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Auger Electron Spectroscopy of Controlled Delaminating Materials on Aluminium SurfacesHögblad, Jon January 2008 (has links)
<p>This master thesis in physics mainly treats Auger spectroscopy of interfaces that has been adhesively bond together with so called controlled delaminating materials (CDM). CDM is a new technology which involves adhesives with the distinctive property that they by the appliance of electricity can be released from a substrate. The reason for using Auger spectroscopy was that it gives a surface sensitive view of the chemical composition of the samples examined and this was believed to give hints of the mechanisms behind loss of adhesion. The samples were so called laminates which is an aluminium foil, CDM adhesive, aluminium foil structure. As expected Auger spectroscopy produced some promising results, especially regarding the breakdown of a certain anion contained into the examined CDM adhesive. This awoke new questions regarding how this anion was decomposed and the idea that it could be due to hydrolysis took form. The by far most important result within this work is that the anion breaks down. This could lead to the formation of hydrofluoric acid if this breakdown in fact is due to hydrolysis and the hydrofluoric acid could then react with the aluminium causing loss of adhesion. This could be the good starting point of a continuing work on CDM.</p>
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Auger Electron Spectroscopy of Controlled Delaminating Materials on Aluminium SurfacesHögblad, Jon January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis in physics mainly treats Auger spectroscopy of interfaces that has been adhesively bond together with so called controlled delaminating materials (CDM). CDM is a new technology which involves adhesives with the distinctive property that they by the appliance of electricity can be released from a substrate. The reason for using Auger spectroscopy was that it gives a surface sensitive view of the chemical composition of the samples examined and this was believed to give hints of the mechanisms behind loss of adhesion. The samples were so called laminates which is an aluminium foil, CDM adhesive, aluminium foil structure. As expected Auger spectroscopy produced some promising results, especially regarding the breakdown of a certain anion contained into the examined CDM adhesive. This awoke new questions regarding how this anion was decomposed and the idea that it could be due to hydrolysis took form. The by far most important result within this work is that the anion breaks down. This could lead to the formation of hydrofluoric acid if this breakdown in fact is due to hydrolysis and the hydrofluoric acid could then react with the aluminium causing loss of adhesion. This could be the good starting point of a continuing work on CDM.
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Analyse der RDF-Produktion in Vietnam / Analyze of RDF-production in VietnamSchulenburg, Sven 06 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A simplified RDF production was made, together with a waste characterization of MSW from Hanoi area. Three experiments were done, two with active aeration and one without. A high water content was determined at all RDF, which has a negative influence on the lower heating value and a saving-effect. A accumulation of the heating value to the higher class (>40mm), was not completely possible, also no complete transfer of mineral contents to the lower class (<10mm). The RDF reach in most cases the criteria for a fuel for different limit values, heavy metals, chloride and sulfur. An economic benefit could be possible with a surplus income by using RDF instead of coal (lignite), also by avoiding landfill gas and sell emission rights via CDM. More and detailed investigations seem to be necessary to confirm these results.
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A questão dos créditos de carbono e sua viabilidade econômica ambiental / The issue of carbon credits and their economic and environmental viabilityEduardo Del Nery Calestini 26 October 2012 (has links)
As mudanças climáticas provocadas pelo Homem induziram a formação de um mercado que segue atividades que afirmam contemplar aspectos de desenvolvimento sustentável. O mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo (MDL) é um dos instrumentos de flexibilização estabelecido pelo protocolo de Quioto com o objetivo de facilitar o cumprimento das metas de redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), definidas para os países que o ratificaram, tratando do desenvolvimento e da implantação de projetos visando à redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa nos países em desenvolvimento, financiado pelos países desenvolvidos, em troca de créditos para serem abatidos dos seus compromissos de redução de emissões. Os projetos que se habilitarem à condição de projeto de MDL deverão cumprir uma série de procedimentos até receber a chancela da ONU e, consequentemente, certificar as reduções alcançadas. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar quais são os requisitos para a implantação de um MDL e discutir a real promoção da sustentabilidade do dispositivo, bem como a viabilidade econômica e ambiental, conforme preconiza o artigo 12 do Protocolo de Quioto. Para o cumprimento da presente tarefa foi necessária a análise dos antecedentes do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, a saber: As mudanças climáticas globais, a Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima e o Protocolo de Quioto. Em seguida foram analisados dois projetos utilizando MDL sob dois aspectos diferenciados. O primeiro advindo de reduções de emissões em um aterro sanitário, na cidade de São Paulo, o segundo relacionado à silvicultura, no interior do mesmo Estado. / Climate change caused by man induced the formation of a market that follows activities that claim to include elements of sustainable development. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the Kyoto Protocol flexibilization instruments in order to facilitate the achievement of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission reducing goals defined for the countries which have ratified it, treating of development and implementation of projects in order to reduce GHGs emission in developing countries, financed by developed countries, in exchange for credits to be deducted from their commitments to reduce emissions. Projects that qualify for CDM project status must meet a series of procedures to receive the United Nation (UN) approval and consequently, certify the achieved reductions. This study aims to examine which are the requirements for implementation of a CDM and discuss the actual promotion of the device sustainability as well as economic and environmental viability, as defined in article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. In fulfillment of this task it was necessary to analyze the background of the CDM, as follows: Global climate changes, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Next, two projects were analyzed using CDM under two different aspects. The first about emission reductions in a landfill, in the city of Sao Paulo, the second related to growing eucalyptus, in the countryside of the same state.
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Contribution to the organization of ground handling management at airports / Contribution à l'organisation des opérations d'escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaireFitouri Trabelsi, Salma 26 November 2013 (has links)
La croissance du trafic aérien a rendu critique l’opération de la gestion des plateformes aéroportuaires. Celle-ci fait appel à de nombreux acteurs (autorités aéroportuaires, compagnies aériennes, contrôle du trafic aérien, prestataires de services, …). Le concept d’Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) développé depuis une dizaine d’années est basé sur un partage d’informations opérationnelles en temps réel entre les différents acteurs de la plate-forme, permettant de prendre des décisions en commun pour rechercher une utilisation optimale, en toutes conditions, des capacités de l’aéroport. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’organisation de la gestion des opérations d’escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire. Il s’agit de proposer une structure d’organisation de cette opération qui soit compatible avec l’approche A-CDM. La structure proposée introduit un coordinateur des opérations d’escale (GHC) qui joue le rôle d’interface de communication entre les partenaires de l’A-CDM et les différents gestionnaires des opérations d’escale (GHM). Cette structure hiérarchique permet d’une part de partager des informations avec les partenaires de l’A-CDM et d’autre part d’interagir avec les gestionnaires des opérations d’escale (GHM). Les processus de prise de décision basés sur des heuristiques ont été développés à chaque niveau de l’organisation proposée et sont évalués aussi bien dans le cas de conditions nominales que dans le cas de la présence de perturbations majeures. / The increase of the world air traffic growth of the last decades has generated a permanent challenge for civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports to supply sufficient capacity to provide a safe transportation service with acceptable quality standards. New traffic management practices, such as A-CDM, based on multi-agent and collaborative decision making concepts have been introduced at airports. However, within the turnaround process of aircraft at airports, ground handling management of aircraft has not been developed specifically in the A-CDM approach, even if it has an important role in the fluidity of aircraft operations at airports. The main objective of this thesis dissertation is to contribute to the organisation of the ground handling management at airports. It consists to provide a structure organize the ground handling management compatible with the A -CDM concept. The proposed structure introduces a ground handling coordinator (GHC) which is considered as an interface for communication between the partners of the A -CDM and the different ground handling managers (GHM). This hierarchical structure allows sharing information with partners in the A -CDM on the one side and on the other side, interacting with ground handling managers (GHM). Decision making processes based on heuristics have been developed at each level of the proposed organization and have been also evaluated in the case of nominal conditions and in the case of the presence of major disruptions.
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Bulk flows in the local universe from type Ia supernovaeBrinnel, Valéry Soeren 28 May 2024 (has links)
Typ Ia Supernovae (SNe) können verwendet werden, um Bulk-Flows zu messen, die durchschnittliche Bewegung von Materie relativ zur kosmischen Mikrowellenhintergrundstrahlung (CMB). Bulk-Flow-Studien ermöglichen Tests der Behauptung des Kosmologischen Prinzips von Homogenität und Isotropie für ausreichend große Distanzen. Im letzten Jahrzehnt wurden mehrere hohe Bulk-Geschwindigkeiten in großen Skalen gemeldet, die schwer mit den Vorhersagen des ΛCDM-Kosmologiemodells zu vereinbaren sind. In dieser Arbeit schätze ich Bulk-Flows auf der Grundlage einer neuen Probe von SNe aus einer Next-Generation-Sky-Survey namens Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). Die Auswahl und Analyse der großen Anzahl von astrophysikalischen Transienten, die jede Nacht von dieser Survey erfasst werden, ist komplex. Ich habe eine flexible Analysis Software namens AMPEL entwickelt, um diese Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Ein neuer ZTF-Datensatz, der aus etwa 850 Typ Ia SNe besteht, wurde für diese Forschung zusammengestellt. Simulationen zeigen, dass die nicht-sphärische Surveygeometrie von ZTF, die aktuellen Stichprobengrößenbeschränkungen und der Malmquist-Bias zusammen systematische Effekte ergeben, die kleiner sind als die aktuellen statistischen Unsicherheiten. Ich habe die ZTF-Probe zusammen mit zwei anderen kosmologischen SNe-Proben im heliozentrischen Inertialsystem verwendet, um das kosmische Ruhesystem unabhängig vom CMB zu etablieren. Der gemessene Beobachter-Dipol innerhalb der Rotverschiebungsschale 0,06 < z < 0,1 zeigt eine Konvergenz mit dem CMB-Temperaturdipol. Im CMB-Inertialsystem im gleichen Skala wird kein signifikanter Bulk-Flow gemessen. / Type Ia supernovae (SNe) can be used to measure bulk flows, the average motion of matter relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Bulk-flow studies enable tests of the Cosmological Principle’s assertion of large-scale homogeneity and isotropy. Over the past decade, several high bulk-velocities at large scales have been reported, which are difficult to unify with constraints from the ΛCDM cosmological model. In this work, I estimate bulk-flows based on a new sample of SNe from a next-generation sky survey called the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). Selecting and analyzing the large number of astrophysical transients detected each night by this survey is complex. I developed a flexible analysis framework called AMPEL to address these challenges. A new ZTF dataset comprising roughly 850 type Ia SNe was assembled for this research. Simulations show that the non-spherical survey geometry of ZTF, the current sample size limitations, and the Malmquist bias together yield systematic effects smaller than current statistical uncertainties. I used the ZTF sample along with two cosmological-grade SNe samples in heliocentric inertial frame to establish the cosmic rest frame independently from the CMB. The measured observer-dipole within the redshift shell 0.06 < z < 0.1 shows convergence with the CMB temperature dipole. In the CMB inertial frame at the same scale, no significant bulk-flow is detected.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / In this paper, based on the parallel move equivalent sequence of m sequence ,one type of CDM
telemetry system is issued. Also the method for anti multi-path interference(MPI) of the system is
proposed and its performance is analyzed. We proved that this system not only holds the merits
which are inherent in common spread-spectrum communication system, but also has better
transmission efficiency.
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Clean Development Mechanism - Key to the future? : A minor field study of organizations working in rural areas in Vietnam with renewable energy sources.Ewerton, Maria, Åkerblom, Linus January 2010 (has links)
<p>A scholarship from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) made it possible for the authors to collect primary data on location in Vietnam. Through a study of three organizations we aimed to create an understanding of the Clean Development Mechanism.</p><p>Despite all the natural resources and the potential of renewable energy in Vietnam, a large percent of the electricity production comes from coal and other sources that contribute to carbon dioxide emissions. However, there are organizations working nationwide with implementing renewable energy projects and educating the Vietnamese. Since the birth of carbon market in connection with the Kyoto Protocol new possibilities have emerged as e.g the Clean Development Mechanism. For example high quality carbon offsetting companies are working on projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to study and describe how three organizations are working with renewable energy in rural areas in Vietnam and their connection to Clean Development Mechanism.</p><p>We have carried out an explorative study with an inductive approach. Our three semi-structured interviews were conducted as personal interviews at location in Vietnam. We also had two informative meetings, also in Vietnam. Beyond, we had e-mail correspondents with a number of professionals in their field.</p><p>Due to the heavy bureaucracy the Governmental process rate is slow, which are making projects such as in the area of renewable energy difficult to initiate. Also the Governmental interest in renewable energy as a source of generating electricity is limited. However, new policies are on the agenda which might increase the support for organisations working towards a sustainable development.</p>
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Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaZeng, Lei January 2006 (has links)
<p>China is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world. Since 68% of its primary energy is from coal, China’s average energy intensity is 7.5 times higher than the EU and 4.3 times higher than the US (EU, 2003). Therefore, introducing advanced clean technologies and management to China represents opportunities for Annex I countries to obtain low-cost CERs through CDM projects, and access to one of the largest energy conservation markets in the world.</p><p>The Chinese government considers that the introduction of CDM projects can bring advanced energy technologies and foreign investment to China, thereby helping China’s sustainable development. As energy efficiency is generally low and carbon intensity is high in both China’s energy supply and demand sectors, numerous options exist for cost-effective energy conservation and GHG mitigation with CDM.</p><p>This study has focused on the following areas:</p><p> Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaClean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaChina’s energy development strategy and climate change, how to make CDM work for sustainable development in China?</p><p> CDM projects in China: policies assessment and recommendations for improvement.</p><p> Energy efficiency CDM projects and renewable CDM projects in China: case studies</p><p>Firstly, this thesis reviewed the current CDM developments in China, attentions were given to the renewable energy, energy efficiency and methane capture project opportunities in China.</p><p>Secondly, this study introduced China’s current policy on CDM implementation, and reviewed its permission requirements, institutional arrangements and project procedures. Based on the observations, this study analyzed the current problems and pointed out the shortfalls of the existing Chinese CDM policies and institutional settings. Options to remove these barriers were given as recommendations. This thesis also looked at the problem of that CDM was designed to have double dividends, to reduce the compliance cost of the Annex I countries and to contribute to sustainable development in Non Annex I Parties, but in reality, CDM has caused concerns about whether it could really support sustainable development in host countries. This study analyzed the reasons underpin this problem.</p><p>Thirdly, based on the analysis made on energy efficiency and renewable CDM project development in China, case study was given on China’s landfill gas to energy project. This study analyzed the perspective of GHG mitigation through landfill gas capture and utilization in China, its opportunities and challenges. Moreover, this study demonstrated how CDM can add value to landfill gas-to-energy projects in China.</p>
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Potencial de geração de créditos de carbono e perspectivas de modernização do setor sucroalcooleiro do Estado de São Paulo através do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo / Potential Carbon Credits Generation and Modernization Perspectives of the São Paulo State Sugarcane Sector trough the Clean Development MechanismLora, Beatriz Acquaro 18 December 2008 (has links)
A necessidade mundial de mitigação dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE) e a mobilização internacional para atingir os objetivos de redução estabelecidos pela Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas para Mudanças Climáticas (CQNUMC) deram abertura para que finalmente as energias renováveis pudessem ser utilizadas e aumentassem sua parcela na matriz energética mundial. No Brasil, a sólida indústria sucroalcooleira atualmente desenvolve projetos de redução de emissões de carbono no âmbito do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) do Protocolo de Quioto, por meio de 18 projetos baseados na geração de energia elétrica renovável excedente através da cogeração, com exportação para a rede elétrica nacional, deslocando energia marginal termelétrica de origem fóssil, em apenas 20 unidades produtoras paulistas. Neste trabalho foi projetado um cenário ideal de reduções de emissões, que considerou a adesão total de 151 usinas paulistas para a safra de 2006/2007, para cinco cenários patamares tecnológicos de cogeração, com queima de bagaco e também aproveitamento da palha. Foi utilizando os parâmetros tecnológicos elaborados pela Comissão Especial de Bioenergia do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e o fator de linha de base de 0,268 tCO2e/MWh adotado pelos projetos de MDL em operação no Estado de São Paulo. No cenário tecnológico mais conservador as emissões evitadas somariam 1.404.593 tCO2e/ano. Para o cenário ideal as emissões evitadas somam 12.199.443 tCO2e/ano. Para composição do cenário ideal também foram calculadas as emissões referentes à queima da palha da cana-de-açúcar. / The world-wide necessity of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) mitigation and the intergovernmental mobilization to reach the objectives established by the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has opened space for the renewable energy increase in the worlds energy matrix. In Brazil, the solid sugarcane industry currently develops business in the scope of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyotos Protocol, by means of 18 biomass-based projects, with renewable energy generation through bagasse cogeneration at 20 São Paulo States sugarcane production units. The projects activitys consists of increasing the efficiency in the bagasse cogeneration facilities, qualifying the units to sell surplus electricity to the national grid, avoiding the dispatch of same amount of energy produced by fossil-fuelled thermal plants to that grid. The reduced emissions are measured in carbon equivalent and can be converted into negotiable credits. The objective of this dissertation was to build a state of art scenario, calculating the potential emissions reduction through CDM projects for the sugarcane sector of São Paulo State, in which we consider the adherence of all the production units of the State to the CDM projects. The technological parameters used to elaborate the scenario were provided by the São Paulo State Government Bioenergy Special Commission and the baseline factor used of 0,268 tCO2e/MWh was that adopted by the CDM projects in operation in the State. The sugarcane database for the calculations was the production ranking provided by UNICA for the 2006/2007 season. In the most conservative scenario 131 units could avoid the emission of 1.404.593 tCO2e/year. For state of art scenario, the units could avoid 12.199.443 tCO2e/year. Also have been calculated the sugarcane straw burning emission for the sugarcane harvested in 2006/2007 season.
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