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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řežou si bobři pod sebou větev? Analýza dosahování potravy z dlouhodobé perspektivy / Longterm analysis of beaver foraging - Do beavers sawing off the branch on which they are sitting?

Bartoň, Marian January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the analysis of eurasian beavers foraging behaviour and their strategy of getting food in the long-term perspective. First part (theoretical) of the thesis contains an explanation of the theory of the central place foraging, animal selective behaviour when food is selected and central place foraging influence on trees fertility. In this part is also mentioned the predation risk or how does the beaver perceives competitive pressure from other animals, and factors that can cause the change in population density of beaver colonies. The objective of this work is to determine the effect of long-term beaver populating on the volume of comsumed biomass and expanse of the territory, and a comparison of these results with one another in terms of different times of occupated territories. The second part describes the methodical procedure of the field survey. Data I collected from the areas of Šumava, Český les and South Moravia. I tried to find out, how the beaver´s foraging behaviour is induced depending on time inhabiting the territory and on increasing distance from the shore. This research shows that the beaver trips for food increases with age of occupation in 7-10 years and then the distance of tree cuts declined again from the shore. The volume of consumed biomass in reliance of increasing time of beaver occupation also decline and the most favoured tree species was an oak tree for which beavers were willing to walk long distances. The results of the simple analysis are presented as a measurement for both the entire region and also for each territory.

Central Place Theory in Perth and Huron Counties, Ontario: An Attempt at an Application of Christaller's Theory

Koblyk, George Ronald 10 1900 (has links)
No abstract was provided. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)


Glaab, Paul January 1966 (has links)
This thesis attempts to perform a comprehensive review on central place theory, a theory which describes the formation and distribution of cities and other settlements in the modern urban world. / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Sudbury: A Historical Case Study of Multiple Urban-Economic Transformation

Saarinen, Oiva January 1990 (has links)
Sudbury serves as a relevant historical case study of a settlement that has undergone several transformations since its inception as a fledgling village in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Though changes of this kind have been frequent in Ontario, they have not normally happened to hinterland resource communities. This article suggests that Sudbury is unique in this regard, having evolved through five distinct stages: (I) a railway company village, (2) a colonial-frontier mining town and city, (3) a regional central-place, (4) a declining metropolis, and (5) a nearly selfsustaining community. The constant restructuring of Sudbury's society and economic base has been caused by a variety of external and internal forces, among which the "human dynamic" has been vital and ever present. The paper suggests that under certain circumstances a resource community can progress from a staples and boom-bust existence to a more sustainable urban economy based on local and regional influences.

Ett starkt och heligt landskap : Centralplats och kosmologi under järnåldern

Nordström, Karl- Erik January 2018 (has links)
Karl- Erik Nordström 2018. A strong and sacred Landscape. Central Places and Cosmology during the Iron Age   This study intends to address a specific aspect of the landscape, not only as something that can be linked to economic, political and legal factors but also spiritual and cosmological. Much of these thoughts have been taken from certain studies of "the strong landscape" that shape the beliefs and identities. Such ethnoarchaeological approach has grown to a great extent in recent decades and is represented internationally by several authors from the 70s and 80s, who in their Bronze Age studies highlight the importance of contemporary world of imagination.   Something that characterized much of the research tradition in the period after 1945 is building history and research around central places. The central site concept, which includes "a place of specific qualities", was not developed until the 1970s.   One thing that can not be avoided in this case is the adaptation to the harsh climate and the environmental problems that develop during the Iron Age, which in many cases have been devastating but can also involve reorganization, better use of resources and a more centralized structure. The emerging economic, political, legal and religious centers that the central places make up can be seen as an expression of this. Here, spiritual and cosmological performances about landscapes, towns, farms and houses have also been developed.   This aspect of the landscape as a cosmological unit I intend to study closer to the rich iron age community in Sundhede outside Hudiksvall. Here, a number of villages and smaller regions are grouped around a high-rise city center and here we also find outfields, which extract the substance that had an important significance during this time and also gave a spiritual cosmological significance, namely the iron. With this I hope to contribute to further knowledge of the role played by the landscape during the Iron Age, not least metaphysical.

Assessing the Accessibility of Police Services in Sweden

Stassen, Richard January 2018 (has links)
Providing a nation’s citizens with timely and effective police services is a complex task, particularly in rural areas where limited resources must be allocated across vast, sparsely populated areas—to date, little research has sought to understand this process. The aim of this thesis is to assess the accessibility of police services in Sweden. Central place theory (CPT) serves as a theoretical framework for understanding how police services are spatially arranged. Differences in accessibility are evaluated with respect to two low-mobility groups—older adults, and women. This thesis employs open data provided by the Swedish police, Statistics Sweden (SCB), and Eurostat. Geographic information systems (GIS) are used to perform network analyses by which drive-times to police stations are calculated. Group differences in accessibility are examined by comparing average drive-times between areas where standardized population ratios (SPR) reveal differences in group representation. Results show that the spatial structure of police services resembles CPT’s prediction in that important services are widely distributed, whereas specialized services are found in more central cities. However, the observations do not perfectly adhere to the theoretical structure, implying that factors exogenous to CPT have some role in determining service point locations. Regarding accessibility, older adults tend to be overrepresented in areas far from police stations, suggesting lower levels of access to the services they offer. Sex was not found to be a significant factor influencing access, except in that men tend to be overrepresented in remote parts of northern Sweden. / Att tillhandahålla effektiva och lägliga polistjänster är en komplex uppgift för ett lands medborgare, särskilt på landsbygden där begränsade resurser måste tilldelas över omfattande och glesbefolkade områden— hittills har lite forskning eftersträvat att förstå denna process. Målet av denna avhandling är att bedöma den rumsliga strukturen och tillgängligheten av polistjänster i Sverige. Teorin känd som "Central place theory (CPT)" fungerar som en teoretisk ram för att förstå hur polistjänster är rumsligt anordnade. Skillnader i tillgänglighet bedöms med avseende på två grupper med låg rörlighet- äldre vuxna och kvinnor. Denna avhandling använder öppna data tillhandahållna av svensk polis, Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB), och Eurostat. Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) används för att utföra nätverksanalyser genom vilka körtider till polisstationer beräknas. Gruppskillnader i tillgänglighet utvärderas genom att jämföra genomsnittliga körtider mellan områden där standardiserade befolkningsförhållanden, eller "standardized population ratios", (SPR), avslöjar skillnader i grupprepresentation. Resultat visar att den rumsliga strukturen av polistjänster liknar CPTs förutsägelse att viktiga tjänster är allmänt fördelade, medan specialiserade tjänster kan hittas i mer centrala städer. Däremot håller inte observationerna helt fast vid den teoretiska strukturen, vilket innebär att faktorer som är exogena till CPT har en viss roll i att bestämma tjänstlägen. När det gäller tillgänglighet, brukar äldre vuxna vara överrepresenterade i områden långt från polisstationer, vilket tyder på lägre nivåer av tillgänglighet till tjänsterna de erbjuder. Kön befanns inte vara en betydande faktor som påverkar tillgänglighet, förutom att män tenderar att vara överrepresenterade i avlägsna norra områden.

An Application of the Nearest Neighbour Technique: Patterns of Urban Places in Southern Saskatchewan

Ingram, David Richard 05 1900 (has links)
The patterns of certain groups of urban places, selected on the basis of population size and area location, in southern Saskatchewan are classified by the use of the nearest neighbour technique. Through a study of the variations within the overall pattern, which are revealed by differences in the derived pattern statistic, a partial contribution is made to the understanding of the distributive process that underlies the observed settlement pattern. Explanations for the variations in the nature of the spatial arrangement of the various groups of places are suggested through the use of multivariate analysis, and by reference to theoretical and empirical works in the field of Central Place Theory. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Application of the Central Place Theory In a Modern Metropolitan Area to Determine Current Centrality Patterns: Case Study of Cincinnati, Ohio

McLaughlin, Brayden M. 07 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Main Street's Changing as a Central Place, an Economic Center, and a Neighborhood: Regionalization, Retail Trade, and Applying the New Urbanism

Tufts, Craig J. 09 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Succès de la reproduction de prédateurs en contexte de changements climatiques et de la dynamique océanique – Application aux « central place foragers » des zones australes, approche par la modélisation individu centrée / Top predator breeding success in the context of climate change and ocean dynamics – Application to central place foragers of austral polar zone, an individual based modeling approach

Massardier-Galatà, Lauriane 10 July 2017 (has links)
Les changements climatiques ont un impact certain sur les écosystèmes marins. Un déplacement vers le sud des principaux systèmes de front servant de sites de nourrissage pour de nombreuses espèces de prédateurs supérieurs est susceptible de se produire dans les zones subantarctiques. Les « central place foragers », tels que les pinnipèdes, sont susceptibles de faire face à une augmentation de la distance entre leurs lieux d'alimentation et leurs colonies d'élevage. Nous avons étudié l’impact des changements climatiques sur le succès d’élevage et la dynamique de population des otaries à fourrure (Arctocephalus gazella) des Îles Kerguelen par le biais du développement du modèle individu centré, MarCPFS (Marine Central Place Foragers Simulator) qui montre que la survie du couple femelle-jeune est particulièrement sensible à la répartition des proies (abondance et structure), à la capacité de mémorisation des meilleurs sites de nourrissages trouvés par la femelle pendant la période d'élevage, à la taille des femelles et à la distance qu'il faut parcourir pour trouver la ressource. Les résultats suggèrent qu’au cours des trois prochaines décennies un déplacement vers le sud supérieur à 2km an 1 pourrait compromettre la survie et la durabilité des populations. Un couplage avec un modèle de simulation de la dynamique océanique et de la ressource (SEAPODYM) a permis des projections jusqu’à la fin de ce siècle basées sur le scénarios RCP8.5 du GIEC (2014), confirmant les tendances mises à jour précédemment. Ces travaux montrent que les perspectives de maintien des populations sont pessimistes y compris en envisageant une adaptation de la taille des individus. / Climate change has certain impact on the marine ecosystems. A southward shift in productive frontal systems serving as the main foraging sites for many top predator species is likely to occur in the Subantarctic areas. Central place foragers, as seabirds and pinnipeds, are thus likely to cope with an increase in the distance between foraging locations and their land-based breeding colonies. We studied the impact of climate change on the breeding success and population dynamics of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at Kerguelen Islands by means of an individual based model we developped, MarCPFS (Marine Central Place Foragers Simulator) which showed that the survival of the female-pup pair is particularly sensitive to the distribution of preys (abundance and structure), to the memorization abilities of the best resource sites found by the female during the rearing period, to the female size and to the foraging distance which it is necessary to cover at each trip. The results suggest that during the next three decades a southward shift greater than 2 km year-1 could compromise the survival and the sustainability of the populations. A coupling with a model of simulation of the oceanic dynamics and the resource (SEAPODYM) allowed projections till the end of this century based on scenarios RCP8.5 of the IPCC (2014), confirming the trends previously obtained. Globally, these works lead us to conclude with pessimistic perspectives about the sustainability of populations even when considering an evolution through time towards individuals of greater sizes.

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