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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systemic design methodology for changeable manufacturing systems / Méthodologie de conception systématique pour les systèmes de production changeables

Benkamoun, Nadège 02 September 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes de production sont devenus des systèmes de grande échelle dont la complexité est accentuée par des contextes marqués de plus en plus par le changement. La capacité des systèmes a répondre au changement – appelée également changea-bilité – est reconnue comme étant une propriété essentielle pour leur cycle de vie, aussi bien dans le domaine des systèmes de production que dans le domaine de la conception en ingénierie. Au regard de la complexité des systèmes de production changeables, la méthodologie proposée par cette thèse a pour objectif de supporter la change-abilité dans la conception en souscrivant au domaine de l’ingénierie des systèmes. La première contribution est un formalisme pour la modélisation des systèmes changeables étayé d’après les principes de la conception systémique. Les concepts de flexibilité et de reconfigurabilité ne sont ici pas limités à des composants organiques du système, mais englobent l’ensemble des artefacts d’ingénierie dans le domaine du problème (exigences) et le domaine de la solution (blocs structurels). La deuxième contribution est une méthodologie pour la conception et la gestion des systèmes changeables. Elle repose sur un modèle du cycle de vie des systèmes changeables où des phases de conception des capacités de change-abilité du système s’alternent avec des phases de reconception tirant bénéfice de ces capacités existantes. Ces processus complémentaires garantissent la cohérence entre les décisions de conception pour intégrer et réutiliser des capacités de change-abilité, augmentant alors leurs potentiels tout au long du cycle de vie des systèmes complexes. Les concepts et les méthodologies développés ont été validés par des projets de conception de systèmes de production chez un équipementier automobile. Enfin, des développements possibles d’outils d’aide à la conception supportant la méthodologie proposée sont discutés. / Manufacturing systems have become large scale systems with increasing complexity particularly magnified by highly changing contexts. The system’s ability to cope with change (i.e. changeability) is recognized as a critical lifecycle property in the manufacturing system and engineering design domains. Given the complexity of changeable manufacturing systems, the proposed methodology of this dissertation aims to support design of changeability in subscribing to the domain of system engineering. The first contribution is a formalism for modeling changeability in a systemic way. Flexibility and reconfigurability paradigms are not limited to physical components of the system, but to the overall system architecture that encompasses all engineering artifacts relating to the designed system in both the requirements and physical solution domains. The second contribution is the methodology for the design and the management of changeability. The methodology utilizes a lifecycle model for changeable systems, in which design for changeability phases alternate with re-design phases that embrace and benefit from the existing changeability capabilities. These complementary processes allow a better consistency between design decisions to embed and reuse changeability, increasing changeability potential during the lifecycle of complex systems. The developed concepts and methodologies are validated in manufacturing system design projects from an automotive supplier. Finally, perspectives on design tools assisting the proposed methodology are discussed.

A Planning Model for Optimizing Locations of Changeable Message Signs

Henderson, Jeffrey January 2004 (has links)
Changeable Message Signs (CMS) are commonly utilized by transportation agencies to inform motorists of traffic, roadway, and environmental conditions. They may be used to provide information, such as delay and alternate route guidance, in the event of an incident, construction or a roadway closure. The effectiveness of CMS in managing freeway traffic, however, is a function of many factors including the number of CMS installations, the location of CMS, the messages displayed, varied traffic network characteristics, and drivers' response to incident conditions and CMS information. The objective of this thesis is to develop a CMS location planning model that can be used by transportation agencies to develop a CMS location plan that could achieve the largest long-term benefit to the system. This research is mainly motivated by the lack of systematic, robust and practical methods for locating CMS. State-of-practice methods rely mostly on the practitioner's experience and judgement. Other methods fail to incorporate reasonable driver behaviour models, consider time-varying demand, allow for computational efficiency on large networks, or consider the spatial variation of incidents on a traffic network. A new CMS location optimization model has been developed that is unique in both model realism and computational efficiency. The model incorporates several components to estimate incident delay, predict driver response, estimate network-wide benefit, and choose those CMS locations that would provide the most benefit. Deterministic queuing methods are used in conjunction with historic incident characteristics to approximate the delay impact of an incident with and without CMS. A discrete choice model is used to predict the rate at which drivers would switch from the incident route to a less congested alternative under CMS information. A network traffic assignment model is then incorporated in an attempt to estimate the resulting traffic induced by incidents. Genetic algorithms are utilized as an optimization technique to choose a set of CMS that would provide the most benefit. An extensive computational analysis was performed on both a hypothetical network and a segment of Highway 401 through Toronto. A sensitivity analysis was performed to test the model's response to parameter and data estimation errors. The model was found to be most sensitive to the diversion model parameters. The model produced reasonable results with locations selected upstream of major freeway interchange diversion points. Considering the additional components included in the proposed model, and its ability to consider more location schemes, the proposed model may be considered superior to previous CMS location models.

A Planning Model for Optimizing Locations of Changeable Message Signs

Henderson, Jeffrey January 2004 (has links)
Changeable Message Signs (CMS) are commonly utilized by transportation agencies to inform motorists of traffic, roadway, and environmental conditions. They may be used to provide information, such as delay and alternate route guidance, in the event of an incident, construction or a roadway closure. The effectiveness of CMS in managing freeway traffic, however, is a function of many factors including the number of CMS installations, the location of CMS, the messages displayed, varied traffic network characteristics, and drivers' response to incident conditions and CMS information. The objective of this thesis is to develop a CMS location planning model that can be used by transportation agencies to develop a CMS location plan that could achieve the largest long-term benefit to the system. This research is mainly motivated by the lack of systematic, robust and practical methods for locating CMS. State-of-practice methods rely mostly on the practitioner's experience and judgement. Other methods fail to incorporate reasonable driver behaviour models, consider time-varying demand, allow for computational efficiency on large networks, or consider the spatial variation of incidents on a traffic network. A new CMS location optimization model has been developed that is unique in both model realism and computational efficiency. The model incorporates several components to estimate incident delay, predict driver response, estimate network-wide benefit, and choose those CMS locations that would provide the most benefit. Deterministic queuing methods are used in conjunction with historic incident characteristics to approximate the delay impact of an incident with and without CMS. A discrete choice model is used to predict the rate at which drivers would switch from the incident route to a less congested alternative under CMS information. A network traffic assignment model is then incorporated in an attempt to estimate the resulting traffic induced by incidents. Genetic algorithms are utilized as an optimization technique to choose a set of CMS that would provide the most benefit. An extensive computational analysis was performed on both a hypothetical network and a segment of Highway 401 through Toronto. A sensitivity analysis was performed to test the model's response to parameter and data estimation errors. The model was found to be most sensitive to the diversion model parameters. The model produced reasonable results with locations selected upstream of major freeway interchange diversion points. Considering the additional components included in the proposed model, and its ability to consider more location schemes, the proposed model may be considered superior to previous CMS location models.

Att påverka trivsel och prestation med föränderligt vertikalljus / To affect well-being and performance with changeable vertical light

Kempff, Daniel, Svanberg, Lena January 2018 (has links)
Ljuset påverkar hur vi uppfattar och förstår vår omgivning. I en välplanerad ljusmiljö, där valav ljuskällor, placering av armaturer och fördelning av ljuset spelar in, känner vi oss trygga och kan utföra arbetsuppgifter på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Vertikala ytor som har en separat vertikalbelysning har stor påverkan på uppmärksamheten. Vertikalljus som uppstår från allmänljuset menar forskare inte har lika stor påverkan på uppmärksamheten som en separat vertikalbelysning. Detta examensarbete undersöker om föränderligt vertikalljus kan påverka trivsel och prestationen positivt i ett uppbyggt klassrum på Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Syftet är att skapa en djupare förståelse för om ett föränderligt vertikalljus i formav ett vattenmönster påverkar människan. I undersökningen används två ljusscenarion; horistontell allmänbelysning bestående avpendlade armaturer med upp- och nedljus samt wallwashers enligt rekommendationer i Ljus & Rum. Andra scenariot består av samma nivå av allmänljuset med ett adderat föränderligt vertikalljus. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar användes en digital enkät med känsloskattningar och prestationstest. Resultatet av studien visar att majoriteten av deltagarna upplever att det föränderliga vertikalljuset bidrar till ökat fokus jämfört med enbart allmänljus. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av deltagarna har skattat ganska mycket intresserad vid båda ljusscenarion. Resultaten av prestationstesten visar att det är längre reaktionstid under förmiddagen oberoende ljusscenario. De slutsatser som dras i studien är att föränderligt vertikalljus bidrar till ökat fokus. Det går inte att avgöra ifall ett föränderligt vertikalljus bidrar till ökad pigghet, då flera faktorer spelar in. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av deltagarna upplever klassrummet som trivsamt när det föränderliga vertikalljuset är adderat till allmänljuset. Studien är för liten för att kunna dra slutsatser gällande samband mellan prestation och föränderligt vertikalljus. I vidare forskning hade ett större antal deltagare i enkätundersökningen varit intressant att studera. Vidare kan undersökningen pågå under en längre tidsperiod och vid olika årstider i en verklig miljö. Åldersspann, kön, koncentrationssvårigheter och nedsatt syn är några aspekter som kan redovisas i framtida studier. / The light affects how we perceive and understand our surroundings. In a well-planned lightenvironment, where choice of light sources, luminaire positioning and light distribution matters, we feel safe and can perform tasks in a satisfactory way. Vertical surfaces that have a separate vertical illumination gave a major impact on the attention. Vertical light appears from the general light means researches do not have as much influence on the attention as aseparate vertical light. This study research whether changing vertical light can affect wellbeing and performance positively in a structured classroom at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The purpose is to create a deeper understanding of if a changeable vertical lightin a form of water pattern affects the human. The study uses two light scenarios; horizontal general light consisting of pendant luminaires with indirect and direct light as well as vertical lighting according to recommendations. The second scenario consists of the same level of general light with an added changeable vertical light. To answer the study's questions, a digital survey was used with emotional estimatesand performance tests. The result of the study shows that the majority of the participants experience that the changeable vertical light contributes to increased focus compared to general light only. The result shows that the majority of the participants have estimated quite interested in both light scenarios. The results of the performance test show that there is longer reaction time in the morning independent light scenario. The conclusions in the study are that changeable vertical light contribute to increased focus. It can not be determined whether a changeable vertical light contributes to increased alertness, as several factors are involved. The result shows that the majority of the participants experience the classroom as comfortable when the changeable vertical light is added to the general light. The study is too small to draw conclusions about the connection between performance and changeable vertical light. In further study, a bigger group of participants in the survey had been interesting to study. Furthermore, the survey can last for a longer period of time and at different seasons in a real environment. Age range, gender, concentration difficulties and vision loss are some aspects that can be presented in future studies.

Robotic in-line quality inspection for changeable zero defect manufacturing

Azamfirei, Victor January 2021 (has links)
The growing customer demands for product variety have put unprecedented pressure on the manufacturing companies. To maintain their competitiveness, manufacturing companies need to frequently and efficiently adapt their processes while providing high-quality products. Different advanced manufacturing technologies, such as industrial robotics, have seen a drastic usage increase. Nevertheless, traditional quality methods, such as quality inspection, suffer from significant limitations in highly customised small batch production. For quality inspection to remain fundamental for zero-defect manufacturing and Industry 4.0, an increase in flexibility, speed, availability and decision upon conformance reliability is needed. If robots could perform in-line quality inspection, defective components might be prevented from continuing to the next production stage. Recent developments in robot cognition and sensor systems have enabled the robot to carry out perception tasks they were previously unable to do. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the usage of robotic in-line quality inspection during changeable zero-defect manufacturing. To fulfil this aim, this thesis adopts a mixed-methods research approach to qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as theoretical and empirical ones. The foundation for this thesis is an extensive literature review and two case studies that have been performed in close collaboration with manufacturing companies to investigate how in-line quality inspection is perceived and utilised to enhance industrial robots. The empirical studies also aimed at identifying and describing what opportunities arise from having robotic in-line quality inspection systems. The result of this thesis is a synthesis of literature and empirical findings. From the literature review/study, the need for enhancing quality inspection was identified and a multi-layer quality inspection framework suitable for the digital transformation was proposed. The framework is built on the assumption that data (used and collected) needs to be validated, holistic, and online, i.e. when needed, for the system to effectively decide upon conformity to surpass the challenges of reliability, flexibility and autonomy. Empirical studies show that industrial robotic applications can be improved in precision and flexibility using the in-line quality inspection system as measurement-assisted. Nevertheless, this methodological changes and robot application face the hurdle of previous and current management decisions when passing from one industrial paradigm to another (e.g. mass production to flexible production). A discussion on equipment design and manufacturing process harmony and how in-line quality inspection and management can harmonise such a system was provided.

Stavitelné rozpěrné zařízení pro zvedací práce v hale / The changeable strut devices for cranes in hall

Dvořáček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis was created for Bosch Rexroth in order to simplify the lifting work in the manufacturing hall. There was made the construction project of changeable strut devices for lifting loads. The project is comprised of two parts. The first deals with the analytical calculation and the second part consists of a numerical calculation using the finite element method.

Investment Model to Evaluate Changeable Manufacturing Systems : An real options approach to measure the value of flexibility for investments in an industrial context / Investeringsmodel för utvärdering av föränderliga tillverkningssystem

Olsson, Fredrik, Werthén, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to develop an investment model which can be applied during the design of a manufacturing system, that considers DMS, FMS, and RMS. With the aim of the developed model is to give decision makers monetary basis for the added from changeability. To fulfill the purpose three research questions was created:   What methods in academia are currently used to evaluate changeable manufacturing system investments?  What methods in industry are currently used to evaluate manufacturing system investments? How can an investment model be adapted to incorporate both academia and industry preferences? Method: A single-case-study was conducted within a company that is transitioning into a more reconfigurable manufacturing system. This created an empirical framework for a practical model. In parallel with the case study a literature study was conducted to attain a theoretical framework for the study. The first research question was answered with the literature study. The second research question was answered through the case study, including document studies, interviews, and a focus group, complemented with a literature study. From the theoretical and empirical framework, research question three was answered by developing the investment model following the model creation method suggested by Mitroff et al. (1974).  Implication: The wide adoption of the reconfigurable manufacturing system has yet to be fulfilled in industry, partially hinder by finding economic motivation at the investment evaluation of such a system. The focal company and most other western companies use a net present value to evaluate investments. This approach has been proved inadequate to describe the benefits of a changeable system. Literature suggests that a real option approach could successfully describe the benefits of changeability. However, the approach has been perceived by industry to be too complex. Therefore, a model needed to have enough complexity to comprehend aspect of changeability, while still be simplistic enough gain acceptance from industry. The developed model supplements traditional NPV evaluation with a real options approach, adding scenarios to incorporate uncertainties. The study indicates that it is possible to present the monetary value of added flexibility from changeable manufacturing systems in a simplistic way.


CARLOS EDUARDO REGIS MARTINS ALVES 08 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Os fundos de previdência complementar fechados, também conhecidos como fundos de pensão, através da geração de poupança interna e na ampliação do investimento produtivo desempenham uma participação importante no desenvolvimento da economia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o desempenho dos fundos de pensão, no período de 2010 a 2014. No total foram analisadas as rentabilidades anuais de 60 fundos, sendo que 30 de patrocinadores privados e 30 de patrocinadores públicos. Esta pesquisa procura analisar o desempenho destes fundos e verificar se estes possuem uma rentabilidade satisfatória, avaliar se existe diferença de gestão entre fundos com patrocinadores de empresas públicas e privadas e posteriormente para determinar os fatores de risco das carteiras dos fundos seria utilizado o modelo proposto por Sharpe, conhecido como analise de estilo baseado em retorno. A avaliação dos desempenhos dos fundos foi realizada por modelos quantitativos clássicos como índice Sharpe, índice de Modigliani e índice de Treynor. A pesquisa de fundos de previdência complementar fechada se justifica, pelos poucos estudos publicados, pelo crescimento continuo das discussões sobre análise de desempenho e estilo de gestão nestes fundos. / [en] Closed pension funds, also known as pension funds, through domestic savings generation and expansion of productive investment play an important role in developing the economy. This study aimed to verify the performance of pension funds in the period 2010 to 2014. In total the annual returns of 60 funds were analyzed, of which 30 private sponsors and 30 public sponsors. This research seeks to analyze the performance of these funds and to determine whether they have a satisfactory profitability, assess whether there are differences in management between funds with sponsors of public and private companies and subsequently to determine the risk factors of the portfolios of the funds would be used the model proposed by Sharpe, known as return-based style analysis. The evaluation of the performance of the funds was performed by classical quantitative models as Sharpe ratio, Modigliani index and Treynor index. The survey closed pension funds is justified by the few published studies, the continued growth of discussions on analysis of performance and style of management in these funds.

Driver Response to Dynamic Message Sign Safety Campaign Messages

Kryschtal, Pamela Jean 03 February 2020 (has links)
Unsafe driving habits increase the severity of roadway accidents. The behaviors that are generally associated with unsafe driving are influenced by drivers and their decision to engage in dangerous habits. In order to solve this problem, Departments of Transportation use roadside safety campaigns. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of these campaigns, this research study captured five different metrics of effectiveness to understand what messages are effective and how to target messages to different groups of people. Since reading and interpreting the messages produces cognitive activation among participants, a neuroimaging technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to measure neurocognitive activation as a proxy for response. The fNIRS system captures this cognitive activation by measuring change in oxygenated blood (oxy-Hb). An increase in oxy-Hb is a proxy for increased task engagement. The first journal paper provides an understanding of what types of messages are perceived as effective, are misunderstood, are memorable, are considered inappropriate, and cause the greatest increase in cognitive engagement. Overall, drivers perceive messages to be effective at changing behavior, but particular messages are perceived as more effective than others. Messages about distracted driving and driving without a seat belt, messages that are intended to produce a negative emotional response, and messages with statistics are the behaviors, emotions, and themes that are most likely to be perceived to change driver behavior. Messages about distracted driving and messages about statistics are most likely to be remembered by drivers. In general, drivers do not find messages used in safety campaigns to be inappropriate. Drivers elicit more cognitive attention to signs about distracted driving and signs with a humorous emotion. The second journal considers the effectiveness of these messages with different target demographics by further investigating the first journal's results by different dependent variables, including age, gender, and risky driving habits of the participants. In the second study, the results from the first study are further examined to determine if some campaigns are more effective among different demographics of drivers. The behavioral results indicated that females, drivers over 65, low-risk and high-risk drivers, and urban and rural drivers perceive the safety campaigns as more effective. The neurological data revealed that younger drivers had more activation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, an area known for semantics and word processing, which might indicate more cognitive attention to these types of messages. This study provides a unique application of using neuroimaging techniques to understand driver response to safety messages. The recommendations for an effective safety campaign are to use messages about distracted driving, messages with an emotional stimulus, and messages about statistics. Messages about word play and rhyme are recommended for appealing to younger demographics. / Master of Science / Messages like "New year, new you, use your blinker" and "May the 4th be with you, text I will not" are increasingly used to catch drivers' attention. The development and use of these non-traditional safety messages are distinctly different than messages previously displayed on highway signs because the intent of these messages is to modify driver behavior rather than just provide information. Unfortunately, there is little empirical evidence measuring how effective these messages are at changing driver behavior or guidance on how to target messages for specific groups of people. The goal of this study was to understand what types of non-traditional safety messages are effective and how to target these messages to different target audiences. Roadway collisions are made more severe when the cause of the incident involves dangerous driving habits, such as distracted, impaired, or aggressive driving. The problem is made even more severe by the fact that the habits that make driving dangerous are affected by the driver's decision to engage in risky driving behavior. The solution to this problem is to gain an understanding of driver preferences and response, a research effort this study will address. Reading and interpreting the messages produces cognitive activation among participants. The study uses functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which allows researchers to capture this cognitive activation by measuring change in oxygenated blood (oxy-Hb). This provides not only the ability to gain a more detailed understanding of driver response, but the ability to triangulate this with what drivers perceive as effective in changing driver behavior. In the first study, the participants felt that campaigns targeting distracted driving, messages with a negative emotion, and campaigns about statistics were significantly more effective at changing driver behavior compared to other behaviors, emotions, and themes. The neurological data revealed that drivers respond more to campaigns about distracted driving. However, the neurological data indicates that humorous messages and messages that fit under the theme word play and rhyme elicit a greater cognitive response. The second study furthers the first study and revealed that females, drivers over 65, low-risk and high-risk drivers, and urban and rural drivers perceive the safety campaigns as more effective. The neurological data revealed that younger and older males and older high-risk drivers respond with greater peak oxy-Hb when compared to other groups of people. This study advances the applicability of fNIRS in traffic related studies.

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