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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adopting Modular Design Strategy towards Circular Economy: A Case Study at a Swedish Original Equipment Manufacturer

Soliman, Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
The societal shift towards the circular economy is gaining momentum due to the push from the legislation side and the increasing social awareness towards the ecological imbalance caused by the linear model of resource extraction and consumption. The topic of design for the circular economy is gaining increasing interest in both academia and industry. The circular economy requires products to be designed based on a lifecycle approach and extended lifetime.This thesis aimed to investigate the potential application of modular design strategy as a supportive approach to aid Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in their bid to adapt their product features to fit within a circular economic model. Furthermore, the study has investigated the potential challenges encountered during the adoption of such a design strategy and concludes with recommendations to overcome the identified challenges.To address this aim, a case study was carried out within a global OEM, based on their interest in exploring the circular economy's design domain. A literature review and interviews have been conducted to assess how product circularity factors can be addressed using a modular design strategy and identifying the potential challenges that can hinder its realization.The study initially identified seven design factors that need to be addressed along the different phases of a product lifecycle to ensure a fit within a circular economic model. The seven circularity factors are design: based on a lifecycle approach, for durability, for adaptability, for upgradability, for ease of maintenance and repair, for ease of disassembly and reassembly, and standardization and compatibility.The study also revealed that a standardized and simplified interface between different modules within the product plays a vital role in enhancing its ability to address the different circularity factors. The standardized interface in the modular product qualifies the product to become useable for multiple usage cycles. Furthermore, such a modular product can be considered an open-source product since it can continuously be updated with the latest available technology. Such continuous updates allow the open-source product to adapt to the changes in the working environment effectively.Despite the capability of a modular design strategy to address the different circularity factors, several challenges can hinder its implementation in the industry. The primary challenge industries face when adopting such a strategy is identifying the main objectives of such an approach. Further, this strategy might negatively impact product profitability, which is a significant challenge for the industries. Moreover, the prospect of adopting modular strategies also faces design challenges, such as the potential of losing customer interest in a modular product.The thesis concludes with a few recommendations to overcome these challenges associated with adopting a modular design strategy for a circular economy. To overcome such challenges, industries need clear identification of the circular economy and the planned outcome of such a manufacturing shift based on clear systems thinking and transparency in product development. In the end, the study proposes a design framework, which may provide industries with a transparent methodology for designing a modular product for a circular economy.

Adaptive Design for Circular Business Models in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry

Nyström, Thomas January 2019 (has links)
The vision of a circular economy (CE) promises both profitability and eco-sustainability to industries, and can, from a material and energy resource flow perspective, be operationalized by combining three business and design strategies: closing loops; narrowing and slowing down resource flows by material recycling, improving resource efficiency; and by extending product life by reuse, upgrades and remanufacturing. These three strategies are straightforward ways for industries to radically reduce their use of virgin resources. From a product design perspective, it is doable. However, from a business perspective, it is no less than a revolution that is asked for, as most Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have, over time, designed their organizations for capturing value from selling goods in linear, flow-based business models. This thesis aims to contribute to the discourse about CE by exploring practical routes for operationalizing circular product design in a “stock-based” CBM. The approach is three-fold. Firstly, the role of design as a solution provider for existing business models is explored and illustrated by case studies and interviews from the automotive industry. Secondly, challenges and possibilities for manufacturing firms to embrace all three strategies for circularity are explored. Thirdly, implications for designing products suitable to stock-based CBMs are discussed. In spite of the vast interest in business model innovation, a circular economy, and how to design for a circular economy, there are still many practical, real-life barriers preventing adoption. This is especially true for designing products that combine all three of the circular strategies, and with regard to the risk of premature obsolescence of products owned by an OEM in a stock-based business model. Nevertheless, if products are designed to adapt to future needs and wants, business risks could be reduced. The main findings are that CE practices already have been implemented in some respects in the automotive industry, but those practices result in very low resource productivity. Substantial economic and material values are being lost due to the dominant business and design logic of keeping up resource flows into products sold. The primary challenge for incumbent OEMs is to manage, in parallel, both a process for circular business model innovation and a design process for future adaptable products. / <p>This licentiate studies have been financed by the Swedish EnergyAgency. The Appended Paper I is a part of the research project:Future-adaptivity for more energy-efficient vehicles, a collaborationbetween RISE VIKTORIA and Academy of Design &amp; Crafts,University of Gothenburg.</p>

A Cognitive Mapping Approach to Circular Transition Efforts Within Hospitality Organisations : The Case of Plastics

Fuhlendorf, Johanna Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study investigates circular transition efforts in accommodation businesses through a cognitive lens. The circular economy has been proposed as a solution to the global problems of resource overuse and pollution. The tourism industries have been identified as critical contributors to a macroeconomic circular shift. However, even though literature on circularity in tourism exists, it mostly focuses on specific resources, guests’ pro-environmental behaviour, and barriers and drivers of circular transitions. Accordingly, there is a lack of research on the actors involved in circular transitions in tourism and their cognitive structures. Since past research has high- lighted the importance of stakeholders’ values for the success of sustainable transitions, this study analyses how sustainability managers in accommodation organisations frame their transition to circular plastic and other resource use. This study’s findings indicate that differences in cognitive structures were especially visible between respondents of organisations with different levels of progress in their circular transition. Particularly reduction and reuse of specific products were high- lighted by all respondents, while recycling was not as focused on as literature suggested. The respondents in organisations further along in their circular transition ex- plained that they viewed it as an economic, environmental, and social opportunity, while the other respondents viewed it mostly as an economic threat. Another point of differentiation seems to be the motivation for the organisational shift, with organisations in the beginning stages being more motivated by external pressures, while the other respondents primarily mentioned internal values. The respondents’ cognitive structures were specifically busy around the topic of collaboration, both internal and external. Overall, the cognitive maps of the respondents of organisations in successful circular transitions were more comprehensive than those of the other respondents and their underlying value system intrinsically linked with circular and sustainable issues.

Design × Nachhaltigkeit: Materialität / Systeme / Gerechtigkeit

Augsten, Andrea, Wölfel, Christian, Frye, Annika, Köck, Markus 17 June 2022 (has links)
Spätestens seit der UN-Klimakonferenz COP26 in Glasgow 2021 kön-nen wir für den Zustand der uns umgebenden Welt feststellen: So geht es nicht weiter. Die Geschichte des Designs zeigt viele Überlegungen und Praktiken zur Gestaltung für Nachhaltigkeit, von den Deutschen Werkstätten Hellerau über Victor Papanek bis hin zum Circular Design Guide. Designer:innen gelten als besonders qualifiziert, ganzheitliche Lösungen für komplexe Probleme zu erarbeiten. Die Fähigkeit zum Umgang mit großer Unsicherheit birgt Potenzial, wertvolle Lösungsvor-schläge für die ökologischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Herausforde-rungen zu liefern. Doch blickt man auf die Umbrüche der Gesellschaft im Anthropozän, drängt sich die Frage auf, was Design wirklich zu leisten vermag. Design steht als Disziplin und als Forschungsfeld vor erheblichen Herausforderungen: Wie können wir ressourcenschonend gestalten, ohne dabei eine auf Ungleichheit beruhende Ordnung zu perpetuieren? Oder schließen Design und Nachhaltigkeit einander gar aus? Design scheint also ein ambivalentes Verhältnis zur Nachhal-tigkeit zu haben. So haben sich im Diskurs um Nachhaltigkeit im Design vielfältige Positionen ergeben, die versuchen, Teilhabe, Transparenz und Offenheit mit Blick auf die Folgen von Gestaltung für die Umwelt zu realisieren. Organisationen wie Extinction Rebellion bedienen sich gestalterischer Mittel und fordern auf ihren Demonstrationen zu Kli-magerechtigkeit auf. Partizipation an der Produktion von Konsumgü-tern, wie beispielsweise in der Maker-Bewegung, sollen durch dezentrale Lösungen zur Nachhaltigkeit beitragen. Dies zeigt: Design kann Lösun-gen und Visionen für nachhaltige Zukünfte entwerfen und eine Schnitt-stellenfunktion übernehmen. Gleichwohl gilt es zu bedenken, dass De-sign immer noch einen Zug zum Elitären zu haben scheint. Konzepte wie Zero Waste oder neu gebaute klimaneutrale Stadtviertel scheinen eher auf die Bedürfnisse ohnehin schon Privilegierter zu schauen. Au-ßerdem zeigt die Praxis, dass eine wirklich nachhaltig gestaltete Kon-sumkultur noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt. Wie kann ein Gleichge-wicht zwischen Ressourcen, Wachstum und fair verteiltem Wohlstand gestaltet werden? Welche alternativen Vorschläge können wir entwi-ckeln, um Muster, die zur Aufrechterhaltung von Missständen beitra-gen, zu brechen? Wo liegen die Grenzen dessen, wo Design etwas dazu beitragen kann? Die Jahrestagung 2022 der DGTF beschäftigt sich deshalb mit zentralen Aspekten der Nachhaltigkeit, welche die Arbeitsfelder des Designs berühren. Was und wie kann Design zu nachhaltiger Entwick-lung beitragen? Wie verändert der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs Auffassungen von Design, in Theorie und Praxis? Welche Auswirkungen haben An-sätze und Diskurse zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung auf die Designausbil-dung und ‑forschung? Die Jahrestagung der DGTF 2022 ermöglicht einen aktiven Austausch über praktische Ansätze, theoretische Impulse und empirische Erkenntnisse in Form eines Kolloquiums mit Vortrags- und Workshop-Sessions. Die Beiträge beleuchten aktuelle Forschungs- und Studienprojekte sowie explorieren zukünftige Szenarien. Wie kann Nachhaltigkeit in Lehre, Praxis und Forschung adressiert werden, um neue Impulse für gestalterisches Arbeiten zu setzen? Beiträge können dabei unter anderem die folgenden Themen und Fragestellungen umfassen: Materialität — Wie kann für materielle Kreisläufe gestaltet werden? Welche Grenzen und Potenziale liegen in Nischenlösungen der Circular Economy? Was kann aus dem End-of-Life für die Gestal-tung von Produkten und Systemen gelernt werden? Brauchen wir mehr Wenigerdesign – im analogen wie im digitalen Raum? Sind wir in der Lage, auch weniger statt dazu zu entwerfen? Wie wird Wertschöpfung gestaltet, wenn der Einsatz und Verbrauch von Materialien und Res-sourcen minimiert wird? Welche Kompetenzen brauchen in diesem Zusammenhang zukünftige Designer:innen und wie werden diese ver-mittelt? Systeme — Wie wird nachhaltiges Handeln in Systemen wie Netzwerkorganisationen oder Unternehmen gestaltet? Wie sieht Nach-haltigkeit aus, wie kommunizieren wir nachhaltig? Welche Diskurse und Ansätze gestalten die Vermittlung von Design und Nachhaltigkeit? Welchen Einfluss hat die Methodik des Designs auf andere Disziplinen? Welche Rolle kommt Design in interdisziplinären Diskursen zu nach-haltigem Wandel zu? Was können wir aus anderen Disziplinen aufneh-men, welche Schnittstellen gilt es zukünftig weiter zu gestalten? Gerechtigkeit — Nachhaltigkeit kann nicht ohne eine gerech-te Verteilung der Ressourcen gedacht werden. Welche Zukunft möch-ten wir entwerfen und wie kann Gerechtigkeit realisierbar sein? Wie wollen wir in Zukunft leben und arbeiten? Welche sozialen Auswir-kungen hat Gestaltung? Wie kann Design seine Rolle verantwortungs-voll wahrnehmen und nicht nur auf die Bedürfnisse der ohnehin schon Privilegierten schauen? Kann beispielsweise Participatory Design ein Weg sein, eine gerechte Gestaltung für den Klimawandel umzusetzen? Wie kann Design lokal handeln und dabei eine globale Perspektive be-halten? Was sind Wege, die Design außerhalb unserer europäischen Perspektive verorten? Welche Ansätze können aus anderen Systemen, Gesellschaften oder Epochen adaptiert werden und wie können diese heute zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung beitragen? / Since the UN Climate Conference COP26 in Glasgow 2021, we can say: It can't continue like this. The history of design is full of ideas and practices on designing for sustainability, from the Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau to Victor Papanek to the Circular Design Guide. Designers are seen as experts in developing holistic solutions to complex problems. The ability to deal with uncertainty holds potential to provide valuable solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges. But in view of the upheavals of society in the Anthropocene, the question arises as to what design is really capable of achieving. Design faces considerable challenges as a discipline and as a field of research: How can we design in a way that conserves resources without perpetuating an order based on inequality? Or are design and sustainability even mutually exclusive? Design thus seems to have an ambivalent relationship to sus-tainability. Thus, in the discourse around sustainability in design, a variety of positions have emerged around participation, transparency, and openness with an eye toward the consequences of design for the environment. Organizations like Extinction Rebellion use design means and call for climate justice in their demonstrations. Participation in the production of consumer goods, such as in the Maker movement, aim to contribute to sustainability through decentralized solutions. This shows: Design can create solutions and visions for sustainable futures and take on an interface function. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that design still seems to have a tendency towards elitism. Concepts such as zero waste or newly built climate-neutral city districts seem to address the needs of the already privileged. Moreover, practice shows that a truly sustainably designed consumer culture is still in its infancy. How can a balance between resources, growth and fairly distributed wealth be de-signed? What alternative proposals can we develop to break patterns that contribute to perpetuating grievances? What are the limits of where design can contribute? The 2022 annual conference of the DGTF therefore address-es key aspects of sustainability that connect to design. What and how can design contribute to sustainable development? How does the sustaina-bility discourse change perceptions of design, in theory and practice? What impact do approaches and discourses of sustainable development have on design education and research? The annual conference of DGTF 2022 enables an active ex-change of practical approaches, theoretical impulses and empirical find-ings in presentations and workshop sessions. The contributions highlight current research and study projects as well as explore future scenarios. How can sustainability be addressed in teaching, practice and research in order to set new impulses for design work? Contributions may include, but are not limited to, the fol-lowing topics and issues: Materiality — How can we design for material cycles? What are the limits and potentials of niche solutions in the circular economy? What can be learned from end-of-life for the design of products and systems? Should design operate on the principle of “more is less” - in the analog as well as the digital space? How is value creation designed when the use and consumption of materials and resources is minimized? What competencies do future designers need in this context and how will they be taught? Systems — How is sustainable action shaped in systems such as network organizations or companies? What does sustainability look like, how do we communicate sustainably? Which discourses and ap-proaches shape the communication of design and sustainability? What influence does the methodology of design have on other disciplines? What is the role of design in interdisciplinary discourses on sustainable change? What can we take from other disciplines, which interfaces need to be further shaped in the future? Shared Prosperity — Sustainability cannot be thought of without a fair distribution of resources. What kind of future do we want to design and how can justice be realized? Future designs: How do we want to live and work in the future? What are the social implications of design? How can design play its role responsibly and not just look at the needs of the already privileged? For example, can Participatory Design be a way to implement equitable design for climate change? How can design act locally while maintaining a global perspective? What are ways that locate design outside our European perspective? What approaches can be adapted from other systems, societies, or eras, and how can they contribute to sustainable development today?


Sulecki, Joan M., Lerner, Theodore 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 13-16, 1986 / Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada / A major factor in the performance of a Telemetry System over the sea is the effect of multipath. The reflected signal from the surface of the sea may, in general, add to or subtract from the direct signal, and may therefore lead to severe fading and possible loss of useful signal. The multipath is a function of the sea state and the polarization of the signal. In order to reduce the effect of multipath on performance, a dual polarization diversity system is being built for the Airborne Telemetry Relay System for the Gulf Range. An analysis of the performance of the dual polarization diversity system in the presence of multipath for different sea states, different reflection angles, and different initial polarization angles is presented. For comparison, a similar analysis is presented for a circular polarization receiving antenna system.


Peng, HongLi, Huang, Zheng, Han, WenBin 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / An edge-based hybrid finite element boundary integral (FE-BI) method using cylindrical shell elements is described for analyzing conformal quarter-wave patches embedded in a circular cylinder. Special care is also taken to deal with weight functions, dyadic Green’s function, and feed model. Some types of the patch arrays embedded in different circular radius have been developed. The tests of their VSWRs and radiation characteristics are in good agreement with the theoretical results.

Design Evaluation of a Duplex Circular Wet Well Pumping Station Under Steady State and Dynamic Operating Conditions

Mailloux, James Thomas 29 April 2010 (has links)
Duplex Circular Wet Well (DCWW) lifting pump stations are utilized for pumping clear and solid-bearing liquid. Understanding the effect of design criteria on pump performance is important to minimize maintenance costs and maximize efficiency. There are currently no known full-scale laboratory studies that have been performed to investigate the overall design of DCWWs. The objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of various design criteria, such as internal geometry and operating conditions on the performance of DCWW pump stations and provide documentation and recommendations which will be used to augment the current Hydraulic Institute/American National Standard for Pump Intake Design (ANSI/HI 9.8-1998), (HI) guidelines. The research was conducted in two phases; Phase 1 consisted of performing a comparative analysis of the basic flow patterns within the wet well by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Phase 2 consisted of performing detailed evaluations of various design aspects on pump performance using a full-scale Physical Model constructed for the research. The CFD research provided indications regarding potential performance problems that may occur due to poor flow patterns and potential pump suction swirl, while the physical research provided a basis for determining the relative advantages of different designs. The physical research included the evaluation of general flow patterns, free-surface and subsurface vortices, air entrainment and pump suction swirl. Measurement of the steady state swirl within the pump showed unacceptable performance in accordance with the HI acceptance criteria. Swirl data collected under real-world dynamic operating conditions showed that the pump typically did not experience the adverse conditions indicated at steady state. Normal (symmetrical) pump orientation resulted in more favorable operation in terms of pump swirl and ingestion of entrained air than a coplanar (inline) condition. A minimum water elevation was established to minimize air-entrainment and swirl entering the pumps, reducing possible effects such as cavitation and vibration of the pump impeller. Air-core subsurface vortices were present under the pumps, requiring pump-cones to be installed. The collection of real-time dynamic data will allow design engineers to better understand actual pump performance under normal cycling and clean-out modes, reducing the operating time under unfavorable conditions and overall maintenance requirements.

The velocity of circulation of money in the context of Development : some case studies

Ramtoolah, Mohammad Tawfik. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Migration - A Question of Origin and Human Capital

Persdotter, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
The study describes the labour conditions for migrants in Sweden and aims at examining who is to benefit from increased labour migration. The qualitative method with a literature review is complemented with an interview in order to incorporate undocumented migrants’ perspective. Labour migration is discussed with the possible progress towards circular migration and thereafter incorporated in analyse with the dual labour market theory. The results show that it is foremost Swedes and migrants from inside the EU/EEA region that benefit from labour migration while migrants from outside the region will have to follow employers’ needs. This has lead to labour permits in low wage sectors were migrants supplement to structural inflation. The demand for cheap labour has also led to the exploitation of undocumented migrants who are paid starvation salaries. If these services are increasingly requested, serious employers might find it difficult to stand against decreasing minimum salaries and the welfare will decrease for more groups of employers. Meanwhile, changing demography is predicted to necessitate increased migration to sustain an economical growth in Sweden. This would also suggest that Sweden receives the main benefit from increased labour migration.

The Refraction of Waves Propagating on Bottom with Concentric Circular Contours

Lin, Te-yuan 02 November 2004 (has links)
This study discusses the three-dimensional refraction of progressive wave trains propagating over a bottom of circular concentric contours and the results are expressed in a polar coordinate. First, a general differential formulation of refraction is derived via three different methods: by transferring from its original Cartesian form to the polar coordinate, by applying the Fermat¡¦s principle in polar coordinate, and by applying the conservation of waves in polar coordinate. All three approaches give the same governing equation; hence, its correctness is verified. Based on this governing equation, the wave ray, the phase function, the constant phase line, and the refraction coefficient are all determined. In the present refraction problem for an originally uniform wave train propagating over a bottom of circular concentric contours, a few special features, including the cusps of constant phase lines due to the effect of bottom, and the envelope composed of these cusps, are present. All these refraction properties can be expressed in terms of both a snapshot and a time evolution of constant phase lines. In the lee side of the shoal, there exists a sheltered zone that is enclosed by the envelope of the cusps. In this zone, wave rays intersect and the corresponding caustic problem arises, and all possible combinations of intersecting rays are also specifically described in this study. The difficulty of classical ray theory for the caustic problem is overcome and the caustic phenomenon and its refraction coefficients are determined explicitly in this study.

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