Spelling suggestions: "subject:"caras"" "subject:"parus""
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Straws in the wind: the correspondence of Charles S. Peirce and the Open Court publishing company, 1890-1913Robinson, Stetson Jon 24 March 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is an edition of the letters exchanged between Charles Peirce and the Open Court Publishing Company (OCP) 1890 to 1913, roughly the last twenty-three years of Peirce’s life. OCP published more of Peirce’s philosophical writings than any other publisher during his lifetime, and played a critical role in what little recognition and financial income he received during these difficult, yet philosophically rich, years. This correspondence is the basis for much of what is known surrounding Peirce’s publications in The Monist and The Open Court, and is referenced often in Peirce editions dealing with his later work. Peirce’s OCP correspondents included Paul Carus, editor; Edward C. Hegeler, founder and owner; Thomas J. McCormack, assistant editor and translator; Francis C. Russell, Chicago attorney and OCP editorial contractor; and various other OCP editors and staff members. Also included in this edition (Appendix) are enclosures and other material related to the letters, with some exclusions noted in the text. Not included are letters exchanged within the OCP organization that make reference to Peirce. Significant portions of these letters are quoted or referenced in editorial notes, but their entirety is not necessary for a full account of the Peirce–OCP relationship, and for now falls out of the scope of this edition.
The objective of this edition is to provide for the first time a complete and accurate text of this oft-cited correspondence, with textual apparatus and contextual annotation. The edition is intended for Peirce readers, but is also a valuable reference for those interested in the history of OCP and, more generally, of Progressive Era American philosophy. / 2024-03-31T00:00:00Z
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Dealing with dvinity in De rerum naturaVan Eimeren, Kenneth Steven 20 July 2011 (has links)
Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura has as one of its main goals the extermination of traditional conceptions of the gods, but gods pervade the poem in a variety of roles, beginning with the very first line, invoking Venus. This report seeks to analyze the ways in which Lucretius exploits popular notions of the divine while remaining true to both his Epicurean beliefs and his anti-theistic agenda, as well as the reasons behind these decisions. We begin with an exploration of the role of the poetic medium in this situation, followed by a close examination of the entire proem. Lucretius’ negative views about religio are brought to light and are contrasted with his supportive views regarding religious metaphor, partly through an investigation into Lucretius’ representation of Epicurus as divine. The final section of this report identifies some of the same dynamics at play in Lucretius in modern atheistic discourse and draws more general conclusions about the nature of anti-theistic discourse in a world dominated by theistic assumptions. / text
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"The boundless realm of unending change" : Shelley and the politics of poetryRoberts, Hugh January 1994 (has links)
This thesis argues that in the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius Shelley found an insight into the role of contingency in physical and historical process which allowed him to go beyond the limitations of an intellectual inheritance divided between post-Kantian Romanticism and the sceptical revolutionary Enlightenment. This insight entails radical implications for our understanding of the political role of the literary text. Shelley conceives society in evolutionary terms, making poetry a revolutionary clinamen (or mutation) in the iterative cycles of social reproduction. Models drawn from contemporary chaos theory help us to understand how this entropic tendency to disorder can work simultaneously as a negentropic motor of social innovation. Building on the work of Michel Serres, who demonstrates that Lucretius anticipates the recent scientific interest in "determinate indeterminacy," this thesis shows that Shelley's understanding of historical process and the role of the poet in social reproduction has anticipated some of the implications of contemporary "chaos science" in ways that suggest models for the general application of this new paradigm of contemporary scientific thought to literary and political issues.
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The influence of Lucretius' De rerum natura on Alexander Pope's An essay on manVoss, Annemarie January 1980 (has links)
The Influence of Lucretius' De Rertun Natura and of its English translations by Thomas Creech and John Dryden on Alexander Pope's Essay on Man has not previously been adequately explored. As this thesis demonstrates, comparative analysis shows (1) that the Lucretiun poem is a model for Pope's manner of addressing the audience, for the pose of his speaker, and for his satiric and didactic style; (2) that the English translations of Creech and Dryden are sources of many verbal echoes and allusions and of a few rhymes; (3) that De Rerum Natura is the source of several controlling metaphors for the Essay on Man; (4) that similarities exist between the Lucretiun concept of order arising from disorder and Pope's concept of "discordia concors" and between the recognition of the cycle as the outer aspect of Nature in both poems; (5) that one of Pope's purposes is to refute the Epicurean religious beliefs professed by Lucretius; and (6) that a remarkable similarity exists between the ethical beliefs of Lucretius and those of Pope. The evidence suggests that De Reruzn Natura, and its translations by Creech and Dryden, should be considered major influences on Pope's An Essay on Man.
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Horror ac divina voluptas études sur la poétique et la poésie de LucrèceSchrijvers, P. H. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis--Amsterdam. / Cover title: Lucrèce. Bibliography: p. 341-352.
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Horror ac divina voluptas études sur la poétique et la poésie de LucrèceSchrijvers, P. H. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis--Amsterdam. / Cover title: Lucrèce. Bibliography: p. 341-352.
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"The boundless realm of unending change" : Shelley and the politics of poetryRoberts, Hugh January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Applications et services DTN pour flotte collaborative de dronesLaplace, Rémi 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse effectuée au LaBRI portent sur la mise en place d'une flotte de drones et le portage sur celle-ci d'applications collaboratives distribuées utilisant des communications asynchrones non sûres. Ces applications sont formalisées grâce au modèle de réétiquetage de graphes Asynchronous Dynamicity Aware Graph Relabeling System (ADAGRS) que nous proposons. Au delà des contributions théoriques, ces travaux ont débouché sur la mise en place du démonstrateur CARUS dans lequel cinq drones se partagent la surveillance d'une grille de 15 points d'incidents potentiels (au sol). Lorsqu'un drone détecte un incident, il s'en rapproche pour le traiter. Le reste de la flotte doit alors prendre en charge les points que ce drone ne traite plus.Les réorganisations nécessaires de la flotte se font en totale autonomie vis-à-vis du sol et sous hypothèse de perte éventuelle de drones et de messages.
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Ortsdosimetrie in gepulsten StrahlungsfeldernGotz, Malte, Karsch, Leonhard, Pawelke, Jörg 28 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In dem Bericht werden Methoden und Ergebnisse experimenteller Untersuchungen an verfügbaren Ortsdosisleistungsmessgeräten in Feldern gepulster, ionisierender Strahlung beschrieben. Es zeigte sich, dass die meisten Messgeräte nur erheblich eingeschränkt für die Messung dieser Art Strahlung geeignet sind. Ionisationskammern, soweit einsetzbar, stellen das geeignetste der untersuchten Messprinzipien dar.
Felder gepulster Strahlung treten bei einer Vielzahl industrieller, medizinischer und wissenschaftlicher Anwendungen auf. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an die in diesen Bereichen tätigen Strahlenschützer.
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Explicació atomística de fenòmens físics relacionats amb el pes, la calor i l'aigua, a través de "De rerum natura" de LucreciMontserrat Sangrà, Jesús Maria 27 February 1996 (has links)
Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estudi de les explicacions dels fenòmens físics relacionats amb el pes, la calor i l'aigua, ofertes pel poema De rerum Natura de l'atomista epicuri llatí Lucreci (Titus Lucretius Carus, 99/93-55/50 a.C.) En ella s'identifica el poema com un tractat complet i coherent de física epicúria. S'exposa un resum de l'atomisme grec, iniciat per Leucip i Demòcrit i desenvolupat per Epicur. I també es discuteixen alguns punts problemàtics de les doctrines d'aquest, com ara l'explicació de les propietats de les coses per les formes i grandàries relatives dels seus àtoms i partícules compostes, l'explicació de l'origen del món o la funció dels quatre elements.Es debaten qüestions relatives al pes dels cossos observables. Es mostra que en De rerum Natura el pes d'un cos és caracteritzat bàsicament com una força, resident en el mateix cos, que l'empeny cap avall, i amb la qual ell al seu torn empeny allò que té a sota o estira allò al qual està lligat; però també apareix caracteritzat en termes de moviment, com una tendència a caure o com una oposició a ser mogut o desviat del seu camí. S'analitzen les escasses dades referents a l'acceleració de caiguda. S'expliciten els factors, considerats per Lucreci, que provoquen moviments ascendents: extrusió, falta d'aire al damunt d'un cos, flux ascendent de partícules, força del vent i força de l'ànima; els mateixos factors, o semblants, es troben en l'explicació del sosteniment de les coses, com ara el animals o la terra. El món en conjunt també es troba sostingut pels àtoms que l'envolten. Es tracten els fenòmens relacionats amb la calor, que Lucreci considera constituïda per àtoms molt petits, llisos i rodons; i amb el fred, constituït per àtoms més grans i punxeguts. Es reconeixen els àtoms de calor i de foc com a constituents dominants en alguns cossos, com ara les flames. Altres vegades aquests àtoms es troben en un cos causant un augment de la separació entre les seves partícules i un afluixament dels lligams entre elles, cosa que provoca la dilatació, la fusió o l'evaporació del cos. Altres vegades estan latents a dins d'un cos, com ara una fusta, i poden provocar-ne l'escalfament, o fins i tot la ignició, si s'agrupen com cal a causa d'una percussió, una fricció, un moviment o una arribada de partícules de calor i de foc des de fora. Es reconeix un cicle de la calor en el món, amb diversos bucles; el principal està constituït per partícules de calor que conflueixen des de tot arreu cap a la regió astral, en especial cap al sol, i que tornen a ser emeses des d'aquí també cap a tot arreu.S'explicita el cicle de l'aigua, amb diversos bucles, i les explicacions dels fenòmens que hi intervenen; l'aigua apareix constituïda per àtoms petits, rodons i llisos, en comparació amb els de la terra, però no tan petits com els de la calor ni els de l'aire. El cos de l'aigua es veu destruït pels raigs del sol i pels vents, que desfan el seu teixit corpuscular, i així les partícules d'aigua passen a l'aire. Tornen a agrupar-se i a constituir aigua líquida quan són capturades per un teixit adequat, com el dels núvols; aquests la deixen caure sobretot quan són comprimits. La major part dels bucles són comuns entre els autors grecs i romans; però un es troba només en Lucreci: el formen les partícules d'aigua que entren i surten del món.S'inclou, com apèndix, un "Índex d'idees en De rerum natura" molt detallat, que permet la ràpida localització dels versos referents a cada idea. / Lucretius's poem is introduced in the thesis as a treatise on Epicurean atomistic physics, and a summary of Greek atomism is offered. Some problematic points of Epicurean doctrines are discussed, like the explanation of the world's origin or the role of the four traditional elements.Various questions related to Epicurean ideas on weight of visible bodies, and on their fall, ascension and sustenance are debated. The weight of a body appears basically as a force which resides inside it and pushes it downwards. The scarce data related to fall acceleration are analyzed. The processes that cause the ascent of things are identified: extrusion, lack of air only above a body, ascending stream of particles, force of wind and force of the soul. The sustenance of the world by the surrounding atoms is made clear.The subjects related to heat and cold, formed by specific atoms, are treated; among them, the effects of heat on things: increase of separation and loosening of bonds between their particles, which produces their expansion and softening, melting or evaporation. Heat atoms latent in a thing, like in wood, can constitute heat and provoke warming or ignition, if they adequately regroup by percussion, friction, movement or arrival of other particles. Heat makes a complex cycle with different loops; the main one is constituted by heat particles which flow from the whole world to the sun and astral zone, and are sent back out again.The water cycle reflected in De rerum natura is reconstructed, and explanations of phenomena involved in it are analyzed. Water is formed by smooth, round, tiny atoms, as opposed to solid materials like earth, but not as small as those of heat or air. In the evaporation it suffers destruction by the sun rays and winds, which scatter its particles into the air; when these rejoin, mainly by being trapped in the clouds' tissue, they form liquid water again. These processes must not be interpreted as transformations of "elements" into one another, but as partial destructions and generations of the great members of the world.
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