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Socialsekreterares syn på barn och ungas delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar : - En fokusgruppsstudie / : Social workers view of children and young people's participation in child care investigationsHurtig, Lovisa, Svadling, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare praktiskt arbetar för att möjliggöra barn och ungas delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar. I denna kvalitativa studie har fokusgruppsintervjuer använts och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ tematisk nätverksanalys. Totalt tio socialsekreterare som arbetar med barnavårdsutredningar har deltagit. Studien visar att det finns olika sätt att praktiskt göra barn och unga delaktiga, att synen på delaktighet är bred och innefattar behov av att individanpassa delaktigheten till det unika barn eller unge de har framför sig. Studien visar även att relationen mellan socialsekreterare och barn och unga är av stor vikt samt att organisationens förutsättningar har stor betydelse i arbetet med att göra barn och unga delaktiga i barnavårdsutredningar. Studien visar att förbättringsmöjligheter inom framförallt organisationens förutsättningar finns i arbetet med att möjliggöra barn och ungas delaktighet. / The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers practically work to enable children and young people’s participation in child care investigations. The method used is qualitative focus group interviews and the empirical material has been analysed using a qualitative thematic network analysis. A total of ten social workers working with child care investigations have participated. The study shows that there are different ways of practically involving children and young people, that social workers view of participation is broad and involves the need to individualize the participation of the unique child or youth they meet. The study also shows that the relationship between social workers and children and young people is of great importance and that the organisation's prerequisities are of great importance in the work to enable children´s and young people’s participation. The study shows that opportunities for improvement within, above all, the organisation's prerequisities exist in the work to enable children´s and young people’s participation in child care investigation.
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Fyra månader av möjligheter : Skolframgångens plats i en barnavårdsutredning ur socialsekreterarens perspektiv / Four months of opportunities : School success in child care investigations from the social worker’s perspectiveSchröderheim, Jennie, Ökvist, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine how social workers view their role's responsibilities, opportunities and challenges in young people's school success, in child care investigations. This important aspect in society has not, according to the authors of this essay, been sufficiently addressed in the past, especially not in child care investigations. The study consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine social workers within two municipalities' individual and family care. The result was analyzed against the background of the systems theory and street-level bureaucracy. The result was compared with previous research, based on the concepts of school success, social workers's responsibility, cooperation, efforts, time frame and reporting of concerns. The results showed that school success includes grades, attendance and well-being. The opposite; school failure, seems to be a structural societal problem and not at all the young person's responsibility. In child care investigations, social workers, social services, parents, schools and psychiatry are responsible, but the boundaries within the system are sometimes very diffuse. The informants believe that they themselves, in individual conversations with the young person, and in collaboration with parents, the school and, to some extent, psychiatry, have opportunities to influence school success in child care investigations. Cooperation works to some extent with the school, but is lacking with psychiatry. The challenges with school success are further that school affairs have low interest among social workers, also in the organization, it’s not prioritized as an educational area, lack interventions and involve legal limitations.
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"..vi gör allt vi kan för att inte placera ert barn" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av glappet mellan SoL och LVU / "..we are doing everything we can to not take your children" : A qualitative study of social workers' experience of the gap between SoL and LVULarsson, Martina, Larusson, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var tudelat. Syftet var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever situationer där socialtjänsten konstaterat att en familj är i behov av insatser, men både samtycke från vårdnadshavare och skäl att tillämpa 2 § LVU saknas. Syftet var också att undersöka hur socialsekreterare arbetar för att motivera vårdnadshavare i dessa situationer. För att besvara vårt syfte använde vi oss av en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer. Vi intervjuade sex socialsekreterare med erfarenhet av arbete med barnavårdsutredningar. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och tolkades med Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater samt Revstedts teori om motivationsrelationen. Resultatet visade att socialsekreterare upplever att deras handlingsutrymme är begränsat i glappet mellan frivillighet och tvång. Resultatet visade även att motivationsarbetet med vårdnadshavare är avgörande för att färre barn ska hamna i glappet samt att de önskar ett mellantvång som gör det möjligt för dem att under längre tid träffa och motivera vårdnadshavare att ta emot insats. Av studien framkom det även att socialsekreterarna anser att relationsskapande är en viktig del i motivationsarbetet. / The purpose of the studies was two-sided. The aim was to investigate how social workers experience situations where social services have determined that a family is in need of interventions, while there is no reason to apply 2 § LVU. The aim was also to investigate how social workers work to motivate guardians in these situations. To answer our purpose we used a qualitative method with the help of interviews. We interviewed six social workers with experience of working with child welfare investigations. The collected material was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and interpreted with Lipsky's theory of street level bureaucrats and Revstedt's theory of the motivational relationship. The results showed that social workers feel that their room of action is limited in the gap between voluntary and constraint. The results showed that social workers feel that their room of action is limited in the gap between voluntary and constraint. The results also showed that the motivational work with guardians is crucial for fewer children to end up in the gap and that they wish for an intermediate constraint that makes it possible for a longer period of time and motivate guardians to receive support. The study also revealed that the social workers believe that relationship building is an important part of the motivational work.
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