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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subjects Matter : The Subject-Object Dichotomy in Toni Morrison's Jazz

Gustavsson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
This essay examines the subject-object dichotomy between men and women in Toni Morrison’s Jazz and the thesis of the essay is that this dichotomy develops into subject-object harmony. Through Simone de Beauvoir’s theory regarding the subject-object dichotomy and a close reading of the novel, this essay concludes that Jazz shows the possibility of reciprocal relationships built on friendship. In other words, the dichotomy changes into harmony, which makes it possible for both men and women to reach freedom and fulfilment in transcendence.

Känslan av att inte räcka till : en essä om tid, närvaro och förskolebarn i behov av särskilt stöd / The Feeling of Being Insufficient : An Essay about Time, Presence and Children with Special Needs

Johanna, Waller January 2012 (has links)
In this essay I consider a self-experienced dilemma, and review how I, as a preschool teacher, treat a child with special needs. With the support of literature and theory, I can, with an essay writing approach, reflect and analyze the dilemma. In this way I will examine my practical knowledge and personal experiences of a complex situation. I want to examine whether children with special needs who are included in regular preschool activities, really get the support they need and deserve. Do educators have the conditions and does preschool have sufficient resources to realize this? Do educators have sufficient knowledge of how children with special needs should be responded to? I want to find out how the included children's social development and self-image is shaped by the treatment they receive at the preschool. I also question whether the preschool of today with its increased focus on learning and the additional duties it entails in terms of planning, documentation and evaluation of projects, reduce the time for the important close contact between teachers and children. I further discuss of whether children with special needs are affected to a greater extent than other children by reduced time for socializing. Finally I also explore how the balance between learning, caring and ethical values appears in preschool and how it may affect children's ability to develop good social relationships. / I min essä utgår jag ifrån ett självupplevt dilemma, där jag granskar mig själv som pedagog i hur jag bemöter ett barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Med stöd av litteratur och teorier kan jag med den metod som essäskrivande innebär, reflektera och analysera över dilemmat. På så vis prövar jag mina praktiska kunskaper och egna erfarenheter kring en komplex situation. Jag vill undersöka om barn i behov av särskilt stöd som är inkluderade i förskolans ordinarie verksamhet, verkligen får det stöd de behöver och har rätt till. Hur ser pedagogers förutsättningar och förskolans resurser ut för att kunna förverkliga detta? Har pedagoger tillräckliga kunskaper i hur barn i behov av särskilt stöd bör bemötas? Jag vill ta reda på hur inkluderade barns sociala utveckling och självbild formas av det bemötande de får på förskolan. Jag ställer mig även frågan om det ökade kravet på lärandet och de tillkommande arbetsuppgifter det för med sig i form av planering, dokumentation och utvärdering av projekt, minskar tid till den viktiga nära samvaron mellan pedagoger och barn. Vidare ställer jag mig frågan om barn i behov av särskilt stöd påverkas i större utsträckning av minskad tid för samvaro än andra barn. Slutligen utforskar jag även hur balansen mellan lärande, omsorg och värdegrundsfrågor ser ut i förskolan och hur det kan komma att påverka barns förmåga att utveckla goda sociala relationer.

Efficient Frequent Closed Itemset Algorithms With Applications To Stream Mining And Classification

Ranganath, B N 09 1900 (has links)
Data mining is an area to find valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable abstractions in a data. Frequent itemset mining is one of the important data mining approaches to find those abstractions in the form of patterns. Frequent Closed itemsets provide complete and condensed information for non-redundant association rules generation. For many applications mining all the frequent itemsets is not necessary, and mining frequent Closed itemsets are adequate. Compared to frequent itemset mining, frequent Closed itemset mining generates less number of itemsets, and therefore improves the efficiency and effectiveness of these tasks. Recently, much research has been done on Closed itemsets mining, but it is mainly for traditional databases where multiple scans are needed, and whenever new transactions arrive, additional scans must be performed on the updated transaction database; therefore, they are not suitable for data stream mining. Mining frequent itemsets from data streams has many potential and broad applications. Some of the emerging applications of data streams that require association rule mining are network traffic monitoring and web click streams analysis. Different from data in traditional static databases, data streams typically arrive continuously in high speed with huge amount and changing data distribution. This raises new issues that need to be considered when developing association rule mining techniques for stream data. Recent works on data stream mining based on sliding window method slide the window by one transaction at a time. But when the window size is large and support threshold is low, the existing methods consume significant time and lead to a large increase in user response time. In our first work, we propose a novel algorithm Stream-Close based on sliding window model to mine frequent Closed itemsets from the data streams within the current sliding window. We enhance the scalabality of the algorithm by introducing several optimization techniques such as sliding the window by multiple transactions at a time and novel pruning techniques which lead to a considerable reduction in the number of candidate itemsets to be examined for closure checking. Our experimental studies show that the proposed algorithm scales well with large data sets. Still the notion of frequent closed itemsets generates a huge number of closed itemsets in some applications. This drawback makes frequent closed itemsets mining infeasible in many applications since users cannot interpret the large volume of output (which sometimes will be greater than the data itself when support threshold is low) and may lead to an overhead to develop extra applications which post processes the output of original algorithm to reduce the size of the output. Recent work on clustering of itemsets considers strictly either expression(consists of items present in itemset) or support of the itemsets or partially both to reduce the number of itemsets. But the drawback of the above approaches is that in some situations, number of itemsets does not reduce due to their restricted view of either considering expressions or support. So we propose a new notion of frequent itemsets called clustered itemsets which considers both expressions and support of the itemsets in summarizing the output. We introduce a new distance measure w.r.t expressions and also prove the problem of mining clustered itemsets to be NP-hard. In our second work, we propose a deterministic locality sensitive hashing based classifier using clustered itemsets. Locality sensitive hashing(LSH)is a technique for efficiently finding a nearest neighbour in high dimensional data sets. The idea of locality sensitive hashing is to hash the points using several hash functions to ensure that for each function the probability of collision is much higher for objects that are close to each other than those that are far apart. We propose a LSH based approximate nearest neighbour classification strategy. But the problem with LSH is, it randomly chooses hash functions and the estimation of a large number of hash functions could lead to an increase in query time. From Classification point of view, since LSH chooses randomly from a family of hash functions the buckets may contain points belonging to other classes which may affect classification accuracy. So, in order to overcome these problems we propose to use class association rules based hash functions which ensure that buckets corresponding to the class association rules contain points from the same class. But associative classification involves generation and examination of large number of candidate class association rules. So, we use the clustered itemsets which reduce the number of class association rules to be examined. We also establish formal connection between clustering parameter(delta used in the generation of clustered frequent itemsets) and discriminative measure such as Information gain. Our experimental studies show that the proposed method achieves an increase in accuracy over LSH based near neighbour classification strategy.

L'impact d'un accident vasculaire cérébral léger sur la qualité de vie des proches

Tellier, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Les personnes ayant eu un accident vasculaire cérébral léger (AVCL) sont autonomes pour l’accomplissement des activités de la vie quotidienne de base, mais peuvent présenter des déficits subtils pour l’accomplissement d’activités complexes qui ne sont pas dépistés durant l’hospitalisation. Le retour à domicile parmi les proches est souvent le moment où certaines difficultés apparaissent. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer la perception des proches de leur qualité de vie, trois mois après le retour à domicile de la personne ayant eu l’AVCL. Méthodologie : Cette étude qualitative repose sur un paradigme constructiviste. Des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées ont été menées à l’aide d’un guide d’entrevue, auprès de proches de personnes ayant eu un premier AVCL trois mois auparavant. Une transcription du contenu des entrevues a été faite sous forme de verbatim, suivie d’une analyse de contenu. Résultats : Huit entrevues ont été complétées (âge moyen 56,9 ans – ratio hommes/femmes de 2/6). Six thèmes ont été identifiés : personne ayant eu l’AVCL, vie quotidienne, relation conjugale, récidive, santé et services. L’AVCL engendre plusieurs incapacités (personne ayant eu l’AVCL) et les proches interrogés rapportent une augmentation de leurs tâches quotidiennes ce qui limite leurs activités personnelles (vie quotidienne). Ils mentionnent également devoir passer du rôle de conjoint à celui de parent, ce qui modifie la dynamique de couple (relation conjugale). Les proches se disent anxieux face au risque de récidive (récidive) et certains présentent des malaises physiques comme des maux de tête et un manque d’énergie (santé). Les proches affirment n’avoir accès à aucun service et que le seul soutien dont ils bénéficie est celui de leur entourage (services). Conclusion : Le retour à domicile de la personne AVCL engendre diverses conséquences sur le quotidien des proches, ce qui affecte leur qualité de vie. / Introduction: Mild stroke clients are often independent in basic activities of daily living but may present subtle deficits that impact on complex activities and roles. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived quality of life of close family members three months after the stroke client was discharged home. Method: Qualitative design based on a constructivist paradigm. Interviews were conducted with family members of mild stroke clients three months after discharge. An interview guide was used and the audio content was transcribed, followed by a content analysis. Results: Eight interviews were conducted (mean age 56.9 ± 9.2 years; men=2/8). Six essential themes emerged from the data. According to participants, mild stroke clients present sequelae that interfere with complex tasks (patient), increasing the burden on other family members who have to limit their personal activities (daily living). Spouses reported sometimes acting like a parent, which caused tensions in the relationship (conjugal relationship). Anxiety is related to the risk of stroke recurrence (relapse) and some family members present physical symptoms and a lack of energy (health). However, family members do not have access to services despite support from their relatives (services). Conclusion: The results of this exploratory study strongly suggest that even a ‘mild’ stroke has an impact on the daily lives of close family members and affects their quality of life.

Étude des étoiles de la branche horizontale extrême par l'astérosismologie

Van Grootel, Valérie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Μέθοδοι επεξεργασίας ηχητικών σημάτων για καταστολή παρεμβολών σε διατάξεις πολλαπλών μικροφώνων / Blind signal processing methods for microphone leakage suppression in multichannel audio applications

Κοκκίνης, Ηλίας 01 October 2012 (has links)
H παρούσα διατριβή εξετάζει το πρόβλημα της διαρροής μικροφώνου, δηλαδή την αλληλεπίδραση και παρεμβολή μεταξύ ταυτόχρονα ενεργών ηχητικών πηγών σε πολυκαναλικές ηχητικές διατάξεις. Παρ' όλο που είναι ένα πολύ συχνό φαινόμενο με το οποίο οι μηχανικοί ήχου έρχονται αντιμέτωποι καθημερινά, δεν έχουν προταθεί μέθοδοι επεξεργασίας σήματος για την επίλυση του προβλήματος. Εδώ, το πρόβλημα διατυπώνεται για πρώτη φορά στο πλαίσιο της επεξεργασίας σήματος. Αρχικά, διατυπώνεται στο πλαίσιο του τυφλού διαχωρισμού πηγών (blind source separation) και αναλύονται οι περιορισμοί αυτής της προσέγγισης. Στην συνέχεια, το πρόβλημα επαναδιατυπώνεται σαν πρόβλημα σήματος υπό θόρυβο στα πλαίσια της καταστολής θορύβου. Ένα πρωτότυπο γενικευμένο πλαίσιο καταστολής διαρροής μικροφώνου εξάγεται βασιζόμενο σε ένα φίλτρο Wiener με πολυκαναλικό όρο θορύβο, καθώς και την ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενη τεχνική «κοντινού μικροφώνου». Το ακουστικό σύστημα που μοντελοποιεί την διαδικασία μίξης και αλληλεπίδρασης των πηγών αναλύεται και γίνεται διαχωρισμός των σχετικών κρουστικών αποκρίσεων χώρου (room impulse responses) σε απ' ευθείας ακουστικά μονοπάτια και ακουστικά μονοπάτια διαρροής. Οι ιδιότητες του απ' ευθείας ακουστικού μονο- πατιού, δηλαδή της απόκρισης «κοντινού μικροφώνου» αναλύονται για πρώτη φορά από την προσέγγιση της επεξεργασίας σήματος και της ακουστικής κλειστών χώρων για πρώτη φορά. Οι ιδιότητες του ακουστικού μονοπατιού διαρροής αναλύονται επίσης για πρώτη φορά με την χρήση ακουστικών παραμέτρων. Έχοντας καθορίσει τις βασικές ιδιότητες του ακουστικού συστήματος, μια μέθοδος για την καταστολή διαρροής μικροφώνου αναπτύσσεται για μια διάταξη δύο καναλιών, βασισμένη σε ένα φίλτρο Wiener και μια άμεση εκτίμηση των σχετικών πυκνοτήτων φασματικής ενέργεiας (power spectral density). Η απόδοση της μεθόδου για ηχογραφήσεις σε πραγματικούς χώρους είναι πολύ ικανοποιητική και με βάση αυτά τα αποτελέσματα, η μέθοδος επεκτείνεται για περισσότερες από δύο πηγές και μικρόφωνα σε αυθαίρετες διατάξεις. Η ολοκληρωμένη μέθοδος είναι τυφλή και αυτόματη, καθώς δεν απαιτεί την επέμβαση του χρήση. Δεν κάνει χρήση πρότερης γνώσης ούτε απαιτεί εκπαίδευση και είναι υπολογιστικά απλή. Προτείνεται επίσης μια πρωτότυπη μέθοδος ανίχνευσης χρονικών διαστημάτων όπου μόνο μια πηγή είναι ενεργή (χρονικά διαστήματα «σόλο»), η οποία επιτρέπει την εκτίμηση συντελεστών στάθμισης οι οποίοι αντιστοιχούν στην σχετική μείωση της ηχητικής στάθμης που υφίσταται κάθε ηχητική πηγή καθώς το σήμα διαδίδεται προς τα μικρόφωνα. Αυτή η μέθοδος σε συνδυασμό με μια νεά, πρωτότυπη τεχνική εκτίμησης των πυκνοτήτων φασματικής ενέργεαις, η οποία βασίζεται στην αναγνώριση των κυρίαρχων διακριτών συχνοτήτων, επιτρέπει την εκτίμηση όλων των σχετικών ποσοτήτων σε μια πολυκαναλική ηχητική διάταξη. Από αυτές υπολογίζεται ένα πολυκαναλικό φίλτρο Wiener για κάθε σήμα μικροφώνου, το οποίο δίνει την εκτίμηση του αντίστοιχου σήματος πηγής. / This thesis examines the problem of microphone leakage, that is the interference between simultaneously active sound sources in multichannel audio applications. Despite being a common problem with which sound engineers are confronted every day, almost no signal processing methods have been proposed to address this issue. In this work, the problem is formulated for the first time in a signal processing framework. First, it formulated inside the blind source separation (BSS) context and the limitations of related methods are analysed and reported. Since, BSS methods seem to be inappropriate for this specific problem, it is reformulated as a signal in noise problem inside the well-known noise suppression framework. Based on the widely adopted close-microphone technique a novel, generalized framework for leakage suppression is derived based on a multichannel Wiener filter. The acoustic system that models the mixing process is analysed and the related room impulse responses are discerned in direct and leakage acoustic paths. The properties of the direct acoustic path, that is the close-microphone response are investigated for the first time, from a signal processing point of view as well as a room acoustics perspective. The properties of the leakage acoustic path are also analysed for the first time using room acoustic parameters. After key properties of the acoustic paths have been identified, a method for the suppression of microphone leakage in a two channel audio setup is developed based on aWiener filter and a crude approximation of the related power spectral densities (PSDs). The performance of this method for actual recordings in real reverberant environments is more than adequate and based on these results, the method is extended for more than two sources and microphones in arbitrary arrangements. The complete method is blind and automatic, since it does not require any user input. It does not assume any prior knowledge or require training and is computationally efficient. A novel solo detection method has been developed that allows the estimation of weighting coefficients that correspond to the relative attenuation experienced by sound sources as they travel to each microphone. Combined with a new and advanced PSD estimation method based on the identification of dominant frequency bins, the related PSDs in a multichannel audio application can be identified. From these an appropriate multichannel Wiener filter for each microphone signal can be calculated, which will provide the estimated source signal at its output.

Decolonising Literature : Exclusionary Practices and Writing to Resist/Re-Exist

Johansson, Stephanie January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines elements of the conceptualization of literature within literary studies and literary production in a UK context, considering the concept of exclusionary practices based on the negligence of intersectional categories of identity such as race, gender, class, sexuality, etc., in the practice of understanding and interpreting literature. The methodologies I employ are close reading of various narratives, such as literary texts, as well as a narrative analysis aimed at a holistic understanding of my material. The second part of this thesis envisions a decolonised approach to literature in which we situate our positionalities when we read and interpret literary works. I demonstrate this through the analysis of several poems, informed by decolonial concepts and sensibilities. The results show that the maintenance of these exclusionary practices advances a grand-narrative of Western civilisation, ignoring the multiple sites people inhabit both from within, and outside, the West and that these practices are effectively harmful. I argue that through the project of decolonising literature there is a possibility of disrupting the perpetual macro-narrative of Western domination and universality.

O evento 11 de setembro: (re)criação da história no romance Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005), de Jonathan Safran Foer

Vani, João Paulo [UNESP] 20 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-09T12:28:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-01-20Bitstream added on 2015-04-09T12:47:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000812898_20151231.pdf: 92770 bytes, checksum: 0df57f7179ed95ec8efbafd81fe6d5d8 (MD5) Bitstreams deleted on 2016-01-04T10:26:42Z: 000812898_20151231.pdf,. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-01-04T10:28:33Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000812898.pdf: 1511298 bytes, checksum: 9d02e9cf06fbfd1a1e72871704b47797 (MD5) / Este trabalho investiga as estratégias narrativas utilizadas por Jonathan Safran Foer no romance Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005), a fim de verificar como o autor avalia o episódio dos ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro. A tragédia representa o início de um novo período da História dos Estados Unidos e tem sido tema de publicações em diversas áreas. Este estudo examina, por meio da jornada empreendida pelo menino Oskar, de apenas nove anos, cujo pai foi vítima dos atentados, a forma como os acontecimentos do passado são transformados em fatos históricos relevantes, os sistemas que permitem a abordagem da História por meio de várias perspectivas, e a presença do trauma como elemento de ligação entre História e Literatura. Focalizando primordialmente o narrador, o pequeno Oskar, a análise perseguirá sua jornada em Nova York à procura de respostas para a morte de seu pai naquele dia catastrófico, tratado por Oskar como the worst day. Serão também analisados os usos de imagens, espaços em branco, as escritas com sobreposição e o diálogo com a tecnologia e mensagens codificadas, como SMS, que estão presentes no romance. A fundamentação teórica desta discussão será baseada em textos de McHale (1992), Lyotard (1990), Jameson (2007), Santiago (2002), Connor (2000), White (1994), Le Goff (2003), e Hutcheon (1991) / This thesis investigates the narrative strategies used by Jonathan Safran Foer in Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005) in order to verify how the author evaluates the episode of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The tragedy is the beginning of a new period in the history of the United States and has been the subject of publications in several fields. This study examines, through the journey taken by the nine-year-old boy Oskar, whose father was a victim of the 9/11 attacks, how the events of the past are transformed into relevant historical facts, systems that allow the treatment of History through multiple perspectives, and the presence of trauma as a conection between History and Literature. Primarily focusing on the narrator, little Oskar, the analysis will pursue his journey in New York looking for answers to the death of his father on that catastrophic day, treated by Oskar as “the worst day”. The use of images, blanks, written with overlapping and dialogue with technology and coded messages such as SMS, which are present in the novel, will also be analyzed. The theoretical basis of this discussion includes texts by McHale (1992), Lyotard (1990), Jameson (2007), Santiago (2002), Connor (2000), White (1994), Le Goff (2003) and Hutcheon (1991)

Člověk v situaci smrti blízké osoby, pedagogický přístup a prevence / A Man during a Loss of a Close Person, Pedagogic Approach and Prevention

HLINÁKOVÁ, Ludmila January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with the issue of a loss of a close person. The theoretical part describes several attitudes towards death, different views of death, the loss of a close person and the process of coping. The work also mentions several ways of how to help and pedagogic approach towards children that encountered death. The practical part consists of a quality survey in the form of controlled conversations. The conversations were conducted with people that experienced death of a close person in their childhood. This section also contains a suggestion for an appropriate approach to help these children to overcome the loss. Aducational approach trying to make the issue of death more accesible for children not yet affected with the loss is included. The suggested solutions are for children of the early, middle school age and for adolescents are dealt with separately.

PROBLEMATICKÉ ASPEKTY SPRÁVNÍHO TRESTÁNÍ V ŘÍZENÍ O NÁVRHOVÝCH PŘESTUPCÍCH / Problematic Aspects of the Administrative Sentencing in Proceeding with Proposed Offences

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
The diploma paper deals with the offences problems negotiated over a proposal that record features of domestic violence. The theoretical part concentrates on a brief interpretation of the Offence Law, particularly on the dealing with offences process. The research section of the paper contains the analysis proposed offences in municipalities with extended competencies in Liberec district in the period of time of 2009. It has been reflecting administrative bodies actions before the start of offence procedures in particular case and with this connected cases as well. Hereinafter it has been dealing with analyzing to what extent the involved bodies are informed by the administrative bodies about further options helping ``preventing the domestic violence{\crqq}. Furthermore it has been dealing with issues how the administrative bodies proceed in cases when families are having children. The conclusion of the paper is devoted to the accomplishment classification of the research targets. Facts established during the research show the problematic aspects of the administrative sentences in negotiating over proposed offences. The established facts initiate discussion about possible ways how to dealing with such problematic cases.

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