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Caracterização citogenética e molecular de três espécies de Gelasine (Iridaceae) ocorrentes no sul do Brasil : Gelasine elongata, G. coerulea e G. uruguaiensisFocchezatto, Joana January 2015 (has links)
Gelasine Herb. (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) é composto por sete espécies nativas da América do Sul, sendo três delas encontradas no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil): G. coerulea (Vell.) Ravenna, G. elongata (Graham) Ravenna e G. uruguaiensis Ravenna. São plantas bulbosas de folhas plicadas, flores perfeitas azuis ou roxas e compostas por dois conjuntos de tépalas desiguais. Gelasine elongata e G. coerulea encontram-se na lista de espécies ameaçadas para o RS, sendo a primeira delas ameaçada e a segunda criticamente ameaçada. Apesar de seu atual estado de vulnerabilidade, Gelasine é um gênero ainda pouco estudado, não havendo nenhuma informação quanto à variabilidade e diversidade genética. Os dados citogenéticos são também ainda escassos. Assim, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo caracterizar as três espécies de Gelasine ocorrentes no sul do Brasil quanto a aspectos moleculares, citogenéticos, além de compreender suas relações. Para a caracterização da diversidade genética foram usadas duas populações de G. coerulea e duas de G. elongata; não foi possível a utilização de G. uruguaiensis em função do número restrito de indivíduos. As amostras de DNA foram obtidas a partir de folhas das espécies mencionadas e empregada a técnica de ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Foram testados 44 primers para ISSR, destes, 12 apresentaram um bom padrão de amplificação que em conjunto geraram 91 loci. A quantidade de bandas por primer variou em média de 7,5. Este trabalho resultou em dados inéditos para o gênero Gelasine quanto à variabilidade genética inter e intra-populacional. Os resultados indicam que a variação genética intrapopulacional é muito baixa e que a maior diversidade encontrada para estas espécies ocorreu entre as populações. Não foi verificada correlação significativa com a distância geográfica entre as populações. Tais resultados indicam que o sistema reprodutivo, o método de dispersão de sementes e a presença de descendência clonal oriunda da divisão dos bulbos subterrâneos são fatores de grande influência na diversidade. Para caracterização citogenética das espécies foi empregada coloração convencional e bandeamento CMA/DAPI, e realizadas medidas cromossômicas. Foi também estimado o tamanho do genoma por citometria de fluxo a partir de folhas frescas das três espécies. As análises citogenéticas se mostraram bastante eficientes para a diferenciação das três espécies de Gelasine investigadas. Gelasine coerulea e G. uruguaiensis apresentam o mesmo número cromossômico básico e somático (2n = 2x = 14), não sendo encontrados citótipos poliploides. Ambas têm cariótipos relativamente simétricos, porém se mostram bastante distintas quanto ao tamanho dos cromossomos e seu padrão de bandeamento, com uma grande variação na ocorrência e distribuição de sequências de DNA repetitivo (bandas CMA/DAPI). O conteúdo de DNA também permite a clara diferenciação dessas espécies, tendo G. coerulea 2C = 11,30 pg e G. uruguaiensis 2C = 16,88 pg. Gelasine elongata possui número cromossômico básico diferente das anteriores (2n = 2x = 12) e cariótipo claramente bimodal. Os cromossomos têm menor tamanho, o que, consequentemente reflete no menor tamanho de genoma (2C = 3,45 pg). Além disso, o padrão de bandas CMA/DAPI é notadamente mais simples que das outras duas espécies, onde o maior par de cromossomos (par I) exibe as únicas bandas CMA+ presentes na região da constrição secundária. Os dados obtidos para G. elongata apontam para uma maior semelhança dessa espécie com outras duas do gênero Eleuthenine (2n = 2x = 12), o que reforça os dados filogenéticos existentes, onde G. elongata está separada de G. coerulea e agrupada no mesmo ramo de Eleutherine. Não foi observado heteromorfismo cromossômico para Gelasine elongata e nem para as outras duas espécies investigadas, embora tal situação tenha sido reportada para aquela espécie. Os dados obtidos para Gelasine com o uso dos fluorocromos CMA e DAPI, bem como os demais parâmetros citogenéticos investigados permitiram a clara diferenciação entre as espécies. Associados a uma abordagem filogenética, tais resultados auxiliam a compreensão das relações entre essas espécies e sua evolução. / Gelasine Herb. (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) comprises seven native species from South America, three of them are found in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil): G. coerulea (Vell.) Ravenna, G. elongata (Graham) Ravenna and G. uruguaiensis Ravenna. These species are bulbous plants with plicate leaves and blue or violet perfect flowers which are composed of two unequal groups of tepals. Gelasine elongata and G. coerulea are included in the list of endangered species from RS, the first one is considered endangered and the latter, critically endangered. Notwithstanding its current vulnerability status, Gelasine is still a poorly studied genus and genetic variability and diversity information concerning its species are lacking. Cytogenetic data are also scarce. Thus the present dissertation aims to characterize the three Gelasine species occurring in Southern Brazil regarding its molecular and cytogenetic aspects in addition to understand their relationships. To characterize their genetic diversity, two populations of G. coerulea and two of G. elongata were used; it was not possible to investigate G. uruguaiensis due to its restricted number of individuals. DNA samples were obtained from leaves of the aforementioned species and ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) technique was employed. Fourty-four ISSR primers were tested, 12 of these presented good amplification pattern which generated a total of 97 loci. The number of bands per primer had an average of 7.5. The present study resulted in novelty data for Gelasine concerning its inter and intrapopulation genetic variability. The results indicate a very low intrapopulation genetic variation and most of the diversity found in these species occurred among their populations. No significant correlation was verified between geographical distances of populations. Such results indicate that reproductive system, seed dispersal mechanisms and presence of clonal descendants generated from divisions of subterranean bulbs are factors that greatly influence in diversity. For cytogenetic characterization of the species, conventional staining and CMA/DAPI banding were employed and chromosome measurements were made. Also, genome size was estimated through flow cytometry using fresh leaves from the three species. Cytogenetic analyses were very efficient to differentiate all investigated species of Gelasine. Gelasine coerulea and G. uruguaiensis have the same basic and somatic chromosome number (2n = 2x = 14); polyploid cytotypes were not found. Both species display fairly symmetric karyotypes, however they are very distinct with respect to chromosome sizes and banding patterns, with a great variation in the occurrence and distribution of repetitive DNA sequences (CMA/DAPI bands). DNA content also allows clear differentiation of these species; G. coerulea has 2C = 11,30 pg and G. uruguaiensis has 2C = 16,88 pg. Gelasine elongata has a different base chromosome number than both former species (2n = 2x = 12) and a clearly bimodal karyotype. Its chromosomes are smaller which, consequently, reflects on the smaller genome size (2C = 3,45 pg). Furthermore, its CMA/DAPI band pattern is markedly simpler than the ones from the other two species, where the largest chromosome pair (pair I) contains the only CMA+ bands present in the secondary constriction region. Data obtained from G. elongata points out a larger resemblance between this species and two others belonging to Eleuthenine (2n = 2x = 12), which supports the phylogenetic data where G. elongata is separate from G. coerulea and groups with Eleutherine. Chromosome heteromorphism was not observed in Gelasine elongata nor in the two other investigated species, even though it had been reported for the first one. Data obtained from Gelasine with the use of CMA and DAPI fluorochromes, along with the other cytogenetic parameters investigated, allowed clear differentiation between species. Allied to a phylogenetic approach, these results can bring better understanding to the relations between these species and their evolution.
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Caracterização citogenética e molecular de três espécies de Gelasine (Iridaceae) ocorrentes no sul do Brasil : Gelasine elongata, G. coerulea e G. uruguaiensisFocchezatto, Joana January 2015 (has links)
Gelasine Herb. (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) é composto por sete espécies nativas da América do Sul, sendo três delas encontradas no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil): G. coerulea (Vell.) Ravenna, G. elongata (Graham) Ravenna e G. uruguaiensis Ravenna. São plantas bulbosas de folhas plicadas, flores perfeitas azuis ou roxas e compostas por dois conjuntos de tépalas desiguais. Gelasine elongata e G. coerulea encontram-se na lista de espécies ameaçadas para o RS, sendo a primeira delas ameaçada e a segunda criticamente ameaçada. Apesar de seu atual estado de vulnerabilidade, Gelasine é um gênero ainda pouco estudado, não havendo nenhuma informação quanto à variabilidade e diversidade genética. Os dados citogenéticos são também ainda escassos. Assim, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo caracterizar as três espécies de Gelasine ocorrentes no sul do Brasil quanto a aspectos moleculares, citogenéticos, além de compreender suas relações. Para a caracterização da diversidade genética foram usadas duas populações de G. coerulea e duas de G. elongata; não foi possível a utilização de G. uruguaiensis em função do número restrito de indivíduos. As amostras de DNA foram obtidas a partir de folhas das espécies mencionadas e empregada a técnica de ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Foram testados 44 primers para ISSR, destes, 12 apresentaram um bom padrão de amplificação que em conjunto geraram 91 loci. A quantidade de bandas por primer variou em média de 7,5. Este trabalho resultou em dados inéditos para o gênero Gelasine quanto à variabilidade genética inter e intra-populacional. Os resultados indicam que a variação genética intrapopulacional é muito baixa e que a maior diversidade encontrada para estas espécies ocorreu entre as populações. Não foi verificada correlação significativa com a distância geográfica entre as populações. Tais resultados indicam que o sistema reprodutivo, o método de dispersão de sementes e a presença de descendência clonal oriunda da divisão dos bulbos subterrâneos são fatores de grande influência na diversidade. Para caracterização citogenética das espécies foi empregada coloração convencional e bandeamento CMA/DAPI, e realizadas medidas cromossômicas. Foi também estimado o tamanho do genoma por citometria de fluxo a partir de folhas frescas das três espécies. As análises citogenéticas se mostraram bastante eficientes para a diferenciação das três espécies de Gelasine investigadas. Gelasine coerulea e G. uruguaiensis apresentam o mesmo número cromossômico básico e somático (2n = 2x = 14), não sendo encontrados citótipos poliploides. Ambas têm cariótipos relativamente simétricos, porém se mostram bastante distintas quanto ao tamanho dos cromossomos e seu padrão de bandeamento, com uma grande variação na ocorrência e distribuição de sequências de DNA repetitivo (bandas CMA/DAPI). O conteúdo de DNA também permite a clara diferenciação dessas espécies, tendo G. coerulea 2C = 11,30 pg e G. uruguaiensis 2C = 16,88 pg. Gelasine elongata possui número cromossômico básico diferente das anteriores (2n = 2x = 12) e cariótipo claramente bimodal. Os cromossomos têm menor tamanho, o que, consequentemente reflete no menor tamanho de genoma (2C = 3,45 pg). Além disso, o padrão de bandas CMA/DAPI é notadamente mais simples que das outras duas espécies, onde o maior par de cromossomos (par I) exibe as únicas bandas CMA+ presentes na região da constrição secundária. Os dados obtidos para G. elongata apontam para uma maior semelhança dessa espécie com outras duas do gênero Eleuthenine (2n = 2x = 12), o que reforça os dados filogenéticos existentes, onde G. elongata está separada de G. coerulea e agrupada no mesmo ramo de Eleutherine. Não foi observado heteromorfismo cromossômico para Gelasine elongata e nem para as outras duas espécies investigadas, embora tal situação tenha sido reportada para aquela espécie. Os dados obtidos para Gelasine com o uso dos fluorocromos CMA e DAPI, bem como os demais parâmetros citogenéticos investigados permitiram a clara diferenciação entre as espécies. Associados a uma abordagem filogenética, tais resultados auxiliam a compreensão das relações entre essas espécies e sua evolução. / Gelasine Herb. (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) comprises seven native species from South America, three of them are found in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil): G. coerulea (Vell.) Ravenna, G. elongata (Graham) Ravenna and G. uruguaiensis Ravenna. These species are bulbous plants with plicate leaves and blue or violet perfect flowers which are composed of two unequal groups of tepals. Gelasine elongata and G. coerulea are included in the list of endangered species from RS, the first one is considered endangered and the latter, critically endangered. Notwithstanding its current vulnerability status, Gelasine is still a poorly studied genus and genetic variability and diversity information concerning its species are lacking. Cytogenetic data are also scarce. Thus the present dissertation aims to characterize the three Gelasine species occurring in Southern Brazil regarding its molecular and cytogenetic aspects in addition to understand their relationships. To characterize their genetic diversity, two populations of G. coerulea and two of G. elongata were used; it was not possible to investigate G. uruguaiensis due to its restricted number of individuals. DNA samples were obtained from leaves of the aforementioned species and ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) technique was employed. Fourty-four ISSR primers were tested, 12 of these presented good amplification pattern which generated a total of 97 loci. The number of bands per primer had an average of 7.5. The present study resulted in novelty data for Gelasine concerning its inter and intrapopulation genetic variability. The results indicate a very low intrapopulation genetic variation and most of the diversity found in these species occurred among their populations. No significant correlation was verified between geographical distances of populations. Such results indicate that reproductive system, seed dispersal mechanisms and presence of clonal descendants generated from divisions of subterranean bulbs are factors that greatly influence in diversity. For cytogenetic characterization of the species, conventional staining and CMA/DAPI banding were employed and chromosome measurements were made. Also, genome size was estimated through flow cytometry using fresh leaves from the three species. Cytogenetic analyses were very efficient to differentiate all investigated species of Gelasine. Gelasine coerulea and G. uruguaiensis have the same basic and somatic chromosome number (2n = 2x = 14); polyploid cytotypes were not found. Both species display fairly symmetric karyotypes, however they are very distinct with respect to chromosome sizes and banding patterns, with a great variation in the occurrence and distribution of repetitive DNA sequences (CMA/DAPI bands). DNA content also allows clear differentiation of these species; G. coerulea has 2C = 11,30 pg and G. uruguaiensis has 2C = 16,88 pg. Gelasine elongata has a different base chromosome number than both former species (2n = 2x = 12) and a clearly bimodal karyotype. Its chromosomes are smaller which, consequently, reflects on the smaller genome size (2C = 3,45 pg). Furthermore, its CMA/DAPI band pattern is markedly simpler than the ones from the other two species, where the largest chromosome pair (pair I) contains the only CMA+ bands present in the secondary constriction region. Data obtained from G. elongata points out a larger resemblance between this species and two others belonging to Eleuthenine (2n = 2x = 12), which supports the phylogenetic data where G. elongata is separate from G. coerulea and groups with Eleutherine. Chromosome heteromorphism was not observed in Gelasine elongata nor in the two other investigated species, even though it had been reported for the first one. Data obtained from Gelasine with the use of CMA and DAPI fluorochromes, along with the other cytogenetic parameters investigated, allowed clear differentiation between species. Allied to a phylogenetic approach, these results can bring better understanding to the relations between these species and their evolution.
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Caracterização genética de espécies de Croton (Euphorbiaceae) ocorrentes no Nordeste brasileirode Castro Lira Neto, Amaro 31 January 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Faculdade de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco / Croton L. é considerado um dos maiores e mais diversificados gêneros dentre as
angiospermas com cerca de 1300 espécies. Apesar de sua representação na composição da flora
nordestina, não há nenhum estudo que vise investigar a diversidade genética no grupo. O presente
estudo objetivou analisar características genéticas distintivas entre espécies do gênero com ênfase
naquelas do nordeste brasileiro, incluindo marcadores moleculares e citogenéticos. As informações
citogenéticas geradas sobre dez populações de seis espécies de Croton são inéditas. Estas pertencem
a cinco seções (Argyroglossum, Astraea, Barhamia, Podostachys e Velamea. Todas as espécies
apresentaram 2n=20, com exceção de C. lobatus com 2n=18, C. adenocalyx, com 2n=40. Foram
observados cariótipos simétricos com cromossomos meta-submetacêntricos de tamanho similar.
Constrições secundárias estão presentes em todas as espécies, com exceção de C. lundianus. A
coloração com nitrato de prata em C. adenocalyx, C. heliotropiifolius e C. blanchetianus apresentou
células com número máximo de quatro nucléolos ativos para a primeira espécie, enquanto nas
demais o maior número chegou a dois. O bandeamento com DAPI/CMA3 revelou baixo conteúdo
de heterocromatina na maioria das espécies estudadas, com apenas um par CMA3
+/DAPI-. Exceções
foram Croton adenocalyx (dois pares CMA3
+/DAPI-) e C. lobatus, com marcações CMA3
nas regiões pericentroméricas de todos os cromossomos do complemento. A hibridização in situ
fluorescente evidenciou quatro sítios de 45S em C. adenocalyx e dois em C. lundianus. Apesar de
pertencerem a seções distintas, cinco das seis espécies aqui estudadas mostraram relativa
conservação cariomorfológica, com exceção de C. lobatus. No presente trabalho também foi
averiguado a eficiência dos marcadores DAF (DNA Amplification Fingerprinting) e ISSR (Inter
Simple Sequence Repeat) no acesso à variabilidade genética dos gêneros Croton e Chamaesyce,
efetuando-se uma seleção de primers para aplicação em estudos filogenéticos e populacionais. Para
tal, foram utilizados quatro indivíduos de três espécies de Croton L. (C. heliotropiifolius, C.
blanchetianus e C. pedicellatus) e quatro de duas espécies de Chamaesyce (C. hirta e C.
thymifolia). Considerando os 29 primers DAF aplicados para Croton, foram gerados 374 loci, onde
359 foram polimórficos. Já para Chamaesyce, dos 42 primers testados, 581 loci foram amplificados,
sendo 494 polimórficos. A partir dos 17 primers ISSR testados para Croton, foram originados 327
loci, onde 317 apresentaram-se polimórficos. No que diz respeito ao gênero Chamaesyce, dos 15
oligonucleotídeos, 193 loci foram gerados, com 140 polimórficos. O elevado número de
polimorfismos acessados evidenciou a eficiência das metodologias em inferir índices de
variabilidade genética. Em todos os fenogramas gerados, os valores de bootstrap foram consistentes
(acima de 80). Dados preliminares da aplicação de cinco primers de DAF e seis de ISSR em 40
acessos de 27 espécies de Croton, comparadas a representantes de Jatropha (3 spp.), usados como
grupo-irmão, também são aqui disponibilizados. Foram gerados ao todo 394 marcadores
polimórficos (208 para DAF e 186 para ISSR) usados para gerar uma árvore filogenética baseada
em inferência Bayesiana onde muitas entidades taxonômicas apresentaram-se em posições
politômicas, indicando a necessidade de agregação de dados adicionais para melhor embasamento
da análise
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Evoluční návrh ultrazvukových operačních plánů / Evolutionary Design of Ultrasound Treatment PlansMasárová, Mária January 2021 (has links)
Použitie zameraného ultrazvuku pomáha zachraňovať a uľahčovať ľudské životy, nakoľko práve jeho využitím môžeme liečiť epilepsiu, ničiť rakovinové bunky a zastavovať vnútorné krvácanie neinvazívnou cestou, ktorá predstavuje pre človeka prijateľnejšie a bezpečnejšie riešenie. Vzhľadom na to, že bezpečnosť a zdravie človeka je prioritou pri liečení závažných ochorení, sa táto práca zaoberá porovnaním rôznych evolučných algoritmov a ich použitím pri návrhu evolučných ultrazvukových operačných plánov. V práci sa využívajú dva typy médií, a to homogénne médium a heterogénne médium. Pri vyhodnocovaní algoritmov sa zameriavame na efektivitu s ohľadom na veľkosť populácie, počet evaluácií fitness funkcie a výpočetný čas. V homogénnom médiu sa ako najlepší algoritmus ukázal CMA-ES, ktorý v priebehu 20 sekúnd dokázal nájsť optimálne riešenie so 100% pokrytím cieľovej oblasti pre rotované zrnko ryže. Heterogénne médium je ale oveľa zložitejší problém, predovšetkým kvôli lebke, ktorá odráža a pohlcuje veľkú časť ultrazvuku. Tu sa ako najlepší preukázal algoritmus SA, ktorý našiel výsledok s 23% pokrytím cieľovej oblasti v prvom testovacom scenári. Doba výpočtu trvala približne 1 hodinu a 18 minút, čo značí že je čas veľmi znemožňujúci ("drahý") faktor.
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Spektroskopická analýza B[e] hvězdy FS CMa / Spectral analysis of the B[e] star FS CMaKříček, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with spectral analysis of the B[e] star FS CMa, a prototype of FS CMa stars group. These objects are characterized by huge amount of matter in sourrounding shell which origin is not explained for many years. However, solving this issue could enrich stellar astrophysics by enhanced stellar evolution models. The goal of this thesis is to improve our understanding of FS CMa. We described spectral variability on various time scales and simulated spectra for different forms of the system in HDUST code. On the basis of new obtained spectra we confirmed long-term changes in variability of some spectral features and rapid variability of some spectral lines. We gained an estimate of the gas density. The simulations showed that spectral type of FS CMa is not certain and that the star could be surrounded by extended disk, many stellar radii wide. 1
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Asset allocation in frequency and in 3 spatial dimensions for electronic warfare applicationCrespo, Jonah Greenfield 04 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This paper describes two research areas applied to Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in an electronic warfare asset scenario. First, a three spatial dimension solution utilizing topographical data is implemented and tested against a two dimensional solution. A three dimensional (3D) optimization increases solution space for optimization of asset location. Topography from NASA's Digital Elevation Model is also added to the solution to provide a realistic scenario. The optimization is tested for run time, average distances between receivers, average distance between receivers and paired transmitters, and transmission power. Due to load times of maps and increased iterations, the average run times were increased from 123ms to 178ms, which remains below the 1 second target for convergence speeds. The spread distance between receivers was able to increase from 86km to 89km. The distance between receiver and its paired transmitters as well as the total received power did not change signi cannily. In the second research contribution, a user input is created and placed into an unconstrained 2D active swarm. This \human in the swarm" scenario allows a user to change keep-away boundaries during optimization. The blended human and swarm solution successfully implemented human input into a running optimization with a time delay.
The results of this research show that a electronic warfare solutions with real 3D topography can be simulated with minimal computational costs over two dimensional solutions and that electronic warfare solutions can successfully optimize using human input data.
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Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms / Les algorithmes évolutionnaires à la base de méta-modèles scalairesLoshchilov, Ilya 08 January 2013 (has links)
Les Algorithmes Évolutionnaires (AEs) ont été très étudiés en raison de leur capacité à résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation complexes en utilisant des opérateurs de variation adaptés à des problèmes spécifiques. Une recherche dirigée par une population de solutions offre une bonne robustesse par rapport à un bruit modéré et la multi-modalité de la fonction optimisée, contrairement à d'autres méthodes d'optimisation classiques telles que les méthodes de quasi-Newton. La principale limitation de AEs, le grand nombre d'évaluations de la fonction objectif,pénalise toutefois l'usage des AEs pour l'optimisation de fonctions chères en temps calcul.La présente thèse se concentre sur un algorithme évolutionnaire, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), connu comme un algorithme puissant pour l'optimisation continue boîte noire. Nous présentons l'état de l'art des algorithmes, dérivés de CMA-ES, pour résoudre les problèmes d'optimisation mono- et multi-objectifs dans le scénario boîte noire.Une première contribution, visant l'optimisation de fonctions coûteuses, concerne l'approximation scalaire de la fonction objectif. Le meta-modèle appris respecte l'ordre des solutions (induit par la valeur de la fonction objectif pour ces solutions); il est ainsi invariant par transformation monotone de la fonction objectif. L'algorithme ainsi défini, saACM-ES, intègre étroitement l'optimisation réalisée par CMA-ES et l'apprentissage statistique de meta-modèles adaptatifs; en particulier les meta-modèles reposent sur la matrice de covariance adaptée par CMA-ES. saACM-ES préserve ainsi les deux propriété clé d'invariance de CMA-ES: invariance i) par rapport aux transformations monotones de la fonction objectif; et ii) par rapport aux transformations orthogonales de l'espace de recherche.L'approche est étendue au cadre de l'optimisation multi-objectifs, en proposant deux types de meta-modèles (scalaires). La première repose sur la caractérisation du front de Pareto courant (utilisant une variante mixte de One Class Support Vector Machone (SVM) pour les points dominés et de Regression SVM pour les points non-dominés). La seconde repose sur l'apprentissage d'ordre des solutions (rang de Pareto) des solutions. Ces deux approches sont intégrées à CMA-ES pour l'optimisation multi-objectif (MO-CMA-ES) et nous discutons quelques aspects de l'exploitation de meta-modèles dans le contexte de l'optimisation multi-objectif.Une seconde contribution concerne la conception d'algorithmes nouveaux pour l'optimi\-sation mono-objectif, multi-objectifs et multi-modale, développés pour comprendre, explorer et élargir les frontières du domaine des algorithmes évolutionnaires et CMA-ES en particulier. Spécifiquement, l'adaptation du système de coordonnées proposée par CMA-ES est coupléeà une méthode adaptative de descente coordonnée par coordonnée. Une stratégie adaptative de redémarrage de CMA-ES est proposée pour l'optimisation multi-modale. Enfin, des stratégies de sélection adaptées aux cas de l'optimisation multi-objectifs et remédiant aux difficultés rencontrées par MO-CMA-ES sont proposées. / Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) have received a lot of attention regarding their potential to solve complex optimization problems using problem-specific variation operators. A search directed by a population of candidate solutions is quite robust with respect to a moderate noise and multi-modality of the optimized function, in contrast to some classical optimization methods such as quasi-Newton methods. The main limitation of EAs, the large number of function evaluations required, prevents from using EAs on computationally expensive problems, where one evaluation takes much longer than 1 second.The present thesis focuses on an evolutionary algorithm, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), which has become a standard powerful tool for continuous black-box optimization. We present several state-of-the-art algorithms, derived from CMA-ES, for solving single- and multi-objective black-box optimization problems.First, in order to deal with expensive optimization, we propose to use comparison-based surrogate (approximation) models of the optimized function, which do not exploit function values of candidate solutions, but only their quality-based ranking.The resulting self-adaptive surrogate-assisted CMA-ES represents a tight coupling of statistical machine learning and CMA-ES, where a surrogate model is build, taking advantage of the function topology given by the covariance matrix adapted by CMA-ES. This allows to preserve two key invariance properties of CMA-ES: invariance with respect to i). monotonous transformation of the function, and ii). orthogonal transformation of the search space. For multi-objective optimization we propose two mono-surrogate approaches: i). a mixed variant of One Class Support Vector Machine (SVM) for dominated points and Regression SVM for non-dominated points; ii). Ranking SVM for preference learning of candidate solutions in the multi-objective space. We further integrate these two approaches into multi-objective CMA-ES (MO-CMA-ES) and discuss aspects of surrogate-model exploitation.Second, we introduce and discuss various algorithms, developed to understand, explore and expand frontiers of the Evolutionary Computation domain, and CMA-ES in particular. We introduce linear time Adaptive Coordinate Descent method for non-linear optimization, which inherits a CMA-like procedure of adaptation of an appropriate coordinate system without losing the initial simplicity of Coordinate Descent.For multi-modal optimization we propose to adaptively select the most suitable regime of restarts of CMA-ES and introduce corresponding alternative restart strategies.For multi-objective optimization we analyze case studies, where original parent selection procedures of MO-CMA-ES are inefficient, and introduce reward-based parent selection strategies, focused on a comparative success of generated solutions.
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Analýza efektivnosti léčby benigní hyperplazie prostaty pomocí miniinvazivního zákroku laserovou metodou fotoselektivní vaporizace a metodou standardního chirurgického zákroku transuretrální resekcí prostaty / Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Treatment of Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaJirásková, Marcela January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical part of my thesis at first introduces the most common benign neoplasm in men over fifty, a non cancerous prostate gland enlargement called the benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). The main focus of this section will be on BPH's anatomy, etiology, symptomatology, complications, diagnosis and therapy. I will also describe four cost analyses used in health services: CMA, CEA, CUA and CBA. In the practical section of my thesis I will analyze the therapy effectiveness of transurethral resection of the prostate and photoselective vaporization of the prostate with the use of cost-effectiveness analysis.
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Building Bridges: The Role of Human Capital and Social Capital in the Migration Experience of Mexicans in the Vancouver Metropolitan AreaIbarra, Carolina January 2005 (has links)
<p>Migration is a process that begins with the mere thought of moving, but it continues long after the individual arrives in her or his new home. The process is constrained by certain factors such as capital, immigration policy, and the existence of kinship networks. Individuals who are able to overcome these constraints and decide to migrate, must overcome a new set of challenges upon arrival in the host county. These challenges include the need to adapt to a new labour market, use of a new language, and integration with the rest of society. Human and social capital are important tools that allow immigrants to successfully meet these challenges. </p><p>Human and social capital play different roles in the migration process of these individuals. Human capital allows Mexican individuals to overcome the barriers to initial migration, but it does not ensure successful social or labour market integration. Social capital is a more effective tool in the resettlement process, and it also helps to strengthen transnational bonds. </p><p>The Mexican community in the Vancouver CMA does not rely on a complex set of kinship networks. However, this study found that there is an ongoing process to create social capital. This process simultaneously encourages the formation of nationality-based social capital (i.e. bonding social capital) and bridging social capital. These types of capital are important because they help the community to overcome the challenges of integrating into the labour market as well as the larger society. Furthermore, the person-to-person contact between Mexicans and the rest of society fosters mutual understanding. Since much of the Mexican community maintains strong ties to the source country, integration is an important point of reference for further engagement between Mexico and Canada.</p>
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Building Bridges: The Role of Human Capital and Social Capital in the Migration Experience of Mexicans in the Vancouver Metropolitan AreaIbarra, Carolina January 2005 (has links)
Migration is a process that begins with the mere thought of moving, but it continues long after the individual arrives in her or his new home. The process is constrained by certain factors such as capital, immigration policy, and the existence of kinship networks. Individuals who are able to overcome these constraints and decide to migrate, must overcome a new set of challenges upon arrival in the host county. These challenges include the need to adapt to a new labour market, use of a new language, and integration with the rest of society. Human and social capital are important tools that allow immigrants to successfully meet these challenges. Human and social capital play different roles in the migration process of these individuals. Human capital allows Mexican individuals to overcome the barriers to initial migration, but it does not ensure successful social or labour market integration. Social capital is a more effective tool in the resettlement process, and it also helps to strengthen transnational bonds. The Mexican community in the Vancouver CMA does not rely on a complex set of kinship networks. However, this study found that there is an ongoing process to create social capital. This process simultaneously encourages the formation of nationality-based social capital (i.e. bonding social capital) and bridging social capital. These types of capital are important because they help the community to overcome the challenges of integrating into the labour market as well as the larger society. Furthermore, the person-to-person contact between Mexicans and the rest of society fosters mutual understanding. Since much of the Mexican community maintains strong ties to the source country, integration is an important point of reference for further engagement between Mexico and Canada.
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