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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutrient Retention in Constructed Wetlands / Näringsretention i Anlagda Våtmarker

Kero, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Eutrophication, a surplus of nutrients, is a problem in aquatic environments and one of the Swedish Environmental Goals is that there should be no eutrophication caused by human activities. Constructed wetlands (CW:s) is a measure that could be implemented to decrease the transport of nutrients to water bodies through retention. To optimize the placement of CW:s, this project aims to understand how different factors affect the retention of P (phosphorus) and N(nitrogen) in constructed CW:s and if there are geographical and seasonal variations in retention. Water samples were collected during three sampling periods from CW:s in Halland, in south-western and Mälardalen in eastern Sweden. The variation in retention of P and N between Halland and Mälardalen and between the different sampling occasions was then investigated. The effect of different factors in the catchment area such as percentage of clay, silt and sand, agricultural land, P-AL (phosphorus extracted with ammonium lactate) in the soil, erosion riskclass and the depth of the CW:s on the retention of P and N was also tested. The TP (total phosphorus) load and retention differed between the CW:s in Halland and Mälardalen. In Mälardalen, the load was slightly higher, and had a higher variation in TP load, which can be related to the differences in erosion risk classes as more easily eroded soils usually release P during periods with a lot of runoff. TP retention deviated more from zero in Mälardalen compared with Halland. The retention of TN (total nitrogen) seemed to be higher during August despite the lower TN load. This could be because during the warmer season, there is more retention of inorganic N through denitrification and plant uptake. Many factors such as soil type, erosion risk class, share of agricultural land and hydraulic load (HL) was found to be positively correlated with the load. However, most of the examined factors in the catchment area showed no correlation with the retention of N or P. The percentage of clay in the area had a negative effect on the retention of TP, which is not coherent with previous studies. This could be because the TP retention was mostly zero or negative, which was thought to be because most of the sampling was during periods with high HL and colder weather, especially in Mälardalen, which may have resulted in poor retention and resuspension of nutrients from the sediments. For TN the only factor which had a correlation was the depth of the CW, which had a negative correlation. / Övergödning, överskott av näringsämnen, är ett problem i vattenmiljöer. Ett av de svenska miljömålen är att det inte ska ske någon övergödning orsakad av människan. Anläggning av våtmarker är en åtgärd som kan vidtas för att minska transporten av näringsämnen till vattendrag genom retention. Anlagda våtmarkers effektivitet beror på olika faktorer såsom jordtyp, markanvändning, utformning och årstid. För att optimera placeringen av anlagda våtmarker, syftar detta projekt till att förstå hur de olika faktorerna påverkar retentionen av fosfor (P) och kväve (N) i anlagda våtmarker och om det finns geografiska och säsongsmässiga variationer i retention. Vattenprover togs vid tre provtagningstillfällen från anlagda våtmarker i Halland, i sydvästra Sverige och Mälardalen i östra Sverige. Variationen i retentionen av P och N mellan Halland och Mälardalen och mellan de olika provtagningstillfällena undersöktes därefter. Effekten på retentionen av olika faktorer i avrinningsområdet såsom andel lera, silt och sand, jordbruksmark, P-AL (fosfor extraherat från jord med ammoniumlaktat) i marken, erosionsriskklass och medeldjupet av de anlagda våtmarkerna på retentionen av P och N undersöktes också.Belastningen och retentionen av TP (totalfosfor) skiljde sig mellan de anlagda våtmarkerna i Mälardalen och Halland. I Mälardalen var belastningen något högre, samt hade högre variation i TP-belastning, vilket kan relateras till skillnaderna i erosionsriskklasser då mer lätteroderade jordarter oftast släpper P under perioder med mycket avrinning. TP retentionen avvek mer från noll i Mälardalen jämfört med Halland. Retentionen av TN (totalkväve) var förhållandevis hög under augusti trots den förhållandevis lägre TN-belastningen jämfört med höst-och vinterprovtagningarna. Detta kan bero på att det under den varmare årstiden skermer retention av oorganiskt kväve genom denitrifikation och växtupptag.Många faktorer såsom jordart, erosionsriskklass, andel jordbruksmark och hydraulisk belastning (HL) var positivt korrelerade med näringsbelastningen. Däremot visade de flesta av de undersökta faktorerna i avrinningsområdet inget samband med retentionen av N eller P. Andelen lera i området hade en negativ effekt på retentionen av TP, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Detta kan bero på att TP-retentionen mestadels var noll eller negativ, vilket ansågs bero på att det mesta av provtagningen skedde under perioder med hög HL, vilket kan ha resulterat i dålig retention och resuspension av P från sediment. Den enda faktorn som var relaterad med TN retentionen var djupet i de anlagda våtmarkerna, som minskade med våtmarkens djup.

The temporal impacts of climate condition on groundwater flow using numerical transient modelling / De temporära effekterna av klimatförhållandena på grundvattenflödet med numerisk övergående modellering

Rahman, Malieha Zannat January 2020 (has links)
Compiling comprehensive understanding of all the available natural resources is an important task which should be carried out as it holds a crucial role for the next generation’s lives. In particular, groundwater is considered as one of the vital resources in providing essential drinking water. Krycklan catchment is a well-monitored catchment in Sweden that is characterized with almost 30% of the world’s forest cover and it has a range of data sets stored from 1920. A numerical model with several observational constrains is used in this study to investigate the groundwater flow circulation. The numerical model is developed with Visual MODFLOW Flex 6.1 software to investigate the temporal effects of the climate condition on the groundwater flow of the Krycklan catchment through a transient-state condition. Daily precipitation and daily evapotranspiration data along with stream data are used to represent the climatic boundary conditions. The impact of climatic condition on groundwater flow was investigated using two different metrices: groundwater level, and groundwater flow travel time reaching the stream network. The results clearly indicated the variability in groundwater level due to the impact of climatic condition in which the winter and summer months have the highest and lowest groundwater levels, respectively. In addition, the particles tracing results show that physical characteristics of the stream channel substantially influence the shallow groundwater travel time.

Management of the re-routing of water destined for domestic use by the city of Potchefstroom / Elrista Annandale

Annandale, Elrista January 2014 (has links)
Water is an essential element for life and crucial to survival. South Africa is a semi-arid country and therefore water should be protected and managed effectively by all residents of the country. In the 1830s the Mooi River was the key reason for the Voortrekkers to establish Potchefstroom at a locality adjacent to this river. The Voortrekkers noticed the dolomitic outcroppings in the vicinity, but still opted to reside next to the river for it provided easily accessible water and fertile soil. Since the 1830s water legislation regulating the management and use of the water in the Mooi River has been amended innumerable times to bring us to the current situation of Potchefstroom’s water (mis)management by the role-players and stakeholders of the water source. As a resident of Potchefstroom, the researcher has a keen interest in the origin of the city’s water sources, the re-routing of the water from the origin to the water purification unit via the open-on-top cement canal system, and the overall management of these canals and their servitudes. In order to conduct a research study on the Mooi River’s water re-routing canals and servitudes, the following research methods were applied: The researcher performed a comprehensive literature review, conducted fieldwork, held interviews with landowners and experts in the geographical area of the Mooi River Valley, and performed statistical analyses as well as content analyses of the findings. Some of the most alarming findings include the lack of co-operative governance between water users and – authorities, and the current public management and disaster risk management challenges in the re-routing of water from Klerkskraal Dam down to the water purification plant of Potchefstroom. It is recommended that the major stakeholders of the Mooi River Valley, e.g. the disaster management centre in Potchefstroom, the Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) regional offices in Potchefstroom, as well as the Tlokwe Local Municipality need to join forces for a combined effort to accomplish the overarching research objective of achieving improved cooperative municipal governance and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to eventually ensure the safe and effective re-routing of water from the Klerkskraal Dam to the Potchefstroom water purification plant. Note: Since July 2014 the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) has changed to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS). / MA (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Management of the re-routing of water destined for domestic use by the city of Potchefstroom / Elrista Annandale

Annandale, Elrista January 2014 (has links)
Water is an essential element for life and crucial to survival. South Africa is a semi-arid country and therefore water should be protected and managed effectively by all residents of the country. In the 1830s the Mooi River was the key reason for the Voortrekkers to establish Potchefstroom at a locality adjacent to this river. The Voortrekkers noticed the dolomitic outcroppings in the vicinity, but still opted to reside next to the river for it provided easily accessible water and fertile soil. Since the 1830s water legislation regulating the management and use of the water in the Mooi River has been amended innumerable times to bring us to the current situation of Potchefstroom’s water (mis)management by the role-players and stakeholders of the water source. As a resident of Potchefstroom, the researcher has a keen interest in the origin of the city’s water sources, the re-routing of the water from the origin to the water purification unit via the open-on-top cement canal system, and the overall management of these canals and their servitudes. In order to conduct a research study on the Mooi River’s water re-routing canals and servitudes, the following research methods were applied: The researcher performed a comprehensive literature review, conducted fieldwork, held interviews with landowners and experts in the geographical area of the Mooi River Valley, and performed statistical analyses as well as content analyses of the findings. Some of the most alarming findings include the lack of co-operative governance between water users and – authorities, and the current public management and disaster risk management challenges in the re-routing of water from Klerkskraal Dam down to the water purification plant of Potchefstroom. It is recommended that the major stakeholders of the Mooi River Valley, e.g. the disaster management centre in Potchefstroom, the Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) regional offices in Potchefstroom, as well as the Tlokwe Local Municipality need to join forces for a combined effort to accomplish the overarching research objective of achieving improved cooperative municipal governance and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to eventually ensure the safe and effective re-routing of water from the Klerkskraal Dam to the Potchefstroom water purification plant. Note: Since July 2014 the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) has changed to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS). / MA (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The effects of Ikea and external shopping centers on regional trade and retail growth : A comparative analysis of Ikea’s establishment in Kalmar and Karlstad

Alhasweh, Mohamed Abdulwahab, Farid, Babrak January 2010 (has links)
This paper examines the effects of Ikea store establishment in Kalmar and Karlstad on the trade and retail inside the two cities, and as well on the trade and retail in the close neighboring municipalities and in further peripheral municipalities in both regions. After the establishment of Ikea store, Kalmar and Karlstad have experienced significant growth in trade and retail. The question, however, is how big this growth is in both cities? And how different locations on different distances from Ikea have been affected? What impact there was on different segments of the retail? How different business branches have been affected? How large the catchment area for the emerging new large-scale retail locations is? These questions, in addition to few others, are investigated in this paper. The thesis starts with an introduction chapter containing a background of the topic, problem description, the investigated questions, the purpose, and the outline of the paper. The next chapter includes the frame of reference which consists of literature review and theoretical framework about the external shopping centers and their impact on retail and regional trade development. It includes also information gathered from previous studies technical reports and other available sources about the subject. The third chapter includes description for the methods used to collect the primary and secondary data needed for the purpose of this study. Then the empirical framework which demonstrates the results of the conducted research followed by analysis and concluded in discussion and conclusion. Mixed methods are used as research strategy in this thesis, and the method to conduct the research is based on telephone interviews for the primary (qualitative) data, and documents and desk research for the secondary (quantitative) data. The gathered data is analyzed and designed in a way that allows the usage of comparative analysis technique to present the findings and draw conclusions. The results showed that new established Ikea retail store outside the city boundaries results with many effects on the city center and on the neighboring municipalities as well. The city center seems not to be affected negatively, but on the contrary positive effects were witnessed in both regions, these positive effects are linked to the increase inflow of customers from the external retail area which is known as spillover effect. III On the other hand, the neighboring towns and municipalities are more negatively affected especially with the trade of con-convenience goods as the consumers in these towns and municipalities start to go to the area of Ikea and the large external retail center to do their purchasing, the substitution effect is then said to be occurred. Moreover, the further far municipalities do not seem to be significantly affected by the establishment of Ikea. These effects whether positive or negative could be monitored by looking to few trade parameters such as the turnover, the sales index, and the consumers’ expenditure, these parameters can be very useful to measure the developments and changes in the trade and retail in a given place.

Evaluation of the Catchment Parameter (CAPA) and Midgley and Pitman (MIPI) empirical design flood estimation methods

Smal, Ruan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The devastating effects floods have on both social and economic level make effective flood risk management an essential part of rural and urban development. A major part of effective flood risk management is the application of reliable design flood estimation methods. Research over the years has illustrated that current design flood estimation methods as a norm show large discrepancies which can mainly be attributed to the fact that these methods are outdated (Smithers, 2007). The research presented focused on the evaluation and updating of the Midgley and Pitman (MIPI) and the Catchment Parameter (CAPA or McPherson) empirical design flood estimation methods. The evaluation was done by means of comparing design floods estimated by each method with more reliable probabilistic design floods derived from historical flow records. Flow gauging stations were selected as drainage data points based on the availability of flow data and available catchment characteristics. A selection criterion was developed resulting in 53 gauging stations. The Log Normal (LN) and Log Pearson Type III (LP III) distributions were used to derive the probabilistic floods for each gauging station. The flow gauging stations were used to delineate catchments and to quantify catchment characteristics using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and their associated applications. The two methods were approximated by means derived formulas instead of evaluating and updating the two methods from first principles. This was done as a result of the constraints brought about by both time and the attainment of the relevant literature. The formulae were derived by means of plotting method inputs and resulted in graphs, fitting a trendline through the points and deriving a formula best describing the trendline. The derived formulae and the catchment characteristics were used to estimate the design floods for each method. A comparison was then done between the design flood results of the two methods and the probabilistic design floods. The results of these comparisons were used to derive correction factors which could potentially increase the reliability of the two methods used to estimate design floods. The effectiveness of any updating would be the degree (or level) in which the reliability of a method could be increased. It was proven that the correction factors did decrease the difference between the „assumed and more reliable probabilistic design floods‟ and the methods‟ estimates. However, the increase in reliability of the methods through the use of the recommended correction factors is questionable due to factors such as the reliability of the flow data as well as the methods which had to be used to derive the correction factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verwoestende gevolge van vloede op beide ekonomiese en sosiale gebiede beklemtoon die belangrikheid van effektiewe vloed risiko bestuur vir ontwikellings doeleindes. „n Baie belangrikke gedeelte van effektiewe vloed risiko bestuur is die gebruik van betroubare ontwerp vloed metodes. Navorsing oor die laaste paar jaar het die tekortkominge van die metodes beklemtoon, wat meestal toegeskryf kan word aan die metodes wat verouderd is. Die navorsing het gefokus op die evaluering en moontlike opdatering van die Midley en Pitman (MIPI) en die “Catchment Parameter” (CAPA of McPherson) empiriese ontwerp vloed metodes. Die evaluering het geskied deur middel van die vergelyking van die ontwerp vloed soos bereken deur die twee metodes en die aanvaarde, meer betroubare probabilistiese ontwerp vloede, bepaal deur middel van statistiese ontledings. Vloei meetstasies is gekies as data-punte omrede die beskikbaarheid van vloei data en beskikbare opvanggebied eienskappe. „n Seleksie kriteruim is ontwikkel waaruit 53 meetstasies gekies is. Die Log Normale (LN) en Log Pearson Tipe III (LP III) verspreidings is verder gebruik om die probabilistiese ontwerp vloede te bereken vir elke meetstasie. Die posisie van die meetstasies is ook verder gebruik om opvanggebiede te definieer en opvanggebied eienskappe te bereken. Geografiese inligtingstelsels (GIS) is vir die doel gebruik inplaas van die oorspronlik hand metodes. Die twee metodes is benader deur die gebruik van afgeleide formules inplaas van „n eerste beginsel benadering. Dit is gedoen as gevolg van die beperkings wat teweeggebring is deur beide tyd en die beskikbaarheid van die relevante litratuur wat handel oor die ontwikkeling van die twee metodes. Die formules is verkry deur middel van die plot van beide insette en resultate in grafieke, die passing van tendenslyne en die afleiding van formules wat die tendenslyne die beste beskryf. Die afgeleide formules saam met die opvanggebied eienskappe is toe verder gebruik om die ontwerp vloede van elke meet stasie te bepaal, vir beide metodes. The resultate van die twee metodes is toe vergelyk met die probabilistiese ontwerp vloede. Die resultate van hierdie vergelyking is verder gebruik om korreksie faktore af te lei wat moontlik die betroubaarheid van die twee metodes kon verhoog. Die doeltreffendheid van enige opdatering sal die mate wees waarin die betroubaarheid van n metode verhoog kan word. Gedurende die verhandeling is dit bewys dat die korreksie faktore wel n vermindering teweebring in die verskil tussen die ontwerp vloede van die aanvaarde meer betroubare probabilistiese ontwerp vloede van beide metodes. Die toename in betroubaarheid van die metodes deur die gebruik van die voorgestelde korreksie faktore is egter bevraagteken as gevolg van faktore soos die betroubaarheid van die vloei data self asook die metodologie wat gevolg is om die korreksie faktore af te lei.

Salinisation source(s) and mechanism(s) in shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Nakwafila, Albertina Nuusiku 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several areas in Namaqualand are affected by elevated levels of salinity; including the shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River catchment. The chemistry of rainwater that recharges these aquifers has low salt-loads, but the groundwater system is very saline. The shallow alluvial aquifers are an important source of water for several communal areas along the river both for domestic and agricultural purposes. Groundwater is also used for the copper and diamond mining activities along the river. Prior to this study, the sources of salinity to the alluvial aquifers and whether salinity can be remediated has not been determined. Possible salinity sources included seawater intrusion, evaporitic salts dissolution, concentrations by evaporation, deep aquifer brines, dissolution of minerals from the aquifer geology as well as salts from anthropogenic activities (i.e. mining). The source(s) of salinity to the groundwater has been determined using the geochemical as well as the isotopic tracers. The ratios of major ions (i.e. Na/Cl) as well the oxygen (18O), hydrogen (2H), 36Cl/Cl, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes were used in determining the possible solute sources. In addition to these, the chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to determine the recharge rates to the alluvial aquifers. Furthermore, the groundwater age of the alluvial aquifers was determined using the tritium (3H) isotope. The groundwater samples have high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which are in the same ranges as the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the surrounding granitic rocks indicating water-rock interactions. The 36Cl/Cl ratios are low and indicate the dissolution of old salts. The 18O and 2H stable isotopes of groundwater show an evaporative trend with respect to the LMWL, which indicate that groundwater has been evaporated before or during infiltration. Salinity to the shallow alluvial aquifers was found to be mainly derived from the dissolution of rock mass and concentration by evaporation process. The groundwater is relatively young, but there is mixing between old water recharged prior to bomb testing and recently recharged groundwater in some boreholes. The Chloride mass balance (CMB) method assumes atmospheric chloride is the only source of chloride to the aquifers. However, there is additional chloride to these alluvial aquifers from rock mass dissolution. The estimated recharge rates by CMB method (0.1-3.4mm/a) are therefore underestimated. A simulation model was used to determine the recharge rates based on the annual precipitation that will yield the current measured chloride concentrations in the groundwater. Recharge was found to range from 1-5% of the annual precipitation, which is also low. The CMB method therefore gives significant recharge rate estimates, but they are not accurate and need to be supported by another method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming beskikbaar.

Institutional overlaps in water management in the Eerste River Catchment.

Nleya, Ndodana January 2005 (has links)
In this minithesis I have investigated overlapping mandates as a source of management failure in water management in South Africa in general and Eerste River Catchment in particular. I analysed major legislation which deals with water management to find out how duties and responsibilities are apportioned in the various pieces of legislation. I also undertook an exercise of evaluating roles and responsibilities played by various organs of state in water management from national government, Provincial Government of the Western Cape through to local government, in this case the Municipality of Stellenbosch and the City of Cape Town. It emerged that there were a number of areas of overlap, ambiguously defined mandates, conflict and that these were impeding on decision making in water management. In order to test the framework built above, I then applied it in the Plankenbrug River, a tributary of the Eerste River. Through analysis of newspaper clippings over a period of 4 years I was able to reconstruct conflict over ill-defined mandates in the various aspects of the management of the catchment which showed that<br /> there were differences in roles of the different state organs operating in the catchment. Water management conflict emanated from lack of congruence in the various legislation and differences in the interpretation of legislation. The various state organs seem to be aware of the constitutional duty of cooperative government that engenders state organs to work co-operatively in order to meet their developmental mandates. It seems however that the state organs were merely interested to be seen to be in conformity with this duty more than actually solving the issue as this was seen as something to be tackled at a higher level.

Combining limnology and paleolimnology : a refined understanding of environmental sediment signal formation in a varved lake

Maier, Dominique Béatrice January 2017 (has links)
Paleoclimatic archives, such as lake sediments, extend our understanding of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem dynamics in relation to climate variability beyond the period covered by instrumental data. In this context, annually laminated (i.e. varved) lake sediments are particularly valuable, as they offer high temporal resolution and undisturbed sediment. However, in order to extract reliable climate information from lake sediments, a careful calibration with the processes controlling the sediment formation is essential. This thesis combines limnological and paleolimnological data from a varved, boreal lake in northern Sweden (Nylandssjön, Nordingrå) collected over different time scales. The main aim of the thesis is to gain a more refined insight into which processes are reflected in the sedimentary diatom assemblage. More specifically, sequential sediment trap records were coupled with physical, chemical and biological lake monitoring and environmental data for comparison and validation with the varved sediment record. The main result of the thesis is that timing, succession and inter-annual variability of key limnological and environmental processes (e.g. ice-cover duration, lake over-turn or catchment run-off) are of major importance for the sedimentary diatom assemblage formation. Continuous monitoring of physico-chemical parameters over three consecutive years identified varying winter air temperature as a major factor influencing in-lake processes and hence the diatom record. Timing of lake over-turn and catchment run-off seemed to be the driver for monospecific diatom blooms, which are reflected in the annual sediment signal. The integrated annual diatom signal in the sediment was dominated by spring or autumn blooms, resulting either from a Cyclotella glomerata dominated spring bloom after relatively warm winter conditions, or a Asterionella formosa dominated autumn bloom after relatively cold winter conditions. The analysis of the diatom stratigraphy in the varved sediment over several decades corroborated the importance of climatic variables (late winter air temperature and NAO), even though the variables with the most predictive power for variance in the diatom data were associated with sediment composition (C, N and sedimentation rate) and pollution (Pb and Cu). Overall, the analysis of the drivers of inter-annual and decadal diatom assemblage fluctuations emphasizes the importance of winter air temperature, indicating that weather extremes may be disproportionately represented in annual sediment records in contrast to nutrient concentrations or sedimentation rate.

Regulation of carbon dioxide emission from Swedish boreal lakes and the Gulf of Bothnia

Algesten, Grete January 2005 (has links)
The global carbon cycle is subject to intense research, where sources and sinks for greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide in particular, are estimated for various systems and biomes. Lakes have previously been neglected in carbon balance estimations, but have recently been recognized to be significant net sources of CO2. This thesis estimates emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from boreal lakes and factors regulating the CO2 saturation from field measurements of CO2 concentration along with a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was found to be the most important factor for CO2 saturation in lake water, whereas climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature and global radiation were less influential. All lakes were supersaturated with and, thus, sources of CO2. Sediment incubation experiments indicated that in-lake mineralization processes during summer stratification mainly occurred in the pelagial. Approximately 10% of the CO2 emitted from the lake surface was produced in epilimnetic sediments. The mineralization of DOC and emission of CO2 from freshwaters was calculated on a catchment basis for almost 80,000 lakes and 21 major catchments in Sweden, together with rates of sedimentation in lakes and export of organic carbon to the sea. The total export of terrestrial organic carbon to freshwaters could thereby be estimated and consequently also the importance of lakes for the withdrawal of organic carbon export from terrestrial sources to the sea. Lakes removed 30-80% of imported terrestrial organic carbon, and mineralization and CO2 emission were much more important than sedimentation of carbon. The carbon loss was closely related to water retention time, where catchments with short residence times (&lt;1 year) had low carbon retentions, whereas in catchments with long residence times (&gt;3 years) a majority of the imported TOC was removed in the lake systems. The Gulf of Bothnia was also studied in this thesis and found to be a net heterotrophic system, emitting large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere on an annual basis. The rate of CO2 emission was depending on the balance between primary production and bacterial respiration, and the system was oscillating between being a source and a sink of CO2.

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