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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of exports and growth in India: Cointegration and causality evidence (1971-2001)

Sharma, Abhijit, Panagiotidis, T. January 2005 (has links)
No / The relationship between exports and economic growth has been analysed by a number of recent empirical studies. This paper re-examines the sources of growth for the period 1971-2001 for India. It builds upon Feder's (1983) model to investigate empirically the relationship between export growth and GDP growth (the export led growth hypothesis), using recent data from the Reserve Bank of India, and by focusing on GDP growth and GDP growth net of exports. We investigate the following hypotheses: (i) whether exports, imports and GDP are cointegrated using the Johansen approach and Breitung's nonparametric cointegration test; (ii) whether export growth Granger causes GDP growth; (iii) and whether export growth Granger causes investment. Finally, a VAR is constructed and impulse response functions (IRFs) are employed to investigate the effects of macroeconomic shocks.

Microstructure et interdépendance des marchés obligataires d'Etat : cas de l'Allemagne et de la Chine / Microstructure and interdependencies between government bond markets : application to German and Chinese bond markets

Ben Aissa, Walid 16 December 2013 (has links)
Les marchés obligataires d’État occupent une place centrale dans les sphères monétaires et financières. L’attractivité des titres d’État s’accentue en période de crise financières vu leur statut de valeurs refuges. La présente thèse se propose d’étudier l’organisation des échanges et les dynamiques des prix sur les marchés obligataires européen et chinois. Le choix du marché chinois est motivé par sa croissance soutenue. Nous avons essayé de voir si la croissance de ce marché obligataire émergent se réalise en concordance avec deux principaux marchés obligataires. Pour cela, nous avons articulé cette thèse en deux parties. Les deux 1er chapitres constituent la première partie en proposant d’étudier les particularités des marchés obligataires en Europe et en Chine en termes de microstructure et de formation des prix. La deuxième partie de la thèse, composée des deux derniers chapitres est consacrée à l’interrelation des marchés étudiés. Le 3ème chapitre propose de tester la cointégration entre ces marchés. Le dernier chapitre s’intéresse à l’explication de cette tendance commune à travers l’exploitation de la piste des chocs monétaires non anticipés. Nos résultats prouvent l’intégration du marché chinois. Cette intégration a été accompagnée par une succession de réformes visant la standardisation des échanges sur le marché chinois.L’intégration de ce marché se caractérise par son ajustement aux principales tendances communes du système de cointégration dominés par les marchés obligataires américain et allemand. Les résultats empiriques montrent que les chocs monétaires non anticipés américains et européen influencent les anticipations sur les marchés obligataires étudiés. / Government bond markets play a central role in financial and monetary spheres. The government bonds become more attractive during financial crises, when capitals migrate to sovereign debt markets. The attractiveness of government bonds can be motivated by their safety status. In this thesis, we studied market microstructure and price discovery in Chinese and European sovereign bond markets. Our interest in the emergent Chinese bond market is motivated by his rapid and important growth. We tried to study the relationship between the evolutions of this market and developed ones. To reach our purpose, we organized this research in two sections. In the first two chapters we studied the specificities of the European and Chinese government bond market regarding to the market microstructure and price formation. The second part of this thesis was reserved to study the interdependencies between bond markets. In the third chapter we tested the cointegration between US, German, Chinese and Honk Kong government bond markets. In the last chapter we tried to explain the role of monetary policy surprises in the international bond markets integration. Our results indicate the existence of international integration of the Chinese bond market. This integration may be explained by the succession of reforms in the direction of the standardization of the rules of exchanges in this emergent market. Cointegration tests results chow that the Chinese bond market is adjusting to the principal common trends dominated by the US and the German markets. Our empirical results indicate that the US and the European monetary policy surprises tend to influence anticipations on the studied bond markets.

Fatores macroeconÃmicos determinantes na performance das aÃÃes das empresas brasileiras de alimento / macroeconomic factors determining the performance of company stock Brazilian food

Francisca Girlandy Gois de Sousa 27 March 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho almeja avaliar se o desempenho das aÃÃes das empresas de alimento pode ser explicado pelos comportamentos das variÃveis macroeconÃmicas como PIB, taxa de juros Selic, taxa de cÃmbio, balanÃa comercial, taxa de desemprego, Ãndice de preÃo e Ãndice de confianÃa do consumidor. Utilizando os testes de Johansen para o perÃodo de 2004 a 2014 os resultados permitem inferir que a variÃvel PIB e balanÃa comercial, representada pela taxa de cobertura possuem cointegraÃÃes significativas nos comportamentos dos preÃos das aÃÃes e que algumas aÃÃes como a da empresa Minerva possuem fortes co-integraÃÃes com todas as variÃveis estudadas, conclui-se entÃo que as variÃveis macroeconÃmicas tÃm importÃncia significativa no desempenho das aÃÃes. / Este trabalho almeja avaliar se o desempenho das aÃÃes das empresas de alimento pode ser explicado pelos comportamentos das variÃveis macroeconÃmicas como PIB, taxa de juros Selic, taxa de cÃmbio, balanÃa comercial, taxa de desemprego, Ãndice de preÃo e Ãndice de confianÃa do consumidor. Utilizando os testes de Johansen para o perÃodo de 2004 a 2014 os resultados permitem inferir que a variÃvel PIB e balanÃa comercial, representada pela taxa de cobertura possuem cointegraÃÃes significativas nos comportamentos dos preÃos das aÃÃes e que algumas aÃÃes como a da empresa Minerva possuem fortes co-integraÃÃes com todas as variÃveis estudadas, conclui-se entÃo que as variÃveis macroeconÃmicas tÃm importÃncia significativa no desempenho das aÃÃes. / This work aims evaluates the performance of the shares of food companies can be explained by the behavior of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, Selic interest rate, exchange rate, trade balance, unemployment, price index and confidence index consumer. Using Johansen tests for the period 2004-2014 the results allow us to infer that the variable GDP and trade balance, represented by the coverage rate have significant cointegration the behavior of share prices and that some actions such as the Minerva company has strong cointegration with all variables, it follows then that macroeconomic variables have a significant influence on share performance. / This work aims evaluates the performance of the shares of food companies can be explained by the behavior of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, Selic interest rate, exchange rate, trade balance, unemployment, price index and confidence index consumer. Using Johansen tests for the period 2004-2014 the results allow us to infer that the variable GDP and trade balance, represented by the coverage rate have significant cointegration the behavior of share prices and that some actions such as the Minerva company has strong cointegration with all variables, it follows then that macroeconomic variables have a significant influence on share performance.

Spatial price transmission and market intergration analysis : the case of wheat market in South Africa, 2010-2019

Mphateng, Molahlegi Aubrey January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. Agricultural Management (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Wheat forms part of the most essential grain crop produced in South Africa after maize. In South Africa, most of the wheat produced is used mainly for human consumption while the remaining is used for animal feed and seed. The wheat industry in South Africa is undergoing severe pressure, with drastic decreases in the area planted to wheat production while imports of wheat continued to increase since the year 1997. This has in return affected the performance and competitiveness of the South African wheat industry at the international stage and its ability to produce enough to meet local demand, hence continuous reliance on imports which later affect domestic wheat prices. Regardless of wheat as one of the most essential grain crop produced in South Africa, very little research is done to evaluate the co-movement, magnitude and speed of price transmission from world to domestic wheat market in South Africa. The study intends to analyse the transmission of world wheat prices to the domestic wheat market in South Africa using average weekly prices for wheat for the period between January 2010 and December 2019. The objectives of the study are to determine the level of cointegration or long run relationship between the world wheat prices and the domestic wheat prices in South Africa, and to assess the degree of world wheat price transmission to the domestic wheat prices in South Africa, with the application of the Error Correction Model. While several authors indicted that long run relationship does exist between spatially separated markets, this study also finds evidence of cointegration or long run relationship between world wheat markets and the domestic wheat market in South Africa. The results confirmed this priori expectation, that in a long run world wheat prices are ultimately transmitted to the domestic market in South Africa. The results further indicate that the speed of corrections or adjustments towards equilibrium conditions were established to be fairly low for domestic wheat prices. The study recommends further research with more emphasis on vertical price transmission from wheat to wheat flour and other wheaten products such as bread and cereals. Further recommendation suggested by the study is that government intervention through implementation of Dollar-Based Reference Price and Variable Tariff Formula for wheat must continue with more caution and improved speed for a quicker response, once there is a newly triggered import duty. / Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Housing prices, stock prices and interest rates: a cointegration analyses of the Stockholm region

Melinder, Johanna, Melnikova, Katja January 2016 (has links)
This study examines the dynamic interaction between housing prices, stock prices and the repo rate in the Stockholm region by using the Johansen tests for cointegration. Several studies have been done on this topic, but the results are mixed across the world, and not many have been done in Scandinavia. This study contributes to the literature by examining eleven years of monthly data for the housing prices in the Stockholm region. We find evidence of a long-run relationship between housing prices, stock prices and the interest rate. There is a negative relationship between housing prices and the interest rate as well as between stock prices and the interest rate, but a positive relationship between housing prices and stock prices.  However, the results are somewhat sensitive to model specification and therefore further studies on the topic are encouraged.

Χρονικά εξαρτώμενες συσχετίσεις μεταξύ τεσσάρων ευρωπαϊκών χωρών των αγορών κεφαλαίου και ομολόγων / Time varying correlations between stock and bonds returns in four European countries

Καραχρήστος, Απόστολος 11 July 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να εξετάσουμε την σχέση που υπάρχει μεταξύ της χρηματιστηριακής αγοράς και αυτής των αποδόσεων των ομολόγων σε τέσσερις χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Γερμανίας, Ιταλίας, Ισπανίας και Γαλλίας) για την περίοδο από τον Δεκέμβριο 1999 έως τον Δεκέμβριο του 2012. Προσπαθήσαμε να εξετάσουμε το κατά πόσο υπάρχουν συσχετίσεις μεταξύ των δύο περιουσιακών στοιχείων σε μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα χρησιμοποιώντας πολυμεταβλητά μοντέλα. Τα δεδομένα που πήραμε είναι οι ημερήσιες αποδόσεις των 10ετών ομολόγων και τα κλεισίματα των χρηματιστηριακών αγορών των χωρών αυτών για κάθε μία ξεχωριστά. Ξεκινάμε την ερευνά μας χρησιμοποιώντας το μοντέλο του GARCH του Bollerslev (1990). Τέλος μέσω της συνολοκλήρωσης με την διαδικασία του Johansen test θα εξετάσουμε το κατά πόσο οι σειρές μας ολοκληρώνονται μακροχρόνια επηρεάζοντας η μία την άλλη καθώς και την μεταξύ τους εξάρτηση και την αιτιότητα των εν λόγω σχέσεων. Η εργασίας μας έχει ως στόχο να μας δείξει το κατά πόσο υπάρχει μακροχρόνια συσχέτιση μεταξύ των δύο αυτών αγορών, ώστε να βοηθά τους διαχειριστές και οικονομικούς αναλυτές να δημιουργούν το χαρτοφυλάκιο με το μικρότερο κίνδυνο και την μεγαλύτερη απόδοση. Τα αποτελέσματα μας δείχνουν μία μακροχρόνια συσχέτιση μεταξύ αυτών των δύο αγορών και ότι η μία αγορά επηρεάζει την άλλη σε βάθος χρόνου, οπότε είναι χρήσιμο σε ένα χαρτοφυλάκιο να υπάρχουν και τα δύο περιουσιακά στοιχεία. / The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship between stock market and bond market in four European Countries (Germany, France, Spain and Italy) for the period of December 1999 to December 2012. We attempt to examine whether the correlations between two classes of assets are time varying by using multivariate conditional volatility models. The data we are daily yields on 10-year bonds and the closures of the stock markets of these countries for each one individually. We start our investigation by applying GARCH model of Bollerslev (1990). Finally, through co integration with the process of Johansen test will look at whether our series completed long influencing each other and their mutual dependence and causality of these relations. Our paper aims to show us whether there is a long correlation between these two markets in order to help managers and financial analysts to create a portfolio with less risk and greater efficiency. Our results show a long-term correlation between these two markets and one market affects the other in the long run, so it is useful to have a portfolio of both assets.

Common Features in Vector Nonlinear Time Series Models

Li, Dao January 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of four manuscripts in the area of nonlinear time series econometrics on topics of testing, modeling and forecasting nonlinear common features. The aim of this thesis is to develop new econometric contributions for hypothesis testing and forecasting in these area. Both stationary and nonstationary time series are concerned. A definition of common features is proposed in an appropriate way to each class. Based on the definition, a vector nonlinear time series model with common features is set up for testing for common features. The proposed models are available for forecasting as well after being well specified. The first paper addresses a testing procedure on nonstationary time series. A class of nonlinear cointegration, smooth-transition (ST) cointegration, is examined. The ST cointegration nests the previously developed linear and threshold cointegration. An Ftypetest for examining the ST cointegration is derived when stationary transition variables are imposed rather than nonstationary variables. Later ones drive the test standard, while the former ones make the test nonstandard. This has important implications for empirical work. It is crucial to distinguish between the cases with stationary and nonstationary transition variables so that the correct test can be used. The second and the fourth papers develop testing approaches for stationary time series. In particular, the vector ST autoregressive (VSTAR) model is extended to allow for common nonlinear features (CNFs). These two papers propose a modeling procedure and derive tests for the presence of CNFs. Including model specification using the testing contributions above, the third paper considers forecasting with vector nonlinear time series models and extends the procedures available for univariate nonlinear models. The VSTAR model with CNFs and the ST cointegration model in the previous papers are exemplified in detail,and thereafter illustrated within two corresponding macroeconomic data sets.

Essays on long memory time series and fractional cointegration

Algarhi, Amr Saber Ibrahim January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation considers an indirect approach for the estimation of the cointegrating parameters, in the sense that the estimators are jointly constructed along with estimating other nuisance parameters. This approach was proposed by Robinson (2008) where a bivariate local Whittle estimator was developed to jointly estimate a cointegrating parameter along with the memory parameters and the phase parameters (discussed in chapter 2). The main contributions of this dissertation is to establish, similar to Robinson (2008), a joint estimation of the memory, cointegrating and phase parameters in stationary and nonstationary fractionally cointegrated models in a multivariate framework. In order to accomplish such task, a general shape of the spectral density matrix, first noted in Davidson and Hashimzade (2008), is utilised to cover multivariate jointly dependent stationary long memory time series allowing more than one cointegrating relation (discussed in chapter 3). Consequently, the notion of the extended discrete Fourier transform is adopted based on the work of Phillips (1999) to allow for the multivariate estimation to cover the non stationary region (explained in chapter 4). Overall, the estimation methods adopted in this dissertation follows the semiparametric approach, in that the spectral density is only specified in a neighbourhood of zero frequency. The dissertation is organised in four self-contained chapters that are connected to each other, in additional to this introductory chapter: • Chapter 1 discusses the univariate long memory time series analysis covering different definitions, models and estimation methods. Consequently, parametric and semiparametric estimation methods were applied to a univariate series of the daily Egyptian stock returns to examine the presence of long memory properties. The results show strong and significant evidence of long memory in the Egyptian stock market which refutes the hypothesis of market efficiency. • Chapter 2 expands the analysis in the first chapter using a bivariate framework first introduced by Robinson (2008) for long memory time series in stationary system. The bivariate model presents four unknown parameters, including two memory parameters, a phase parameter and a cointegration parameter, which are jointly estimated. The estimation analysis is applied to a bivariate framework includes the US and Canada inflation rates where a linear combination between the US and Canada inflation rates that has a long memory less than the two individual series has been detected. • Chapter 3 introduces a semiparametric local Whittle (LW) estimator for a general multivariate stationary fractional cointegration using a general shape of the spectral density matrix first introduced by Davidson and Hashimzade (2008). The proposed estimator is used to jointly estimate the memory parameters along with the cointegrating and phase parameters. The consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator is proved. In addition, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to examine the performance of the new proposed estimator for different sample sizes. The multivariate local whittle estimation analysis is applied to three different relevant examples to examine the presence of fractional cointegration relationships. • In the first three chapters, the estimation procedures focused on the stationary case where the memory parameter is between zero and half. On the other hand, the analysis in chapter 4, which is a natural progress to that in chapter 3, adjusts the estimation procedures in order to cover the non-stationary values of the memory parameters. Chapter 4 expands the analysis in chapter 3 using the extended discrete Fourier transform and periodogram to extend the local Whittle estimation to non stationary multivariate systems. As a result, the new extended local Whittle (XLW) estimator can be applied throughout the stationary and non stationary zones. The XLW estimator is identical to the LW estimator in the stationary region, introduced in chapter 3. Application to a trivariate series of US money aggregates is employed.

Threshold cointegration and adaptive shrinkage

Huber, Florian, Zörner, Thomas 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper considers Bayesian estimation of the threshold vector error correction (TVECM) model in moderate to large dimensions. Using the lagged cointegrating error as a threshold variable gives rise to additional difficulties that are typically solved by relying on large sample approximations. Relying on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods we circumvent these issues by avoiding computationally prohibitive estimation strategies like the grid search. Due to the proliferation of parameters we use novel global-local shrinkage priors in the spirit of Griffin and Brown (2010). We illustrate the merits of our approach in an application to five exchange rates vis-á-vis the US dollar and assess whether a given currency is over or undervalued. Moreover, we perform a forecasting comparison to investigate whether it pays off to adopt a non-linear modeling approach relative to a set of simpler benchmark models. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Common features in vector nonlinear time series models

Li, Dao January 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of four manuscripts in the area of nonlinear time series econometrics on topics of testing, modeling and forecasting nonlinear common features. The aim of this thesis is to develop new econometric contributions for hypothesis testing and forecasting in thesearea. Both stationary and nonstationary time series are concerned. A definition of common features is proposed in an appropriate way to each class. Based on the definition, a vector nonlinear time series model with common features is set up for testing for common features. The proposed models are available for forecasting as well after being well specified. The first paper addresses a testing procedure on nonstationary time series. A class of nonlinear cointegration, smooth-transition (ST) cointegration, is examined. The ST cointegration nests the previously developed linear and threshold cointegration. An F-type test for examining the ST cointegration is derived when stationary transition variables are imposed rather than nonstationary variables. Later ones drive the test standard, while the former ones make the test nonstandard. This has important implications for empirical work. It is crucial to distinguish between the cases with stationary and nonstationary transition variables so that the correct test can be used. The second and the fourth papers develop testing approaches for stationary time series. In particular, the vector ST autoregressive (VSTAR) model is extended to allow for common nonlinear features (CNFs). These two papers propose a modeling procedure and derive tests for the presence of CNFs. Including model specification using the testing contributions above, the third paper considers forecasting with vector nonlinear time series models and extends the procedures available for univariate nonlinear models. The VSTAR model with CNFs and the ST cointegration model in the previous papers are exemplified in detail, and thereafter illustrated within two corresponding macroeconomic data sets.

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