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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation biomécanique des mouvements du tronc et de l'initiation de la marche chez les patients lombalgiques chroniques : mise en évidence d'un déconditionnement moteur avant et après un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis / Biomechanical assessment of trunk movements and gait initiation in chronic low back pain patients : highlighting of a motor deconditioning before and following a functional restoration program

Bourigua, Imen 16 May 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de compléter le diagnostic et le suivi des patients lombalgiques chroniques par l'analyse biomécanique de leurs comportements moteurs lors de la réalisation de différents mouvements du tronc et lors de l'initiation de la marche. Ainsi, afin de participer à l’optimisation de la prise en charge de ce type de patient, trois études sont réalisées.Dans l'étude 1, la comparaison des paramètres cinématiques du tronc entre une population saine et une population de patients lombalgiques chroniques révèle non seulement la présence d’un déconditionnement physique, mais aussi d'un déconditionnement moteur, chez les patients réalisant différents mouvements du tronc à vitesse rapide. Dans l'étude 2, le suivi des patients à court et à long terme après un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis (fin programme, 3 mois, 6 mois et 1 an) montre que ce déconditionnement moteur est résistant au traitement malgré des améliorations importantes au niveau des capacités physiques (souplesse, force, endurance). Dans l'étude 3, l'évaluation spatiotemporelle, cinématique et dynamique de l'initiation de la marche confirme la présence d'un déconditionnement moteur lors de l'initiation de la marche qui est, lui aussi, résistant au programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis.En conclusion, ce travail de thèse montre que la résolution du problème croissant de la lombalgie chronique ne consiste pas uniquement en la lutte contre le déconditionnement physique mais, aussi, en la lutte contre le déconditionnement moteur Il est possible que la prise en charge de ce déconditionnement moteur permette d'avoir de meilleurs résultats à long terme favorisant alors le retour des patients à la vie active. / The main aim of this PhD thesis is to complete the diagnosis and the monitoring of chronic low back pain patients by analyzing their motor behaviors during different trunk movements and during gait initiation. Then, in order to take part in the optimization of the care proposed to this type of patients, three studies are then conducted.Study 1 shows that, in addition to a physical deconditioning, chronic low back pain patients exhibit a motor deconditioning when asked to move there trunk as fast as possible. In Study 2, short-term and long-term monitorings following a functional restoration program (end of the program, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year) show a preservation of this motor deconditioning in chronic low back pain patients, despite improvements in physical abilities (flexibility, strength, endurance). Study 3 highlights that chronic low back pain affects the motor control during gait initiation and, as observed in Study 2, this motor deconditioning is preserved following functional restoration program.In conclusion, this PhD thesis shows that the resolution of the growing problem of chronic low back pain cannot be reached by only resolving the physical deconditioning but, also, by resolving the motor deconditioning detected within this research work. The reduction or annihilation of this motor deconditioning would allow better long-term results, promoting the return of patients to active life.

Epidemiology and routine care treatment of patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis and chronic lower back pain: real-world evidence from Germany

Hradetzky, E., Ohlmeier, C., Brinkmann, C., Schild, M., Galetzka, W., Schmedt, N., John, T., Kaleth, D., Gothe, H. 06 June 2024 (has links)
Aim Musculoskeletal disorders are a major public health problem in most developed countries. As a main cause of chronic pain, they have resulted in an increasing prescription of opioids worldwide. With regard to the situation in Germany, this study aimed at estimating the prevalence of musculoskeletal diseases such as chronic low back pain (CLBP) and hip/knee osteoarthritis (OA) and at depicting the applied treatment patterns. - Subject and methods German claims data from the InGef Research Database were analyzed over a 6-year period (2011–2016). The dataset contains over 4 million people, enrolled in German statutory health insurances. Inpatient and outpatient diagnoses were considered for case identification of hip/knee OA and CLBP. The World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder was applied to categorize patients according to their pain management interventions. Information on demographics, comorbidities, and adjuvant medication was collected. - Results In 2016, n = 2,693,481 individuals (50.5% female, 49.5% male) were assigned to the study population; 62.5% of them were aged 18–60 years. In 2016, n = 146,443 patients (5.4%) with CLBP and n = 307,256 patients (11.4%) with hip/ knee OA were identified. Of those with pre-specified pain management interventions (CLBP: 66.3%; hip/knee OA: 65.1%), most patients received WHO I class drugs (CLBP: 73.6%; hip/knee OA: 68.7%) as the highest level. - Conclusion This study provides indications that CLBP and hip/knee OA are common chronic pain conditions in Germany, which are often subjected to pharmacological pain management. Compared to non-opioid analgesic prescriptions of the WHO I class, the dispensation of WHO class II and III opioids was markedly lower, though present to a considerable extent.


Hertzberg, Adam, Bygdemark, Martin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ländryggsmärta är en mycket vanligt förekommande smärtproblematik världen över och har stor påverkan på olika faktorer som exempelvis antalet funktionsjusterade levnadsår och förlorade levnadsår till följd av funktionshinder. Ett verktyg som har potential inom fysioterapin är virtual reality (VR), där metoden har testats  vid behandling av bland annat smärtproblematik, rörelserädsla och funktionsnedsättning. I dagsläget saknas enighet inom forskningen om hur upplägget för behandlingsstudier för kroniska ländryggsbesvär ska designas samt hur VR-tekniken med tillhörande applikationer har tillämpats och med vilken målsättning.  Syfte:  Syftet med denna studie var att redogöra för hur behandlingsstudier med VR för kroniska ländryggsbesvär är designade och strukturerade samt hur VR-applikationerna är tillämpade. Metod: Sökningarna utfördes systematiskt och skedde i databaserna Pubmed, Scopus och CINAHL. Arbetet följer PRISMAs riktlinjer för rapportering av scoping reviews.  Resultat: I denna scoping review inkluderades 18 studier.Resultatet tyder på att VR headset med eller utan kontroller, ihop med olika typer av arm-, ben- eller huvudrörelser var det mest använda i studierna. Huvudsakligen användes applikationer som innehöll olika uppgiftsspecifika aktiviteter samt att efterlikna rörelser av en virtuell avatar och racing- och skjutspel med styrning av bålrörelser. Spelen innehöll även patientutbildning om smärta, smärthantering och psykologiska behandlingsprinciper, Vanligast förekommande var ett behandlingsupplägg på 30 minuter per session, fem gånger i veckan, över en interventionsperiod på fyra veckor, där mätning av smärta och mätningstillfällen av utfallsmått sker vid början och slutet av interventionsperioden. Virtual reality som behandlingsmetod har även påvisat en begränsad mängd negativa sidoeffekter som yrsel och illamående/åksjuka. Konklusion: VR har visat potential att vara ett behandlingshjälpmedel för att kunna bidra till att behandla långvariga ryggbesvär. Mer forskning behövs om design och tillämpning av applikationer och interventioner utifrån önskade behandlingseffekter vid användning av VR för kroniska ländsryggsbesvär.

Efeito da mobilização neural em indivíduos com lombalgia crônica. / Effect of neural mobilization in individuals with chronic low back pain.

Ramos, Marina 19 September 2018 (has links)
A lombalgia tem consequências como dor, incapacidade funcional e diminuição da qualidade de vida, que pode acometer cerca de 70 a 90% da população brasileira em algum período de sua vida. A fisioterapia dispõe de inúmeros recursos dentre eles a Mobilização Neural, que facilita a condutibilidade nervosa, melhorando consequentemente o quadro álgico. O tratamento consiste em restaurar a mobilidade e a elasticidade do sistema nervoso periférico por meio de tensões, oscilações e angulações articulares. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da técnica e avaliar o comportamento álgico, bem como o possível envolvimento de citocinas pró e anti-inflamatórias após o tratamento. A técnica foi aplicada três vezes por semana, num total de 10 intervenções, com duração de dez minutos cada sessão. Participaram deste estudo 46 indivíduos (28 mulheres e 18 homens), que foram alocados em três grupos: grupo MOB, grupo MOB+MED e Grupo CONTROLE. Foram utilizadas ferramentas para avaliar tais efeitos, dentre elas: Escala Visual Analógica (EVA); Teste da Distância do 3º dedo ao solo; Goniometria; Fotogrametria; Avaliação da qualidade de vida - WHOQOL-bref; Questionário de incapacidade de Roland Morris; Índice de Oswestry sobre Incapacidade e Ensaios de Multiplex para a dosagem de citocinas no tecido sanguíneo.Os resultados demonstraram uma melhora significativa na intensidade da dor (p<0,02) e mobilidade lombar (p<0,04), quando comparamos as medidas antes e após o tratamento, e consequentemente, uma melhora significativa na qualidade de vida e incapacidade dos pacientes. Ao analisarmos as citocinas (p<0,05), houve uma redução estatisticamente significativa nas citocinas pró-inflamatórias (IL-1&#946;, IL-6 e TNF&#945;) e aumento estatisticamente significativo de citocina anti-inflamatória (IL-4). Esperamos, por meio deste estudo, contribuir e compreender alguns mecanismos envolvidos durante o processo de reabilitação com a Mobilização Neural. / Low back pain has consequences such as pain, functional disability and decreased quality of life, which can affect approximately 70 to 90% of the Brazilian population in some period of their life. Physiotherapy has innumerable resources, among them Neural Mobilization, which facilitates the nervous conductivity, consequently improving the pain. The treatment consists in restoring the mobility and the elasticity of the peripheral nervous system through tensions, oscillations and articular angulations. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of the technique and to evaluate the algic behavior, as well as the possible involvement of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines after treatment. The technique was applied three times a week, in a total of 10 interventions, lasting ten minutes each session. A total of 46 individuals (28 women and 18 men) participated in this study, which was allocated in three groups: MOB group, MOB + MED group and CONTROL group. Tools were used to evaluate such effects, among them: Visual Analog Scale (EVA); 3rd finger distance test to the ground; Goniometry; Photogrammetry; Quality of life assessment - WHOQOL-bref; Roland Morris Inaptation Questionnaire; Oswestry Index on Disability and Multiplex Assays for dosing cytokines in blood tissue. The results showed a significant improvement in pain intensity (p <0.02) and lumbar mobility (p <0.04), when we compared the measures before and after treatment, and consequently, a significant improvement in the quality of life and disability of patients. When we analyzed the cytokines (p <0.05), there was a statistically significant reduction in the proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1&#946;, IL-6, and FTN&#945;) and a statistically significant increase in anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-4). We hope, through this study, to contribute and understand some mechanisms involved during the rehabilitation process with Neural Mobilization.

Réponses hémodynamiques et métaboliques des muscles paravertébraux à l'exercice : influence de la lombalgie chronique et de la pratique d'activités physiques / Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to exercise in paraspinal muscles : influence of chronic low back pain and of the practice of physical activities

Anthierens, Agathe 14 May 2019 (has links)
Introduction : Les muscles paravertébraux interviennent en permanence dans les tâches de la vie quotidienne pour la stabilisation et la mobilisation du rachis. Cela nécessite la contribution du métabolisme aérobie musculaire. La lombalgie chronique est caractérisée par un haut niveau de fatigabilité et des sensations de douleur au regard des muscles paravertébraux, qui pourraient être en partie attribués à l’altération des réponses du métabolisme aérobie musculaire, tandis que la pratique d’activités physiques et sportives (APS) pourrait améliorer ces réponses Objectif : L’objectif général était de déterminer la spécificité des réponses du métabolisme aérobie des muscles paravertébraux chez des patients lombalgiques chroniques, avant et après un programme de restauration fonctionnelle, et chez différents athlètes en bonne santé. Méthode : Quatre études ont été menées. Chaque participant a effectué des exercices isocinétiques sous-maximaux d’extension du tronc pendant cinq minutes, afin d’évaluer les réponses du métabolisme aérobie des muscles paravertébraux à l’exercice. Des sujets lombalgiques chroniques ont été appariés et comparés à des sujets sains, puis suivis au cours d’un programme de restauration fonctionnelle, dont la principale composante était l’exercice physique. Des sujets jeunes et en bonne santé, sportifs et non sportifs, ont été comparés entre eux. Résultats/Conclusion : Chez les lombalgiques chroniques, le programme de restauration fonctionnel a permis une accélération des cinétiques de V̇O2, une augmentation de l’oxygénation musculaire, et une augmentation de l’efficience mécanique à l’exercice. Chez les jeunes sportifs, les réponses aérobies étaient aussi améliorées, et la modification de ces réponses était dépendante des modalités d’entrainement. Ces résultats suggèrent que la pratique d’APS améliore la contribution du métabolisme aérobie au cours d’un exercice prolongé d’extension du tronc, au regard des muscles paravertébraux. Il n’y avait pas de différence entre les réponses métaboliques et hémodynamiques à l’exercice des lombalgiques chroniques, et celles des sujets sains, malgré un faible niveau de force maximale, et un haut niveau de fatigabilité musculaire à l’exercice chez les lombalgiques chroniques. Bien que les résultats préliminaires ne témoignent pas d’une altération des réponses chez les lombalgiques chroniques, nos travaux suggèrent que la pratique d’activités physiques pourrait diminuer le niveau de fatigabilité des muscles paravertébraux, et ainsi limiter les risques de blessure et de contre-performance, en améliorant les réponses aérobies à l’exercice. / Introduction: Paraspinal muscles are required continuously during daily tasks for trunk stabilization and mobilization. For this, aerobic metabolism muscle contribution is required. Chronic low back pain is characterized by a high level of fatigability and pain sensations in regard to paraspinal muscles. These symptoms may be attributed to an alteration in aerobic metabolism responses. Conversely, practising physical and sports activities (PSA) could improve these responses.Objective: The main objective was to determine the specificities in aerobic metabolism responses in regard to paraspinal muscles, in chronic low back pain patients following a functional restoration program and in healthy athletes.Method: Four studies have been conducted. Participants performed submaximal trunk extension exercises on an isokinetic dynamometer for five minutes, to assess paraspinal muscle aerobic metabolism responses to exercises. Chronic low back pain patients were paired with and compared to healthy individuals and followed during a functional restoration program, in which physical exercise was the main component. Also, healthy young individuals, with and without sport specialization, were compared with each other.Results/Conclusion: In chronic low back pain patients, the functional restoration program allows an acceleration in V̇O2, kinetics, an increase in paraspinal muscle oxygenation, and an increase in mechanical efficiency to exercise. In young athletes, the aerobic responses were also improved, and the changes in responses depended on the training modalities. Practicing SPA enhances the aerobic metabolism contribution during prolonged trunk extension exercise, in regard to paraspinal muscles. There was no difference in aerobic metabolism responses between the chronic low back pain patients and the healthy individuals, despite weak levels of maximal strength and high levels of muscle fatigability when exercising (for the chronic low back pain patients). Although the preliminary results did not attest to an alteration in aerobic responses in chronic low back pain patients, our results suggest that practising physical activities could limit paraspinal muscle fatigability, which could be a way to prevent injury and disappointing performances, by improving aerobic metabolism responses to exercise.

Eignet sich der Balance-X-Sensor Pro als Assessmentinstrument im Alltag einer Rehabilitationsklinik? Entwicklung einer Testbatterie für Patienten mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen und anschließender Vergleich mit bereits validierten Assessmentmethoden / Fits the Balance-X-Sensor Pro as an Assessmentinstrument in the everyday life of a rehabilitation clinic? Development of a test battery for patients with chronic low back pain and comparison with already validated assessmentmethods.

Burke, Josephine 12 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Výskyt a řešení svalových dysbalancí u sportující a nesportující populace se zaměřením na objektivizaci a řešení rehabilitací u populace s nespecifickými bolestmi / Incidence and management of muscle imbalances in physically active and inactive populations: Objective rehabilitation solutions for populations with nonspecific back pain

Šmejkal, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: Incidence and management of muscle imbalances in physically active and inactive populations: Objective rehabilitation solutions for populations with nonspecific back pain Summary Totally 258 patients with chronic low back pain aged 51,5 +8,4 years were treated for three weeks in the Rehabilitation Centre focused on lumbar back pain. We observed incidence of muscle dysbalances and accomplished their exact objectiveness using the Tergumed system. We tried to compare and solve their mutual influence during the rehabilitation treatment. We compared differences between physically active and physically inactive population, the impact of total motivation,age and other factors on the improvement of strenght, motion, dysbalances and total pain relief.Significant improvement of movement and muscle strenght p <0,001 were documented on the Tergumed in three weeks.The physically active population and patients motivated.by using the Tergumed preferred active exercises to passive therapy. We also observed improvement in finger-floor distance and reduction of pain, documented by the visual analogue scale, decrease in body weight and cholesterol level (p <0,001). In three- week observation nor significant changes in muscle dysbalance, neither their differences according to sex,age ,chronical...

A importância do core na funcionalidade de jovens adultos

Santos, Marta Silva 23 February 2018 (has links)
In recent years, the scientific community has emphasized the importance of the core both in the sports context and in rehabilitation. The core is an area of the body, responsible for generating force from the center and dissipating it to the extremities. In this perspective, specific exercises have been used for this area in functional training, in order to promote improvements in functional and core performance. However, it is not clear in what magnitude the core actually participates in performing functional actions in young adults and yet whether the inclusion of core-specific physical exercises in functional training causes more pronounced functional adaptations than when this inclusion does not occur. Thus, the objectives of this dissertation were: I) To analyze the association between the endurance of the core and measures of functional performance in young individuals. II). To analyze the effects of 12 weeks of specific core training and functional training, with and without the inclusion of core-specific exercises, on core performance and performance in functional tests. This dissertation was composed of three studies: A study of protocol / trial (Study I), transversal (Study II) and experimental (Study III). Participating in the study sample were young and healthy individuals, classified as insufficiently active by the International Questionnaire of Physical Activity. In the study II a multiple linear regression was performed with the purpose of explaining in what magnitude the endurance of the core contributes to the performance of functional tests. The findings of this study showed that there is a participation of core endurance ranging from 1.4 to 46.9% depending on the functional test performed. In addition, most of these interactions were statistically significant. In study III, the participants were allocated to three intervention groups: Functional Training with core, which performed global exercises in addition to specific exercises for the core; Functional training, which performed only functional global exercises; and Core training, which performed only exercises that caused greater activation in the core muscles. After 12 weeks of training, all groups improved significantly in both functional and core performance, but there were no significant differences between them. Thus, it is concluded that the endurance of the core is important for the functionality of young adults and that when core-specific exercises are included in the functional training, the gains related to functional and core performance are enhanced. / Nos últimos anos a comunidade científica tem destacado a importância do core tanto no contexto esportivo, quanto na reabilitação. O core é uma zona do corpo, responsável por gerar força do centro e dissipá-la para as extremidades. Nessa perspectiva, tem sido utilizado exercícios específicos para essa zona no treinamento funcional, com o intuito de promover melhorias na performance funcional e do core. No entanto, não está claro em que magnitude o core realmente participa da realização de ações funcionais em jovens adultos e ainda se a inclusão de exercícios físicos específicos para o core no treinamento funcional provoca adaptações funcionais mais acentuadas do que quando não ocorre essa inclusão. Sendo assim, os objetivos da presente dissertação foram: I) Analisar a associação entre a endurance do core e medidas de performance funcional em indivíduos jovens. II). Analisar os efeitos de 12 semanas de treinamento específico do core e treinamento funcional, com e sem a inclusão de exercícios específicos do core, sobre a performance do core e a performance em testes funcionais. Esta dissertação foi composta por três estudos: Um estudo de protocolo/ trial (Estudo I), transversal (Estudo II) e experimental (Estudo III). Participaram da amostra dos estudos, indivíduos jovens e saudáveis, classificados como insuficientemente ativos pelo Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física. No estudo II foi realizado uma regressão linear múltipla com o intuito de explicar em que magnitude a endurance do core contribui para a realização de testes funcionais. Os achados desse estudo demonstraram que há uma participação da endurance do core que varia entre 1,4 e 46,9 % a depender do teste funcional executado. Ademais, a maioria dessas interações foram estatisticamente significativas. Já no estudo III, os participantes foram alocados em três grupos de intervenção: Treinamento Funcional com core, que realizava exercícios globais além de exercícios específicos para o core; Treinamento funcional, que executava apenas exercícios globais de caráter funcional; e Treinamento do core, que executava apenas exercícios que provocassem maior ativação na musculatura do core. Após 12 semanas de treinamento, todos os grupos melhoraram de maneira significativa tanto na performance funcional quanto do core, entretanto não houveram diferenças significativas entre eles. Assim, conclui-se que a endurance do core é importante para a funcionalidade de jovens adultos e que, quando incluído exercícios específicos para o core no treinamento funcional, os ganhos referentes à performance funcional e do core são potencializados. / São Cristóvão, SE

Health utilities for chronic low back pain

Seidler, Anna Lene, Rethberg, Constanze, Schmitt, Jochen, Nienhaus, Albert, Seidler, Andreas 07 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a common health problem, with a large potential for primary prevention. Health utilities (HU) reflect which proportion of their expected remaining life time individuals would hypothetically trade to be alleviated of a health condition of interest. A value of 0 means “prefer to die immediately”, a value of 1 means “not willing to trade any life time”. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess HU for LBP patients and for healthy participants and to examine whether HU for LBP are useful indicators to substantiate preventive and therapeutic decision making. Methods Healthy participants (n = 126) and LBP patients (n = 32) were recruited mainly among the employees of a tertiary care hospital in Germany. Standardized LBP scenarios were presented to all participants and HU values were assessed using the time-trade-off method. Results Median HU for LBP were 0.90 (IQR 0.31) for participants and 0.93 (IQR 0.10) for LBP patients. Measurements were consistent across illness severity ratings with HU and with a visual analogue scale (VAS); in the healthy sample the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.61 (95% CI 0.23–1.00, F(1125) = 190, p < .001), in the patient sample the ICC was 0.66 (95% CI = 0.24–1.00, F(1,31) = 62, p < .001). 8% of participants reported HU of 1. There was no statistically significant relation between HU and age, income, or gender. Conclusion On average, participants chose a 7 to 10% shorter life expectancy to avoid LBP, but almost 1 in 10 participants were not willing to trade any life years. The results indicate a certain stability of HU due to the comparability of HU ratings across patients and healthy participants, the measurement consistency when comparing VAS and HU ratings, and the lack of association between demographic variables and HU. This underlines the usefulness of HU for measuring illness severity in comparative health economics evaluations of preventive and therapeutic measures that address chronic LBP or other pain-characterized diseases. Future studies should focus on different LBP intensities and derive stratified HU that reflect the distribution of pain intensity in the population.

Health utilities for chronic low back pain

Seidler, Anna Lene, Rethberg, Constanze, Schmitt, Jochen, Nienhaus, Albert, Seidler, Andreas 07 December 2017 (has links)
Background Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a common health problem, with a large potential for primary prevention. Health utilities (HU) reflect which proportion of their expected remaining life time individuals would hypothetically trade to be alleviated of a health condition of interest. A value of 0 means “prefer to die immediately”, a value of 1 means “not willing to trade any life time”. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess HU for LBP patients and for healthy participants and to examine whether HU for LBP are useful indicators to substantiate preventive and therapeutic decision making. Methods Healthy participants (n = 126) and LBP patients (n = 32) were recruited mainly among the employees of a tertiary care hospital in Germany. Standardized LBP scenarios were presented to all participants and HU values were assessed using the time-trade-off method. Results Median HU for LBP were 0.90 (IQR 0.31) for participants and 0.93 (IQR 0.10) for LBP patients. Measurements were consistent across illness severity ratings with HU and with a visual analogue scale (VAS); in the healthy sample the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.61 (95% CI 0.23–1.00, F(1125) = 190, p < .001), in the patient sample the ICC was 0.66 (95% CI = 0.24–1.00, F(1,31) = 62, p < .001). 8% of participants reported HU of 1. There was no statistically significant relation between HU and age, income, or gender. Conclusion On average, participants chose a 7 to 10% shorter life expectancy to avoid LBP, but almost 1 in 10 participants were not willing to trade any life years. The results indicate a certain stability of HU due to the comparability of HU ratings across patients and healthy participants, the measurement consistency when comparing VAS and HU ratings, and the lack of association between demographic variables and HU. This underlines the usefulness of HU for measuring illness severity in comparative health economics evaluations of preventive and therapeutic measures that address chronic LBP or other pain-characterized diseases. Future studies should focus on different LBP intensities and derive stratified HU that reflect the distribution of pain intensity in the population.

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