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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deoli Camp: An Oral History of the Chinese Indians from 1962 to 1966

Li, Kwai 11 August 2011 (has links)
China and India claimed two territories along their borders on the Himalayas: Aksai Chin in the west and the North-East Frontier Agency in the east. The border dispute escalated and, on October 20, 1962, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) opened fire on the two fronts and advanced into the disputed territories. One month later, on November 21, China declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrew behind its disputed line of control. In response, the Indian government arrested over 2,000 Chinese living in India and interned them in Deoli, Rajasthan. When the Chinese were released between 1964 and 1966, they found their properties sold off by the Indian government. Many left India and immigrated to Canada. I interviewed four Indian-born Chinese who were interned and who now live in the Greater Toronto Area. I recorded their accounts of life in Deoli Detention Camp in Rajasthan.

Deoli Camp: An Oral History of the Chinese Indians from 1962 to 1966

Li, Kwai 11 August 2011 (has links)
China and India claimed two territories along their borders on the Himalayas: Aksai Chin in the west and the North-East Frontier Agency in the east. The border dispute escalated and, on October 20, 1962, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) opened fire on the two fronts and advanced into the disputed territories. One month later, on November 21, China declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrew behind its disputed line of control. In response, the Indian government arrested over 2,000 Chinese living in India and interned them in Deoli, Rajasthan. When the Chinese were released between 1964 and 1966, they found their properties sold off by the Indian government. Many left India and immigrated to Canada. I interviewed four Indian-born Chinese who were interned and who now live in the Greater Toronto Area. I recorded their accounts of life in Deoli Detention Camp in Rajasthan.

論靳以短篇小說的浪漫主義風格 = The romantic style on the short stories of Jin Yi / Romantic style on the short stories of Jin Yi

張明明 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

透過 紅樓夢 啟發澳門初中學生的多元智能 / Through reading Dream of the Red Chamber inspires Macao junior students' multiple intelligences;"透過紅樓夢啟發澳門初中學生的多元智能";"Through reading Dream of the Red Chamber inspires Macao junior students' multiple intelligences"

呂倩影 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


劉振仁 Unknown Date (has links)
軍事制度為廣義政治制度的一種。傳統有關中國政治制度的研究,多將焦點集中於職官制度或是監察制度部分;相形之下,有關軍事制度所受到的注意就遜色許多。事實上,軍事制度對國家整體局勢的影響,遠較一般人想像中來的重要。軍事制度又稱﹁兵制﹂,其制度建構的優劣,嚴重左右一個朝代的興衰;如觀察中國的歷史就可以發現:往往一個朝代的兵制設計良好,則其武功強盛,享國亦較久;相反的,兵制的建構若存有嚴重的缺失,則該朝代很容易積弱不振,這些實例可從唐、宋兩帝國明顯的對比中得到證實。 基本上,若從歷史的發展過程來看,明代衛所制度與其國勢強弱間,亦存有密不可分的關係。早期衛所制度上軌道之際,國力強盛;如太祖的統一天下、成祖的幾次北征等,均有賴其強大的軍力為後盾。而從明正統以後,因軍屯的兼併、私役到軍士的逃跑等緣由,促使衛所制度日益崩解。而在衛所軍士不能用且無法用的情況下,嘉靖中期為應付各地戰亂的需要,開始進行大規模的募兵;此舉對明帝國來說,無疑是一個相當大社會經濟上的負擔。後來,為支應內外戰事所催征的剿餉、練餉及遼餉等,更是促使明帝國覆亡相當重要的關鍵之一。故如欲了解明代由盛轉衰的關鍵,實在必須對明代衛所制度的相關建構,進行更澈底的研究。 原則上,本論文共分九章,其中: 第一章「緒論」,主要探討論文寫作的由來,此外,更說明本論文的研究方法、範圍、限制與主題為何。並藉由相關文獻的檢閱來觀察以往學界對於明代衛所制度的研究概況。 第二章「明代衛所制度的淵源與形成原因」,旨在敘述歷代兵制的概略演變,並且從當中的更迭情形,了解明代衛所制度與前朝兵制的差異,及其參酌歷代兵制而來的成分、要因為何;另外,更從當時時空背景等要素,推敲此一制度的主要形成原因,大約係出於政治、經濟及國防上的諸多考量而來。 第三章「明代衛所的組織」,分成一般衛所組織的設置與京營組織的概況演變兩部分。其中,一般衛所組織分成組織概況、設置情形、地方軍事體制的演變等來論述;京營部分則係以時間區分來做探討。 第四章「明代衛所的職掌」,一般衛所多具有屯田、巡捕、備禦、製造軍器等功能;但因所處地理位置的差異,或是最早設置之目的即有不同,有些衛所在上述職掌外,必須負擔京操、漕運、護陵、邊班或是馬政、草場、營建、採木等任務。而從當時衛所軍士職掌的多樣化,可以發現過重的勤務是後來促使軍士逃亡,乃至於衛所逐漸瓦解的主因之一。 第五章「明代衛所軍士的訓練、裝備與獎懲」,早期衛所軍士的訓練嚴格確實、裝備精良、賞罰嚴明,因此能提供明初統一天下與明成祖對北方數次征戰所須;中期以後,衛所人力淪為私用,裝備不齊、器具敗壞、軍紀喪失,衛所軍幾無戰鬥能力可言;此處從衛所軍士的訓練、裝備、獎懲等方面來觀察,恰好可以得到一鮮明的對照。 第六章「明代衛所制度的社會基礎」,所謂社會基礎,意指以人為根本的各項討論議題,包括衛所的軍士來源、軍籍與軍戶的設計、勾軍與清軍、武官的世襲等。 第七章「明代衛所制度的經濟基礎」,亦即衛所的給養問題,早期衛所設置的目的,很重要的立意在於自給自足,只是隨著軍屯田地的兼併、屯軍私役等,促使衛所軍士的大舉逃亡,軍屯逐漸破壞;而為供應龐大的軍餉支出,於是又有各種補救措施的出現,包括商屯、太倉銀等;只是隨著國家財政支出的日益擴大,後期任何加稅措施,均是飲酖止渴而已;明廷就在內憂外患的雙重夾擊下,最後終於以亡國收場。 第八章「明代衛所與其他政治組織的關係」,明代政治組織約略可分成軍事組織、官僚組織、監察組織與宦官組織四大部分;衛所為廣義政治組織之一,自然會與前述四大部分有所關連,本章主要即在探討衛所與這四大組織的互動情形。 第九章「結論-明代衛所制度的作用、毀壞及其影響」,衛所制度的作用較早顯然具有軍事及經濟上的重大功用,然至中期以後,竟慢慢淪為政府力役的供應場所;其中的變化除因制度本身的設計盲點外,更因社會及經濟等層面因素影響而漸趨毀壞;而明代的國勢則是跟衛所制度間,存在不可分割的關連性。本章重點即是針對衛所制度的功過作一總評。


江村, 治樹 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62510192 研究代表者:江村 治樹 研究期間:1987-1989年度

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