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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analytic Causative Constructions in Medieval Spanish: The Origins of a Construction

January 2011 (has links)
he goal of this study is to provide an inventory of the Analytic Causative constructions that were in use in Peninsular Spanish from the 12 th to the 16 th centuries from the constructional perspective of Cognitive Grammar. A detailed profile of each construction was made including its constructional schema along with relevant semantic, syntactic, lexical, pragmatic, and socio-cultural information. Fifteen different constructions involving the verbs mandar 'command', fazer 'make/do', and enviar 'send' were recorded and described. Moreover, several of the evolution paths constructions followed and the way constructions influenced and interacted with each other forming constructional networks were identified. The importance of semantic factors triggering change, as well as the role that prototypical exemplars, collocations, and analogy play in the emergence and conservation of constructions are discussed.

Agentivité, modalités de contrôle et subjectivité / Agentivity, modalities of control and subjectivity

Veecock, Candace 31 May 2012 (has links)
En français, la construction se faire + infinitif montre une agentivité non prototypique (questionnement sur l’interprétation du rôle participatif qu’il convient d’attribuer au sujet animé : « Paul s’est fait donner un livre par Marie » suppose un contrôle de Marie sur le don et un contrôle partiel de Paul sur le déclenchement du don). Dans certaines tournures, ce contrôle sera diminué voire annulé (« Paul s’est fait voler sa voiture »). On étudiera aussi des périphrases verbales (se laisser+infinitif, se voir+infinitif, faire+infinitif) et des opérateurs causatifs en anglais (get, have). Get et se faire ont beaucoup en commun, y compris le fait que leur spécialisation dans le « désagréable » en tant que « passifs » s’avèrent être un développement récent. L’attribution de l’agentivité est une opération énonciative très importante. Notre conception du temps fait que nous assignons une causation à des événements. L’agentivité se distingue de la causalité par le fait qu’un animé (et particulièrement un humain) est identifié comme la cause ultime d’un événement. L’animé se voit alors attribuer formellement une intention, un contrôle et une télicité pour ses différentes actions. Il y a certes régulièrement un décalage cognitif par rapport à une agentivité prototypique. L’agentivité linguistique est de ce fait un concept complexe permettant des transferts de responsabilité entre agents effectifs ou potentiels à des degrés divers (cas de dédoublement de l’agentivité, cas de l’agentivité déléguée, etc.). L’agentivité se rapporte alors à l'inscription et à l’encodage linguistique de certaines opérations cognitives et énonciatives à la disposition d'un sujet énonciateur. Notre analyse utilise certains concepts de la théorie des opérations énonciatives de Culioli. L’apport d’un « principe informatif » (les développements récents de la théorie de l’« information packaging » de Vallduví ou de la « structure informationnelle » de Lambrecht) permet de détecter dans des constructions comme se faire+infinitif un rôle pragmatico-énonciatif en contraste avec la construction passive canonique en être. L’emploi de ces constructions reflète la gestion subjective et intersubjective de l’information, le processus d’enrichissement des connaissances du co-énonciateur par des informations relevant d’un positionnement ou de la prise en charge de l’énonciateur par rapport à son énoncé. / The attribution of agentivity is an important enunciative operation. Our conception of time leads us to assign causes to actions and events. Linguistic “agency” or agentivity can be distinguished from linguistic causality (or causativity) by the fact that an animate entity (generally human) can be identified as the ultimate cause of an action or event. Animate entities are formally accorded intention, control and telicity over their own actions. However there are regular cognitive shifts from prototypical agency. Agentivity is a complex concept often allowing differing degrees of agency and the transfer of agency between actual or potential agents (the doubling of agents, delegated agency, etc.). Agentivity refers to the ascription and linguistic encoding of cognitive and enonciative operations which are at the disposal of an utterer / enunciator. Constructions which show nonprototypical agentivity are thus of particular interest. French constructions such as se faire + infinitif, se laisser + infinitif, se voir + infinitif, faire + infinitif as well as English constructions with get and have are revealing. Here there is a question as to the interpretation of the participative role of the animate subject. In certain cases control can be attenuated or even cancelled. In fact, se faire and get constructions have much in common, including their recent specialization as passives which describe unpleasant circumstances. This work uses concepts from Culioli’s Theory of Enunciative Operations. The contribution of an informative principle (recent developments in linguistic theories of information such as Vallduví’s “information packaging” and Lambrecht’s “informational structure”) makes it possible to detect in constructions similar to se faire + infinitif, a pragmatico-enunciative role which can be distinguished from canonical passives. The use of these constructions reflects the subjective and intersubjective management of information and the process of enriching the knowledge of one’s interlocutor with information indicating stance and positioning.

Production, compréhension et imitation des constructions causatives chez des enfants monolingues francophones et bulgarophones âgés de 3 à 6 ans / Production, comprehension and imitation of the causative constructions by monolingual French and Bulgarian 3 to 6 year old children

Bezinska, Yanka 30 June 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche doctorale traite des constructions causatives dans une perspective développementale et contrastive. Elle poursuit un double objectif. D'une part, démontrer que la complexité morphosyntaxique des mécanismes causatifs joue un rôle important dans le processus de leur acquisition par les enfants. D'autre part, prendre en considération plusieurs habiletés langagières (production, compréhension, imitation) pour explorer pleinement les divers niveaux de maitrise des constructions causatives. Les deux langues que nous étudions – le français et le bulgare – n'utilisent pas les mêmes mécanismes pour encoder la notion de causativité. Le français privilégie le prédicat complexe faire + Vinf, mais accepte également quelques causatifs lexicaux (nourrir X). Le bulgare fait appel à trois procédés : lexical (xranja X – nourrir X), morphologique (le préfixe ‘raz-' : razsmivam X – faire rire X) et périphrastique (karam X da V présent – inciter X à ce que V présent). Un total de 113 francophones (71 enfants et 42 adultes) et de 96 bulgarophones (56 enfants et 40 adultes) participent à cette étude contrastive ; tous sont des locuteurs natifs monolingues. Les enfants sont répartis en trois tranches d'âge (3-4 ans, 4-5 ans et 5-6 ans) et ils participent à trois tâches expérimentales (production, compréhension, imitation). Les adultes sont enregistrés uniquement en tâche de production. Notre recherche aboutit à quelques résultats intéressants. Premièrement, entre 3 et 6 ans, la conceptualisation de la causativité ne pose pas de problèmes particuliers aux enfants francophones et bulgarophones ; ils comprennent les mécanismes causatifs de leur langue. Deuxièmement, l'ordre d'acquisition des formes causatives est étroitement lié à leur degré de complexité morphosyntaxique. Dans les deux langues étudiées, les causatifs lexicaux sont complètement maitrisés par les enfants. En revanche, malgré son caractère compact et sa simplicité formelle, le causatif morphologique du bulgare semble apparaitre tardivement. La présence d'erreurs par surgénéralisation chez les enfants âgés de 5 à 6 ans révèle que l'acquisition de ce mécanisme causatif n'est pas achevée. La construction périphrastique karam X da V présent, quant à elle, peut être considérée comme maitrisée, puisqu'entre 4 et 5 ans, les habiletés des enfants bulgares à la produire sont déjà très proches de l'usage adulte. Enfin, le prédicat complexe faire + Vinf est en voie de stabilisation ; les enfants français doivent faire quelques ajustements au niveau de l'intégrité de la séquence faire + Vinf et de l'usage de l'argument causataire (sa fonction syntaxique et sa présence dans les énoncés). Troisièmement, le rappel de la structure des mécanismes causatifs en tâche d'imitation améliore les performances productives des enfants. En conclusion, par la prise en compte de trois habiletés langagières, cette étude apporte un éclairage dans la recherche sur les constructions causatives. Dans l'esprit du Modèle de compétition et des approches basées sur l'usage, notre travail valide également la pertinence de trois principaux facteurs déterminant l'ordre d'acquisition des unités linguistiques : 1/ fréquence dans l'input (ou disponibilité) ; 2/ fiabilité (ou spécialisation dans l'expression d'une fonction communicative) ; 3/ complexité (formelle et conceptuelle). / The present study investigates the causative constructions from a developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. On the one hand, it aims to show the important role of the morphosyntactic complexity of causative mechanisms during language acquisition. On the other hand, it aims to examine different language skills (production, comprehension, imitation) in order to explore various levels of mastery of the causative constructions in two languages, French and Bulgarian. The two languages under investigation, French and Bulgarian, do not use the same mechanisms to express causativity. French uses the faire + Vinf complex predicate and some lexical causatives (nourrir X – feed X). In Bulgarian, the causativity is expressed using three mechanisms: lexical (xranja X – feed X), morphological (prefix ‘raz-': razsmivam X - make X laugh) and periphrastic construction (karam X da V pres – make that X + V pres). A total of 113 L1 French speakers (71 children and 42 adults) and 96 L1 Bulgarian speakers (56 children and 40 adults) took part in this cross-linguistic study. The children were divided into three age groups: 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 years of age; they all participated in three experimental tasks (production, comprehension and imitation). The adults took part in one experimental task (production). Our cross-linguistic study provided some interesting results. Firstly, the conceptualization of causativity is equally understood in both languages, each child group globally understands the causative mechanisms available in their own language. Secondly, the order of acquisition of the causative mechanisms is tightly linked to its degree of morphosyntactic complexity. In both languages, lexical causatives are already mastered by all the children groups. Surprisingly enough, in Bulgarian, the morphological causative appears to be a late language development, as children as old as 5 to 6 years produce overgeneralizations of this mechanism, that means it is not yet mastered. In the Bulgarian data, we found that the periphrastic construction is acquired between the ages of 4 to 5 years; the children of this age group already show an adult-like ability in producing this analytical causative mechanism. In the French data, we found that the production of the faire + Vinf complex predicate begins to stabilize; however, children have to adjust both the integrity of the faire + Vinf structure and the usage of the causee argument (its syntactic function and its presence in the utterance). Thirdly, in instances when the structure of causative mechanisms is present during the imitation task, the children's production is improved. In conclusion, by including various language skills (production, comprehension and imitation), this study brings a new perspective in investigating the causative constructions. Our research is also consistent with both the Competition model and the usage-based approaches; it validates the relevance of three major factors determining the order of acquisition of the linguistic structures: 1/ input frequency (or ‘cue availability'); 2/ cue reliability; 3/ formal and semantic complexity (or ‘cue cost').

中文使動式之連續性 / Mandarin Chinese Causative Continuum

張碧純, Chang, Pi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在審視中文使動性是否具有連續性。使動性的來源主要有兩種觀點:衍生語法認為使動性是由句法位移得到,而詞彙語法則認為使動性是詞彙本身所賦予的。本文根據「直接性」、「動力學」和「及物性」三個面向研究中文使動詞和使動結構的使動性,結果可分為高、中、低三個層次。高使動性傾向由中文使動詞表現而低使動性則傾向由使動結構表現。使動性的差異不僅支持詞彙語法對使動性來源的解釋,對衍生語法認為使動性源自於句法結構的說法提出反駁,也符合自然語言的象似性原則。 / Derivational grammarians propose that causativity comes from the syntactic structures whereas lexicalists suggest it is incorporated within the formation of the lexicon. This thesis aims to investigate Mandarin lexical and periphrastic causatives to see if their causativity varies depending on the category of causative to which they are assigned. Three frameworks are adopted here to examine causatives from diverse perspective, directness, force-dynamics and transitivity. This combined framework is utilized to examine Mandarin lexical causatives and typical periphrastic causatives including 使shi, 令ling, 讓rang, 叫jiao1, and 教 jiao2 constructions. The results indicate that causativity forms a continuum in which the degree of the causativity of lexical causatives ranges from high to intermediate but that for periphrastic causatives ranges from intermediate to low. The variation in the degree of causativity proves that the derivational account is incorrect. Moreover, this study supports the lexicalist viewpoints that the causativity has variations because it is integrated in the lexical formation. In addition, more evidence, such as adverb placement and resultative compound formation, is provided to demonstrate that lexicalist accounts take the advantage of explaining the causativity. Finally, the variation of causativity has demonstrated that the shorter the forms are, the greater the degree of causativity is. This observation conforms to the principle of iconicity, and is encoded in humans’ cognition and the natural language.

漢語動補結構中的致使義:從論元體現而論 / Causativity in Chinese resultative compounds: on the account of argument realization

黃心綸, Huang, Hsin Lun Unknown Date (has links)
漢語的動補結構長久以來一直是漢語語言學中一個複雜難解的議題,動補結構中的論元在句法上應如何體現及其相對應的語意應如何解讀更是許多語言學家致力解決的問題。衍生語法學派 (Derivational Grammar) 的學者 (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) 及詞彙功能語法學派 (Lexical Functional Grammar) 的學者 (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) 均曾試圖提出對於漢語動補結構最正確有效的分析,本論文旨在證明衍生語法學派之理論在動補結構分析上的錯誤及不足,並點出詞彙功能語法學派之理論在預測動補結構的論元體現 (argument realization) 及語意解讀 (semantic interpretation) 上有較全面的分析。 然而,某些動補結構,如「這一大桌子菜胖死我了」,含有不同於其他動補結構的致使義 (Causativity),進而產生特殊的論元體現模式,此情形卻未被涵蓋在詞彙功能語法學派的理論分析中,本論文也依循詞彙功能語法的理論框架,試圖提出足以預測此種特定動補結構論元體現的句法規則,以彌補詞彙功能語法理論在分析此動補結構的論元體現上之遺漏,使其整體分析更臻完善。 / Resultative compounds in Mandarin Chinese have long been a complicated issue in Chinese linguistics. Many researchers have put great effort in trying to solve the problem of how arguments of Chinese resultative compounds should be syntactically realized and how corresponding interpretations should be achieved. Researchers of Derivational Grammar (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) and those of Lexical Functional Grammar (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) have all attempted to propose analyses that are accurate in predicting the argument realization and compound predication of Chinese resultative compounds. This thesis aims to prove the insufficiency in the prediction power of derivational accounts and endeavors to show that the account of Lexical Functional Grammar is superior in the analysis of resultative compounds in terms of argument realization and compound interpretation. However, some resultative compounds, such as that in zhe yi da zhuozi cai pang-si wo le (‘This whole table of dishes is making me fat.’), have certain causativity that makes them different from others in terms of argument realization. Resultative compounds like these are not included in the analysis of lexicalist accounts. Based on the theoretical framework of Lexical Functional Grammar, this thesis also makes an attempt to propose a syntactic rule that predicts the correct argument realization pattern of the kind of resultative compounds mentioned above. It is the goal of this thesis that the proposed rule covers the analysis of the resultative compounds that is missing in previous accounts and makes the lexicalist account given in this thesis a better solution in working on the issues of Chinese resultative compounds.

Staroanglická kauzativní slovesa, jejich formální struktura a následný vývoj / Old English causative verbs, their formal build-up and subsequent development

Filipová, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The present work provides a comprehensive overview of causativity - its definition, classification and characteristics - in a typological perspective. It outlines the development of causativity in English, from Indo-European to Present Day English with main emphasis on the Old English period and the factors that had led to the state of causative verbs at that time. In Research Part, it inquires into the possible competition between morphological and syntactic causatives and its future after- effects with respect to the described typology. Key words: causation, causativity, causative verb, causative opposition, morphological causative verb, syntactic causative expression, labile causative opposition, Old English

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