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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paralelizando unidades de cache hierárquicas para roteadores ICN

Mansilha, Rodrigo Brandão January 2017 (has links)
Um desafio fundamental em ICN (do inglês Information-Centric Networking) é desenvolver Content Stores (ou seja, unidades de cache) que satisfaçam três requisitos: espaço de armazenamento grande, velocidade de operação rápida e custo acessível. A chamada Hierarchical Content Store (HCS) é uma abordagem promissora para atender a esses requisitos. Ela explora a correlação temporal entre requisições para prever futuras solicitações. Por exemplo, assume-se que um usuário que solicita o primeiro minuto de um filme também solicitará o segundo minuto. Teoricamente, essa premissa permitiria transferir proativamente conteúdos de uma área de cache relativamente grande, mas lenta (Layer 2 - L2), para uma área de cache mais rápida, porém menor (Layer 1 - L1). A estrutura hierárquica tem potencial para incrementar o desempenho da CS em uma ordem de grandeza tanto em termos de vazão como de tamanho, mantendo o custo. Contudo, o desenvolvimento de HCS apresenta diversos desafios práticos. É necessário acoplar as hierarquias de memória L2 e L1 considerando as suas taxas de transferência e tamanhos, que dependem tanto de aspectos de hardware (por exemplo, taxa de leitura da L2, uso de múltiplos SSD físicos em paralelo, velocidade de barramento, etc.), como de software (por exemplo, controlador do SSD, gerenciamento de memória, etc.). Nesse contexto, esta tese apresenta duas contribuições principais. Primeiramente, é proposta uma arquitetura para superar os gargalos inerentes ao sistema através da paralelização de múltiplas HCS. Em resumo, o esquema proposto supera desafios inerentes à concorrência (especificamente, sincronismo) através do particionamento determinístico das requisições de conteúdos entre múltiplas threads. Em segundo lugar, é proposta uma metodologia para investigar o desenvolvimento de HCS explorando técnicas de emulação e modelagem analítica conjuntamente. A metodologia proposta apresenta vantagens em relação a metodologias baseadas em prototipação e simulação. A L2 é emulada para viabilizar a investigação de uma variedade de cenários de contorno (tanto em termos de hardware como de software) maior do que seria possível através de prototipação (considerando as tecnologias atuais). Além disso, a emulação emprega código real de um protótipo para os outros componentes do HCS (por exemplo L1, gerência das camadas e API) para fornecer resultados mais realistas do que seriam obtidos através de simulação. / A key challenge in Information Centric Networking (ICN) is to develop cache units (also called Content Store - CS) that meet three requirements: large storage space, fast operation, and affordable cost. The so-called HCS (Hierarchical Content Store) is a promising approach to satisfy these requirements jointly. It explores the correlation between content requests to predict future demands. Theoretically, this idea would enable proactively content transfers from a relatively large but slow cache area (Layer 2 - L2) to a faster but smaller cache area (Layer 1 - L1). Thereby, it would be possible to increase the throughput and size of CS in one order of magnitude, while keeping the cost. However, the development of HCS introduces several practical challenges. HCS requires a careful coupling of L2 and L1 memory levels considering their transfer rates and sizes. This requirement depends on both hardware specifications (e.g., read rate L2, use of multiple physical SSD in parallel, bus speed, etc.), and software aspects (e.g., the SSD controller, memory management, etc.). In this context, this thesis presents two main contributions. First, we propose an architecture for overcoming the HCS bottlenecks by parallelizing multiple HCS. In summary, the proposed scheme overcomes racing condition related challenges through deterministic partitioning of content requests among multiple threads. Second, we propose a methodology to investigate the development of HCS exploiting emulation techniques and analytical modeling jointly. The proposed methodology offers advantages over prototyping and simulation-based methods. We emulate the L2 to enable the investigation of a variety of boundary scenarios that are richer (regarding both hardware and software aspects) than would be possible through prototyping (considering current technologies). Moreover, the emulation employs real code from a prototype for the other components of the HCS (e.g., L1, layers management and API) to provide more realistic results than would be obtained through simulation.

Taxonomia e distribuiçao do gênero Aulacoseira Thwaites(Bacillariophyta ) no Brasil

Tremarin, Priscila Izabel January 2012 (has links)
O gênero Aulacoseira Thwaites é exclusivo de águas continentais e possui ampla distribuição mundial. As espécies do gênero vêm sendo estudadas, principalmente para regiões temperadas da América do Norte e Europa. Atualmente, Aulacoseira conta com aproximadamente 60 espécies, dentre fósseis e atuais. No Brasil, apenas 17 espécies foram registradas e poucos trabalhos apresentaram informações sobre a ultra-estrutura da frústula. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivos analisar as características morfológicas e estruturais das espécies de Aulacoseira do Brasil e a distribuição geográfica das espécies em ambientes aquáticos brasileiros. O estudo baseou-se em 286 amostras de plâncton e perifíton, procedentes de diversos tipos de ambientes, como rios, lagos, lagoas e reservatórios, abrangendo 24 estados brasileiros. Exemplares de Aulacoseira foram analisados sob microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. Os táxons encontrados foram descritos, mensurados, ilustrados e comentados. Uma chave dicotômica foi providenciada para auxiliar na determinação das espécies e glossário para compreensão das estruturas. A análise do material permitiu a identificação de 23 táxons infragenéricos de Aulacoseira, sendo 18 espécies, três variedades não típicas e duas formas taxonômicas. Dentre estas, seis constituíram novas espécies para ciência (A. brasiliensis, A. calypsi, A. minuscula, A. pantanalensis, A. samariana e A. simoniae) e duas não foram determinadas em nível específico. Aulacoseira pseudoamericana e A. herzogii var. minor constituíram citação pioneira para o Brasil e A. gessneri teve sua ultra-estrutura documentada pela primeira vez. Dos 29 táxons infragenéricos de Aulacoseira já registrados para o Brasil, apenas 13 foram encontrados durante o estudo, alguns táxons foram reidentificados e outros puderam ser revistos devido há ausência de informações complementares nas publicações. Aulacoseira calypsi, A. gessneri, A. pantanalensis, A. pseudoamericana, A. samariana e A. herzogii var. minor apresentaram distribuição restrita à áreas de clima tropical enquanto que Aulacoseira cf. alpigena, A. granulata var. angustissima f. spiralis e Aulacoseira sp.2 ocorreram exclusivamente em regiões subtropicais. O elevado número de novas espécies encontradas ressalta a importância de estudos taxonômicos mais aprofundados para melhor conhecimento das características diacríticas das espécies que ocorrem em ambientes continentais brasileiros. Palavras-chave: ambientes continentais, diatomáceas cêntricas, taxonomia, ultra-estrutura. / The genus Aulacoseira Thwaites is exclusive of continental waters and has worldwide distribution. The species of this genus have been widely studied, mainly to temperate regions of North America and Europe, and the taxa that occur in South America are poorly known. Currently, Aulacoseira has approximately 60 species, among fossil and recent. In Brazil, only 17 species were recorded and few studies presents data on the ultrastructure of the frustule. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the structural and morphological features of the Aulacoseira genus and geographical distribution of species in aquatic environments in Brazil. The study was based on 286 samples of plankton and periphyton, collected in different types of environments such as rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs distributed in 24 states. Specimens of Aulacoseira were examined under light and electron microscopy. The taxa were described, measured, illustrated and discussed. Dichotomous key was provided to assist in determining the species and glossary for understanding the structures described. The analysis allowed the identification of 23 infrageneric taxa of Aulacoseira, with 18 species, three varieties and two non typical taxonomic forms. Among these, six new species for science were found (A. brasiliensis, A. calypsi, A. minuscula, A. pantanalensis, A. samariana e A. simoniae) and two were not determined at specific level. Aulacoseira pseudoamericana and A. herzogii var. minor were first recorded in Brazil and A. gessneri its ultrastructure was first revealed. Of the 29 taxa of Aulacoseira already recorded in Brazil, only 13 were found during the study, some taxa were reidentified and others could not be revised because there is no additional information in publications. Aulacoseira calypsi, A. gessneri, A. pantanalensis, A. pseudoamericana, A. samariana and A. herzogii var. minor present distribution restricted to tropical areas while Aulacoseira cf. alpigena, A. granulata var. angustissima f. spiralis and Aulacoseira sp.2 occurred exclusively in the subtropics.The high number of new species found highlights the importance of more detailed taxonomic studies to improve knowledge of diacritical features of the species occurring in Brazilian environments.

Cyber-Physical Systems Enabled By Unmanned Aerial System-Based Personal Remote Sensing: Data Mission Quality-Centric Design Architectures

Coopmans, Calvin 01 May 2014 (has links)
In the coming 20 years, unmanned aerial data collection will be of great importance to many sectors of civilian life. Of these systems, Personal Remote Sensing (PRS) Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUASs), which are designed for scientic data collection, will need special attention due to their low cost and high value for farming, scientic, and search-andrescue uses, among countless others. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs: large-scale, pervasive automated systems that tightly couple sensing and actuation through technology and the environment) can use sUASs as sensors and actuators, leading to even greater possibilities for benet from sUASs. However, this nascent robotic technology presents as many problems as possibilities due to the challenges surrounding the abilities of these systems to perform safely and eectively for personal, academic, and business use. For these systems, whose missions are dened by the data they are sent to collect, safe and reliable mission quality is of highest importance. Much like the dawning of civil manned aviation, civilian sUAS ights demand privacy, accountability, and other ethical factors for societal integration, while safety of the civilian National Airspace (NAS) is always of utmost importance. While the growing popularity of this technology will drive a great effort to integrate sUASs into the NAS, the only long-term solution to this integration problem is one of proper architecture. In this research, a set of architectural requirements for this integration is presented: the Architecture for Ethical Aerial Information Sensing or AERIS. AERIS provides a cohesive set of requirements for any architecture or set of architectures designed for safe, ethical, accurate aerial data collection. In addition to an overview and showcase of possibilities for sUAS-enabled CPSs, specific examples of AERIS-compatible sUAS architectures using various aerospace design methods are shown. Technical contributions include specic improvements to sUAS payload architecture and control software, inertial navigation and complementary lters, and online energy and health state estimation for lithium-polymer batteries in sUAS missions. Several existing sUASs are proled for their ability to comply with AERIS, and the possibilities of AERIS data-driven missions overall is addressed.

User-centric session et QoS dynamique pour une approche intégrée du NGN

Wu, Yijun 17 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La capacité à assurer la mobilité sans couture avec une E2E QoS sera capitale pour la réussite du NGN (Next Generation Network). Pour ce faire, les verrous à lever que nous avons relevés dans cette thèse se positionnent à l'interconnexion de trois domaines, à savoir : les mobilités, l'hétérogénéité et les préférences utilisateur. Notre première proposition d'ordres organisationnel et fonctionnel, pour laquelle nous préconisons la convergence des trois plans (user, contrôle et gestion) et les fonctionnalités associées. Ainsi nous obtenons une QoS dynamique pour satisfaire l'approche orientée "User-Centric ". Afin de mettre en œuvre la E2E QoS incluant la personnalisation dans la session "User-Centric", nous avons proposé une "Signalisation dynamique d'E2E QoS", qui est d'ordre protocolaire, sur le niveau de service afin de parvenir à la fourniture des services demandés par l'user et de se conformer au SLA. Pour couvrir tout impact de mobilité, nous avons ensuite proposé un " cross layer E2E Session Binding" au sein de notre architecture à quatre niveaux de visibilité (Equipement, Réseau, Service et User). Par le binding nous assurons la cohérence des informations entre les quatre niveaux de visibilité. Au-delà du binding, notre contribution sur la dimension informationnelle a porté sur les profils impliqués dans chaque étape du cycle de vie du service incluant les critères de QoS, les quels fournissent une image générique des composants du système de l'utilisateur et de toutes les ressources ambiantes. Finalement, nous montrons la faisabilité de nos contributions à travers des expérimentations sur notre plate-forme.

Architecting and Innovating

Campbell, Ronald B. Jr. 14 April 2004 (has links)
Innovating is essential to sustained industrial growth and profitability. But experience amply demonstrates how difficult innovation is, especially for large companies. The synthesis of valued offerings by aligning customer needs with technology possibilities lies at the heart of innovation. System architects working at the strategic level are ideally positioned, as a consequence of their experience and training, to play a key and even a leadership role in enabling, energizing, and leading this synthesis. The scope of the architecting effort must include the process architecture of the entire value chain as well as the more conventional product architecture to address all potential wellsprings of innovation. This paper outlines an architecture-centric approach to innovation, based on the concept of the system platform architecture. / Center for Innovation in Product Development, MIT

Transcriptomic Data Analysis Using Graph-Based Out-of-Core Methods

Rogers, Gary L 01 August 2011 (has links)
Biological data derived from high-throughput microarrays can be transformed into finite, simple, undirected graphs and analyzed using tools first introduced by the Langston Lab at the University of Tennessee. Transforming raw data can be broken down into three main tasks: data normalization, generation of similarity metrics, and threshold selection. The choice of methods used in each of these steps effect the final outcome of the graph, with respect to size, density, and structure. A number of different algorithms are examined and analyzed to illustrate the magnitude of the effects. Graph-based tools are then used to extract putative gene networks. These tools are loosely based on the concept of clique, which generates clusters optimized for density. Innovative additions to the paraclique algorithm, developed at the Langston Lab, are introduced to generate results that have highest average correlation or highest density. A new suite of algorithms is then presented that exploits the use of a priori gene interactions. Aptly named the anchored analysis toolkit, these algorithms use known interactions as anchor points for generating subgraphs, which are then analyzed for their graph structure. This results in clusters that might have otherwise been lost in noise. A main product of this thesis is a novel collection of algorithms to generate exact solutions to the maximum clique problem for graphs that are too large to fit within core memory. No other algorithms are currently known that produce exact solutions to this problem for extremely large graphs. A combination of in-core and out-of-core techniques is used in conjunction with a distributed-memory programming model. These algorithms take into consideration such pitfalls as external disk I/O and hardware failure and recovery. Finally, a web-based tool is described that provides researchers access the aforementioned algorithms. The Graph Algorithms Pipeline for Pathway Analysis tool, GrAPPA, was previously developed by the Langston Lab and provides the software needed to take raw microarray data as input and preprocess, analyze, and post-process it in a single package. GrAPPA also provides access to high-performance computing resources, via the TeraGrid.

Aircraft Trajectory Optimization with Tactical Constraints

Norsell, Martin January 2004 (has links)
Aircrafttrajectory optimization is traditionally used forminimizing fuel consumption or time when going from one flightstate to another. This thesis presents a possible approach toincorporate tactical constraints in aircraft trajectoryoptimization. The stealth technology of today focuses on making thetactics already in use more effective. Since tactics andstealth are closely interrelated, new and better results may beobtained if both aspects are considered simultaneously. Simplyreducing the radar cross section area in some directionswithout considering tactical aspects may result in little, ifany, improvement. Flight tests have been performed in cooperation withEricsson Microwave Systems and the Swedish Air Force FlightAcademy. The aircraft used was the subsonic jet trainer Saab105, designated SK60 by the Swedish Air Force. The results showa decrease of 40% in the time interval between the instant theaircraft was first detected until it could pass above the radarstation. This corresponds to a reduced radar cross section(RCS) in the direction from the aircraft to the radar of almost90%, if classical RCS reduction techniques would have beenapplied. If a modern aircraft with stealth properties would be used,the proposed methodology is believed to increase the possibleimprovements further. This is because the variation of themagnitude of RCS in different directions is greater for a shapeoptimized aircraft, which is the property exploited by thedeveloped method. The methods presented are indeed an approach utilizing theideas of the network centric warfare (NCW) concept. Themethodology presented depends on accurate information about theadversary, while also providing up-to-date information to theother users in the information network. The thesis focuses on aircraft but the methods are generaland may be adapted for missiles, shipsor land vehicles. Theproposed methods are also economically viable since they areuseful for existing platforms without costly modifications. Themethods presented are not limited to radar threats only. Thereasons for using radar in this thesis are the availablenon-classified data and that radar is known to pose a majorthreat against aircraft.

Analysis and Estimation of Customer Survival Time in Subscription-based Businesses

Mohammed, Zakariya Mohammed Salih. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to illustrate, adapt and develop methods of survival analysis in analysing and estimating customer survival time in subscription-based businesses. Two particular objectives are studied. The rst objective is to redene the existing survival analysis techniques in business terms and to discuss their uses in order to understand various issues related to the customer-rm relationship.</p>

Generating User-centric Dynamic and Adaptable Knowledge Models for World Wide Web

Lei, Li 14 August 2007 (has links)
GENERATING USER-CENTRIC DYNAMIC AND ADAPTABLE KNOWLEDGE MODELS FOR WORLD WIDE WEB By LEI LI JUNE, 2007 Committee Chair: Dr. Vijay Vaishnavi Major Department: Computer Information Systems In the current Internet age, more and more people, organizations, and businesses access the web to share and search for information. A web-based resource is often organized and presented based on its knowledge models (categorization structures). The static and inflexible knowledge models of web-based resources have become a major challenge for web users to successfully use and understand the information on the web. In this dissertation, I propose a research approach to generate user-centric dynamic and adaptable knowledge models for web-based resources. The user-centric feature means that a knowledge model is created based on a web user specified perspective for a web resource and that the user can provide feedback on the model building process. The dynamic feature means the knowledge models are built on the fly. The adaptable feature means the web user can have control of the user adaptation process by specifying his or her perspective for the web resource of interest. In this study, I apply a design science paradigm and follow the General Design Cycle (Vaishnavi and Kuechler 2004) during the course of research. A research prototype, Semantic Facilitator TM SM V2.0, has been implemented based on the proposed approach. A simulation-based experimentation is used to evaluate the research prototype. The experimental results show that the proposed research approach can effectively and efficiently create knowledge models on the fly based on a web user preferred perspective for the web resource. I found that incorporating user feedback into the modeling building process can greatly improve the quality of the knowledge models. At the end of the dissertation, I discuss the limitations and future directions of this research.

Industrial Silo Optimization

Gopinath, Varun January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to build a working design-analyze-optimize methodology for Alstom Power Sweden AB at Växjö, Sweden. In order to be profitable in today’s competitive industrial product market, it is necessary to engineer optimized products fast. This involves CAD design and FEA analysis to work within an optimization routine in a seamless fashion which will result in a more profitable product. This approach can be understood as a model-based design, where the 3D CAD data is central to the product life cycle. The present approach provides many benefits to a company because of the use of a central database ensure access to the latest release of the 3D model. This allows for a streamlined design to fabrication life cycle with inputs from all departments of a product based company. Alstom is looking into automating some of their design process so as to achieve efficiency within their design department. This report is the result of a study where an industrial silo is taken as an example. A design loop involving CAD design and FE analysis is built to work with an optimization routine to minimize the mass and also ensure structural stiffness and stability. Most engineers work with a lot of constraints with regard to material stock size and other design codes (e.g. Euro Codes). In this report an efficient way to design an industrial product in a 3D CAD (CATIA) program so as to stay within these constrains and still obtain credible computation results within an optimization loop will be discussed.

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