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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Augmented Reality Smartphone Applications as a Tool to Raise Awareness of Circular Economy

Lönn, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Environmental problems are increasingly jeopardizing the earth's life-support systems. By shifting from a take-make-dispose industrial model to a circular one, resources will last longer, and the environmental impact will be significantly lower. People’s choices, behaviours and lifestyles will play a vital role in achieving sustainable development. A way to influence this is to use an educational tool that is accessible, interesting and fun. By superimposing computer generated objects to the real world, Augmented Reality (AR) adds a layer of interactivity and engagement. As there are 3 billion active smartphone users worldwide, an AR smartphone application is also very accessible. This thesis investigates how marker-based AR can be used as a means to educate a user in circular economy. This was done by using research through design and applied research to create a design for a prototype which worked as a proof of concept. The prototype was evaluated through a heuristic evaluation. Data was gathered through a form and semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed using the framework method and box plots. The prototype used marker-based AR and was built using the game engine Unity with the Vuforia SDK. The results indicated that an AR application could be a good tool to use in combination with other sources of information such as seminars. / Miljöproblem äventyrar i allt större utsträckning jordens livsstödssystem. Genom att byta från en ta-skapa-kasta industriell modell till en cirkulär, kommer resurserna att räcka längre och miljöpåverkan blir betydligt lägre. Människors val, beteenden och livsstil kommer att spela en viktig roll för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling. Ett sätt att påverka detta är att använda ett pedagogiskt verktyg som är lättillgängligt, intressant och roligt. Genom att lägga till ett lager av virtuella objekt i den verkliga världen, tillför Augmented Reality (AR), interaktivitet och engagemang. Eftersom det finns 3 miljarder aktiva smarttelefonanvändare över hela världen, är en AR-smarttelefonapplikation också lättillgänglig. Denna avhandling undersöker hur markörbaserad AR kan användas för att utbilda en användare i cirkulär ekonomi. Detta gjordes genom att använda forskning genom design och tillämpad forskning för att designa en prototyp för konceptvalidering. Prototypen utvärderades genom en heuristisk utvärdering. Data samlades in genom ett formulär och halvstrukturerade intervjuer samt analyserades med hjälp av ramverks metoden och lådagram. Prototypen använde markörbaserad AR och byggdes med hjälp av spelmotorn Unity med Vuforia SDK. Resultaten visade att en AR-applikation skulle kunna vara ett bra verktyg att använda i kombination med andra informationskällor, som till exempel seminarier.

Challenges and success factors for scaling up an upcycling value chain : A case study and material flow analysis on public school craft classes in Stockholm

Weng, Hsu-Kai January 2023 (has links)
Upcycling is the process of repurposing discarded materials into new products of higher value, and holds significant potential for sustainable waste management. This thesis explores the challenges and opportunities involved in expanding upcycling practices in the city of Stockholm, with a specific focus on craft classes in public schools. The goal of the study is to identify key success factors and propose strategies for scaling up upcycling initiatives. A mixed method approach, including literature review, semi-structured stakeholder interviews, attitude surveys, and material flow analysis, was employed to gather insights and data. The findings reveal various challenges within the upcycling value chain, such as the need for efficient collecting processes, limited storage space, and financial feasibility. Despite the sechallenges, the research identifies several success factors, including cost-effectiveness, regulatory support, and the availability of discarded materials. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of upcycling practices in public schools’ craft class and provides valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and practitioners seeking to implement and expand sustainable waste management strategies. By addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the opportunities, upcycling practices can be effectively integrated into public school curricula, fostering environmental consciousness and promoting a circular economy mindset among students. / Upcycling är förädlingsprocessen att återanvända avfall för att skapa mer värdefulla produkter. Det har en betydande potential för hållbar avfallshantering. Detta examensarbete undersöker svårigheterna och möjligheterna med att bredda metoderna för upcycling i Stockholms stad, med särskild uppmärksamhet på hantverkskurser som erbjuds av offentliga skolor. Målet med studien är att identifiera avgörande faktorer för framgång och ge förslag på metoder för att öka storleken på ett upcycling-projekt. För att inhämta information och data användes en blandning av tekniker, som inkluderade litteraturgenomgångar, semistrukturerade intervjuer av intressenter, attitydundersökningar och materialflödesanalyser. Resultatet visar på flera utmaningar inom värdekedjan för upcycling, inklusive krävande insamlingsprocedurer, begränsat lagringsutrymme samt villkoren för ekonomisk genomförbarhet. Trots dessa brister och utmaningar avslöjar denna studie även flera framgångsfaktorer. Dessa inkluderar kostnadseffektivitet, kommunalt stöd samt tillgången till avfall. Sammantaget bidrar denna studie till förståelsen av återanvändningsmetoder i offentliga skolorshantverkskurser och ger värdefulla insikter för beslutsfattare, utbildare samt andra praktiserande som vill implementera och utöka strategier för hållbar avfallshantering. Genom att ta itu med de påvisade utmaningarna och utnyttja möjligheterna kan praxis för upcycling effektivt integreras i den offentliga skolans läroplaner, öka miljömedvetenheten och slutligen främja ett tankesätt för cirkulärekonomi bland skoleleverna.

Enhancing circular economy through circular public procurement : A case study within the Swedish railway industry

Odelstam, Josefin, Blomqvist, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to identify essential barriers, enablers, and incentives for including circular requirements in tender specification, to facilitate the transition from linear to circular public procurement within the railway industry, thus enhancing a circular economy. This by answering the following research questions: RQ1: What barriers and enablers for circular public procurement within the railway industry exist, and how can the enablers overcome the barriers to facilitate the transition from linear to circular public procurement to enhance a circular economy? RQ2: How can public procurers be incentivized to undergo a transition from linear to circular public procurement within the railway industry? Method: To fulfill the purpose a qualitative case study has been carried out within the Swedish railway industry, focusing on rail vehicle procurement. The exploratory study is of an abductive approach where data have been collected through 22 semi structured interviews which were analyzed through the use of content and thematic analysis. Findings: The study results in a framework visualizing how identified barriers and enablers correspond, along with identified incentives for circular public procurement. The enablers: increase circular economy awareness, increase collaboration between procurer and supplier, translate circularity to economical terms and develop new approaches to circular requirement management are presumed to not only facilitate transition towards circular public procurement but also enhance a circular economy. Theoretical and practical contributions: This study contributes to the scarcity of literature on circular public procurement, especially within the railway industry. Firstly, by identifying the need for procurers and suppliers to collaborate before the initial stage of the public procurement process to increase awareness of circular economy, thus enabling circular requirement management. Secondly, by identifying incentives for circular public procurement. / Syfte: Studien syftar till att underlätta övergången från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling inom järnvägsindustrin för att främja en cirkulär ekonomi, genom att identifiera barriärer, möjligheter och incitament för att inkludera mer cirkulära krav i kravspecifikationen. Följande två forskningsfrågor ämnas att besvaras: RQ1: Vilka barriärer och möjliggörare för cirkulär offentlig upphandling inom järnvägsindustrin existerar, och hur kan möjliggörarna överbrygga barriärerna för att underlätta övergången från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling för att främja en cirkulär ekonomi? RQ2: Hur kan offentliga upphandlare motiveras att genomgå en övergång från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling inom järnvägsbranschen?  Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ fallstudie inom järnvägsindustrin genomförts, med fokus på upphandling av spårfordon. Den utforskande studien har en abduktiv ansats, där data har samlats in genom 22 semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserats genom innehålls- och tematisk analys.  Resultat: Studien resulterar i ett ramverk som visualiserar hur identifierade möjliggörare korrelerar med barriärer, samt de identifierade incitament för cirkulär offentlig upphandling. Möjliggörarna: öka medvetenheten kring cirkulär ekonomi, öka samarbete mellan upphandlare och leverantör, översätt cirkularitet till ekonomiska termer och utveckla nya metoder för cirkulär kravhantering antas inte bara underlätta övergången från linjär till cirkulär offentlig upphandling, utan också främja en cirkulär ekonomi.  Teoretiska och praktiska bidrag: Studie bidrar till bristen på litteratur inom cirkulär offentlig upphandling, särskilt inom järnvägsindustrin. Genom att först identifiera behovet av att upphandlare och leverantörer samarbetar före den inledande fasen av upphandlingsprocessen för att öka medvetenheten om cirkulär ekonomi och möjliggöra hantering av cirkulära krav. För det andra genom att identifiera incitament för cirkulär offentlig upphandling.

Utveckla en affärsmodell inom open-loop supply chain för sällanköpsvaror : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie gjord genom undersökning av mellanhandens roll i försörjningskedjan / Develop a business model within an open-loop supply chain for durable goods

Strandberg, Axel, Olsen, Oskar, Eckervad, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Background: In the recents decades, one of humanity's biggest challenges has been the climatecrisis where emissions of greenhouse gases are the main problem. This has forced companies toact more environmentally friendly due to laws and regulations but also due to customer demand.Circular economy has become a hot topic with various definitions. One of the definitions isopen-loop supply chain and this essay will focus on explaining the concept of open-loop supplychain. Research question: 1. What can a business model look like for an intermediary for reusable durable goods in anopen-loop supply chain? 2. What challenges exist within reuse of durable goods between suppliers and intermediaries inan open-loop supply chain? Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to, through a multiple case study, develop a businessmodel on how intermediaries for reusable durable goods can work with an open-loop supplychain and how it can be applied in future industries. Method: Primary data through semi-structured interviews and secondary data through scientificarticles. Conclusion: The essay developed a business model for intermediaries for reusable durablegoods in an open-loop supply chain which is applicable to other industries. The essay alsodefined some of the challenges for intermediaries operating in an open-loop supply chain whichare transaction costs, building relationships, loss of control and long transportations. Furthermorethe level of relevance of these challenges depends on the amount of responsibility theintermediary has taken upon itself.

Towards a circular value chain: Circular economy strategies to facilitate circular business models : A case study of the value chain for electronic components

Persson, Beatrice, Lerneby, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on how the value chain for electronic components can be leveraged to obtain circular business models (CBM). By implementing activities in the value chain, circular economy (CE) can be enhanced and a circular value chain obtained. The purpose lies in mapping out activities in the value chain of electronic components and existing barriers to acknowledge where circularity can be increased by CE strategies. Based on this observation, the future path towards CBM will be facilitated. This thesis aims to answer the following research questions: What are the main barriers for a circular value chain in electronic components? and How can the transformation towards a CBM for electronic components be facilitated by a circular value chain?  Method: A qualitative case study has been carried out at Volvo CE. The study is of an abductive approach, where previous theories on CE strategies and value chains were utilised to understand how the transformation towards a CBM can be applied for electronic components. A literature review of the key concepts was conducted and primary data was collected through interviews and one focus group for validation. The data has been analysed through the use of a thematic analysis. Findings: Findings suggest that four areas are of high importance in a circular value chain for electronic components: management, technology department, suppliers relations and aftermarket. The main barriers hindering CE are insufficient objectives, inadequate external value chain integration, limited education, and inertia in technological development. Findings show that the barriers can be mitigated through enhancing CE in the following activities: strategy and organisational vision; cooperation and partners; education and qualifications; innovation and technical development. The result presents how the circular value chain is interconnected with a CBM, visualising how the key activities will facilitate the transformation towards a CBM.  Theoretical contributions & managerial implications: This thesis contributes to the scarcity of literature on value chains in electronic components and adds to research on the connection between value chains and circular business models. The thesis can act as guidance for managers when making the transformation towards a CBM, by highlighting how CE activities can be applied for a more circular value chain.  Limitations and future research: This is a single case study, making the study limited in how applicable the findings are to other industries and countries. Future studies can validate the result by examining value chains in similar companies, to improve the generalisability of our result. This thesis is limited to investigating the value chain from a strategic perspective and we acknowledge that a mapping of the operational value chain can be a matter for future research. We focus on collaboration, but operations that enhance CE in daily activities in production of electronic components are yet to be investigated.

Utilization of reclaimed bricks to facilitate circular economy (CE) in the construction industry : A study of Pakistan’s construction industry

Atiq, Adil January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possible utilization of reclaimed bricks within the framework of circular economy (CE) and sustainable construction approaches, with a particular emphasis on Pakistan's construction industry. The research is based on the theoretical foundations of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and Resource Efficiency concepts. Qualitative methods were used to collect data, and a thematic framework was employed to analyse the results. The findings indicate that Pakistan's reclaimed brick sector aligns with the principles of the TBL theory, supporting sustainability in its social, economic, and environmental aspects. Through waste reduction, material reuse, and resource conservation, the industry demonstrates its commitment to environmental preservation. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the economy by providing affordable infrastructure solutions and contributing to the growth of the construction industry. Additionally, the industry promotes social well-being by providing employment opportunities and financial stability. The study illustrates how Pakistan's reclaimed brick operations effectively integrate social, economic, and environmental factors to create a more environmentally friendly built environment. In summary, reclaimed bricks present a sustainable and resource-efficient alternative for the construction industry, in line with the principles of resource efficiency, preserving resources, minimizing waste, and promoting circular economy practices. The adoption of reclaimed bricks can help Pakistan and other countries achieve their sustainability objectives, reduce environmental impact, and construct structures that are longer-lasting and resource-efficient.

Exploring the Implementation of the Circular Economy in the Netherlands

van Kassel, Timothy Christopher Henk, Rukobo, Kudzaishe Manakiro Joseph January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore the state of circular economy adoption and promotion in the Netherlands from the viewpoint of professionals in the field. This research is particularly relevant because the concept of a circular economy is booming all throughout the world, and the Netherlands represents one of the front runners in the application of related strategies. The research questions asked in this study were as follows: ● What circular economy strategies are primarily used in companies in the Netherlands?● To what extent do governments and companies in the Netherlands currently promote a circular economy?● What specific external factors influence the implementation of circular economy strategies in the Netherlands? Aspects of the circular economy were gathered using a literature review, and this information was used to create a tentative conceptual framework. Then, interviews with seven industry professionals in the Netherlands, who were purposively selected, were held, and the data coming therefrom were used to analyse the adoption and promotion of circular economy strategies in the Netherlands, as well as external factors influencing the implementation of said strategies. While the experiences and perspectives of interview participants often matched the literature, there were also some instances where differences were noted. The research showed that there are commonly accepted circular economy strategies in literature and that the actual frequency at which these strategies are employed does not match the expectations of the participants. However, the practical limitations to the adoption of circular economy strategies and which strategies are most common seem to be well understood by industry professionals.  Trends regarding circular economy strategies are not foreseeable according to the research participants, and consumer understanding and greenwashing can be cause for concern in the future. For the Dutch market, the impact of technological advancements, political positions, and the emerging of new global markets are especially relevant when it comes to external factors influencing circular economy adoption in the Netherlands. Several areas for future research have been identified, ranging from studying the impact of internal factors on CE implementation, to optimising policies and regulations, and from increasing stakeholder engagement, to designing measurement metrics and indicators.

Enhancing Circular Economy and Waste Management in Zanzibar : By leveraging young entrepreneurship and innovation

Doukali, Intissar January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the challenges and opportunities for waste management and circular innovation in the context of sustainable development in Zanzibar, with a specific focus on the relevance of youth circular entrepreneurship. Addressing the low integration of stakeholders, inadequate technical support for young innovators, and challenges in leveraging funding, this study aims to provide insights and recommendations to enhance circularity and waste management systems on the islands. Through a comprehensive literature review, qualitative interviews, and analysis of relevant policies and initiatives, the research uncovers the complex dynamics within Zanzibar's waste management value chain. The findings underscore the urgent need for improved stakeholder collaboration, emphasizing the active participation of government agencies, businesses, communities, civil society organizations, and youth entrepreneurs to drive sustainable practices. The study highlights the crucial role of youth circular entrepreneurship in fostering innovation and driving the transition to a circular economy. It identifies the limited technical support, resources, and infrastructure available to young innovators as key barriers, underscoring the necessity of capacity-building programs, mentorship initiatives, and tailored support mechanisms to empower and enable youth entrepreneurs to contribute to waste management and circular innovation. Furthermore, the research reveals the challenges associated with funding and investment for circular initiatives. It emphasizes the significance of climate finance, public-private partnerships, and the mobilization of international funding sources to overcome financial constraints and create an enabling environment for youth circular entrepreneurship. Based on the analysis, this thesis proposes a range of strategies to enhance circularity in Zanzibar, with a particular emphasis on engaging and empowering youth. These strategies encompass stakeholder collaboration, policy development, education and awareness campaigns targeted at youth, technological advancements, and the establishment of financial mechanisms to support youth-led circular innovation. By addressing the identified challenges and capitalizing on the opportunities, Zanzibar can foster a circular economy that not only addresses environmental concerns but also unlocks economic opportunities, resource efficiency, and community well-being. This research contributes to the knowledge base on waste management and circular innovation in Zanzibar, providing a foundation for future research and action toward sustainable development, with a specific focus on youth circular entrepreneurship.

Barriers of circular economy transition for a construction firm

Ahlström Jönsson, Felix, Janson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
The construction industry is one of the most resource-intensive industries in the world, therefore, scientists, the industry and governments are pushing  for a transition to a Circular Economy (CE) within the industry to address this issue. This study explores the barriers to CE transition within the construction industry, examining how these barriers are perceived by practitioners and contrasting them with academic perspectives in the literature. The barriers identified in the literature were categorized via industrial transition theory based on the regime actors of the Multi-level perspective on transition framework by Geels & Schot (2007) and then aggregated via subcategories based on similarities in barrier definition presented in the literature. By interviewing 8 respondents, 28 barriers to CE transition were found within the categories and subcategories of data coding. The findings revealed that the industry is cautious about CE, which is impeding the drive for transition and affecting further perception and awareness of the concept. Furthermore, it is crucial to investigate barriers individually and how they are interconnected to others, as they collectively contribute to the low and slow progress of industrial transition toward CE in the construction industry.

From Linear to Circular : Navigating the Transition to Circular Business Models in the Fashion Industry

Lång, Louise, Hörndahl Johansson, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
As more companies in the resource-intensive fashion industry start their transition journeys towards circular business models (CBMs), driven by social and regulatory pressures, understanding how companies navigate this transformative process is crucial. This thesis contributes to prevailing research by analysing the challenges faced by linear companies in the fashion industry when adopting more circular models through various initiatives, dividing them by the CBM they apply, and considering their corresponding solutions to these challenges. By interviewing nine companies and four industry experts, we investigated the CBMs: product life extension, circular supplies, resource recovery, and product-as-a-service. Our findings indicate some common challenges include uncertain market demands, high costs and complex logistics, which caused profitability concerns and impeded companies’ transitions. Meanwhile, some challenges were CBM or company-specific. Companies employing circular supplies and resource recovery models faced cost considerations related to material price and availability, while product life extension models struggled with material access and limitations within the organisation or network. Significant market challenges were observed for the product-as-a-service model. To cope with these challenges, companies maintained small-scale CBMs and/or gradually scaled them based on changing circumstances or built collaborative networks within the value chain. Strengthening internal human capital was another coping strategy.

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