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Srovnání právní úpravy dovolené v České republice a ostatních členských státech EU s přihlédnutím k aktuální judikatuře soudního dvora Evropské unie / Comparison of legal regulation of the annual leave in the Czech Republic and other member states of the EU with respect to current judgements of the European Court of JusticeNovák, Matěj January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis with its subject on Comparison of legal regulation of the annual leave in the Czech Republic and other member states of the EU with respect to current judgements of the European Court of Justice offers a comparative view of legal regulations of the institute of annual leave in chosen member states of the European union and its comparison with the legal regulation of the institute of annual leave in the Czech Republic. In the first chapter this diploma thesis talks about the history and legal roots of legal regulation of annual leave in the Czech Republic with regards to legal regulation of annual leave in the legal documents of the European union. Furthermore, the first chapter of this diploma thesis provides a view of the current legal regulation of annual leave in the Czech Republic and describes individual types of the annual leave in the Czech Republic. The second chapter of this diploma thesis contains the main comparison between the legal regulations of annual leave of chosen member states and the legal regulations of annual leave of the Czech Republic. This diploma thesis seeks the similar and the different elements in the legal regulations of annual leave of the chosen member states of the European union and the legal regulation of annual leave of the Czech Republic....
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Izbor parametara kod gradijentnih metoda za probleme optimizacije bez ograničenja / Choice of parameters in gradient methods for the unconstrained optimization problems / Choice of parameters in gradient methods for the unconstrained optimization problemsĐorđević Snežana 22 May 2015 (has links)
<p>Posmatra se problem optimizacije bez ograničenja. Za rešavanje<br />problema optimizacije bez ograničenja postoji mnoštvo raznovrsnih<br />metoda. Istraživanje ovde motivisano je potrebom za metodama koje<br />će brzo konvergirati.<br />Cilj je sistematizacija poznatih rezultata, kao i teorijska i numerička<br />analiza mogućnosti uvođenja parametra u gradijentne metode.<br />Najpre se razmatra problem minimizacije konveksne funkcije više<br />promenljivih.<br />Problem minimizacije konveksne funkcije više promenljivih ovde se<br />rešava bez izračunavanja matrice hesijana, što je naročito aktuelno za<br />sisteme velikih dimenzija, kao i za probleme optimizacije kod kojih<br />ne raspolažemo ni tačnom vrednošću funkcije cilja, ni tačnom<br />vrednošću gradijenta. Deo motivacije za istraživanjem ovde leži i u<br />postojanju problema kod kojih je funkcija cilja rezultat simulacija.<br />Numerički rezultati, predstavljeni u Glavi 6, pokazuju da uvođenje<br />izvesnog parametra može biti korisno, odnosno, dovodi do ubrzanja<br />određenog metoda optimizacije.<br />Takođe se predstavlja jedan novi hibridni metod konjugovanog<br />gradijenta, kod koga je parametar konjugovanog gradijenta<br />konveksna kombinacija dva poznata parametra konjugovanog<br />gradijenta.<br />U prvoj glavi opisuje se motivacija kao i osnovni pojmovi potrebni za<br />praćenje preostalih glava.<br />U drugoj glavi daje se pregled nekih gradijentnih metoda prvog i<br />drugog reda.<br />Četvrta glava sadrži pregled osnovnih pojmova i nekih rezultata<br />vezanih za metode konjugovanih gradijenata.<br />Pomenute glave su tu radi pregleda nekih poznatih rezultata, dok se<br />originalni doprinos predstavlja u trećoj, petoj i šestoj glavi.<br />U trećoj glavi se opisuje izvesna modifikacija određenog metoda u<br />kome se koristi multiplikativni parametar, izabran na slučajan način.<br />Dokazuje se linearna konvergencija tako formiranog novog metoda.<br />Peta glava sadrži originalne rezultate koji se odnose na metode<br />konjugovanih gradijenata. Naime, u ovoj glavi predstavlja se novi<br />hibridni metod konjugovanih gradijenata, koji je konveksna<br />kombinacija dva poznata metoda konjugovanih gradijenata.<br />U šestoj glavi se daju rezultati numeričkih eksperimenata, izvršenih<br />na izvesnom skupu test funkcija, koji se odnose na metode iz treće i<br />pete glave. Implementacija svih razmatranih algoritama rađena je u<br />paketu MATHEMATICA. Kriterijum upoređivanja je vreme rada<br />centralne procesorske jedinice.6</p> / <p>The problem under consideration is an unconstrained optimization<br />problem. There are many different methods made in aim to solve the<br />optimization problems. The investigation made here is motivated by<br />the fact that the methods which converge fast are necessary.<br />The main goal is the systematization of some known results and also<br />theoretical and numerical analysis of the possibilities to int roduce<br />some parameters within gradient methods.<br />Firstly, the minimization problem is considered, where the objective<br />function is a convex, multivar iable function. This problem is solved<br />here without the calculation of Hessian, and such solution is very<br />important, for example, when the big dimension systems are solved,<br />and also for solving optimization problems with unknown values of<br />the objective function and its gradient. Partially, this investigation is<br />motivated by the existence of problems where the objective function<br />is the result of simulations.<br />Numerical results, presented in Chapter 6, show that the introduction<br />of a parameter is useful, i.e., such introduction results by the<br />acceleration of the known optimization method.<br />Further, one new hybrid conjugate gradient method is presented, in<br />which the conjugate gradient parameter is a convex combination of<br />two known conjugate gradient parameters.<br />In the first chapter, there is motivation and also the basic co ncepts<br />which are necessary for the other chapters.<br />The second chapter contains the survey of some first order and<br />second order gradient methods.<br />The fourth chapter contains the survey of some basic concepts and<br />results corresponding to conjugate gradient methods.<br />The first, the second and the fourth chapters are here to help in<br />considering of some known results, and the original results are<br />presented in the chapters 3,5 and 6.<br />In the third chapter, a modification of one unco nstrained optimization<br />method is presented, in which the randomly chosen multiplicative<br />parameter is used. Also, the linear convergence of such modification<br />is proved.<br />The fifth chapter contains the original results, corresponding to<br />conjugate gradient methods. Namely, one new hybrid conjugate<br />gradient method is presented, and this method is the convex<br />combination of two known conjugate gradient methods.<br />The sixth chapter consists of the numerical results, performed on a set<br />of test functions, corresponding to methods in the chapters 3 and 5.<br />Implementation of all considered algorithms is made in Mathematica.<br />The comparison criterion is CPU time.</p> / <p>The problem under consideration is an unconstrained optimization<br />problem. There are many different methods made in aim to solve the<br />optimization problems. The investigation made here is motivated by<br />the fact that the methods which converge fast are necessary.<br />The main goal is the systematization of some known results and also<br />theoretical and numerical analysis of the possibilities to int roduce<br />some parameters within gradient methods.<br />Firstly, the minimization problem is considered, where the objective<br />function is a convex, multivar iable function. This problem is solved<br />here without the calculation of Hessian, and such solution is very<br />important, for example, when the big dimension systems are solved,<br />and also for solving optimization problems with unknown values of<br />the objective function and its gradient. Partially, this investigation is<br />motivated by the existence of problems where the objective function<br />is the result of simulations.<br />Numerical results, presented in Chapter 6, show that the introduction<br />of a parameter is useful, i.e., such introduction results by the<br />acceleration of the known optimization method.<br />Further, one new hybrid conjugate gradient method is presented, in<br />which the conjugate gradient parameter is a convex combination of<br />two known conjugate gradient parameters.<br />In the first chapter, there is motivation and also the basic co ncepts<br />which are necessary for the other chapters.<br />Key Words Documentation 97<br />The second chapter contains the survey of some first order and<br />second order gradient methods.<br />The fourth chapter contains the survey of some basic concepts and<br />results corresponding to conjugate gradient methods.<br />The first, the second and the fourth chapters are here to help in<br />considering of some known results, and the original results are<br />presented in the chapters 3,5 and 6.<br />In the third chapter, a modification of one unco nstrained optimization<br />method is presented, in which the randomly chosen multiplicative<br />parameter is used. Also, the linear convergence of such modification<br />is proved.<br />The fifth chapter contains the original results, corresponding to<br />conjugate gradient methods. Namely, one new hybrid conjugate<br />gradient method is presented, and this method is the convex<br />combination of two known conjugate gradient methods.<br />The sixth chapter consists of the numerical results, performed on a set<br />of test functions, corresponding to methods in the chapters 3 and 5.<br />Implementation of all considered algorithms is made in Mathematica.<br />The comparison criterion is CPU time</p>
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Navigating terragraphica : an exploration of the locations of identity construction in the transatlantic fiction of Ama Ata Aidoo, Paule Marshall and Caryl PhillipsTait, Michelle Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Seeking to navigate and explore diasporic identity, as reflected in and by transatlantic narrative spaces, this thesis looks to three very different novels birthed out of the Atlantic context (at different points of the Atlantic triangle and at different moments in history): Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections from a Black-eyed Squint (1977) by Ama Ata Aidoo, The Chosen Place, The Timeless People (1969) by Paule Marshall and Crossing the River (1993) by Caryl Phillips. Recognising the weight of location – cultural, geographic, temporal – on the literary construction of transatlantic identity, this thesis traces the way in which Aidoo, Marshall and Phillips use fictional texts as tools for grappling with ideas of home and belonging in a world of displacement, fracture and (ex)change.
Uncovering the impact of roots, as well as routes (rupta via) on the realisation of identity for the diasporic subject, this study reveals and wrestles with various narrative portrayals of the diasporic condition (a profoundly human condition). Our Sister Killjoy presents identity as inherently imbricated with nationalism and pan-Africanism, whereas The Chosen Place presents identity as tidalectic, caught in the interstices between western and African subjectivities. In Crossing the River on the other hand, diasporic identification is constructed as transnational, fractal and perpetually in-process. This study argues that in the absence of an established sense of terra firma the respective authors actively construct home through narrative, resulting in what Erica L. Johnson has described as terragraphica. In this way, each novel is perceived and explored as a particular terragraphica as well as a fictional lieux de mémoire (to borrow Pierre Nora’s conception of “sites of memory”). Using the memories of transatlantic characters as (broken) windows through which to view history, as well as filters through which the present can be understood (or refracted), are techniques that Aidoo, Marshall and Phillips employ (although, Aidoo’s use of memory is less obvious). Tapping into various sites of memory in the lives of the fictional characters, the novels themselves become mediums of remembering, not as a means of storing facts about the past, but for the ambivalent purpose of understanding the impact of the past on the present. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n poging om diasporiese identiteit te karteer en te ondersoek, betrek hierdie verhandeling drie uiteenlopende romans wat in die Atlantiese konteks, naamlik vanuit die verskillende hoeke van die Atlantiese driehoek en verskillende geskiedkundige Atlantiese momente, ontstaan het. Die drie romans sluit in: Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections from a Black-eyed Squint (1977) deur Ama Ata Aidoo, The Chosen Place, The Timeless People (1969) deur Paule Marshall en Crossing the River (1993) deur Caryl Phillips. Deur die belangrikheid van plek – kultureel, geografies en temporeel – in die literêre konstruksie van transatlantiese identiteit, te beklemtoon, spoor hierdie verhandeling die manier waarop Aidoo, Marshall en Phillips fiktiewe tekste aanwend na om sin te maak van idees oor tuiste en geborgenheid in ’n wêreld van verdringing, skeuring en (ver)wisseling.
Deur die impak van die oorsprong op, asook die weg (rupta via) na, die verwesenliking van identiteit vir die diasporiese subjek te toon, onthul en worstel hierdie tesis met verskeie narratiewe uitbeeldings van die diasporiese toestand (’n toestand eie aan die mens). Our Sister Killjoy stel identiteit as inherent vermeng met nasionalisme en pan-Afrikanisme voor, terwyl The Chosen Place identiteit as tidalekties uitbeeld – vasgevang tussen westerse en Afrika-subjektiwiteite. In Crossing the River word diasporiese identifisering egter gekonstrueer as transnasionaal, fraktaal en ewigdurend in ’n proses van ontwikkeling. Hierdie studie voer verder aan dat die onderskeie skrywers tuiste aktief deur narratief konstrueer in die afwesigheid van ’n gevestigde bewustheid van terra firma, of onbekende land of plek. Die gevolg is ’n voortvloeiing van wat deur Erica L. Johnson beskryf word as terragraphica. Vervolgens word elk van die romans gesien en verken as ’n spesifieke terragraphica asook ’n fiktiewe lieux de mémoire, gegrond in Pierre Nora se konsep “sites of memory”. Die benutting van transatlantiese karakters se herhinneringe as (gebreekte) vensters waardeur die geskiedenis bespeur kan word en filters waardeur die hede verstaan (of gerefrakteer) kan word, is die tegnieke wat Aidoo, Marshall en Phillips aanwend – alhoewel Aidoo se gebruik van geheue minder ooglopend is. Deur verskeie terreine van geheue in die lewens van die fiktiewe karakters te betrek, ontwikkel die romans tot mediums van onthou, nie in die sin van feite van die verlede wat gestoor word nie, maar met die dubbelsinnige doel om die impak van die verlede op die hede te verstaan.
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植民地朝鮮における日本基督教会に関する研究 / ショクミンチ チョウセン ニオケル ニホン キリスト キョウカイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ李 元重, Wonjung Lee 20 March 2016 (has links)
日本基督教会は1904年、大韓帝国で植民活動をしていた日本人を対象に伝道を開始した。1915年朝鮮中会を建設し、1941年日本基督教団朝鮮教区として他の在朝鮮日本人教会と合同するまで16前後の教会、約2,000人の信徒を有した。一部の例外を除いて朝鮮人に対する伝道や隣人愛の活動はできず、主に植民者の教会としての限界を乗り越えることはできなかった。敗戦後、日本人キリスト者は引き揚げたが、残した礼拝堂などは韓国教会の再建の土台の一部にもなった。 / Church of Christ in Japan began their ministry among the Japanese colonzer at Korea in 1904. They could build up Chosen Presbytery in 1915 and continue their work until 1941, when were united to United Church of Christ in Japan Chosen Parish. They had about 16 churches and 2000 members. With a few exceptions, they could not either evangelize among the Koreans or work as neighbors of Koreans. They could not be more than church of colonizers in most cases. After the war they had to retreat from liberated Korea but the chapels that they had left could become the ground for rebuilding or starting some Korean churches. / 博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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In This UniverseVoet, Sofia Catharina 26 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Xenophobia as a response to foreigners in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel: a comparative critique in the light of the gospel and Ubuntu ethical principlesMnyaka, Mluleki Michael Ntutuzelo 30 November 2003 (has links)
Blaming those who are different from us because of skin colour, nationality and language when things do not go right during the process of reconstruction is common among those who are faced with such a task. This assertion is confirmed by our examination and evaluation of xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel. In South Africa socio-economic and political reasons are cited for the rejection of African immigrants by some South Africans. The Jews in the post exilic period understood their religious, social and economic problems to be caused by others. What is more disturbing is that the Jews understood their xenophobia to be demanded or legitimised by God. These reasons for them necessitated hatred, isolation, stigmatisation and sometimes negative actions against foreigners.
When we compare xenophobia in both post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel in this study, we find that factors such as identity, notion of superiority, negative perception of those who are different and use of power, play a major role in the exacerbation of xenophobia. In evaluating both situations, using the African principle of Ubuntu and Christian moral values, we are able to demonstrate that xenophobia as found in both situations is morally wrong since it is inhuman, selfish, racist/ethnocentric, discriminatory and often violent. Ubuntu and Christian values and principles such as human dignity, human rights, reciprocity, love, compassion, forgiveness, hospitality and community were sacrificed by South Africans and Jews in their dealings with foreigners in their respective situations.
It is argued here that among other things in the case of South Africa, the reduction of inflammatory statements by government representatives and the media, education of the unemployed, the youth and workers; and the meeting of spiritual, material, humanitarian and moral needs by the Church, will help sensitise South Africans to the plight of African immigrants and migrants and will further deepen the ubuntu and Christian values. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th.(Theological Ethics)
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Le temps dans le contentieux administratif : essai d’analyse comparative des droits français et des États d’Afrique francophone / Time in the administrative dispute : test of comparative and analysis of the french rights and the states of french-speaking AfricaFandjip, Olivier 06 December 2016 (has links)
L’étude comparée des droits français et des pays d’Afrique francophone, à l’instar du Cameroun et du Gabon, permet de mettre en évidence les diverses approches du temps saisi par le droit en contentieux administratif. Elle permet de comprendre les implications des approches du temps sur la conciliation entre les droits des justiciables et le principe de sécurité juridique à travers le temps dans le procès administratif. L’analyse montre qu’en France, le cadre temporel du procès administratif n’est pas exclusivement défini par le législateur ; il est aussi l’œuvre de la jurisprudence et même des justiciables, d’une part, et, d’autre part, ce temps est identifié selon une forme à la fois quantitative, qualitative et conjoncturelle. Cela traduit l’évolution de l’office du juge administratif français. Ainsi, de manière générale, dans le contentieux administratif français, l’approche du temps est une approche qu’il convient de qualifier de souple, de flexible ou malléable. Dans les législations d’Afrique francophone, en revanche, le cadre temporel du procès administratif est essentiellement réglementé. Il traduit un droit administratif dont les sources sont principalement textuelles. Il s’agit donc d’un temps prescrit à l’avance par les textes. Ce temps s’exprime à l’impératif, d’une part, et, d’autre part, on observe aussi une forme essentiellement quantitative du temps du point de vue de sa détermination même. Dans ces conditions, cette approche du temps est celle qu’on pourrait qualifier de rigide, d’un temps figé, contrairement à un temps choisi comme c’est le cas en droit français. L’approche dynamique ou flexible du temps, observée en droit français, est, malgré le risque de rallongement du temps des procédures qu’elle peut occasionner, plus profitable aux justiciables et plus équilibrée pour assurer la place du temps dans le procès. Elle traduit un droit administratif français qui, avec l’évolution de l’office du juge administratif, la confiance faite au juge, a évolué vers la protection des citoyens ; contrairement à la forme rigide du temps, observée dans les législations africaines francophones qui, faisant la part belle au principe de sécurité juridique, donc moins favorable aux justiciables, est l’expression d’un droit administratif essentiellement tourné vers l’efficacité de l’action administrative ou encore la préservation du principe de sécurité juridique. / In the administrative lawsuit, time must reconcile the rights of justiciable and the principle of legal security. The comparative analysis of the French rights and the French-speaking country of Africa, following the example of Cameroon and of Gabon, gives the opportunity to observe the various facets of the time seized by the right in administrative dispute. In France, indeed, the temporal framework of the lawsuit is not exclusively defined by the legislator, it is also the work of jurisprudence and even of justiciable, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, this time is identified according to an approach at the same time quantitative, qualitative and of the economic situation. Thus, in theory, in the French administrative dispute, time appears in a flexible or malleable form. In the African rights, on the other hand, the temporal framework of the administrative lawsuit is more regulated, i.e. a time prescribes in advance by the texts, which is expressed with the requirement, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, one even observes a primarily quantitative approach from the point of view of his determination. Under these conditions, it appears, in theory, like a rigid time, a solidified time, contrary to a time chosen as it is the case in French right. This dynamic, or flexible approach, of time observed in French right is, in spite of the risk of extension of the time of the procedures which it can cause, advantageous with the justiciable ones. It is undoubtedly the reflection of a French administrative law which evolved to the protection of the citizens, contrary to the rigid form of time, observed in the African legislations which, making the good share with the principle of legal security to the detriment of the rights of justiciable, is the expression of an administrative law primarily turned towards the effectiveness of the administrative action.
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La protection des "parties faibles" dans le règlement "Rome I" / The protection of "weak parties" in the "Rome I" regulationBoukaram, Sahar 07 December 2015 (has links)
Le « marché intérieur » est générateur de contrats internationaux intra et extra-européens. La multiplication de ces contrats nécessite un marché intérieur « espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice ». Le règlement « Rome I », instrument de droit international privé communautaire, assure la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique par l’élaboration de règles générales de conflit de lois. La volonté d’assurer la justice contractuelle a donné lieu pour sa part à l’élaboration de règles spéciales de conflit de lois, qui visent à protéger les contractants en situation de faiblesse sociale ou économique face à leur cocontractant partie forte. Le règlement « Rome I » a ainsi consacré des règles spéciales de conflit de lois protectrices des intérêts des travailleurs, des consommateurs, des passagers voyageant au départ ou à destination de leur pays de résidence, des preneurs d’assurance de risques de masse communautaires, ainsi que des distributeurs et des franchisés. Toutefois, le succès du marché intérieur impose de parvenir à établir un équilibre entre la justice contractuelle, la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique, même dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois. Cet équilibre ne peut être atteint que par des correctifs de proximité. Le correctif de proximité inséré dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois participe non seulement à la fonction principale de la règle de conflit de droit, à savoir la désignation de la compétence du système juridique le plus étroitement lié au contrat, mais également à la création et au fonctionnement de ce marché intérieur espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice / The “internal market" generates international contracts within and outside Europe. The proliferation of these contracts in fact requires an internal market established as an "area of freedom, security and justice". Regulation "Rome I", instrument of private international and European law, displays the purpose of ensuring the contractual freedom and legal security per elaborating general rules of conflict of laws. The will of the European legislator to ensure contractual justice within the internal market give rise thus, to special rules of conflict of laws that protect the contracting parties in a weak position face their co-contractor in dominant position. Regulation "Rome I" consecrates conflict of laws rules protecting the interests of certain contracting parties, that it considers that they are "weak parties"; they are the workers, the consumers, the passengers traveling to or from their country of residence, the policyholders of mass risks located on European territory, as well as distributors and franchisees. However, the success of the internal market requires achieving a balance between contractual justice, contractual freedom and legal security, even under protective special rules of conflict of laws. This balance can be achieved by correctives of proximity. The corrective of proximity inserted as part of the protective special rules of conflict of laws not only participates in the main function of the rule of law conflict, namely the designation of the competence of the legal system most closely related to the contract, but also to the establishment and operation of an internal market, area of freedom, security and justice
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Xenophobia as a response to foreigners in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel: a comparative critique in the light of the gospel and Ubuntu ethical principlesMnyaka, Mluleki Michael Ntutuzelo 30 November 2003 (has links)
Blaming those who are different from us because of skin colour, nationality and language when things do not go right during the process of reconstruction is common among those who are faced with such a task. This assertion is confirmed by our examination and evaluation of xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel. In South Africa socio-economic and political reasons are cited for the rejection of African immigrants by some South Africans. The Jews in the post exilic period understood their religious, social and economic problems to be caused by others. What is more disturbing is that the Jews understood their xenophobia to be demanded or legitimised by God. These reasons for them necessitated hatred, isolation, stigmatisation and sometimes negative actions against foreigners.
When we compare xenophobia in both post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel in this study, we find that factors such as identity, notion of superiority, negative perception of those who are different and use of power, play a major role in the exacerbation of xenophobia. In evaluating both situations, using the African principle of Ubuntu and Christian moral values, we are able to demonstrate that xenophobia as found in both situations is morally wrong since it is inhuman, selfish, racist/ethnocentric, discriminatory and often violent. Ubuntu and Christian values and principles such as human dignity, human rights, reciprocity, love, compassion, forgiveness, hospitality and community were sacrificed by South Africans and Jews in their dealings with foreigners in their respective situations.
It is argued here that among other things in the case of South Africa, the reduction of inflammatory statements by government representatives and the media, education of the unemployed, the youth and workers; and the meeting of spiritual, material, humanitarian and moral needs by the Church, will help sensitise South Africans to the plight of African immigrants and migrants and will further deepen the ubuntu and Christian values. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th.(Theological Ethics)
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選民與種民:基督宗教宗徒教父作品與早期天師道經典之比較研究 / The Elected People: A Comparative Religious Study on the Apostolic Fathers’ Writings and the Early Scriptures of the Way of the Celestial Masters張毅民, CHANG, Iee-Ming Paulus Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對基督宗教宗徒教父作品之《十二宗徒訓誨錄》、《克來孟致格林多人前書》、《依那爵主教七封書信》,與早期天師道之經書《老子想爾注》、《大道家令戒》、《陽平治》中的蒙選思想,進行經典分析與比較研究。研究方法除了縱向的經典分析之外,亦採橫向主題討論與比較。在個案分析方面,本論文指出︰《十二宗徒訓誨錄》的蒙選思想特點是「遵守規範與誡命以確保選民身分」、「呈現出猶太基督徒的信仰跳躍」;《克來孟致格林多人前書》特點是︰「蒙選標準的改變︰義人vs.惡人」、「蒙選者的神祕數字」、「教會︰集體式的蒙選思想」;《依那爵七封書信》特點是︰「殉道與磨難是基督徒蒙選的記號」、「基督徒是天主之愛的果實」、「基督是唯一的天父之門」;《老子想爾注》特點是︰「道是有意志的至高神,祂的旨意是創造與救援」、「蒙選之人與偽技」、「恪遵道誡就是守約」;《大道家令戒》與《陽平治》特點是︰「天人盟約︰正一盟威之道」、「種民︰道教式的『選民』」、「種民︰與男女合氣或黃赤之術無關」。在橫向主題式的比較方面︰一、「盟約與蒙選」指出盟約是神(或道)的旨意與人的意願二合一的結果,這個觀點不僅見於三件宗徒教父作品中,也同見本研究分析之早期天師道經書中,同時,均明確強調「至誠之心」的重要性,而盟約也是祝福、並且神(道)與人雙方自願受束縛的表示。二、「罪與蒙選」指出宗徒教父時期延續以色列信仰傳統中創造、犯罪、盟約、蒙選的思想,但是「克來孟」或依那爵均高舉耶穌基督之血建立的新約的重要性。「種民」則是在罪惡世界中因奉法有功且積極行善,蒙老君揀選獲救的道民,儘管了不可得,但「道」並沒有放棄救援的意願。三、「蒙祝福的種嗣」方面,基督徒的「選民」具有濃厚的「種嗣」思想,而「種民」辭彙中亦有「罪惡世界中蒙祝福的種嗣」的意思,在天人符應過程中,是使天地再度出現太平氣的關鍵角色。 / This research focuses on the ideas of ‘the divine election’ in the following documents: the Didache, 1 Clement, 7 Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, Lao-Zi Xiang’er Zhu(The Xiang’er commentary of the Dao-de Jin,老子想爾注), Dao-dao Jialing Jie (The Rules Governing the Family of the Dao,大道家令戒), Yiang-ping zhi ( The Diocese of Yangping, 陽平治). Both scriptural analysis and thematic comparative analysis are applied as the method of the research. The findings are as followed. In the scriptures, ideas of the ‘divine election’ are expressed with different distinguishing features: in the Didache, they are:’ keeping commandments for ensuring the chosen identity,’ ‘the leap-of-faith of the Jewish Christians;’ in 1 Clement they are: ‘righteousness vs. wickedness as the boundary of the election,’ ‘mysterious number of the elected,’ and ‘ecclesia: a collective idea of the divine election;’ in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, they are: ‘persecution as a sign of the divine election,’ ‘Christian as a fruit of God’s Love,’ and ‘Christ, the door of the Father.’ In the Xiang’er Zhu, they are: ‘Dao, the supreme God, who’s will is to create and to save,’ ‘the elected people and the false skills,’ and ‘compliance to Dao’s precepts is to keep the Covenant;’ in the Jialing Jie and Yiang-ping zhi, they are: ‘ “Zhengyi mengwei zhi dao(正一盟威之道)” is the Covenant,’ ‘Zhong-min(種民), a Daoist expression of “the elected people”,’ and ‘zhong-min, a dignified and extraordinary identity and status unrelated to sexual rites.’ In the thematic analysis: 1. Covenant and the Election: (1) covenant as a union of wills of God and of man; highly emphasizes on whole-heartedness and sincerity; covenant as a divine blessing as well as an expression of the both sides’ willingness of being constrained. 2. Sin and the Election: (1) although clear inheritance of Israel’s faith tradition can be found in the Apostolic Fathers’ writings, 1 Clement and Epistles of Ignatius highly emphasis on the Blood of Christ and Jesus’ New Covenant. Whereas zhong-mins are the divine elected in the sinful world; though they are extremely rare, the Dao does not give up searching them for the purpose of saving the world out of the depths. 3. The Blessed Seeds: Christians’ ‘the elected people’ densely connotes ‘the seed people;’ both ‘zhong-min’ and ‘the elected’ connote ‘the blessed seed in the sinful world.’ Zhong-mins not only can survive eschatological catastrophe, but also function as the ones inducing Tai-pin Chi (太平氣) in the post-catastrophe world. They are the ones through which the Dao bestow the divine blessings upon the world.
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