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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constitutive Behaviour Of Coarse Grained Granular Media - A Discrete Element Approach

Nimbkar, Mandar Shrikant 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Produzione e circolazione della ceramica comune nei Campi Flegrei in età romana : un campione dal Foro di Cuma / Production et circulation de la céramique commune des Champs Phlégréens à l'époque romaine : l'échantillon du Forum de Cumes / Production and trade of Coarse Wares in the Phlegraean fields during the Roman period : the Cumae forum assemblage

Ciotola, Antonella 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette étude analyse les céramiques communes romaines provenant de la cité de Cumes (Naples, Campanie) sur un arc temporel très étendu, depuis le IIe siècle av. J.-C. jusqu’à l’abandon du site durant l’Antiquité tardive. Après avoir examiné les données disponibles sur la production et la circulation des céramiques dans cette région de la baie de Naples, on analyse les mobiliers inédits des fouilles dans le forum, conduites par l’Università degli Studi di Napoli « Federico II », dans le cadre du projet Kyme, un programme de recherche et de mise en valeur des vestiges de la ville antique avec la participation de deux universités napolitaines et du Centre Jean Bérard (CNRS). Les données recueillies sur le site par les diverses équipes clarifient le rôle de Cumes comme centre de production céramique. Certaines céramiques communes fabriquées par les potiers de la ville connaissent une très large diffusion et sont parmi les productions les mieux attestées dans tout l’Empire romain: c’est le cas de la céramique dite à engobe rouge pompéien (ceramica a vernice rossa interna, Pompeian Red Ware o Pompejanisch-rote Platte). Les caractéristiques spécifiques du site et de l’assemblage de céramique commune étudié ont encouragé à adopter pour ce travail un système de classification différent de celui utilisé pour les productions communes de la Campanie jusqu'à présent. Chaque type est illustré analytiquement, avec le support d’une large documentation graphique et, dans la plupart des cas, des données fournies par l’étude des lames minces. L’examen des mobiliers provenant des fouilles du forum de Cumes et le réexamen des vases attestés dans la ville et en dehors du site, ont permis la révision des connaissances antérieures sur la production et la chronologie des types, en les confirmant ou en les modifiant. La documentation recueillie permet de dégager le cadre complexe de la production de céramique commune à Cumes. En outre, l’étude des importations a fourni nouveaux éléments sur les échanges commerciaux atteignant le site et la région phlégréenne, très influencés par la présence du port de Puteoli, porte de Rome sur les provinces de l’Afrique e de l’Orient. En examinant les variations du répertoire des formes représentées et les pourcentages des céramiques communes locales par rapport aux autres productions de l’Empire au cours des siècles, il a été possible d’observer des changements dans les flux commerciaux et dans les habitudes des individus. Il s’agit d’élever le regard des objets quotidiens pour atteindre les changements sociaux et économiques intéressant le site et le Champs Phlégréens entre le Haut Empire et l’Antiquité tardive. / This study analyzes Roman Coarse Wares from the city of Cumae (Naples, Campania), over an extended period, from the II century B.C. to the abandonment of the site in the late Antiquity. After examining the available data on pottery production and circulation in this area of the bay of Naples, the unpublished assemblages from the forum are analysed. These contexts were found during the excavations carried out by the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, in the framework of the Kyme Project, in which two Neapolitan universities and the Centre Jean Bérard (CNRS) are involved to promote the research and the valorisation of the ancient city. New data sets collected by these different teams highlight the role of Cumae in pottery production. Some coarse wares produced in Cumae were widely traded across the entire Roman Empire, in particular the so called Pompeian Red Ware (ceramica a vernice rossa interna, céramique à engobe rouge pompéien or Pompejanisch-rote Platte). The characteristics of the site and of the coarse ware assemblages led to the adoption of a classification system fundamentally different from those used in studies on Coarse Wares made in Campania until now. Every type of pottery is analytically described and illustrated, with profile drawings and, in most cases, with the support of data provided by thin-section study. The examination of Coarse Wares discovered in the excavations of the forum of Cumae and the re-examination of available documentation about Coarse Wares finds from the city and elsewhere, leads to review our previous knowledge about the chronology of each type and production, confirming or modifying them. The collected documentation allows us to reconstruct the framework of Coarse Wares production in Cumae. Furthermore, the study of imported Coarse Wares from the forum of Cumae provided new clues for reconstructing trade evolutions in the city and in the Phlegraean Fields, strongly influenced by the vicinity of the port of Puteoli, gateway of the Roman provinces of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. Examining forms evolutions and their percentage of the local and imported production through centuries, we observe changes in trade and in individuals habits and how everyday objects give insights on social and economical changes at Cumae and in the Phlegraean Fields during the Early Roman Empire and the late Antiquity.

On Følner sets in topological groups

Schneider, Friedrich Martin, Thom, Andreas 04 June 2020 (has links)
We extend Følner’s amenability criterion to the realm of general topological groups. Building on this, we show that a topological group G is amenable if and only if its left-translation action can be approximated in a uniform manner by amenable actions on the set G. As applications we obtain a topological version of Whyte’s geometric solution to the von Neumann problem and give an affirmative answer to a question posed by Rosendal.

An Overview of State-of-the-art Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements in Coarse Grained Materials / En översikt över toppmoderna mätmetoder för hydraulisk konduktivitet i grovkorniga material

Andrén, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Embankment dams are made from soil materials of varying sizes and widely used all over the world.When constructing these, knowing the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the soil materials is a keyparameter in order to construct safe embankment dams. A knowledge gap regarding K measurementsin coarse grained soils has been identified. This thesis aims to provide a theoretical overview ofpresent day state-of-the-art methods for measuring hydraulic conductivity and the controllingcharacteristics for K. Coarse grained soils refers to a soil with the coarsest grain fraction being > 20mm and/or have a K > 10-4m/s.   It was found that the fixed wall permeameter is the most suitable laboratory method. In the field, itis possible to estimate K using tracer methods, these however show more potential for leakagepathway detection. Common for all K measurement methods are the controlling characteristics of K,grain size distribution, pore geometry, degree of compaction, particle movement and flow regime.These need to be considered when testing to produce useful measurements. If the relationshipbetween flow velocity and hydraulic head is non-linear, Darcy's law is not valid for calculating K. / Fyllnadsdammar är uppbyggda av jord och sprängsten av olika storlekar och finns över hela världen.Att känna till den hydrauliska konduktiviteten (K) av de olika lagren är viktigt för att kunna byggadessa på ett säkert och hållbart sätt. Det har identifierats en bristande kunskap angående K mätningar igrovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial. Målet med denna uppsats är att presentera en teoretisk översikt avden senaste kunskapen inom K mätningar i grovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial och vilka egenskapersom avgör ett materials K. Grovkorniga jord- och stenmaterial syftar till material där den grövstakornstorleken är > 20 mm och/eller har ett K > 10-4m/s.   För laboratorie mätningar är en permeameter med en solid vägg den mest lämpliga metoden. Förfältmätningar är det möjligt att mäta K med hjälp av spårämnen, men dessa har mer potential för attupptäcka läckage vägar i fyllnadsdammar. De faktorer som avgör ett materials K ärkornstorleksfördelningen, geometrin av porerna, graden av kompaktering, partikelrörelse ochflödestyp. För att producera mätningar som är användbara behöver dessa faktorer kontrolleras. Omsambandet mellan hydrauliskt huvud och flödeshastighet är icke linjärt kan K inte beräknas genomDarcy´s lag.

Generalized Homogenization Theory and its Application to Porous Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries

Juan Campos (9193691) 12 October 2021 (has links)
<p>A thermodynamically consistent coarsed-grained phase field model was developed to find the conditions under which a heterogeneous porous electrode can be treated as homogeneous in the description of Lithium-ions in rechargeable batteries. Four regimes of behavior under which the transport phenomena can be homogenized to describe porous LIBs were identied: regime (a), where the model is inaccurate, for physically accessible particle packings of aspect ratios smaller than c/a = 0.5 and electrode porosities between 0.34 to 0.45; regime (b), where the model is valid, for particles of aspect ratios greater than c/a = 0.7 and electrode porosities greater than 0.35; regime (c), where the model is valid, but the microstructures are physically inaccessible, and correspond to particles with aspect ratios greater than c/a = 0.7 and electrode porosities smaller than 0.34; and regime (d), where the model is invalid and the porous microstructures are physically inaccessible, and correspond to particles with aspect ratios smaller than c/a = 1 and electrode porosities smaller than 0.34.</p> <p>The developed formulation was applied to the graphite | LixNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 system to analyze the effect of microstructure and coarsed-grained long-range chemomechanical effects on the electrochemical behavior. Specically, quantiable lithium distribution populations in the cathode, as a result of long range interactions of the diffuse interface, charge effects and mechanical stresses were identified: i) diffusion limited population due to negligible composition gradients, ii) stress-induced population as a result of chemically induced stresses, and iii) lithiation-induced population, as a consequence of the electrochemical potential gradients.</p>

Mejoramiento en la resistencia a la compresión, flexión y tracción del concreto con agregado grueso reciclado, agregado fino natural y vidrio triturado para viviendas unifamiliares en lima metropolitana

Carrasco Villanueva, Sara Isabelle, Ccorahua Espinoza, Fiorela Ytala 15 October 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años existe una demanda cada vez más creciente de infraestructura; actualmente en el Perú el sector construcción ha ido en constante crecimiento; sin embargo, es uno de los más contaminantes debido a la fabricación del concreto y sus componentes, ya que la industria concretera es responsable de la extracción de recursos no renovables; siendo el concreto el material fundamental para los diferentes tipos de proyectos en vías de desarrollo. Frente a este entorno, se propone como alternativa sostenible el uso de residuos de demolición, es decir agregado grueso de concreto reciclado en reemplazo del agregado grueso natural; sin embargo, en investigaciones anteriores el reemplazo de este, presenta una disminución en la resistencia a la compresión y flexión de 10% - 25% y 23.7% respectivamente. Por esta razón, se seleccionó el vidrio triturado proveniente del reciclado de botellas incoloras, este es un material eco amigable y de características que contribuyen en la resistencia del concreto. En consecuencia, se propone el uso de estos agregados reciclados en reemplazo total y parcial del agregado grueso y fino respectivamente. Los resultados de estos ensayos indicaron un aumento en las propiedades mecanicas del concreto y el porcentaje óptimo de reemplazo de vidrio triturado es 20%, en donde se obtuvo un incremento de 12.33% en la Resistencia a la compresión, 17.19% en la Resistencia a la flexion y 1.98% en la Resistencia a la tracción. / In recent years there is an increasingly growing demand for infrastructure; Currently in Peru the construction sector has been in constant growth; However, it is one of the most polluting due to the manufacture of concrete and its components, since the concrete industry is responsible for the extraction of non-renewable resources; concrete being the fundamental material for the different types of projects under development. Faced with this environment, the use of demolition waste is proposed as a sustainable alternative, that is, coarse aggregate of recycled concrete to replace the natural coarse aggregate; However, in previous research, its replacement shows a decrease in compressive and flexural strength of 10% -25% and 23.7%, respectively. For this reason, the crushed glass from the recycling of colorless bottles was selected since it is an eco-friendly material and features that contribute to the strength of the concrete. Consequently, the use of these recycled aggregates is proposed in total and partial replacement of the coarse and fine aggregate respectively. The results of these tests indicated an increase in the mechanical properties of the concrete and the optimum percentage of replacement of crushed glass is 20%, where an increase of 12.33% in Compressive Strength, 17.19% in Resistance to Compression was obtained. flexion and 1.98% in tensile strength. / Tesis

Optimalizace koaxiálních filtrů metodou Tuning-Space Mapping v CST / Optimizing coaxial filters by Tuning-Space Mapping in CST

Wolanský, David January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with optimization of coaxial cavity filters. It thoroughly describes optimization method Tuning – Space Mapping (TSM) in CST Studio. It focuses on the explanation of the fine and the coarse model and their mutual link. The whole algorithm is illustrated and tested on the third-order coaxial cavity filter working in the band of 880 – 960MHz. In order to check the function of TSM, the algorithm is applied on fourth-order filter, triplet filter and quadruplet filter. Another part of the thesis focuses on the automatization of the whole optimization procedure. Macros for automatic determination of calibration constants and automatic calibration process between the coarse and the fine model are proposed and programmed in CST. The complete optimization procedure is applied on optimization of seventh-order filter with two cross couplings.

Architektury, stratigrafie a sedimentární režim pískovcových těles spodního a středního turonu v sz. části české křídové pánve / Depositional architectures, stratigraphy, and depositional regime of Lower-Middle Turonian sandstone bodies, northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

Skopcová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Sandstone bodies of the Lower and Middle Turonian well exposed in the northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin represent deposits of the coarse-grained deltas. Aim of this paper is to interpret the architectures, stratigraphy and depositional regime of these bodies. The main architectural elements are clinoforms which show intermediate dip 4ř to 5ř of the delta slope and the direction of the progradation of the delta to the west-southwest. Correlation of the lithological profiles with the well - log data provided the stratigraphic classification of the outcrops in the studied area mostly to the genetic sequence TUR2. Correlations in one of the two stratigraphic cross - sections revealed the existence of the second delta body prograding into the basin from Most - Teplice Palaeohigh during TUR1. Detailed study of the sedimentary structures in the outcrops show high degree of reworking of foresets by tidal generated current. Two main directions of the paleocurrents results from the analysis - dominant current to the NW and subordinate current to the SE - SSE.

Dataflow Processing in Memory Achieves Significant Energy Efficiency

Shelor, Charles F. 08 1900 (has links)
The large difference between processor CPU cycle time and memory access time, often referred to as the memory wall, severely limits the performance of streaming applications. Some data centers have shown servers being idle three out of four clocks. High performance instruction sequenced systems are not energy efficient. The execute stage of even simple pipeline processors only use 9% of the pipeline's total energy. A hybrid dataflow system within a memory module is shown to have 7.2 times the performance with 368 times better energy efficiency than an Intel Xeon server processor on the analyzed benchmarks. The dataflow implementation exploits the inherent parallelism and pipelining of the application to improve performance without the overhead functions of caching, instruction fetch, instruction decode, instruction scheduling, reorder buffers, and speculative execution used by high performance out-of-order processors. Coarse grain reconfigurable logic in an energy efficient silicon process provides flexibility to implement multiple algorithms in a low energy solution. Integrating the logic within a 3D stacked memory module provides lower latency and higher bandwidth access to memory while operating independently from the host system processor.

Alternative Approaches for the Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners Data using Linear/Planar Features

Dewen Shi (9731966) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Static terrestrial laser scanners have been increasingly used in three-dimensional data acquisition since it can rapidly provide accurate measurements with high resolution. Several scans from multiple viewpoints are necessary to achieve complete coverage of the surveyed objects due to occlusion and large object size. Therefore, in order to reconstruct three-dimensional models of the objects, the task of registration is required to transform several individual scans into a common reference frame. This thesis introduces three alternative approaches for the coarse registration of two adjacent scans, namely, feature-based approach, pseudo-conjugate point-based method, and closed-form solution. In the feature-based approach, linear and planar features in the overlapping area of adjacent scans are selected as registration primitives. The pseudo-conjugate point-based method utilizes non-corresponding points along common linear and planar features to estimate transformation parameters. The pseudo-conjugate point-based method is simpler than the feature-based approach since the partial derivatives are easier to compute. In the closed-form solution, a rotation matrix is first estimated by using a unit quaternion, which is a concise description of the rotation. Afterward, the translation parameters are estimated with non-corresponding points along the linear or planar features by using the pseudo-conjugate point-based method. Alternative approaches for fitting a line or plane to data with errors in three-dimensional space are investigated.</p><p><br></p><p>Experiments are conducted using simulated and real datasets to verify the effectiveness of the introduced registration procedures and feature fitting approaches. The proposed two approaches of line fitting are tested with simulated datasets. The results suggest that these two approaches can produce identical line parameters and variance-covariance matrix. The three registration approaches are tested with both simulated and real datasets. In the simulated datasets, all three registration approaches produced equivalent transformation parameters using linear or planar features. The comparison between the simulated linear and planar features shows that both features can produce equivalent registration results. In the real datasets, the three registration approaches using the linear or planar features also produced equivalent results. In addition, the results using real data indicates that the registration approaches using planar features produced better results than the approaches using linear features. The experiments show that the pseudo-conjugate point-based approach is easier to implement than the feature-based approach. The pseudo-conjugate point-based method and feature-based approach are nonlinear, so an initial guess of transformation parameters is required in these two approaches. Compared to the nonlinear approaches, the closed-form solution is linear and hence it can achieve the registration of two adjacent scans without the requirement of any initial guess for transformation parameters. Therefore, the pseudo-conjugate point-based method and closed-form solution are the preferred approaches for coarse registration using linear or planar features. In real practice, the planar features would have a better preference when compared to linear features since the linear features are derived indirectly by the intersection of neighboring planar features. To get enough lines with different orientations, planes that are far apart from each other have to be extrapolated to derive lines.</p><div><br></div>

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