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Analysing the EU textile and clothing material flow with an emphasis on reuse-based value chainsHerzberg, Paula Henrietta, Pirrwitz, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
Textile waste amounts and its utilization are pressing problems in the EU today, with further expected worsening as legislations come into play, increasing collection rates. The EU strives towards a more sustainable future, however this future might entail initial disimprovement, as consumption and disposal behaviour are further expected to increase. The study showed by mapping the future material flow that potential scenarios are severe, in waste volumes and it is unclear how they will be handled and utilized. It is of highest importance to prepare to mitigate them through levers that enable preferred circular flows towards a more sustainable future. Reusing clothing might be such a lever that promises to partially substitute the demand for new products. Through quantitative research and a systemic and dynamic analysis, this study concludes that waste management remains an even more acute problem, whilst slowing consumption through reuse and maintenance of existing products might be a (small) step in the right direction.
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The Hive : The Missing Actor Between the Interior Designer and the Office Furniture SupplierBohnert, Luciana, Jin, Shiyi January 2023 (has links)
This paper presents a project done within the field of office interior design, which aims to create an efficient set of services that caters to the needs of the interior designer while procuring and implementing used furniture in their projects. The project was conducted in collaboration with Plym Projekt AB, an interior design company who introduced the thesis topic, and Easy Steps, sustainability-focused consultancy company. The collaboration involved regular sessions throughout the course of the thesis, including feedback, guidance and co-creation. During the past two years, the Plym has seen an increase in the demand for sustainable furniture options in the office interior design field. Since then, the company has been attempting to update its business model to provide its customers with a sustainable alternative, encountering obstacles along the way. In addition to a literature review, primary research was conducted, including stakeholder interviews and an end-user questionnaire. Upon empirical data, the authors identified a gap in the industry that is ideally suited for a new actor. The project results in the development of this new actor and its business activities through service design, proposing a set of services that will not only benefit the interior designer, but also its clients, furniture suppliers, and other stakeholders in the office furniture industry. Finally, the service is partially demonstrated through the prototype of a digital platform.
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Unveiling Consumer Perception: Exploring the Impact of Decoupling Product Ownership : Decoupling of white goods ownershipAkter, Sharmin, Raja, Sana January 2023 (has links)
The sharing economy enables sustainable consumption through efficient access to products, but transitioning from ownership to a subscription-based model faces barriers. The thesis author explored how the decoupling of product ownership impact on the variables; consumer's perceptions of - psychological value, monetary value, social value, brand image, brand attachment, brand loyalty, service quality, and product quality and performance in the context of white goods. Furthermore, the thesis authors added sustainability awareness as an important variable, while discussing the decoupling of product ownership. Although, there is a lot of literature on the above-mentioned variables the relationship between the decoupling of product ownership and the mentioned variables was theoretically and empirically unexplored. Using a quantitative and deductive research approach, an online survey consisting of 29 questions was conducted. The empirical data revealed that the decoupling of product ownership impact all the variables under study and have a significant relationship with them. The impact of decoupling of product ownership was found to be strongest on consumers' perception of - service quality, followed by brand loyalty, brand attachment, product quality and performance, and monetary value. By gaining a deeper understanding of the relationships between the variables companies can effectively develop marketing strategies, subscription plans, and pricing strategies.
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Produktutvecklingsprocess inom cirkulärekonomi / Product development process within circular economyAlnajar, Abdallah, Jacobsson, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Rapporten beskriver utförandet av ett examensarbete på högskoleingenjörsnivå. Arbetet utfördes på företaget WA3RM AB, vars affärsidé är att skapa värde från industriers outnyttjade resurser, genom att knyta samman olika aktörer och uppnå cirkulär ekonomi med syftet att minska klimatpåverkan och uppnå de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. WA3RM upplevde att arbetssätt i produktutvecklingsprojekt behövde kartläggas eftersom företaget i framtiden ville industrialisera fler produkter. Som ett led i WA3RM:s kartläggning av produktutvecklingsprojekt var examensarbetets syfte att skapa en process för konceptval i produktutvecklingsprojekt. Processen utformades efter WA3RM:s behov och examensarbetets mål var att besvara hur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv kan införas i fasen för konceptval i produktutvecklingsprojekt. Examensarbetet har skett med stöd av metoden Plan, Do, Check, Act, med syftet att strukturera och dela upp arbetet i delproblem. Problemområde och avgränsningar definierades och en kartläggning på företaget gjordes. Det gjordes en litteraturstudie utifrån kartläggningens resultat där verktyg och stöd för metoder identifierades till det slutliga förslaget, en process för konceptval. I kartläggningen identifierades tre huvudområden, krav & mål, hållbarhet samt cirkulärekonomi, vilka utgjorde grunden för litteraturstudien och förslaget, processen för konceptval.Processen för konceptval utgörs av fyra faser, där applikationer sorteras ut, rangordnas, kombineras till olika produkter, vilka slutligen rangordnas. I slutet av processen ska projektgruppen ha ett diskussionsunderlag som stöd för rekommendation till organisationen om konceptval för vidareutveckling i produktutvecklingsprojekt. En slutsats av examensarbetet var att metoderna och verktygen i processen ger möjlighet för att ta hänsyn till hållbarhetsperspektiv. Det anses dock viktigt att ta hänsyn till andra perspektivsom marknad och finansiering för att utveckla realiserbara och konkurrenskraftiga produkter, så att WA3RM kan fortsätta industrialisera produkter som minskar klimatpåverkan och inspirerar fler aktörer. / This report describes the execution of a bachelor's thesis. The work was conducted at the company WA3RM AB, whose business idea is to create value from unused resources in industries by connecting various stakeholders and achieving circular economy with the aim of reducing climate impact and achieving the global goals for sustainable development. WA3RM identified the need to map the work processes in product development projects, as the company intends to industrialize more products in the future. As part of WA3RM:s mapping of product development projects, the purpose of the thesis work was to create a process for concept selection in product development projects. The process was adapted to WA3RM:s needs, and the goal of the thesis work was to answer how a sustainability perspective can be established in the concept selection phase of product development projects. The thesis work was conducted using the Plan, Do, Check, Act method to structure and divide the work into sub-problems. Problem areas and limitations were defined and a mapping at the company was performed. A literature review was conducted based on the results of the mapping to identify tools and methods for the final proposal, the concept selection process. The mapping identified three main areas: requirements and goals, sustainability, and circular economy, which formed the basis for the literature review and the proposal, the concept selection process. The concept selection process consists of four phases, where applications are divided, ranked, generated to products, and finally ranked again. At the end of the process, the project team should have a basis for discussion to provide recommendations to the organization, regarding concept selection for further development in product development projects. A conclusion drawn from the thesis work was that the methods and tools in the process allows for consideration of sustainability aspects. However, it is important to consider other perspectives such as market and financing to develop feasible and competitive products, so that WA3RM can continue to industrialize products that reduce climate impact and inspire more stakeholders.
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Understanding User Behaviour in a Circular Transport System : From personal choices to societal patternsvon Köckritz, Luja January 2023 (has links)
The Circular Economy is a growing research field and policy agenda. Yet, integrating the social dimensions of sustainability into the Circular Economy remains a challenge. The significance of reactions to an implemented Circular Economy is poorly understood. Contrary to the narrative that consumer demand shapes supply, affordance theory stresses the significance of considering the exogenous physical context that shapes user decisions. Building on affordance theory and insights from the social sciences, this study develops an agent-based model, TransportTransform, to analyse the interactions of the individual-, meso-, and system-levels. The agent-based model connects individual mobility choices with network decision-making mechanisms. Looking at user decision-making on transportation modes, the model yields insights into the interaction of mode occupancy and social norms to assess system patterns of user behaviour. The model design was informed by eleven interviews with researchers in the field and is initialized with data from an empirical survey conducted in Germany. The TransportTransform agent-based model confirms the importance of affordances as an important factor in modal choice. Model results show the relevance of including habitual behaviour when modelling transport mode choice, with the car being the most popular mode, followed by biking and public transport. Incorporating mode occupancy significantly reduces car usage, offering potential policy avenues for redirecting mode capacities towards desired modes. The impact of social norms on mode choice was less pronounced, highlighting the need to further explore norm internalisation and the indirect effects of social norms in future model iterations. The study emphasizes the need for further model expansions to better understand the impact of Circular Economy policies on user decision-making. Overall, the study highlights the importance of considering the social dimensions of sustainability in the Circular Economy and provides a valuable framework and implemented agent-based model for analysing user behaviour in this context.
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Identifying Challenges Regarding Sustainability and Circularity in Foundries : A multiple-case study of OEMs and SMEs in the Swedish foundry industry / Identifiera utmaningar gällande hållbarhet och cirkuläritet i gjuterier : En flerfallsstudie av OEM och små och medelstora företag i den svenska gjuteriindustrinAbaci, Paul, Karlsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to identify Swedish foundries’ challenges regarding circularity and sustainability demands and explore how SME foundries can be more sustainable and circular. Method: The research approach used in this study is an exploratory multiple-case study. The research questions are answered by using qualitative data through interviews and observations as data collection methods. Findings: The study’s findings present many challenges for Swedish foundries. The main challenges identified are fluctuations in demand, Just-in-Time, extra transports, and the availability of suitable supply chain partners. The challenge of demand fluctuations for SME foundries resulted in a recommendation on how SMEs can face the challenge. The recommendation aims to reallocate capacity by warehousing, followed by increasing communication in the supply chain. The study concludes that Swedish foundries are far from achieving circular supply chains but strive for sustainable foundries. Practical Implications: Organizations could use this thesis as a point of reference to compare and reflect on their foundry operations. Since SMEs are targeted for facing challenges in the industry, practical implications could provide a recommendation for organizations and managers in the foundry industry to collaborate more efficiently with OEMs. Theoretical Implications: This study contributes to the existing knowledge with a new perspective as the challenges connected to sustainability and circularity have been a gap for academia in the foundry industry. Delimitations: This thesis delimitates within the supply chain of one SME and two OEMs in the Swedish foundry industry. The SME’s role in the supply chain is a supplier of casted components, while the OEMs are both a producer of castings and a customer of components. The areas within the supply chain studied are castings, materials, logistics, production, and sustainability & circularity.
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Increased Sustainability Through Circular Economy : A case study on how to increase the circularity performance of a global manufacturing enterpriseLarsson, Emma, Mattus, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Businesses are gradually extending their attention towards including sustainability activities in their business practices. Current linear approaches are outdated and new long-term sustainable options are being investigated. Circular economy (CE) has gained momentum during the past few years after the publication of a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in 2013. Since then, scientific articles have presented different aspects of the concept, proposing various frameworks on how to address circular product design or circular business models. However, a framework visualizing CE from a holistic perspective and how it should be implemented is lacking. Therefore, this master’s thesis aims at developing a practically applicable framework for CE on a strategic level, as well as a tool for implementing circularity practices in an organization. Since large manufacturing industries seem to find it especially difficult to change from linear to circularity practices, the focus of this study will be on large manufacturing companies. Previous literature within the area was analyzed to interpret existing findings and to enable a creation of a new holistic CE framework. A case study was carried out to enable analyzing theoretical findings with a practical case. The conducted studies resulted in the development of a holistic CE framework, presenting areas necessary to address to accomplish a successful CE implementation. An implementation model was also developed, based on the stage-gate process, as well as the British Standard for implementing CE. The case study results show a status quo based on categories within the developed CE framework. The proposed implementation tool along with three defined focus areas to guide the case company’s continued transition was defined as 1) to introduce product-service systems to close resource loops and increase control of company resources, 2) to improve organizational culture to increase knowledge and thereby also the company’s market position, and 3) to establish product-focused partnerships to strengthen value chain relations.
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Åtgärder för minskade utsläppskostnader : En förstudie till försorteringsanläggning för utsortering av plastAssaf, Carlo, Röstedal, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att ge en bild av vilka förutsättningar och möjligheter det finns för uppförande av en försorteringsanläggning där plasten i avfallet kan sorteras ut. Detta sker genom att undersöka ekonomiska besparingar genom minskat behov av utsläppsrätter, identifiera lämplig utsorteringsteknik, utreda hur avsättningen för utsorterad plast kan se ut genom att identifiera potentiella mottagare samt kostnader för avsättning och transport. Undersökningen tyder på att NIR-teknik är den mest lämpliga för en försorteringsanläggning. Med Svensk Plaståtervinning som mottagare beräknas en framtida försorteringsanläggning kunna minska mängden plast som går till förbränning med 48%. Detta motsvarar en kostnadsbesparing i utsläppsrätter på 7 670 000 kr per år med dagens utsläppsrättspriser och 9 850 000 kronor per år med estimerade värden för framtidens utsläppsrättspriser. En medförd årlig transportkostnad av den utsorterade plasten till mottagare beräknas uppgå på 632 000 kronor per år. Det finns idag ett flertal potentiella mottagare av den utsorterade plasten men ett pris för denna hantering är svårt att få och kräver vidare utredning och diskussion. Ett ungefärligt europeiskt marknadspris för hantering av utsorterad förpackningsplast är givet till cirka 250 €/ton.
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Convivial ConstructionSheerin, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
This thesis sits at the relationship between an architecture, and the landscape that produces and is produced by that architecture, recognising that the way we build is often profoundly damaging to the land and its inhabitants, not only at the site of construction but across a vast network of extraction, transportation and processing. We need a new material culture that rethinks of the built environment as an extension of the wider ecosystem and social context, able to be maintained in good health through a symbiotic, seasonal and regenerative cycle of matter and energy. The project uses an architectural proposal for collective living in the countryside, to explore how rural areas - responsible for the majority of our resource production - could set a precedent for new patterns of resource consumption and practice a Convivial* Construction. *where conviviality is the building of long lasting, engaging and open ended relationships with non-humans and ecologies (Buscher & Fletcher, 2021)
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Developing Circular Economy Capability: Antecedents, Mechanisms, and Outcomes in Chinese Manufacturing IndustryHuang, Chenglei 26 June 2012 (has links)
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