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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women in American popular entertainment: creating a niche in the vaudevillian era, 1890s to 1930s

Pittenger, Peach 01 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Arbetsrätten vid partiella företagsförvärv : Med utgångspunkt i förvärvsmetodernas skatterättsliga följder / Labour law in the context of partial corporate acquisitions : based on the taxative consequences of the acquisition methods

Jonsson, Andreas, Maslyannikov, Lev January 2015 (has links)
Företagsförvärv ger ofta upphov till arbetsrättsliga och skatterättsliga frågor där många människor och stora belopp är inblandade. I samband med partiella företagsförvärv ställs dessa frågor på sin spets, i och med att svåra gränsdragningar måste göras när ett bolag delas upp. Dessa gränsdragningar görs dessutom på olika grunder i olika rättsområden. Ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv kan en misslyckad personalövergång innebära stora kostnader samt risker för konflikter. En skatterättsligt oförmånlig utgång är också kostsam. Av den anledningen har vi, i denna uppsats, valt att lägga fokus på arbetsrättsliga och skatterättsliga frågor vid partiella företagsförvärv. Dessa frågor behandlas på följande sätt. Först görs en genomgång av relevanta rättsregler inom arbetsrätt, skatterätt och bolagsrätt, för att måla upp en någorlunda nyanserad bild av både den arbetsrättsliga bedömningsgången och de skatterättsliga och bolagsrättsliga ramar inom vilka förvärvsmetoderna ligger. Mot denna bakgrund har vi valt att ställa upp tre exempel som illustrerar hur metoderna kan tillämpas för att uppnå olika arbetsrättsliga effekter. Exemplen är utformade för att täcka flertalet av de regelverk som har utretts i uppsatsens första del. Slutligen görs en samlad utvärdering av resultaten. Själva förvärvsmetoden i sig sätter upp ramarna inom vilka arbetsrätten kan tillämpas, men det är den önskade arbetsrättsliga följden som styr valet av förvärvsmetod och dess utformning. Önskade följder vad gäller arbetstagare kan uppnås samtidigt som en skatterättsligt förmånlig behandling är möjlig. Genomförandet av ett partiellt företagsförvärv, med beaktande av skatterättsliga former och arbetsrättsliga följder, kan således innebära en lyckad ”cherry-pick”. / Corporate acquisitions often give rise to questions pertaining labour law and tax law, where many people and large amounts of money are involved. In the context of partial acquisitions, these questions come to a head, since difficult delimitations must be done when dividing a company. These delimitations are, furthermore, based upon different grounds within different fields of law. From an economical perspective, a failed transition of staff can carry considerable costs and risks of conflict. A disadvantageous outcome in the context of tax law is expensive as well. For this reason we have chosen, in this thesis, to focus on questions concerning labour law and tax law in the context of partial corporate acquisitions. These questions are treated in the following manner. Firstly, a review of the relevant norms within labour law, tax law and corporate law is made. This is done to paint a somewhat nuanced picture of both the assessment process within labour law and the frames of tax and company law, in which the methods of acquisition are stipulated. Against this background, we have constructed three examples that illustrate how the methods can be applied to achieve different effects pertaining labour law. The examples are designed to cover the majority of the norms that were investigated in the first part of the thesis. Finally, a general evaluation of the results is made. The method of acquisition, by itself, erects a framework in which labour law can be applied. However, it is the desired outcome in the context of labour law that governs the choice of acquisition method and its arrangement. It is possible to achieve these desired outcomes while receiving an advantageous treatment in the context of tax law as well. The execution of a partial acquisition, with consideration for the methods within tax law and the results within labour law, can therefore amount to a successful ”cherry pick”.

Věci a slova v poezii Georgiho Gospodinova / Things and Words in Georgi Gospodinov's Poetry

Zajac, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This MA thesis is primarily concerned with the poetics of the first two poetry collections by the Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov. The said collections, Lapidarium and The Cherry Tree of One People were published for the first time in the 1990s. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the author's debut, Lapidarium; mainly, we are attempting to capture the collection's characteristic traits and draw attention to the conspicious features connecting this oeuvre with the book Tao Te Ching. In the second part we continue by the analysis of The Cherry Tree of One People. We are focusing on the change of the author's poetics and furthermore, we concetrate on the national/supranatural aspects of the texts. In the concluding part, we anchor Gospodinov's work in the wider context of the 1990s and provide a comparison of contemporary Czech and Bulgarian poetry.

Bakteriozno sušenje trešnje (Prunus avium L.) / Textual printed material

Iličić Renata 20 May 2016 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;Bakteriozno su&scaron;enje tre&scaron;nje (Prunus avium L.) poslednjih nekoliko godina u mladim zasadima i plantažama tre&scaron;nje predstavlja značajan problem u proizvodnji ove voćne vrste. Simptomi bolesti se ispoljavaju u vidu su&scaron;enja grana, grančica ili celih stabala, &scaron;to se uglavnom zapaža na mestima rezidbe i oko pupoljaka, sa uočljivim promena boje tkiva kore, koje puca i nastaju rak rane. U periodu od 2012 &ndash; 2015 godine izvr&scaron;en je monitoring zdravstvenog stanja tre&scaron;nje kojim je obuhvaćeno nekoliko plantaža i manjih zasada tre&scaron;nje iz vi&scaron;e lokaliteta na području AP Vojvodine i centralne Srbije (Ritopek). Mlade voćke su očigledno najugroženije, jer smo na osnovu praćenja zdravstvenog stanja u vi&scaron;e lokaliteta i zasadima različite starosti, pojavu bakterioznog su&scaron;enja u jačem ili slabijem intenzitetu, konstatovali samo u mladim zasadima (do 3 godine starosti &ndash; Selenča, Gornji Tavankut, Donji Tavankut, Ljutovo, Mikićevo i Kanjiža). Izolacijama na strandardne hranljive podloge, iz prikupljenih obolelih uzoraka tre&scaron;nje, kao i sa zdravih pupoljaka i listova tre&scaron;nje (epifitna populacija), dobijeni su brojni izolati bakterija P. syringae pvs. od kojih je za dalja ispitivanja odabrano 155 izolata. Identifikikacija dobijenih izolata je izvr&scaron;ena je na osnovu fenotipskih i genotipskih metoda. Na osnovu LOPAT testova izolati pripadaju Ia grupi fluorescentnih vrsta Pseudomonas syringae. Prema GATTa testovima utvrđene su dve grupe izolata u okviru vrste P. syringae: I grupa (G+A+T&ndash;Ta&ndash;) i II grupa (G&ndash;A&ndash;T+Ta+). Dodatni testovi su potvrdili GATTa testove, na osnovu kojih je zaključeno da su&scaron;enje mladih stabala tre&scaron;nje prouzrokuju dve grupe bakterije P. s. pv. syringae (I grupa) i P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1 (II grupa). Među ispitivanim izolatima nije bilo odstupanja u pogledu fenotipskih karakteristika u okviru iste grupe, osim sposobnosti stvaranja siringomicina pojedinih izolata I grupe (pv. syringae). Proverom patogenosti na raznim test biljkama i biljci domaćinu utvrđene su razlike, ali i određene sličnosti između izolata I i II grupe. Jasne razlike između grupa izolata utvrđene su pri inokulaciji zelenih plodova tre&scaron;nje, vi&scaron;nje, ringlova i kru&scaron;ke, paradajza, paprike i mahuna boranije. Pri inokulaciji odvojenih listova jorgovana izolati I grupe (pv. syringae), kao i većina izolata II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1) su pozitivno reagovali, &scaron;to ukazuje na heterogenost populacije bakterije P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1. Pri inokulaciji sejanaca voćnih podloga (divlja tre&scaron;nja, magriva, divlja &scaron;ljiva, divlja kru&scaron;ka) svi izolati pv. syringae su prouzrokovali karakteristične patolo&scaron;ke promene na podlogama svih voćnih vrsta, a izolati pv. morsprunorum rase 1 takođe na svim vrstama, osim na sejancima divlje &scaron;ljive. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je &scaron;irenje bakterija moguće i putem podloga koje takođe mogu biti zaražene. Inokulacijama dvogodi&scaron;njih grančica tre&scaron;nje u periodu mirovanja zaključeno je da su svi izolati pv. syringae i morprunorum rasa 1 podjednako patogeni na svim sortama tre&scaron;nje (Burlat, Summit, Hedelfigenska i Germerzdorfska). Najveća dužina nekroze najče&scaron;će je zabeležena na sortama Burlat i Summit u kombinaciji sa izolatima I grupe (pv. syringae) u pojedinim slučajevima i sa izolatima II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1), a najmanja uglavnom kod sorti Germerzdorfska i Hedelfigenska sa izolatima II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Identifikacija izolata KBNS71 &ndash; 84 (Gornji Tavankut) i KBNS85 &ndash; 94 (Selenča) na bazi MLST kori&scaron;ćenjem gena gyrB, rpoD, gapA i gltA, jasno je pokazala prisustvo dva patovara P. s. pv. syringae i P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1. Pri poređenju sa sojevima H &ndash; 1, V &ndash; 85, V &ndash; 88 (vi&scaron;nja) i V &ndash; 109 (tre&scaron;nja) utvrđene su značajne razlike i postojanje genetskog diverziteta populacije ovih patogena. Simultana detekcija gena syrB i syrD utvrđena je kod 70 izolata I grupe (pv. syringae), a samo SyrB kod 9 izolata iste grupe (pv. syringae). Gen za sintezu koronatina detektovan je kod svih 76 izolata II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Rep &ndash; PCR metodom ustanovljene su značajne razlike (58%) između I i II grupe izolata (pv. syringae i pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Ispitivani izolati sa tre&scaron;nje u okviru pv. syringae nisu ispoljili međusobne razlike, ali se razlikuju od sojeva sa drugih lokaliteta i ranije izolovanih sa istog domaćina (V &ndash; 109 i T6), kao i od sojeva sa drugih domaćina &ndash; vi&scaron;nje (V &ndash; 85) i uljane tikve (Tk21) do 37%. Razlike među izolatima pv. morsprunorum rase 1 iznosile su manje od 5%, a 24% u odnosu na soj CFBP2119 istog patogenog varijeteta. Rep &ndash; PCR analiza ukazala je na nizak nivo heterogenosti ispitivanih izolata u okviru istog patogenog varijeteta. RAPD metoda, kori&scaron;ćenjem većeg broja prajmera, bila je uspe&scaron;nija za poređenje ispitivanih izolata od rep &ndash; PCR. Od testiranih 11 prajmera, 4 (SPH1, DJP17, DJ15, DJ16) su selektovana za dalji rad na osnovu razlika među izolatima unutar patogenih varijeteta. Kumulativna RAPD analiza pokazala je da između ispitivanih izolata pv. syringae postoje razlike do 24%, a 41% u poređenju sa sojem KFB0103, dok su kod izolata pv. morsprunorum rase 1 razlike iznosile do 15%, a 36% u odnosu na soj</p><p>4<br />CFBP2119. Dobijeni rezultati RAPD analize ukazuju da u okviru populacije obe grupe ispitivanih izolata postoji određena heterogenost, ali je genetski diverzitet izraženiji kod pv. syringae. Proučavanjem epidemilogije ovih patogena u poljskim uslovima inokulacijom jednogodi&scaron;njih grana / mladara sortama Burlat, Germerzdorfska, Hedelfigenska i Droganova žuta, zaključeno je da tre&scaron;nja u na&scaron;im agroekolo&scaron;kim uslovima ranije postaje osetljiva (oktobar) prema P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1 u odnosu na pv. syringae. Prvi pozitivni rezultati pri inokulaciji sojevima pv. syringae utvrđeni su pri inokulaciji u novembru. U pogledu dužine nekroze najuspe&scaron;nije su bile novembarske inokulacije (najduže nekroze; 2,17 &ndash; 3,35 cm), uspe&scaron;ne su bile i januarske i martovske inokulacije, ali je dužina nekroze bila sve manja, respektivno. Generalno najduže nekroze su ostvarene kod sorte Burlat, a najkraće kod sorte Germerzdorfska. Sve inokulacije urađene u periodu vegetacije su bile negativne. Inokulacijama dvo &ndash; trogodi&scaron;njih grana na sorti Summit prve uspe&scaron;ne inokulacije (oba patovara) su ostvarene tek u novembru (oktobarske su bile negativne), kada je utvrđena i veća agresivnost patovara syringae. Pri inokulacijama u januaru dužina nekroze je bila manja, a martovska je bila negativna. Sve inokulacije vr&scaron;ene u periodu od bubrenja pupoljaka do opadanja li&scaron;ća takođe su bile negativne. Ispitivanjem osetljivosti sotrimenta tre&scaron;nje i pojedinih sorti vi&scaron;nje zaključeno je da su prema oba patovara (syringae i morsprunorum rasa 1) najosetljivije sorte tre&scaron;nje Katalin, Linda, Summit, New Star i Burlat, srednje osetljive su sorte vi&scaron;nje Erdi Botermo i sorte tre&scaron;nje Droganova žuta, CarmCarmen, Germerzdorfska i Rana od Noara, a slabo osetljive sorte vi&scaron;nje &Scaron;panska i Ujfeheti firto&scaron; i sorta tre&scaron;nje Rita.</p> / <p>Bacterial die back (canker) of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in young orchards and sweet cherry plantations in the past few years has been a significant problem in the production of this fruit species. Symptoms of the disease were manifested in the form of drying branches, twigs or whole trees, which were mainly observed in places of pruning or around the buds, bark changes a color, cracks and cankers has formed. In the period 2012 - 2015 monitoring of the health status of sweet cherries was carried out covering several plantations and smaller orchards of sweet cherries in several localities in Vojvodina and central Serbia (Ritopek). Young fruit trees are obviously the most susceptible, based on monitoring of the health status in many localities and plantations of different ages, the occurrence of bacterial canker in a stronger or weaker intensity was found only in young plantations (up to 3 years old - Selenča, Gornji Tavankut, Donji Tavankut, Ljutovo, Mikićevo and Kanjiža). From collected diseased samples of sweet cherries, as well as healthy buds and leaves of sweet cherry (epiphytic population) isolations on standard nutrient medium, were obtained numerous isolates of P. syringae pvs. and for further investigations was selected 155 isolates. Identification of isolates was performed on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic methods. Based on LOPAT tests isolates belonging to Ia group fluorescent Pseudomonas syringae. According to GATTa tests two groups of P. syringae isolates were identified, I group (G+A+T-Ta-) and II group (G-A-T+Ta+). Additional tests confirmed the GATT tests, on the basis which it was concluded that the drying of young sweet cherry trees caused P. s. pv. syringae (I group) and P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1 (II group). Among the tested isolates was not exceptions in phenotypic characteristics within the same group, except for the ability to produced syringomycine for some isolates of I groups (pv. syringae). In pathogenicity tests on various plants and host plant were observed differences, but also and some certain similarity between isolates of I and II groups. Clear differences between the groups of isolates were determined in the inoculations of green fruit of sweet cherry, sour cherry, cherry plum and pears, tomatoes, peppers and green bean pods. In the case of inoculation of separate lilac leaves isolates of I group (pv. syringae) and most isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1) reactions were positive, what indicating the heterogeneity of the population of P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1. In the inoculation of fruit rootstock seedlings (wild cherry, Magriva, wild plum, wild pear) all isolates pv. syringae caused the characteristic pathological changes on the all fruit species, isolates of pv. morsprunorum race 1 also except on the seedlings of wild plum. These results suggest that the spreading of bacteria is possibly through the rootstock that can also be infected. Inoculations of two &ndash; years old branches of sweet cherry during dormancy, was concluded that all isolates pv. syringae and morprunorum race 1 were equally pathogenic in all sweet cherry cultivars (Burlat, Summit, Hedelfigen and Germersdorf). The longest length of necrosis usually was observed on the cultivars Burlat and Summit in combination with isolates of I groups (pv. syringae), in some cases with isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1), and the lowest mainly in cultivars Germersdorf and Hedelfigen with isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1). Identification of isolates KBNS71 - 84 (GornjiTavankut) and KBNS85 - 94 (Selenča) based on MLST using genes gyrB, rpoD, gapA and gltA genes clearly showed the presence of two patovars P. s. pv. syringae and P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1. Comparison with strains H - 1, V - 85 V - 88 (sour cherry) and V - 109 (sweet cherry) showed significant differences and the existence of genetic diversity in the population of these pathogens. Simultaneous detection of syrB and syrD gene was found in 70 isolates of I group (pv. syringae) and only syrB gene in 9 isolates of the same group (pv. syringae). The gene for coronatine synthesis was detected in all 76 isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1). Rep - PCR method detected significant differences (58%) between isolates of I and II groups (pv. syringae and pv. morsprunorum race 1). The tested isolates from sweet cherry within pv. syringae did not show differences between them, but they were different from the strains from other locations and previously isolated from the same host (V - 109 and T6), as well as strains from other hosts - cherry (V - 85) and pumpkin (Tk21) to 37 %. The differences between isolates pv. morsprunorum race 1 were less than 5% and 24% compared to the same pathovar strain CFBP2119. Rep - PCR analysis indicated a low level of heterogeneity of isolates within the same pathovar. RAPD method using a large number of primers were more successful to compare isolates than rep - PCR. Among 11 tested primers, 4 (SPH1, DJP17, DJ15, DJ16) were selected for further work on the basis of the difference between isolates within same pathovar. Cumulative RAPD analysis showed up to 24% differences among tested isolates of pv. syringae and 41% compared to the strain KFB0103, while among isolates pv. morsprunorum race 1 differences were 15% and 36% compared to the strain CFBP2119. The results of RAPD analysis indicate that a certain heterogeneity<br />7<br />exists in the population of both tested groups of isolates, but genetic diversity is more pronounced among isolates of pv. syringae. Studying the epidemiology of this pathogen in field conditions, by inoculating one &ndash; year old branches / or shoots sweet cherry cultivars Burlat, Germersdorf, Hedelfigen and Droganova žuta, it was concluded that the sweet cherry in our agroecological conditions becoming sensitive (October) to P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1 before in relation to the pv. syringae. The first positive results of inoculations with strains pv. syringae were determined in November. Regarding the length of necrosis most successful were inoculation in the November (necrosis longest; 2.17 to 3.35 cm), inoculations also were successful in the January and the March, but the length of necrosis was smaller, respectively. Generally longest necrosis were observed in the cultivar Burlat, and the shortest in cultivar Germersdorf. All inoculations carried out in the period of vegetation were negative. Inoculations of two &ndash; three &ndash; years old branches of the cultivar Summit, first successful inoculations (for both pathovar) were observed only in November (October was negative), when a greater aggressiveness of pathovar syringae were determined. In inoculations in January length of necrosis was smaller, and in March was negative. All inoculations carried out in the period from buds swelling to leaf falling were also negative. Investigation susceptibility of sweet cherry and some sour cherry cultivars was concluded that against to both pathovars (syringae and morsprunorum race 1) the most susceptible were cultivars of sweet cherry Katalin, Linda, Summit, New Star and Burlat, medium susceptible were cultivar of sour cherry Erdi Botermo and sweet cherry cultivars Droganova žuta, Carmen, Germersdorf and Rana od Noara and low susceptible cultivars of sour cherry &Scaron;panska and Ujfeheti firto&scaron; and cultivar of sweet cherry Rita.</p>

Cultivo do Tomateiro Cereja irrigado com águas salinizadas e adubação nitrogenada. / Cherry Tomato Growing crop with water and nitrogen salinized.

VIEIRA, Ianne Gonçalves Silva. 11 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-11T19:23:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IANNE GONÇALVES SILVA VIEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2014..pdf: 950938 bytes, checksum: 6e01badb2a22c5760e572362799d615a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-11T19:23:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IANNE GONÇALVES SILVA VIEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGHT 2014..pdf: 950938 bytes, checksum: 6e01badb2a22c5760e572362799d615a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-07 / A utilização de águas salinizadas na agricultura tem-se aumentado na Região Nordeste devido à baixa disponibilidade de água de boa qualidade para agricultura irrigada, juntamente com a adubação nitrogenada que tem um papel fundamental para um melhor desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar e definir o comportamento do tomateiro cereja, ao longo do seu desenvolvimento, quando submetido a diferentes doses de nitrogênio sendo irrigadas com águas de diferentes níveis salinos. Este experimento foi conduzido durante os meses de agosto /2013 à janeiro/2014 e desenvolvido em lisímetros de drenagem em condições de casa de vegetação pertencente ao CCTA da UFCG, Pombal, PB. Os tratamentos resultaram da combinação entre dois fatores: salinidade da água de irrigação (CEa) em cinco níveis (S1 – 0,3; S2 – 1,5; S3 - 2,5; S4 – 3,5 e S5 – 4,5 dS m-1) e quatro doses de adubação nitrogenada [(N1 - 60, N2 - 100, N3 -140 e N4 -180% da indicação de adubação nitrogenada (100 mg kg-1)]. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados, analisados em arranjo fatorial 5 x 4 com três repetições totalizando 60 unidades experimentais, em fileiras simples, espaçadas 0,9 m entre fileiras e 0,30 entre vasos dentro da fileira. As águas de irrigação foram obtidas a partir da dissolução do cloreto de sódio (NaCl) em água proveniente do sistema de abastecimento local até alcançar a CEa desejada para cada tratamento, sendo acondicionadas em toneis plásticos de 200 L de capacidade. O crescimento do tomateiro foi avaliado aos 54, 95 e 125 DAS através da determinação do número de folhas (NF), da altura de planta (AP), do diâmetro caulinar (DC) e da área foliar (AF); a matéria fresca (MFC) e seca de caule (MSC), massa fresca (MSF) e seca de folha (MSF) foram determinadas aos 90 e 125 DAS; no entanto, a massa fresca (MFR) e seca de raiz (MSR) foram determinadas apenas aos 125 DAS. Os números de cachos (NCAC) foram observados aos 54, 69, 84 e 104 DAS; a fotossíntese e a condutância estomática foram realizadas próximo ao fim do ciclo da cultura. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados mediante análise de variância pelo teste F em nível de 0,05 e 0,01 de probabilidade e nos casos de significância realizou-se análise de regressão polinomial linear e quadrática utilizando-se o software estatístico SISVAR-ESAL (LAVRAS, MG). As variáveis fisiológicas de crescimento e produção a (A) e a gs do tomateiro cereja decrescem de forma linear a partir da salinidade da água de irrigação 0,3 dS m-1; o maior tempo de exposição das plantas ao estresse salino proporcionou as maiores reduções nas variáveis de crescimento, sendo a massa das raízes, a AF e o NCAC as variáveis mais sensíveis; A maior AP aos 125 DAS foi obtida com dose de N de 139%; Doses crescentes de nitrogênio reduziram o efeito da salinidade sobre o crescimento do tomateiro cereja aos 125 DAS. / The use of salty water in agriculture has been increased in the Northeast due to the low availability of good quality water for irrigated agriculture, together with the nitrogen fertilizer that has a key role to a better development of plant The objective of this work is to study and define the behavior of cherry tomato throughout their development, when subjected to different levels of nitrogen being irrigated with water of different salinity levels. This experiment was conducted during the months of August / 2013 and developed the janeiro/2014 Lysimeter drainage conditions in a greenhouse owned by the CCTA UFCG, Pombal, PB. The treatments consisted of combinations of two factors: salinity of irrigation water (EC w) in five levels (S1 - 0.3; S2 - 1.5, S3 - 2.5; S4 - S5 and 3.5 - 4.5 dS m-1) and four levels of nitrogen [(N1 - 60 N2 - 100, N3 and N4 -180% -140 indication of nitrogen (100 mg kg-1)]. experimental design was a split completely randomized, in a factorial arrangement with three 5 x 4 reps totaling 60 experimental units in single rows, spaced 0.9 m between rows and 0.30 between vessels within the row. irrigation waters were obtained from the dissolution of sodium chloride (NaCl) in water from the local supply system to achieve the desired CEA to each treatment, are packed in plastic vats 200 L capacity. growth of tomato plants was evaluated at 54, 95 and 125 by determining oF the number of leaves (NL), the plant height (PH), the stem diameter (DC) and leaf area (LA); fresh matter (MFC) and dried stem (MSC), fresh (MSF) and dried leaf (MSF) were determined at 90 and 125 DAS; however, the fresh (MFR) and dried root (MSR) were determined only at 125 DAS. The numbers of clusters (NCAC) were recorded at 54, 69, 84 and 104 DAS; photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were taken near the end of the crop cycle. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance by F test at 0.05 and 0.01 probability and in cases of significance analysis was performed linear and quadratic polynomial regression using the statistical software SISVAR-ESAL (LAVRAS , MG). The physiological parameters of growth and production (A) and gs cherry tomato decrease linearly from the salinity of irrigation water 0.3 dS m-1; the longer exposure of plants to salt stress led to higher reductions in growth variables, with the mass of roots, and the NCAC AF the most sensitive variables; Most AP at 125 DAS was obtained with N rate of 139%; Increasing levels of nitrogen reduced the effect of salinity on the growth of tomato at 125 DAS.

Estudo da polpa de acerola (Malphighia emargina D.C.) desidratada em leito de jorro. / Study of the acerola pulp (Malphighia emargina D.C.) dehydrated in spruce bed.

GOMES, Patrícia Maria de Araújo. 25 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-25T20:42:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRÍCIA MARIA DE ARAÚJO GOMES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8980687 bytes, checksum: 2e8a396f165bd52f1c2f6e78e23c1cc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-25T20:42:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRÍCIA MARIA DE ARAÚJO GOMES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8980687 bytes, checksum: 2e8a396f165bd52f1c2f6e78e23c1cc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-08 / Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de produzir polpa de acerola (Malphighia emarginata D.C) em pó, caracteriza-lá e estudar as alterações produzidas pelo efeito do seu armazenamento. O pó de acerola foi obtido mediante a secagem de uma solução contendo 90% de polpa de acerola e 10% de maltodextrina, em um secador do tipo leito de jorro, com temperatura do ar de secagem de 70°C. Caracterizou-se fisico-químicamente a polpa de acerola. através da determinação de pH. sólidos solúveis (°Brix), umidade, sólidos totais, acidez total, ácido ascórbico, açúcares redutores e cinzas. Determinaram-se as isotermas de adsorção de umidade da polpa de acerola em pó, nas temperaturas de 20°C, 25°C e 30°C, através do método gravimétrico estático, utilizando-se soluções saturadas de sais. Os dados experimentais das isotermas foram ajustados com as equações de BET, GAB, Oswin e Smith, sendo classificadas como Tipo III de acordo com BRUNAUER. Fez-se a análise física da polpa de acerola em pó, por meio da determinação da densidade, ângulo de repouso, tempo de escoamento e molhabilidade, cujo resultados demonstraram que o pó de acerola é um produto de alta higroscopicidade e apresenta problemas de fluidez. No estudo do armazenamento da polpa de acerola em pó, em temperatura ambiente, observou-se, após 60 dias de armazenamento, perda de 29.72% no teor do ácido ascórbico, aumento de 51,31% na umidade e escurecimento do pó, constatado através da leitura dos parâmetros da cor (L, a, b); o valor do pH variou durante o armazenamento, oscilando entre 3,7 e 3,8. / This work had, as aim, the obtaining and characterization of West Indian cherry (Malphighia emarginata D.C) powder pulp and study the storage effect in the powder. The West Indian cherry powder was obtained by drying a solution containing 90% of West Indian cherry pulp and 10% of maltodextrin, in a spouted bed dryer, with drying air temperature of 70°C. The West Indian cherry pulp was physical-chemically characterized. by pH. soluble solids (°Brix), moisture content. total solids, total acidity, ascorbic acid. sugars reducers and ashes. The moisture adsorption isotherms of the West Indian cherry powder were determined in temperatures of 20°C, 25°C and 30°C, by gravimetric static method, using saturated salt solutions. The experimental data of isotherms were fitted with the BET, GAB, Oswin and Smith's equations, being classified as Type III according to BRUNAUER. The physical analysis of West Indian cherry powder was made by determination of density. repose angle, funnel discharge time and wettability whose demonstrated that the West Indian cherry powder is a high higroscopic product and has difficulty of flowability. In the study West Indian cherry powder storage, at room temperature, was observed, alter 60 days of storage, loss of 29.72% in the ascorbic acid content, increase of 51.31% in the moisture content, browning of the powder, this had been verified by the parameters of the color (L, a, b); the value of the pH varied during the storage, between 3.7 and 3.8.

Základní chemické vlastnosti plodů vybraných odrůd třešní / Basic chemical properties of fruits of selected cherry varieties

Chmil, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on chemical characteristics of nine selected sweet cherry varieties in nine parameters. Total and soluble solids were analyzed with these results 13.07–16.58 % for total and 14.67–19.50 °Brix for soluble solids, ash content 0,31–0,39 %, titratable acidity 5.44–9.91 g of malic acid per 1 kg of fresh cherries and formol number 14.45–23.73 ml of 0.1 M NaOH per 100 g of cherries. Then there were analyzed crude proteins content calculated from total nitrogen content determined by Kjeldahl method with results 0.41–0.68 % of crude proteins. Molecular absorption UV/VIS spectrophotometry was used for determination of total phenolic substances 0.30–0.89 g of gallic acid per 1 kg of cherries and total content of anthocyanins 128–848 mg of cyanidine-3-glucoside in 1 kg of cherries. Saccharides were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ELSD detector. Content of glucose was 45.45–59.49 g/kg and fructose 46.88–60.01 g/kg. All results are compiled using tables and graphs and discussed. Experimental part of the thesis also describes principles and procedures of every analysis, so it can be reproduced. In theoretical part there is described botanical characteristic of cherry tree (Prunus avium L.), active substances contained in its fruits and their use in food industry. At the end of the theoretical part there is described instrumentation of high-performance liquid chromatography.

Stanovení vybraných prvků v netradičních druzích ovoce / Determination of selected metals in unconventional fruit species

Křížová, Soňa January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is determination of selected metals in unconventional fruit species, specifically in cornelian cherry (Cornus mas), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) and medlar (Mespilus germanica).There is informationabout 16 analysed metals – As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Sn, Pb, V, Zn. There are described analytical techniques for elemental analysis and methods for destruction biological material. Samples for analysis are prepared by using microwave mineralization and ICP-MS for detection. This is described in the experimental part of the diploma thesis. Analysis confirmed that unconventional fruits are rich sources of trace elements.

Zhodnocení fyzikálních a chemických parametrů plodů dosud méně využívaných druhů drobného ovoce a návrh nového nealkoholického nápoje z tohoto ovoce / Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Parameters of Still Less Exploited Species of Small Fruit and Proposal of a New Soft Drink from this Fruit

Cetkovská, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with still less expolited species of small fruit, evaluation of its physical and chemical parameters and proposal of a new soft drink from one of the studied species of furit. Firstly, for the characterisation of basic nutrition parameters (dry matter, content of organic acids and saccharides) and biologicaly active substances (vitamin C, anthocyanins and phenolic compounds) suitable titration, spectrophotometric, chromatographic and electrophoretic methods were chosen, optimized and validated. The sample preparation procedure was optimized as well. For three years (2010–2012) the content of listed parameters was monitored in some cultivars of five species of small fruit: in seven cultivars of sea buckthorn, in ten cultivars of cornelian cherry, in twelve cultivars of rowanberry, in two cultivars of chokeberry and in seventeen cultivars of elderberry. By means of Duncan’s test, analysis of principal components (PCA) and cluster analysis (CLU) the main differences between studied cultivars were observed mainly in sea buckthorn and rowanberry, where single cultivars were easily distinguishable from others on the basis of genetic origin. On the basis of comparison of determined parameters in studied species of fruit and with collaboration with fruit processing company the suitable species of fruit for commercial utilization was chosen – elderberry, as a important source of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds. A new soft drink as a proposal of utilization of this fruit was created – fruit juice or nectar with portion of elderberry juice. Mixed juices and nectars with various composition were prepared from elderberry and grape juice and the sensory analysis of these drinks was performed. The best evaluated were 100% fruit juices prepared with 30–50% portion of elderberry juice. The composition was jurally protected. On the basis of this protection the product consisted from 100% fruit juice with 10% of elderberry component mixed with apple and grape juice was introduced to the market by the fruit processing company.

Le jeu et la créativité au coeur du patrimoine : étude anthropologique des processus de patrimonialisation de la cerise à Itxassou (Pays basque) et à Sefrou (Maroc) / Playing and creativity at the heart of heritage : anthropological study of cherry heritagization processes in Itxassou (Basque country) and Sefrou (Morocco)

Briand, Anne-Laure 11 December 2018 (has links)
Au cœur des terrains d’Itxassou (Pays basque) et de Sefrou (Maroc), une nouvelle méthodologie de collecte de matériaux a été appliquée afin d’étudier et de comparer les processus de patrimonialisation à l’œuvre autour de la cerise et de ses corollaires dont les fêtes des cerises. Cette nouvelle approche méthodologique anthropologique a été développée depuis le concept d’aire transitionnelle du psychanalyste anglais Donald Woods Winnicott, l’un des fondements majeurs de ma profession d’ergothérapeute. La créativité et le jeu sont au centre de cette approche. Cette ethnographie clinique et transitionnelle a été déployée auprès d’enfants et d’adultes et a permis d’augmenter la collecte d’objets sur les terrains. Egalement, la théorie de la transitionnalité de Winnicott a aidé à distinguer différents états du patrimoine : l’objet, le patrimoine intime, le patrimoine collectif, le patrimoine et le patrimoine total. Cette théorie conjuguée à la théorie des systèmes et dans le sillage de l’anthropologue américain Gregory Bateson a permis l’élaboration d’un schéma de systémique patrimoniale. La créativité est à la fois l’énergie du sous-schéma de la transitionnalité et à la fois, l’énergie du schéma de la systémique patrimoniale. Par ailleurs, j'ai étudié les principaux blocages aux processus de patrimonialisation -les double bind- en mobilisant ensemble les travaux de quatre chercheurs pluridisciplinaires : Winnicott, Simmel, Bateson et Watzlawick. Trois double bind et leurs stratégies de dépassements issus des terrains ont ainsi été analysés. Bien que les sorties de double bind dépendent de chaque système, la similitude réside dans l'utilisation obligatoire de la créativité. / At the heart of the fields of Itxassou in the Basque country and Sefrou in Morocco, a new methodology to collect materials has been applied in order to study and compare the heritagization processes working in around cherries and the related events like cherry festivals. This new anthropological approach has been developed using the concept of transitional area due to the English psychoanalyst Donald D. Woods Winnicott, which is a fundamental concept of occupational therapy. Creativity and playing are at the core of this approach that we call clinical and transitional ethnography. It has been tested among children and adults and has allowed us to significantly improve the number of objects obtained during the field data collection. The transitional theory of Winnicott leaded us to distinguish and define different form of heritage : the object, the personal heritage, the collective heritage, the heritage and finally the total heritage. In the wake of the American anthropologist Gregory Bateson, the transitional theory together with systems theory allow us to define a systemic heritage scheme. Creativity is both the energy of the transitional sub-scheme and those of the systemic heritage scheme. We have also studied the main obstructions to the heritagization process, the so-called double bind, using previous works of four multidisciplinary researchers : Winnicott, Simmel, Bateson and Watzlawick. In particular, three double bind are defined and their exceeding strategies coming from the fields under investigation are analyzed. Although the outcomes of the double bind depends on each system, similarities can be found in the mandatory use of creativity.

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