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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isang Yun and the Hauptton Technique: An Analytical Study of the Second Movement from Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984)

Kim, Sinae 27 April 2012 (has links)
Composer Isang Yun developed an idiosyncratic musical language that blends Eastern-Asian and Western-European art traditions. Exiled from Korea due to political conflict, he continued his compositional career in Germany, where his music is renowned for its use of the Hauptton (“main-tone”) technique. Yun was the first to discuss this technique, which he interprets as a process rooted in East-Asian musical traditions, including Taoism philosophy. His music is remarkable in that it fuses this process within the context of Western formal structures. I combine Straus’s associational model with Yun’s Hauptton theory to analyse the second movement of Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984) in order to show the inclusion of Eastern-Asian and Western-European musical elements in Yun’s music. I begin by analysing several Haupttöne at the surface level through associational relationships, followed by a large-scale analysis of the entire movement with one fundamental Hauptton.

Elementos teopedagógicos afrocentrados para superação da violência de gênero contra as mulheres negras: diálogo com a comunidade-terreiro Ilè À Se Yemojá Omi Olodó e "O acolhimento que alimenta a ancestralidade"

Lilian Conceição da Silva Pessoa de Lira 21 March 2014 (has links)
Centro Universitário Metodista IPA / Junta Nacional de Educação Teológica da Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil / A presente tese é fruto do diálogo entre a tradição cristã anglicana e a tradição do Batuque, com o objetivo de identificar nas ações educativas e nos processos pedagógicos da Comunidade-Terreiro Ilè Àṣẹ Yemọjá Omi Olodò, elementos teopedagógicos de empoderamento e autonomia das mulheres negras, possibilitando melhores condições para superação da violência de gênero. Sendo seu contexto latino-americano, adota a metodologia de pesquisa própria da Teologia da Libertação (TdL), que tem na tríade ver-julgar-agir seus passos metodológicos. Cada passo é assumido por um dos três capítulos que compõem o texto, sendo possível ver o cenário das religiões afro-brasileiras e afro-gaúchas, com foco especial na única tradição de matriz africana no Rio Grande do Sul: o Batuque, bem como apresentar as características do papel das mulheres nesse complexo religioso. São apresentados também um panorama da história do Ilè e a descrição das suas ações educativas e dos seus processos pedagógicos. O embasamento teórico da pesquisa parte das conceituações de gênero, violência de gênero, violência contra as mulheres negras, etnicidade e religião, para assegurar suas relações a partir da compreensão de uma interseccionalidade emergente, que tem na tradição e na ancestralidade aspectos afrocentrados para julgar a realidade de violência de gênero contra as mulheres negras. Na sequência, é feita a análise, numa perspectiva afrocentrada, de depoimentos de cinco mulheres negras e da liderança do Terreiro, a partir da qual foi possível identificar o alimento que alimenta a ancestralidade como processo civilizatório de (re)fundação da humanidade como elementos teopedagógicos que podem contribuir para o fortalecimento das ações para superação da violência de gênero contra as mulheres negras. / The current thesis is a fruit of the dialog between the Anglican Christian tradition and the Batuque tradition, with the goal of identifying within the educational actions and the pedagogical processes of the Terreiro Community Ilè Àṣẹ Yemọjá Omi Olodò, theo-pedagogical elements of empowerment and autonomy of the black women, making it possible to have better conditions to overcome gender violence. Since its context is Latin American, it adopts the research methodology that is specific to Liberation Theology, which has as its methodological steps the triad see-judge-act. Each step is dealt with by one of the three chapters which make up the text, being that it is possible to see the scenario of the Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Gaúcho religions with a special focus on the only African matrix tradition in Rio Grande do Sul: the Batuque, as well as to present the characteristics of the role of the women in this religious complex. A panorama of the history of the Ilè and the description of its educational actions and its pedagogical processes are presented. The theoretical base of the research stems from the conceptualizations of gender, gender violence, violence against black women, ethnicity and religion, to assure their relations based on the comprehension of an emerging intersectionalism, which has, within the tradition and ancestry, Afro-centered aspects with which to judge the reality of gender violence against black women. In sequence, an analysis is made from an Afro-centered perspective, of the testimonies of five black women and of the leader of the Terreiro, from which it was possible to identify the food which feeds the ancestry as a civilizational process of (re)founding humanity with theo-pedagogical elements which can contribute to the strengthening of the actions for overcoming gender violence against black women.

Isang Yun and the Hauptton Technique: An Analytical Study of the Second Movement from Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984)

Kim, Sinae January 2012 (has links)
Composer Isang Yun developed an idiosyncratic musical language that blends Eastern-Asian and Western-European art traditions. Exiled from Korea due to political conflict, he continued his compositional career in Germany, where his music is renowned for its use of the Hauptton (“main-tone”) technique. Yun was the first to discuss this technique, which he interprets as a process rooted in East-Asian musical traditions, including Taoism philosophy. His music is remarkable in that it fuses this process within the context of Western formal structures. I combine Straus’s associational model with Yun’s Hauptton theory to analyse the second movement of Duo für Violoncello und Harfe (1984) in order to show the inclusion of Eastern-Asian and Western-European musical elements in Yun’s music. I begin by analysing several Haupttöne at the surface level through associational relationships, followed by a large-scale analysis of the entire movement with one fundamental Hauptton.

The Twentieth-century Canon: An Analysis of Luigi Dallapiccola's Canonic Works from his 'Quaderno musicale di Annalibera'

Ravensbergen, Jacqueline January 2012 (has links)
The compositional technique of cross partitioning is one of Luigi Dallapiccola's most used twelve-tone devices. Through a detailed analysis of three contrapuntal canonic movements from Dallapiccola's Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera, I examine his use of cross partitioning as a motivic tool and as a referential collection. The development of the BACH motive and the derivation of tone-row statements reflects on Dallapiccola's extensive use of cross partitioning and his compositional principles used to achieve a sense of polarity. Upon a preliminary analysis based on set-theory analysis set out by Joseph Straus I draw an interpretive analysis through Alegant's cross partitioning model as well as develop my own set of parameters for interpretation in regards to polarity which is based on intervallic stability.

The Key to Unlocking the Secret Window

McConnell, Sarah E. 12 1900 (has links)
David Koepp's Secret Window was released by Columbia Pictures in 2004. The film's score was written by Philip Glass and Geoff Zanelli. This thesis analyzes transcriptions from six scenes within the film in conjunction with movie stills from those scenes in an attempt to explain how the film score functions.

Bridging Business and Design : A Business Thinking and DesignOps Centralization Approach

Jakobsson, Petter January 2020 (has links)
Creating and communicating the business value of design is a complex task. This case study set out to bridge the fields of business and design by investigating how design consultants can communicate the value of design to their clients. More specifically, the study investigates (1) how desirability can be linked to viability by using Strategy Maps and Conditional Statements, (2) how to quantify design output by calculating Return on Investment of Retention and (3) how to verbally and visually communicate design through relevant terminology and communication techniques. To do this, a Business Thinking approach was applied. A first research phase consisting of 12 interviews were conducted, focusing on understanding the work environment of design consultants at the digital consultancy firm Futurice and how they collaborate with their current project clients. The results were used as a blueprint for the second research phase, consisting of one-on-one co-creation workshop sessions between design consultants and their current clients. The sessions were evaluated in Business Thinking experiments and interviews. Physical co-creation canvases were implemented and used in the workshops. The experiments demonstrate that tools and methods inherited from Business Design and Business Thinking can be integrated without disrupting the existing DesignOps at Futurice. Further, the results indicate that the Business Thinking approach can be applied both to the design process of individual design consultants and into DesignOps management, which encourages application beyond the case of Futurice. To what extent is profoundly dependent on the design maturity of the individual designer and the organization. This is assessed and discussed based on the Design Ladder. / Att skapa och kommunicera affärsvärdet av design är en komplex uppgift. Denna fallstudie syftar till att sammanlänka områdena affärsutveckling och design genom att undersöka hur designkonsulter kan kommunicera affärsvärdet av design till sina kunder. Mer specifikt undersöker studien (1) hur önskvärdhet kan kopplas till genomförbarhet genom att använda Strategy Maps och Conditional Statements, (2) hur man kan kvantifiera design-output genom att beräkna Return on Investment of Retention och (3) hur man verbalt och visuellt kan kommunicera design genom relevant terminologi och kommunikationstekniker. För att genomföra detta tillämpades ett tillvägagångssätt baserat på Business Thinking. En första forskningsfas bestående av 12 intervjuer genomfördes med fokus på att förstå arbetsmiljön för designkonsulter på det digitala konsultföretaget Futurice och hur de samarbetar med sina nuvarande kunder. Resultaten användes som ett underlag för den andra forskningsfasen, bestående av one-on-one workshop-sessioner mellan designkonsulter och deras nuvarande kunder. Sessionerna utvärderades i experiment och intervjuer baserade på metodik från Business Thinking. Fysiska a co-creation kanvaser implementerades och användes i samtliga workshops. De utförda experimenten visar att verktyg och metoder baserade på Business Design och Business Thinking kan integreras utan att störa befintliga design operationer (DesignOps) på Futurice. Resultaten indikerar även att Business Thinking-strategier kan tillämpas både vid designprocessen för individuella designkonsulter och vid DesignOps inom en organisation, vilket även uppmuntrar till tillämpning utanför Futurice. I vilken utsträckning detta kan göras beror på mognadsgraden för design, både för individuella designers och för organisationer. Detta bedöms och diskuteras baserat på metoden Design Ladder.

Developing Digital Value Offerings in the Car Retailing Industry : A Customer-Centric Approach to innovation / Utveckling av digitala värdeerbjudanden inom bilhandelsindustrin

BÖRJESSON, PHILIP January 2021 (has links)
The car retailing industry is currently undergoing a significant transformation. This transformation is due to the automotive industry switching from producing internal combustion engines vehicles to battery electric vehicles. The retailing industry need to transform, like the rest of the automotive industry, and their most essential asset is the customer relationship. This transformation is affecting several aspects of car retailing, with many revenue streams being diluted, or disappearing completely by the emergence of battery electric vehicles. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate current industry transformations and evaluate how car retailers can develop innovative value offerings to manage industry changes proactively. Results have emerged by examining theory connected to digital transformation, customer-centricity and dynamic capabilities, combined with 25 interviews with customers, industry stakeholders and internal personal at the case company, Börjessons Bil. These include that customer behaviors have changed immensely, that digitalization drives transparency and that retailers require new revenue streams within the service industries. Based on these results two value offering concepts were developed: - An internal loyalty program, based on customer lifetime value calculations, providing customers with perks and benefits, while giving Börjessons Bil strengthened relationships and more data. - A business to consumer subscription service, which bundles many services connected to mobility, such as tire switching and windscreen repairs, into one package deal. This concept will provide customers with a more effortless vehicle owning experience. / Bilhandelsindustrin genomgår för närvarande en omfattande transformation. Denna berörs till stor del av att bilindustrin håller på att ändras från att producera bilar med förbränningsmotorer till elbilar. Bilhandelsindustrin behöver förändras, precis som den generella bilindustrin, och bilhandelns mest värdefulla tillgång är relationen till deras kunder. Transformationen påverkar flera delar av bilhandeln och många omsättningsmöjligheter vattnas ur eller försvinner totalt genom införandet av elbilar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka aktuella branschförändringar och utvärdera hur bilhandlare kan utveckla innovativa värdeerbjudanden för att hantera industriförändringar proaktivt. Resultat har framkommit genom att undersöka teori kopplat till kundfokusering, digital transformation, och dynamiska förmågor, kombinerat med 25 intervjuer med kunder, intressenter inom industrin samt intern personal på Börjessons Bil. Dessa intygar att kunder har förändrats avsevärt de senaste 10 åren, att digitalisering är en drivkraft för transparens samt att bilhandlare behöver skapa nya omsättningsmöjligheter inom serviceindustrin. Baserat på resultaten har två koncept på värdeerbjudanden utvecklats: - Ett internt lojalitetsprogram, baserat på kundens livstidsvärde, som ger kunden bonusar samt andra fördelar, samtidigt som det ger Börjessons Bil förbättrade kundrelationer och mer data. - En prenumerationstjänst för service industrin, som paketerar åtskilliga tjänster kopplat till mobilitet, så som däckbyte och vindrutereparationer, till ett paket. Detta koncept kommer att förse kunden med en smidigare upplevelse av att äga en bil.

Die Bedeutung der Betreuungsintensität für die persönliche Dienstleistung: Die persönliche Gästebetreuung im Kontext von Guest Centricity und Guest Care

Sattler, Hans-Peter 01 August 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Bedeutung der individuellen Betreuungsintensität aus der Perspektive der hotelspezifischen Dienstleistung der Gästebetreuung in Hotels. Hierzu wird analysiert, wie Kultur, historische Branchenentwicklungen und ausbildungsrelevante Kompetenzen und Verhaltensweisen die Entwicklung der hotelspezifischen Dienstleistungen beeinflusst haben. Basierend auf der Forschungsfrage „Welche Bedeutung hat die Betreuungs-intensität für die Erbringung von persönlichen Dienstleistungen?“ ist es das Ziel, am Beispiel dieser hotelspezifischen personalisierten Dienstleistung zu verstehen, welchen Stellenwert diese für die Gästebindung und die Beziehungsqualität zwischen Hotelgästen, Hotelmitarbeitern und Hotelbetrieb haben sollte. Dafür wird einerseits die Bedeutung der hotelspezifischen Gästebetreuung als komplexe Dienstleistung umrandet und zur Ermittlung der individuellen Betreuungsintensität nicht nur ein Kompetenzprofil für Hotelmitarbeiter, sondern ebenso ein Modell zur ganzheitlichen Betrachtung von Hotelgästen vorgeschlagen. Zum Zweck dieser Arbeit werden schließlich Instrumente zur Ermittlung der persönlichen individuellen Betreuungsintensität entwickelt und vorgestellt.:1 Einleitung 2 Kultur als universelle Ressource für Gastfreundschaft und Gästebetreuung 3 Historische Entwicklung der deutschen Hotelkultur 4 Die persönliche Gästebetreuung als Guest-Centricity- und Guest-Care-Komplex 5 Empirische Untersuchung der Gästebetreuungsintensität am Beispiel der Gästebetreuung 6 Bestätigung der Bedeutung der Betreuungsintensität für die persönliche Dienstleistung

Implementing Design Thinking principles for increasing customer centricity in a B2B company : A case study at Mycronic / Implementering av principer för design thinking för att öka kundfokuset i ett B2B-företag : En fallstudie på Mycronic

Ravichandran, Balachandar, Ramanujam, Harshavardhan January 2020 (has links)
Design Thinking (designtänkande) är ett kundfokuserat förhållningssätt som används för att stödja innovation. Sedan starten har designtänkandet utvecklats från ett rättframt sätt att lösa tekniska designproblem till en komplex paraplykonstruktion för innovation och förhållningssättet har genom åren blivit ett allmänt accepterat och målinriktat tillvägagångssätt för effektiv produktutveckling. Flera av de praktiska användningsfallen som finns tillgängliga om designtänkande i forskning hänvisar till ett enskilt fall för att lösa specifika problem eller dess tillämpning i business-tocustomer företag. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att kritiskt undersöka hur designtänkande kunde implementeras i ett business-to-business (B2B)-företag med välutvecklade produktutvecklingsprocesser för att balansera kundfokus med produkt strategi. För att förstå effekterna av designtänkande i sådana företag undersöktes hinder som förhindrar designtänkandets implementering och möjligheterna med att införa det med hjälp av en fallstudie på Mycronic AB-kontoret i Täby, Sverige. Materialet i studien samlades in genom interna och externa kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultaten från intervjuerna användes för att föreslå ett ramverk och ett pilotprogram för att stödja Mycronic att införa principer för designtänkande i sin befintliga PDP. Målet med ramverket är att skapa förutsättningar för ett B2B-företag att anpassa sin produktutvecklingsprocess till designprinciper för att bättre förstå slutkundernas explicita och outtalade behov och behoven hos interna intressenter samt för att öka förmågan att identifiera rätt initiativ i ett tidigt skede av ett projekt. / Design Thinking (DT) is a customer centric approach for managing innovation. Since its inception, design thinking has evolved from a straight forward approach to solve engineering design problems into a complex umbrella construct for innovation and has over the years been widely accepted as a goal-oriented approach for effective product development. Several of the practical use cases available in the existing design thinking discourse refer to oneoff case for solving specific problems or its application in a business-to-customer set-up. Thepurpose of this master thesis was to critically examine how design thinking could be implementedin a business to business (B2B) company with well-developed product development processes(PDP) to balance customer centricity with product strategy. To understand the impact of design thinking in such companies, barriers preventing design thinking's implementation and the opportunities enabling its implementation were explored using a single case study approach at Mycronic AB office at Täby, Sweden. The material for the case study was gathered through internal and external qualitative interviews. The results from these interviews were used to propose a framework and pilot programs that would facilitate Mycronic to introduce design thinking principles to its existing product development process. The goal of the framework is to empowera business-to-business company with well-developed product development processes to adapt design thinking principles so as to increase their understanding of end customers' spoken and unspoken needs, recognize the needs of internal stakeholders, and improve their ability to secure the right initiatives in the early phase of a project.

Safeguarding health data with enhanced accountability and patient awareness

Mashima, Daisuke 22 August 2012 (has links)
Several factors are driving the transition from paper-based health records to electronic health record systems. In the United States, the adoption rate of electronic health record systems significantly increased after "Meaningful Use" incentive program was started in 2009. While increased use of electronic health record systems could improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare services, it can also lead to a number of security and privacy issues, such as identity theft and healthcare fraud. Such incidents could have negative impact on trustworthiness of electronic health record technology itself and thereby could limit its benefits. In this dissertation, we tackle three challenges that we believe are important to improve the security and privacy in electronic health record systems. Our approach is based on an analysis of real-world incidents, namely theft and misuse of patient identity, unauthorized usage and update of electronic health records, and threats from insiders in healthcare organizations. Our contributions include design and development of a user-centric monitoring agent system that works on behalf of a patient (i.e., an end user) and securely monitors usage of the patient's identity credentials as well as access to her electronic health records. Such a monitoring agent can enhance patient's awareness and control and improve accountability for health records even in a distributed, multi-domain environment, which is typical in an e-healthcare setting. This will reduce the risk and loss caused by misuse of stolen data. In addition to the solution from a patient's perspective, we also propose a secure system architecture that can be used in healthcare organizations to enable robust auditing and management over client devices. This helps us further enhance patients' confidence in secure use of their health data.

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