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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomia da vontade, consensualismo e arbitragem: A extensão da cláusula compromissória a partes não-signatárias fundamentada na teoria dos grupos de sociedades. A prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional (CCI) e sua compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro / Consensualism and arbitration - the extension of the arbitration clause to a non-signatory on the basis of the group of companies doctrine

Leonardo José de Campos Melo 26 August 2010 (has links)
A prática da arbitragem comercial internacional tem se deparado, há pelos menos quatro décadas, com a problemática da extensão da cláusula compromissória a uma parte não-signatária, integrante do mesmo grupo de sociedades a que pertence uma das partes integrantes da convenção, em razão do comportamento adotado pela parte não-signatária nas fases de negociação do contrato, execução ou extinção. Nesse sentido, a prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional dos últimos trinta anos e reiteradas decisões judiciais em países de diferentes tradições jurídicas como a França, Suíça e Estados Unidos têm se manifestado favoravelmente a essa extensão subjetiva da convenção de arbitragem. O estudo da doutrina nacional e da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre os grupos de sociedades e seus efeitos, e a análise detida de diversos precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a homologação de sentenças arbitrais estrangeiras, revelam a compatibilidade da referida prática arbitral internacional com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / The possibility of extending an arbitration clause so that it binds a non-signatory company which is a member of the same corporate group as one of the signatories, on the basis of the conduct of said non-signatory during the negotiation, performance and termination of the contract, has been an issue in international commercial arbitration for the past three decades. The precedents of the International Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce during the past thirty years, and judicial decisions in countries such as France, Switzerland and the United States have been favorable to the extension of the arbitral convention to non-signatories. Analysis of the work of Brazilian legal commentators and the case law of the Superior Court of Justice relating to the group of companies doctrine [teoria dos grupos de sociedades], as well as analysis of several precedents of both the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court on the recognition of foreign arbitral awards, indicates that the international arbitration practice of the ICC on the extension of the arbitral agreement to non-signatories is compatible with the Brazilian legal system.

Autonomia da vontade, consensualismo e arbitragem: A extensão da cláusula compromissória a partes não-signatárias fundamentada na teoria dos grupos de sociedades. A prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional (CCI) e sua compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro / Consensualism and arbitration - the extension of the arbitration clause to a non-signatory on the basis of the group of companies doctrine

Leonardo José de Campos Melo 26 August 2010 (has links)
A prática da arbitragem comercial internacional tem se deparado, há pelos menos quatro décadas, com a problemática da extensão da cláusula compromissória a uma parte não-signatária, integrante do mesmo grupo de sociedades a que pertence uma das partes integrantes da convenção, em razão do comportamento adotado pela parte não-signatária nas fases de negociação do contrato, execução ou extinção. Nesse sentido, a prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional dos últimos trinta anos e reiteradas decisões judiciais em países de diferentes tradições jurídicas como a França, Suíça e Estados Unidos têm se manifestado favoravelmente a essa extensão subjetiva da convenção de arbitragem. O estudo da doutrina nacional e da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre os grupos de sociedades e seus efeitos, e a análise detida de diversos precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a homologação de sentenças arbitrais estrangeiras, revelam a compatibilidade da referida prática arbitral internacional com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. / The possibility of extending an arbitration clause so that it binds a non-signatory company which is a member of the same corporate group as one of the signatories, on the basis of the conduct of said non-signatory during the negotiation, performance and termination of the contract, has been an issue in international commercial arbitration for the past three decades. The precedents of the International Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce during the past thirty years, and judicial decisions in countries such as France, Switzerland and the United States have been favorable to the extension of the arbitral convention to non-signatories. Analysis of the work of Brazilian legal commentators and the case law of the Superior Court of Justice relating to the group of companies doctrine [teoria dos grupos de sociedades], as well as analysis of several precedents of both the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court on the recognition of foreign arbitral awards, indicates that the international arbitration practice of the ICC on the extension of the arbitral agreement to non-signatories is compatible with the Brazilian legal system.

Financement de l’arbitrage par un tiers : émergence d’une lex mercatoria expliquée par la mondialisation

Razafimandimby A Razokiny, Andriamin Omen-daza 12 1900 (has links)
Recourir à l’assistance financière d’un tiers pour faire valoir un droit est connu depuis belle lurette. Avant son approbation progressive, ce financement a d’abord été décrié, car il était assimilé à une aide intéressée. En arbitrage commercial international, le financement des procédures par un tiers est actuellement courant. Par son entremise, une partie en litige peut ester en justice en n’étant plus dans l’obligation d’acquitter directement les frais d’arbitrage. Cette dernière a l’option de faire appel à un tiers financeur. Toutefois, ni le droit domestique ni le droit international ne peuvent offrir une règlementation complète de la pratique. Son encadrement est souvent laissé sous la responsabilité contractuelle des parties. Chaque juridiction possède sa propre approche et perception du financement par un tiers. Un régime international de la lex mercatoria apparait à ce niveau et normalise progressivement le financement.   En effet, la lex mercatoria possède les caractéristiques d’un régime international selon la théorie des régimes. Autrement dit, la lex mercatoria forme un régime international dans lequel un ensemble de régularisation (principes, normes, règles et procédures de prise de décision, implicites ou explicites) est institutionnalisé par les acteurs impliqués dans l’arbitrage commercial international pour répondre à un besoin qui est l’encadrement du financement par un tiers. Ainsi, l’émergence de cette lex mercatoria dans le financement est incontournable. Elle s’explique parfaitement par l’influence de la mondialisation sur l’arbitrage commercial international qui vient compléter le droit national lacunaire par une coopération axée sur l’uniformisation du soutien financier du bailleur d’arbitrage. / Third party funding is not a new topic. At the beginning, it was felt as a vicious way to provide a funder an abusive interest. This is the reason why it was first condemned and rejected. Although this might be true, the perception has changed. It is now approved and frequently used in international trade. The Funder is, de facto, considered as the help that gives access to arbitration regardless the financial abilities of the opponents in international commercial litigation. Regulating third party funding is concretely under the responsibilities of the funder and the funded parts. Each State has its own intervention style even though common ground can be noticed. The real difficulty is that in arbitration, thirdparty funding cannot be regulated exclusively by national nor international conventional rules. At this point, lex mercatoria appears to be an alternative manner to establish a homogeneous model. As an international regime, lex mercatoria is the most relevant regulation that leads to this practical normalization. According to regime theory, lex mercatoria and international regime reveal exactly the same structure. As far as lex mercatoria is concerned, it shapes an international regime composed by a set of implicit or explicit regulations (principles, norms, rules and decisionmaking procedures). Around those regulations, all international actors involved in international commercial arbitration contribute to the development of a general and nonstate guideline that frames the practice of third-party funding. All things considered, the rise of lex mercatoria is obvious in the field of third-party funding. Globalization process is well able to explain this appearance of an international regime of lex mercatoria since multilateral cooperation emerges to standardize third-party funding in international commercial arbitration.

Drafting international arbitration clauses / Redacción de cláusulas arbitrales internacionales

MacKinnon, Ari D., Zapiola, Ignacio, Bravo, Santiago 30 April 2018 (has links)
This article offers an academic and practical overview for the drafting of international arbitration clauses, from an international Latin American approach and with special emphasis on the energy and construction industries.The authors begin by analyzing the elements of the existence of the arbitral clause and putting forward certain fundamental and general cautionary notes. Then they go on to analyze key elements to include in an arbitral clause, the elements which inclusion is recommended, the elements that might be convenient to include, and others that is best to leave out. The article ends with a conclusion regarding the mindset that parties should have when drafting arbitration clauses. / Este artículo ofrece una revisión de la experiencia académica y práctica para la redacción de cláusulas arbitrales, desde un enfoque internacional latinoamericano, y con especial énfasis en las industrias de la energía y la construcción.Los autores comienzan analizando los elementos de la existencia de la cláusula arbitral y formulando ciertas prevenciones fundamentales y generales. Luego pasan a analizar los elementos clave a incorporar en la cláusula arbitral, ciertos elementos que son recomendables a incorporar, otros tantos que puede ser conveniente incorporar y algunos que es mejor dejar fuera. El artículo finaliza con una conclusión respecto al enfoque que han de tener las partes al redactar la cláusula arbitral.

Le traitement réservé à la Charia dans l'arbitrage international

Giauffret, Inès 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

EU-rätten som ordre public i svensk skiljerätt : En analys av att ogiltigförklara svenska skiljedomar enligt 33 § lag om skiljeförfarande med EU-rätten som grund / EU law as Public Policy in Swedish Arbitration : An analysis of the invalidity of Swedish arbitral awards due to EU public policy as according to Section 33 of the Swedish Arbitration Act

Helsing, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Skiljerätten är ett system för tvistlösning utanför de allmänna domstolarnas monopol på rättskipning. För att skiljeförfaranden ska vara effektiva har möjligheten att överpröva och ogiltigförklara skiljedomar begränsats till ett fåtal regler i svensk rätt. En av dessa regler är ogiltigförklaring av en skiljedom som strider mot grunderna för den svenska rättsordningen, också kallat ordre public.  Genom Sveriges anslutning till Europeiska Unionen har unionsrätten blivit en integrerad del av svensk rätt med skyldigheter för staten att i sin dömande verksamhet tolka och tillämpa EU-rätten för att försäkra dess genomslag och de rättigheter som är förenade med den. I denna uppsats undersöks hur den svenska skiljerätten påverkats av EUrätten genom EU domstolens praxis kring ordre public och hur svenska domstolar vid överprövning av skiljedomar bedömt ordre public i en EU-rättslig kontext. I uppsatsen behandlas ordre public genom att undersöka vilka materiella regler i EU-rätten som utgör ordre public när svenska domstolar ska överpröva skiljedomar. Vidare så behandlas vilken granskningsnivå domstolar ska tillämpa vid överprövning av en skiljedom som strider mot en materiell regel i EU-rätten som utgör ordre public. Slutsatsen är att EU:s konkurrensrätt med säkerhet utgör materiell ordre public, samt att flera regler i EU-rätten som utgör bestämmelser av central vikt och har en tvingande funktion, potentiellt kan utgöra materiell ordre public. Vidare så är granskningsnivån för EU-rättslig ordre public underkastad principen om processuell autonomi och EU-domstolen har lämnat frågan åt de nationella domstolarna och lagstiftarna. För att överprövningen av skiljedomar som strider mot materiell EU-rättslig ordre public ska vara tillåten måste den vara förenlig med principerna om effektivitet och likvärdighet. Slutsatsen i denna del är att Sverige lever upp till EU-rättens krav men att granskningsnivån vid materiell EU-rättslig ordre public är präglad av osäkerhet och potentiellt svårtillämpad. Klargörande i praxis från Högsta domstolen och EU-domstolen skulle därför vara välkomna.

Le hardship : vers une reconnaissance du principe par les tribunaux arbitraux du commerce international

Ringuette, Josée 05 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise, option droit des affaires (LL.M.)". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 10% des mémoires de la discipline. / L'arbitre du commerce international peut-il, en l'absence de clause contractuelle expresse, procéder à l'adaptation du contrat lorsque survient un changement de circonstances qui modifie de façon substantielle l'équilibre contractuel initial? La complexification des schémas contractuels et l'émergence correspondante de nouvelles valeurs contractuelles favorisent la réception du principe rebus sic stantibus dans le droit commercial international. Les deux phénomènes permettent également d'envisager dans une nouvelle perspective les objections traditionnelles à la révision pour imprévision. Les arbitres du commerce international sont appelés à jouer un rôle, bien que modeste, dans le mouvement d'harmonisation privé du droit commercial international. Le contexte international de l'arbitrage et de la relation contractuelle, la volonté d'apaisement inhérente à ce mode de résolution des différends et le rapport particulier qu'entretient l'arbitre du commerce international avec le droit national permettront à ce dernier de privilégier, dans certaines circonstances, une option comme l'adaptation du contrat pour cause de hardship. Plusieurs facteurs devront cependant être examinés attentivement par le tribunal arbitral avant que ne soit prise la décision de procéder à l'adaptation du contrat. D'autres remèdes pourront être envisagés si une telle solution ne convient pas. / Is the arbitrator of international commerce entitled to adapt the contract when the parties did not provide so expressly and a supervening event provokes a substantiel change in the initial contractual equilibrum? The complexification of contractual schemes and the corresponding emergence of new values in contract theory made the reception of the rebus sic stantibus principle highly probable in international commercial law. These two phenomenas supplied keys for a revised perspective of the traditional objections to the application of the rebus sic stantibus principle. Arbitrators have a role to play in the movement of private harmonization of international commercial law. The international context in which they proceed, the inherent quality of appeasement in arbitration and the particularity of the relation between arbitrator and national law are making it possible for international arbitrators to give priority to adaptation of the contract when the circumstances are right. Many factors will have to be analysed by the arbitrator before he chooses to adapt the contract because adaptation is not always the best solution. Other remedies will have to be devised if it is the case.

L'arbitrage commercial international et les garanties procédurales

Joseph, Jacceus 06 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde un sujet complexe, qui est en plein débat doctrinal en droit de l'arbitrage international: L'arbitrage commercial international et les garanties procédurales. Au fait, l'arbitrage commercial international revêt le mode traditionnel des règlements de litiges du commerce international et des relations économiques internationales. À cause de l'hybridité de sa nature (contractuelle et juridictionnelle), il est le plus souvent préféré par les parties aux tribunaux étatiques. Cette faveur vis-à-vis de ce mode de règlements de litiges internationaux s'explique par le développement de l'économie internationale, par la globalisation du marché, par la conclusion de nombreuses conventions internationales en la matière, par la création des centres d'arbitrage, enfin par la modernisation des lois et règlements nationaux. En revanche, il est constaté que l'arbitrage souffre d'un déficit de prévisibilité et de certitudes pour les acteurs du commerce international. Que l'on songe seulement à la multiplication des rattachements législatifs et des contrôles judiciaires: conflits de lois, conflits entre les règles de conflits, etc. Nous avons démontré que la solution aux difficultés de la méthode conflictualiste serait l'harmonisation de la procédure arbitrale internationale et que ce mode de règlement de différends débouche de plus en plus sur le rapprochement entre traditions juridiques différentes (Common Law et droit civil).Toutefois, ce mouvement de convergence est loin d'être achevé. Beaucoup d'autres pratiques arbitrales continuent de garder l'empreinte de la diversité des procédures étatiques et celle des grands systèmes juridiques mondiaux. / This research work tackles a complex subject, which is in the heart of a doctrinal debate in International arbitration Law: International Commercial Arbitration and procedural safeguards. In fact, International Commercial Arbitration is a traditional method of dispute resolution in International Trade and International Economic Relations. Parties to a dispute would rather prefer this mode of dispute resolution to state courts because of its hybrid nature (contractual and judicial).One can explain this preference for this method of international dispute resolution by the development of the international economy, the market globalization, the conclusion of numerous international conventions in the domain, the creation of arbitration centers, the modernization of national laws and regulations. By contrast, one can note that arbitration lacks predictability and certainty for parties in International Trade. One can just think of the multiplication of legislative attachments and judicial controls: conflicts of laws, conflicts between methods of conflicts of laws, etc. We have demonstrated that the solution to the difficulties of the conflictualist method would be the harmonization of the International Arbitral Procedures and that this method of dispute resolution would lead, more and more to the approximation between different judicial traditions (Common law and Civil Law). However this convergence movement is far from being achieved. Many other arbitral practices do still keep the imprint of diverse state procedures and of major legal systems worldwide.

Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration procedure within international business transactions

Šteflová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis on Arbitration procedure within international business transactions focuses on the place of arbitration procedure and its relation to the national system of law. The first chapter is concerned with the dispute resolutions within international business transactions. The thesis characterises the alternative dispute resolutions and defines the term of arbitration procedure within international business transactions. The basic characteristics thereof are specified and the theories which attempt to explain nature of arbitration are described - contractual, jurisdictional, mixed and autonomy theory. The term of the place of arbitration is defined in the second chapter as the real place situated in the territory of a particular state. This place is distinguished from the arbitration seat and from other terms which used to be confused with the place of arbitration. The arbitration seat is deemed to represent legal domicile of the arbitration. The system of law of the seat determines the legal regime of arbitration procedure. The thesis further describes two main theories dealing with the relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law - seat theory and delocalization theory. The relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law is also...

L'arbitrage commercial international dans les pays arabes et les principes Unidroit relatifs aux contrats du commerce international / International commercial arbitration in arab countries and Unidroit principles on international commercial contracts

Bouleghlimat, Widad 19 May 2014 (has links)
L’arbitrage commercial international est le mode alternatif de règlement de différends le plus utilisé dans le monde. Ce qui contribue notamment à en faire l’acteur principal de la diffusion des règles anationales telles que les principes généraux du droit, les usages du commerce international, ou encore la "lex mercatoria" qui sont souvent choisies par les arbitres en tant que droit applicable au fond du litige. Ce choix s’est étendu aux nouvelles règles élaborées par des institutions internationales privées telles que les Principes d’UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international. Une codification doctrinale conçue comme un instrument de "soft law" et qui trouve de plus en plus application dans la pratique arbitrale. Notre étude cependant montre que peu de sentences arbitrales rendues dans des affaires dont l’une des parties est arabe ont fait référence aux Principes Unidroit. L’explication n’est pas à rechercher dans une incompatibilité entre ceux-ci et le droit des contrats des pays arabes mais dans la méconnaissance de cette codification doctrinale par les juristes arabes. À cela s’ajoute un sentiment de méfiance à l’égard d’une manifestation de la soft law. Il convient dès lors de s’interroger sur les moyens qui permettraient aux Principes Unidroit de trouver leur place dans le droit et la pratique des pays arabes. / International commercial arbitration is the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) the most used in the world. Which contributes in particular to make the main actor of the diffusion of a-national rules as the general principles of law, usages of international trade, or the lex mercatoria, often chosen by the arbitrators as the law applicable to the substantive of the dispute. This choice was extended to the new rules developed by private international institutions such as the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. A doctrinal codification conceived as a soft law instrument, which is increasingly applied in arbitration practice. Our study shows, however, that few awards rendered in cases in which one of the parties is Arabic made a reference to UNIDROIT Principles. The explanation is not to look for in an incompatibility between them and contract law in Arab countries but in the ignorance of this doctrinal codification by Arab jurists and lawyers. Added to this, a feeling of distrust a manifestation of soft law. It is therefore necessary to consider the ways in which the UNIDROIT Principles to find their place in the law and practice of the Arab countries.

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