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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sanitet i informell bosättning : En intervjustudie om förändringsprocessen vid införandet av ny sanitetslösning i Kibera

Bengtsson, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Tillgång till sanitet är en mänsklig rättighet och en förutsättning för liv och hälsa. Trots det lever miljontals människor världen över med bristande sanitet. Den här uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur sanitetssituationen i informella bosättningar kan se ut och hur den upplevs av de boende, samt hur det är möjligt att förbättra den situationen. Genom att utföra en intervjustudie i den informella bosättningen Kibera i Kenyas huvudstad Nairobi, har de boende där fått ge sin bild av hur de upplever sanitetsproblemen och hur det gått till när sanitetslösningen Peepoo introducerades i området. I den här uppsatsen står själva förändringen i centrum och Kurt Lewins teori om förändringsprocessen används som teoretiskt verktyg. Med hjälp av den har informanternas svar analyserats för att se hur processen fortgått och vilka krafter som drivit respektive hindrat förändringen. Det framkom att ett framgångsrikt sätt att genomföra en dylik förändring är genom att minska motståndet till den genom information, både från formella och informella kanaler. Det är också viktigt att det finns tydliga incitament till att genomföra förändringen, både direkt märkbara och ur ett längre perspektiv. / Access to sanitation is a human right and a prerequisite for life and health. Despite that millions of people worldwide lives without adequate sanitation. The aims of this thesis is to study how the sanitary situation in informal settlements might look like and how the situation is perceived by the residents, as well as how it is possible to improve the situation. By conducting an interview study in the informal settlement of Kibera in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, the residents got to give their own view of how they experience the sanitary problems and how the implementation of the sanitary solution Peepoo was conducted in the area. In this thesis the change itself is in the centre and Kurt Lewin's theory of change is used as theoretical tool. With this tool the informants' answers were analysed to see how the process of introducing Peepoo proceeded, and what forces drove and hindered the change. It emerged that a successful way to implement such a change is by reducing the resistance through information, both from formal and informal channels. It is also important that there are clear incentives to implement the change, both directly perceptible and from a longer perspective.

The zoning change process in Austin, Texas

Blunt, John Wallace 10 July 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to analyze the zoning change process in Austin, Texas. The report examines Austin's type of city government followed by an overview of zoning in the United States and Austin. The report chronicles the evolution of the Austin Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan and the Neighborhood Planning Area during the time period 1979-1997. Since 1997, zoning change protocol has become intertwined with neighborhood planning such that both must be discussed in detail. The extreme real estate cycles from 1982 to the present are also discussed. Economic conditions played a key role in the slow enactment of neighborhood planning in Austin. The report examines the jurisdictional boundaries of Austin and the governmental bodies charged with hearing zoning cases. After discussing the motivations of the market participants seeking zoning changes, the report analyzes four case studies to illustrate the basic types of zoning cases today. Finally, the report draws conclusions and offers suggestions for improving the efficiency and fairness of the zoning change process in Austin, Texas. / text

Vertrauen im Fokus

Höhnel, Anne, Seeling, Thomas, Bullinger, Angelika C. 28 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vertrauen ist ein zentrales Element im menschlichen Leben und in der zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenarbeit. So ist ein Zusammenleben ohne ein gewisses Maß an Vertrauen überhaupt nicht denkbar. Im alltäglichen Leben ist auch zu erfahren, dass der Aufbau von Vertrauen sehr viel Zeit, Kraft, Investition und Geduld erfordert, wogegen der Vertrauensverlust sich schlagartig einstellt und oft starke psychische und psychologische Belastungen zur Folge hat. Die Auswirkungen, mit denen ein Arbeitgeber bei Vertrauensverlust durch unmotivierte und unproduktive Mitarbeiter zu rechnen hat, können enormen wirtschaftlichen Schaden für das Unternehmen bedeuten und den Verlust eines Marktvorsprungs zur Folge haben. Aus diesem Grund erfährt das Konstrukt Vertrauen im betrieblichen Umfeld einen immer stärker werdenden Bedeutungszuwachs insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund von Wirtschaftskrisen, Fusionen, Produktionsverlagerungen, Kurzarbeit oder Arbeitsplatzverlust. Der Aufbau und die ständige Pflege einer vertrauensvollen Unternehmenskultur, deren Inhalt u.a. der konstruktive Umgang des Managements mit Ängsten und Emotionen der Mitarbeiter in Bezug auf bevorstehende Veränderungen ist, bildet die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Derzeit besteht aber in der Wissenschaft noch kein Konsens darüber, was Vertrauen ist, wie es gemessen, beurteilt und gezielt beeinflusst werden kann. Dieser Problemstellung ist der vorliegende Beitrag gewidmet. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung wurde zum einen die Bedeutung von „professionellem“ Vertrauen in mehreren Unternehmen erhoben. Ein weiteres Ziel der Untersuchung war es, das Vorhandensein von vertrauensfördernden und -hemmenden Faktoren in und zwischen Unternehmen zu untersuchen und Rangfolgen bzgl. deren Bedeutung für die Mitarbeiter abzuleiten. Aus der Befragung und Analyse wurde des Weiteren ein Messinstrument zur Ausprägung von professionellem Vertrauen in Organisationen entwickelt. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weisen den Weg eine belastbare Vertrauenskultur im Unternehmen aufzubauen und nachhaltig zu erhalten.

A pre-post study of patient journey modeling as a change management tool to increase clinician acceptance of EHRs.

Joshi, Amardeep 01 December 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine if patient journey process modeling could act as a change management tool to support electronic health record (EHR) adoption, at a tertiary-care mental health centre. This research study was based on a pre/post design, which evaluated the attitudes of clinicians??? pre and post implementation of the EHR. A survey was used to assess the attitudes of various healthcare professionals, such as physicians, nurses and a spectrum of allied health disciplines, at various phases of the planning and implementation process. In addition to the surveys, current and future state PaJMa (patient journey modeling architecture) models representing technology use and process flows of all units were created by observational studies, and served as change management tools. These PaJMa models were then presented as part of an intervention that was held in the form of an educational session to highlight the benefits of technology, and to address the common concerns identified from the initial survey results. The centre for mental health sciences facility was used as the case study to apply the PaJMa model and assess its change management functionality. Since, the organization was moving from paper to electronic based patient charts it was an ideal choice for this research. It was predicted that the attitudes and opinions of clinicians towards the EHR implementation, and EHRs in general, would change and become more positive with increased knowledge and education. This in-turn would increase EHR adoption and hence lead to a successful implementation.

Impact of social threats and their effect on organizational change process efficiency

Engström Eriksson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The human brain is sensitive to threat. Loss in Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness – SCARF – is considered threatening. Threat creates a stress response and stress impairs cognitive functions as problem-solving, decision-making, learning and emotional control. The purpose was to identify differences between well-functioning and non-well-functioning change processes and their relation to SCARF. A total of 55 change processes were investigated. The result indicated a correlation between stress, productivity and quality. The result also showed that 20 out of 25 measured items had a significant mean value difference between “good” and “bad” processes. A multiple regressions analysis indicated that a high degree of Certainty predicts a high degree of Change Process Efficiency with 50 % of the variance possible to explain by the variance in Certainty. More research on SCARF factors and how to measure those in change processes is needed. The area is important since it can create more efficient change processes.

A influência do discurso no processo de mudança da contabilidade gerencial: um estudo de caso sob o enfoque da teoria institucional / The influence of discourse in the change process in management accounting: a case study under the focus of the institutional theory

Luciano Gomes dos Reis 18 November 2008 (has links)
No atual ambiente corporativo, a implementação de mudanças organizacionais tornou-se um fato freqüente. Nesse processo de mudanças, o discurso organizacional presente nos textos produzidos pela alta administração, que constituem o discurso formal, acaba expressando pensamentos nem sempre aceitos sem questionamentos por todos os gestores da organização, dificultando o processo de mudança. A presença de discursos menos coerentes ou de discursos que competem com o discurso organizacional pode dificultar ou mesmo comprometer a eficácia do processo de mudança. Esta tese defende que, na ocorrência de um processo de mudança da Contabilidade Gerencial numa organização, o discurso influencia os níveis de institucionalização de novos conceitos que se desejam implementados. Para realizar o estudo a respeito dessa influência, utilizou-se de uma abordagem da Teoria Institucional, sob o enfoque da Velha Economia Institucional, usando-se como arcabouço teórico o modelo proposto por Burns e Scapens (2000), com ênfase nos estágios de codificação e institucionalização, bem como o modelo discursivo de institucionalização proposto por Phillips et al. (2004). O método de pesquisa aplicado foi o estudo de caso único, realizado na Caixa Econômica Federal, uma instituição financeira pública de grande porte que realiza simultaneamente atividades de natureza social (como uma agência governamental de fomento e administração exclusiva de fundos) e de natureza econômica (como um banco comercial que compete com outras instituições no mercado financeiro), a qual passou recentemente por um processo de mudanças profundas em sua Contabilidade Gerencial. Por meio da análise documental, seguida da realização de entrevistas com gestores da administração central e da análise do discurso, foi possível detectar a coexistência de dois discursos na organização: discurso social e discurso econômico. Posteriormente, foram aplicados questionários aos gestores das agências e gestores de produtos, usuários do Sistema de Contabilidade Gerencial, obtendo-se 4.259 respostas, no intuito de se verificar a ocorrência de associações entre os discursos e os níveis de institucionalização dos novos conceitos implementados na mudança. Os dados coletados foram objeto dos seguintes tratamentos estatísticos: estatística descritiva, Análise da Variância (ANOVA), Análise de Homogeneidade (Homals) e Análise de Correspondência (ANACOR). Verificou-se que há uma associação positiva entre a concordância com os conceitos de Contabilidade Gerencial e a concordância com o discurso econômico. Os indivíduos classificados como mais aderentes ao discurso econômico encontram-se associados positivamente entre um nível de institucionalização forte e médio, enquanto os indivíduos classificados como aderentes ao discurso social apresentaram associação positiva com o nível de institucionalização fraco. Dessa forma, os resultados sugerem que há influência do discurso no processo de institucionalização de conceitos de Contabilidade Gerencial, corroborando as proposições de Phillips et al. (2004), de que uma maior coerência entre discursos e conceitos presentes em textos tende a produzir instituições mais fortes e a existência de competição, entre dois discursos, pode dificultar um processo de mudança conceitual. À luz desses resultados, infere-se que o discurso, quando inserido em um processo de mudança conceitual, deva ser estruturado de acordo com as características e com o repertório de crenças de seu público-alvo, o que poderá provocar uma união coerente entre o exercício da linguagem e a prática operacional, possibilitando a transformação do campo institucional para o campo de ação de forma eficaz. / Within the current corporative environment, the implementation of organizational changes has been frequent. In this process of changes, the organizational discourse, found in the formal texts produced by the high administration, eventually expresses thoughts not always accepted before being firstly questioned by the other managers and that may cause difficulties for the changing process. The presence of less coherent discourses or discourses that challenge the organizational discourse may hinder or even affect the efficacy of changes. This thesis advocates that during a changing process within the Managerial Accounting of an organization, the discourse influences the levels for institutionalizing new concepts. This study of such influence was carried out by means of the Institutional Theory under the focus of the Old Institutional Economy, having as its theoretical framework the model proposed by Burns & Scapens (2000), emphasizing the stages of codification and institutionalization, as well as the discourse model of institutionalization proposed by Phillips et al. (2004). The research method consisted of a single case study related to Caixa Econômica Federal, a large public financial institution which performs social activities (as a governmental agency for funding and exclusive administration of funds) and economical activities (as a commercial bank which competes with other institutions in the financial market), which has recently undergone a process of deep changes in its Managerial Accounting. Through an analysis of documents, followed by interviews with central administration managers and discourse analysis, the co-existence of two discourses in the organization could be detected: social discourse and economical discourse. Later, questionnaires were applied to the managers of the bank branches and the managers of products, and to the users of the Managerial Accounting System in order to verify associations between the discourses and the levels of institutionalization of the new concepts. Out of the questionnaires, 4,259 answers were obtained. The data were submitted to the following statistical treatments: descriptive analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Analysis of Homogeneity (Homals) and Analysis of Correspondence (ANACOR). It could be verified that there is a positive association between the concordance with the concepts of Managerial Accounting and a concordance with the economical discourse. The individuals classified as most adherent to the economical discourse are those positively associated with and between a strong or average level of institutionalization. On the other hand, those individuals adherent to the social discourse have a positive association with the weak level of institutionalization. Thus, the results suggest that the discourse influences the process for institutionalizing concepts of Managerial Accounting and corroborate the propositions of Phillips et al (2004) for a greater coherence between discourses, that concepts within texts may lead to stronger institutions, and that the existence of competition between two discourses may hinder the process of conceptual change. In face of these results one may say that the discourse, whenever placed in a process of conceptual change, must be structured according to the characteristics and beliefs of the target public, which may cause a coherent union between the exercise of the language and the operational practice and allow for an efficient transformation of the institutional site into a field of action.

Processos de mudanças relacionados à logística no setor de bens de capital agrícolas: uma análise de sua gestão e relações com áreas-chave da excelência logística / Logistics change process in agricultural capital goods sector: an analysis of management and relationships with key elements of logistical excellence

Danilo Hisano Barbosa 11 July 2008 (has links)
A excelência logística constitui-se em um dos temas de freqüentes discussões no contexto acadêmico e empresarial, face à representatividade da atividade logística para a competitividade das organizações. Diversos autores apontam a existência de áreas-chave para o alcance dessa excelência, mas deixam de abordar as possíveis relações que possam existir entre elas. Diante deste cenário, o trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com a identificação e caracterização das relações entre tais áreas-chave, mais especificamente no disparo e nos resultados gerados por processos de mudanças relacionados à logística. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de múltiplos casos junto a seis empresas do setor de bens de capital agrícolas identificadas pelo processo de amostragem do trabalho como empresas de excelência logística. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram constatar que áreas-chave da excelência logística se relacionam diretamente com o disparo de processos de mudanças, além de sofrerem impactos com os resultados gerados pelos mesmos. Outro importante resultado reside na construção de uma estrutura apontando as principais características de casos bem sucedidos em gestão de mudanças relacionadas à logística de empresas do setor de bens de capital agrícolas, podendo servir como base de referência para empresas de outros setores na melhoria de seus processos logísticos. / The logistical excellence has been a frequently discussed topic in the enterprise and academic context, due to the importance of logistics to enhance the companies\' competitiveness. Several authors pointed out the existence of key elements to achieving the logistical excellence, but they usually fail to approach possible relationships among these elements, mainly when referring to triggers and results of logistics change process. In this way, the aim of this work was to identify and characterize these relationships. Therefore, a multiple-case study was undertaken in six companies, which were identified by research sampling process as high logistical performing companies. The results of this research confirm the relationships between the key elements and the change triggers and outcomes. The second research\'s contribution concerns the construction of a descriptive panel about the main characteristics of successful logistics change management in agricultural capital goods sector, which may be used by different industrial segments as reference for logistics process improvement.

Strategic consensus building : A single case study in a merged organization

Buijs, Sonja, Langguth, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Background: Considering high merger failure in the process of strategy implementation, there is a need to elaborate on strategic consensus building during this major organizational change. Purpose: To gain understanding about the strategic consensus building process in a merged organization from a teleological perspective. The premerger influence and the intervening circumstances are expected to affect the process of consensus building. Methodology: A single case study approach was taken by interviewing twelve senior managers from two hierarchical levels as well as five managers from the corporate strategy department of a merged organization to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Findings: The empirical findings indicated that consensus on strategic priorities is essential for further development of a merged organization. In addition, this study has identified three strategic consensus building facilitators vertical communication, transparency, and agility.

Principals’ Experiences Leading Strategic Planning in High-Performing Primary Schools in Trinidad and Tobago

Ramlal, Adesh Reitoo 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the education system in Trinidad and Tobago, only 60% of students are achieving mastery in literacy and numeracy as documented by national tests. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore principals’ experiences leading strategic planning designed to increase achievement in literacy and numeracy in 8 high-performing primary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. Fullan’s change process theory provided the framework for the study. Data were collected from interviews with 8 principals. Data analysis included coding, categorizing, and identifying themes. Findings indicated that principals plan, implement, and monitor the facilitation of change processes through in-depth strategies in teaching and learning with a continuous focus on literacy and numeracy. Findings also revealed that there is continuous professional development to support teachers and transform their capacity in practice. The extension and confirmation of knowledge were validated by the change process theory that change process at the campus level of the school must include strategies for improving the school. Findings may be used to evaluate strategic planning quality and assessment practices in low-performing schools in Trinidad and Tobago, and to improve principals’ capacity for effective strategic planning.

Marketing as a social science - comments to Rogers Layton's article: 'There could be more than marketing you might have thought!'

Löbler, Helge 04 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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