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Combinaison cohérente d'amplificateurs à fibre en régime femtosecondeDaniault, Louis 05 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Pour un grand nombre d'applications, les sources laser impulsionnelles femtoseconde (fs) doivent fournir des puissances toujours plus importantes. En régime impulsionnel, on recherche d'une part une forte puissance crête par impulsion, et d'autre part une forte puissance moyenne, c'est à dire un taux de répétition élevé. Parmi les technologies existantes, les amplificateurs à fibre optique dopée ytterbium présentent de nombreux avantages pour l'obtention de fortes puissances moyennes, cependant le fort confinement des faisceaux dans la fibre sur de grandes longueurs d'interaction induit inévitablement des effets non-linéaires, et limite ainsi la puissance crête accessible. Nous avons étudié lors de cette thèse la combinaison cohérente d'impulsions fs appliquée aux systèmes fibrés. Ayant déjà fait ses preuves dans les régimes d'amplification continu et nanoseconde, la combinaison cohérente de faisceaux (dite combinaison spatiale) permet de diviser une seule et unique source en N voies indépendantes, disposées en parallèle et incluant chacune un amplificateur. Les faisceaux amplifiés sont ensuite recombinés en espace libre en un seul et unique faisceau, qui contient toute la puissance des N amplificateurs sans accumuler les effets non-linéaires. Cette architecture permet théoriquement de monter d'un facteur N le niveau de puissance crête issu des systèmes d'amplification fibrés. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons démontré la compatibilité et l'efficacité de cette méthode en régime d'amplification fs avec deux amplificateurs, selon différents procédés. Les expériences démontrent d'excellentes efficacités de combinaison ainsi qu'une très bonne préservation des caractéristiques temporelles et spatiales initiales de la source. Les procédés de combinaison cohérente nécessitent cependant un accord de phase entre différents amplificateurs stable dans le temps, assuré en premier lieu par une boucle de rétroaction. Nous avons poursuivi notre étude en concevant une architecture totalement passive, permettant une implémentation plus simple d'un système de combinaison à deux faisceaux sans asservissement électronique. Enfin, une méthode passive de combinaison cohérente dans le domaine temporel est étudiée et caractérisée dans le domaine fs, et implémentée simultanément avec la méthode passive de combinaison spatiale proposée précédemment. Ces expériences démontrent la validité et la variété des concepts proposés, ainsi que leurs nombreuses perspectives pour les systèmes d'amplification fs fibrés.
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Improving Interactive Classification Of Satellite Image ContentTekkaya, Gokhan 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Interactive classi& / #64257 / cation is an attractive alternative and complementary for automatic classi& / #64257 / cation of satellite image content, since the subject is visual and there are not yet powerful computational features corresponding to the sought visual features. In this study, we improve our previous attempt by building a more stable software system with better capabilities for interactive classi& / #64257 / cation of the content of satellite images. The system allows user to indicate a few number of image regions that contain a speci& / #64257 / c geographical object, for example, a bridge, and to retrieve similar objects on the same satellite images. Retrieval process is iterative in the sense that user guides the classi& / #64257 / cation procedure by interaction and visual observation of the results. The classi& / #64257 / cation procedure is based on one-class classi& / #64257 / cation.
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Expression des cotransporteurs cation-chlorure KCC2 et NKCC1 au cours du développement de la moelle épinière de l’opossum Monodelphis domesticaPhan, Ha-Loan 08 1900 (has links)
L’inhibition est nécessaire à la génération d’outputs coordonnés entre muscles antagonistes lors de la locomotion. Une baisse de la concentration neuronale en ions chlorure au cours du développement des mammifères conduit à l’émergence de l’inhibition. Cette baisse repose sur l’équilibre entre deux cotransporteurs cation-chlorure, KCC2 et NKCC1. KCC2 expulse Cl- de la cellule alors que NKCC1 pompe Cl- dans la cellule. L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît dans un état très immature. Le seul comportement locomoteur qu’il présente à la naissance consiste en des mouvements rythmiques et alternés des membres antérieurs pour grimper le long du ventre de la mère vers une tétine. Les membres postérieurs sont des bourgeons immobiles dont le développement est en grande partie postnatal. Pour cette raison, cette espèce constitue un modèle idéal pour l’étude du développement locomoteur. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes conduisant à l’émergence de l’inhibition durant le développement moteur, nous avons décrit l’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 chez l’opossum postnatal par immunohistochimie au niveau des renflements spinaux. Les motoneurones et afférences primaires ont été identifiés en utilisant un marquage rétrograde au TRDA. Le marquage pour KCC2 et NKCC1 est détecté dans la moelle épinière ventrale dans la matière grise et blanche présomptive dès la naissance, ce qui suggère que l’inhibition serait déjà mise en place avant la naissance, permettant subséquemment l’alternance des membres antérieurs observée chez les nouveau-nés. L’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 suit des gradients ventrodorsal et médiolatéral, tels qu’observés chez les rongeurs (rats et souris). Le patron mature d’expression de ces cotransporteurs est observé aux alentours de la 5ème semaine postnatale lorsque la locomotion de l’opossum est mature. Enfin, entre la naissance et P5, les dendrites exprimant KCC2 au niveau de la corne dorsale sont retrouvées en apposition aux afférences primaires ce qui suggère un rôle de KCC2 dans la formation des circuits sensori-moteurs. / Inhibition is necessary to generate coordinated outputs between antagonistic muscles during locomotion. Inhibition is set by a lowering in neuronal chloride concentration during mammalian development. This lowering relies on the proper balance between two cation-chloride cotransporters, KCC2 and NKCC1. KCC2 extrudes Cl- out of the cell while NKCC1 pumps Cl- into the cell. The opossum Monodelphis domestica is born at a very rudimentary stage of development. Newborn opossums show rhythmic and alternate movements of the forelimbs as they crawl on the mother's belly to a nipple. The hindlimbs are immobile paddle-shaped buds and their development is mostly postnatal. Thus, this species is an ideal model to study motor development. In order to investigate the mechanisms involved in the appearance of inhibition during motor development, we described the developmental expression of KCC2 and NKCC1 on postnatal opossums using immunohistochemistry in the spinal cord enlargements. Motoneurons and primary sensory afferents were identified using retrograde labeling with TRDA. Immunolabeling for both KCC2 and NKCC1 is detected in the ventral spinal cord in the presumptive grey and white matter from birth on, suggesting that the development of inhibition begins before birth, enabling the alternate movements exhibited by the newborns. The developmental expression of KCC2 and NKCC1 follows ventrodorsal and mediolateral gradients, similar to those demonstrated in rodents (rats and mice). The mature pattern for both cotransporters is observed around the 5th week at a time when opossums demonstrate mature patterns of locomotion. Between birth and P5, dendrites expressing KCC2 in the dorsal horn superimpose on the primary afferents, suggesting a role for KCC2 in the establishment of sensorimotor circuits.
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Ab Initio investigation of the electronic structure and rovibrational spectroscopy of group-I and II metal hydrides and helidesPage, Alister J. January 2008 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / (**Note: this abstract is a plain text version of the author's abstract, the original of which contains characters and symbols which cannot be accurately represented in this format. The properly formatted abstract can be viewed in the Abstract and Thesis files above.**) The electronic structure and rovibrational spectroscopy of MH2, MHn+2, HMHen+ and MHen+2 (M = Li, Be, Na, Mg, K, Ca; n = 1, 2) have been investigated using correlated ab initio ansatz. In order to determine the efficacy of various electronic structure methods with respect to Group-I and II hydrides and helides, atomic properties of Li, Be,Na, Mg, K and Ca were calculated. Relativistically-corrected UCCSD(T) and ICMRCI(+Q) were deemed to be the most suitable ansatz with respect to both efficiency and accuracy. The lowest 2A1 and 2Σ- states of MH2 were found to be purely repulsive, in agreement with previous predictions. The main factor determining the structure and stability of the excited states of MH2 was the relative orientations and occupations of the valence p atomic orbital of M and the H2 1Ou orbital. The ground states of MHn+2 were found to be the result of the charge-quadrupole interaction between Mn+ and the H2 molecular subunit. The structures of the ground states of HMHe+ were extremely uxional with respect to the central bond angle co-ordinate. The ground state PESs of MHe+2 were also extremely sensitive to the ab initio ansatz by which they are modelled. The respective bonding of the H and He in both HMHe+ and HMHe2+ appeared to be charge-dependent in the case of Be, Mg and Ca. Despite the weak bonding observed for the Group-II hydrohelide and helide monocations, the corresponding dications each exhibit thermodynamically stable equilibria. The solution algorithm of von Nagy-Felsobuki and co-workers was employed in the calculation of vibrational and rovibrational spectra. This algorithm employed an Eckart-Watson Hamiltonian in conjunction with rectilinear normal co-ordinates. Vibrational and rovibrational Hamiltonian matrices were diagonalised using variational methods. This algorithm was extended so that the vibration transition moment integrals, and hence vibrational radiative properties, of linear triatomic molecules could be calculated. A method by which vibration-averaged structures are calculated was also developed and implemented. Analytical potential energy functions (PEFs) and dipole moment functions (DMFs) of (1A1)LiH+2, (1A1)NaH+2, (1A1)BeH2+2,(1A1)MgH2+2, (1Σ+g )BeHe2+2, (2Σ+)HBeHe2+, (1Σ+g )MgHe2+2 and (2Σ+)HMgHe2+ were developed using leastsquare regression techniques in conjunction with discrete ab initio grids. Vibrational structures and spectra of these species were subsequently calculated. In addition, the rovibrational spectra of (1A1)LiH+2, (1A1)NaH+2, (1A1)BeH2+2 and (1A1)MgH2+2 were calculated. For (1A1)LiH+2 and (1A1)LiD+2 , calculated rovibrational transition frequencies for J ≤ 10 and 0 ≤ K ≤ 3 were within ca. 0.1-0.2% of experimental values.
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Ab Initio investigation of the electronic structure and rovibrational spectroscopy of group-I and II metal hydrides and helidesPage, Alister J. January 2008 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / (**Note: this abstract is a plain text version of the author's abstract, the original of which contains characters and symbols which cannot be accurately represented in this format. The properly formatted abstract can be viewed in the Abstract and Thesis files above.**) The electronic structure and rovibrational spectroscopy of MH2, MHn+2, HMHen+ and MHen+2 (M = Li, Be, Na, Mg, K, Ca; n = 1, 2) have been investigated using correlated ab initio ansatz. In order to determine the efficacy of various electronic structure methods with respect to Group-I and II hydrides and helides, atomic properties of Li, Be,Na, Mg, K and Ca were calculated. Relativistically-corrected UCCSD(T) and ICMRCI(+Q) were deemed to be the most suitable ansatz with respect to both efficiency and accuracy. The lowest 2A1 and 2Σ- states of MH2 were found to be purely repulsive, in agreement with previous predictions. The main factor determining the structure and stability of the excited states of MH2 was the relative orientations and occupations of the valence p atomic orbital of M and the H2 1Ou orbital. The ground states of MHn+2 were found to be the result of the charge-quadrupole interaction between Mn+ and the H2 molecular subunit. The structures of the ground states of HMHe+ were extremely uxional with respect to the central bond angle co-ordinate. The ground state PESs of MHe+2 were also extremely sensitive to the ab initio ansatz by which they are modelled. The respective bonding of the H and He in both HMHe+ and HMHe2+ appeared to be charge-dependent in the case of Be, Mg and Ca. Despite the weak bonding observed for the Group-II hydrohelide and helide monocations, the corresponding dications each exhibit thermodynamically stable equilibria. The solution algorithm of von Nagy-Felsobuki and co-workers was employed in the calculation of vibrational and rovibrational spectra. This algorithm employed an Eckart-Watson Hamiltonian in conjunction with rectilinear normal co-ordinates. Vibrational and rovibrational Hamiltonian matrices were diagonalised using variational methods. This algorithm was extended so that the vibration transition moment integrals, and hence vibrational radiative properties, of linear triatomic molecules could be calculated. A method by which vibration-averaged structures are calculated was also developed and implemented. Analytical potential energy functions (PEFs) and dipole moment functions (DMFs) of (1A1)LiH+2, (1A1)NaH+2, (1A1)BeH2+2,(1A1)MgH2+2, (1Σ+g )BeHe2+2, (2Σ+)HBeHe2+, (1Σ+g )MgHe2+2 and (2Σ+)HMgHe2+ were developed using leastsquare regression techniques in conjunction with discrete ab initio grids. Vibrational structures and spectra of these species were subsequently calculated. In addition, the rovibrational spectra of (1A1)LiH+2, (1A1)NaH+2, (1A1)BeH2+2 and (1A1)MgH2+2 were calculated. For (1A1)LiH+2 and (1A1)LiD+2 , calculated rovibrational transition frequencies for J ≤ 10 and 0 ≤ K ≤ 3 were within ca. 0.1-0.2% of experimental values.
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Développement de modèles prédictifs décrivant le couplage chimie-transport dans les sédiments naturels / Development of predictive models describing the coupling of chemistry-transport in natural sedimentsLu, Jun 06 November 2013 (has links)
La gestion de sols ou sédiments contaminés par des métaux nécessite de pouvoir prédire la migration de ces métaux, dont la mobilité dépend des propriétés de transport du milieu ainsi que de la réactivité chimique de celui-ci (principalement réactions sorption/désorption). Pour étudier l'adsorption des cations métalliques (majeurs et traces) en condition dynamique, des expériences de transport en colonne ont été réalisées avec un sol pauvre en minéraux carbonatés et en matière organique. Considérant que la réactivité de ce sol était due essentiellement à la phase argileuse smectitique, un modèle d'adsorption basé sur les propriétés de rétention de la montmorillonite du Wyoming, utilisant la théorie des échangeurs d'ions multi-sites a été intégré à un code de transport 1D. Les prédictions calculées par ce modèle ont ensuite été comparées aux courbes de percées mesurées dans cette étude et reportées de la littérature. L'étude sur le transport réactif des cations majeurs a mis en évidence le rôle significatif des protons (et ce même à des pH proche de la neutralité), et a permis de valider le modèle pour le transport compétitif des cations majeurs (Na et Ca). Cependant, l'étude de la rétention de Zn(II) a mis en évidence une incohérence entre les résultats issus des expériences batch et ceux obtenus avec les expériences colonne, que l'on pourrait attribuer à la contribution d'une autre phase adsorbante (illite). Néanmoins, le modèle d'adsorption proposé a permis de reproduire avec une bonne satisfaction des données expérimentales de rétention de Zn(II) proposées dans la littérature et obtenues avec des expériences colonne. / Management of soils or sediments contaminated by metals requires to predict the migration of metallic cations, whose mobility depends both on the transport properties of the medium and chemical reactivity of the system (principally sorption/desorption reactions). To study the sorption of metallic cations (major and trace) in dynamic condition, transport experiments using columns have been carried out with a soil poor in carbonated minerals and organic matter. Considering that the reactivity of this soil was mainly due to swelling clay minerals, a sorption model based on the sorption properties of the Wyoming montmorillonite and built according to a multi-site ion exchanger theory has been integrated into a 1D transport code. The predictions given by this model were then compared with the breakthrough curves measured in this study and those reported in the literature. The study of the reactive transport of major cations highlighted the significant role of protons (even at near neutral pH), and validated the model for major cations (Na and Ca). However, the study concerning Zn (II) showed a discrepancy between the results obtained from batch experiments and those issued from column experiments, which could be attributed to the contribution of another sorbent phase (illite). Finally, the proposed sorption model allowed reproducing with a good confidence experimental data reported from literature for sorption of Zn (II) in dynamic conditions.
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Characterization of sorption processes of organic cations onto oxidic surfacesKutzner, Susann 05 June 2019 (has links)
Since a large number of polar and often ionizable anthropogenic organic trace compounds, such as pharmaceutical residues, can be detected in various stages of the water cycle, there is a need to elucidate the effects and behavior of such substances in the aquatic environment. Despite the fact that numerous studies on the sorption behavior of ionizable organic trace compounds have already been carried out, reliable sorption models, which allow a sufficiently accurate prediction of the sorption of organic cations, are not yet available. For this reason, the general objective of this thesis was to improve the fundamental process understanding of the interactions between dissolved cationic organic substances and solid surfaces including relevant influence parameters. The investigations were based on a differentiated process consideration in order to ultimately provide the essential prerequisites for a future reliable prediction of the sorption behavior of cationic organic compounds. Due to the complex superposition of several mechanisms, the basic relationships cannot be clearly elucidated with heterogeneous sorbents. Therefore, it was consciously worked with largely homogeneous, synthetic sorbents. The use of well-defined sorbents with different properties as well as the variation of background electrolyte concentration and the targeted use of different sorbates were the 'tools' that were used to identify and to separate the underlying sorption processes. / Da eine Vielzahl polarer und oftmals ionisierbarer anthropogener organischer Spurenstoffe, wie z. B. Pharmakarückstände, in verschiedenen Bereichen des Wasserkreislaufes nachweisbar ist, besteht die Notwendigkeit die Wirkung und das Verhalten solcher Spurenstoffe in der Umwelt näher aufzuklären. Trotz der Tatsache, dass bereits zahlreiche Untersuchungen zum Sorptionsverhalten ionisierbarer organischer Spurenstoffe bestehen, sind zuverlässige prognosefähige Sorptionsmodelle, welche eine ausreichend genaue Vorhersage der Sorption von organischen Kationen ermöglichen, zurzeit noch nicht verfügbar. Das generelle Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand daher darin, das grundlegende Prozessverständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen gelösten kationischen organischen Substanzen und festen Oberflächen einschließlich relevanter Einflussgrößen zu verbessern. Die Untersuchungen basierten auf einer differenzierten Prozessbetrachtung, um letztlich die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für eine zukünftig zuverlässige Prognose des Sorptionsverhaltens kationischer organischer Verbindungen zu liefern. Aufgrund der komplexen Überlagerung mehrerer Mechanismen können die grundlegenden Zusammenhänge mit heterogen zusammengesetzten natürlichen Sorbentien nicht eindeutig aufgeklärt werden. Daher wurde bewusst mit weitgehend homogenen, synthetischen Sorbentien gearbeitet. Die Verwendung wohldefinierter Sorbentien mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften sowie die Variation der Elektrolytkonzentration und der gezielte Einsatz verschiedener Sorptive waren die 'Werkzeuge', die verwendet wurden, um die zugrunde liegenden Sorptionsprozesse zu identifizieren und zu separieren.
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Cloud execution environment for real-time media applicationsKämpe, Eddie January 2015 (has links)
Smartphones and other Internet of Things devices have become a rapidly growing topic. Along with the growth comes new technologies, likeWeb Real- Time Communication (WebRTC), that enables richer services to be built for the devices. These kind of services are typically consumed on-demand, in shorter periods at a time. Likewise have cloud computing exploded in popularity during the last years. Cloud computing offers compelling advantages, such as rapid elasticity and on-demand usage, that allow servers' resource utilization to be more effcient. The flexibility of allocating and releasing resources swiftly as they are required, enables services that run in the cloud to adopt to ephemeral workloads. The research in this thesis targets a real-time video streaming service that is based on WebRTC. Incoming streams are handled by Multipoint Control Units (MCUs) that have the responsibility to redistribute the incoming streams to the consumers. Scaling horizontally aligns well with the idea of cloud computing. The work in this thesis is based on the extreme case where each of the incoming streams are handled by a separate MCU. The thesis presents the process of finding a exible Cloud Execution Environment (CEE) for the streaming service. The process includes an analysis of the streaming service's requirements, an evaluation of existing solutions, and an implementation. Moreover, the thesis includes a discussion about the capabilities of the implemented system. The result of the thesis is a CEE upon which the streaming service can be deployed and managed. The developed CEE allows any workload that is encapsulated within a Docker container to be orchestrated, not exclusively the streaming service, which makes the implementation viable to other cloud computing projects. / Användandet av smartphones och andra "Internet of Things"-enheter ökar snabbt. I takt med ökningen, så släpps nya tekniker som möjliggör utveckling av mer avancerade tjänster. Ett exampel är Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). Den här typen av tjänster konsumeras oftast sporadiskt under kortare tidsintervall. även cloud computing har drastiskt ökat i popularitet under de senaste åren. Hög elasticitet samt möjligheten att allokera datorresurser på begäran har medfört att utnyttjandegraden av datorers kapacitet kan höjas. Flexibiliteten att snabbt kunna allokera och frigöra resurser möjliggör att tjänster kan utvecklas för att utnyttja upp- och nerskalningsm öjligheterna bättre, även för kortvariga lastökningar. Forskningen i rapporten riktar in sig på ett system för videoströmning mellan användare i realtid baserat påa WebRTC. Inkommande strömmar hanteras av Multipoint Control Units (MCUs), som har som uppgift att vidaredistribuera strömmarna till andra användare som vill spela upp strömmen. Horisontell skalning och cloud computing har mycket gemensamt. Det underliggande arbetet till den här rapporten fokuserar på ett extremfall, där varje inkommande videoström hanteras av en enskild MCU. Den här uppsatsen presenterar den process som användes för att ta fram en lämplig molnlösning för strömningssystemet. Processen beståar av en kravanalys av strömningssystemet, en jämförelse av befintliga lösningar samt en implementation av en molnlösning. Slutligen så innehåller uppsatsen en utvärdering av implementationen. Resultatet av uppsatsen är en molnlösning som videoströmningssystemet kan driftsättas och köras på. Molnlösningen är inte begränsad till videoströmningssystemet utan klarar av att hantera alla applikationer som paketerats inuti Docker-kapslar. Molnlösningen är så pass generell att den kan användas till andra projekt inom cloud computing.
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Isolation of Anthocyanin Mixtures from Fruits and Vegetables and Evaluation of Their Stability, Availability and Biotransformation in The Gastrointestinal TractHe, Jian 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Dietary cation anion difference and acidified coproducts: effects on peripartum dairy cowsRezac, Darrel James January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Barry J. Bradford / The transition from gestation to lactation requires numerous physiological and metabolic adaptations in order for the body to maintain relative homeostasis. For the modern dairy cow, the difficulty to meet these challenges is increased many-fold due to the large demand for energy and metabolites placed on the body by the high producing mammary gland. Milk fever or periparturient hypocalcemia can be defined as a failure of the calcium homeostatic mechanisms to maintain serum calcium around the time of calving. Though clinical cases may only arise in ≈ 5% of transition cows, subclinical rates are much higher. Animals suffering from even subclinical milk fever are much more susceptible to numerous other transition disorders. Preventing milk fever by formulation of the prepartum ration may be accomplished by decreasing the dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) which can be defined as the balance between positively and negatively charged ions in the diet. An experiment was designed to test 2 diets containing t products designed to deliver supplementary anions to the diet versus a control ration with no added anions. Total serum calcium and incidence of postpartum health disorders were not affected by prepartum dietary treatment. Though DCAD was drastically different between the control ration and the 2 anionic diets, the concentration of the strong cation potassium was low across all treatments which presumably prevented hypocalcemia with the onset of lactation. Though our diets contained low concentrations of potassium, many diets used by dairymen contain forages that are high in potassium and thus might benefit from the addition of anions.
An experiment of an unrelated nature was conducted to observe the effects of 2 diets containing wet corn gluten feed (46 or 56% of DM) as the primary energy substrate and tallgrass prairie hay (14 or 20% of DM) as the sole source of physically effective fiber versus a control ration containing alfalfa and corn silage. The 20% tallgrass prairie hay diet resulted in milk components and efficiencies similar to those of the control ration, but production and income over feed cost did not match that of the control ration in this situation.
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