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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardization of Predictive Factors for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study.

Tashkandi, Ghdeer 06 December 2012 (has links)
Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a challenging problem in Nova Scotia and is a leading cause of disability and a contributor to high health related costs to the system. The primary objective of this thesis is to develop and test a methodology for the creation of an electronic standardized assessment tool for chronic conditions such as CLBP using a triangulation method. The methodology involves evidence-based, expert and explicit clinical knowledge in the development of the tool. The outcome of this research is the development of a methodology model for the generation of electronic standardized assessment form for CLBP with 30 predictive factors. Experts evaluated the form for its use and usefulness, usability, and standardized terminologies. Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) and Cronbach’s alpha were used to measure inter-rater reliabilities among experts. The results were in the fair and moderate levels of agreement due to the limitation in sample size and the variation of disciplines among participants.

The effectiveness of laser therapy on the management of chronic low back pain

Carus, Catherine, Poon, Tsz Hin 25 April 2016 (has links)
Yes / / Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a global musculoskeletal challenge, resulting in pain and disability on individuals. Laser therapy can be used to treat CLBP. This review evaluates the effectiveness of laser therapy including high level laser therapy (HLLT) and low level laser therapy (LLLT) on CLBP in relation to pain or functional disability. Methods: The authors conducted a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED and PEDro from their start to June 2015. All studies that met predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria were appraised with The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias and Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Tools in June, 2015. Findings: Six RCTs met the inclusion criteria: two RCTs reported significant improvement in pain and functional disability with the use of HLLT but with small sample size (n=103); one RCTs (n=61) reported significant improvement and three RCTs (n=215) reported insignificant improvement in pain and functional disability with the use of LLLT. Conclusion: On the strength of the evidence available HLLT and LLLT are not currently recommended to be replaced or be offered in addition to conventional treatment. Further rigorous research is required to confirm the potential use of laser therapy on individuals presenting with CLBP.

Verlaufsdiagnostische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des therapeutischen Aqua-Jogging auf die Bewegungsmöglichkeiten bei chronischen Schmerzen im Lumbal-Bereich

Rahmannejad, Hossein 24 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In der Therapie orthopädischer Erkrankungen/Verletzungen gewann in den letzten Jahren das Training im Wasser als aktive Maßnahme an Bedeutung. Auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten einer frühfunktionellen, aber schonenden Behandlung wurde das Bewegungstraining im Wasser wieder entdeckt (vgl. Froböse/ Nellessen/ Eckey 2003, 211-29). Innenmoser (2007) betonte, dass therapeutisches Aqua-Jogging geeignet bzw. notwendig ist für Menschen mit Schädigungen, chronischen Krankheiten und mit Beeinträchtigungen bzw. Gefährdungen vor allem der körperlichen Funktionen, aber auch bei Schwächen des Stütz- u. Bewegungsapparats und chronischen Erkrankungen wie Rheuma, Wirbelsäulenschäden und auch bei „Low-Back-Pain“-Patienten. Der Bewegungsraum Wasser bietet im Vergleich zu Bewegungen an Land, aufgrund seiner besonderen physikalischen Eigenschaften (vgl. hierzu alle zitiert in: Innenmoser 2001, 27: Aschoff 1971; Klauck 1977, 1998; Stegemann 1991; Stuart 2000 u.a.), eine weitestgehende Entlastung des Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates, insbesondere bei Teilnehmern mit stark verändertem Bewegungsbild. Für viele Menschen mit körperlichen Schädigungen sind bewegungstherapeutische Maßnahmen im Wasser die einzige Möglichkeit zur Erhaltung bzw. Steigerung ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit. 2 Ziele der vorliegenden Untersuchung Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, die möglichen Wirkungen der Aktiven Wassertherapie in Form des therapeutischen Aqua-Jogging nach dem Konzept Innenmoser (2001) bei „chronischen“ Rückenschmerz- Patienten nachzuweisen. Weil in sportwissenschaftlichen Studien die in klinischen Studien üblichen medizinischen Kontrollverfahren (Röntgendiagnostik, Oberflächen- EMG usw.) nicht zur Anwendung kommen können, wird in dieser Studie versucht, die Wirkungen der „ Bewegungstherapie im Wasser“ über den Weg eines indirekten Schließverfahrens zu ermitteln. Dieses beruht darauf, dass die Wirkungen der Aktiven Wassertherapie sich in einer verbesserten Bewegungsmöglichkeit bzw. einem höheren Bewegungsausmaß der Bewegungen des Rumpfes bzw. der unteren Wirbelsäule dann zeigen, wenn die Personen unmittelbar nach Verlassen des Wassers mit unserem ultraschallgestützten Prüfverfahren kontrolliert werden. Der Vergleich zwischen den Veränderungen der Messwerte bei ausgesuchten Bewegungsaufgaben / Tests im Bereich der Wirbelsäule vor Beginn des Aqua-Joggens und unmittelbar danach wird als Indikator für eine bessernde Wirkung der Bewegungen im Wasser angesehen. Dabei galt es nachzuweisen, dass tatsächlich die Kontrolle am Beckenrand deutlichere Zeichen einer Wirkung der Bewegungen im Wasser erbringen kann, als die zeitlich immer viel später liegenden Laboruntersuchungen. 3 Methodik und Design In einer kontrollierten prospektiven Studie wurden 11 Probanden im Alter zwischen 41 und 71 Lebensjahren mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen in der Lendenwirbelsäule (Dauer > 2 Jahre) in Rahmen einer Einzelfallstudie (ohne begleitende physiotherapeutische Behandlung) erfasst. Sie nahmen über die Dauer von 14 Wochen ein mal pro Woche an einem Aqua-Jogging-Programm von 60 min Dauer teil. Alle Probanden absolvierten das Trainingsprogramm ausschließlich im Wasser. Neben den Messungen von Mobilität und Schmerz wurden durch Prä-, Post-, Follow-up-Tests und die verlaufsdiagnostische Untersuchung mit Hilfe eines „Befindlichkeitsfragebogens“, auch die subjektiven Einschätzungen von Leistungsfähigkeit, Befinden und Schmerzempfinden ermittelt. Im Labor kamen als ergänzende Parameter die Ermittlung der statischen Körperhaltung und der anthropometrischen Date hinzu. Der alltäglich wechselnde Schmerzzustand der Probanden wurde anhand eines „Tagebuchs“ festgehalten. Die Lendenwirbelsäule-Mobilität wurde mit Hilfe der Bestimmung des „Schoberzeichens“ im Labor in die Analyse mit einbezogen. Die Schmerzvarianten der Personen wurde mit Hilfe einer Befragung (Fragebogen FSR), dem ein Schmerzregulationsmodell zugrunde liegt, am Anfang und am Ende des Aqua-Jogging-Programms und nach dessen Ende im Follow-Up Zeitraum gemessen. Wichtigste Aufgabe aber waren die Messungen der Bewegungsmöglichkeiten der Lendenwirbelsäule mit Hilfe des Ultraschallmessverfahrens System Zebris am Beckenrand vor und nach dem Aqua-Jogging und dessen Auswertung unter Berücksichtung jedes einzelnen Probanden. 4 Ergebnisse Die Auswertung der Veränderungen mit dem ultraschalltopografischen Messverfahren nach Zebris in den Verlaufsuntersuchungen ergab bei 8 Probanden eine Verbesserung der LWS Beweglichkeit. Bei 8 Probanden waren auch Verbesserungen im Follow-Up Test im Merkmal Flexion zu sehen. Diese fiel deutlich umfangreicher aus. Bei weiteren 6 Probanden ergaben sich Verbesserungen der Extension im Bereich der LWS. Ebenfalls 6 Probanden konnten die Lateralflexion nach links vergrößern. Nur bei 5 Probanden verbesserte sich die Lateralflexion nach rechts. Bei 5 Probanden war die Rotation nach links besser, während bei 8 Probanden die Rotation nach rechts besser gelang. 6 Probanden verbesserten ihre LWS Beweglichkeit in der Flexion, wenn man das Schoberzeichen als Kriterium heranzog. Nur 3 Probanden verbesserten ihre FSR- Kompetenz, während 5 Probanden eine geringere Schmerzintensität lt. FSR aufwiesen. 7 Probanden zeigten eine geringere Angst gemäß FSR und bei 7 Probanden verringerte sich die Neigung zu Depression, Die Effekte sind unabhängig von Geschlecht und Chronifizierungsausmaß. Verallgemeinernd gesehen waren mit Hilfe der ausgewählten Messkriterien eine Verbesserung der Beweglichkeit der Wirbelsäule, eine Linderung der Schmerzen und Steigerung der Lebensqualität zu beobachten. Trainingsbedingt zeigte sich teilweise eine kräftige Beschwerdereduktion (Linderung der Schmerzintensität) und eine relativ deutliche Steigerung der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit. Teilnehmer über 60 Jahre zeigen gegenüber jüngeren Teilnehmern einen höheren Beweglichkeitszuwachs der Flexion bei gleicher Schmerzreduktion. Es wurde eindeutig klar, dass die individuell unterschiedlichen Wirkungen des Aqua-Joggings auf Flexion, Extension, Lateralflexion links und rechts und Rotation links und rechts nur dann sicher erfasst werden können, wenn die Kontrolle tatsächlich am Beckenrand erfolgte. Diese akuten Wirkungen erklärten auch das fast stets gesteigerte Gefühl des Wohlbefindens bei den Probanden und ihre regelmäßig geäußerten Wünsche nach einer Fortsetzung der Trainingsmaßnahmen 5 Schlussfolgerungen Das Aqua-Jogging bestätigte sich als wirksame Maßnahme im Sinne einer Trainingstherapie. In der untersuchten Stichprobe wurden schon nach kurzer Zeit und im Verlauf der Studie bis zum Ende deutliche positive Veränderungen der Bewegungsmöglichkeiten der Lendenwirbelsäule festgestellt. Dass dies nicht bei allen Probanden bei allen Provokation einheitlich gleich war, lässt sich erklären durch die sehr unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen der Symptome, obwohl alle sicher zur Gruppe der „Low-Back-Pain“-Patienten zu zählen sind. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen und die Durchführung des Trainings unter den festgelegten Bedingungen können weitere Erkenntnisse für effektive Therapiemaßnahmen für Rückenpatienten bringen. 6 Schlussthesen 6.1 Mit Hilfe des Ultraschall-Diagnoseverfahrens (System Zebris) am Beckenrand gelingt es, die unmittelbaren Auswirkungen des Aqua Joggings – repräsentiert durch eine verbesserte Beweglichkeit in Flexion, Extension, Lateralflexion und Rotation der LWS – nach jeder Therapieeinheit nachzuweisen. 6.2 Ein erhöhtes Niveau der Lendenwirbelsäulen–Bewegungsmöglichkeiten und eine Verbesserung der „Schmerzfaktoren“ kann durch ein spezifisches Aqua-Jogging Training erreicht werden. Eine längerfristige Wirksamkeit der Intervention in Form von geringeren Rückbildungsprozessen auf den alten Zustand vor Beginn des Programms konnte am Follow-up-Messzeitpunkt nur teilweise gezeigt werden. 6.3 Alle Teilnehmer der Studie reagierten beim Post Test im Vergleich mit dem Prä-Test – im Sinne der Schmerzreduktion – positiv auf die Teilnahme am Aqua-Jogging. Die Patienten fühlten sich nach dem Aqua Jogging wohler als vor dem Aqua-Jogging.

A qualitative study of changes in expectations over time among patients with chronic low back pain seeking four CAM therapies

Eaves, Emery R., Sherman, Karen J., Ritenbaugh, Cheryl, Hsu, Clarissa, Nichter, Mark, Turner, Judith A., Cherkin, Daniel C. January 2015 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The relationship between patient expectations about a treatment and the treatment outcomes, particularly for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies, is not well understood. Using qualitative data from a larger study to develop a valid expectancy questionnaire for use with participants starting new CAM therapies, we examined how participants' expectations of treatment changed over the course of a therapy. METHODS: We conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with 64 participants initiating one of four CAM therapies (yoga, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage) for chronic low back pain. Participants just starting treatment were interviewed up to three times over a period of 3 months. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a qualitative mixed methods approach incorporating immersion/crystallization and matrix analysis for a decontexualization and recontextualization approach to understand changes in thematic emphasis over time. RESULTS: Pre-treatment expectations consisted of conjecture about whether or not the CAM therapy could relieve pain and improve participation in meaningful activities. Expectations tended to shift over the course of treatment to be more inclusive of broader lifestyle factors, the need for long-term pain management strategies and attention to long-term quality of life and wellness. Although a shift toward greater acceptance of chronic pain and the need for strategies to keep pain from flaring was observed across participants regardless of therapy, participants varied in their assessments of whether increased awareness of the need for ongoing self-care and maintenance strategies was considered a "positive outcome". Regardless of how participants evaluated the outcome of treatment, participants from all four therapies reported increased awareness, acceptance of the chronic nature of pain, and attention to the need to take responsibility for their own health. CONCLUSIONS: The shift in treatment expectations to greater acceptance of pain and the need for continued self-care suggests that future research should explore how CAM practitioners can capitalize on these shifts to encourage feelings of empowerment rather than disappointment surrounding realizations of the need for continued engagement with self-care.

A experiência da dor lombar crônica em mulheres do assentamento rural "Filhos de Sepé"

Quijano, Angela Reyna January 2016 (has links)
A dor lombar crônica é um tema relevante, porém, poucos estudos abordam a perspectiva da experiência do sujeito nessa condição e no contexto rural. O objetivo deste estudo foi interpretar a experiência e a vivência da dor lombar crônica no cotidiano de mulheres de um assentamento rural. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo embasado no referencial teórico da Antropologia e da Fenomenologia, que teve como sujeitos da pesquisa seis mulheres adultas com dor lombar crônica que trabalhavam na cooperativa do assentamento rural chamado “Filhos de Sepé”, localizado no município de Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil. Realizamos, com cada participante, três encontros no período de agosto de 2015 a julho de 2016, totalizando 18 entrevistas. Em cada encontro, além da entrevista semiestruturada, fomos construindo junto com as participantes, a partir da técnica de narrativa de mapas corporais (Gastaldo, Magalhães, Carrasco & Davy, 2012), uma representação gráfica do seu corpo fundamentada na temática proposta, a qual envolvia a utilização de elementos como colagens e desenhos. Essa narrativa de mapas corporais teve a função de complementar e explorar com maior profundidade as temáticas desenvolvidas durante as entrevistas semiestruturadas. O diário de campo, também foi um instrumento para registro de informações relevantes durante o período de aproximação com o campo e na realização do estudo. Convivemos com as mulheres que trabalhavam na cooperativa do assentamento um turno por semana durante o período de coleta de informações. A partir desse convívio, conhecemos um pouco da rotina de trabalho dessas mulheres, trocamos ideias, nos aproximamos e fomos convidando-as para participarem das entrevistas. As entrevistas foram gravadas em meio digital e transcritas na íntegra, constituindo-se em material empírico para análise. Iniciamos o processo analítico com uma leitura ampla das entrevistas e, posteriormente, começamos a definição de códigos analíticos e categorização. Como achados, apreendeu-se que as mulheres não problematizam a dor crônica como o fazem com as questões relacionadas ao papel feminino. As repercussões desfavoráveis geradas pelos silêncios sobre certos eventos da vida são percebidas pelas mulheres, fazendo-as contestá-los. Contestam os silêncios e não repetem com as gerações que se seguem. Já a dor, o trabalho, a jornada dupla desde a infância são categorias percebidas no corpo físico, mas não são questionadas ou problematizadas pelo corpo social. O evento de dor existiu, e ele é marcado na vida dessas mulheres. Todas têm clareza de como se deu esse evento, como ele deslocou a vida delas e como enfrentam a dor. Agora, em nenhum momento pensam que poderia ter sido diferente e também não se consideram doentes, de certa forma naturalizando a dor. Tanto os deslocamentos como as estratégias de enfrentamento experenciadas pelas mulheres assentadas são intersubjetivamente construídas e as ações e os comportamentos pertencentes a essas categorias são constituídas nas negociações e renegociações de significados que o grupo vai estabelecendo. Disso tudo fica a importância da interpretação da condição crônica desde uma perspectiva multidimensional para o desenvolvimento de intervenções contextualizada afim de constituir experiências que sejam significativas. / Chronic low back pain is a relevant issue; however, few studies have addressed the perspective of the subject's experience in this condition and in the rural context. The aim of this study was to interpret the experience of chronic low back pain in everyday life of women from a rural settlement. This is a qualitative study grounded in the theoretical framework of Anthropology and Phenomenology and had as research subjects six adult women with chronic low back pain who worked in a cooperative of a rural settlement called "Filhos de Sepé” located in the city of Viamão, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. We conducted with each participant three interviews from July 2015 to July 2016 , totalling 18 interviews. At each meeting , besides semi-structured interview, we built together with participants the body maps narrative technique (Gastaldo, Magellan, Carrasco & Davy, 2012) , a graphical representation of the body based on a proposed theme , which involved the use of elements such as collages and drawings. This narrative of body maps had a complementary function of exploring in greater depth the subjects developed during the semi- structured interview. The field diary was also an instrument to record relevant information during the approach period with the field. We get along with women that worked in the settlement cooperative of one shift per week during the period of information gathering. From this interaction , we got acquainted with the routine work of these women , we exchange ideas, in order to invite them to participate in the interviews. The interviews were recorded in digital media and transcribed, being an empirical material for analysis. The analytical process begun with a broad reading of the interviews and later started the definition of analytical and categorization codes. As findings, it seized that women do not question the chronic pain as they do with issues related to women's role. The unfavorable repercussions generated by silences on certain life events are perceived by women, making them challenge them . Challenge the silence and do not repeat with the generations that follow. Already the pain, work, double journey since childhood are categories perceived in the physical body , but are not questioned or problematized by the social body. The pain event existed, and it is marked in the lives of these women. All have clear how was this event , how it shifted their lives and how difficult is to face the pain . Now, any time they think it could have been different and also do not consider themselves as sick person , in a way of naturalizing pain. Both, shifts as the coping strategies are intersubjectively constructed and the actions and behaviors belonging to these categories are made by negotiations and renegotiations of meanings that the group will establish . Above all the interpretation of the chronic condition should be from a multidimensional perspective to develop contextualized interventions in order to provide a meaningful experiences.

Tratamento de dor lombar crônica em uma clínica de neurocirurgia de um município do interior de São Paulo: aspectos facilitadores e dificultadores / Treatment of chronic low back pain in a neurosurgery clinic in a city in the inland of São Paulo state: facilitating and hindering aspects

Velaini Maria Fabbri Romeo 12 January 2018 (has links)
A dor lombar crônica é um importante problema de Saúde Pública. Profissionais de saúde que trabalham com doenças crônicas com frequência se deparam com as dificuldades que alguns pacientes apresentam em aderir aos tratamentos prescritos. Analisamos a adesão ao tratamento de pacientes com dor lombar crônica, em uma clínica de neurocirurgia do interior paulista e implementamos um guia de orientação que facilite a adesão ao tratamento da dor lombar crônica desses pacientes, demanda discutida com os gestores da clínica. A adesão terapêutica foi o referencial desse estudo. Utilizamos um método transversal e descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, e instrumento de coleta de dados, entrevista semiestruturada e fonte documental. Foram considerados sujeitos do estudo, todos os pacientes que procuraram atendimento na referida clínica de neurocirurgia com patologias da coluna vertebral, no período de seis meses (Fevereiro à Agosto) referente ao ano de 2017 com idade superior a 18 anos. Foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico médico de dor lombar crônica específica e inespecífica há pelo menos seis meses, com capacidade de expressão e comunicação preservados. A entrevista semiestruturada, abordou a compreensão dos pacientes quanto ao diagnóstico médico, ao tratamento e uma pergunta aberta para expressarem a percepção sobre a dor lombar no seu cotidiano. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos a Análise de Conteúdo. Na caracterização dos sujeitos, encontramos 57,2% do sexo feminino, a faixa etária predominante 62% foi entre 40 a 59 anos. Estado civil, 66,7% casados, escolaridade 47,6% ensino superior completo, cor da pele auto referida, branca 90,5%. Quanto ao IMC prevaleceu sobrepeso com 42,9%, profissão 33,3% eram do lar, ocupação 38% estavam ativos e quanto ao tempo de dor, de 1 a 5 anos, 62% e 76,2% dos participantes do estudo não faziam atividade física. Consideramos que analisar o conceito de adesão e seus fatores multidimensionais facilitou compreender as diferentes formas de lidar com a DLC. Destacamos as redes de apoio (trabalho, família e amigos), o bom relacionamento entre o profissional de saúde e o paciente promovendo uma compreensão sobre seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Importante promover o acolhimento, escuta qualificada para que o paciente se torne o sujeito ativo do seu tratamento e reabilitação. Para isto, a Integralidade do cuidado depende de um novo arranjo de práticas e conformações dos serviços de saúde que incluam a singularidade dos sujeitos. O estudo inicialmente pactuado e os resultados serão devolvidos para os gestores do local de estudo / Chronic low back pain is an important Public Health problem. Health professionals working with chronic illnesses often deal with the difficulties some patients face in adhering to the prescribed treatments. We have Analyzed the adherence to the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain in a neurosurgery clinic in a city in the countryside of São Paulo state and developed a guideline that facilitates adherence to the treatment of chronic low back pain in these patients, a demand discussed with the clinic managers. Therapeutic adherence was the referential of this study. We used a transversal and descriptive method with qualitative approach, data collection instrument, semi-structured interview, and documentary source. The study subjects were all patients who sought care in the referred neurosurgery clinic with spinal pathologies, in the six-month from February to August, referring to the year 2017, aged over 18 years. We included patients with a specific and non-specific chronic low back pain medical diagnosis for at least six months, with preserved expression and communication capacity. The semi-structured interview addressed the patients\' understanding of the medical diagnosis, the treatment and an open question to express the perception about low back pain in their daily life. The data were analysed using a content analysis method. In the characterization of the subjects, we found 57.2% of female patients; the predominant age group representing 62% was between 40 and 59 years old; 66.7% of patients were married; 47.6% had higher education; regarding skin color, 90.5% of the patients reported themselves as white; as for BMI, overweight was predominant with 42.9%, on occupation 33.3% developed home activities; 38% of the patients were active and 62% of them stated to have had pain for 1 to 5 years, and 76.2% of study participants did not practice any physical activity. We consider that analyzing the concept of adherence and its multidimensional factors makes it easier to understand the different ways of dealing with chronic low back pain. We highlight the support networks (work, family and friends), the good relationship between the health professional and the patient, promoting a good understanding of their diagnosis and treatment. To promote the acceptance, the extended listening so that the patient becomes the active subject of its treatment and rehabilitation. For this, the integrality of the care depends on a new arrangement of practices and conformations of the health services that include the singularity of the subjects. The study initially agreed and the results will be returned to the managers of the study site

Tratamento de dor lombar crônica em uma clínica de neurocirurgia de um município do interior de São Paulo: aspectos facilitadores e dificultadores / Treatment of chronic low back pain in a neurosurgery clinic in a city in the inland of São Paulo state: facilitating and hindering aspects

Romeo, Velaini Maria Fabbri 12 January 2018 (has links)
A dor lombar crônica é um importante problema de Saúde Pública. Profissionais de saúde que trabalham com doenças crônicas com frequência se deparam com as dificuldades que alguns pacientes apresentam em aderir aos tratamentos prescritos. Analisamos a adesão ao tratamento de pacientes com dor lombar crônica, em uma clínica de neurocirurgia do interior paulista e implementamos um guia de orientação que facilite a adesão ao tratamento da dor lombar crônica desses pacientes, demanda discutida com os gestores da clínica. A adesão terapêutica foi o referencial desse estudo. Utilizamos um método transversal e descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, e instrumento de coleta de dados, entrevista semiestruturada e fonte documental. Foram considerados sujeitos do estudo, todos os pacientes que procuraram atendimento na referida clínica de neurocirurgia com patologias da coluna vertebral, no período de seis meses (Fevereiro à Agosto) referente ao ano de 2017 com idade superior a 18 anos. Foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico médico de dor lombar crônica específica e inespecífica há pelo menos seis meses, com capacidade de expressão e comunicação preservados. A entrevista semiestruturada, abordou a compreensão dos pacientes quanto ao diagnóstico médico, ao tratamento e uma pergunta aberta para expressarem a percepção sobre a dor lombar no seu cotidiano. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos a Análise de Conteúdo. Na caracterização dos sujeitos, encontramos 57,2% do sexo feminino, a faixa etária predominante 62% foi entre 40 a 59 anos. Estado civil, 66,7% casados, escolaridade 47,6% ensino superior completo, cor da pele auto referida, branca 90,5%. Quanto ao IMC prevaleceu sobrepeso com 42,9%, profissão 33,3% eram do lar, ocupação 38% estavam ativos e quanto ao tempo de dor, de 1 a 5 anos, 62% e 76,2% dos participantes do estudo não faziam atividade física. Consideramos que analisar o conceito de adesão e seus fatores multidimensionais facilitou compreender as diferentes formas de lidar com a DLC. Destacamos as redes de apoio (trabalho, família e amigos), o bom relacionamento entre o profissional de saúde e o paciente promovendo uma compreensão sobre seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Importante promover o acolhimento, escuta qualificada para que o paciente se torne o sujeito ativo do seu tratamento e reabilitação. Para isto, a Integralidade do cuidado depende de um novo arranjo de práticas e conformações dos serviços de saúde que incluam a singularidade dos sujeitos. O estudo inicialmente pactuado e os resultados serão devolvidos para os gestores do local de estudo / Chronic low back pain is an important Public Health problem. Health professionals working with chronic illnesses often deal with the difficulties some patients face in adhering to the prescribed treatments. We have Analyzed the adherence to the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain in a neurosurgery clinic in a city in the countryside of São Paulo state and developed a guideline that facilitates adherence to the treatment of chronic low back pain in these patients, a demand discussed with the clinic managers. Therapeutic adherence was the referential of this study. We used a transversal and descriptive method with qualitative approach, data collection instrument, semi-structured interview, and documentary source. The study subjects were all patients who sought care in the referred neurosurgery clinic with spinal pathologies, in the six-month from February to August, referring to the year 2017, aged over 18 years. We included patients with a specific and non-specific chronic low back pain medical diagnosis for at least six months, with preserved expression and communication capacity. The semi-structured interview addressed the patients\' understanding of the medical diagnosis, the treatment and an open question to express the perception about low back pain in their daily life. The data were analysed using a content analysis method. In the characterization of the subjects, we found 57.2% of female patients; the predominant age group representing 62% was between 40 and 59 years old; 66.7% of patients were married; 47.6% had higher education; regarding skin color, 90.5% of the patients reported themselves as white; as for BMI, overweight was predominant with 42.9%, on occupation 33.3% developed home activities; 38% of the patients were active and 62% of them stated to have had pain for 1 to 5 years, and 76.2% of study participants did not practice any physical activity. We consider that analyzing the concept of adherence and its multidimensional factors makes it easier to understand the different ways of dealing with chronic low back pain. We highlight the support networks (work, family and friends), the good relationship between the health professional and the patient, promoting a good understanding of their diagnosis and treatment. To promote the acceptance, the extended listening so that the patient becomes the active subject of its treatment and rehabilitation. For this, the integrality of the care depends on a new arrangement of practices and conformations of the health services that include the singularity of the subjects. The study initially agreed and the results will be returned to the managers of the study site

Chronic neck pain : An epidemiological, psychological and SPECT study with emphasis on whiplash-associated disorders

Guez, Michel January 2006 (has links)
Chronic neck pain, a common cause of disability, seems to be the result of several interacting mechanisms. In addition to degenerative and inflammatory changes and trauma, psychological and psychosocial factors are also involved. One common type of trauma associated with chronic neck pain is whiplash injury; this sometimes results in whiplash-associated disorder (WAD), a controversial condition with largely unknown pathogenetic mechanisms. We studied the prevalence of chronic neck pain of traumatic and non-traumatic origin and compared the prevalence of, sociodemographic data, self-perceived health, workload and chronic lowback pain in these groups. In a ready-made questionnaire (MONICA study), we added questions about cervical spine and low-back complaints. 6,000 (72%) completed a self-administered questionnaire. 43% reported neck pain: 48% of women and 38% of men. Women of working age had more neck pain than retired women, a phenomenon not seen in men. 19% of the studied population suffered from chronic neck pain and it was more frequent in women. A history of neck trauma was common in those with chronic neck pain. Those with a history of neck trauma perceived their health worse and were more often on sick-leave. About 50% of those with traumatic and non-traumatic chronic neck pain also had chronic low-back pain. We assessed the subjective and objective neuropsychological functioning in 42 patients with chronic neck pain, 21 with a whiplash trauma, and 21 without previous neck trauma. Despite cognitive complaints, the WAD patients had normal neuropsychological functioning, but the WAD group especially had deviant MMPI results—indicating impaired coping ability and somatization.WAD patients had no alterations in cerebral blood-flow pattern, as measured by rCBF-SPECT and SPM analysis, compared to healthy controls. This contrasts with the non-traumatic group with chronic neck pain, which showed marked blood-flow changes. The blood-flow changes in the non-traumatic group were similar to those described earlier in pain patients but— remarkably enough—were different from those in the WAD group. Chronic neck pain of whiplash and non-traumatic origin appears to be unique in some respects. A better understanding of the underlying pathological mechanisms is a prerequisite for prevention of the development of such chronic pain syndromes and for improvement of the treatment of patients with severe symptoms.

Patientenwege von Patienten mit nicht-spezifischen Rückenschmerzen - eine retrospektive Beobachtungsstudie / Medical treatment of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain- a retrospective observational study

Helbing, Teresa 11 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A experiência da dor lombar crônica em mulheres do assentamento rural "Filhos de Sepé"

Quijano, Angela Reyna January 2016 (has links)
A dor lombar crônica é um tema relevante, porém, poucos estudos abordam a perspectiva da experiência do sujeito nessa condição e no contexto rural. O objetivo deste estudo foi interpretar a experiência e a vivência da dor lombar crônica no cotidiano de mulheres de um assentamento rural. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo embasado no referencial teórico da Antropologia e da Fenomenologia, que teve como sujeitos da pesquisa seis mulheres adultas com dor lombar crônica que trabalhavam na cooperativa do assentamento rural chamado “Filhos de Sepé”, localizado no município de Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil. Realizamos, com cada participante, três encontros no período de agosto de 2015 a julho de 2016, totalizando 18 entrevistas. Em cada encontro, além da entrevista semiestruturada, fomos construindo junto com as participantes, a partir da técnica de narrativa de mapas corporais (Gastaldo, Magalhães, Carrasco & Davy, 2012), uma representação gráfica do seu corpo fundamentada na temática proposta, a qual envolvia a utilização de elementos como colagens e desenhos. Essa narrativa de mapas corporais teve a função de complementar e explorar com maior profundidade as temáticas desenvolvidas durante as entrevistas semiestruturadas. O diário de campo, também foi um instrumento para registro de informações relevantes durante o período de aproximação com o campo e na realização do estudo. Convivemos com as mulheres que trabalhavam na cooperativa do assentamento um turno por semana durante o período de coleta de informações. A partir desse convívio, conhecemos um pouco da rotina de trabalho dessas mulheres, trocamos ideias, nos aproximamos e fomos convidando-as para participarem das entrevistas. As entrevistas foram gravadas em meio digital e transcritas na íntegra, constituindo-se em material empírico para análise. Iniciamos o processo analítico com uma leitura ampla das entrevistas e, posteriormente, começamos a definição de códigos analíticos e categorização. Como achados, apreendeu-se que as mulheres não problematizam a dor crônica como o fazem com as questões relacionadas ao papel feminino. As repercussões desfavoráveis geradas pelos silêncios sobre certos eventos da vida são percebidas pelas mulheres, fazendo-as contestá-los. Contestam os silêncios e não repetem com as gerações que se seguem. Já a dor, o trabalho, a jornada dupla desde a infância são categorias percebidas no corpo físico, mas não são questionadas ou problematizadas pelo corpo social. O evento de dor existiu, e ele é marcado na vida dessas mulheres. Todas têm clareza de como se deu esse evento, como ele deslocou a vida delas e como enfrentam a dor. Agora, em nenhum momento pensam que poderia ter sido diferente e também não se consideram doentes, de certa forma naturalizando a dor. Tanto os deslocamentos como as estratégias de enfrentamento experenciadas pelas mulheres assentadas são intersubjetivamente construídas e as ações e os comportamentos pertencentes a essas categorias são constituídas nas negociações e renegociações de significados que o grupo vai estabelecendo. Disso tudo fica a importância da interpretação da condição crônica desde uma perspectiva multidimensional para o desenvolvimento de intervenções contextualizada afim de constituir experiências que sejam significativas. / Chronic low back pain is a relevant issue; however, few studies have addressed the perspective of the subject's experience in this condition and in the rural context. The aim of this study was to interpret the experience of chronic low back pain in everyday life of women from a rural settlement. This is a qualitative study grounded in the theoretical framework of Anthropology and Phenomenology and had as research subjects six adult women with chronic low back pain who worked in a cooperative of a rural settlement called "Filhos de Sepé” located in the city of Viamão, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. We conducted with each participant three interviews from July 2015 to July 2016 , totalling 18 interviews. At each meeting , besides semi-structured interview, we built together with participants the body maps narrative technique (Gastaldo, Magellan, Carrasco & Davy, 2012) , a graphical representation of the body based on a proposed theme , which involved the use of elements such as collages and drawings. This narrative of body maps had a complementary function of exploring in greater depth the subjects developed during the semi- structured interview. The field diary was also an instrument to record relevant information during the approach period with the field. We get along with women that worked in the settlement cooperative of one shift per week during the period of information gathering. From this interaction , we got acquainted with the routine work of these women , we exchange ideas, in order to invite them to participate in the interviews. The interviews were recorded in digital media and transcribed, being an empirical material for analysis. The analytical process begun with a broad reading of the interviews and later started the definition of analytical and categorization codes. As findings, it seized that women do not question the chronic pain as they do with issues related to women's role. The unfavorable repercussions generated by silences on certain life events are perceived by women, making them challenge them . Challenge the silence and do not repeat with the generations that follow. Already the pain, work, double journey since childhood are categories perceived in the physical body , but are not questioned or problematized by the social body. The pain event existed, and it is marked in the lives of these women. All have clear how was this event , how it shifted their lives and how difficult is to face the pain . Now, any time they think it could have been different and also do not consider themselves as sick person , in a way of naturalizing pain. Both, shifts as the coping strategies are intersubjectively constructed and the actions and behaviors belonging to these categories are made by negotiations and renegotiations of meanings that the group will establish . Above all the interpretation of the chronic condition should be from a multidimensional perspective to develop contextualized interventions in order to provide a meaningful experiences.

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