaluate our practice in health care to support patients who seek care in a hospital service. This work was developed from the demand of people seeking treatment, which aims to discuss and think beyond the problems caused by the use of PAS, but its ethical and moral problems. Problems identified by the subject in the process of recovery of social function, in relation to people nearby, in managing the risks to yourself and others, among other aspects considered important to change lifestyle. Theoretical Rationale: To understand these problems identified by the group dialogued in the social sciences with Anthony Giddens and Alex Honneth, in the area of mental health and behavioral treatment Congnitivo Griffith Edwards, Rangé; in the area of group therapy and Sobell Yallon; to understand the moral and behavioral development Jean Piaget, Hoffman and Émile Durkheim, the interface of bioethics with Potter. Objective: To develop a card game that exemplifies routine situations that are ethical problems and moral conflicts experienced by patients as the basic rules of social interaction before and during hospitalization. Methods: A survey of Descriptors Virtual Health Library (VHL) was conducted: Card Games, Moral Development, Principle-Based Ethics, Adaptation, Psychological; Drug Users, Behavior Therapy, Game Theory, after literature searches were performed in Medline, Lilacs, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), ABEAD (Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and other Drugs), PubMed, SciELO, ISI and ADDICTION. The study design is qualitative try been held consultations in medical records, individual field diary semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. Sentences that represent the ethical and moral problems were adapted from Game No- Censorship: a matter of principles. The collected data were correlated with the Rules of Coexistence previously developed in workshops by patients in conjunction with the team. The study material was made from the codification - clipping of text in log units: a theme. The raw results were subjected to simple statistical operations (percentages) that allow you to put in relief the information obtained, the N-vivo system being used. Results: We consider that there was involvement and membership of the group in preparing the sentences of the card game. During the development of the game evaluate the process was rich, playful and simple application to reflection of the problems in social life beyond the moral parameters of the group and its ethical frameworks. The contribution of this intervention was the establishment of the culture to reflect on the ethical and moral conflicts identified by patients throughout their lives beyond the problems of coexistence in the hospital. The problems identified by the group were: a difficult relationship with authority figures (father, mother, teacher ...), gender bias, naturalization perception of crime and low empathy for others.

Konkurenční strategie firmy Rexport, s.r.o. / Competitive Strategy of Rexport Company

Hrabálek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes competitive environment in the market segment of board and card games, where the analyzed company is doing business for more than six years already. First, the study defines and assesses current processes and conditions in each part of corporate activities, including in particular retails sales (both e-shopping and brick and mortar shop), publishing house and wholesale of imported products. Through the recent years, the company has undergone extensive and permanent adaption and transformation in order to retain its competitiveness. Competitors on are different regarding the wholesale and retails segment, given that these markets are separated from each other and business conditions vary significantly. Further, paper will provide actual development plans of company for upcoming years and the methods to reach the proposed goals. Finally, the development business plan and methods are to be evaluated, based on competitiveness criteria.

Konkurenční strategie firmy Rexport, s.r.o. / Competitive Strategy of Rexport Company

Hrabálek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes competitive environment in the market segment of board and card games, where the analyzed company is doing business for more than six years already. First, the study defines and assesses current processes and conditions in each part of corporate activities, including in particular retails sales (both e-shopping and brick and mortar shop), publishing house and wholesale of imported products. Through the recent years, the company has undergone extensive and permanent adaption and transformation in order to retain its competitiveness. Competitors on are different regarding the wholesale and retails segment, given that these markets are separated from each other and business conditions vary significantly. Further, paper will provide actual development plans of company for upcoming years and the methods to reach the proposed goals. Finally, the development business plan and methods are to be evaluated, based on competitiveness criteria.

Figures du jeu : études lexico-sémantiques sur le jeu de cartes en Espagne : XVIe-XVIIIe siècle /

Etienvre, Jean-Pierre. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1987. / Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Figures du jeu études lexico-sémantiques sur le jeu de cartes en Espagne : XVIe-XVIIIe siècle /

Etienvre, Jean-Pierre. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1987. / Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Figures du jeu études lexico-sémantiques sur le jeu de cartes en Espagne : XVIe-XVIIIe siècle /

Etienvre, Jean-Pierre. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1987. / Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Des jeux et des joueurs : l’âme des cartes du « King of Games » japonais Yu-Gi-Oh

Pedelahore-Gassiot, Valérian 07 1900 (has links)
Dans un effort pour mettre en valeur la pertinence de l’étude du jeu de cartes japonais Yu-Gi-Oh en tant que facteur non négligeable de la construction identitaire de ses joueurs, ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’analyse du rapport qu’entretiennent lesdits joueurs à leur jeu fétiche. Pour ce faire ce travail s’intéresse à trois des spécificités qui caractérisent le jeu de cartes Yu-Gi-Oh à savoir : l’élaboration transmédiatique de sa narration, le caractère décisif des interactions entre ses joueurs ainsi que l’appropriation personnalisée du jeu par les participants. A la croisée de multiples disciplines telles que la psychologie, la ludologie, la narratologie ou encore la sociologie et soutenues par plus deux mois de terrain, les analyses et propos présentés dans ce travail ont également pour objectif d’offrir une plongée aussi immersive qu’enrichissante au sein du milieu socio-culturel des joueurs de Yu-Gi-Oh rappelant du même coup l’importance que peut avoir la pratique ludique pour l’être humain moderne. Enfin, avec ce devoir j’espère pouvoir démontrer que les joueurs de Yu-Gi-Oh ont tendance à se raconter des histoires à propos d’eux-mêmes à partir de leur médium de choix. Les cartes aussi ont une histoire. / In an effort to highlight the relevance of the study of the Japanese card game Yu-Gi-Oh as a significant factor in the « identity building » of its players, this master thesis focuses on the analysis of the relationship between said players to their favorite game. To do this, this work focuses on three of the specificities that characterize the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, namely: the transmedia development of its narration, the decisive nature of the interactions between its players as well as the personalized appropriation of the game by the participants. At the crossroads of multiple disciplines such as psychology, ludology, narratology or sociology and supported by more than two months of fieldwork, the analyzes and remarks presented in this work also aim to offer a dive as immersive as it is enriching within the socio-cultural environment of Yu-Gi-Oh players recalling at the same time the importance that playful practice can hold for the modern man. Finally, with this work i hope to be able to demonstrate that Yu-Gi-Oh players tend to tell stories about themselves from their medium of choice. Cards also have stories to themself.

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