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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de regressão log-gama generalizado exponenciado com dados censurados / The log-exponentiated generalized gamma regression model with censored data

Epaminondas de Vasconcellos Couto 22 February 2010 (has links)
No presente trabalho, e proposto um modelo de regressão utilizando a distribuição gama generalizada exponenciada (GGE) para dados censurados, esta nova distribuição e uma extensão da distribuição gama generalizada. A distribuição GGE (CORDEIRO et al., 2009) que tem quatro parâmetros pode modelar dados de sobrevivência quando a função de risco tem forma crescente, decrescente, forma de U e unimodal. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma expansão natural da distribuição GGE para dados censurados, esta distribuição desperta o interesse pelo fato de representar uma família paramétrica que possui como casos particulares outras distribuições amplamente utilizadas na analise de dados de tempo de vida, como as distribuições gama generalizada (STACY, 1962), Weibull, Weibull exponenciada (MUDHOLKAR et al., 1995, 1996), exponencial exponenciada (GUPTA; KUNDU, 1999, 2001), Rayleigh generalizada (KUNDU; RAKAB, 2005), dentre outras, e mostra-se útil na discriminação entre alguns modelos probabilísticos alternativos. Considerando dados censurados, e abordado o método de máxima verossimilhança para estimar os parâmetros do modelo proposto. Outra proposta deste trabalho e introduzir um modelo de regressão log-gama generalizado exponenciado com efeito aleatório. Por fim, são apresentadas três aplicações para ilustrar a distribuição proposta. / In the present study, we propose a regression model using the exponentiated generalized gama (EGG) distribution for censored data, this new distribution is an extension of the generalized gama distribution. The EGG distribution (CORDEIRO et al., 2009) that has four parameters it can model survival data when the risk function is increasing, decreasing, form of U and unimodal-shaped. In this work comes to a natural expansion of the EGG distribution for censored data, is awake distribution the interest for the fact of representing a parametric family that has, as particular cases, other distributions which are broadly used in lifetime data analysis, as the generalized gama (STACY, 1962), Weibull, exponentiated Weibull (MUDHOLKAR et al., 1995, 1996), exponentiated exponential (GUPTA; KUNDU, 1999, 2001), generalized Rayleigh (KUNDU; RAKAB, 2005), among others, and it is shown useful in the discrimination among some models alternative probabilistics. Considering censored data, the maximum likelihood estimator is considered for the proposed model parameters. Another proposal of this work was to introduce a log-exponentiated generalized gamma regression model with random eect. Finally, three applications were presented to illustrate the proposed distribution.

Extensões dos modelos de regressão quantílica bayesianos / Extensions of bayesian quantile regression models

Bruno Ramos dos Santos 29 April 2016 (has links)
Esta tese visa propor extensões dos modelos de regressão quantílica bayesianos, considerando dados de proporção com inflação de zeros, e também dados censurados no zero. Inicialmente, é sugerida uma análise de observações influentes, a partir da representação por mistura localização-escala da distribuição Laplace assimétrica, em que as distribuições a posteriori das variáveis latentes são comparadas com o intuito de identificar possíveis observações aberrantes. Em seguida, é proposto um modelo de duas partes para analisar dados de proporção com inflação de zeros ou uns, estudando os quantis condicionais e a probabilidade da variável resposta ser igual a zero. Além disso, são propostos modelos de regressão quantílica bayesiana para dados contínuos com um componente discreto no zero, em que parte dessas observações é suposta censurada. Esses modelos podem ser considerados mais completos na análise desse tipo de dados, uma vez que a probabilidade de censura é verificada para cada quantil de interesse. E por último, é considerada uma aplicação desses modelos com correlação espacial, para estudar os dados da eleição presidencial no Brasil em 2014. Nesse caso, os modelos de regressão quantílica são capazes de incorporar essa informação espacial a partir do processo Laplace assimétrico. Para todos os modelos propostos foi desenvolvido um pacote do software R, que está exemplificado no apêndice. / This thesis aims to propose extensions of Bayesian quantile regression models, considering proportion data with zero inflation, and also censored data at zero. Initially, it is suggested an analysis of influential observations, based on the location-scale mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution, where the posterior distribution of the latent variables are compared with the goal of identifying possible outlying observations. Next, a two-part model is proposed to analyze proportion data with zero or one inflation, studying the conditional quantile and the probability of the response variable being equal to zero. Following, Bayesian quantile regression models are proposed for continuous data with a discrete component at zero, where part of these observations are assumed censored. These models may be considered more complete in the analysis of this type of data, as the censoring probability varies with the quantiles of interest. For last, it is considered an application of these models with spacial correlation, in order to study the data about the last presidential election in Brazil in 2014. In this example, the quantile regression models are able to incorporate spatial dependence with the asymmetric Laplace process. For all the proposed models it was developed a R package, which is exemplified in the appendix.

Estimation adaptative avec des données transformées ou incomplètes. Application à des modèles de survie / Adaptive estimation with warped or incomplete data. Application to survival analysis

Chagny, Gaëlle 05 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente divers problèmes d'estimation fonctionnelle adaptative par sélection d'estimateurs en projection ou à noyaux, utilisant des critères inspirés à la fois de la sélection de modèles et des méthodes de Lepski. Le point commun de nos travaux est l'utilisation de données transformées et/ou incomplètes. La première partie est consacrée à une procédure d'estimation par "déformation'', dont la pertinence est illustrée pour l'estimation des fonctions suivantes : régression additive et multiplicative, densité conditionnelle, fonction de répartition dans un modèle de censure par intervalle, risque instantané pour des données censurées à droite. Le but est de reconstruire une fonction à partir d'un échantillon de couples aléatoires (X,Y). Nous utilisons les données déformées (ф(X),Y) pour proposer des estimateurs adaptatifs, où ф est une fonction bijective que nous estimons également (par exemple la fonction de répartition de X). L'intérêt est double : d'un point de vue théorique, les estimateurs ont des propriétés d'optimalité au sens de l'oracle ; d'un point de vue pratique, ils sont explicites et numériquement stables. La seconde partie s'intéresse à un problème à deux échantillons : nous comparons les distributions de deux variables X et Xₒ au travers de la densité relative, définie comme la densité de la variable Fₒ(X) (Fₒ étant la répartition de Xₒ). Nous construisons des estimateurs adaptatifs, à partir d'un double échantillon de données, possiblement censurées. Des bornes de risque non-asymptotiques sont démontrées, et des vitesses de convergences déduites. / This thesis presents various problems of adaptive functional estimation, using projection and kernel methods, and criterions inspired both by model selection and Lepski's methods. The common point of the studied statistical setting is to deal with transformed and/or incomplete data. The first part proposes a method of estimation with a "warping" device which permits to handle the estimation of functions such as additive and multiplicative regression, conditional density, hazard rate based on randomly right-censored data, and cumulative distribution function from current-status data. The aim is to estimate a function from a sample of random variable (X,Y). We use the warped data (ф(X),Y), to propose adaptive estimators, where ф is a one-to-one function that we also estimate (e.g. the cumulative distribution function of X). The interest is twofold. From the theoretical point of view, the estimators are optimal in the oracle sense. From the practical point of view, they can be easily computed, thanks to their simple explicit expression. The second part deals with a two-sample problem : we compare the distribution of two variables X and Xₒ by studying the relative density, defined as the density of Fₒ(X) (Fₒ is the c.d.f. of Xₒ). We build adaptive estimators, from a double data-sample, possibly censored. Non-asymptotic risk bounds are proved, and convergence rates are also derived.

Maintien en conditions opérationnelles pour une flotte de véhicules : étude de la non stabilité des flux de rechange dans le temps / Maintenance, repair and operations for a fleet of vehicles : study of the non-stability of the flow of spares over time

Ducros, Florence 26 June 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une démarche méthodologique permettant de simuler le besoin en équipement de rechange pour une flotte de véhicules. Les systèmes se dégradent avec l’âge ou l’usage, et sont défaillants lorsqu’ils ne remplissent plus leur mission. L’usager a alors besoin d’une assurance que le système soit opérationnel pendant sa durée de vie utile. Un contrat de soutien oblige ainsi l’industriel à remédier à une défaillance et à maintenir le système en condition opérationnelle durant la durée du contrat. Ces dernières années, la mondialisation et l’évolution rapide des technologies obligent les constructeurs à proposer des offres de contrat de maintenance bien au-delà de la vie utile des équipements. La gestion de contrat de soutien ou d’extension de soutien requiert la connaissance de la durée de vie des équipements, mais aussi des conditions d’usages des véhicules, dépendant du client. L’analyse des retours clientèle ou des RetEx est alors un outil important d’aide à la décision pour l’industriel. Cependant ces données ne sont pas homogènes et sont très fortement censurées, ce qui rend les estimations difficiles. La plupart du temps, cette variabilité n’est pas observée mais doit cependant être prise en compte sous peine d’erreur de décision. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de modéliser l’hétérogénéité des durées de vie par un modèle de mélange et de concurrence de deux lois de Weibull. On propose une méthode d’estimation des paramètres capable d’être performante malgré la forte présence de données censurées.Puis, nous faisons appel à une méthode de classification non supervisée afin d’identifier des profils d’utilisation des véhicules. Cela nous permet alors de simuler les besoins en pièces de rechange pour une flotte de véhicules pour la durée du contrat ou pour une extension de contrat. / This thesis gathers methodologicals contributions to simulate the need of replacement equipment for a vehile fleet. Systems degrade with age or use, and fail when they do not fulfill their mission. The user needs an assurance that the system is operational during its useful life. A support contract obliges the manufacturer to remedy a failure and to keep the system in operational condition for the duration of the MCO contract.The management of support contracts or the extension of support requires knowledge of the equipment lifetime and also the uses condition of vehicles, which depends on the customer. The analysis of customer returns or RetEx is then an important tool to help support the decision of the industrial. In reliability or warranty analysis, engineers must often deal with lifetimes data that are non-homogeneous. Most of the time, this variability is unobserved but has to be taken into account for reliability or warranty cost analysis.A further problem is that in reliability analysis, the data is heavily censored which makes estimations more difficult. We propose to consider the heterogeneity of lifetimes by a mixture and competition model of two Weibull laws. Unfortunately, the performance of classical estimation methods (maximum of likelihood via EM, Bayes approach via MCMC) is jeopardized due to the high number of parameters and the heavy censoring.To overcome the problem of heavy censoring for Weibull mixture parameters estimation, we propose a Bayesian bootstrap method, called Bayesian RestorationMaximization.We use an unsupervised clustering method to identify the profiles of vehicle uses. Our method allows to simulate the needs of spare parts for a vehicles fleet for the duration of the contract or for a contract extension.

Rozdělení extrémních hodnot a jejich aplikace / Extreme Value Distributions with Applications

Fusek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on extreme value distributions and their applications. Firstly, basics of the extreme value theory for one-dimensional observations are summarized. Using the limit theorem for distribution of maximum, three extreme value distributions (Gumbel, Fréchet, Weibull) are introduced and their domains of attraction are described. Two models for parametric functions estimation based on the generalized extreme value distribution (block maxima model) and the generalized Pareto distribution (threshold model) are introduced. Parameters estimates of these distributions are derived using the method of maximum likelihood and the probability weighted moment method. Described methods are used for analysis of the rainfall data in the Brno Region. Further attention is paid to Gumbel class of distributions, which is frequently used in practice. Methods for statistical inference of multiply left-censored samples from exponential and Weibull distribution considering the type I censoring are developed and subsequently used in the analysis of synthetic musk compounds concentrations. The last part of the thesis deals with the extreme value theory for two-dimensional observations. Demonstrational software for the extreme value distributions was developed as a part of this thesis.

A nova família de distribuições odd log-logística: teoria e aplicações / The new family of odd log-logistic distributions: theory and applications

Cruz, José Nilton da 18 February 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma nova família de distribuições, a qual permite modelar dados de sobrevivência quando a função de risco tem formas unimodal e U (banheira). Ainda, foram consideradas as modificações das distribuições Weibull, Fréchet, half-normal generalizada, log-logística e lognormal. Tomando dados não-censurados e censurados, considerou-se os estimadores de máxima verossimilhança para o modelo proposto, a fim de verificar a flexibilidade da nova família. Além disso, um modelo de regressão locação-escala foi utilizado para verificar a influência de covariáveis nos tempos de sobrevida. Adicionalmente, conduziu-se uma análise de resíduos baseada nos resíduos deviance modificada. Estudos de simulação, utilizando-se de diferentes atribuições dos parâmetros, porcentagens de censura e tamanhos amostrais, foram conduzidos com o objetivo de verificar a distribuição empírica dos resíduos tipo martingale e deviance modificada. Para detectar observações influentes, foram utilizadas medidas de influência local, que são medidas de diagnóstico baseadas em pequenas perturbações nos dados ou no modelo proposto. Podem ocorrer situações em que a suposição de independência entre os tempos de falha e censura não seja válida. Assim, outro objetivo desse trabalho é considerar o mecanismo de censura informativa, baseado na verossimilhança marginal, considerando a distribuição log-odd log-logística Weibull na modelagem. Por fim, as metodologias descritas são aplicadas a conjuntos de dados reais. / In this study, a new family of distributions was proposed, which allows to model survival data when the function of risk has unimodal shapes and U (bathtub). Modifications of the Weibull, Fréchet, generalized half-normal, log-logistic and lognormal distributions were considered. Taking censored and non-censored data, we consider the maximum likelihood estimators for the proposed model, in order to check the flexibility of the new family. Also, it was considered a location-scale regression model, to verify the influence of covariates on survival times. Additionally, a residual analysis was conducted based on modified deviance residuals. For different parameters fixed, percentages of censoring and sample sizes, several simulation studies were performed with the objective of verify the empirical distribution of the martingale type and modified deviance residuals. To detect influential observations, measures of local influence were used, which are diagnostic measures based on small perturbations in the data or in the proposed model. It can occur situations in which the assumption of independence between the failure and censoring times is not valid. Thus, another objective of this work is to consider the informative censoring mechanism based on the marginal likelihood, considering the log-odd log-logistic Weibull distribution in modelling. Finally, the methodologies described are applied to sets of real data.

應用存活分析在微陣列資料的基因表面定型之探討 / Gene Expression Profiling with Survival Analysis on Microarray Data

張仲凱, Chang,Chunf-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
如何藉由DNA微陣列資料跟存活資料的資訊來找出基因表現定型一直是個重要的議題。這些研究的主要目標是從大量的基因中找出那些真正跟存活時間或其它重要的臨床結果有顯著關係的小部分。Threshold Gradient Directed Regularization (TGDR)是ㄧ種已經被應用在高維度迴歸問題中能同時處理變數選取以及模型配適的演算法。然而,TGDR採用一種梯度投影型態的演算法使得收斂速率緩慢。在本篇論文中,我們建議新的包含Newton-Raphson求解演算法類型的改良版TGDR方法。我們建議的方法有類似TGDR的特性但卻有比較快的收斂速率。文中並利用一筆附有設限存活時間的真實微陣列癌症資料來做示範。 本篇論文的第二部份是關於適用於區間設限存活資料的重複抽樣Peto-Peto檢定。這個重複抽樣Peto-Peto檢定能夠評估存活函數估計方法的檢定力,例如Turnbull的估計方法以及Kaplan-Meier的估計方法。這個檢定方法顯示出在區間設限資料時Kaplan-Meier的估計方法的檢定力要比Turnbull的估計方法的檢定力來得低。這個檢定方法將以模擬的區間設限資料以及一筆真實關於乳癌研究的區間設限資料來說明。 / Analyzing censored survival data with high-dimensional covariates arising from the microarray data has been an important issue. The main goal is to find genes that have pivotal influence with patient's survival time or other important clinical outcomes. Threshold Gradient Directed Regularization (TGDR) method has been used for simultaneous variable selection and model building in high-dimensional regression problems. However, the TGDR method adopts a gradient-projection type of method and would have slow convergence rate. In this thesis, we proposed Modified TGDR algorithms which incorporate Newton-Raphson type of search algorithm. Our proposed approaches have the similar characteristics with TGDR but faster convergence rates. A real cancer microarray data with censored survival times is used for demonstration. The second part of this thesis is about a proposed resampling based Peto-Peto test for survival functions on interval censored data. The proposed resampling based Peto-Peto test can evaluate the power of survival function estimation methods, such as Turnbull’s Procedure and Kaplan-Meier estimate. The test shows that the power based on Kaplan-Meier estimate is lower than that based on Turnbull’s estimation on interval censored data. This proposed test is demonstrated on simulated data and a real interval censored data from a breast cancer study.

Ein semiparametrisches Verfahren zur Planung und Auswertung von Nichtunterlegenheitsstudien im Cox-Modell / A semiparametric method for planning and evaluating non-inferiority trials in the Cox model framework

Kombrink, Karola 10 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.


吳雅婷, Wu,Ya-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文所探討的中心為貝氏模型運用於加速壽命試驗,並且假設受測項目之壽命服從Weibull分配。加速實驗環境有三種,其中第二種環境代表正常狀態,採用加速壽命試驗的方式涵蓋了三種:固定應力、漸進之逐步應力和變量曲線之逐步應力。對於先驗參數,並不是直接給予特定的值,而是透過專家評估,給定各種環境之下的產品可靠度之中位數或百分位數,再利用這些資訊經過數值運算解出先驗參數。資料的型態分成兩種,一為區間資料,另一為型一設限資料,透過蒙地卡羅法模擬出後驗分配,並且估計正常環境狀態的可靠度。 / This article develops a Bayes inference model for accelerated life testing assuming failure times at each stress level are Weibull distributed. Using the approach, there are three stressed to be used, and the three testing scenarios to be adapted are as follows:fixed-stress, progressive step-stress and profile step-stress. Prior information is used to indirectly define a multivariate prior distribution for the scale parameters at the various stress levels. The inference procedure accommodates both the interval data sampling strategy and type I censored sampling strategy for the collection of ALT test data. The inference procedure uses the well-known Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to derive posterior approximations.

Modelling of extremes

Hitz, Adrien January 2016 (has links)
This work focuses on statistical methods to understand how frequently rare events occur and what the magnitude of extreme values such as large losses is. It lies in a field called extreme value analysis whose scope is to provide support for scientific decision making when extreme observations are of particular importance such as in environmental applications, insurance and finance. In the univariate case, I propose new techniques to model tails of discrete distributions and illustrate them in an application on word frequency and multiple birth data. Suitably rescaled, the limiting tails of some discrete distributions are shown to converge to a discrete generalized Pareto distribution and generalized Zipf distribution respectively. In the multivariate high-dimensional case, I suggest modeling tail dependence between random variables by a graph such that its nodes correspond to the variables and shocks propagate through the edges. Relying on the ideas of graphical models, I prove that if the variables satisfy a new notion called asymptotic conditional independence, then the density of the joint distribution can be simplified and expressed in terms of lower dimensional functions. This generalizes the Hammersley- Clifford theorem and enables us to infer tail distributions from observations in reduced dimension. As an illustration, extreme river flows are modeled by a tree graphical model whose structure appears to recover almost exactly the actual river network. A fundamental concept when studying limiting tail distributions is regular variation. I propose a new notion in the multivariate case called one-component regular variation, of which Karamata's and the representation theorem, two important results in the univariate case, are generalizations. Eventually, I turn my attention to website visit data and fit a censored copula Gaussian graphical model allowing the visualization of users' behavior by a graph.

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