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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collective Creativity as a driver for innovation : A qualitative multiple case study analysis of the phenomena of Collective Creativity within innovation-driven environments

von Tempski, Franziska January 2019 (has links)
In our today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing world, innovation became a crucial factor for economic growth and organizational effectiveness [35,37]. Several factors promoting innovation have been discussed in literature, mostly focusing on individual creativity as its main driver. However, the growing interdisciplinarity and complexity of today’s challenges urge for broader knowledge basis and specialized expertise at the same time [17]. This makes the creative potential of a single talent no longer sufficient enough to create the multidisciplinary novel solutions that are needed. Leading innovation companies such as Google have therefore shown that innovation results from a creative collective working together by combining everyone’s “slice of genius” [20:4]. Yet, research on Collective Creativity (CC) is still limited. Just as innovation or creativity itself, it is a process that does not happen automatically, but which needs to be supported and maintained. However, a holistic and comprehensive model of how such a collective creative environment can be promoted is still missing. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the phenomena of CC in more detail by answering the research question of this studies: What are the factors that contribute to the development of Collective Creativity in an innovation-driven environment? On the basis of an extensive literature analysis, an integrative framework has been developed to identify the factors by which a creative collective environment is performed. Secondly, a multiple case study analysis of the two leading innovation companies Pixar Animation Studios and Volkswagen has been conducted to test the prior developed framework’s validity and refine it with in-depth insights from the field. Combining the findings of both analyses, a comprehensive exploratory framework has been developed that provides an overarching guideline of the factors that should to be considered when practicing CC. Besides the practical implications of this research for both, leadership and teamwork, it further contributes to an advanced understanding of this so far little researched phenomena and presents directions for future studies. / I dagens ständigt skiftande värld är innovation en avgörande faktor för ekonomisk tillväxt och organisatorisk effektivitet [35,37]. Flera faktorer som främjar denna innovation återfinns i litteraturen, främst inom området ’individuell kreativitet’ som den huvudsakliga drivkraften. Den växande tvärvetenskapen kräver dock en bredare kunskapsbas och specialkunskaper [17]. Detta gör den kreativa potentialen hos en enda talang inte längre tillräcklig för att skapa de tvärvetenskapliga romanlösningar som behövs. Ledande innovationsföretag som Google har därför visat innovationsresultat från ett kreativt kollektiv som genom att kombinera allas ”snitt av geni” [20:4]. Ändå är forskningen om kollektiv kreativitet (CC) fortfarande begränsad. Precis som innovation eller kreativitet i sig är det en process som behöver stödjas och underhållas. En heltäckande och övergripande modell för hur en sådan kollektiv kreativ miljö kan se ut saknas fortfarande [6]. Därför syftar denna studie till att analysera fenomenen (CC) mer detaljerat genom att svara på frågeställningen i dessa studier: Vilka är de faktorer som bidrar till utvecklingen av kollektiv kreativitet i en innovations drivande miljö? Genom en omfattande litteraturanalys har en integrerad ram utvecklats för att identifiera de faktorer genom vulkanen kreativ kollektiv miljö utförs. För det andra har har en flerfallstudieanalys av de två ledande innovationsbolagen Pixar Animation Studios och Volkswagen genomförts för att testa den tidigare utvecklande rammens validitet och förfina den med djupgående insikter från området. Genom att kombinera resultaten från båda analyserna har en omfattande undersökningsram utvecklats som ger en övergripande riktlinje över de faktorer som bör beaktas vid utförande av (CC). Förutom det praktiska konsekvenserna av denna forskning för både ledarskap och lagarbete bidrar det vidare till en avancerad förstående av det hittills otillräckligt undersökta fenomenet och ger vägledning för framtida studier.

Roll, Duck, & Cover! : A collaboratively produced, critical game that generates a discussion around the visual representation of nuclear warfare in media

Pool, Joey January 2018 (has links)
This research project explores how we can apply Emerging Design Landscapes such as Critical Design and Collective Creativity, in combination with traditional fields of visual communication to address societal challenges in cooperation with society. In particular, this paper aims to question the visual representation of nuclear warfare, and how we could utilize Peircean Semiotics to better understand set representation. The design outcome is a critical board game that at its core aims to create a discussion around the visual representation of nuclear warfare today and act as a learning platform that would help its user better understand the practice of semiosis.

Writes of Spring 2014: Fostering Creativity in Theatre, Education, and Leadership

Hodson, Alexandra 01 January 2015 (has links)
Creativity is valued in many fields. In theatre, creativity celebrates the imaginative power of a theatrical experience. In theatre for young audiences (TYA), creativity is extended from the stage to the classroom, where theatre empowers learning through creative and imaginative teaching. Teaching artists and theatre makers in the field of theatre for young audiences utilize creativity as a means of connecting artistic and educational value. Through professional development and qualitative research, this project demonstrates the importance of creativity and its role in the classroom and on stage. This study examines my role as Project Coordinator in Orlando Repertory Theatre's (The REP) Writes of Spring 2014 and the developments I add to enhance the educational and artistic value and project. Specifically, I survey the findings of selected students' submissions in a creative writing contest by developing and facilitating an arts integration professional development workshop for their teachers. By evaluating these findings I gain insight into the positive effect of enhancing creativity in public school classrooms. To project the value of creativity further, I apply a theoretical framework to my research. Specifically, I apply creative pedagogy, constructivism, and collective creativity to develop a fully-supported educational and artistic project. This project allows students to find writing inspiration through theatre, guides teachers to find clarity in new practices through creativity, and encourages artists to celebrate creativity in developing and producing new works.

Roll, Duck, & Cover! : A collaboratively produced, critical game that generates a discussion around the visual representation of nuclear warfare in media

Selimi, Fitim January 2018 (has links)
This research project explores how we can apply Emerging Design Landscapes such as Critical Design and Collective Creativity, in combination with traditional fields of visual communication to address societal challenges in cooperation with society. In particular, this paper aims to question the visual representation of nuclear warfare, and how we could utilize Peircean Semiotics to better understand set representation. The design outcome is a critical board game that at its core aims to create a discussion around the visual representation of nuclear warfare today and act as a learning platform that would help its user better understand the practice of semiosis.

Three Essays on Governance Designs in Digital Age / Trois Essais sur la conception de la gouvernance à l'ère numérique

Bai, Guo 02 September 2016 (has links)
Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'expliquer en quoi l’efficience statique (static efficiency), l’efficience de coordination (coordinative efficiency) et l’efficience créative (creative efficiency) jouent un rôle déterminant dans la conception de la gouvernance à l'ère numérique. Il s’agit également d’étudier des mécanismes originaux de gouvernance, au-delà de la traditionnelle dimension marché-hiérarchie, pouvant faciliter les processus de coordination intégrative (integrative coordination) ainsi que de création collective dans les organisations.La thèse comprend trois essais. Le premier est une contribution de nature théorique montrant que l’économie des coûts de transaction (Williamson 1979, 1991, 1996, 2002) ne permet pas de rendre compte de façon satisfaisante de la conception de la gouvernance à l’ère numérique. Le modèle conceptuel normatif proposé contribue à repenser celle-ci dans une perspective pluraliste intégrant complexité et variété. Les choix de gouvernance ne sont ainsi plus limités à la seule dimension marché-hiérarchie comme le laisse penser l’économie des coûts de transaction. Une perspective intégrant la construction sociale des modes d’organisation (Giddens, 1985; Greenwood et al. 2011) permet de définir une variété de formes de gouvernance. Il est possible de représenter, dans un espace à trois dimensions (efficience statique, efficience de coordination et efficience créative), les différentes configurations de gouvernance sous la forme d’un triangle. Cette représentation peut être appliquée afin de rendre compte des choix de gouvernance possibles à différents niveaux organisationnels.Les deux essais suivants sont à dominante empirique. Ils visent à prolonger le premier en étudiant le lien entre des configurations innovantes de gouvernance et la performance des organisations en matière d’efficacité de coordination et d’efficacité créative. Le deuxième essai se concentre sur la coordination d’intégration dans les organisations. Des structures organisationnelles distribuées à plusieurs couches ou layered distributed organizational structures (Simon, 1962), des plans définis ex ante de façon imprécise ou broad-brushed ex ante plans (Edmondson, Bohmer et Pisano, 2001), ainsi que des semi-structures (Brown et Eisenhardt, 1997) s’avèrent utiles au processus de coordination lorsque les interdépendances sont complexes et incertaines. Le troisième essai porte sur la performance des organisations en matière de créativité collective. Il s’intéresse notamment aux dispositifs organisationnels facilitant l’émergence d’une telle créativité tout en préservant stabilité et efficacité. Plusieurs formes de perturbation qualifiées d’ordonnées (ordered disruption), tant au niveau spatial (ordered spatial disruption) que temporel (ordered temporal disruption) et affectif (ordered affective disruption), contribuent à l'émergence de la créativité collective.Le matériel empirique utilisé dans les deuxième et troisième essais provient d’une étude des modes de gouvernance de différents projets de villes intelligentes (smart-cities) nécessitant une collaboration entre plusieurs organisations. / The main objective of this dissertation is to explain why coordinative efficiency, creative efficiency, together with static efficiency are all critical goals of governance design in digital age, and to explore innovative governance arrangements, beyond the one-dimensional line defined by “market” and “hierarchy”, that can facilitate the processes of integrative coordination, and collective creation in organizations.The dissertation is composed of three essays. Essay 1 is a theory paper that provides the overall theoretical arguments about why transaction cost economics (Williamson 1979, 1991, 1996, 2002) is no longer a satisfactory theoretical framework for governance design in the digital age, and offers a normative model which suggest possibilities of much more nuanced, complicated and pluralistic governance choices than suggested by transaction cost economics. It is argued that potential governance choices are not solely situated on a one-dimensional line between hierarchy and market, as transaction cost economics asserts. The rich connotations of socially constructed agency (Giddens, 1985; Greenwood et al. 2011) provide diverse possibilities of governance arrangements, which spread across a triangular plane in a three-dimensional space defined by static efficiency, coordinative efficiency and creative efficiency (see Figure 1). This paper provides both graphic and mathematical presentations of this three-dimensional model for governance design, which can be applied to different levels of organizing.Essay 2 and 3 are two empirical papers that endeavor to extend Essay 1 by finding out the exact relationship between certain innovative governance arrangements with organizations’ performance in coordinative and creative efficiencies. Essay 2 focuses on the realization of integrative coordination in organizations. It found out that layered distributed organizational structure (Simon, 1962), broad-brushed ex ante plan (Edmondson, Bohmer and Pisano, 2001), and semi-structures (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997) are beneficial in facilitating an ongoing coordination process when interdependencies are complex and uncertain. Essay 3 focuses on organizations’ performance in collective creativity (Shalley et al., 2004; George, 2007), especially on what governance arrangements can best allow collective creativity to emerge without overly sacrificing organizational stability and efficiency. It is discovered that “ordered disruption”, including ordered spatial disruption, ordered temporal disruption and ordered affective disruption, have positive effects on the emergence of collective creativity. Both Essay 2 and Essay 3 use collaborative organizations on smart city projects as the empirical setting. The findings of these two empirical papers are grounded on multiple case studies on those collaborative organizations.

Collective Creativity through Enacting: A Comparison of Generative Design Research Methods

Strouse, Emily Elizabeth 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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