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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Exposició laboral a metalls pesants. Valor monitor de la metal·lotioneïna

Batalla Fonoll, Dolors 03 July 2003 (has links)
Les metal·lotioneïnes (MT) són una família de proteïnes d'entre 61 i 68 aminoàcids. Les seves principals característiques són lligar metalls pesants com el Cd 2 +, Zn 2 +, i Cu + i tenir una quantitat elevada de residus de cisteïna (30%), mentre que els aminoàcids aromàtics són absents de la seva composició.En els mamífers s'hi ha trobat fins a 4 isoformes diferents, anomenades MT-I, MT-II, MT-III i MT-IV. Es tracta de proteïnes cel·lulars de localització principalment citoplasmàtica, encara que en algun moment del cicle cel·lular es poden trobar al nucli. La MT va ser inicialment descoberta com una proteïna lligada al Cd i aquesta observació va subministrar la base per la hipòtesi de que estava relacionada amb la reducció de la toxicitat del Cd. Estudis posteriors van demostrar que els nivells de la proteïna s'incrementaven després de l'exposició a l'esmentat metall, la qual cosa va portar a especular amb la idea que la MT estava relacionada amb el segrest intracel·lular d'ions de metalls tòxics.És probable que metalls potencialment tòxics siguin capaços de desplaçar el Zn de la MT basant-se en l'afinitat per la proteïna ( Hg 2 +> Ag +> Cu +>Cd 2 +> Zn 2 + ). El Zn desplaçat podria subministrar més estimul per a la síntesi de MT i a la vegada reduir l'impacte tòxic del metall desplaçat. Altres metalls que s'ha demostrat incrementarien els nivells tisulars de MT inclouen el Cr, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg i Ni.S'ha volgut aprofitar aquesta propietat de detoxificar metalls de la MT així com els coneixements previs sobre obtenció d'antisèrum policlonal de conill per a la quantificació de MT i aplicar aquestes possibilitats a l'àmbit laboral. Es vol veure si la MT és valida com a monitor de canvis en el medi intern per treballadors exposats a baixes concentracions ambientals de metalls durant periodes llargs de temps.S'ha dissenyat un treball de tipus transversal per observar les diferències en la concentració de metalls i de MT a l'orina de diversos tipus de treballadors i estudiar l'existència d'alguna relació entre la concentració de metalls i de MT.S'ha inclos un grup de soldadors, un grup de treballadors d'una empresa de colorants per a ceràmica i un grup de treballadors d'una empresa química que fabrica sosa caústica d'un alt grau de puresa, a partir de ClNa per un procés d'electrolisi en el qual el Hg hi actua de càtode. Els treballadors de la planta d'electrolisi están exposats exclusivament a vapors de mercuri.Com que la procedència dels treballadors estava fortament polaritzada en els dos extrems de la província de Tarragona es va optar per incloure dos grups control un del Tarragonès i l'altre de les terres de l'Ebre.S'ha determinat la concentració de MT a l'orina mitjançant tècnica de radioinmunoanàlisi, s'ha determinat la concentració de Pb, Cd, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu i Zn amb la tècnica de l'espectrometria de masses de plasma acoblat inductivament (ICP-MS) i la concentració de Hg mitjançant espectrometria d'absorció atòmica (EAA).A part de l'ocupació i del lloc de residència s'ha tingut en compte altres factors: consum de tabac, consum d'alcohol, edat, enzims de citolisi hepàtica i índex de massa corporal.També s'ha contemplat l'aspecte del dia de la setmana de recollida de la mostra, perquè és sabut que determinats metalls s'acumulen al llarg de la setmana de treball.S'ha optat per realitzar una trasformació logarítmica dels resultats per lograr una normalització en la distribució de les variables.Per estudiar si existeixen diferències en la concentració de metalls i de MT a l'orina entre els grups estudiats s'ha emprat l'anàlisi de la variança o la prova de Kruskal-Wallis, segons l'ha variable hagi resultat de distribució normal o no.Per estudiar la relació entre concentració de metall i de MT a l'orina s'ha optat per la tècnica de la regressió simple, en la qual la concentració de la proteïna d'estudi s'ha situat com a variable depenent. Per estudiar l'efecte net de l'ocupació sobre la concentració de MT s'ha fet servir un model de regressió múltiple que compara un grup de teballadors amb el seu grup control en el qual s'hi ha afegit diversos factors predictius (tabac, alcohol, edat, IMC, enzims hepàtics). La concentració de MT a l'orina també s'ha fet servir de variable depenent.Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que La MT urinària és sensible a les variacions de Pb, Hg, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu i Zn, però la marcada dependència del Zn i la influència del tabac la fan poc específica per poder ser utilitzada com a monitor d'exposició a metalls en el medi laboral.M. Dolors Batalla i FonollJuliol de 2003OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO HEAVY METALS.MONITORING VALUE OF METALLOTHIONEINIn working environments there are a variety of situations that can lead to exposure to heavy metals. According to data provided by the Spanish Ministry of Work and Social Affairs for the final term of 2002, about one million workers throughout Spain are potentially subject to exposure. The lack of professional data in medical histories makes it difficult to determine relationships between health disorders and occupational exposure to toxic substances such as heavy metals.On the level of molecular biology, cells generate a general and a specific response to aggression by toxic metals. The object of these responses is to isolate the free-metal fraction, which is what causes problems of cellular toxicity. A ligand that is extremely efficient at this sort of task is a group of proteins known as metallothioneins (MTs). They are located in the cytoplasm, they are of low molecular weight, and they are rich in cis and divalent and monovalent metals, mainly from groups 11 and 12.One of the most outstanding characteristics of MTs is that they can be induced by numerous stimuli. The metals themselves that interact with the protein have been shown to be the most powerful inducers. We felt that it would be interesting to evaluate how MTs could be used as a biological marker of exposure in workers who are chronically exposed to low environmental concentrations of heavy metals.A transversal study was designed to compare groups of 50 workers. Their occupations were: welders, employees in a company that makes colouring for ceramics, and electrolysis cell operatives who are selectively exposed to mercury vapours. Because of the considerable polarization of the location of the companies and the places where the workers lived, two control groups were established: one in the Tarragonès and the other around the Ebre river in the south of Catalonia.Metals were determined in urine using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. MT was determined in urine using radioimmunoassay. We also asked about the subjects' consumption of tobacco and alcohol, obesity, age and hepatic function. The means and group comparisons were studied a priori, always relating the welders/Tarragonès control group, colouring employees/Ebre control group, mercury/Ebre control group and Tarragonès control group/Ebre control group.The results show that there are significant differences in some of the metal contents in the exposed and control groups. The highest concentration of MT was found in the group of welders.The relation between the concentration of each metal and MT in urine for each group of exposed subjects was investigated by the technique of linear regression and it was found that for the group of welders there is no relation between the metals and MT in the urine. On the other hand, the group of ceramic colouring employees show a relation with all the metals studied.A multiple regression test was used to study how occupations affected the MT concentration in pairs of groups, with tobacco, alcohol, hepatic enzyme activity, body mass index and age as adjusting factors. It was found that belonging to the group of welders had an effect on MT concentration and that this effect was statistically significant if the adjusting factors tobacco and age were taken into account. In the other comparisons, belonging to the Ebre control group has a positive effect on the concentration of MT in urine, in the sense that it is higher. Tobacco proved to be a significant predictive factor in all the relationsFrom the above, it can be concluded that MT is sensitive to variations in Pb, Hg, Mn, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu but that its high dependence on Zn and the influence of tobacco mean that it is not an appropriate biological marker for exposure to heavy metals in a working environment.M. Dolors Batalla i FonollJuliol de 2003

Fluorescence laser intracavité et spectrométrie de Fourier développements expérimentaux et application au radical NiH /

Vallon, Raphaël Crozet, Patrick January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Physique : Lyon 1 : 2007. / Titre provenant de l'écran titre. Bibliogr. en fin de chapitre.

Contribution à l'étude de la structure et de la texture du PLA : Effet de la dégradation hydrothermale

Sambha'a, Lionel 24 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le risque d'épuisement de ressources naturelles fossiles à partir desquelles nombres d'oléfines sont fabriqués, a permis le développement de nouveaux matériaux polymères, 100% renouvelables dénommés biopolymères. L'acide poly lactique est sans doute le plus prometteur d'entre eux. D'origine naturelle, ce polyester est synthétisé à partir d'aliments riches en amidon tels que le maïs, la betterave ou la pomme de terre. Son caractère biodégradable lui offre un large éventail d'applications dans les domaines aussi variés et divers que la médecine, le bâtiment, l'industrie automobile, le biomédicale ou encore le textile habillement. Ce travail consiste à étudier la structure et la texture de l'isomère mixte (PDLA) et de déterminer l'incidence de sa morphologie sur les propriétés mécaniques et tinctoriales requises pour des applications textiles. Nous avons par des méthodes spectrales, caractérisé le polymère afin d'en déterminer entre autre, la composition massique, et la stéréorégularité, paramètres très importants ayant une forte influence sur les propriétés mécaniques du polymère, notamment la stabilité thermique ou la résistance à l'hydrolyse. Nos expériences menées sur la stabilité thermique du polymère révèlent que le polymère est susceptible de s'hydrolyser sous l'action combinée de l'eau, de la température et du pH, entraînant ainsi une diminution de la masse moléculaire, donc, une perte de propriétés mécaniques de la fibre.Le PLA est également un polymère qui supporte mal la teinture, et seuls les colorants dispersés sont susceptibles de teinte cette fibre sous certaines conditions. L'étude de la cinétique de fixation de trois colorants dispersés sur la fibre de PLA à permis d'établir une relation entre la structure du colorant et ses propriétés tinctoriales.

Inclusão de bixina, curcumina e betanina em ciclodextrina para aplicação na industria de alimentos / Inclusion of bixin, curcumin and betanin in cyclodextrin for application in food industry

Marcolino, Vanessa Aparecida 08 August 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Lucia Regina Durrant / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T12:02:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcolino_VanessaAparecida_D.pdf: 1303131 bytes, checksum: bb5fa5ac901737dfdb200522823c6649 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: A indústria de alimentos está crescendo muito nos últimos anos, e durante a observação de um alimento qualquer fica claro que o impacto visual causado pela cor sobrepõe-se aos demais. Este atributo é um dos mais importantes na comercialização dos alimentos e constitui critério de aceitação ou não do produto. A rejeição aos corantes sintéticos por motivos de saúde faz crescer a busca por corantes naturais que possam substituí-los adequadamente. Desta maneira o presente trabalho objetivou a formação de complexos entre corante e ciclodextrinas (CD) com o intuito de melhorar a solubilidade e a estabilidade de três corantes de interesse, a saber, curcumina, bixina e betanina, responsáveis por fornecer as colorações mais empregadas na indústria. Durante as análises ficou evidente que o método de co-precipitação, dentre os realizados, apresentou maiores indícios de formação de complexo, para os corantes curcumina e bixina sendo inviável para a betanina. Desta maneira estabeleceu-se um índice estequiométrico corante-ß-CD de 1:2 no caso da curcumina e de 1:1 para a bixina . A constante de formação aparente foi calculada e forneceu valores de 4x104 mol2.L2 para curcumina e de 3,34x102 mol2.L2 para bixina com valores de R2 iguais a 0,9982 e 0,9981 e possibilidade de complexação de 86,31 e de 78,4%, respectivamente. As análises térmicas de caracterização dos complexos, ou seja, termogravimetria e calorimetria diferencial de varredura, também comprovaram uma maior estabilidade para os complexos feitos pelo método de co-precipitação, já o método de RMN não foi conclusivo para nenhum dos corantes. Os testes de estabilidade demonstraram uma interferência bastante forte da luz na decomposição da bixina e sua complexação promoveu uma melhora significativa na manutenção da intensidade da cor. Para a curcumina percebeu-se que a luz não é o único fator que influencia no processo de descoloração do produto. Os testes instrumentais de cor comprovaram a maior capacidade colorante dos complexos frente ao corante puro. Os testes de análise instrumental de textura demonstraram que a inclusão do complexo na formulação do produto não altera suas características iniciais. Com relação à aplicação dos corantes em alimento, os estudos de análise sensorial demonstraram uma ótima aceitação para o queijo tipo minas frescal equivalente a uma nota média 6,7 numa escala hedônica de 7 pontos. Para o requeijão a aceitação também foi relevante apresentando uma nota média de 5,6. Foi possível observar que a aplicação em alimentos dos três corantes estudados levou a um incremento da coloração ao se usar um complexo na mesma concentração. Apesar disto o corante de beterraba foi o único que não apresentou dados satisfatórios quanto à possível formação do complexo, o que se deve em grande parte ao seu forte caráter hidrofílico / Abstract: The food industry has grown significantly in recent years, and when observing any type of food, it is clear that the visual impact caused by its color is more important than that caused by other factors. This attribute is one of the most important in the commercialization of foods and constitutes a criterion for the acceptance or non-acceptance of the product. The rejection of synthetic food colorants for health reasons has led to the search for natural food colorants that can adequately substitute them. In the light of this problem, the objective of the present study was to form complexes from colorants and cyclodextrins (CDs) with the aim of improving the solubility and stability of three particular colorants, namely: curcumin, bixin and betanin, which are the most frequently used colorants in the food industry. During the analyses it was found that, of the methods used, the coprecipitation method showed the best indications of complex formation for the curcumin and bixin colorants, although it was not viable for betanin. ß-CD-colorant stoichiometric ratios of 1:2 and 1:1 were established for curcumin and bixin, respectively. Apparent rate of formation was calculated, resulting in values of 4x104 mol2.L2 for curcumin and 3.34x102 mol2.L2 for bixin, with R2 values of 0.9982 and 0.9981, and chances of forming complexes of 86.31 and 78.4%, respectively. Thermic characterization analyses of the complexes, that is, differential scanning thermogravimetry and calorimetry, also showed greater stability for the complexes produced by the co-precipitation method. However, the NMR method was not conclusive for any of the colorants. Stability tests demonstrated that light influenced very strongly in the decomposition of bixin and that there was a significant improvement in the maintenance of its color intensity in its complex form. For curcumin, it was observed that light was not the only factor that affected the process of product discoloration. The instrumental color tests showed the complexes had a greater coloring capacity compared to the pure colorant. The instrumental texture tests demonstrated that the inclusion of the complex in the manufacture of products did not alter their initial characteristics. With regard to the application of the colorants in food, sensory analysis studies demonstrated excellent acceptance in a type of natural white cheese called Minas Frescal, achieving a mean score 6.7 on a hedonic scale of seven points. For cream cheese, acceptance was also good, receiving a mean score of 5.6. Increases in color were observed for all three complexes of the colorants when they were added to food in the same concentrations as the natural colorants. However, betanin (a pigment from beetroot) did not show satisfactory complex formation data, which was largely due to its strongly hydrophilic character / Doutorado / Doutor em Ciência de Alimentos

Utilização do jambolão (syzygium cumini) e da palha de milho roxo (zea mayz l.) no desenvolvimento de novos produtos / Use of jambolon (syzygium cumini) and purple corn straw (zea mayz l.) in the development of new products

Dias, Bruna Ferreira 31 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2017-10-18T18:56:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Bruna Ferreira Dias - 2017.pdf: 3820959 bytes, checksum: a0b526b8b0825bf77eb84152baf4d952 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-10-19T10:35:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Bruna Ferreira Dias - 2017.pdf: 3820959 bytes, checksum: a0b526b8b0825bf77eb84152baf4d952 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-19T10:35:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Bruna Ferreira Dias - 2017.pdf: 3820959 bytes, checksum: a0b526b8b0825bf77eb84152baf4d952 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-31 / The raw materials used in this work are known to be natural sources of antioxidants, among which are phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, responsible for the prevention of various diseases when consumed by man. But the two raw materials are little explored, so little use. The objective of this work was to characterize jambolan fruits (Syzygium cumini) and purple maize straw (Zea mayz L.), to produce flours of these raw materials, to artisanly extract their dyes and to develop instant desserts formulations with the application of Obtained. Samples of jambolão were collected in the city of Goiânia-GO. And the straw of purple maize purchased, at Nossa Senhora Aparecida farm in the municipality of Hidrolandia-GO. After acquisition, they were washed, sanitized and dried. The jambols were pulped and lyophilized. The straw was then dried and crushed for analysis. Then the pulp and jambolan flour, as well as the straw and the flour of straw of purple corn were characterized as to the proximal composition, physical and physicochemical characteristics. Soon after the flour was used in the preparation of instant dessert with different proportions of pregelatinized rice flour, milk powder and jambolan flour or purple corn flour. After selecting the best formulation, considering the chemical and physical characteristics of the different formulations tested, the chemical, physical, microbiological and sensorial quality of the selected dessert was evaluated. The selected dessert formulation of jambolão was with 35.99 g of pregelatinized rice flour, 12.6 g of powdered milk and 14.41 g of lyophilized jambolan flour for the dessert of corn flour to The formulation chosen was with 38.68 g of pregelatinized rice flour, 15.75 g of powdered milk and 8.56 g of purple corn flour. According to the sensorial analyzes performed in the desserts, both selected formulations were accepted by the tasters obtaining desired characteristics. For the production of natural dyes, extraction was first carried out using water / ethanol solvents (ratio of 50:50), and the fixation using rice flour as the carrier, and drying at 30 ° C. The results obtained for the dyes of both raw materials corroborated with reports that the process of dye extraction interferes negatively in the characteristics of the final product with the decrease of the bioactive compounds. It is concluded that it is possible to produce a jambolan flour and purple corn straw with technological potential for the elaboration of instant anthocyanins rich desserts. Also that the two raw materials can be used for natural dye extraction, having this potential to be used in the processing of food products. / As matérias-primas utilizadas nesse trabalho são conhecidas por serem fontes naturais de antioxidantes, dentre os quais estão os compostos fenólicos e as antocianinas, responsáveis pela prevenção de várias doenças quando consumidas pelo homem. Porém as duas matérias-prima são pouco exploradas, portanto pouco aproveitadas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar frutos de jambolão (Syzygium cumini) e palha de milho roxo (Zea mayz L.), produzir farinhas destas matérias-primas, extrair, de forma artesanal, seus corantes e desenvolver formulações de sobremesas instantâneas com a aplicação das farinhas obtidas. As amostras de jambolão foram colhidas na cidade de Goiânia-GO. E a palha de milho roxo adquirida, na fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida no município de Hidrolandia-GO. Após aquisição as mesmas foram lavadas, sanitizadas e secas. Os jambolões foram despolpados e liofilizados. E as palhas foram secas e trituradas, para posteriormente serem analisadas. Em seguida a polpa e farinha de jambolão, assim como a palha e a farinha de palha de milho roxo foram caracterizadas quanto à composição proximal, características físicas e físico-químicas. Logo após a farinha foi empregada na elaboração da sobremesa instantâneas com diferentes proporções de farinha pré gelatinizada de arroz, leite em pó e farinha de jambolão ou farinha de milho roxo. Em seguida selecionou a melhor formulação, considerando as características químicas e físicas das diferentes formulações testadas e se avaliou a qualidade química, física, microbiológica e sensorial da sobremesa selecionada. A formulação de sobremesa selecionada de jambolão foi a com 35,99 g de farinha pré gelatinizada de arroz, 12,6 g de leite em pó e 14,41 g de farinha de jambolão liofilizada, para a sobremesa de farinha de palha de milho a formulação escolhida foi com 38,68g de farinha de arroz pré gelatinizada, 15,75 g de leite em pó e 8,56 g de farinha de palha de milho roxo. De acordo com as análises sensoriais realizadas nas sobremesas, ambas formulações selecionadas foram aceitas pelos provadores obtendo características desejadas. Para produção de corantes naturais, primeiramente procedeu-se a extração utilizando como solventes água /etanol (proporção de 50:50), e a fixação utilizando como veículo farinha de arroz, e a secagem a 30°C. Os resultados obtidos para os corantes de ambas as matérias-primas corroboraram com relatos que afirmam que o processo de extração de corante intervém negativamente nas características do produto final com a diminuição dos compostos bioativos. Conclui-se que é possível a produção de uma farinha de jambolão e de palha de milho roxo com potencial tecnológico para elaboração das sobremesas instantâneas ricas em antocianinas. Também que as duas matérias-primas podem ser utilizadas para extração de corante natural, tendo esse potencial para ser empregado no processamento de produtos alimentícios.

Dégradation photocatalytique de colorants sur TiO2 Degussa P25 et argile pontée au titane / Photocatalytic degradation of dyes on TiO2 Degussa P-25 and TiO2 pillared clays

Meguedad, Karima 12 December 2009 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les problèmes d’environnement et de dépollution sont devenus cruciaux. En particulier, les industries textiles sont une source très importante de pollution des milieux aquatiques. De 60 à 70 % des colorants de l’industrie textiles contiennent une ou plusieurs fonctions azoïques et sont pour la plupart d’entre eux toxiques, mutagènes et cancérigènes. L’objectif de la thèse a été d’évaluer l’efficacité du procédé photocatalytique pour éliminer des colorants anioniques et cationiques seuls ou en mélange en présence de dioxyde de titane et d’argile pontée au titane, synthétisé au laboratoire. Trois colorants sont étudiés comme modèle le bleu de Méthylène (BM), le noir Rémazol 5 (NR5) et le réactif rouge 2 (RR2). La première partie du travail est une étude cinétique de l’adsorption, de la dégradation et de la minéralisation de ces colorants à différents pH. Plusieurs conclusions émergent (1) l’isotherme d’adsorption n’est pas une isotherme de Langmuir (2) aucune corrélation n’est observée entre les quantités adsorbées et les vitesses de dégradation et (3) à forte concentration en colorants, une partie de la lumière est absorbée et la vitesse de dégradation diminue. La seconde partie du travail concerne l’étude du mélange des deux colorants anioniques. L’influence du rapport molaire, du pH et de la concentration initiale sur l’isotherme d’adsorption, la cinétique de décoloration et de minéralisation des deux colorants dans le mélange sont étudiés et comparés à celle obtenues pour les colorants pris individuellement. Aucun complexe n’est formé. Des compétitions entre les deux colorants sont observées après saturation de la surface de TiO2. Au-delà de la saturation du catalyseur un ralentissement de la minéralisation du COT et des hétéroatomes est observé. La troisième partie de l’étude est dédiée à l’étude de la préparation, caractérisation et propriétés photocatalytique de l’argile pontée au TiO2 (MMT-TiO2) et du matériau composite : argile pontée au TiO2 dopée avec de l’argent (MMT-TiO2/Ag). Cette étude est réalisée sur le colorant cationique (BM) et le colorant anionique (NR5). Une adsorption totale du colorant BM est observée, contrairement au NR5 qui ne s’adsorbe pratiquement pas, suggérant une adsorption par liaison ionique. L’argile pontée dopée ou non ne présente pas des propriétés photocatalytiques plus importantes que celle de TiO2 mais joue un rôle important sur l’adsorption des colorants cationiques, ce qui favorise leur élimination de la solution aqueuse. La présence d’Ag diminue les propriétés d’adsorption et de photocatalyse de l’argile pontée. / The problems of environment become crucial. In particular, textile industries are important sources of pollution of the aquatic system. 60% to 70% of dyes used in these textiles industries are azo dyes containing one or more; some of them are toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds. The aim was to evaluate the efficiency of photocatalytic processed for the elimination of anionic and cationic dyes alone or in combination with titanium dioxide and clay pillared with titanium, synthesized in the laboratory. The photocatalytic processing is interesting because solar flux can be used. Three dyes were studied as model: methylene blue (BM), black Remazol 5 (NR5) and reactive red 2 (RR2). The first part of this work is a kinetic study of adsorption, degradation and mineralization of these dyes at different pH. Several conclusions emerge (1) the adsorption isotherm is not of Langmuir type(2) no correlation exists between the quantities adsorbed and the degradation rates and (3) at high concentration, a part of UV is absorbed by the dye and the degradation rate decreases. The second part of the work involves the study of the mixture of two anionic dyes. The concentration of both dyes in the mixture, the influence of molar ratios, pH and initial concentration on the adsorption isotherm, kinetics of decolorization and mineralization of the two dyes in the mixture are compared to that obtained for the individual dyes. No complex is formed and competition between the two dyes occurs only after saturation of the photocatalyst surface. Beyond the saturation of the catalyst a slower mineralization of TOC and heteroatoms are observed. The third part deals with the preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 pillared clay (MMT-TiO2) and of a composite material: TiO2 pillared clay doped with silver (MMT -TiO2/Ag), performed on the cationic dye (MB) and the anionic dye (NR5). A total adsorption of the BM dye is observed. Constrasting with the NR5 adsorption suggesting an adsorption by ionic bond. The pillared clay doped or not with silver but favors the elimination of dyes from the aqueous solution by adsorption. The presence of silver reduces the adsorption properties and photocatalysis properties of the pillared clay.

Investigation into the development of novel lanthanide-based luminescent colorants for application to textiles and paper materials

Lewis, D.M., Broadbent, P.J., Rigout, M.L.A., Carr, C.M., Seaton, Colin C., Swift, Thomas 24 February 2023 (has links)
Yes / This article describes the synthesis and application of lanthanide-based luminophores for visualisation under short wavelength ultraviolet (UV) activation (typically 254 nm). Luminophores are chemical compounds which re-emit light of longer wavelength than typical fluorescence and phosphorescence, following photoexcitation, because of efficient energy transfer from the ligands to the lanthanide ion emission levels. The luminophores described in this article are all derived from europium and terbium metal complexes and cover the complete colour gamut. Selection of appropriate ligands allows for water solubility or water insolubility (if required pigment or disperse “dye” applications). Similar to dyeing or printing processes, the anionic complexes can be applied to polyamide fibres or to cellulosic fibres, whereas dispersions of the non-ionic complexes are suitable for polyester or cellulose acetate fibre application. The water-soluble derivatives are also suitable for ink-jet printing and the water-insoluble derivatives are suitable for lithographic or intaglio paper printing. The novel complexes are excited by radiation below 300 nm and thus cannot be activated by sunlight (the earth's atmosphere prevents light below about 300 nm reaching the surface). Accordingly, the photo-stability of the dyed materials and prints obtained is excellent. These materials could be used in security marking applications, for example bank-notes and passports, where they could replace the current fluorophores that are rendered visible under near UV light (typically 365 nm) illumination but exhibit relatively poor photo-stability. The development of an RGB (red, green and blue) colour palette for inkjet printing based on these innovative luminophores will significantly support the design of digitally printed security features. / The research was part funded by Inovink Ltd and theWorshipful Company of Clothworkers of the City of London.

Etude de matériaux polymères, organiques et organo-minéraux, dopés par des colorants organiques : Application à la réalisation de sources laser intégrées

Goudket, Hélène 02 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
La première source laser solide à base de polymère dopé par des colorants organiques a été obtenue dans les années 1970, mais jusqu'à la fin du vingtième siècle, peu d'avancées ont été faites. La recherche de sources laser à colorants solides intégrées s'est beaucoup développée ces dernières années grâce à l'avènement de matériaux polymères organiques 'classiques' et hybrides organo-minéraux 'sol-gels' de meilleure qualité.Dans ces travaux, la caractérisation des matériaux est effectuée en termes de propriétés spectrales et de photostabilité des matériaux polymères dopés par des colorants organiques. L'influence sur les propriétés du matériau de l'environnement de la molécule de colorant et du viellissement est discutée.L'application de ces matériaux à la réalisation de sources laser intégrées est faite. Les performances des couples colorant-matrice en terme d'efficacité, de durée de vie en régime de train d'impulsions laser et d'accordabilité en longueur d'onde à l'aide de l'effet de rétroaction distribuée, sont mesurées.Enfin, la comparaison des mesures de caractérisation des matériaux en couches minces et des performances système en régime laser intégré, permet l'identification des paramètres agissant sur ces dernières. Notamment, la présence d'une forte absorption résiduelle dans la bande de fluorescence diminue l'efficacité laser des échantillons, et une bonne conduction thermique dans le matériau permet d'augmenter sa durée de vie en régime laser en limitant la thermodégradation des molécules de colorant. Des compromis sont, de plus, à faire pour la rigidité de la matrice, qui augmente le gain, mais aussi les pertes de propagation dans les matériaux.

The impact of the wet dyeing process on the environmental sustainability : A case study of IKEA and their usage of water, energy and chemicals

Abrahamsson, Paulina, Johannesson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Background: As a company it is more important than ever to consider the environmental sustainability aspect within the whole supply chain and all the stakeholders. Studies show that people's concerns about environmental sustainability increases and will continue to grow in the future. The wet dyeing process is the part of the textile production that consists of liquor and contains three main steps which are pretreatment, coloration and finishing. This process is presented as the most water, energy and chemicals consuming process within the textile industry and because of that, it is important to investigate it to be able to improve the environmental sustainability.  Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to increase the understanding of IKEA’s suppliers' current usage of water, energy and chemicals within the wet dyeing process. Followed by an identification of opportunities for improvements in the wet dyeing process, aiming to become more environmentally sustainable.  Method: Through interviews with two suppliers, information regarding IKEA’s current wet dyeing processes will be collected. After that, data from relevant theoretical sources will be collected to analyze possible improvements of methods and colorants that can be relevant for IKEA as well as other companies within the textile industry to implement.  Conclusion: For research question 1, the researchers reach the conclusion that IKEA’s supplier number one has a more environmentally sustainable wet dyeing process compared to the second supplier.. A conclusion is nevertheless drawn that improvements within both suppliers wet dyeing processes should be considered to become more environmentally sustainable. For research question 2, the researchers come to the conclusion that Spray dyeing is the best alternative method to implement for improving environmental sustainability within the wet dyeing process. The researchers also recommend companies to actively become a part of the development of bacterial colorants, the future of coloration.


Ozcan, Ali 19 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Une étude détaillée a été effectuée sur l'utilisation de la technique électro-Fenton pour l'oxydation de quelques polluants organiques persistants (POP) dans le but du traitement des eaux usées. Cette technique génère, in situ et de manière électrocatalytique, les radicaux hydroxyles (OH) afin de les utiliser pour oxyder la polluants organiques. Le travail de thèse est constitué en trois parts. Dans la première partie, l'élimination de l'eau des colorants synthétiques et pesticides choisis comme polluants modèles a été effectuée en utilisant une cathode en feutre de carbone. Les cinétiques d'oxydation des colorants synthétiques (Acide Orange 7 et Bleu Basique 3) et des pesticides (picloram, prophame, azinphos-méthyl et clopyralid) ont été déterminées. La cinétique de minéralisation des solutions aqueuses des polluants organiques en question a été suivie par des analyses de carbone organique totale (COT) et demande chimique en oxygène (DCO). Une minéralisation quasi-totale a été obtenue dans tous les cas. L'identification et la quantification des sousproduits d'oxydation des colorants synthétiques et pesticides ont été effectuées par les techniques d'analyse suivantes: Chromatographie liquide à haute performance (CLHP), chromatographie en phasegazeuse-spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS), chromatographie liquide à haute performances-péctrométrie de masse (HPLC/MS) et chromatographie ionique. Ces analyses systématique ont mis en évidence que les polluants organiques initiaux ont sont convertis en trois formes d'intermédiaires réactionnels; intermédiaires organiques, acides carboxyliques à courte chaîne et ions inorganiques. Basé sur l'identification ces des intermédiaires réactionnels, une schéma de minéralisation plausible a été proposé pour chaque colorant et pesticide étudié. Dans la deuxième partie de l'étude, la capacité de production de peroxyde d'hydrogène (H2O2) de la cathode en éponge de carbone comme matériau original de cathode pour la technique électro-Fenton a été étudiée pour la première fois. Les résultats obtenus ont indiqué que le l'éponge de carbone possède une capacité de la production d'H2O2 trois fois plus élevée par rapport à la cathode classique (feutre de carbone). La troisième et dernière partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à l'étude de l'efficacité et l'utilisation en électro-Fenton d'une anode de nouvelle génération, le diamant dopé au bore (BDD pour "Boron Doped Diamond"). Tout d'abord, l'efficacité d'oxydation et la capacité de minéralisation de l'anode BDD ont été examinées sur l'herbicide propham dans les conditions d'oxydation anodique. Ensuite, la combinaison de cathode en feutre de carbone et l'anode BDD dans la technique électro-Fenton a été examinée. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que cette combinaison conduit aux résultats significativement meilleurs que le système classique feutre de carbone - Pt. L'utilisation de l'anode BDD dans l'électro-Fenton améliore considérablement la cinétique d'oxydation et l'efficacité de minéralisation des polluants organiques et en particulier des acides carboxyliques tels que les acides oxalique et oxamique qui résistent à la minéralisation dans le cas de l'anode Pt.

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