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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ionization of diatomic molecules in intense laser fields

Hussien, Abdou Mekky Mousa 06 October 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Ionisation einiger zweiatomiger Moleküle (H2, N2 und O2) in intensiven Laserfeldern untersucht. Hierbei wurden verschiedene Modelle zur Beschreibung der Tunnelionisation sowohl untereinander als auch mit der Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung (TDSE) verglichen. Die kernabstandsabhängige Ionisationswahrscheinlichkeit wurde für verschiedene Intensitäten betrachtet und die Gültigkeit modifizierter atomarer bzw. Molekularer Modelle zur Beschreibung der Tunnelionisation analysiert. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass Modelle, die auf der quasistatischen Näherung beruhen (wo die Ionisation unabhängig von der Frequenz des Laserfeldes ist), nur in einem kleinem Frequenz- und Intensitätsbereich hinreichend genaue Ergebnisse liefern, dem Tunnelregime. Modelle mit einem frequenzabhängigen Faktor stimmen hingegen sowohl im Tunnel- als auch im Mehrphotonenregime mit den genaueren TDSE Ergebnissen überein. Weiterhin wird auch die Abweichung zur Franck-Condon Näherung verdeutlicht. Es wurde ein kleiner Einfluss auf die Revival-Zeit des im Wasserstoffmolekül-Ion gestarteten Wellenpakets gefunden. Die Berücksichtigung von Bond-Softening führt weiterhin zu einer Verringerung der Revival-Zeit mit steigender Spitzenintensität des Lasers. Außerdem wird die Anisotropie der Ionisation von H2 als Funktion der Laserintensität in linear und zirkular polarisiertem Licht mit dem molekularen Tunnelmodell MO-ADK untersucht. Gute Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Beobachtungen wurde gefunden, insbesondere wenn der Effekt des Fokusvolumens des Laserfeldes berücksichtigt wird. Die Anwendbarkeit des Zwei-Zentren-Modells auf größere Moleküle, N2 und O2, wird ebenfalls getestet. Es wird beobachtet, dass dies für N2 (symmetrisches HOMO) funktioniert, für O2 (asymmetrisches HOMO) jedoch nicht. / The ionization of some diatomic molecules, H2, N2, and O2, exposed to intense laser fields has been studied by comparing various molecular tunneling–ionization models with each other and with the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). The internuclear-distance dependent ionization yields over a wide range of laser peak intensities are investigated and the validity of the modified atomic and molecular tunneling models is examined. It is found that those models that depend on the quasi-static approximation, where ionization is independent on the oscillation frequency of the applied laser field, are useful for laser-induced ionization processes in only a very small region of the frequency and intensity domain of laser fields, i.e. in the tunneling regime. The models that include a frequency dependent factor are in a good agreement with the accurate TDSE calculations in both the multiphoton and the tunneling ionization regimes. Furthermore, the deviation from Franck-Condon-like distribution is also clarified. A small effect on the revival time of the vibrational wavepacket of hydrogen molecular ion, due to this deviation, has been found. Consideration of the bond-softening effect leads to a decrease in the revival time with increasing laser-peak intensity. The anisotropy of H2 as a function of laser intensity in linear and circular polarized fields using molecular tunneling model (MO-ADK) are also studied and a good agreement with the experimental observations, especially if the focal volume of the laser field is considered, has been obtained. The applicability of the two-center model for larger molecules, N2 and O2, is tested. It is found that it works with N2 (symmetric HOMO) but fails in O2 (ansymmetric HOMO).

Magnetotransport and Remote Sensing of Microwave Reflection of Two Dimensional Electron Systems under Microwave Excitation

Ye, Tianyu 11 May 2015 (has links)
This dissertation summarizes three research projects related to microwave radiation induced electron transport properties in the GaAs/AlGaAs two dimensional electron systems. In chronological order, the projects are: a microwave reflection and electron magneto-transport correlation study, the combined microwave power and polarization dependence on microwave radiation induced magneto-resistance oscillations study, and a comparative study about the effect of circularly polarized and linearly polarized microwaves radiation on magneto-resistance oscillations induced due to the microwave. These three research projects experimentally address many interesting issues in the non-equilibrium low dimensional electron transport under microwave irradiation and provide potential applications of utilizing microwave radiation induced magneto-resistance oscillations in two dimensional electron systems as a method to detect different qualities of microwaves or terahertz waves.

Textilní štěrbinová anténa / Textile slot antenna

Špůrek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design of various antenna structures, based on slot antennas, created in the wider wall of a rectangular-shaped waveguide. As the substrate, it is used a 3D textile material, while its properties are examined. They were designed structures, that operate with linear and circular polarization, and other related structures, that are used for feeding and power division. Structures are designed to operate at central frequency of 8 GHz and its vicinity.

Investigation of Negative Refractive Index in Isotropic Chiral Metamaterials Under First and Second-Order Material Dispersion With and Without Conductive Loss

Algadey, Tarig 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Antennes réseaux transmetteur reconfigurables aux fréquences millimétriques / Reconfigurable transmitarray antennas at millimeter-wave frequencies

Di Palma, Luca 16 December 2015 (has links)
De nombreuses applications civiles et militaires (faisceaux hertziens, futurs réseaux mobiles, communications par satellite, radars automobiles, systèmes d’imagerie haute résolution) nécessitent des antennes à faisceau reconfigurable (dépointage de faisceau, faisceaux multiples, faisceaux formés). Les antennes à réseaux transmetteurs apparaissent comme une alternative aux réseaux phasés classiques ou aux réseaux réflecteurs pour ces applications. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer la faisabilité de réseaux reconfigurables fabriqués avec des technologies standards en bande Ka (20-30 GHz). Divers cellules élémentaires utilisant des diodes p-i-n et fonctionnant en polarisation linéaire ou circulaire ont été conçues, optimisées et caractérisées. Les mesures en guide d’onde montrent des pertes minimales de 1,09 dB à 29,0 GHz et une bande passante à 3 dB de 14,7%. Une méthode de simulation hybride a été développée afin d’analyser efficacement des réseaux de grandes dimensions utilisant des rotations séquentielles d’éléments pour optimiser la qualité de polarisation et les diagrammes de rayonnement. Un réseau de 400 cellules élémentaires fonctionnant en polarisation circulaire a été réalisé et testé en chambre anéchoïque. Un dépointage électronique de ±60° et la possibilité de commuter entre les deux polarisations circulaires (droite/gauche) ont été démontrés. / Several civil and military applications (hertzian beams, satellite communications, automotive radars, high resolution imaging systems) require antennas with reconfigurable beam capabilities (beam-scanning, beamshaping, multiple beam generation). Transmitarray antennas are good candidates and represent an alternative to classical phased arrays or reflect-arrays for these applications. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility of reconfigurable transmitarrays fabricated with standard technologies in Ka-band (20-30 GHz). Different unit-cell designs based on p-i-n diodes have been developed to work in linear and circular polarization. Their optimization and experimental characterization have been performed. Waveguide measurements show insertion losses of 1.09 dB at 29.0 GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth of 14.7%. A hybrid simulation technique has been developed in order to analyze efficiently large transmitarrays in which the sequential rotation technique has been applied to optimize the polarization quality and the radiation patterns. A 400-elements transmitarray operating in circular polarization has been realized and tested in anechoic chamber. A beam-scanning angular coverage of ±60° and circular polarization selection (left/right) have been demonstrated.

Análisis del efecto multipactor en guías de onda de geometría cilíndrica

Pérez Pastor, Antonio María 22 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] El propósito de la presente tesis es desarrollar una herramienta informática para la predicción del efecto multipactor tanto en líneas de transmisión coaxiales como en guías circulares. Esta herramienta está pensada para ser complementaria de las de diseño asistido por ordenador Computer-Aided Design (CAD) en el caso de dispositivos de comunicaciones a implementar en estas tecnologías de ondas guiadas. En el caso de guías coaxiales, se desarrollará un modelo numérico para la predicción de los umbrales de potencia del fenómeno de multipactor. Este método ha sido validado con medidas experimentales, así como validado con otros estudios teóricos realizados. En este tipo de guía se ha considerado tres tipos de señal de radio frecuencia (RF), la onda incidente, la onda estacionaria pura y las ondas estacionarias en general (combinación de ondas incidente y reflejada de distintas amplitudes). Así pues, se ha analizado y obtenido los umbrales de potencia para cada una de las diferentes señales consideradas y observado los efectos que se producen. En las guías circulares, se ha demostrado en primer lugar la existencia del fenómeno de multipactor bajo la excitación del modo fundamental de la guía circular TE11. El interés en estas guías se debe al amplio uso en la fabricación de componentes pasivos, tanto en cavidades resonantes como el uso de irises que conectan las cavidades, empleados tanto en aceleradores de partículas como en diferentes subsistemas de comunicaciones en satélites. Por tanto, además de observar la existencia del efecto multipactor hemos calculado una carta de susceptibilidad para dicho fenómeno, inicialmente en el caso de que sólo se transmita una única polarización, en concreto la polarización vertical. Una vez hemos demostrado que el efecto multipactor es posible en estas guías circulares, se ha realizado un estudio teniendo en consideración la coexistencia de las dos polarizaciones del modo fundamental TE11. Para una mejor comprensión del fenómeno, se ha analizado inicialmente para órdenes de multipactor más bajos en función de la excentricidad de la elipse de polarización. Prestando especial atención para el caso de la polarización lineal y circular, aunque también se ha analizado otras combinaciones más generales. / [CA] El propòsit de la present tesi és desenvolupar una eina informàtica per a la predicció de l'efecte multipactor tant en línies de transmissió coaxials com en guies circulars. Aquesta eina està pensada per a ser complementària de les de disseny assistit per ordinador Computer- Aided Design (CAD) en el cas de dispositius de comunicacions a implementar en aquestes tecnologies d'ones guiades. En el cas de guies coaxials, es desenvoluparà un model numèric per a la predicció dels llindars de potència del fenomen de multipactor. Aquest mètode ha sigut validat amb mesures experimentals, així com validat amb altres estudis teòrics realitzats. En aquesta mena de guia s'ha considerat tres tipus de senyal de ràdio freqüència (RF), l'ona incident, l'ona estacionària pura i les ones estacionàries en general (combinació d'ones incident i reflectida de diferents amplituds). Així doncs, s'ha analitzat i obtingut els llindars de potència per a cadascuna dels diferents senyals considerats i observat els efectes que es produeixen. En les guies circulars, s'ha demostrat en primer lloc l'existència del fenomen de multipactor sota l'excitació de la manera fonamental de la guia circular TE11. L'interés en aquestes guies es deu a l'ampli ús en la fabricació de components passius, tant en cavitats ressonants com l'ús d'irises que connecten les cavitats, emprats tant en acceleradors de partícules com en diferents subsistemes de comunicacions en satèllits. Per tant, a més d'observar l'existència de l'efecte multipactor hem calculat una carta de susceptibilitat per a aquest fenomen, inicialment en el cas que només es transmeta una única polarització, en concret la polarització vertical. Una vegada hem demostrat que l'efecte multipactor és possible en aquestes guies circulars, s'ha realitzat un estudi tenint en consideració la coexistència de les dues polaritzacions de la manera fonamental TE11. Per a una millor comprensió del fenomen, s'ha analitzat inicialment per a ordres de multipactor més baixos en funció de l'excentricitat de l'ellipse de polarització. Prestant especial atenció per al cas de la polarització lineal i circular, encara que també s'ha analitzat altres combinacions més generals. / [EN] The main goal of this PhD thesis is to develop a computer tool for the prediction of the multipactor effect, both in coaxial transmission lines and in circular guides. This tool is intended to be complementary to the available Computer-Aided Design (CAD) versions, in particular for the case of communication devices to be implemented in the cited guided wave technologies. In the case of coaxial guides, a numerical model is developed to predict the power thresholds of the multipactor phenomenon. This method has been validated with experimental measurements, as well as with other theoretical studies carried out. In this type of guide, three types of radio frequency (RF) signals have been considered, i.e. the incident wave, the pure standing wave and the standing waves in general (a combination of incident and reflected waves of different amplitudes). Thus, the power thresholds for each of the different signals considered have been analyzed and obtained, and the corresponding effects that occur have been observed. In circular guides, the existence of the multipactor phenomenon under the excitation of the TE11 fundamental mode of the circular guide has been demonstrated first. The interest in these guides is due to their wide use in the manufacture of passive components, both in resonant cavities and within irises that connect the cavities, used both in particle accelerators and in different satellite communications subsystems. Therefore, in addition to observing the existence of the multipactor effect, we have calculated a susceptibility chart for this phenomenon, initially in the case that only a single polarization is transmitted, specifically the vertical polarization. Once we have shown that the multipactor effect is possible in these circular guides, a study has been carried out taking into account the co-existence of the two polarizations of the TE11 fundamental mode. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, it has been initially analyzed for lower multipactor orders as a function of the eccentricity of the polarization ellipse. Special attention has been paid to the case of linear and circular polarization, although other more general combinations have also been analyzed. / This work was supported in part by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spanish Government, under the coordinated Research Project TEC 2007/67630-C03-01 and in part by Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under Projects IIARC0/2004/20, IIARC0/2004/21 and IIARC0/2004/22. This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government, under Research Project TEC2007-67630-C03-01. / Pérez Pastor, AM. (2021). Análisis del efecto multipactor en guías de onda de geometría cilíndrica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/162975

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