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A methodical approach for non-destructive estimation of plant pigments by means of remission spectroscopy applied in fruit and vegetable analysesPflanz, Michael 27 October 2014 (has links)
Anbaubegleitende spektral-optische Analysen direkt an der Pflanze haben zunehmend Bedeutung für die gartenbauliche Produktion. Veränderungen individueller Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe können mit Hilfe optischer Sensoren unmittelbar und beliebig oft erfasst werden, wodurch Pflanzenreaktionen auf veränderte Umgebungs- und Kulturbedingungen instrumentell messbar sind. Im Konzept eines Präzisionsgartenbau könnten diese zusätzlichen Informationen adaptiven Kulturmaßnahmen dienen und zur effizienten Nutzung von Ressourcen in der Produktion von Obst und Gemüse beitragen. Die wellenlängenspezifische Lichtabsorption pflanzlicher Gewebe ermöglicht zerstörungsfreie Reflexions- oder Transmissionsmessungen und die Adressierung von Pigmentgruppen im ultravioletten und sichtbaren Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums. Auf Grund veränderlicher Gehalte während des Wachstum und der Entwicklung pflanzlicher Gewebe, sind Pigmente zudem wichtige Indikatoren für den physiologischen Zustand von Obst und Gemüse. Präzise zerstörungsfreie Spektralanalysen werden allerdings durch komplexe optische Eigenschaften biologischen Materials, besonders im Hinblick auf die Reifeentwicklung von Obst und Gemüse erschwert. Zur Lösung dieser Problematik wurde ein neuer iterativer Ansatz (iMLR) entwickelt, der überlagerte in-situ und in-vivo Spektren individueller Pigmente aus einem Summenmessspektrum separiert. Dieser Algorithmus wurde in eine eigenständige Applikation überführt. Eine Datenbank enthält spektrale Signaturen von Chlorophyll a und b, Lycopin, β-Carotin, α-Carotin, Lutein und Violaxanthin. Obwohl die spektrale Analyse einzelner Pigmente durch optische Störgrößen in komplex aufgebauten biologischen Geweben und Pigmentgemischen erschwert ist, konnte ein neuer Ansatz erarbeitet und validiert werden. Diese Methode minimiert spektrale Überlagerung von in-situ und in-vivo aufgezeichneten Messsummensignalen und analysiert Pigmentgehalte in Farbstoffgemische zuverlässig. / Spectral measurements on plants have already been introduced in practice through extensive research and through the recent increase in the availability of low-cost devices. It can be expected that optical sensor systems may contribute to an economic and sustainable use of natural resources as a part of the concept for precision horticulture. In terms of phytomonitoring approaches, such technologies which address variable amounts of individual chromophoric plant components become more important. Their wavelength-selective light absorption makes pigments specifically responsive to reflection or transmission recordings in the ultraviolet and visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Additionally, pigments serve as indicators for physiological stages of leaf and fruit. Consequently, the instrumental recording of variable pigment contents has high potential with regards to dynamic plant-adapted processes during the production of fruit and vegetables. Solving the known issues of non-destructive spectroscopy, a new approach was figured out in the present work to obtain a more precise analysis of individual pigment contents, which vary during the cultivation of horticultural crops. The tool is based on an iterative algorithm (iMLR), that separates coinciding in-situ and in-vitro spectra from sum signals of individual pigments. Finally, the algorithm was integrated into a stand-alone application containing a library of chlorophyll a and b, as well as signatures of lycopene, β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein and violaxanthin. It can be pointed out that individual pigment compositions are suitable indicators of the physiological stage of horticultural products. However, the spectral analysis of single pigment levels is challenging due to complex interactions of coinciding absorption and diffuse light scattering in natural pigment mixtures or in fruit extracts. From this, an improved method for the reliable decomposition of spectral signals was developed.
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L'hybridation dans l'oeuvre de Jeannette Winterson / Hybridization in Jeanette Winterson's worksMihajlovska, Lupka 16 November 2012 (has links)
Nous définissons l’hybridation littéraire comme la combinaison d’éléments a priori disparates aboutissant à la création d’un ensemble à la fois un et multiple, qui garde les traces de ses parties constitutives tout en étant autre, différent, nouveau. L’hybride englobe les sphères de représentation de ses éléments-parents tout en les dépassant. Par conséquent, l’hybridation tend vers l’extension de toutes les frontières, littéraires et culturelles, dans le but de nous offrir une vision du monde et du sujet toujours plus complète. Dans Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body et The PowerBook de Jeanette Winterson, l’hybridation se manifeste à tous les niveaux du texte. L’hybridité physique et sexuelle des narrateurs est ainsi une des manifestations de leurs identités et vies plurielles et paradoxales. Ces hybrides incarnés (monstres, travestis ou androgynes) se construisant au fil de leurs histoires, qui s’inspirent toujours de récits antérieurs, narrateurs et narrations se démultiplient conjointement, s’entremêlent et se redéfinissent sans cesse. Le texte fluctue au gré de l’hybridation générique et de l’intertextualité. De l’entrecroisement de genres réalistes – tels que l’autobiographie, le récit historique ou le discours scientifique – et fictionnels – tels que le conte ou la romance – naît un hybride générique à résonances parodiques représentant la nature du sujet, de sa vie, de la réalité et de la vérité. Enfin, en hybridant des textes préexistants à des motifs personnels, l’auteur élabore une narration originale qui réécrit les schémas sexistes relayés par ses ancêtres et retranscrit sa vision de l’individu, du monde et de l’art. / We understand literary hybridization as the combination of seemingly different elements resulting in the creation of an entity that is simultaneously single and multiple. Indeed, while it is utterly other and new, the hybrid still shows the marks of its constituents. The hybrid incorporates its ‘parents’’ initial fields of representation while reaching beyond them. Consequently, hybridization is a process that pushes all boundaries, be they literary or cultural, to offer an ever more complete vision of the subject and his/her life. In Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body and The PowerBook, hybridization permeates every level of the text. Thus, the narrators’ physical and sexual hybridity is a manifestation of their plural and paradoxical identities. These hybrid creatures (monsters, transvestites or androgynous beings) build their identities through the stories they tell and that are always inspired by existing narratives. Therefore, the narrators and their narratives proliferate conjointly, intermix and redefine each other constantly. The shape of the text fluctuates with generic hybridization and intertextuality. Realistic narratives – such as autobiographical, historical or scientific discourses – and fictional ones – such as fairy tales or romances – interact to produce generic hybrids with parodic undertones that represent the nature of the subject, his/her life, reality and truth. Finally, by hybridizing existing texts and personal literary devices, the author elaborates original narratives that rewrite her ancestors’ sexist discourses and reflect how she perceives the individual, the world and art.
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L'hybridation dans l'oeuvre de Jeannette Winterson / Hybridization in Jeanette Winterson's worksMihajlovska, Lupka 16 November 2012 (has links)
Nous définissons l’hybridation littéraire comme la combinaison d’éléments a priori disparates aboutissant à la création d’un ensemble à la fois un et multiple, qui garde les traces de ses parties constitutives tout en étant autre, différent, nouveau. L’hybride englobe les sphères de représentation de ses éléments-parents tout en les dépassant. Par conséquent, l’hybridation tend vers l’extension de toutes les frontières, littéraires et culturelles, dans le but de nous offrir une vision du monde et du sujet toujours plus complète. Dans Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body et The PowerBook de Jeanette Winterson, l’hybridation se manifeste à tous les niveaux du texte. L’hybridité physique et sexuelle des narrateurs est ainsi une des manifestations de leurs identités et vies plurielles et paradoxales. Ces hybrides incarnés (monstres, travestis ou androgynes) se construisant au fil de leurs histoires, qui s’inspirent toujours de récits antérieurs, narrateurs et narrations se démultiplient conjointement, s’entremêlent et se redéfinissent sans cesse. Le texte fluctue au gré de l’hybridation générique et de l’intertextualité. De l’entrecroisement de genres réalistes – tels que l’autobiographie, le récit historique ou le discours scientifique – et fictionnels – tels que le conte ou la romance – naît un hybride générique à résonances parodiques représentant la nature du sujet, de sa vie, de la réalité et de la vérité. Enfin, en hybridant des textes préexistants à des motifs personnels, l’auteur élabore une narration originale qui réécrit les schémas sexistes relayés par ses ancêtres et retranscrit sa vision de l’individu, du monde et de l’art. / We understand literary hybridization as the combination of seemingly different elements resulting in the creation of an entity that is simultaneously single and multiple. Indeed, while it is utterly other and new, the hybrid still shows the marks of its constituents. The hybrid incorporates its ‘parents’’ initial fields of representation while reaching beyond them. Consequently, hybridization is a process that pushes all boundaries, be they literary or cultural, to offer an ever more complete vision of the subject and his/her life. In Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body and The PowerBook, hybridization permeates every level of the text. Thus, the narrators’ physical and sexual hybridity is a manifestation of their plural and paradoxical identities. These hybrid creatures (monsters, transvestites or androgynous beings) build their identities through the stories they tell and that are always inspired by existing narratives. Therefore, the narrators and their narratives proliferate conjointly, intermix and redefine each other constantly. The shape of the text fluctuates with generic hybridization and intertextuality. Realistic narratives – such as autobiographical, historical or scientific discourses – and fictional ones – such as fairy tales or romances – interact to produce generic hybrids with parodic undertones that represent the nature of the subject, his/her life, reality and truth. Finally, by hybridizing existing texts and personal literary devices, the author elaborates original narratives that rewrite her ancestors’ sexist discourses and reflect how she perceives the individual, the world and art.
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L'hybridation dans l'oeuvre de Jeannette WintersonMihajlovska, Lupka 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nous définissons l'hybridation littéraire comme la combinaison d'éléments a priori disparates aboutissant à la création d'un ensemble à la fois un et multiple, qui garde les traces de ses parties constitutives tout en étant autre, différent, nouveau. L'hybride englobe les sphères de représentation de ses éléments-parents tout en les dépassant. Par conséquent, l'hybridation tend vers l'extension de toutes les frontières, littéraires et culturelles, dans le but de nous offrir une vision du monde et du sujet toujours plus complète. Dans Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body et The PowerBook de Jeanette Winterson, l'hybridation se manifeste à tous les niveaux du texte. L'hybridité physique et sexuelle des narrateurs est ainsi une des manifestations de leurs identités et vies plurielles et paradoxales. Ces hybrides incarnés (monstres, travestis ou androgynes) se construisant au fil de leurs histoires, qui s'inspirent toujours de récits antérieurs, narrateurs et narrations se démultiplient conjointement, s'entremêlent et se redéfinissent sans cesse. Le texte fluctue au gré de l'hybridation générique et de l'intertextualité. De l'entrecroisement de genres réalistes - tels que l'autobiographie, le récit historique ou le discours scientifique - et fictionnels - tels que le conte ou la romance - naît un hybride générique à résonances parodiques représentant la nature du sujet, de sa vie, de la réalité et de la vérité. Enfin, en hybridant des textes préexistants à des motifs personnels, l'auteur élabore une narration originale qui réécrit les schémas sexistes relayés par ses ancêtres et retranscrit sa vision de l'individu, du monde et de l'art.
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Avaliação dos fatores de risco no processamento de café verde para o aparecimento de ocratoxina A (OTA) / Evaluation of risk factors in green coffee processing for ochratoxin A (OTA)Nogueira, Márcia Dimov 03 April 2007 (has links)
Dentre os perigos relacionados com a produção de café verde, a ocratoxina A (OTA) é considerada significativa nesse produto. Com o objetivo de estudar a origem da OTA no processamento de café verde e avaliar os possíveis fatores de risco (região, etapas do processamento, fungos, insetos e ácaros) que poderiam contribuir na presença de OTA, foram amostradas três fazendas nos seguintes municípios: Bom Jardim (RJ), Espírito Santo do Pinhal (SP) e Cornélio Procópio (PR), onde havia a produção de café verde pela via seca e úmida. Foram coletadas 109 amostras de grãos de café, em diversas etapas do processamento, no período de maio a agosto de 2002. As amostras foram colhidas de acordo com fluxograma estabelecido e as etapas estudadas foram: cereja (campo), via seca, via úmida, armazém e café de varrição. Dessas amostras, 10 apresentaram OTA, que variou na sua quantificação de 3 a 101 ng.g-1. A maior prevalência de OTA foi a do café de varrição 57%, a via úmida apresentou uma prevalência de 10,3% e a via seca 7%. Na etapa cereja o fungo potencialmente toxigênico mais encontrado foi Penicillium spp, e quanto aos insetos, as larvas de Diptera e os Homoptera; na via úmida foram encontradas linhagens do Aspergillus seção Nigri e Circundatti e Penicillium spp, a infestação predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; na etapa via seca registrou-se o isolamento de fungos do gênero Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri , a broca do café foi a infestação predominante junto com os ácaros da família Acaridae, na etapa de armazém foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri, o inseto predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; no café de varrição foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri e a broca do café estava presente junto com insetos da Ordem Diptera. Os resultados de cada etapa foram comparados por Análise de Variância em um nível de significância de 95%. Na análise de fatores de risco o café de varrição foi o mais significativo (p< 0,001). / The ochratoxin A (OTA) is considered to be among the most significant coffee contaminants with related hazards. With the purpose to study the origin of the OTA in the processing of green coffee and to evaluate the possible risk factors (region, step of processing, fungi, insects and mites) that could contribute in the OTA presence, had been selected three regions (states) of Brazil: Bom Jardim/RJ, Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP and Cornélio Procópio/PR. A total of 109 samples of coffee beans were collected in conformity with flow chart established at different stages of ripening and processing: cherry (field), dry method, wet method, and warehouse and varrição coffee, from May to August of 2002. Of these samples 10 had presented OTA, which varied in its quantification from 3 to 101 ng.g-1. The biggest prevalence of OTA was the varrição coffee 57%, the wet method presented a prevalence of 10,3% and dry way 7%. In the stage cherry fungi potentially toxigenic was more found Penicillium spp, the insects had been the larvae of Diptera and the Homoptera; in the wet way it was found Aspergillus section Nigri and Circundatti and Penicillium spp, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer and the mite of the Acaridae family; in the stage wet methods spp was registered the isolation the Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer together with the mites of the Acaridae family; in the stage of warehouse had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, and the predominant insect was the coffee berry borer and mites of the family Acaridae; in the varrição coffee had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri the coffee berry borer was the most present insects together of Diptera. The results of each step had been with compared by Analysis of Variance. In the analysis of risk factors the varrição coffee\" was the factor most strongly related to the risk of the presence of OTA (p<0,001 ).
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The role of midfield islets in pest controlSigfridsson, Sabine January 2013 (has links)
During last century rising populations and changed market preferences have led to large structuralchanges in agriculture in the developed world. Most conventional cultivation methods involve theproduction of few monoculture crops within a homogenous landscape, where pesticides and inorganicfertilizers are used to increase yields. The cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) is a pest in cerealsresulting in large economic losses for farmers throughout Europe, and are currently removed withchemical pest control. However, the pesticides also affect existing ecosystem services like potentiallypest-controlling insects as well as the surrounding environment negatively. According to previousstudies higher landscape diversity leads to a higher diversity of natural enemies to pest insects, but nostudy has investigated if the pest control is enhanced around non-crop remnants such as midfield islets(MI). This thesis investigates (i) if MI will reduce the number of aphids in crop field, (ii) if larger MIwill be more effective than smaller MI by having higher aphid predation rate, and (iii) if larger MI willprovide a more effective reduction of pest insects over a longer distance from edge. To assess thepotential for pest control, aphids were glued on papers and placed at ground level in crop fields andaround MI in nine fields. The collected data was processed statistically, and the result demonstratesthat MI play an important role by providing habitats for natural enemies to pests. The increased size ofMI have a positive effect of number of aphids consumed around MI, however the distance from edgewas not significance. This study highlights the value of MI in crop fields as an existing ecosystemservice in biological pest control. The naturally occurring predators are able to reduce R.padi andthereby minimize the need for insecticide applications. / Ökat befolkningstryck och större efterfrågan av jordbruksprodukter på marknaden har det senasteseklet lett till stora förändringar i västvärldens jordbrukslandskap. Odlingslandskapet är idaghomogent och monokulturellt där besprutningsmedel används för att ge större avkastning iproduktionen. Skadeinsekten havrebladlus (Rhopalosiphum padi) angriper vårgrödor vilket leder tillstora ekonomiska förluster för bönder runtom i Europa. Pesticider används för att reducera angreppenmen påverkar även miljön negativt samt existerande ekosystemtjänster, såsom naturliga fiender sombiologiskt kan begränsa skadeinsekters angrepp. Tidigare studier visar att heterogena landskap har enhög biologisk mångfald, men ingen studie har undersökt åkerholmars (ÅH) eventuella potential förbiologisk bekämpning av skadeinsekter i säd. Denna studie undersöker därför (i) om ÅH leder tillökad reducering av havrebladlöss i säd, (ii) om större ÅH är mer effektiva än mindre i frågan ompestreducering, samt (iii) om större ÅH begränsar lusangrepp längre ut i fält från ÅH:s kant än mindreholmar. Studiens hypoteser testades genom experiment utförda i nio fält med vårgrödor där lössklistrades på etiketter som placerades ut i omgivande fält. Dessa samlades in efter tjugo fyra timmarför att studera antal löss konsumerade i relation till ÅH. Det insamlade materialet är bearbetatstatistiskt och resultatet visar att ÅH spelar en betydande ekologisk roll för naturliga fiender tillskadeinsekten havrebladlus. Fler löss konsumerades runt större ÅH än de med mindre yta eller i de fältutan ÅH. Däremot har avståndet från ÅH en mindre betydelse, vilket indikerar att pestreduceringen ärmest effektiv nära stora ÅH. Denna studie synliggör värdet av existerande ÅH som inhysernyttoinsekter i jordbrukslandskapet, samt att heterogena landskap har högre potential för en mernaturlig skadedjursbekämpning. Naturliga fiender är därmed en existerande ekosystemtjänst som kanbegränsa bladlusangreppen (R.padi), som i sin tur ger möjligheten att reducera användandet avbekämpningsmedel, vilket för oss närmare miljömålet ”en giftfri miljö”.
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Asexuelle und sexuelle Reproduktion bei der Vogelkirsche (Prunus avium L.) / Asexual and sexual reproduction in populations of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)Kownatzki, Dierk 08 February 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação dos fatores de risco no processamento de café verde para o aparecimento de ocratoxina A (OTA) / Evaluation of risk factors in green coffee processing for ochratoxin A (OTA)Márcia Dimov Nogueira 03 April 2007 (has links)
Dentre os perigos relacionados com a produção de café verde, a ocratoxina A (OTA) é considerada significativa nesse produto. Com o objetivo de estudar a origem da OTA no processamento de café verde e avaliar os possíveis fatores de risco (região, etapas do processamento, fungos, insetos e ácaros) que poderiam contribuir na presença de OTA, foram amostradas três fazendas nos seguintes municípios: Bom Jardim (RJ), Espírito Santo do Pinhal (SP) e Cornélio Procópio (PR), onde havia a produção de café verde pela via seca e úmida. Foram coletadas 109 amostras de grãos de café, em diversas etapas do processamento, no período de maio a agosto de 2002. As amostras foram colhidas de acordo com fluxograma estabelecido e as etapas estudadas foram: cereja (campo), via seca, via úmida, armazém e café de varrição. Dessas amostras, 10 apresentaram OTA, que variou na sua quantificação de 3 a 101 ng.g-1. A maior prevalência de OTA foi a do café de varrição 57%, a via úmida apresentou uma prevalência de 10,3% e a via seca 7%. Na etapa cereja o fungo potencialmente toxigênico mais encontrado foi Penicillium spp, e quanto aos insetos, as larvas de Diptera e os Homoptera; na via úmida foram encontradas linhagens do Aspergillus seção Nigri e Circundatti e Penicillium spp, a infestação predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; na etapa via seca registrou-se o isolamento de fungos do gênero Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri , a broca do café foi a infestação predominante junto com os ácaros da família Acaridae, na etapa de armazém foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri, o inseto predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; no café de varrição foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri e a broca do café estava presente junto com insetos da Ordem Diptera. Os resultados de cada etapa foram comparados por Análise de Variância em um nível de significância de 95%. Na análise de fatores de risco o café de varrição foi o mais significativo (p< 0,001). / The ochratoxin A (OTA) is considered to be among the most significant coffee contaminants with related hazards. With the purpose to study the origin of the OTA in the processing of green coffee and to evaluate the possible risk factors (region, step of processing, fungi, insects and mites) that could contribute in the OTA presence, had been selected three regions (states) of Brazil: Bom Jardim/RJ, Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP and Cornélio Procópio/PR. A total of 109 samples of coffee beans were collected in conformity with flow chart established at different stages of ripening and processing: cherry (field), dry method, wet method, and warehouse and varrição coffee, from May to August of 2002. Of these samples 10 had presented OTA, which varied in its quantification from 3 to 101 ng.g-1. The biggest prevalence of OTA was the varrição coffee 57%, the wet method presented a prevalence of 10,3% and dry way 7%. In the stage cherry fungi potentially toxigenic was more found Penicillium spp, the insects had been the larvae of Diptera and the Homoptera; in the wet way it was found Aspergillus section Nigri and Circundatti and Penicillium spp, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer and the mite of the Acaridae family; in the stage wet methods spp was registered the isolation the Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer together with the mites of the Acaridae family; in the stage of warehouse had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, and the predominant insect was the coffee berry borer and mites of the family Acaridae; in the varrição coffee had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri the coffee berry borer was the most present insects together of Diptera. The results of each step had been with compared by Analysis of Variance. In the analysis of risk factors the varrição coffee\" was the factor most strongly related to the risk of the presence of OTA (p<0,001 ).
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Collaboration for Environmental Sustainability on Gotland, Sweden. Nature’s Blueprint: Biomimicry as a Potential Strategy.Le, Thao January 2023 (has links)
This master's thesis explores the potential for collaboration among diverse actors on the island of Gotland to achieve environmental sustainability. The study employs the concept of biomimicry, utilising selected natural phenomena as a source of inspiration. A theoretical framework and qualitative research methodology are employed to guide the process, with the aim of developing a strategy to enhance the collaborative state for environmental sustainability on Gotland. Drawing on principles derived from nature, the study investigates how biomimicry can provide solutions and inspire collaborative efforts for environmental sustainability. Central to the research is the exploration of trust-building mechanisms among diverse actors. Recognising that trust is a fundamental ingredient for effective collaboration, the study examines strategies that can foster trust within the context of environmental sustainability. By identifying barriers and enablers of trust, the thesis proposes actionable recommendations to enhance the trust-building process on Gotland, thereby fostering a conducive environment for collaboration. The proposed strategy aims to create a collaborative framework that fosters long-term partnerships, harnessing the diverse expertise and resources of each actor to address the multifaceted challenges of environmental sustainability on Gotland. In conclusion, this master's thesis underscores the value of applying biomimicry principles to foster collaboration for environmental sustainability on Gotland.
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Drama "Jošicune mezi květy sakur". Minamoto no Jošicune jako stratég, dvořan a literární mýtus. / The drama "Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees." Minamoto No Yoshitsune as a martial strategist, courtier and literary myth.Ryndová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In her doctoral thesis the author would like to present the play Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry trees (Yoshitsune senbonzakura) as a unique piece of Japanese drama which has a great complexity and an outstanding place within the corpus of Japanese literature. Even if the play can be compared to Chushingura mono in its importance, Yoshitsune senbonzakura has not been widely translated to western languages. There are two exceptions, however: the English translation (Jones, Jr. 1993) and the German translation (Klopfenstein 1982). While comparing the two translations and using the most full original texts available (as preserved in Takeda Izumo and Namiki Sosuke Joruri Collection and Yuda Yoshio's Bunraku Joruri Collection), the author's goal is to present the play to Czech readers and its interpretation to Czech scholars. As for the flow and structure of the interpretation of Yoshitsune senbonzakura the author begins with the historical background of the legend of Minamoto Yoshitsune, capturing the life of Yoshitsune from the time of Heiji rebellion (1159) when he was born to his death in 1189. Next the author concentrates on the legend itself as it evolved within the course of Japanese literature. With a shift from the court literature of Heian period towards the battlefield stories and...
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