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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dramas íntimos e dramas sociais: uma releitura dos papéis feminino e masculino no cinema novo. / Intimate dramas and social dramas: a remake of the male and female roles in movies again.

CARVALHO, Angela Julita Leitão de January 2006 (has links)
CARVALHO, Angela Julita Leitão de. Dramas íntimos e dramas sociais: uma releitura dos papéis feminino e masculino no cinema novo. (2006). 256f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by nazareno mesquita (nazagon36@yahoo.com.br) on 2011-11-24T16:17:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_AJLdeCarvalho.pdf: 7493633 bytes, checksum: 45aa6e78dc928abd67e37a6fa391ee42 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2011-11-28T14:46:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_AJLdeCarvalho.pdf: 7493633 bytes, checksum: 45aa6e78dc928abd67e37a6fa391ee42 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-28T14:46:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_tese_AJLdeCarvalho.pdf: 7493633 bytes, checksum: 45aa6e78dc928abd67e37a6fa391ee42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / This study examines representations of intimate dramas on the question of women facing the inequality of power, in relationship between the sexes, as well as images of the search for autonomy and sexual liberty in the films Os Cafajestes, A Falecida and O Desafio, which are part of the New Cinema, a cultural movement which arose in the 60s. Here, intimate drama is defined as situations or experiences which men and women have in the space which surrounds their affective and sexual relationships. The choice of cinema to analyze this theme was due to the fact of understanding that cinema is a dialogue with a historical context, even though it uses a specific language to transmit messages ? having an association to images, movement of the camera, the lighting effects and the use of sound. Thus, this study is set in a sociological perspective which adopts the establishment of a link of the work (the film) with the group of historical, cultural, economic and political relationships as a basic principle. In spite of the filmography of the New Cinema being characteristically directed towards the representation of economic and political problems of the county, the study done, identified the movie directors involved with this cultural movement who also approached questions referring to ?intimate dramas? forming new representations of being feminine and of being masculine. In the films analyzed, one perceived the attribution of values which contribute to the denigration of feminine images, which, in turn, reinforces masculine models confirmed by patterns of aggressive, violent attitudes towards women. However, at the same time there are representations of women who are determined and decided, who choose paths which they want to take, and in this way maintain relationships of power with men. Despite emerging traces which are not homogenous in that which refers to the practices of men and women, there are, in summary, representations of continuing strict social rules concerning the behavior of women who dare to face social determinations. / Este trabalho examina representações de dramas íntimos, do questionamento das mulheres frente às desigualdades de poder, nas relações entre os sexos, e, ainda, imagens da busca de autonomia e de liberdade sexual, nos filmes Os cafajestes, A falecida e O desafio, nos anos 1960. Aqui, dramas íntimos são definidos como situações ou experiências vivenciadas por homens e mulheres, em espaços nos quais se circunscrevem suas relações afetivas e sexuais. A escolha do cinema para analisar esta temática deve-se ao fato de entendê-lo como veículo que dialoga com o contexto histórico, embora empregue uma linguagem específica para transmitir mensagens - associação de imagens, movimento de câmera, efeitos de iluminação e uso de sons. Assim, a pesquisa se insere dentro de uma perspectiva sociológica que adota como princípio básico o estabelecimento de um vínculo da obra com o conjunto das relações históricas, culturais, econômicas e políticas. Apesar da filmografia do Cinema Novo voltar-se característicamente para representações dos problemas econômicos e políticos do país, a pesquisa realizada identificou que cineastas envolvidos com este movimento cultural abordaram, também, questões referentes aos "dramas íntimos", construindo novas representações do feminino e do masculino. Nos filmes analisados, percebe-se a atribuição de valores que contribuem para denegrir as imagens femininas, o que, por sua vez, reforça modelos masculinos referendados por padrões de atitudes agressivas e violentas contra a mulher. Porém, há, simultaneamente, representações de mulheres determinadas e decididas, que escolhem os caminhos que querem trilhar e, neste sentido, mantêm relações de poder com os homens. A despeito de emergirem traços não unívocos no que se refere às práticas de homens e mulheres, em última instância, estão presentes representações de regras sociais rígidas no que concerne a comportamentos de mulheres que ousam enfrentar as determinações sociais.

La patrimonialisation des espaces fluviaux urbains et l'expérience des usagers, visiteurs et habitants. Une approche comparée Pau (France) et Saragosse (Espagne) / Patrimonialization of urban river spaces and experience of the users, visitors and inhabitants. A compared approach Pau (France) and Saragossa (Spain). / Patrimonialización de los espacios fluviales urbanos y la experiencia de los usuarios, visitantes y habitantes. Comparación entre las ciudades de Pau (Francia) y Zaragoza (España)

Leichnig, Kildine 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de géographie humaine porte sur l’expérience sensible qu’ont les usagers -visiteurs et habitants- d’espaces fluviaux en cours de patrimonialisation, dans deux villes du Sud-ouest de l’Europe : Pau et Saragosse. Soucieuses d’améliorer leur cadre de vie et de poursuivre leur développement économique et urbain, l’agglomération paloise et la ville de Saragosse tentent en effet de mieux intégrer leurs cours d’eau dans leur territoire en se lançant dans un processus de patrimonialisation. Toutefois, la place accordée au tourisme dans ces processus est pour le moins équivoque. L’offre touristique et de loisirs demeure peu structurée et exploitée par les pouvoirs publics, les attentes des visiteurs ignorées. La thèse vise à pallier pour partie ces lacunes en fournissant des éléments de connaissance de l’expérience sensible des usagers. En effet, ces derniers sont susceptibles d’enrichir le projet urbain et d’améliorer la prise en compte du potentiel de l’espace fluvial. Pour questionner l’expérience sensible, entendue dans ses dimensions sensorielles et émotionnelles, et faire émerger la parole des usagers, une démarche de recherche combinatoire a été adoptée. Elle repose sur de l’observation directe et participante et sur le recours à l’outil photographique et filmique comme support d’enquête à l’entretien. L’analyse des 137 rencontres a permis de dégager deux résultats majeurs : d’une part, l’expérience multisensorielle et fragmentaire des espaces fluviaux introduit un rapport intime à l’espace et au temps ; d’autre part, la méconnaissance de l’espace fluvial urbain ne signifie pas nécessairement que les usagers ne s’y intéressent pas et qu’ils n’ont pas d’avis sur les questions de nature-urbaines. Plus généralement, en interrogeant le rapport homme/espace fluvial ou autrement dit homme/nature, cette thèse révèle que ce dernier est perçu de manière ambivalente. Bien qu’apprécié, voire chéri, le cours d’eau est vu comme un espace naturel ordinaire ou possédant quelques éléments remarquables. Qualifié parfois de « sauvage », cet espace se doit toutefois d’être maîtrisé et contrôlé. L’approche géographique adoptée conduit ainsi à placer au cœur du projet urbain l’expérience (res)sentie et vécue par les usagers des espaces publics de nature / This human geography PhD thesis focuses on the sensitive experience that users – visitors and inhabitants - from two south-western European cities, Pau and Saragosse, have of the urban river spaces undergoing a process of patrimonialization. In their attempt to improve the quality of their living environment and carry on with their economic and urban development, the Pau agglomeration and the city of Saragossa are trying to better integrate their watercourses into the urban system through a process of patrimonialization. As for tourism, it holds an ambiguous place in these processes. The offer of tourist and leisure activities is hardly developed and exploited by the public authorities and visitors’ expectations are ignored. This research aims at mitigating some of these gaps by providing information on users’ sensitive experience. As a matter of fact, a better knowledge of users’ experience can enrich the urban project and increase awareness upon the potential of river spaces. In order to explore the sensitive experience, both in its sensory and emotional dimension and highlight users’ considerations, a combinatorial research approach was adopted. It relies on direct and participant observation and on the use of photographic and cinematic tool as a support during the interview. The analysis of the 137 interviews taken allowed the identification of two major results: on one hand, multisensory and fragmentary experience of river spaces generates an intimate reference to space and time and, on the other hand, the ignorance of the river space does not necessarily mean that users are not interested in river spaces, or that they have no opinion on urban nature issues. Extensively, by questioning the relationship between man and river space or in other words man and nature, this PhD thesis reveals that the latter is perceived in an ambivalent way. Although appreciated, and even cherished, the river is seen either as an ordinary natural space or as a place that holds certain remarkable elements. Sometimes qualified as wild, this space ought to be managed and controlled. With regard to the urban project, the geographical approach adopted determines the focus on the experience felt and lived by the users of natural public places. / Esta tesis doctoral en geografía humana, examina la experiencia sensible que tienen los usuarios –visitantes y habitantes- en los espacios fluviales que están en proceso de patrimonialización, en dos ciudades del Sudoeste de Europa: Pau y Zaragoza. Estas dos localidades, con el objetivo de mejorar su entorno de vida e impulsar su desarrollo económico y urbano, intentan integrar el curso de los ríos en su territorio, desarrollando así un proceso de patrimonialización. No obstante, la posición concedida al turismo en estos procesos es confusa, ya que la oferta turística y de ocio queda poco estructurada y explotada por los poderes públicos. Además, las expectativas de los visitantes no se han tomado en cuenta. La tesis aboga por paliar en parte a estas carencias proporcionando elementos de conocimiento de la experiencia sensible de los usuarios. En efecto, estos últimos son susceptibles de enriquecer el proyecto urbano, mejorar y tener en consideración el potencial del espacio fluvial. Para estudiar dicha experiencia, entendida en sus dimensiones sensoriales y emocionales y hacer emerger la voz de los usuarios, se ha adoptado una metodología de investigación combinatoria. En ella se plantea la observación directa y activa y el recurso del instrumento fotográfico y cinematográfico como soporte de las entrevistas. El análisis de los 137 casos nos ha permitido destacar dos importantes resultados. Por una parte, la experiencia multisensorial y fragmentaria de los usuarios acerca de la patrimonialización de los espacios fluviales, que refleja una relación íntima entre espacio y tiempo. Por otra parte, el desconocimiento del espacio fluvial urbano, no significa necesariamente que los usuarios no posean ningún interés u opinión sobre los asuntos de la naturaleza en su entorno urbano. Estas entrevistas también plantean preguntas sobre el vínculo entre el hombre y el espacio fluvial, o entre el hombre y la naturaleza. En ellas hemos observado, que esta relación es percibida de manera ambivalente. Aunque el río es apreciado, y en ocasiones intensamente, representa un espacio ordinario que posee para ciertos usuarios elementos remarcables. Descrito en ocasiones como “salvaje”, debe no obstante ser controlado. A través del enfoque geográfico adoptado en esta tesis, queremos resaltar el lugar céntrico de estos espacios fluviales dentro del proyecto urbano y la experiencia vivida por los usuarios dentro de la naturaleza.

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