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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARTINS, G. B. 11 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T00:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_8493_Dissertação Gustavo Benevides Martins.pdf: 375371 bytes, checksum: 94224969eb5b461a71b7da45a3332bce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-11 / RESUMO O uso de lipídios obtidos a partir da biomassa de microalgas tem sido descrito como uma alternativa promissora para a indústria petro-diesel e envolve etapas como o cultivo de microalgas, separação da biomassa e extração de lipídios. Para viabilizar a produção em larga escala, é necessário selecionar as espécies mais produtivas, diminuir os custos de produção e determinar as condições ideais de cultivo. Os gêneros Chlorella, Desmodesmus e Ankistrodesmus apresentam características favoráveis à produção comercial, tendo sido então selecionada uma espécie de cada no presente trabalho. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar diferentes condições de cultivo de Ankistrodesmus fusiformis, Chlorella vulgaris e Desmodesmus spinosus visando o aumento da produtividade em biomassa e lipídios totais. As algas foram identificadas e cultivadas em laboratório, em condições controladas de temperatura a 26ºC (±1), aeração por borbulhamento à pressão ambiente e luminosidade fornecida por lâmpadas fluorescentes, com intensidade de 47,25 μmol de fótons m-2.s-1 (3500 lux), fotoperiodo de 12h e pH 7, sob duas concentrações estressantes de nitrato de sódio (0,10 g/L e 0,05g/L). Os cultivos duraram em média 16 dias, sendo as curvas de crescimento construídas com dados de espectrofotometria óptica coletados a cada 48h, e a biomassa obtida ao final do cultivo por centrifugação e liofilização de cada unidade experimental. Para extração dos lipídios totais, foi utilizada a mistura de clorofórmio: metanol (1:2), segundo a metodologia de Bligh & Dyer (1959). Os tratamentos de estresse em D. spinosus resultaram em maior acúmulo lipídico, com aumento de até 149,7%, porém com drástica diminuição do crescimento e biomassa. Em C. vulgaris, nos tratamentos de estresse, verificou-se apenas ligeiro aumento do peso seco e teor de lipídios, não havendo diferença significativa entre os tratamentos e o controle. Da mesma forma, A. fusiformis não mostrou respostas significativas ao estresse pela redução de nitrato de sódio do meio, havendo ligeira diminuição do conteúdo lipídico e aumento do crescimento e biomassa. Com respostas diferentes para cada espécie estudada, evidencia-se a necessidade do conhecimento da fisiologia e autoecologia da cepa a ser cultivada em escala comercial visando à produção de ácidos graxos para fins de biodiesel. Palavras-Chave: Desmodesmus, Chlorella, Ankistrodesmus, cultivo, estresse.

Efeito anti-ulcerogenico do extrato de Chlorella vulgaris / Antiulcerogenic effect of Chlorella vulgaris extract

Vinagre, Adriana Mendes 05 September 2005 (has links)
Orientadores: Edgard Ferro Collares, Alba Regina Monteiro Souza Brito / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T21:01:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinagre_AdrianaMendes_M.pdf: 520546 bytes, checksum: 8639e020093258b50bba40d8d83f839c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A úlcera péptica acomete cerca de 10% da população mundial; inseridos dentro dessa porcentagem estão milhares de brasileiros. Essa patologia é causada por um desbalanço entre os mecanismos protetores e agressores da mucosa, e é resultado da associação de diversos fatores agressores endógenos (ácido, pepsina e bile), fatores exógenos predisponentes às condições de vida (estresse, fumo, álcool, uso continuo de drogas antiflamatórias não esteróides, ingestão de determinados alimentos e a presença do Helicobacter pylori) e a predisposição genética. Atualmente, as terapêuticas utilizadas no tratamento das lesões são: antiácidos, anticolinérgicos, antagonistas de receptores H2 para histamina, inibidores da bomba de próton, antibióticos e mais raramente alguns procedimentos cirúrgicos. A aplicação de qualquer esquema terapêutico com emprego de uma ou mais destas drogas ou procedimento cirúrgico pode ocasionar alguns efeitos colaterais e não obrigatoriamente é eficaz. A utilização de plantas medicinais no tratamento de doenças vem se desenvolvendo na última década. Algumas plantas têm atividade antiulcerogênica. Há evidências que a alga Chlorella vulgaris pode modificar a resposta imune celular, tem atividade antitumoral, antimetastática e antiulcerogênica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antiulcerogênica da alga Chlorella vulgaris em modelos agudos e um modelo crônico de indução de úlceras. Ratos Wistar foram utilizados para determinação do esvaziamento gástrico (EG) e modelos de úlcera induzida por etanol e ácido acético, enquanto camundongos swiss foram utilizados para os modelos de úlcera através de ligadura do piloro e piroxicam. Para avaliar o efeito sobre o esvaziamento gástrico (EG) do extrato de Chlorella vulgaris (ECV) foi utilizada uma refeição de prova (RP) liquida com extrato nas concentrações de 50mg/mL e 100mg/mL do ECV. Para o estudo dos modelos agudos de ligadura do piloro, etanol e piroxicam e do modelo crônico, foram utilizadas as doses de 250, 500 e 1000mg/kg de ECV para a prevenção e o tratamento das lesões. No modelo crônico também foi utilizada a fração acetato obtida do ECV na dose de 5mg/100g e foi dosada a quantidade de fator de crescimento epidermal (EGF) produzido na região da úlcera. O estudo da toxicidade do ECV foi realizado através da medida de ganho de peso dos ratos e peso dos órgãos como rins, pulmões, fígado e coração, visto que os primeiros sinais da toxicidade dada por um extrato é a perda de peso corporal e dos órgãos.O ECV, nas concentrações empregadas, não interferiu no EG quando preparado como uma RP liquida em comparação com o veículo (água). O extrato não alterou nenhum dos parâmetros bioquímicos como pH, quantidade de H+ e peso do suco gástrico, no modelo de ligadura do piloro. O ECV não preveniu a formação de úlceras no modelo de piroxican, mas evitou a formação de lesões causadas por etanol nas doses de 500 e 1000 mg/kg. Esse efeito desapareceu quando o etanol foi empregado duas horas após o pré-tratamento com ECV na dose de 1000 mg/kg. No modelo de úlcera crônica o ECV, nas doses de 500 e 1000 mg/kg, foi capaz de diminuir significativamente as lesões causadas pelo ácido acético, não alterando no entanto, a quantidade de EGF produzida na zona de cicatrização, quando comparados ao controle água. Além disso, o tratamento prolongado com o ECV na dose de 500 mg/kg alterou significativamente a evolução do ganho de peso desses animais. Em conclusão, o ECV, como complemento alimentar, pode ser uma alternativa no tratamento da úlcera péptica gástrica / Abstract: About 10%of the world¿s population suffer from peptic ulcer, within this percentage we find thousands of Brazilians. This pathology is caused by an unbalance between the protection and attack mechanisms of the stomach lining, and is the result of the association of various endogenous attack factors (pepsin, acid, bile), exogenous factors pertaining to life style (stress, smoking, alcohol intake, continuous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ingestion of certain types of food and the presence of Helicobacter Pylori) and genetic predisposition. Nowadays, the therapeutic methods used for the treatment of the lesions are: Anti-acids, anti-cholinergic, antagonist H2 receptors for histamine, proton bombs; certain surgical procedures are also applied, though much less frequently. Any therapeutic method that involves the use of one or more of the drugs and/or procedures above mentioned may cause some side effects and is not necessarily effective. The use of medicinal plants in the treatment of diseases has been developing over the past decade. Some plants have an anti-ulcer activity. There is evidence that the Chlorella vulgaris algae may modify cellular immune response, and there is also evidence to its anti-tumor, anti-metastasis, anti-ulcer activity. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the anti-ulcer activity of the Chlorella vulgaris algae acute models of ulcer induction and also in one chronic model of ulcer induction. Wistar rats were used to determine gastric emptying (GE) and in models of ulcer induced by ethanol and acetic acid, while swiss mice were used for the piloro ligature and piroxicam ulcer induction models. In order to evaluate the effect of the Chlorella vulgaris extract (ECV) on gastric emptying (GE) a liquid proof meal (PM) with the extract in the concentration of 50mg/l and 100mg/l was usedIn the study of the acute piloro ligature, ethanol and piroxicam models, and in the chronic model, dosages of 250, 500 and 1000mg/kg of ECV were used in the prevention and treatment of the lesions. In the chronic model the fraction of acetate obtained from the ECV in the dosage of 5mg/100g was also used, and the amount of epidermal growth factor (EGF) produced in the region of the ulcer was measured. The toxicity study of the ECV was done by measuring the weight gain of the rats and the weight of their organs i.e. kidneys, lungs, liver, and heart, once the first signs of toxicity by an extract are loss of body and organ weight. The ECV, in the concentration used, did not interfere with the GE when prepared as a liquid PM in comparison to the vehicle (water). The extract did not alter any of the biochemical parameters such as pH, amount of H+ and weight of the gastric juice in the piloro ligature model. The ECV did not prevent the formation of ulcer in the piroxicam model, but it prevented the formation of lesions caused by ethanol in the dosage of 500 and 1000mg/kg. This effect disappeared when ethanol was ministered two hours after the pre-treatment with ECV in the dosage of 1000mg/kg. The chronic ulcer induction model the ECV, in the dosage of 500 and 1000mg/kg, was able to significantly lessen the lesions caused by acetic acid, not altering, however, the amount of EGF produced in the scar tissue area when compared to the water control. Furthermore, the long-term treatment with ECV in the dosage of 500mg/kg significantly altered the evolution of weight gain of these animals. In conclusion, the ECV, as a dietary complement, may be an alternative in the treatment of gastric peptic ulcer / Mestrado / Fisiologia / Mestre em Biologia Funcional e Molecular

Evaluación del rendimiento de producción de celulosa bacteriana usando microalgas como fuente sustentable de oxíge

Sandoval Vargas, Diego Esteban 05 1900 (has links)
La celulosa es un polisacárido que se encuentra presente en la naturaleza, el cual es de importancia mundial, debido a sus propiedades únicas que lo hacen fundamental en aplicaciones industriales tan diversas, como lo son en la producción del papel, en la industria biomédica, en el vestuario, cosméticos, entre otros. No sólo los organismos vegetales son capaces de producir celulosa, sino que también microorganismos como las bacterias Acetobacter, entre ellas la bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus (G. xylinus), la cual es el organismo más estudiado por el rendimiento de biopelícula producida, como también por la fuente de celulosa limpia obtenida sin necesidad de purificación. Sin embargo, este rendimiento varía según las condiciones en las que crece la bacteria, como lo son la fuente de glucosa utilizada y la oxigenación que necesita al ser un microorganismo aeróbico estricto. Se ha utilizado esta bacteria a nivel industrial de producción, no obstante, el alto costo de mantenimiento por las necesidades antes mencionadas, no ha logrado concretar el potencial que esta fuente entrega. Es por esto, que en el presente estudio se buscó una fuente natural de oxigenación, como lo es la microalga Chlorella vulgaris (C.vulgaris), la cual es de fácil manejo y económicamente rentable de mantener en laboratorio por sus amplios usos, como también su capacidad de producir oxigeno bajo luminosidad constante como fotoperiodo. Así es como en este trabajo de investigación se caracterizó el crecimiento de G. xylinus y C. vulgaris. Luego, se realizaron co-cultivos (CC) y cultivos separados (CS) entre ambos microorganismos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la capacidad de optimizar la producción de celulosa bacteriana, entregando oxigenación controlada xv desde las microalgas fotosintéticamente activas (bajo fotoperiodo y luz constante) hacia el cultivo bacteriano. Nuestros resultados indican que, mediante la metodología de CS y bajo luminosidad constante al sexto día de cultivo estático, se produjo un rendimiento de celulosa bacteriana, dos veces mayor al producido por los controles, siendo el oxígeno producido por las microalgas esencial para esta producción. Estos resultados sugieren que sería más eficiente producir CS por sólo seis días que dejar cultivos por doce días estáticos, siendo factible producir más de dos cultivos para producir un mayor rendimiento que uno por más días. / Cellulose is a polysaccharide that is present in nature, which is of global importance, due to its unique properties that make it essential in industrial applications as diverse as in paper production in the biomedical industry, clothes, cosmetics, among others. Not only are plants capable of producing cellulose, but also microorganisms such as the bacteria Acetobacter, including the bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus (G. xylinus), which is the organism most studied for the biofilm yield produced, as well as by the source of clean cellulose obtained without purification. However, this yield varies depending on the conditions in which the bacteria grow, such as the source of glucose used and the oxygenation it needs as a strict aerobic microorganism. This bacteria has been used at the industrial production level, however, the high cost of maintenance because of the aforementioned needs, has failed to realize the potential that this source delivers.For this reason, in the present study, a natural source of oxygenation was sought, as is the microalga Chlorella vulgaris (C.vulgaris), which is easy to use and economically profitable to maintain in the laboratory for its wide uses, as well as its ability to produce oxygen under constant light as photoperiod. Therefore,the growth of G. xylinus and C. vulgaris was characterized in this research work, by performing co-cultures (CC) and separate cultures (CS) between both microorganisms. The objective of this research was to study the ability to optimize the production of bacterial cellulose, by delivering controlled oxygenation from photosynthetically active microalgae (under photoperiod and constant light) to the bacterial culture. xvii Our results indicate that, through the CS methodology and under constant luminosity at the sixth day of static cultivation, a yield of bacterial cellulose, was produced twice as high as that produced by the controls, the oxygen produced by the microalgae being essential for this production. These results suggest that it would be more efficient to produce CS for only six days than to leave cultures for twelve static days, being feasible to produce more than two cultures to produce a higher yield than one for more days. / Programa de Estímulo a la Excelencia Institucional (PEEI) de la Universidad de Chile

Evaluación del rendimiento de producción de celulosa bacteriana usando microalgas como fuente sustentable de oxígeno

Sandoval Vargas, Diego Esteban 05 1900 (has links)
Seminario de Título entregado a la Universidad de Chile en cumplimiento parcial de los requisitos para optar al Título de Ingeniero en Biotecnología Molecular / La celulosa es un polisacárido que se encuentra presente en la naturaleza, el cual es de importancia mundial, debido a sus propiedades únicas que lo hacen fundamental en aplicaciones industriales tan diversas, como lo son en la producción del papel, en la industria biomédica, en el vestuario, cosméticos, entre otros. No sólo los organismos vegetales son capaces de producir celulosa, sino que también microorganismos como las bacterias Acetobacter, entre ellas la bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus (G. xylinus), la cual es el organismo más estudiado por el rendimiento de biopelícula producida, como también por la fuente de celulosa limpia obtenida sin necesidad de purificación. Sin embargo, este rendimiento varía según las condiciones en las que crece la bacteria, como lo son la fuente de glucosa utilizada y la oxigenación que necesita al ser un microorganismo aeróbico estricto. Se ha utilizado esta bacteria a nivel industrial de producción, no obstante, el alto costo de mantenimiento por las necesidades antes mencionadas, no ha logrado concretar el potencial que esta fuente entrega. Es por esto, que en el presente estudio se buscó una fuente natural de oxigenación, como lo es la microalga Chlorella vulgaris (C.vulgaris), la cual es de fácil manejo y económicamente rentable de mantener en laboratorio por sus amplios usos, como también su capacidad de producir oxigeno bajo luminosidad constante como fotoperiodo. Así es como en este trabajo de investigación se caracterizó el crecimiento de G. xylinus y C. vulgaris. Luego, se realizaron co-cultivos (CC) y cultivos separados (CS) entre ambos microorganismos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la capacidad de optimizar la producción de celulosa bacteriana, entregando oxigenación controlada xv desde las microalgas fotosintéticamente activas (bajo fotoperiodo y luz constante) hacia el cultivo bacteriano. Nuestros resultados indican que, mediante la metodología de CS y bajo luminosidad constante al sexto día de cultivo estático, se produjo un rendimiento de celulosa bacteriana, dos veces mayor al producido por los controles, siendo el oxígeno producido por las microalgas esencial para esta producción. Estos resultados sugieren que sería más eficiente producir CS por sólo seis días que dejar cultivos por doce días estáticos, siendo factible producir más de dos cultivos para producir un mayor rendimiento que uno por más días. / Cellulose is a polysaccharide that is present in nature, which is of global importance, due to its unique properties that make it essential in industrial applications as diverse as in paper production in the biomedical industry, clothes, cosmetics, among others. Not only are plants capable of producing cellulose, but also microorganisms such as the bacteria Acetobacter, including the bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus (G. xylinus), which is the organism most studied for the biofilm yield produced, as well as by the source of clean cellulose obtained without purification. However, this yield varies depending on the conditions in which the bacteria grow, such as the source of glucose used and the oxygenation it needs as a strict aerobic microorganism. This bacteria has been used at the industrial production level, however, the high cost of maintenance because of the aforementioned needs, has failed to realize the potential that this source delivers.For this reason, in the present study, a natural source of oxygenation was sought, as is the microalga Chlorella vulgaris (C.vulgaris), which is easy to use and economically profitable to maintain in the laboratory for its wide uses, as well as its ability to produce oxygen under constant light as photoperiod. Therefore,the growth of G. xylinus and C. vulgaris was characterized in this research work, by performing co-cultures (CC) and separate cultures (CS) between both microorganisms. The objective of this research was to study the ability to optimize the production of bacterial cellulose, by delivering controlled oxygenation from photosynthetically active microalgae (under photoperiod and constant light) to the bacterial culture. xvii Our results indicate that, through the CS methodology and under constant luminosity at the sixth day of static cultivation, a yield of bacterial cellulose, was produced twice as high as that produced by the controls, the oxygen produced by the microalgae being essential for this production. These results suggest that it would be more efficient to produce CS for only six days than to leave cultures for twelve static days, being feasible to produce more than two cultures to produce a higher yield than one for more days. / Programa de Estímulo a la Excelencia Institucional (PEEI) de la Universidad de Chile

Growth Inhibition of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa TX71105 by an Unknown Soil Bacillus

Harrel, Steve K. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to present data on the nature of mixed cultures of algae and bacteria and to report new evidence of growth inhibition of Chlorella by a bacterial contaminant isolated from a soil environment.

Cultivo de microalgas (Chlorella sp. e Ankistrodesmus sp. – Chlorophyceae) em água residuária suplementada com uréia e CO2 / Cultivation of microalgae (Chlorella sp. and Ankistrodesmus sp. - Chlorophyceae) in wastewater supplemented with urea and CO2

Machado, Mariana Fonseca 25 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2015-11-09T13:38:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 557111 bytes, checksum: e3c3872bc10adb0593f9d1247fbffbcc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-09T13:38:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 557111 bytes, checksum: e3c3872bc10adb0593f9d1247fbffbcc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A utilização de água residuária como fonte de nutrientes para o crescimento de microalgas é uma medida sustentável que diminui o custo do cultivo e ameniza os impactos causados no meio ambiente. Este trabalho aborda o uso de água residual pré-tratada (ARP) provenientes de efluente produzido na Refinaria Gabriel Passos (unidade de refinaria da Petrobrás), no cultivo de microalgas nativas Chlorella sp. e Ankistrodesmus sp.. O cultivo foi realizado com diferentes doses de uréia em presença ou não de fluxos de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Os tratamentos foram ARP sem adição de uréia (ARP0), ARP com 75 mg (ARP1), ARP com 100 mg (ARP2) e ARP com 125 mg (ARP3), acrescidos de injeção de CO2 no meio. O cultivo de Chlorella sp. teve duração de 18 dias e o de Ankistrodesmus sp. de 25 dias. Para cada tratamento foram obtidas curvas de crescimento, a partir de conteúdo de clorofila a. Foram realizadas análises dos conteúdos celulares: carboidratos totais, proteínas hidrossolúveis e lipídeos totais. Em Chlorella sp. o conteúdo de clorofila a foi maior no meio Watanabe (controle) (20 μg mL-1) do que nos meios alternativos. Foi observada maior produção de biomassa em meio ARP0 comparando-se ao controle. Chlorella sp. demonstrou baixa produção de proteínas, tanto nos meios ARP quanto no meio Watanabe. A quantidade de lipídeos foi menor no meio ARP0 do que no meio Watanabe, entretanto a produtividade lipídica apresentada, sem suplementação de CO2, no meio ARP0 (41,08 mg L-1) foi maior do que a observada no controle (17,9 mg L-1). Em Ankistrodesmus sp., o maior conteúdo de clorofila a foi encontrado nos cultivos com o meio ARP2, apresentando 12 μg mL-1. Foi observado aumento no conteúdo protéico quando o cultivo de Ankistrodesmus sp. (nos meios ARP) foi realizado com maiores concentrações de uréia e na presença de CO2, apresentando 17,56 % de proteínas hidrossolúveis no meio ARP3. A porcentagem de lipídeos foi menor em ARP0 do que em Watanabe. Os dados apresentados neste trabalho mostraram que a água residuária ARP apresentou-se eficaz para produção de biomassa de Chlorella sp., sendo observados valores maiores na produção de biomassa e na produtividade lipídica do que no meio Watanabe. Ankistrodesmus sp. obteve um crescimento significativo em ARP, porém esse crescimento foi equivalente ao crescimento em meio Watanabe. Entretanto, o teor de lipídeos foi menor, o que diminuiu a produtividade lipídica. / Wastewater has been used as feedstock nutrients for microalgae cultivation as a sustainable procedure, minimizing tillage costs and mitigating environment impacts. This work suggests the use of wastewater pre-processed (ARP) from the Refinery of Gabriel Passos (Betim-MG, as Petrobrás unit) as feedstock for the cultivation of native microalgae Chlorella sp. and Ankistrodesmus sp.. The growth was carried out with different amounts of urea in the absence and presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux. The treatments were ARP without urea (ARP0), 75 mg ARP (ARP1), 100 mg ARP (ARP2) and 125 mg ARP (ARP3), added of CO2. The control system was the Watanabe synthetic medium. The cultivation of Chlorella sp. and Ankistrodesmus sp. lasted 18 and 25 days respectively. Growth curves were outlined for each treatment based on the chlorophyll a content (the parameter used for biomass production).The cellular contents were determined as total carbohydrate, hydrosoluble protein and total lipids. For the Chlorella sp., results showed that the bigger biomass content of chlorophyll a was found in the control system (20 μg mL-1). When urea was absence (ARP0), higher biomass content was obtained. Chlorella sp. synthesized lower protein production, in all treatments. The lipid percentage was lower in the ARP0 than in the Watanabe medium. However, the lipidic productivity was higher in ARP0 medium without CO2 supplementation (41,08 mg L-1) than in the control system (17,9 mg L-1). For Ankistrodesmus sp., the higher chlorophyll a content (12 μg mL-1) was found in the ARP2 system. It was observed a higher protein content when the cultivation was carried out with urea and CO2, reaching 17,56 % of hydrosoluble protein in ARP3 medium (the same percentage found in the Watanabe control system). The lipid percentage was higher in the control system than in the ARP0. This research shows that the wastewater ARP seems to be an optional system for the production of Chlorella sp. biomass. It was observed a greater production of biomass and lipidic productivity in this medium than in Watanabe. The Ankistrodesmus sp. demonstrated a significant growth in Watanabe medium. However, the content of lipid was smaller, hence decreasing the lipidic productivity.

Problematika produkce řas rodu Chlorella v průtočných bioreaktorech / Issues of the algae Chlorella production in flow bioreactors

Jankovičová, Kristína January 2019 (has links)
Microalgae invite the attention of scientists due to their unique properties, including their quick growth, accumulation of lipids and other valuable substances, fixation of carbon dioxide and treatment of wastewater. This master´s thesis is focused on the study of microalgae. The main goal is to understand and describe the process of microalgae cultivation, in order to optimize it. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with microalgae (mainly Chlorella sp.) characterization, its practical use and cultivation optimization in order to obtain the highest concentration of biomass. The experimental part is divided into three tasks. Aim of the first task was the comparison of the course of autotrophic and heterotrophic cultivation of various strains of Chlorella and Coccomyxa microalgae, using three different cultivation media – synthetic medium for chlorella cultivation and natural fertilizer, Florium, used in two different concentrations (diluted 50 and 20 times). The highest Chlorella sp. biomass concentration of 7,10 g/l was achieved in the synthetic heterotrophic medium. Second task was focused on monitoring of the growth of algae Coccomyxa and Chlorella strain C1A, with respect to temperature and light intensity, using various combinations of these two important growth factors. Chlorella achieved its highest concentration of 11,46 g/l when grown at temperature of 33,5 °C and light intensity of 320 µE.m2.s1. The third and final task was to observe the growth of Dictiosphaerium chlerelloides microalgae on a flat cascade bioreactor. The experiment led to the discovery that these algae were able to grow at temperatures of around 10 °C, at which many well-known commercial algae, such as Chlorella sp. or Arthrospina sp., simply wouldn’t grow.

Vliv nanočástic na produkci karotenoidních a polyfenolických látek u Chlorella vulgaris

Zronková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Microalgae are increasingly involved in the diet due to their beneficial effects on human health and therefore they are more often studied. Nowadays, there is a trend of using nanotechnology. The undesirable effects of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO) attract more and more attention today. Since, there is an increasing demand for fossil fuels and simultaneously the amount of CO2 is increasing in the air, microalgae could serve in future as renewable fuels thanks to its rapid grow properties. In the diploma thesis, I dealt with the amount of carotenoid and polyphenolic substances in the algae Chlorella vulgaris after the influence of CuO nanoparticles. Experimental part of this work summarizes the results, revealing that CuO nanoparticles caused decrease of chlorophyle a by up to 60 % with CuO nanoparticles concetration of 25 mg/l, together with significant decrease of chlorophyle b and carotenoids. The amount of polyphenols and flavonoids in biomass has been changed only minimaly. In contrast, with usage of increasing concentration of CuO nanoparticles I found out by the SPOT test the increase of biomass in algae. Significant changes in selected secondary metabolites has been observed. The greatest statistically significant (p<0,01) growth with concetration 5 mg/l (1,08 ± 0,05 µg/g dry weight) has been observed for pOHbenzaldehyde, with increase by 42 % compared to control. In contrast rapid decrease has been noted with concentration 25 mg/l (0,06 ± 0,04 µg/g dry weight)

Composition and function of the pyrenoids of algal chloroplasts

McKay, R. Michael L. (Robert Michael Lee) January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

The metabolic role of intracellular inorganic polyphosphate during the synchronous growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Baker, Albert LeRoy 26 April 2010 (has links)
The demonstration in algae and bacteria of the presence of a high molecular weight polymer of inorganic phosphate has raised questions concerning the metabolic role of the polymer and the mechanism(s) by which it is synthesized and utilized. The purpose of the research described in this dissertation was to determine the relationship of inorganic polyphosphate to the total metabolism of phosphorus by C. pyranoidosa. / Ph. D.

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