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Charge carrier dynamics of lead halide perovskites probed with ultrafast spectroscopyRivett, Jasmine Pamela Helen January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate the nature of charge carrier generation, relaxation and recombination in a range of lead halide perovskites. We focus on understanding whether the photophysical behaviour of these perovskite materials is like that of highly-ordered inorganic crystalline semiconductors (exhibiting ballistic charge transport) or disordered molecular semiconductors (exhibiting strong electron-phonon coupling and highly localised excited states) and how we can tune these photophysical properties with inorganic and organic additives. We find that the fundamental photophysical properties of lead halide perovskites, such as charge carrier relaxation and recombination, arise from the lead halide lattice rather than the choice of A-site cation. We show that while the choice of A-site cation does not affect these photophysical properties directly, it can have a significant impact on the structure of the lead halide lattice and therefore affect these photophysical properties indirectly. We demonstrate that lead halide perovskites fabricated from particular inorganic and organic A-site cation combinations exhibit low parasitic trap densities and enhanced carrier interactions. Furthering our understanding of how the photophysical properties of these materials can be controlled through chemical composition is extremely important for the future design of highly efficient solar cells and light emitting diodes.
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Hot-phonon effects in photo-excited wide-bandgap semiconductorsHerrfurth, Oliver, Krüger, E., Blaurock, S., Krautscheid, H., Grundmann, Marius 03 May 2023 (has links)
Carrier and lattice relaxation after optical excitation is simulated for the prototypical
wide-bandgap semiconductors CuI and ZnO. Transient temperature dynamics of electrons,
holes as well as longitudinal-optic (LO), transverse-optic (TO) and acoustic phonons are
distinguished. Carrier-LO-phonon interaction constitutes the dominant energy-loss channel as
expected for polar semiconductors and hot-phonon effects are observed for strong optical
excitation. Our results support the findings of recent time-resolved optical spectroscopy
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Charge carrier relaxation in halide perovskite semiconductors for optoelectronic applicationsRichter, Johannes Martin January 2018 (has links)
Lead halide perovskites have shown remarkable device performance in both solar cells and LEDs. Whilst the research efforts so far have been mainly focussed on device optimisation, little is known about the photophysical properties. For example, the nature of the bandgap is still debated and an indirect bandgap due to a Rashba splitting has been suggested. In this thesis, we study the early-time carrier relaxation and its impact on photoluminescence emission. We first study ultrafast carrier thermalization processes using 2D electronic spectroscopy and extract characteristic carrier thermalization times from below 10 fs to 85 fs. We then investigate the early-time photoluminescence emission during carrier cooling. We observe that the luminescence signal shows a rise over 2 picoseconds in CH3NH3PbI3 while carriers cool to the band edge. This shows that luminescence of hot carriers is slower than that of cold carriers, as is found in direct gap semiconductors. We conclude that electrons and holes show strong overlap in momentum space, despite the potential presence of a small band offset arising from a Rashba effect. Recombination and device performance of perovskites are thus better described within a direct bandgap model. We finally study carrier recombination in perovskites and the impact of photon recycling. We show that, for an internal photoluminescence quantum yield of 70%, we measure external yields as low as 15% in planar films, where light out-coupling is inefficient, but observe values as high as 57% in films on textured substrates that enhance out-coupling. We study the photo-excited carrier dynamics and use a rate equation to relate radiative and non-radiative recombination events to measured photoluminescence efficiencies. We conclude that the use of textured active layers has the ability to improve power conversion efficiencies for both LEDs and solar cells.
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Spin and Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in InAsP Ternary Alloys, the Spin-orbit-split Hole Bands in Ferromagnetic InMnSb and InMnAs, and Reflectrometry Measurements of Valent Doped Barium TitanateMeeker, Michael A. 15 December 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on projects where optical techniques were employed to characterize novel materials, developing concepts toward next generation of devices. The materials that I studied included InAsP, InMnSb and InMnAs, and BT-BCN. I have employed several advanced time resolved and magneto-optical techniques to explore unexplored properties of these structures.
The first class of the materials were the ternary alloys InAsP. The electron g-factor of InAsP can be tuned, even allowing for g=0, making InAsP an ideal candidate for quantum communication devices. Furthermore, InAsP shows promises for opto-electronics and spintronics, where the development of devices requires extensive knowledge of carrier and spin dynamics. Thus, I have performed time and polarization resolved pump-probe spectroscopy on InAsP with various compositions. The carrier and spin relaxation time in these structures were observed and demonstrated tunability to the excitation wavelengths, composition and temperature. The sensitivity to these parameters provide several avenues to control carrier and spin dynamics in InAsP alloys.
The second project focused on the ferromagnetic narrow gap semiconductors InMnAs and InMnSb. The incorporation of Mn can lead to ferromagnetic behavior of InMnAs and InMnSb, and enhance the g-factors, making them ideal candidates for spintronics devices. When grown using Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), the Curie temperature (textit{$T_c$}) of these structures is textless 100 K, however structures grown using Metalorganic Vapor phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) have textit{$T_c$} textgreater 300 K. Magnetic circular dichroism was performed on MOVPE grown InMnAs and InMnSb. Comparison of the experimental results with the theoretical calculations provides a direct method to map the band structure, including the temperature dependence of the spin-orbit split-off band to conduction band transition and g-factors, as well as the estimated sp-d electron/hole coupling parameters.
My final project was on the lead-free ferroelectric BT-BCN. Ferroelectric materials are being investigated for high speed, density, nonvolatile and energy efficient memory devices; however, commercial ferroelectric memories typically contain lead, and use a destructive reading method. Reflectometry measurements were used in order to determine the refractive index of BT-BCN with varying thicknesses, which can provide a means to nondestructively read ferroelectric memory through optical methods. / Ph. D. / This dissertation focuses on the characterization of materials that are important for the next generation computer architecture through optical techniques. These materials include the ternary alloy InAsP, the ferromagnetic semiconductors InMnAs and InMnSb, and the lead-free ferroelectric BT-BCN.
InAsP is a ternary alloy composed of the technologically important InAs and InP, and by changing the alloy composition, the band gap and g-factor can be tuned. This allows for InAsP to have band gaps within the communication band, which is important for fiber optic communications as well as infrared photodetectors. As the functionality of these devices depends on the carrier dynamics, I have performed pump-probe spectroscopy in order to probe the carrier and spin relaxation times of this material system. These relaxation times were found to vary with excitation wavelengths, allowing flexibility in the application of this material system for devices.
InAs and InSb are attractive materials for device applications because they offer large electron g-factor, small effective masses, and high mobilities. With the incorporation of Mn, these materials can become ferromagnetic, allowing for their use in ferromagnetic memories as well as other possible devices. The theory of ferromagnetism in semiconductors relies on the interaction between the itinerant holes and the Mn ions, however, in narrow gap semiconductors there is a large band mixing between the conduction and valence band states, and thus the interaction between the conduction band electrons and the Mn is important. In this study, my measurements revealed several interband transitions, which allowed for the calculation of the coupling constants between the electrons, holes and the Mn.
My final study involved the lead-free ferroelectric BT-BCN. Ferroelectric materials are ideal for fast, low power and nonvolatile memories; however, typical implementation utilizes materials that contain lead, and a destructive reading mechanism, requiring a rewrite step. Optical, nondestructive reading methods are being explored based off of the rotation of the polarization of light as it passes through the sample. As this requires knowledge of the refractive index, I performed reflectometry measurements in order to determine the refractive indices of several BT-BCN films.
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Ultraschnelle optoelektronische und Materialeigenschaften von Stickstoff-haltigem GaAsSinning, Steffen 03 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This work summarizes properties of nitrogen containing GaAs, which are relevant for optoelectronic application and allow a deeper insight in the physics of this material. In the first part the dependence of the banggap energy of nitrogen implanted GaAs on several process parameters (implanted nitrogen concentration, implantation temperature, annealing duration and temperature) is investigated. The second part focuses on the relaxation dynamics of highly excited carriers. For this, the carrier relaxation dynamics in nitrogen implanted GaAs, in epitaxially grown GaAsN and in (pure) GaAs are investigated by means of pump probe measurements on a femtosecond time scale. The comparision of experimental results to calculated scattering rates leads to relevant informations of scattering mechanisms and electronic properties. / Diese Arbeit widmet sich Eigenschaften von Stickstoff-haltigem Gallium-Arsenid, die sowohl für das physikalische Verständnis als auch für optoelektronische Anwendungen dieses Materials relevant sind. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Abhängigkeit der Bandlücken-Energie von verschiedenen Prozess-Parametern (Stickstoffkonzentration, Implantationstemperatur, Ausheildauer und -temperatur) in Stickstoff-implantiertem GaAs untersucht. Der zweite Teil konzentriert sich auf die Relaxationsdynamik hoch angeregter Ladungsträger. Neben dem oben bereits angesprochenen Material wird in Anrege-Abfrage-Experimenten mit Femtosekunden-Zeitauflösung zusätzlich epitaktisch gewachsenes GaAsN und (Stickstoff-freies) GaAs untersucht. Die Berechnung der Streuraten und der Vergleich mit experimentell gewonnenen Daten liefert wesentliche Informationen über beteiligte Steumechanismen und elektronische Eigenschaften.
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Ultraschnelle optoelektronische und Materialeigenschaften von Stickstoff-haltigem GaAsSinning, Steffen 04 January 2006 (has links)
This work summarizes properties of nitrogen containing GaAs, which are relevant for optoelectronic application and allow a deeper insight in the physics of this material. In the first part the dependence of the banggap energy of nitrogen implanted GaAs on several process parameters (implanted nitrogen concentration, implantation temperature, annealing duration and temperature) is investigated. The second part focuses on the relaxation dynamics of highly excited carriers. For this, the carrier relaxation dynamics in nitrogen implanted GaAs, in epitaxially grown GaAsN and in (pure) GaAs are investigated by means of pump probe measurements on a femtosecond time scale. The comparision of experimental results to calculated scattering rates leads to relevant informations of scattering mechanisms and electronic properties. / Diese Arbeit widmet sich Eigenschaften von Stickstoff-haltigem Gallium-Arsenid, die sowohl für das physikalische Verständnis als auch für optoelektronische Anwendungen dieses Materials relevant sind. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Abhängigkeit der Bandlücken-Energie von verschiedenen Prozess-Parametern (Stickstoffkonzentration, Implantationstemperatur, Ausheildauer und -temperatur) in Stickstoff-implantiertem GaAs untersucht. Der zweite Teil konzentriert sich auf die Relaxationsdynamik hoch angeregter Ladungsträger. Neben dem oben bereits angesprochenen Material wird in Anrege-Abfrage-Experimenten mit Femtosekunden-Zeitauflösung zusätzlich epitaktisch gewachsenes GaAsN und (Stickstoff-freies) GaAs untersucht. Die Berechnung der Streuraten und der Vergleich mit experimentell gewonnenen Daten liefert wesentliche Informationen über beteiligte Steumechanismen und elektronische Eigenschaften.
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