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Determinação da emissão de metano da bacia amazônica / Determination of methane emission of the amazon basinBasso, Luana Santamaria 05 December 2014 (has links)
No panorama atual de mudanças climáticas, o Metano (CH4) é considerado o segundo principal gás de efeito estufa antrópico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o papel da Amazônia na emissão global de CH4, sendo esta a maior floresta tropical do mundo. Neste estudo foram realizados perfis verticais, utilizando aviões de pequeno porte, desde 150 m da superfície até 4,4 km, em quatro localidades da Bacia Amazônica, formando um grande quadrante abrangendo toda a Bacia. Os locais foram: próximo a Santarém (SAN; 2,8°S, 54,9°O), Alta Floresta (ALF; 8,8°S, 56,7°O), Rio Branco (RBA; 9,3°S, 67,6°O) e Tabatinga (TAB; 5,9°S, 70,0°O). Foram realizados quatro anos (2010-2013) de medidas contínuas em escala regional, quinzenalmente, totalizando 293 perfis verticais. Até o presente momento estas medidas são únicas e representam uma nova abordagem nas emissões nesta escala. Foram calculados os fluxos de CH4 nestas quatro localidades por meio do Método de Integração de Coluna e os fluxos anuais foram calculados através de média proporcional, considerando a área de influência de cada localidade. Os anos de 2010 e 2012 foram anos de seca, enquanto 2011 e 2013 foram anos com precipitação acima da média na Amazônia. Dos quatro anos de estudo apenas 2011 apresentou uma temperatura inferior a média. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a Amazônia atua como uma importante fonte de CH4, com uma emissão de 25,4 Tg ano-1 (4% - 5% da emissão global), considerando a área da Amazônia Brasileira (4,2 milhões de km2). As emissões nesta região apresentaram variações regionais e anuais, com maiores emissões nos anos de seca. A emissão pela queima de biomassa não foi significativa nas regiões de estudo, enquanto as estimativas de emissões por fermentação entérica e manejo dos dejetos de animais foram significativas na maioria destas regiões. Os resultados obtidos ressaltam a importância da realização de estudos em escala regional para esclarecer o comportamento de toda a área da Bacia Amazônica Brasileira. / In the current scenario of climate change, Methane (CH4) is the second main anthropogenic greenhouse gas. This work aimed to study the role of Amazon in the global CH4 emission, which is the largest rainforest in the world. In this study vertical profiles were performed using small aircraft, from 150 m from the surface to 4.4 km in four sites in the Amazon Basin, forming a large quadrant covering the entire basin. The sites were: near Santarem (SAN, 2.8°S, 54.9°W), Alta Floresta (ALF, 8.8°S, 56.7°W), Rio Branco (RBA, 9.3°S, 67.6°W) and Tabatinga (TAB, 5.9°S, 70.0°W). Were made four years (2010-2013) of continuous measures on a regional scale, every two weeks, with a total of 293 vertical profiles. Until now these measures are unique and represent a new approach in emissions on this scale. The CH4 fluxes were calculated in these four locations through the Column Integration Technique and annual fluxes were calculated using proportional average, considering the area of influence of each location. The years 2010 and 2012 were years of drought, while 2011 and 2013 were years with total precipitation higher than the average in the Amazon. In these four years of study only in 2011 showed a lower average temperature. The results showed that the Amazon was a source of CH4, with an annual emission of 25.4 Tg (4% - 5% of global emission), considering the Brazilian Amazon area (4,2 millions km2). Emissions in this region presented regional and annual variations, with more emissions during drought years. Emissions from biomass burning was not significant, while emissions from enteric fermentation was significant in the study areas. The results obtained highlight the importance of make studies with regional scale and long temporal series to clarify the behavior of the entire Brazilian Amazon area.
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Avaliação das conseqüências da produção de concreto no Brasil para as mudanças climáticas. / Assessment of the consequences of the concrete production in Brazil for the climate change.José Antonio Ribeiro de Lima 20 January 2010 (has links)
O segmento de concreto brasileiro contribui para as mudanças climáticas devido às emissões de CO2 e as possibilidades de reduções de emissões com maior visibilidade, atualmente, são as referentes ao setor cimenteiro. Mas, o cimento tem seu consumo aumentado devido às condições de aplicação no concreto, o que torna importante a análise das emissões nesta aplicação e das possibilidades de redução. Estes foram os objetivos desta pesquisa. A emissão estimada no concreto nacional foi de 224 kgCO2/m³. Para o cimento, foi de 659 kgCO2/t, que é inferior à emissão mundial, e que pode ser reduzida pela troca de combustíveis usados no setor. O patamar atual de mitigação na produção do cimenteiro nacional situa-se em torno de 20%, podendo chegar a aproximadamente 30% com medidas como uso exclusivo de biomassa como fonte de energia, ainda não possível no setor. As reduções no concreto podem chegar a 30%, pelo aumento no rigor na preparação deste material e pela redução de desperdício. Demonstrou-se, nesta pesquisa, que es se patamar de redução é tão significativo quanto o do setor cimenteiro. / The Brazilian concrete sector contributes to the climate change due to its CO2 emissions, that can be reduced through efforts of the cement sector, that have been receiving great attention. But the use of the cement in concrete can increase its consumption if made in the wrong way, and this can increase the CO2 emissions, making important the study of the emissions in concrete and the study of the possibilities of mitigation. These were the main aims of this thesis, that demonstrated that the CO2 reduction potential in the concrete have the same magnitude of the potential in the cement. The emission in the concrete, in Brazil, is 224 kgCO2/t. In cement, is 659 kgCO2/t, that is lower than the global emission and can be reduced by changes in the fuels used in the cement production. The Brazilian cement sector can reduce its emission in 20% and, using only biomass as fuel, this reduction can reach 30%, but this is not possible, yet. Emission reduction in the concrete production and use may reach 30%, through better preparation of concretes and reducing waste of material in constructions. This value is similar to the emission mitigation in the cement sector.
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Application d'algorithmes prédictifs à l'identification de niches écoculturelles des populations du passé : approche ethnoarchéologique / Predictive algorithms applied to the identification of eco-cultural niches of past populations : an ethnoarchaeological approachAntunes, Nicolas 06 November 2015 (has links)
La géographie des groupes humains résulte d’événements historiques culturels et environnementaux. Notre démarche consiste à identifier des relations cultures/environnements dans des populations actuelles ou historiques bien documentées pour ensuite déceler l’éventuelle présence de phénomènes similaires dans des populations anciennes dont seuls les vestiges archéologiques sont connus. Après avoir passé en revue différents concepts permettant de décrire l’espace écologique occupé par une espèce (ou une population déterminée par un trait spécifique), nous déduisons que le concept de niche est idéal pour mesurer les facteurs environnementaux qui peuvent influencer l’établissement d’une culture en un lieu à une période donnée. Afin d’apprécier les distributions géographiques potentielles de cultures du présent et du passé, nous utilisons la modélisation de niches écoculturelles (ECNM). L’ECNM utilise des algorithmes prédictifs ainsi que des données d’occurrences et environnementales afin d’examiner les possibles influences des facteurs environnementaux dans les trajectoires évolutives des cultures. Nous présentons des résultats issus d’une optimisation de l’ECNM qui consiste à obtenir des données environnementales à très hautes résolutions spatiale et temporelle puis à combiner des prédictions de niche en tenant compte des performances des différents algorithmes prédictifs utilisés. La validité de la méthode que nous proposons est assurée par la fiabilité des occurrences que nous utilisons dans nos référentiels actualiste et historique. Enfin l’analyse statistique de plusieurs niches contemporaines, ou se succédant dans plusieurs phases climatiques, nous permet de les positionner dans l’espace écologique et de discuter de diversité culturelle, de risque écologique, de compétition, de dynamique évolutive et de peuplement. / The geographic distribution of human populations is the result of both historical contingency and environmental factors. This study identifies culture-environment relations for well-documented present-day and historic populations in order to evaluate whether the same phenomena operated inprehistoric contexts, which are only known from archaeological sites. After reviewing the different concepts used to describe the ecological space occupied by a species (or specific population), it is shown that the niche concept is well-suited for identifying and measuring environmental factors that can influence the distribution of a culture at a particular place and time. In order to better understand the potential distributions of present and past cultures, this study employs the method known aseco-cultural niche modeling (ECNM). ECNM uses predictive algorithms along with occurrence and environmental data in order to examine the possible influences of environmental factors on cultural trajectories. The results presented here are derived from an optimized ECNM approach that permits one to obtain high-resolution environmental data, and that also combines niche predictions by taking into account the performance of the various employed predictive algorithms.The effectiveness of this approach is ensured by the use of reliable occurrence data for both the present-day and historic case studies. Finally, statistical evaluations of multiple contemporaneous niches, as well as successive ones across multiple climatic phases, allow them to be placed in ecological space and examined with respect to cultural diversity, ecological risk, competition, and evolutionary and population dynamics.
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Mudanças climáticas e a expectativa de seus impactos na cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região de Piracicaba, SP / Climate changes and their expected impacts on the sugarcane crop in the Piracicaba region, state of São Paulo, BrazilJúlia Ribeiro Ferreira Gouvêa 02 April 2008 (has links)
Estudos recentes mostram que as concentrações de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera vêm aumentando desde a Revolução Industrial. A esse acréscimo de gases, originado principalmente por atividades antrópicas, como a queima de combustíveis fósseis e o desmatamento, atribui-se a responsabilidade principal pelo aquecimento global. Além da temperatura, a precipitação também tem sofrido variações decorrentes dessas práticas e as projeções climáticas para este século indicam a possibilidade de graves conseqüências para a humanidade. Dentre as atividades econômicas, a agricultura é a mais dependente dos fatores climáticos e as alterações desses fatores afetarão a produtividade das culturas, com efeito sobre o agronegócio como um todo. No presente trabalho, foi utilizado um modelo agrometeorológico para estimar a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar na região de Piracicaba, SP, e, com base nos cenários futuros apresentados no quarto relatório do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), foram avaliados os possíveis impactos que alterações de temperatura, precipitação, insolação e concentração de CO2 na atmosfera poderão causar na produtividade dessa cultura, levando em conta também os avanços tecnológicos. Utilizando-se os cenários de mudanças climáticas adotados para a execução deste estudo, observa-se aumento na evapotranspiração potencial (ETP). A evapotranspiração real também tende a aumentar, porém o aumento não é tão acentuado quanto o da ETP, pois a influência do aumento da temperatura é minimizada pela variação no regime hídrico. Os resultados evidenciam uma redução na disponibilidade dos recursos hídricos, com aumento das deficiências e redução dos excedentes. O aumento da temperatura acarretará aumento da produtividade potencial (PP), já que essa variável afeta positivamente a eficiência do processo fotossintético das plantas C4. Com relação às produtividades reais (PR), nas quais o efeito do déficit hídrico sobre a PP é considerado, observa-se padrão semelhante de variação dos valores obtidos em relação à PP. Ao analisar os cenários de mudanças climáticas, nota-se que a PR tende a aumentar, basicamente, devido ao acréscimo de temperatura, de CO2 e ao avanço tecnológico. A variação da resposta entre os diferentes cortes de cana deve-se ao fato de que os mesmos permanecem no campo em diferentes períodos do ano. Observa-se que a variação das PRs nos diferentes cenários obedece ao mesmo padrão das PPs de cada tipo de cana e que a PR acompanha a tendência da PP, desde que o déficit hídrico seja o mesmo. Se houver aumento ou diminuição no déficit hídrico, a PR integrará os efeitos das variáveis que condicionam a PP, bem como o déficit hídrico. O aumento da produtividade da cana-de-açúcar observado na ocorrência de mudanças climáticas globais poderá ter impactos importantes no setor canavieiro, como a possibilidade de a cultura ser expandida para regiões que estão inviabilizadas de produzir. No entanto, com o aumento da temperatura e a conseqüente elevação das taxas de evapotranspiração, haverá maiores deficiências hídricas, o que exigirá o uso da irrigação, especialmente para as canas socas precoces e médias, que enfrentaram períodos mais longos com baixa disponibilidade de água no solo. / Recent studies show increasingly higher concentrations of greenhouse effect gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. The major responsibility for the global warming is attributed to such increase, caused by gases resulting mainly from anthropic activities like burning fossil combustibles and deforestation. Other than temperature, precipitation has also suffered variations due to these practices; furthermore, the climatic projections for this century indicate the possibility of severe consequences for human beings. Agricultural activity depends largely on climatic factors, hence changes in these factors will affect the yield rate of crops, thus adversely affecting the agribusiness as a whole. In this work, an agricultural meteorological model was used to estimate the yield rate of sugarcane activity in the Piracicaba region, SP. Based on future scenarios presented in the fourth report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) and taking into consideration technological advances, it was proceeded an evaluation on the yielding rate of that crop, of the possible impacts caused by changes in temperature, precipitation, insolation and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Through the climate change scenarios adopted in this study, it can be observed an increase of the potential evapotranspiration (ETP). Actual evapotranspiration itself also tends to increase, although in a lesser degree than the ETP, since the influence of an increase in temperature is minimized by the variation of the hydrological regimen. The results show a reduction in the availability of water resources, with an increase in deficiencies and a reduction in excesses. Increasingly higher temperatures will cause an increase of the potential productivity (PP), since that variable affects positively the efficiency of the photosynthetic processes of C4 plants. Regarding the actual productivities (PR), in which the effect of the water deficit on PP is considered, it can be observed that the variation is similar to the one obtained for PP. This increase is due to an increase in temperature, in CO2 and to technological advance. The variation of response among different cuts of sugarcane arises from their staying in the field in different periods of the year. The variation of the PRs in different scenarios follows the same pattern as the PPs of each kind of sugarcane, provided that the water deficit is the same. If an increase or decrease of the water deficit occurs, the PR will integrate the effects of the variables that condition PP, as well as the water deficit. The observed increase in sugarcane productivity resulting from global climate changes may have important impacts on the sugarcane sector, such as the possibility that the crop will expand to regions now unfeasible for production. However, with the increase in temperature and the consequent increase in the evapotranspiration rates there will be higher hydric deficiencies, which will require the use of irrigation, especially for early and medium sugarcane ratoon crops hit by longer periods of low availability of water in the soil.
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Implikacije klimatskih promena na katastrofalne štete u osiguranju / The implications of climate changes on catastrophe losses in insuranceMarković Dragan 17 October 2014 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji su istraženi problemi katastrofalnih šteta, upravljanja njima u uslovima klimatskih promena i uticaja klimatskih promena na delatnost osiguranja. U cilju ispitivanja povezanosti klimatskih promena i šteta u osiguranju napravljen je regresioni model koji karakteriše tu vezu.Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da klimatske promene imaju snažan uticaj na povećanje svih hazarda povezanih sa vremenskim prilikama, što ima negativan uticaj na raspoložive kapacitete i uspešnost poslovanja sektora osiguranja. Transfer rizika i saradnja sa javnim sektorom neophodni su u cilju održivog finasiranja posledica klimatskih promena.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation problems of catastrophic losses, their management under climate changes and the impact of climate changes on insurance industry are explained in detail. With the aim of investigation the link between climate changes and insurance lossses we use regression model. The research results indicate that climate changes have strong impact on the increase of all hazards connected with weather conditions and that increase have negative impact on available capacities and business success of insurance industry. Risk transfer and cooperation with public sector is necessary for financing of losses of climate changes but insurance industry can play an important role in prevention of future losses.</p>
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Assessment of the possible impacts of future atmospheric change on South Australian wheat production / Qunying Luo.Luo, Qunying January 2003 (has links)
"March 2003" / Bibliography: leaves 195-209. / Systems requirements: IBM PC or compatible; CD-ROM drive. / x, 209, A4 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Geographical and Environmental Studies, 2003
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Faktorer som förklarar miljövänligt beteende hos unga vuxna / Factors that explain pro-environmental behavior among young adultsRikner, Amanda January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Människors miljörelaterade beteenden behöver förbättras. I studien undersöktes unga vuxna universitetsstuderandes syn på klimatproblematiken. En enkät delades ut som mätte miljövänligt beteende, ansvarskänsla, tillit till forskning, upplevelse av att kunna påverka och kunskap när det gäller klimatproblematiken. Deltagarna fick också beskriva anledningar som möjliggör eller förhindrar en förbättring av klimatproblematiken. Deltog gjorde 97 personer. Resultatet visade på signifikanta samband mellan å ena sidan ansvarskänsla, tillit, påverkansmöjlighet samt kunskap, och å andra sidan miljövänligt beteende. Ansvar och kunskap var signifikanta prediktorer för miljövänligt beteende. Deltagarna var överens om vilka anledningar som möjliggör och vilka som förhindrar en förbättring av klimatproblematiken. Ovanstående faktorer kan till viss del förklara miljövänligt beteende. </em></p> / <p>People’s environmentally related behavior must improve. This study mirrors the views of young university students regarding climate change. Students responded to a questionnaire measuring environmental behavior, the sense of responsibility, faith in research and the ability to influence as well as knowledge of climate change issues. The participants, 97 in all, were also asked to describe reasons for or against facilitating improvements regarding climate problems. The results revealed significant relations between on one hand responsibility, trust, opportunities to influence and knowledge, and on the other hand pro-environmental behavior. Responsibility and knowledge were significant predictors of pro-environmental behavior. The participants agreed on what reasons improve and what inhibits climate problems. The factors above explain to a certain extent pro-environmental behavior.</p>
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Faktorer som förklarar miljövänligt beteende hos unga vuxna / Factors that explain pro-environmental behavior among young adultsRikner, Amanda January 2009 (has links)
Människors miljörelaterade beteenden behöver förbättras. I studien undersöktes unga vuxna universitetsstuderandes syn på klimatproblematiken. En enkät delades ut som mätte miljövänligt beteende, ansvarskänsla, tillit till forskning, upplevelse av att kunna påverka och kunskap när det gäller klimatproblematiken. Deltagarna fick också beskriva anledningar som möjliggör eller förhindrar en förbättring av klimatproblematiken. Deltog gjorde 97 personer. Resultatet visade på signifikanta samband mellan å ena sidan ansvarskänsla, tillit, påverkansmöjlighet samt kunskap, och å andra sidan miljövänligt beteende. Ansvar och kunskap var signifikanta prediktorer för miljövänligt beteende. Deltagarna var överens om vilka anledningar som möjliggör och vilka som förhindrar en förbättring av klimatproblematiken. Ovanstående faktorer kan till viss del förklara miljövänligt beteende. / People’s environmentally related behavior must improve. This study mirrors the views of young university students regarding climate change. Students responded to a questionnaire measuring environmental behavior, the sense of responsibility, faith in research and the ability to influence as well as knowledge of climate change issues. The participants, 97 in all, were also asked to describe reasons for or against facilitating improvements regarding climate problems. The results revealed significant relations between on one hand responsibility, trust, opportunities to influence and knowledge, and on the other hand pro-environmental behavior. Responsibility and knowledge were significant predictors of pro-environmental behavior. The participants agreed on what reasons improve and what inhibits climate problems. The factors above explain to a certain extent pro-environmental behavior.
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Students' perceptions on climate change and engagement in low-carbon behaviours : implications for climate change education in Hong KongTse, Ka-ho, Alan, 謝嘉豪 January 2013 (has links)
This is a comprehensive research which examines students’ perception of climate change and their positive actions (i.e., Low-Carbon Behaviors) by comparing students in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. The research has employed both quantitative and quantitative approaches to collect data. Quantitative data was collected from 709 student samples from two secondary schools and two primary schools by conventional paper-and-pencil questionnaire surveys that include the measures of (1) environmental attitude; (2) perception of climate change problem; (3) engagement in LCBs; (4) hurdles to the adoption of LCBs; and (5) climate change knowledge. Qualitative data was collected from five school teachers of the participating schools by interviews to gather views on climate change education (CCE) and to explore the constraints of its effective implementation.
The research concluded that students held moderate pro-environment attitude. Both primary and secondary students were equally worried about climate change problem and believed that its impacts were severe. Yet, fewer primary students believed the anthropogenic cause of climate change and they also perceived lower severity of climate change impact on local ecological environment. Students held modestly positive hope in mitigating climate change problem. Primary students felt a stronger empowerment to influence others, and were more willing to take action than secondary students. Moreover, students perceived that additional commitment and lack of practicing opportunities were major hurdles of LCBs. They also possessed a fairly low level of climate change knowledge with different misconceptions.
In addition, the research has unveiled that lack of funding support and inconsequential administrative procedures from the application of environmental project funds were the foremost obstacles to the implementation of CCE. Most teacher respondents were contented with the curriculum design of climate change problem and inclined to oppose the introduction of formal CCE in Hong Kong.
Furthermore, the research has thoroughly reviewed the existing curricula in primary and secondary schools. The existing design of school curriculum on climate change was found to be fragmented and unable to allow students to comprehend the issues thoroughly. Finally, overseas CCE practices, recommendations on improving CCE, and enhancing students’ engagement in LCBs, were discussed. / published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management
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Inkiluose perinčių žvirblinių paukščių veisimosi dėsningumai ir galima klimato kaitos įtaka / Regularities of nest box breeding passerine birds and possible impact of climate changeŠimkevičius, Kastytis 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama miško aplinkos sąlygų ir klimato kaitos įtaka inkiluose perintiems žvirbliniams paukščiams. Darbo objektas – inkiluose perintys žvirbliniai paukščiai. Darbo tikslas – ištirti žvirblinių paukščių veisimosi dėsningumus Kazlų Rūdos miškų masyve ir įvertinti klimato kaitos poveikį. Darbo metodai – sistemingai iškeltų inkilų stebėjimas, loginė literatūros analizė, statistinė duomenų analizė. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus Kazlų Rūdos mokomosios miškų urėdijos Jūrės girininkijos miškuose, įvertintas miško aplinkos veiksnių ir klimato kaitos poveikis didžiosios zylės Parus major L. ir margasparnės musinukės Ficedula hypoleuca Pall. veisimuisi ir gauti tokie rezultatai: didžiosios zylės pirmojo kiaušinio padėjimo laiką tiesiogiai įtakoja vidutinė paros temperatūra, tačiau reakcija yra uždelsta 4 dienomis; didžiosios zylės antrojoje vadoje arčiau miško aikštės, kirtavietės ar jaunuolyno krašto deda didesnes dėtis; šiltėjančio klimato pasėkoje didžiosios zylės pradeda veistis vidutiniškai 5 dienomis anksčiau lyginant su A. Aleknonio pateiktais duomenimis (1958-1982); dėl ankstesnio didžiųjų zylių veisimosi pirmojoje vadoje, taip pat dėl pailgėjusio periodo su aukštesnėmis temperatūromis antra vada pradedama dėti anksčiau ir būna gausesnė. / This study is analyzing Forest environment conditions and changes in climate influence on breeding passerine birds hatched in nest boxes. The Object – Passerine birds breeding in nest boxes. The aim of this paper is to investigate regularities of breeding passerine birds in Kazlų Rūda forest and to estimate possible impact of climate change. Methods – observation of systematically placed nest boxes, logical literature analysis, statistical analysis of data. Results. Study was carried on Training State Forest Enterprise of Kazlų Rūda, Forestry of Jūrė. Impact of forest environment and changes in climate on breeding of Great Tit (Parus major) and Pied Fly Catcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) were estimated. Following results were found: time of first laying egg is directly influenced by mean temperature of the day, but reaction time is delayed for 4 days; in the second broad that are closer to the forest openings, forest cuttings or brush stage forest edge Great Tits are laying more eggs; thought the warming of the climate Great Tits starts to breed 5 days earlier comparing to data by A. Aleknonis (1958-1982); regarding earlier breeding of Great Tits in first broad, either prolonged period with higher temperatures second broad is relatively larger and initiated to lay earlier.
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