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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolamento e caracterização de serinopeptidases de Pseudechis australis / Isolation and characterization of serinopeptidases Pseudechis australis

Levindo, Samuel de Brito 16 September 2016 (has links)
Os venenos de serpentes peçonhentas representam uma mistura muito rica em compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos com potencial farmacológico, clínico e médico considerável. (As propriedades de seus componentes vêm sendo pesquisadas e características que antes não eram observáveis passam a ser descobertas influenciando à obtenção de novas drogas e na otimização de terapias já existentes. A maior parte dos compostos presentes nos venenos das serpentes é formada por proteínas que representam de 90 a 95% do peso seco do veneno, dentre elas destacam-se as peptidases (serino e metalopeptidases). As serinopeptidases caracterizam-se por apresentar no sítio ativo uma tríade catalítica idêntica a presente na tripsina, a qual é formada pelo agrupamento dos aminoácidos, His 57, Asp 102 e Ser 195. Constituem um grupo de enzimas que apresentam uma ampla variedade de efeitos biológicos, com massa molecular entre 25 kDa e 35 kDa, promovendo diversos efeitos fisiológicos como, alterações no sistema hemostático, agindo nos componentes da cascata de coagulação e com ação fibrinogenolítica. Ainda que já existam enzimas de veneno de serpentes com aplicação na regulação da cascata da coagulação, vários laboratórios têm buscado novas alternativas que apresentem atividade na hemostasia a fim de obtenção de produtos farmacológicos ainda não investigados. As serpentes australianas da família Elapidae, destacam-se para este fim, por apresentarem proteínas pró-coagulantes e até o momento não há descrição na literatura sobre a presença de serinopeptidases no veneno de Pseudechis australis. Neste trabalho conseguimos isolar e confirmar pela primeira vez a presença de uma serinopeptidase do veneno de Pseudechis australis através de técnicas cromatográficas e bioquímicas. Esta serinopeptidase possui atividade sobre a cadeia beta e alfa do fibrinogênio, não possui atividade gelatinolítica e possui semelhanças com o Fator X (FX) da cascata de coagulação. / Snake venoms represent a very rich mixture of organic and inorganic compounds with potential pharmacological, clinical and medical applications. This potential has not been fully exploited due to our incomplete knowledge of the properties of venoms and their components. Most of the compounds present in snake venoms are proteins that represent 90 to 95% of the dry weight, among which stand out peptidases (serine and metallopeptidases). The serinopeptidases are characterized by having a catalytic triad similar to the one present in trypsin, which is formed by, His 57, Asp 102 and Ser 195.These proteins constitute a group of enzymes that have a variety of activities, molecular mass between 25 kDa to 35 kDa, promoting many physiological effects as changes in the hemostatic system, acting on components of the clotting cascade and fibrinogenolytic action. Several snake venoms isolated peptidases are used for therapeutic purposes, among which serinopeptidases as Batroxobin® and Ancrod® used as anticoagulants in heart surgery. Pseudechis australis (King Brown or Mulga Snake) is a terrestrial species among the most poisonous of Australia and belonging to the family Elapidae which constitutes 57.7% of the snake species described in the Australian continent, Australian Elapidae are among the ten more toxic species in the world. Although there are already venom enzymes snakes with application in coagulopathies, several laboratories have sought alternatives for the treatment of hemostasic disorders in order to obtain new pharmacological products. Australian snakes from the Elapidae family, stand out for this purpose, because they have procoagulant proteins with properties similar to the macromolecular complex found in blood. It is worth noting that so far there is no description in the literature on the presence of serinopeptidases in Pseudechis australis venom and since serinopeptidases are closely linked to the hemostatic system, new serinopeptidases may have great potential in the development of drugs for the therapy of hemostatic disorders. In this work we managed to isolate and confirm the first time a serinopeptidase the Pseudechis australis venom through chromatographic and biochemical techniques. This serinopeptidase have activity on alpha and beta chain of fibrinogen, has no gelatinolytic activity and has similarities to factor X of the clotting cascade.

Estudos estruturais e funcionais de uma lipase de Beauveria bassiana imobilizada e expressa em Aspergillus nidulans: sensibilidade de linhagens celulares de glioblastoma aos hidrolisados de óleos brasileiros / Structural and functional studies of a Beauveria bassiana lipase immobilized and expressed in Aspergillus nidulans: sensitivity of glioblastoma cell lines to hydrolysates of brazilian oils

Gonçalves, Enrico Cerioni Spiropulos 29 November 2018 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção e caracterização de uma cepa transformante de Aspergilus nidulans para produção de uma lipase de Beauveria bassiana (denominada Bbl1) por meio do vetor pExpyr, utilizando xarope de milho como fonte de carbono indutora. Para isso utilizou-se o gene sob referência XP_008602131.1 (denominado bbl1) do NCBI que foi introduzido em vetores de pGEM-T, para multiplicação, e no pExpyr, para expressão. Foi feita a modelagem molecular dessa enzima, revelando cavidades hidrofóbicas para interação com substrato, e a \"tampa\", considerada característica comum das lipases \"verdadeiras\". A produção de Bbl1 em cultivos contendo maltose foi aproximadamente o dobro em relação à cepa selvagem B. bassiana. Posteriormente, com o intuito de melhorar a produção e baratear os custos de fermentação desta cepa, a maltose e o tampão HEPES (insumos caros e utilizados em escala laboratorial, porém inviáveis em padrão industrial) foram substituídos respectivamente por xarope de milho e tampão fosfato de sódio; o resultado foi a obtenção de quase 40 U.mL-1 de atividade de lipases em Erlenmeyer de 125 mL, quadruplicando a produção em relação a cepa selvagem. A Bbl1 foi purificada em colunas de Octyl-Sepharose e DEAE-celulose. Essa enzima demonstrou-se estável em solução com 0,5% de tween-20 e tween-80, e hiper-ativada na presença destes dois detergentes e de Triton X-100. Além disso, os ácidos oleico e linoleico demonstraram-se como inibidores análogos a não-competitivos. O estudo de imobilização revelou que o suporte de Octyl-Sepharose é o mais ideal para ativação de Bbl1, sendo que a atividade relativa da mesma foi cerca de 123%, em relação a mesma enzima em solução aquosa. Quanto à estabilidade térmica e ao pH, a imobilização promoveu um ganho de estabilidade nas temperaturas de 30°C até 60°C nos derivados de Octyl, Phenyl, Butyl, DEAE-celulose, MANAE e PEI, e na faixa de pH de 3 até 9 nesses mesmos suportes estudados, em comparação à enzima em solução. Por meio de estudos cinéticos, observou-se que a velocidade máxima de Bbl1 imobilizada em Octyl foi 2,39 vezes maior e o respectivo valor de K0,5, 2,7 vezes menor em relação à Bbl1 livre. O padrão de inibição pelos ácidos oleico e linoleico sofreu alteração em Bbl1 imobilizada, sendo dependente da concentração destes inibidores. Os produtos hidrólise dos óleos de açaí e buriti foram fracionados em fases polares e apolares e aplicados em culturas de monocamada de linhagens celulares de glioblastoma LN-18. Observou-se os produtos de hidrólise do óleo de buriti provocaram redução na viabilidade respiratório das células de glioblastoma até 120 horas de exposição, enquanto que nos cultivos de células de fibroblasto observou-se um \"ganho\" de viabilidade neste mesmo período de cultivo. Por fim, esse trabalho permitiu a gratificação em obter uma cepa de A. nidulans transformante para expressão de lipase - uma enzima comercialmente onerosa e com poucos trabalhos envolvendo sua produção de forma heteróloga. Além disso, tornou-se a utilização destas enzimas na hidrólise de óleos brasileiros como um potencial agente à obtenção de insumos para o tratamento de glioblastoma. / The objective of this work was to obtain and characterize a transforming strain of Aspergilus nidulans to produce a Beauveria bassiana lipase (called Bbl1) using the pExpyr vector, having corn syrup as inducing carbon source. For this purpose, the NCBI reference gene XP_008602131.1 (designated bbl1) was used, which was introduced into pGEM-T vectors for storage, and pExpyr for expression. The molecular modeling of this enzyme was performed, revealing hydrophobic cavities for the interaction with substrate, and the \"lid\", considered a common characteristic of \"true\" lipases. Production of Bbl1 in cultures containing maltose was approximately double that of B. bassiana wild strain. Later, in order to improve the production and to reduce the costs of fermentation of this strain, maltose and HEPES buffer (expensive and laboratory-grade inputs, however, not viable in an industrial standard) were replaced by corn syrup and sodium phosphate buffer; the result was the obtaining of almost 40 U.mL-1 of lipase activity in Erlenmeyer of 125 mL, quadrupling the production in relation to the wild strain. Bbl1 was purified on Octyl-Sepharose and DEAE-cellulose columns. This enzyme showed to be stable in solution with 0.5% tween-20 and tween-80, and hyperactivated in the presence of these two detergents and Triton X-100. In addition, oleic and linoleic acids have shown to be non-competitive analogues. The immobilization study revealed that Octyl-Sepharose support is the most ideal for the activation of Bbl1, and the relative enzymatic activity was about 123% in relation to the same non-immobilized enzyme. As for thermal stability and pH, immobilization promoted a stability gain at temperatures of 30 ° C to 60 ° C in the Octyl, Phenyl, Butyl, DEAEcellulose, MANAE and PEI derivatives, and in the pH range of 3 up to 9 in these same supports, compared to the enzyme in solution. By means of kinetic studies, it was observed that the maximum rate of Bbl1 immobilized on Octyl was 2.39 higher and the respective value of K0.5, 2.7 lower than the free Bbl1. The inhibition pattern for oleic and linoleic acids was altered in immobilized Bbl1, being dependent on the concentration of these inhibitors. The hydrolysis products of açai and buriti oils were fractionated in polar and nonpolar phases and applied to monolayer cultures of LN-18 glioblastoma cell lines. It was observed that the buriti oil hydrolysis products were able to cause a reduction in the respiratory viability of glioblastoma cells up to 120 hours of exposure, whereas in the fibroblast cell cultures a viability \"gain\" was observed in the same culture period. Finally, this work allowed the gratification in obtaining a strain of transforming A. nidulans for lipase expression - a commercially expensive enzyme with few studies involving its production in a heterologous way. In addition, the use of these enzymes in the hydrolysis of Brazilian oils has become a potential agent to obtain inputs for the treatment of glioblastoma.

Caracterização radioisotópica dos filtros de purificação da água do circuito primário do reator IEA-R1, e efluentes líquidos eventualmente liberados, por meio de técnicas radioanalíticas de separação para a determinação dos radionuclídeos de difícil medição e fatores de escala / Radioisotopic characterization of the water purification filters of the primary circuit of the IEA-R1 reactor, and eventually released liquid effluents, using radioanalytical separation techniques for the determination of difficult-to-measure radionuclides and scaling factors

Geraldo, Bianca 25 May 2018 (has links)
Técnicas radioquímicas de separação têm sido comumente utilizadas para a caracterização de rejeitos radioativos. No entanto, a determinação de radionuclídeos emissores alfa, beta e gama por análise radioquímica, em amostras de filtro cartucho utilizado no processo de retratamento da água de um reator do tipo piscina, não foi abordada anteriormente na literatura. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer um método de solubilização para os filtros, identificar e quantificar os radionuclídeos presentes nestes rejeitos, sendo eles os Radionuclídeos Chaves (RC) (60Co, 108mAg, 110mAg) e principalmente os Radionuclídeos de Difícil Medição (RDM) (63Ni, 90Sr, 234U, 235U, 238U, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm e 243+244Cm), para posterior aplicação do método de Fator de Escala (FE) no trabalho rotineiro de caracterização de rejeitos radioativos. A distribuição dos radionuclídeos no filtro cartucho foi investigada pela determinação dos radionuclídeos emissores gama e os resultados obtidos foram utilizados para calcular o escore-Z. Os resultados indicaram que todos os filtros podem ser considerados homogêneos, atendendo aos critérios de homogeneidade recomendados pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA), e com isso foi possível definir a quantidade de amostras representativas a serem analisadas. Foram determinados, a partir de dados analíticos, a correlação existente entre os RDMs e RCs selecionados e foram obtidos FEs para todos os RDMs, com exceção do 241Pu. / Separation radiochemical techniques have been commonly used for the characterization of radioactive waste. However, the determination of alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides by radiochemical analysis in cartridge filter samples used in the water re-treatment process of a pool-type reactor was not previously discussed in the literature. This work aims to establish a method of solubilization for the filters, to identify and quantify the radionuclides present in these wastes, being the Key Nuclides (KN) (60Co, 108mAg, 110mAg) and especially the Difficult To Measure radionuclides (DTM) (63Ni , 90Sr, 234U, 235U, 238U, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm and 243+244Cm), for later application of the Scaling Factors (SF) method in routine radioactive waste characterization work. The distribution of the radionuclides in the cartridge filter was investigated by determination of gamma-emitting radionuclides and the results obtained were used to calculate the Z-score. The results indicated that all the filters can be considered homogeneous, according to the criteria of homogeneity recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and with this it was possible to define the quantity of representative samples to be analyzed. From the analytical data, the correlation between the DTMs and the selected KNs was determined and the SFs were obtained for all the DTMs, except for the 241Pu.

Caracterização genética de espécies de canídeos silvestres de ocorrência no Estado do Ceará e sua correlação com o vírus da raiva / Genetic characterization of species of wild canids in the state of Ceara and its correlation with the rabies virus.

Crus, Nathalia Gabriel da 10 December 2018 (has links)
Mesmo sendo uma das zoonoses mais antigas descritas pelo homem, a raiva ainda é um grande desafio em todo o mundo. O ciclo da enfermidade em espécies silvestres apresenta importância emergente no Brasil e a região Nordeste apresenta uma epidemiologia única em comparação ao restante do país, por ser endêmica para o vírus da raiva em silvestres terrestres. Nesta região, foram identificadas as duas variantes do vírus da raiva responsáveis pelo acometimento da doença em seres humanos, que são mantidas e transmitidas por animais silvestres terrestres. Registros de casos nas espécies descritas como reservatórios, em outras espécies silvestres, domésticas e em humanos ocorrem anualmente. Estas variantes virais foram identificadas primeiramente no Estado do Ceará, uma em saguis do tufo branco (Callithrix jacchus) e a outra em canídeos silvestres, estando restritas à região Nordeste do Brasil até o momento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar geneticamente, utilizando DNA mitocondrial, as espécies de canídeos silvestres de ocorrência no Estado do Ceará, que atuam como reservatório e fonte de infecção do vírus da raiva, e a correlação entre esses reservatórios e o vírus. Para que fosse possível, utilizamos as técnicas de amplificação do gene Citocromo C Oxidase I (COI), bem como a amplificação da nucleoproteína do vírus da raiva pela Transcriptase Reversa e a Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (RT - PCR). Todas as amostras que apresentaram banda representativa em gel de agarose, para ambos os casos, foram submetidas ao sequenciamento genético das regiões amplificadas. De um total de 101 amostras recebidas, 89 obtiveram sequências satisfatórias para a identificação da espécie de canídeo silvestre, sugerindo que a principal espécie de canídeo silvestre presente no Estado do Ceará é o Cerdocyon thous e, 50 amostras obtiveram banda representativa para o vírus da raiva. Dessas, 48 apresentaram sequência satisfatória para a caracterização do vírus. Os resultados obtidos indicam alta positividade para o vírus da raiva em canídeos silvestres nessa região do Brasil, e sugerem que C. thous é a principal espécie de canídeo silvestre atuando como reservatório e transmissor do vírus da raiva no Estado do Ceará. Esses dados fornecem informações valiosas sobre as espécies de canídeos envolvidas nos casos de raiva ocorridos no Estado do Ceará, possibilitando a adoção de estratégias efetivas de prevenção e controle da raiva, além de resultados inéditos em relação às espécies de canídeos silvestres de ocorrência no Estado e sua importância na epidemiologia da enfermidade. / Although it is one of the most ancient diseases related in human history, rabies still presents a great challenge throughout the world. Wild animals have emergent importance in Brazil and the Northeast region, an endemic region, presents a unique epidemiology compared to the rest of the country. In this region, two variants of the rabies virus responsible for the disease in humans, were identified which are maintained and transmitted by terrestrial wild animals. These variants were initially identified in the State of Ceara, one maintained by populations of marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and other by wild canids, both being restricted to time to the Northeast. The aim of this study was to identify genetically, using the mitochondrial DNA, the species of wild canids in Ceara that act as reservoir and transmitters of the rabies virus. We used the Polymerase Chain Reaction by Reverse Transcriptase (RT - PCR) tecnique for amplification of Citocrhome C Oxidase I (COI) gene to species characterization and the viral nucleoprotein to detect the rabies virus. All the samples that presented representative band on agarose gel, in both cases, were submitted to the genetic sequencing. Of a total of 101 samples received, 89 obtained satisfactory sequences to identify the wild canid species, suggesting that the main wild canid species occurring in Ceara state is Cerdocyon thous. Out of 50 samples with representative band to rabies virus, 48 presented satisfactory sequences to the viral characterization. The results indicate high positivity for rabies virus in wild canids in this region of Brazil, and suggest that C. thous is the main terrestrial wild reservoir e transmitter of rabies virus in Ceara State. These data provide valuable information about canids species involved in rabies cases in Ceara state, implying in the adoption of effective strategies for prevention and control of rabies, and also unpublished results regarding the occurrence of species of wild canids in the State and its importance in the disease epidemiology.

Analyse spatiale et environnementale du risque d’incendie de forêt en Algérie : Cas de la Kabylie maritime / Spatial and environmental analysis of the risk of forest fire in Algeria : Case of the maritime Kabylia

Belkaid, Hamid 27 April 2016 (has links)
L'Algérie fait partie des pays qui subissent un risque important en matière d'incendies de forêts, elle perd en moyenne 30 000 ha de sa couverture végétale annuellement. Ce chiffre montre, à lui seul, le niveau du risque incendie de forêt dans ce pays et suscite une inquiétude concernant les conséquences de cet aléa à plus longue échéance. Afin de cerner les enjeux environnementaux actuels et futurs, nous avons opté pour l'étude de l'effet des incendies sur les écosystèmes forestiers algériens et la mise en relief des tendances actuelles. Dans cette perspective, nous avons choisi comme objet d'étude les forêts de la Kabylie maritime (nord algérien) qui connaissent des fréquences assez élevées d'incendies et une importante vulnérabilité, depuis maintenant plusieurs années. L'étude consiste à retracer l'évolution du risque incendie dans cet espace forestier et mettre en évidence les changements morphologiques, structuraux et floraux qui y sont intervenus à travers le temps, mais aussi à analyser les changements du climat et de l'occupation de l'espace par l'homme. Ceci, afin de saisir l'influence future du changement climatique et des comportements sociaux sur l'évolution de la forêt algérienne et de tenter d'esquisser des scénarios possibles permettant d'anticiper sur des situations à risques. / Algeria is among the countries that undergo a significant risk in terms of forest fires, it loses an average of 30 000 ha of its land cover annually. This figure shows, in itself, the forest fire risk level in this country and raises a concern about the consequences of this hazard in the longer term. To identify current and future environmental issues, we decided to study the effect of fires on forest ecosystems and Algerian highlighting current trends. In this perspective, we have chosen as a case study the forests of maritime Kabylia (Algeria North) experiencing relatively high frequency of fires and a significant vulnerability for several years now. The study is to trace the evolution of the fire risk in this forest area and highlight the morphological, structural and floral changes that have occurred there over time, but also to analyze climate change and occupation space by man. This, to capture the future impact of climate change and social behavior on the evolution of the Algerian forest and attempt to outline possible scenarios to anticipate risk situations.

Caractérisation thermomécanique, modélisation et optimisation fiabiliste des packages électroniques / Thermomechanical characterization, modeling and reliability optimization of electronic packages

Bendaou, Omar 07 November 2017 (has links)
Lors du fonctionnement des packages électroniques, ceux ci sont exposés à diverses sollicitations d'ordres thermiques et mécaniques. De même, la combinaison de ces sources de contraintes constitue l'origine de la quasi majorité des défaillances des packages électroniques. Pour s'assurer de la bonne résistance des packages électroniques, les fabricants pratiquent des tests de fiabilité et des analyses de défaillance avant toute commercialisation. Toutefois, les essais expérimentaux, lors de la phase de conception et de l'élaboration des prototypes, s'avèrent contraignants en termes de temps et de ressources matérielles. En revanche, la simulation numérique à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis constitue une option alternative en termes de temps et de ressources. Les objectifs dévolus aux travaux de recherche visent à élaborer quatre modèles éléments finis en 3D, validés/calibrés par des essais expérimentaux, intégrant les recommandations JEDEC (1) en vue de : - Procéder à la caractérisation thermique et thermomécanique des packages électroniques ; - Et prédire la durée de vie en fatigue thermique des joints de brasures et ce, en lieu et place de la caractérisation expérimentale normalisée. Or, la mise en œuvre des modèles éléments finis présente certains inconvénients liés aux incertitudes au niveau de la géométrie, des propriétés matériaux, les conditions aux limites ou les charges. Ceux ci ont une influence sur le comportement thermique et thermomécanique des systèmes électroniques. D'où la nécessité de formuler le problème en termes probabilistes et ce, dans le but de mener une étude de fiabilité et d’optimisation des packages électroniques. Pour remédier au temps de calcul énorme généré par les méthodes d’analyse de fiabilité classiques, nous avons développé des méthodologies spécifiques à cette problématique, via des méthodes d’approximation basées sur le krigeage avancé,qui nous ont permis de bâtir un modèle de substitution, qui rallie efficacité et précision. Par conséquent, une analyse de fiabilité a été menée avec exactitude et dans un temps extrêmement court, via les méthodes de simulation Monte Carlo et FORM/SORM, couplées avec le modèle de krigeage avancé. Ensuite, l’analyse de fiabilité a été associée dans le processus d’optimisation, en vue d’améliorer la performance et la fiabilité de la conception structurelle des packages électroniques. A la fin, nous avons procédé à l’applicabilité des dites méthodologies d’analyse de fiabilité aux quatre modèles éléments finis ainsi développés. Il résulte que les analyses de fiabilité menées se sont avérées très utiles pour prédire les effets des incertitudes liées aux propriétés matériaux. De même, l’analyse d’optimisation de fiabilité ainsi réalisée nous a permis d’améliorer la performance et la fiabilité de la conception structurelle des packages électroniques. (1) JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) est un organisme de normalisation des semi-conducteurs. / During operation, electronic packages are exposed to various thermal and mechanical solicitations. These solicitations combined are the source for most of electronic package failures. To ensure electronic packages robustness, manufacturers perform reliability testing and failure analysis prior to any commercialization. However, experimental tests, during design phase and prototypes development, are known to be constraining in terms of time and material resources. This research aims to develop four finite element models in 3D, validated/calibrated by experimental tests, integrating JEDEC recommendations to : - Perform electronic packages thermal and thermomechanical characterization ; - Predict the thermal fatigue life of solder joints in place of the standardized experimental characterization.However, implementation of the finite element model has some disadvantages related to uncertainties at the geometry, material properties, boundary conditions or loads. These uncertainties influence thermal and electronic systems thermomechanical behavior. Hence the need to formulate the problem in probabilistic terms, in order to conduct a reliability study and a electronic packages reliability based design optimization.To remedy the enormous computation time generated by classical reliability analysis methods, we developed methodologies specific to this problem, using approximation methods based on advanced kriging, which allowed us to build a substitution model, combining efficiency and precision. Therefore reliability analysis can be performed accurately and in a very short time with Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and FORM / SORM methods coupled with the advanced model of kriging. Reliability analysis was associated in the optimization process, to improve the performance and electronic packages structural design reliability. In the end, we applied the reliability analysis methodologies to the four finite element models developed. As a result, reliability analysis proved to be very useful in predicting uncertainties effects related to material properties. Similarly, reliability optimization analysis performed out has enabled us to improve the electronic packages structural design performance and reliability. In the end, we applied the reliability analysis methodologies to the four finite element models developed. As a result, reliability analysis proved to be very useful in predicting uncertainties effects related to material properties. Similarly, reliability optimization analysis performed out has enabled us to improve the electronic packages structural design performance and reliability.

Towards Implementation of Metal Nanoclusters as Luminescent Probes for Detection of Single-Particle Dynamics: "Watching Nanoscale Dynamics Unfold"

Kempa, Thomas January 2004 (has links)
Thesis advisor: John T. Fourkas / One can extract a tremendous amount of information about the organizational and dynamic states of molecules, in situ and in real-time, through highly sensitive and noninvasive single particle optical probing. The highly efficient, multi-photon excited luminescence from stabilized metal nanoclusters renders these species useful as optical probes that can be used in detecting single particle and molecular dynamics. We generate stable, and monodisperse samples of Ag nanoclusters as small as 1 nm in diameter, and find that through substitution of various stabilizer molecules we can precisely tune the size of the clusters over a 1-6 nm range of diameters, ensuring monodispersity and stability at every stage. These clusters also exhibit highly efficient, polarized luminescence upon two photon excitation at 800 nm and remain highly photostable, not exhibiting the deleterious blinking that occurs with many single-molecule fluorophores. In order to demonstrate the utility of these clusters as single-molecule probes, we track their emission polarization over long periods in deeply supercooled liquids such as 4'(octahydro-4,7-methano-5H-inden-5-yliden) bisphenol dimethyl ether (ODE). Our results suggest that these clusters can detect nanoscale dynamics with high sensitivity. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2004. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Chemistry. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Modélisation des rayonnements électromagnétiques par des sources équivalentes - Application à l'électronique de puissance / Electromagnetic filed characterization by equivalent sources - Application to power electronics

Beghou, Lotfi 19 January 2012 (has links)
N.c. / N.c.

Regroupement de techniques de caractérisation de matériaux destinés à l’énergie solaire pour optimisation et mesures industrielles / Gathering of characterization techniques for optimization and industrial measurement of materials for solar energy

Fath Allah, Amir 09 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine des matériaux utilisés comme absorbeurs dans les dispositifs de conversion de l’énergie solaire on peut distinguer deux grandes filières : les matériaux massifs, dans lesquels domine le silicium cristallin, et les matériaux en couches minces. Ces derniers présentent de nombreux avantages par rapport aux matériaux cristallins. Un de ces avantages est que les technologies utilisées sont moins consommatrices d’énergie ce qui assure un retour sur investissement relativement rapide. En outre, ils peuvent être déposés sur de grandes surfaces. On peut citer comme matériaux le silicium amorphe hydrogéné, les alliages CIGS ou les composés tels que le CdTe. De nouveaux matériaux sont également apparus comme les organiques ou les pérovskites. Toutefois, ils présentent l’inconvénient de donner des dispositifs avec un rendement de conversion plus faible que les matériaux cristallins massifs. C’est pourquoi des recherches sont toujours en cours pour améliorer les propriétés de transport de ces matériaux afin d’optimiser les rendements de conversion des dispositifs associés. Ces recherches passent par une caractérisation des propriétés de transport en lien avec leurs paramètres de fabrication.Au laboratoire GeePs l’équipe "semi-conducteurs en couche mince" a développé de nombreuses techniques de caractérisation de ces couches minces. Parmi ces techniques, essentiellement basées sur les propriétés photoconductrices des films minces, on trouve des mesures de conductivité et photo-conductivité qui donnent aussi accès à l’énergie d’activation et au produit mobilité-durée de vie des porteurs majoritaires. On trouve également la technique de photo-courant modulé qui donne accès à la densité d’états dans la bande interdite ou bien encore une technique d’interférométrie laser (SSPG pour steady state photocarrier grating) qui donne une estimation du produit mobilité-durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires. Les générations lumineuses utilisées (DC, modulée, interférentielle) variant d’une technique à une autre, toutes ces techniques étaient jusqu’à présent réalisées sur différents bancs de mesure, certains permettant des mesures sous vide en fonction de la température, d’autres réalisant les mesures sous atmosphère et température ambiante.Durant cette thèse nous avons regroupé toutes ces techniques sur un même banc de mesure et toutes les caractérisations peuvent maintenant se faire sous vide et en fonction de la température pour différentes formes de générations lumineuses. Ceci assure que les échantillons sont mesurés dans les mêmes conditions et que tous les paramètres obtenus concernent bien un même état donné du film étudié. Ceci est particulièrement indispensable pour les matériaux organiques ou les pérovskites dont les qualités peuvent se dégrader par exposition prolongée à l’air ambiant. Ce nouveau banc de mesure a nécessité des développements mécaniques (réalisation d’un nouveau cryostat, réalisation d’un système automatique d’interférences à pas variable), techniques (utilisation d’un modulateur électro-optique pour produire les générations lumineuses désirées) et informatiques (pilotage et contrôle de l’ensemble du système, prise de mesure automatique).Nous présentons tout d’abord les développements théoriques de chacune des techniques afin de préciser quel(s) paramètre(s) on peut en déduire et leurs conditions de mesures. Puis, dans une seconde partie nous présentons les développements techniques que nous avons réalisés pour assurer de bonnes conditions de mesure. Enfin, nous présentons les caractérisations réalisées et les résultats expérimentaux que nous avons obtenus sur différents types de films minces. Un matériau a particulièrement été employé pour valider les nouvelles mesures, le silicium amorphe hydrogéné, mais nous avons également étudié des matériaux comme des pérovskites, P3HT:PCBM (organique) ou encore Sb₂S₃. / In the field of materials used as absorbers in solar energy conversion devices there are two major sectors: bulk materials in which dominates the crystalline silicon (c-Si) and thin film materials. These latters have many advantages over crystalline materials. One of these advantages is that the technologies used are less energy demanding which ensure a relatively quick payback. Furthermore, they can be deposited over large areas. Some thin films to be mentioned are the hydrogenated amorphous silicon, CIGS alloys or compounds such as CdTe. New materials have also emerged as organic blends or perovskites. However, they have the disadvantage to lead to devices with lower conversion efficiency than c-Si. This is why researches are ongoing to improve the transport properties of these materials to optimize the conversion efficiencies of the associated devices. These researches pass through a characterization of the transport properties in connection with manufacturing parameters.In GeePs laboratory the "thin film semiconductor" team has developed many characterization techniques for these thin films. Among these techniques, mainly based on their photoconductive properties, one finds conductivity and photoconductivity measurements that provide also access to the activation energy and the mobility-life time product of the majority carriers. There is also the modulated photocurrent technique that gives access to the density of states in the band gap or even a laser interferometry technique (SSPG for steady state photocarrier grating), which gives an estimate of the mobility-life time product of minority carriers. The light generations used (DC, modulated, interference) varying from one technique to another, all these techniques were previously performed on different benches, some enabling temperature dependent measurements under vacuum, other making measurements under atmospheric pressure at room temperature.During this thesis we gathered all these techniques on the same measurement bench and all the characterizations can now be done under vacuum and depending on temperature for different "shapes" of light generation. This ensures that the samples are measured under the same conditions and that all the parameters obtained well relate to the same given state of the studied film. This is particularly essential for organic materials or perovskites whose quality can be deteriorated by long term exposure to ambient air. This new bench required mechanical (construction of a new cryostat, realization of an automatic interference system with variable grating period), technical (use of an electro-optic modulator to produce the desired light generation) and software (control of the entire system, automatic measurement) developments.We first present the theoretical developments of each technique to clarify which parameter(s) can be deduced and its measurement conditions. Then, in a second part we present the technical developments we have made to ensure good measurement conditions. Finally, we present the characterizations performed and the experimental results we obtained on different types of thin films. A material was particularly used to validate the new measurements, hydrogenated amorphous silicon, but we also studied materials such as perovskites, P3HT:PCBM (organic) or Sb₂S₃.

Cavité de type klystron pour des dispositifs microondes / Klystron type cavity for microwave devices

Apedjinou, Anoumou 18 March 2019 (has links)
Les propriétés électriques des matériaux sont des données indispensables dans les phases de conception de circuits micro-ondes. Ainsi, de nombreuses méthodes ont été mises au point en s’appuyant sur des mesures de paramètres «S», pour les systèmes de transmission-réflexion, ou de fréquences de résonance, pour les méthodes résonantes. Chacune d’entre elles présente des caractéristiques adaptées à un type de géométrie d’échantillon, à une bande de fréquence d’analyse, à une précision des résultats souhaitée... Dans tous les cas, les dimensions de l’échantillon doivent être au moins de l’ordre de grandeur de la longueur d’onde et donc, les caractérisations deviennent impossibles aux basses fréquences pour des échantillons de petites tailles. Un autre inconvénient de ces méthodes est qu’il est obligatoire de connaître parfaitement l’épaisseur de l’échantillon pour déterminer avec précision les caractéristiques électriques du matériau. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a donc consisté à mettre au point une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation en s’appuyant sur une cavité de géométrie particulière. Celle-ci permet des mesures basses fréquences pour des dimensions très inférieures à la longueur d’onde. Avec un système de couplage original, nous avons pu également obtenir une réponse en transmission particulière, caractérisée par une fréquence de résonance et une fréquence d’antirésonance. Par rapport aux méthodes classiques qui ne travaillent que sur la fréquence de résonance, cette double information permet de déterminer à la fois la permittivité du milieu mais également l’épaisseur de l’échantillon. / The electrical properties of the materials are essential data in the design phases of microwave circuits. Thus, many methods have been developed based on "S" parameter measurements, for transmission-reflection systems, or resonance frequencies, for resonant methods. Each of them has characteristics adapted to a type of the samplegeometry, to the frequency band of analysis, to a desired precision of the results... In all the cases, the dimensions of the sample must be at least of the order of the wavelength and therefore the characterizations become impossible at low frequencies for samples of small sizes. Another disadvantage of these methods is that it is mandatory to know perfectly the thickness of the sample to accurately determine the electrical characteristics of the material. The objective of this thesis work was therefore to develop a new method of characterization based on a cavity of particular geometry. This allows low frequency measurements for dimensions much smaller than the wavelength. With an original coupling system, we have also been able to obtain a particular transmission response, characterized by a resonance frequency and an antiresonance frequency. Compared to conventional methods that only work on the resonant frequency, this double information makes it possible to determine both the permittivity of the medium but also the thickness of the sample.

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