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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ciclo reprodutivo da caninana, Spilotes pullatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE) / Reproductive cycle of tiger rat snake, Spilotes pullatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (SERPENTES: COLUBRIDAE)

Silva, Diego Ferreira Muniz da 25 June 2012 (has links)
O ciclo reprodutivo de Spilotes pullatus na região sudeste do Brasil é descrito para machos e fêmeas a partir de análises macroscópicas e microscópicas do aparelho reprodutor e órgãos acessórios envolvidos na reprodução ao longo do ano. Os machos da espécie apresentam o ciclo sazonal com o início da espermatogênese no verão, e durante o outono ocorre a espermiação. Os gametas são estocados ao longo dos ductos deferentes que possuem um formato convoluto. Os testículos entram em regressão e durante o inverno e a primavera apresentam-se inativos. Não é incomum encontrar machos de Spilotes com anomalia gonadal, apresentando uma massa testicular funcional próximo aos testículos. A cópula ocorre durante o inverno, principalmente na metade final da estação, os gametas estocados nos ductos deferentes não são esgotados durante a estação de acasalamento de forma que durante todo o ano os machos possuem espermatozóides estocados nos ductos. Os rins, órgão reprodutor acessório em Squamata, não apresentam variação em tamanho ao longo das estações em nenhum dos sexos, mas mudanças microscópicas ocorrem no néfron dos machos na região do segmento sexual renal, essa estrutura encontra-se hipertrofiada durante a estação de acasalamento. Combate pode ocorrer durante a primavera e os machos tendem a ficar com a porção cranial do corpo na vertical durante o duelo, diferentemente da maioria dos outros colubrídeos que mantém quase todo o corpo na horizontal. Durante o combate os machos podem expor o hemipênis. As fêmeas iniciam a vitelogênese no outono quando os folículos menores do que 10 mm começam a receber depósito de vitelo. O forrageio das fêmeas diminui de acordo com o desenvolvimento folicular. No final do inverno os folículos encontram-se pré-ovulatórios e no oviduto médio observa-se uma hipertrofia das glândulas da casca. As fêmeas parecem apresentar um período de proestro de seis dias e em seguida o estro. Os hemipênes da espécie são únicos, sem nenhum tipo de bifurcação, enquanto que a fêmea possui uma cloaca longa e com bolsas (vaginas) marcadamente bilobadas. Após a cópula, no final do inverno, ocorre a ovulação. Nessa espécie parece haver ovulação reflexa, sendo a cópula o estímulo para que ocorra a ovulação. A primavera é a estação onde as fêmeas encontram-se prenhas e realizam a ovipostura. As fêmeas que não ovularam parecem ter os folículos absorvidos pelo organismo. As caninanas produzem em média oito ovos que 12 podem estar distribuídos igualmente ou não entre os ovários. Os ovos postos na prprimavera são incubados em média por 73 dias e a eclosão ocorre durante o verão. / The reproductive cycle of Spilotes pullatus in southeastern of Brazil is described for males and females from macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the reproductive tract and accessory organs involved in reproduction throughout the year. Males of the species exhibit a seasonal cycle with the onset of spermatogenesis in the summer and during autumn spermiation occurs. The gametes are stored along the vas deferens, which have a convoluted shape. The testicles come in regression and during the winter and spring appear inactive. It is not unusual to find male Spilotes with gonadal failure, with a testicular mass function next to the testicles. Mating occurs during the winter, especially in the latter half of the season, gametes stored in the vas deferens are not depleted during the breeding season so that throughout the years, males have sperm stored in the vas. The kidneys, reproductive organ accessory in Squamatas not show variation in size throughout the seasons in either sex, but microscopic changes occur in the nephron of male sexual segment in the region of the kidney, this structure is hypertrophied during the mating season. The kidneys, reproductive organ accessory Squamatas not show variation in size throughout the seasons in either sex, but microscopic changes occur in the nephron of male sexual segment in the region of the kidney, this structure is hypertrophied during the mating season. Combat can occur during the spring and the males tend to stay with the cranial portion of the body vertical during the duel, unlike most other colubrids that keeps most of the body horizontally. During combat, males may expose the hemipenis. The females begin the vitellogenesis on fall when the follicles smaller than 10 mm start receiving tank calf. Female foraging decreases with the follicle development. At the end of winter follicles are pre-ovulatory and in the medium oviduct there is a hypertrophy of gland shell. Females appear to have a period of six days of proestrus and then estrus. The specie hemipenes are unique, without any kind of bifurcation, while the female has a long cloaca with pouch (or vaginal pouch) markedly bilobed. After mating in the end of winter, ovulation occurs. In this species seems to be reflex ovulation, copulation being the stimulus for ovulation to occur. Spring is the season when females are pregnant and do the oviposition. Females that did not ovulate have to seem the follicles absorbed by the body. The 14 tiger rat snake produce an average of eight eggs that may or may not be distributed equally between the ovaries. The eggs laid in spring are incubated in medium for 73 days and hatching occurs during the summer.

Des "conquistadors" en Afrique centrale : espaces naturels, chasses et guerres coloniales dans l'Etat indépendant du Congo (années 1880 - années 1900) / "Conquistadors" in Central Africa : nature, hunting and colonial wars in the Congo Free State (1880s - 1900s)

Arzel, Lancelot 10 December 2018 (has links)
L’Afrique centrale a été marquée par une longue guerre de Trente Ans, des années 1880 aux années 1900, lorsque s’est imposé dans la région l’État indépendant du Congo, propriété privée du Roi des Belges, Léopold II. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier les violences armées à l’œuvre au Congo à la fin du XIXe siècle en s’intéressant à l’expérience des combattants européens partis faire la conquête – les « conquistadors ». Elle se fonde sur l’utilisation d’archives privées (carnets, lettres, souvenirs) mais aussi étatiques (commission d’enquête) ainsi que sur une série d’images produites par ces hommes (dessins, photographies) : ces sources ont permis de brosser une histoire sociale, depuis le départ de ces hommes vers le Congo jusqu’à leur retour en Europe. L’analyse de leurs représentations et de leurs pratiques durant la conquête coloniale révèle l’importance de leur rapport à la nature et à la faune sauvage. Fervents chasseurs, ils définissent les espaces naturels et les populations comme autant d’exemples de la sauvagerie africaine qu’il faut domestiquer et dominer. Cette thèse démontre les liens puissants établis par ces hommes entre la chasse et la guerre de conquête. Aidés par une armée coloniale puissante, la Force Publique, bien armés et se représentant comme des chefs puissants, ces militaires européens développent des pratiques et des gestuelles cynégétiques dont l’objectif est de soumettre les populations, les contraindre au travail forcé et mettre la main sur les chefs rebelles. Cette thèse met notamment en avant le rôle de ce modèle cynégétique dans les guerres du caoutchouc menées par l’État indépendant du Congo et les compagnies privées, et montre l’importance des trophées dans cette expérience combattante. Les liens entre chasse et guerre se retrouvent à leur retour en Europe par l’exhibition d’objets africains et de trophées animaux. / Central Africa has been characterized by a very long thirty years war from the 1880s to the 1900s as the Congo Free State, the private property of the King of the Belgians Leopold II, was built up in the region. This thesis aims at analysing armed violence and conflicts occurring in the Congo area at the end of the 19th Century and studying war experiences of European soldiers involved in the colonial conquest – also named “conquistadors”. This research is based on a various sources such as private archives (letters, memoirs, notebooks), state archives (commission of inquiry) and iconographic material (drawings, photographs), embracing a large social history of those soldiers from their departure to the Congo to their return in Europe. The analysis of their representations and practices during the colonial conquest period reveals one key element, i.e. the importance of their relationship to nature and wildlife. As fierce hunters they define the natural world and populations as many examples of savagery that need to be domesticated and controlled. Thus this research showcases the strong links established by those men between hunting and war of conquest. Those European soldiers think of themselves as powerful chiefs, well armed and helped by a mighty colonial army, the Force Publique. They have developed hunting gestures and practices that helped them to submit indigenous peoples and impose forced labour. This thesis especially argues that such hunting model is very significant in the rubber wars that were led by the Congo Free State and private companies; it also shows the importance of trophies in colonial war experiences. The links between hunting and war are finally well-exemplified back in Europe when those soldiers displayed African items and animal trophies.

Efeito agudo da potencialização pós-ativação sobre o desempenho do salto vertical com contramovimento e no frequency speed of kick test em atletas de taekwondo / Acute effects of post-activation potentiation on performance of countermovement jump and frequency speed of kick test in taekwondo athletes.

Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos 18 June 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito dos exercícios meio-agachamento, salto e complexo (agachamento + saltos), seguido por intervalos de 5 min, 10 min ou auto-selecionado sobre o desempenho no salto vertical com contramovimento (CMJ - countermovement jump) e frequency speed of kick test (FSKT). Para isso, 11 atletas de taekwondo, faixas-preta foram submetidos a nove protocolos experimentais e um controle realizados aleatoriamente. Cada sessão experimental foi composta pelo aquecimento, uma atividade condicionante (meio-agachamento: três séries de uma repetição a 95% de 1RM; pliometria: três séries de 10 saltos sobre barreira de 40 cm; ou exercicio complexo: meio-agachamento com três séries de duas repetições a 95% de 1RM seguido por quatro saltos sobre barreira de 40 cm), e um intervalo (5 min, 10 min ou intervalo auto-selecionado) antes da realização do CMJ e FSKT. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa sobre o número de golpes aplicados (F9,90 = 2,90; P = 0,005, h2 = 0,225 [pequeno]). O exercício complexo com intervalo de 10 min (23 ± 5 repetições) foi superior a condição controle (19 ± 3 repetições), meio-agachamento com intervalo auto-selecionado (18 ± 2 repetições, P = 0,015) e saltos com intervalo de 5 min (18 ± 3 repetições, P < 0,001). Nossos resultados indicam que atletas de taekwondo podem aumentar o número de golpes aplicados em teste específico após a realização do exercício complexo. Outro objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do volume e intensidade sobre o desempenho no CMJ e FSKT. Para isso, nove atletas de taekwondo, faixaspreta foram submetidos a quatro sessões experimentais e uma sessão controle realizadas aleatoriamente. Cada sessão experimental foi composta pelo aquecimento, uma atividade condicionante no exercício meio-agachamento (sessões experimentais: uma série de três repetições a 50% ou 90% de 1RM ou três séries de três repetições a 50% ou 90% de 1RM), seguido por intervalo de 10 min antes da realização do CMJ e cinco séries do FSKT. O desempenho do FSKT caiu ao longo das séries (F3,21;128,36 = 25,344; P < 0,001, h2 = 0,388 [muito grande]). Não houve efeito do volume e intensidade sobre as variáveis investigadas. Nossos resultados indicam que os atletas de taekwondo não foram afetados pelo uso de diferentes volumes e intensidades em atividade de potência específica e não específica visando a manifestação da potencialização pós-ativação / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of half-squat, jump and complex exercise (half-squat + jump), followed by intervals of 5-min, 10-min or selfselected rest interval on performance of countermovement jump (CMJ) and the frequency speed of kick test (FSKT). Eleven black-belt taekwondo athletes were randomly submitted to nine experimental section and one control were randomly. Each experimental section was composed by warm-up, conditioning activity (halfsquat: three sets of one repetition at 95% of 1-RM; plyometric: three sets of 10 jumps above 40-cm barrier; or complex exercise: half-squat with three sets of two repetitions at 95% of 1-RM followed for four jumps above 40-cm barrier), and a rest interval (5-min, 10-min or self-selected rest interval) before performing CMJ and FSKT. There was statistically significant difference regarding the number of kicks applied (F9,90 = 2.90; P = 0.005, h2 = 0.225 [small]). The complex exercise with 10- min of rest interval (23 ± 5 repetitions) was higher that the control (19 ± 3 repetitions), as well as the half-squat with self-selected rest interval (18 ± 2 repetitions, P = 0.015) and the plyometric with 5-min rest interval (18 ± 3 repetitions, P < 0.001). Our results indicate that taekwondo athletes can increase the number of kicks applied in a specific test after perfoming the complex exercise. An other purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of volume and intensity of CMJ and FSKT. Nine blackbelt taekwondo athletes were randomly submitted to four experimental section and one control. Each experimental section was composed by warm-up, one conditioning activity on half-squat exercise (experimental section: one set of three repetitions at 50% or 90% 1-RM or three sets of three repetitions at 50% or 90% of 1-RM), followed by 10-min of interval before performance of CMJ and five sets of FSKT. The FSKT performance declined along of sets (F3,21;128,36 = 25.344; P < 0.001, h2 = 0.388 [very large]). It was not found difference regarding exercise volume and intensity on the investigated variables. Our results indicate that taekwondo athletes were not affected by different volume and intensities of specific and non-specific power activities on post-activation potentiation

Explaining Combat Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Integrated Mental Illness and Military Process Model

Deitz, Mandi F 01 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to examine a process model of combat-related and mental-illness related processes that explain increased likelihood of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This dissertation proposed the development of PTSD may occur due to cultural, social, and self-related pathways associated with veterans’ dual encounters with combat (i.e., severity) and mental illness symptoms. Participants were 195 military veterans recruited from multiple sites and strategies to maximize sample size and representation. Participants were asked to complete several self-administered assessment inventories, including: the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Military, the Trauma Symptom Checklist, the Combat Experiences scale, the Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale, an adapted version of the Iraq War Attitude Scale, a perceptions scale, an adapted version of the Likelihood of Disclosure Scale, the Unit Support Scale, the Post-Deployment Support Scale, the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3), as well as covariates that included demographics and details of military service (e.g., deployment information). Overall, results revealed that the impaired social support indicator of social isolation was linked to PTSD, whereas impaired unit support and impaired postdeployment support were not predictive of PTSD. Results also revealed that it is the cultural stereotypes and stigma associated with military and war but not of mental illness that plays a role in social isolation and subsequently PTSD. Overall, evidence supports the combined explanations of combat-related processes and mental illness processes in understanding likelihood of PTSD.

Combat Experiences, Iso-strain, and Sleep Quality Affect Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress among Working Post-9/11 Veterans

Brady, Gilbert Patrick, Jr. 21 July 2017 (has links)
Despite the growing need, prior research on how the civilian work domain may affect posttraumatic stress is scarce. Moreover, few if any studies have investigated how perceptions of one's job and insomnia may shape traumatic stress symptoms, post-combat. Presently, about 4 million Americans have served in the "Global War on Terrorism," including nearly 1 million reservists. By contrast, 8.7 million Americans served in the Vietnam War: over twice the number of U.S. military personnel who have fought since 9/11. Surprisingly, combat experiences alone do not explain the majority of posttraumatic stress disorder cases, even after multiple deployments, suggesting the presence of moderators of the stressor-strain conceptual model. Based in occupational stress theories of allostatic load, job demands-resources, strain, and social support this thesis applied frequentist and Bayesian analytical strategies to investigate the psychological experiences and occupational health of three subgroups of combat veterans. In the present study, sleep quality and a job situation characterized by isolated, demanding civilian work with low decision authority (i.e., "iso-strain") were hypothesized to moderate the effect of combat experiences on posttraumatic stress. As part of the larger SERVe reintegration project, survey data were collected among a baseline sample (N=382) of post-9/11 veterans living in the Pacific Northwest. The research question of whether greater perceived psychosocial stressors among active reservists driving that group's higher perceived levels of poor sleep, iso-strain, and posttraumatic stress was unfounded. Overall, however, the central hypotheses of the simple effects of iso-strain and sleep quality on posttraumatic stress following combat were significant.

Transitions from Military Duty to College for United States Military Veterans

Layne, Velma 01 January 2016 (has links)
Some veterans transitioning from military duty to the classroom are not obtaining college degrees. The purpose of this study was to investigate student veterans’ perceptions of the transition services and support systems at their college that might impact the challenges they face while pursuing a college degree. The theoretical framework for this study was Schlossberg’s Theory of Transition. The guiding research question asked how military veterans perceived the transition services and support systems at their university in the context of their decision to obtain their degrees. A purposeful sampling approach was used for selecting student veteran participants who had returned from active duty and were enrolled at the university for 1 year. Moustakas’s transcendental approach was the model used for interviewing 12 veterans. Inductive analysis was used to analyze data, including coding the interview transcripts and identifying themes to capture the collective experience of the veterans. Participants indicated that existing emotional or social support programs, organizations, and personnel to assist them on campus were inadequate. Implications for social change include increasing faculty and staff understanding of veterans’ needs, which may lead to improved transition services, support systems, and communications within the university. Results may be used to improve retention and degree completion rates of student veterans.

Relationship Between Victims of Urban Violence and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Banks Sr., Jashon Anthony 01 January 2018 (has links)
Urban violence has become common in lower-income communities that have high rates of shootings and African-American victims. Urban violence causes victims and their family and friends to experience trauma and puts them at risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) injuries. However, there is a gap in knowledge in the framework of urban communities and their range of needs to address PTSD. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine whether a relationship exists between reinforcement of needs, membership, influence, shared emotional connection, and post-traumatic stress symptomology (PTSS) of urban violence victims in a large metropolitan city. Albert Bandura's self-efficacy theory and social conflict theory comprised the theoretical framework for this research. A correlational design was employed with a convenience sample of 83 respondents drawn from urban violence victims using an internet-based survey instrument designed to assess the elements of sense of community. The research questions examined participants' perceptions of reinforcement of needs, membership, influence, shared emotional connection, and PTSS. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analyses were performed on the collected data to test the hypotheses. The findings did not show a statistically significant relationship between participants' perceptions of sense of community and PTSD. However, victims of urban violence can use the results of this study to expand understanding of PTSD to address the realities of living in lower-income geographical locations, therefore leading to positive social change.

Predictors of Veteran PTSD Symptom Reduction by Use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Witt, Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite 30 years of research advancements, PTSD treatment remains a trial-and-error process as 22 veterans per day commit suicide to relieve their symptoms. Foa and Kozak's emotional processing theory informed this correlational study which included secondary data consisting of participants' self-rated scale scores to examine whether the independent variables number of deployments, guilt, depression, and anxiety predicted the dependent variable PTSD symptom reduction in a veteran sample with combat deployments and associated PTSD symptoms who completed accelerated resolution therapy (ART). An analysis of whether mean PTSD symptom reduction amounts differed by symptom severity levels was also completed. The study aimed to identify the first predictive treatment-matching model for PTSD symptom reduction by use of ART. A multiple regression analysis to determine whether the predictor variables predicted PTSD symptom reduction by use of ART resulted in nonsignificant findings (p = .517). A Welch ANOVA test to determine if mean PTSD symptom reduction differed among the low, moderate, and high PTSD symptom severity groups showed significant results (p = .002). Games-Howell post hoc analysis showed that mean differences in PTSD symptom reduction from the low to high PTSD symptom severity group was significant (p = .001) with a 26.1 point mean reduction for the high symptom severity group and a greater than 10-point mean PTSD symptom reduction for the low and moderate symptom severity groups. The findings confirmed a need for treatment-matching algorithm studies to predict which PTSD interventions most benefit veterans suffering with PTSD to reduce trial-and-error treatment approaches, associated comorbidities, and high rates of suicides.

Reintegration Among Combat Veterans Suffering From Psychological Conditions

Falck, Virginia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Active duty personnel as well as combat veterans of the United States often engage in military operations during their service that require deployments to participate in missions, which may lead to extended periods away from home. When active duty men and women are appointed to combat zones, they may return with psychological burdens such as post traumatic stress disorder, which can complicate their reintegration into civilian life. This study explored the experiences of combat veterans who faced challenges when returning home from a war zone, along with the experiences of their family members. The study involved 26 combat veterans, spouses, significant others, and parents. In data analysis, semistructured interview responses were given concerning personal experiences. The interviews produced a vast amount of information with manual notes. Participants discussed treatment, interventions, and strategies for family reintegration. Many of the veteran participants shared that family members did the 'best they could' to help them reintegrate. The themes received for the study were family reintegration, command strategies and intervention, community services, and mental health services. The study showed how combat veterans and family members can successfully complete family reintegration with social support as well as support from mental health professionals. In association with social change, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health practioners, and licensed professional counselors may benefit from the findings of this study. Professionals involved with mental health treatments and assessments would learn how to connect with combat veterans and family members. This study supports the recommendation that combat veterans and family members receive services from mental health professionals.

Modélisation du comportement humain dans les simulations de combat naval / Human behavior modelling in naval action simulations

Toulgoat, Isabelle 31 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la modélisation du comportement humain dans les simulations de combat naval. Au sein de l'entreprise DCNS, les simulations de combat naval permettent d'évaluer les performances opérationnelles des navires militaires, dans un scénario donné. Les simulations actuelles ne permettent pas de prendre en compte l'analyse et la décision d'un opérateur, qui peuvent parfois conduire à des réactions inattendues. Le but de cette thèse est donc de modéliser le comportement d'un opérateur pour les simulations de combats navals.Pour représenter les connaissances, la logique non monotone la plus employée a été utilisée: la logique des défauts. Une prise en compte du temps a été ajoutée à cette logique des défauts. La logique des défauts va permettre de calculer des extensions. Chaque extension correspond à une action possible pour l'opérateur.Une méthode qui permet de choisir une extension a été définie. Cette méthode simule la décision de l'opérateur et elle prend en compte le caractère de l'opérateur. / This thesis deals with the modelling of operator behavior in naval action simulations. At DCNS, simulations of naval action estimate the operational performance of warships or submarines for a given scenario. However, the current simulations do not take into account the analysis and the decision of an operator, which can produce unexpected reactions. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a system allowing to model the behavior of an operatorin the naval action simulations.To represent knowledge, the most widely known non-monotonic logic is used : the default logic. A consideration of time is added to this logic. The default logic allows to calculate extensions. Each extension represents a possible action for the operator.A method to choose an extension is dened, which allows to simulate the decision of the operator and it handles the operator character.

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