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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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發展社群媒體共創能力:整合公司與顧客的觀點 / Developing Co-Creation Capability in Social Media: Integrating the Perspectives of Firms and Customers

顏婉竹, Yen, Wan Chu Unknown Date (has links)
愈來愈多的公司試圖與顧客共創以擁抱社群媒體所觸發的顧客權力,但大多數的公司仍然沒有實現共創所產生的利益。為了解決此問題,本研究運用社會交換理論與資源基礎觀點,定義在社群媒體環境下所需具備的共創能力,其可以反映在四個能力面向上,包含顧客連結能力、顧客回應能力、顧客賦權能力、顧客價值管理能力,並檢視其前因、後果。本研究探討來自公司端的社群媒體基礎架構和顧客中心的資源,以及來自顧客端的顧客權力是否會影響社群媒體共創能力的發展,而最終是否能為公司創造關係價值。本研究透過網路調查的方式向公司粉絲專頁的經營者與顧客蒐集資料,以及從資料庫中獲得公司粉絲專頁的經營數據。本研究分別使用偏最小平方法和階層線性模式技術驗證單一和跨層級的研究假設。本研究的研究結果指出來自公司端的社群媒體基礎架構和來自顧客端的顧客強制權、顧客專家權會正向影響社群媒體共創能力的發展,而最終可以創造更多的顧客忠誠度和顧客投入。本研究的研究結果也指出社群媒體共創能力會完全中介社群媒體基礎架構和顧客忠誠度之間的關係。本研究幫助管理者瞭解,當他們試圖使用社群媒體與顧客互動時,他們可以朝哪些共創能力的面向努力,以及瞭解什麼樣的資源可以幫助共創能力的發展,進而使公司和顧客互蒙其利。 / A growing number of firms seek to embrace social media-enabled customer power by co-creating with their customers. However, most firms have failed to realize the benefits of co-creation. To address this issue, this research draws on social exchange theory and the resource-based view to identify the co-creation capability in the context of social media as a composite of customer linking capability, customer response capability, customer empowerment capability, and customer value management capability and to investigate its antecedents and consequences. This research identifies the social media infrastructure and customer centricity as sources from the firm side and social media-enabled customer power as a source from the customer side that may influence the development of social media-enabled co-creation capability and identifies relational value for firms that could result from this capability. The research framework is tested with data from multiple sources, comprising firms’ managers and their customers on Facebook fan pages via a Web-based survey as well as the Social Insight database, which tracks firms’ reports of operations of Facebook fan pages. This research uses partial least squares (PLS) and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to test the single-level and cross-level hypotheses. The research results reveal that the social media infrastructure, customer coercive power, and customer expert power are positively related to the development of social media-enabled co-creation capability, which in turn leads to greater customer loyalty and customer engagement. The results also reveal that the impact of the social media infrastructure on customer loyalty is fully mediated by the social media-enabled co-creation capability. The findings provide guidelines for managers to better understand what capability dimensions should be developed within their own firms and appropriate resources for investment to facilitate the development of social media-enabled co-creation capability. This research suggests that when firms develop a higher level of social media-enabled co-creation capability, both firms and customers can benefit.

A metamodern stakeholder relationship management model for non-profit organisations

Meyer, Irma 11 1900 (has links)
Theorists and management in the South African non-profit sector agree that strong stakeholder relationships are essential in negotiating the challenges faced by the South African non-profit sector. Despite the acknowledgement from the non-profit sector that strong relationships are key to achieving organisational goals, there is an apparent lack of knowledge and strategic thinking amongst them pertaining to the concept of stakeholder relationship management. Against this background the purpose of this study was therefore to develop a metamodern model for stakeholder relationship management, aimed specifically at the South African non-profit sector, that could be implemented by NPO management in a practical manner. The blurring lines between the opposing views of modernism versus postmodernism motivated the choice of metamodernism as a relevant worldview for this study. Metamodernism does not imply a balance between these poles, but rather a constant swinging of the pendulum during which metamodernism negotiates between modernism and postmodernism. It is the construction of a workable, interrelated worldview, recognising the intimate relationship between modernism and postmodernism. It was therefore concluded that a metamodern worldview in which both modernism and postmodernism feature, would not only make it possible for nonprofit organisation managers to understand and join the discussion on stakeholder relationship management, but also to implement the proposed metamodern stakeholder relationship management model. The resultant metamodern stakeholder relationship management model for non-profit organisations is framed by so-called modernistic communication and stakeholder relationship management theories, but it was done in line with the metamodern worldview of the study, allowing for initiative and innovation. The flexible, organic and cyclic nature of the proposed model echoes this worldview. A qualitative, exploratory and interpretative research design was implemented to test a conceptual framework and face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior management in the non-profit sector. The design of the framework and subsequent model was guided by a number of assumptions and propositions arising from a thorough literature review, all of which were supported and confirmed by the research results. The most significant contribution of the study is the application of a metamodern worldview emanating from a reluctance to choose between a modern or postmodern stance when discussing communication science and stakeholder relationship management practices. It is therefore foreseen that it would offer the field of communication science new and creative means of combining modernism and postmodernism approaches when studying communication phenomena. It will also expand the responsibility for communication and stakeholder relationship management beyond that of the communication specialists to senior management in the non-profit sector. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

Analytisk CRM för beslutsstöd : Faktorers påverkan på förmågan för beslutsfattande, samt dess genererade sociotekniska förändringar / Analytical CRM for decision support : Factors' impact on decision-making capability, and its generatedsociotechnical changes

Salloum, Alexander, Yousef, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle genomgår förändringar av betydande karaktär som i stor utsträckningdrivs av digitalisering. En av de mest påtagliga förändringarna som påverkar företagenär förändringarna i konsumentbeteendet. Dessa dramatiska förändringar utgör enbetydande utmaning för företag då traditionella metoder för kundhantering inte längre ärtillräckliga.Betydelsen av Customer Relationship Management (CRM), utifrån ett analytiskttillvägagångssätt, blir då avgörande för att bättre hantera kundrelationer i dagens högtkonkurrerande arbetsmiljö. Analytisk CRM är ett IT-beroende arbetssystem däranvändaren av data och analys utför processer och aktiviteter som gör att erbjudnaprodukter och tjänster i högre grad möter kundernas behov. Studiens övergripande målär att genom insikter förstå hur beslutsfattare upplever olika faktorers påverkan påderas förmåga att använda analytisk CRM för att stödja deras beslutsfattande samt desociotekniska förändringar som genereras av det. För att uppnå detta antogs enkvalitativ forskningsmetod där djupintervjuer genomfördes. Sju respondenter, medvarierande roller som Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marknadschef och CRMansvarig intervjuades för att få deras insikter och erfarenheter om analytisk CRM.Studiens resultat och slutsats visar på att beslutsfattare anser kundcentrering ochinformationsteknik som avgörande faktorer för användningen av analytisk CRM.Kundcentreringen skapar en datadriven miljö som främjar datadriven beslutsfattandegenom användningen av data och analys. Det genererar sociotekniska förändringar påbåde djupare och ytmässiga nivåer. Informationstekniken spelar en avgörande roll iinsamling, hantering och analys av data. Detta påverkar beslutsprocesserna till att blidatadrivna och stärker beslutsfattarnas förmåga att fatta välgrundade beslut.Sociotekniska förändringar som generades av informationstekniken var på ytliga nivåer. / Society today is undergoing significant changes largely driven by digitalization. Onetangible change that impacts businesses is the shift in consumer behaviour. Thesedramatic changes pose a significant threat for companies as traditional methods forcustomer management are no longer sufficient.The significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), based on an analyticalapproach, therefore becomes crucial to better manage customer relationships in today’shighly competing work environment. Analytical CRM is an IT-reliant work system whereparticipants of data and analysis perform processes and activities that enable offeredproducts and services to better meet the needs of customers. The overall goal of thestudy is to understand through insights how decision-makers' experience variousfactors' impact on their ability to utilize analytical CRM to support their decision making,as well as the sociotechnical changes generated by it. To achieve this, a qualitativeresearch method was adopted, where in-depth interviews were conducted. Sevenrespondents, with varying roles as Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marketing Managerand CRM Manager, were interviewed to get their insights and experiences on analyticalCRM.The study’s results and conclusion show that decision-makers consider customercentricity and information technology (IT) as a pivotal factors' influencing the use ofanalytical CRM. Customer centricity fosters a data-driven environment that promotesdata-driven decision-making through the utilization of data and analysis. It generatessociotechnical changes on both deeper and surface structures. IT plays a critical role inthe collection, management, and analysis of data. This impacts decision-makingprocesses to become data-driven and enhances the decision-makers' ability to makedata-driven decisions. Sociotechnical changes generated by information technologywere at surface structures.

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