Spelling suggestions: "subject:"command anda control systems\"" "subject:"command anno control systems\""
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Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated UncertaintiesGonzález Querubín, Edwin Alonso 26 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] La gran mayoría de procesos del mundo real tienen incertidumbres inherentes, las cuales, al ser consideradas en el proceso de modelado, se puede obtener una representación que describa con la mayor precisión posible el comportamiento del proceso real. En la mayoría de casos prácticos, se considera que éstas tienen un comportamiento estocástico y sus descripciones como distribuciones de probabilidades son conocidas.
Las estrategias de MPC estocástico están desarrolladas para el control de procesos con incertidumbres de naturaleza estocástica, donde el conocimiento de las propiedades estadísticas de las incertidumbres es aprovechado al incluirlo en el planteamiento de un problema de control óptimo (OCP). En éste, y contrario a otros esquemas de MPC, las restricciones duras son relajadas al reformularlas como restricciones de tipo probabilísticas con el fin de reducir el conservadurismo. Esto es, se permiten las violaciones de las restricciones duras originales, pero tales violaciones no deben exceder un nivel de riesgo permitido. La no-convexidad de tales restricciones probabilísticas hacen que el problema de optimización sea prohibitivo, por lo que la mayoría de las estrategias de MPC estocástico en la literatura se diferencian en la forma en que abordan tales restricciones y las incertidumbres, para volver el problema computacionalmente manejable.
Por un lado, están las estrategias deterministas que, fuera de línea, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en unas nuevas de tipo deterministas, usando la propagación de las incertidumbres a lo largo del horizonte de predicción para ajustar las restricciones duras originales. Por otra parte, las estrategias basadas en escenarios usan la información de las incertidumbres para, en cada instante de muestreo, generar de forma aleatoria un
conjunto de posibles evoluciones de éstas a lo largo del horizonte de predicción. De esta manera, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en un conjunto de restricciones deterministas que deben cumplirse para todos los escenarios generados. Estas estrategias se destacan por su capacidad de incluir en tiempo real información actualizada de las incertidumbres. No obstante, esta ventaja genera inconvenientes como su gasto computacional, el cual aumenta conforme lo hace el número de escenarios y; por otra parte, el efecto no deseado en el problema de optimización, causado por los escenarios con baja probabilidad de ocurrencia, cuando se usa un conjunto de escenarios pequeño.
Los retos mencionados anteriormente orientaron esta tesis hacia los enfoques de MPC estocástico basado en escenarios, produciendo tres contribuciones principales.
La primera consiste en un estudio comparativo de un algoritmo del grupo determinista con otro del grupo basado en escenarios; se hace un especial énfasis en cómo cada uno de estos aborda las incertidumbres, transforma las restricciones probabilísticas y en la estructura de su OCP, además de señalar sus aspectos más destacados y desafíos.
La segunda contribución es una nueva propuesta de algoritmo MPC, el cual se basa en escenarios condicionales, diseñado para sistemas lineales con incertidumbres correlacionadas. Este esquema aprovecha la existencia de tal correlación para convertir un conjunto de escenarios inicial de gran tamaño en un conjunto de escenarios más pequeño con sus probabilidades de ocurrencia, el cual conserva las características del conjunto inicial. El conjunto reducido es usado en un OCP en el que las predicciones de los estados y entradas del sistema son penalizadas de acuerdo con las probabilidades de los escenarios que las componen, dando menor importancia a los escenarios con menores probabilidades de ocurrencia.
La tercera contribución consiste en un procedimiento para la implementación del nuevo algoritmo MPC como gestor de la energía en una microrred en la que las previsiones de las energías renovables y las cargas están correlacionadas. / [CA] La gran majoria de processos del món real tenen incerteses inherents, les quals, en ser considerades en el procés de modelatge, es pot obtenir una representació que descriga amb la major precisió possible el comportament del procés real. En la majoria de casos pràctics, es considera que aquestes tenen un comportament estocàstic i les seues descripcions com a distribucions de probabilitats són conegudes.
Les estratègies de MPC estocàstic estan desenvolupades per al control de processos amb incerteses de naturalesa estocàstica, on el coneixement de les propietats estadístiques de les incerteses és aprofitat en incloure'l en el plantejament d'un problema de control òptim (OCP). En aquest, i contrari a altres esquemes de MPC, les restriccions dures són relaxades en reformulades com a restriccions de tipus probabilístiques amb la finalitat de reduir el conservadorisme. Això és, es permeten les violacions de les restriccions dures originals, però tals violacions no han d'excedir un nivell de risc permès. La no-convexitat de tals restriccions probabilístiques fan que el problema d'optimització siga computacionalment immanejable, per la qual cosa la majoria de les estratègies de MPC estocàstic en la literatura es diferencien en la forma en què aborden tals restriccions i les incerteses, per a tornar el problema computacionalment manejable.
D'una banda, estan les estratègies deterministes que, fora de línia, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en unes noves de tipus deterministes, usant la propagació de les incerteses al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció per a ajustar les restriccions dures originals. D'altra banda, les estratègies basades en escenaris usen la informació de les incerteses per a, en cada instant de mostreig, generar de manera aleatòria un conjunt de possibles evolucions d'aquestes al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció. D'aquesta manera, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en un conjunt de restriccions deterministes que s'han de complir per a tots els escenaris generats. Aquestes estratègies es destaquen per la seua capacitat d'incloure en temps real informació actualitzada de les incerteses. No obstant això, aquest avantatge genera inconvenients com la seua despesa computacional, el qual augmenta conforme ho fa el nombre d'escenaris i; d'altra banda, l'efecte no desitjat en el problema d'optimització, causat pels escenaris amb baixa probabilitat d'ocurrència, quan s'usa un conjunt d'escenaris xicotet.
Els reptes esmentats anteriorment van orientar aquesta tesi cap als enfocaments de MPC estocàstic basat en escenaris, produint tres contribucions principals.
La primera consisteix en un estudi comparatiu d'un algorisme del grup determinista amb un altre del grup basat en escenaris; on es fa un especial èmfasi en com cadascun d'aquests aborda les incerteses, transforma les restriccions probabilístiques i en l'estructura del seu problema d'optimització, a més d'assenyalar els seus aspectes més destacats i desafiaments.
La segona contribució és una nova proposta d'algorisme MPC, el qual es basa en escenaris condicionals, dissenyat per a sistemes lineals amb incerteses correlacionades. Aquest esquema aprofita l'existència de tal correlació per a convertir un conjunt d'escenaris inicial de gran grandària en un conjunt d'escenaris més xicotet amb les seues probabilitats d'ocurrència, el qual conserva les característiques del conjunt inicial. El conjunt reduït és usat en un OCP en el qual les prediccions dels estats i entrades del sistema són penalitzades d'acord amb les probabilitats dels escenaris que les componen, donant menor importància als escenaris amb menors probabilitats d'ocurrència.
La tercera contribució consisteix en un procediment per a la implementació del nou algorisme MPC com a gestor de l'energia en una microxarxa en la qual les previsions de les energies renovables i les càrregues estan correlacionades. / [EN] The vast majority of real-world processes have inherent uncertainties, which, when considered in the modelling process, can provide a representation that most accurately describes the behaviour of the real process. In most practical cases, these are considered to have stochastic behaviour and their descriptions as probability distributions are known.
Stochastic model predictive control algorithms are developed to control processes with uncertainties of a stochastic nature, where the knowledge of the statistical properties of the uncertainties is exploited by including it in the optimal control problem (OCP) statement. Contrary to other model predictive control (MPC) schemes, hard constraints are relaxed by reformulating them as probabilistic constraints to reduce conservatism. That is, violations of the original hard constraints are allowed, but such violations must not exceed a permitted level of risk.
The non-convexity of such probabilistic constraints renders the optimisation problem computationally unmanageable, thus most stochastic MPC strategies in the literature differ in how they deal with such constraints and uncertainties to turn the problem computationally tractable. On the one hand, there are deterministic strategies that, offline, convert probabilistic constraints into new deterministic ones, using the propagation of uncertainties along the prediction horizon to tighten the original hard constraints.
Scenario-based approaches, on the other hand, use the uncertainty information to randomly generate, at each sampling instant, a set of possible evolutions of uncertainties over the prediction horizon. In this fashion, they convert the probabilistic constraints into a set of deterministic constraints that must be fulfilled for all the scenarios generated. These strategies stand out for their ability to include real-time updated uncertainty information. However, this advantage comes with inconveniences such as computational effort, which grows as the number of scenarios does, and the undesired effect on the optimisation problem caused by scenarios with a low probability of occurrence when a small set of scenarios is used.
The aforementioned challenges steered this thesis toward stochastic scenario-based MPC approaches, and yielded three main contributions. The first one consists of a comparative study of an algorithm from the deterministic group with another one from the scenario-based group, where a special emphasis is made on how each of them deals with uncertainties, transforms the probabilistic constraints and on the structure of the optimisation problem, as well as pointing out their most outstanding aspects and challenges.
The second contribution is a new proposal for a MPC algorithm, which is based on conditional scenarios, developed for linear systems with correlated uncertainties. This scheme exploits the existence of such correlation to convert a large initial set of scenarios into a smaller one with their probabilities of occurrence, which preserves the characteristics of the initial set. The reduced set is used in an OCP in which the predictions of the system states and inputs are penalised according to the probabilities of the scenarios that compose them, giving less importance to the scenarios with lower probabilities of occurrence.
The third contribution consists of a procedure for the implementation of the new MPC algorithm as an energy manager in a microgrid in which the forecasts of renewables and loads are correlated. / González Querubín, EA. (2024). Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated Uncertainties [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203887
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Opportunistic resource and network management in autonomous packet access systemsMorais de Lima, C. H. (Carlos Héracles) 13 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to evaluate networking aspects of autonomous packets access systems when dynamically and adaptively performing resource and network management. In this context, Quality of Service (QoS)-aware solutions for resource sharing and control (e.g., channel access, load control, interference management and routing techniques among others) in large-scale wireless networks are envisaged.
We propose and investigate distributed coordination mechanisms for controlling the co-channel interference generated in multi-tier coexistence scenarios consisting of macrocells underlaid with short-range small cells. The rationale behind employing such mechanism is to opportunistically reuse resources without compromising ongoing transmissions on the overlaid macrocells, while still guaranteeing QoS in both tiers. To mitigate the resulting co-channel interference, the underlaid tiers of small cells use distributed mechanism that relies on minimal signaling exchange, e.g., the Time Division Duplexing (TDD)-underlay approach which is based on regular busy tones.
Herein, stochastic geometry is used to model network deployments, while higherorder statistics through the cumulants concept is utilized to characterize the probability distribution of the aggregate interference at the tagged receiver. To conduct our studies, we consider a shadowed fading channel model incorporating log-normal shadowing and Nakagami-m fading. In addition, various network algorithms, such as power control and frequency (re)allocation, are included in the analytical framework. To evaluate the performance of the proposed solutions, we also derive closed-form expressions for the outage probability and average spectral efficiency with respect to the receiver of interest under various channel conditions and network configurations.
Results show that the analytical framework matches well with numerical results obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, and that the coordination mechanisms substantially improve the performance of overlaid macrocell networks, while also benefiting small cells. In contrast to the uncoordinated Frequency Division Duplexing mode, the coordinated TDD-underlay solution shows a reduction in the outage probability, while the average spectral efficiency increases at high loads. Although more elaborated interference control techniques such as, downlink bitmap and distributed antennas systems become needed, when the density of uncoordinated small cells in the underlaid tier gets high. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii arvioimaan autonomisia pakettikytkentäisiä järjestelmiä verkon näkökulmasta, kun resurssien ja verkon hallinta tapahtuu dynaamisesti ja adaptiivisesti. Tässä yhteydessä suunnitellaan QoS-tietoisia ratkaisuja resurssien jakamiseen ja hallintaan (esim. kanavan allokointi, kuorman hallinta, häiriön käsittely ja reititystekniikat) suuren skaalan langattomiin verkkoihin.
Ehdotamme ja tutkimme hajautettuja koordinointimekanismeja monikanavien häiriöiden hallintaan monitasoisissa skenaarioissa, jotka koostuvat lyhyen kantaman soluista makrosoluissa. Peruste näille mekanismeille on resurssien opportunistinen uudelleenkäyttö tinkimättä käynnissä olevista lähetyksistä suuremmissa makrosoluissa, samalla kun QoS taataan molemman tason lähetyksissä. Pienentääkseen aiheutuvaa monikanavahäiriöitä, alemman tason pienet solut käyttävät hajautettua mekanismia, kuten esimerkiksi säännöllisiin varattu-ääniin perustuvaa Time Division Duplexing (TDD) - mekanismia, vähällä signaalien vaihdon määrällä.
Stokastista geometriaa käytetään mallintamaan verkkoja, kun taas korkeamman tason tilastollista laskentaa kumulanttimenetelmän käsitteen kautta käytetään kuvaamaan kokonaishäiriön todennäköisyysjakaumaa merkityssä vastaanottimessa. Käsittelemme varjostuvaa ja häipyvää kanavamallia sisältäen log-normaalin varjostumisen ja Nakagamim häipymisen. Lisäksi sisällytämme analyyttiseen työhön monenlaisia verkkoalgoritmeja tehohallintaan ja taajuuden (uudelleen)allokointiin. Ehdotettujen ratkaisujen tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi johdamme myös suljetut muodot katkosten todennäköisyyksille ja keskimääräiselle spektrin käytön tehokkuudelle halutun vastaanottimen suhteen monissa kanavatiloissa ja verkon kokoonpanoissa.
Tulokset osoittavat, että analyyttisen työn tulokset vastaavat hyvin Monte Carlo - simulaatioilla saatujen numeeristen tulosten kanssa ja että koordinointimekanismit parantavat makrosoluverkkojen tehokkuutta merkittävästi, samalla kun myös pienet solut hyötyvät. Toisin kuin koordinoimaton Frequency Division Duplexing -toimintatila, koordinoitu TDD-toimintatila pienentää katkosten todennäköisyyttä samalla kun keskimääräinen spektrin käytön tehokkuus kasvaa suurella kuormalla. Toisaalta kehittyneemät häiriönhallintatekniikat, kuten alalinkki bittikartta sekä hajautetut antennijärjestelmät, tulevat tarpeelliseksi, kun pienten koordinoimattomattomien solujen tiheys kasvaa alemmalla tasolla.
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New network paradigms for future multihop cellular systemsLorenzo Veiga, B. (Beatriz) 18 June 2012 (has links)
The high increase in traffic and data rate for future generations of mobile communication systems, with simultaneous requirement for reduced power consumption, makes Multihop Cellular Networks (MCNs) an attractive technology. To exploit the potentials of MCNs a number of new network paradigms are proposed in this thesis.
First, a new algorithm for efficient relaying topology control is presented to jointly optimize the relaying topology, routing and scheduling resulting in a two dimensional or space time routing protocol. The algorithm is aware of intercell interference (ICI), and requires coordinated action between the cells to jointly choose the relaying topology and scheduling to minimize the system performance degradation due to ICI. This framework is extended to include the optimization of power control. Both conventional and cooperative relaying schemes are considered.
In addition, a novel sequential genetic algorithm (SGA) is proposed as a heuristic approximation to reconfigure the optimum relaying topology as the network traffic changes. Network coding is used to combine the uplink and downlink transmissions, and incorporate it into the optimum bidirectional relaying with ICI awareness.
Seeking for a more tractable network model to effectively use context awareness and relying on the latest results on network information theory, we apply a hexagonal tessellation for inner partition of the cell into smaller subcells of radius r. By using only one single topology control parameter (r), we jointly optimize routing, scheduling and power control to obtain the optimum trade-off between throughput, delay and power consumption in multicast MCNs. This model enables high resolution optimization and motivates the further study of network protocols for MCNs. A new concept for route discovery protocols is developed and the trade-off between cooperative diversity and spatial reuse is analyzed by using this model.
Finally, a new architecture for MCN is considered where multihop transmissions are performed by a Delay Tolerant Network, and new solutions to enhance the performance of multicast applications for multimedia content delivery are presented.
Numerical results have shown that the algorithms suggested in this thesis provide significant improvement with respect to the existing results, and are expected to have significant impact in the analysis and design of future cellular networks. / Tiivistelmä
Tiedonsiirron ja tiedonsiirtonopeuksien suuri kasvu sekä tehonkulutuksen pieneneminen tulevien sukupolvien matkapuhelinjärjestelmissä tekevät monihyppyiset matkapuhelinverkot houkutteleviksi vaihtoehdoiksi. Tässä työssä esitetään uusia tiedonsiirtoverkkojen paradigmoja monihyppyisten matkapuhelinverkkojen hyödyntämiseksi.
Työssä esitellään uusi algoritmi tehokkaaseen releointitopologian hallintaan, joka optimoi yhtäaikaisesti topologian, reitityksen sekä lähetyshetkien ajoituksen ja mahdollistaa tila-aika-reititysprotokollan toteutuksen. Esitetty algoritmi huomioi solujen keskinäishäiriön ja vaaditulla solujen välisellä koordinoidulla hallinnalla saadaan yhdessä valittua topologia ja ajoitus, jotka minimoivat solujen keskinäisistä häiriöistä johtuvan suorituskyvyn heikentymisen. Myöhemmin tätä viitekehystä on laajennettu lisäämällä siihen tehonsäädön optimointi. Työssä on tutkittu sekä perinteisiä että kooperatiivisia releointimenetelmiä.
Lisäksi työssä esitetään uusi geneettinen algoritmi heuristiseksi approksimaatioksi verkon liikenteen muutoksen vaatimaan releointitopologian uudelleen järjestelyyn. Työssä tarkastellaan lisäksi verkkokoodausta ylä- ja alasuuntaan tapahtuvan tiedonsiirron yhdistämiseksi sisällyttämällä se solujen keskinäishäiriön huomioivaan kahdensuuntaiseen releointiin.
Etsittäessä paremmin mukautuvaa ja kontekstitietoisuutta hyödyntävää verkkomallia, joka käyttää hyväkseen viimeisimpiä verkkojen informaatioteoreettisia tuloksia, voidaan verkon solut pilkkoa pienempiin kuusikulmaisiin alisoluihin. Käyttämällä ainoastaan näiden alisolujen sädettä r voidaan puolestaan verkon reititys, ajoitus ja tehon säätö optimoida yhtäaikaisesti saavuttaen paras mahdollinen kompromissi verkon läpäisyn, viiveen ja tehonkulutuksen välillä. Kehitetty malli mahdollistaa korkean resoluution optimoinnin ja motivoi uusien verkkoprotokollien kehitystä monihyppyisissä matkapuhelinverkoissa. Tätä mallia käyttäen esitellään myös uusi konsepti reitinetsintäprotokollille sekä analysoidaan kooperatiivisen diversiteetin ja tila-avaruudessa tapahtuvan uudelleenkäytön välistä kompromissiratkaisua.
Lopuksi työssä tarkastellaan monihyppyisen matkapuhelinverkon uutta arkkitehtuuria, jossa monihyppylähetykset suoritetaan viivesietoisella verkolla ja esitetään uusia ratkaisuja multimediasisällön monilähetysten tehokkuuden parantamiseksi.
Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotetut algoritmit parantavat järjestelmien suorituskykyä verrattuna aiemmin tiedossa olleisiin tuloksiin. Työn tuloksilla voidaan olettaa myös olevan suuri vaikutus tulevaisuuden matkapuhelinverkkojen analysointiin ja suunnitteluun.
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The impact of new technologies on shipboard command and controlOats, Trey D., Erickson, Matthew C. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / An investigation of how fuel cells, an integrated power system, and directed energy weapons will affect the shipboard command and control process. The focus is on the implementation of the new technologies onboard near-term and far-term destroyer variants and the resulting changes to the command and control process. / Ensign, United States Naval Reserve
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Vision and GPS based autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicleHermansson, Joel January 2010 (has links)
<p>A control system for autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)with high precision has been developed. The UAV is a medium sized model he-licopter. Measurements from a GPS, a camera and a compass are fused with anextended Kalman filter for state estimation of the helicopter. Four PID-controllers,one for each control signal of the helicopter, are used for the helicopter control.During the final test flights fifteen landings were performed with an average land-ing accuracy of 35 cm. A bias in the GPS measurements makes it impossible to land the helicopter withhigh precision using only the GPS. Therefore, a vision system using a camera anda pattern provided landing platform has been developed. The vision system givesaccurate measurement of the 6-DOF pose of the helicopter relative the platform.These measurements are used to guide the helicopter to the landing target. Inorder to use the vision system in real time, fast image processing algorithms havebeen developed. The vision system can easily match up the with the camera framerate of 30 Hz.</p> / <p>Ett kontrolsystem för att autonomt landa en modellhelikopter har utvecklats.Mätdata från en GPS, en kamera samt en kompass fusioneras med ett Extend-ed Kalman Filter för tillståndsestimering av helikoptern. Fyra PID-regulatorer,en för varje kontrolsignal på helikoptern, har används för regleringen. Under densista provflygningen gjordes tre landingar av vilken den minst lyckade slutade35 cm från målet. På grund av en drift i GPS-mätningarna är det omöjligt att landa helikopternmed hög precision med bara en GPS. Därför har ett bildbehandlingssystem som an-vänder en kamera samt ett mönster på platformen utvecklats. Bidbehandlingssys-temet mäter positionen och orienteringen av helikoptern relativt platformen. Dessamätningar används kompensera för GPS-mätningarnas drift. Snabba bildbehan-dlingsalgoritmer har utvecklats för att kunna använda bildbehandlingssystemet irealtid. Systemet är mycket snabbare än 30 bilder per sekund vilket är kameranshastighet.</p>
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / There is an increasing desire in many organizations, including NASA and the DoD, to use
constellations or fleets of autonomous spacecraft working together to accomplish complex mission
objectives. At the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate we are
investigating and developing architectures for commanding and controlling a cluster of cooperating
satellites. For many space missions, large monolithic satellites are required to meet mission
requirements. In many cases this results in costly satellites which are more complex, more
susceptible to failure, and which have performance characteristics that are less than optimal due to
realistic physical size limitations. Recently various organizations have begun to explore how
distributed clusters of cooperating satellites can replace their larger monolithic counterparts resulting
in an overall cost reduction, enhanced mission performance, and increased system fault tolerance.
Large clusters of satellites flying in formation are required to have some level of on-board autonomy
in order to: fly within specified tolerance levels; perform collision avoidance; address fault detection,
isolation, and resolution (FDIR); share knowledge; and plan and schedule activities. In addition,
from an operations standpoint, commanding and controlling a large cluster of satellites can be very
burdensome for ground operators. At AFRL we are addressing these issues by development of an
on-board Cluster Management system which will, in essence, provide the capability to treat a cluster
of satellites as a single virtual satellite. A systems level approach is being taken, therefore from a
ground perspective the ground control station must also be able to treat the cluster as a virtual
satellite. [1]
This paper will describe our Cluster Management system, which is the intelligent entity that is
responsible for making cluster level decisions and which enables the satellite cluster to function as a
virtual satellite. The cluster manager functionality can be broken down into the following five areas:
• Command and control
• Cluster data management
• Formation flying
• Fault management
• On-board Planning
This paper will contain a detailed description of the Cluster Manager architecture along with its
various modules.
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Designing a common interchange format for unit data using the Command and Control information exchange data model (C2IEDM) and XSLTHodges, Glenn A. 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution unlimited / Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. / A common problem between Military applications and operators is the consistent and meaningful exchange of data. Currently, several models and simulations exist for the purposes of training and analyzing military data. Due to the absence of an agreed-upon standard with which to represent unit data, much is lost during interchange and applications are not maximized. This thesis is a step towards a solution. Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology has been widely accepted as a standard for representing information in such a way that it is self-documenting, self-validating and platform independent. By using the Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM), formerly known as Generic Hub, and XML it is possible to develop a representation of unit data that is extensible and broadly useable by tactical systems and human operators alike. This thesis approaches the problem exploring the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and the Extensible Modeling Simulation Framework (XMSF) as possible overarching architectural concepts for a global solution. The C2IEDM is used as the core data interchange model for this research and applies XML technologies, schema and the Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) to derive a formatted data representation that is acceptable within the Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) Toolbox. The transformation example serves as template for other simulation programs to follow for interchange through the common base model. This thesis shows that by using a common data representation like C2IEDM coupled with the power of XML and XSLT, unit information can be transformed and interchanged between applications. In order to accomplish this, an extensive analysis is done on recently performed and ongoing research as well as the development of exemplars to show how the proposed process is completed. The result of this work is a transformation of unit data extracted from an example C2IEDM instance file that is compliant with the schema for an actual unit order of battle tool used for modeling and simulation. / Major, United States Army
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Comparisons of attacks on honeypots with those on real networksDuong, Binh T. 03 1900 (has links)
Honeypots are computer systems deliberately designed to be attack targets, mainly to learn about cyber-attacks and attacker behavior. When implemented as part of a security posture, honeypots also protect real networks by acting as a decoy, deliberately confusing potential attackers as to the real data. The objective of this research is to compare attack patterns against a honeypot to those against a real network, the network of the Naval Postgraduate School. Collection of suspicious-event data required the implementation and setup of a honeypot, in addition to the installation and use of an intrusion-detection system. A statistical analysis was conducted across suspicious-event data recorded from a honeypot and from a real network. Metrics used in our study were applied to the alerts generated from Snort 2.4.3, an open-source intrusion detection system. Results showed differences between the honeypot and the real network data which need further experiments to understand. Both the honeypot and the real network data showed much variability at the start of the experiment period and then a decrease in the number of alerts in the later period of the experiment. We conclude that after the initial probing and reconnaissance is complete, the vulnerabilities of the network are learned and therefore fewer alerts occur; but more specific signatures are then aimed at exploiting the network.
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An analysis of the acquisition process of the Joint Fires Network/Tactical Exploitation System-NavyLeyland, Patricia E. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Electronic book. Thesis (M.S.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2003. / Title from title screen (viewed Oct. 10, 2003). "June 2003." Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-72). Also issued in paper format.
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Training for decision making in a complex, dynamic task environment : an empirical investigation focusing on part-task training and feedbackHodge, Kevin Abbott 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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