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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lex Mercatoria v mezinárodních obchodních transakcích / Lex Mercatoria in international business transactions

Kadiev, Akbulat January 2014 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with the application of the concept of lex mercatoria in process of contracting process and in the dispute resolution, particularly in international commercial arbitration. The first chapter briefly describes the historical development of lex mercatoria and examines in detail the circumstances of the establishment of modern lex mercatoria . Further, the Thesis describes the general methods of regulation of the private relations with an international element. In connection with the use of lex mercatoria in the process of contracting the specific attention is given to the choice of applicable law by reference to certain rules of lex mercatoria. The criticism of such choice-of-law method is analysed, as well as its justification and also the requirements for the validity of such choice-of-law method. The second half of the Thesis is dedicated to a particular formalized rules of lex mercatoria, as well as to their legal grounds in Czech law, and also to some legislative changes in the Czech Republic after January 1, 2014, relevant to the lex mercatoria. The final chapter addresses the practical application of lex mercatoria in the international commercial arbitration. The chapter begins with a brief and general introduction to the international commercial arbitration....

Rohodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration Proceeding in the International Trade

Hulmanová, Nina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes and portrays system of arbitration proceedings in the international trade, staring with filing of motions ending with enforcement of arbitral rulings. Arbitral proceedings are legal alternative of settlement of legal disputes to traditional court cases, where a third entity - a intermediary, rules in a legal dispute delivering a binding and enforceable arbitration ruling. My paper consists of eight chapters First chapter broadly describes characteristics of alternative settlement of legal rows, defines connections with arbitral proceedings and involves a brief characteristics of single ways of ADR, such as mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, expertise etc. Second chapter is in introduction into the very essence of arbitral proceedings. If explains definition, characteristics and fundamental theoretical doctrines, which define legal nature of this institute, Since all sides yield to arbitration rulings deliberately, is this chapter dedicated to advantages and disadvantages determining decision-making of involved parties. List of proceedings' option can be found at the end of chapter. This involves institutional arbitrage, running in front of permanent arbitration institution, based on its rules, permanent fees and list of arbitrary judges as well it includes ad-hoc arbitrage, when a...

Zrušení rozhodčího nálezu v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži / Annulment of an Arbitral Award in International Commercial Arbitration

Spodniaková, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse and generally describe an annulment of arbitral award in international commercial arbitration. The reason for my research is an interesting topic, which has not been described in detail yet and the aim of this thesis is to look at this institute from the perspective of relevant domestic and foreign authors and legislation of various countries. Furthermore the thesis aims to highlight possible dangers which accompany the process of annulment of the award, or the process after its setting aside. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of setting aside of an award in International commercial arbitration. Chapter One is introductory and describes the history, the legislation and explains advantages and disadvantages of the international arbitration as a whole. Chapter Two defines basic terminology used in the thesis. The chapter is subdivided into three parts. Part One describes arbitration and explains its main features. Part Two deals with domestic vs. international arbitration, explains the term "commercial" and foreign arbitral award vs. domestic arbitral award. Chapter three concentrates on relation between state and arbitration courts and the state's auxiliary and control function towards the arbitration. Chapter...

Arbitrage commercial international et développement : étude du cas des États de l’OHADA et du Mercosur / International commercial arbitration and development : case Study of States of the OHADA and Mercosur

Yougoné, Franck 11 September 2013 (has links)
L’OHADA et le Mercosur sont deux organisations régionales qui ont été créées afin d’accentuer l’intégration et de favoriser la sécurité judiciaire et juridique pour les opérateurs du commerce international. En d’autres mots, leur objectif est d’aider au développement économique des pays membres. Dès le fonctionnement de ces deux organisations, le recours à l’arbitrage a été privilégié comme mode de règlement des différends liés au commerce international. Partant de là, il nous est apparu envisageable d’établir un lien entre la notion de développement et celle arbitrage commercial international. Presque vingt ans après la création de l’OHADA et du Mercosur, cette étude se propose d’évaluer les liens entre l’arbitrage et le développement. Cette évaluation se base sur l’observation de l’influence de l’arbitrage sur le processus d’intégration et sur l’apport de cette technique aux efforts d’amélioration de la sécurité judiciaire et juridique dans le milieu du comme international. / OHADA and Mercosur are two regional organizations that were created to enhance the integration and promote judicial and legal certainty for international traders. In other words, their goal is to help the economic development of member countries. From the operation of these two organizations, arbitration was favored as a means of resolving disputes in international trade. From there, it became possible to establish a link between the concept and the development of international commercial arbitration. Almost twenty years after the creation of OHADA and Mercosur, this study aims to assess the relationship between arbitration and development. This assessment is based on the observation of the influence of arbitration on the integration process and the contribution of this technique towards the improvement of judicial and legal certainty in international affairs.

Rozhodčí doložka pro mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž a její vliv na případné rozhodčí řízení / An arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact upon presumed arbitration proceedings

Plánička, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
62 International arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact on the possible following arbitration proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to generally describe and analyze position of the arbitration clause in international business arbitration. Due to the significant prestige of the international arbitration as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution I found interesting to inspect the impact of the arbitration clause on the possible following arbitration proceedings. Main goal of the thesis is to analyze possible modifications of wording of the arbitration clause in comparison to the alternations of the proceedings. Since the thesis is focused on the international arbitration as the keystone of the governing arbitration rules were considered corresponding parts of the Czech legislation as well as the rules issued by the leading institutions on the field of international arbitration, such as the International Chamber of Commerce or London Court of International Arbitration. Body of the thesis is divided into six chapters going from its very beginning to the end through the drafting process of the arbitration clause. At the beginning are elaborated main principles and essentials of the arbitration clause, such as types of clauses, necessary, recommended and...

L'arbitrabilité des litiges de droit privé. Perspective comparatiste / Arbitrability of private law disputes. Comparative perspective

Sokolowska, Lidia 14 November 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre des débats de la doctrine polonaise sur le régime de l’arbitrabilité objective et la nécessité de réviser le droit polonais de l’arbitrage, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est d’analyser la notion d’arbitrabilité au travers des solutions adoptées par les droits distinctifs de la famille romano-germanique et du système Common Law, afin d’étudier leur efficacité quant à la soumission des litiges du droit privé à l’arbitre. Suivant les tendances actuelles en arbitrage interne et international, notamment en droit français et polonais, une telle analyse des solutions législatives comparées permet de nourrir utilement les discussions sur le modèle de l’arbitrabilité.À cet égard, la présente étude cherche, en premier lieu, à vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le critère polonais de l’arbitrabilité ne remplit pas son rôle, ne constituant pas un indicateur pertinent des litiges arbitrables. En deuxième lieu, elle vise à répondre à la question de savoir si, à la suite des processus de libéralisation du droit de l’arbitrage, il s’est développé un concept d’arbitrabilité « transnationale ». Enfin, confrontant le processus de libéralisation des critères d’arbitrabilité au risque de l’incertitude juridique qu’il engendre, la présente étude pose la question du besoin de redéfinition des limites de l’arbitrabilité face aux attentes de la justice privée fonctionnelle.Pour cerner la notion d’arbitrabilité sur le plan théorique, la présente étude adopte une approche descriptive, qu’incarne l’analyse stricto sensu de l’arbitrabilité, d’avant d’interroger l’application concrète de ce concept dans les différents domaines du droit, dans une perspective plus prospective. Une telle démarche permet une appréciation lato sensu de la notion d’arbitrabilité. / As part of the debates of the Polish doctrine on the arbitrability regime and the need to revise the Polish law of arbitration, the general objective of this thesis is to analyse the notion of arbitrability through the solutions adopted by the distinctive legislations of the Romano-Germanic family and the Common Law system, in order to examine their effectiveness as regards the submission of private law disputes to the arbitrator. Following the current trends in domestic and international arbitration, particularly under French and Polish law, such an analysis of comparative legislative solutions tends to enrich discussions on the arbitrability model.In this respect, the present study seeks, first, to test the hypothesis that the Polish criterion of arbitrability does not fulfill its role, not constituting a relevant indicator of arbitrable disputes. Secondly, it aims to answer the question of whether, as a result of the liberalization process of arbitration law, a concept of "transnational" arbitrability has been developed. Finally, confronting the process of liberalization of arbitrability criteria with the risk of the legal uncertainty, this study raises the question of the need of redefinition of the arbitrability limits, facing the expectations of a functional private justice.In order to define the notion of arbitrability theoretically, the present study adopts a descriptive approach, embodied by the analysis of arbitrability in the strict sense, before questioning the concrete application of this concept in the different domains of law from a more prospective perspective. Such an approach allows the analysis of the notion of arbitrability in the broad sense.

L'impartialité de l'arbitre : étude de la mise en oeuvre de l'exigence d'impartialité de l'arbitre / The impartiality of arbitrators

El Chazli, Karim 12 July 2018 (has links)
Malgré l’importance de l’exigence d’impartialité et sa reconnaissance universelle, sa mise en œuvre en matière d’arbitrage reste entourée de nombreuses incertitudes. En effet, les normes sur l’impartialité de l’arbitre (ex. : standard du doute raisonnable sur l’impartialité) sont généralement trop vagues pour fournir des directives claires aux organes devant les appliquer dans des hypothèses très variées. Dès lors, une étude mérite d’être menée afin de fournir à l’organe chargé d’évaluer l’impartialité de l’arbitre un support lui permettant de mieux accomplir sa mission. Pour ce faire, nous commencerons par distinguer les deux conceptions envisageables de l’impartialité : une conception pure et consensuelle (résistance aux tentations de partialité) et une conception élargie et ambitieuse (ouverture d’esprit à l’égard du litige). Ensuite, nous examinerons les principales questions émanant de la pratique de l’arbitrage. Seront ainsi analysés : l’identification des risques de partialité de l’arbitre à partir de ses actes, liens et opinions préalables ; le degré d’impartialité du coarbitre ; la renonciation à invoquer le risque de partialité. En étudiant chaque question, nous mettrons en évidence ses enjeux (notamment le besoin de prendre en considération les exigences de l’efficacité et de la qualité de l’arbitrage ainsi que le « droit » de chaque partie de nommer un arbitre) pour pouvoir ensuite en envisager les réponses possibles, notamment en nous inspirant des solutions consacrées par la jurisprudence française et étrangère. / Despite its importance and universal recognition, the principle of arbitrators’ impartiality is surrounded by many uncertainties, the main reason being that the applicable rules (e. g. reasonable doubts test) are often too vague to offer clear guidance to the authorities, given the diverse situations they have to apply them to. In order to provide them with a clearer guidance, there is a need to conduct a study on the arbitrators’ impartiality. To begin with, we will distinguish the two possible understandings of impartiality : the pure and consensual understanding (resistance to temptation to be partial) and the enlarged and ambitious understanding (open-mindedness towards the dispute’s issues). Then, we will study the practical issues stemming from arbitral practice. These issues revolve around : the assessment of impartiality on the basis of arbitrators’ acts, relationships and expressed views (the issue conflict question) ; the impartiality of party-appointed arbitrators ; the waiver of the right to invoke the risk of partiality. While studying each issue, we will highlight its stakes (especially the need to ensure the efficiency and quality of the arbitral justice as well as the need to preserve the “right” of each party to appoint an arbitrator) in order to contemplate possible answers, especially in the light of what has been decided in French and foreign case-law.

The role of bilateral investment treaties in securing foreign investments in Ethiopia

Amanuel Debessay Gebregergis 13 August 2015 (has links)
This study examines the role of bilateral investment treaties in securing foreign investment in Ethiopia. Using books, journal articles, and legislation, the study has found that those bilateral investment treaties have a role in securing international investments for Ethiopia. It has also found that BITs do not only safeguard foreign investors but can also attract more investment. The study concludes by providing a list of recommendations, highlighting the benefits of BITs for Ethiopia. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LL. M. (International Economic Law)

La réception par le droit Iranien de la loi type de la CNUDCI sur l’arbitrage commercial international / The receipt by Iranian Law of the UNCITRAL model law on international commercial arbitration

Mehdi Pour, Mohammad 14 December 2017 (has links)
De nos jours, les activités et les relations d'affaires sont beaucoup plus larges et complexes qu'auparavant. L'extension de cet espace, nécessite que les différends relatifs aux affaires commerciales soient réglés dans des systèmes efficaces adaptés à la nature des litiges de ce domaine, c'est-à-dire, rapidement, de manière précise et par des experts. C'est pour quoi, au cours des dernières décennies, les législations des pays relatives à l’arbitrage ont été actualisées, et les conventions internationales dans ce domaine connaissent une large réussite. Les pays recherchant à transformer leur législation sur l’arbitrage commercial disposent d’un modèle législatif apprécié et intéressant fourni par la loi type sur l’arbitrage commercial international ; il a été adopté en 1985 par la CNUDCI et constitue aujourd’hui une référence pour réaliser une unité juridique dans le domaine de l’arbitrage commercial international. Les transformations des régimes juridiques nationaux ont débuté assez tôt dans certains des pays développés tels la France, la Suisse et la Belgique, tandis qu’elles ont été entamées assez tardivement dans d’autres pays, tels ceux en voie de développement dont l’Iran. En Iran, l’arbitrage a toujours été admis et pratiqué ; néanmoins, la procédure civile iranienne présentait encore des insuffisances, et dévoila encore davantage de défauts concernant l’arbitrage international. En conséquence, les parties iraniennes aux contrats internationaux ne pouvaient convaincre les parties étrangères à accepter l’Iran en tant que place d’arbitrage. C’est en accord avec les évolutions législatives mondiales que l’Iran aussi, tout en se joignant à la Convention de New York de 1958, réforma sa législation sur l’arbitrage commercial international, en adoptant en 1997 une loi sur l’arbitrage commercial international rédigée en adoptant le modèle législatif proposé par la CNUDCI. Cette loi marqua une évolution marquante dans la législation iranienne vu qu’elle institua d’importantes règles alignées sur les tendances récentes du droit de l’arbitrage international. Malgré cela, certains praticiens y découvrirent des défauts et des lacunes, réclamant ainsi une réforme nécessaire pour rendre le droit iranien réellement attractif. Néanmoins, la loi iranienne de 1997 n’a jamais fait jusqu’à ce jour l’objet d’une étude scientifique systématique. L’examen des droits d'autres pays tels que : la français, la belge et l'anglais sur l’arbitrage commercial international, ainsi que l’étude d’autres sources pertinentes, permettra d’identifier et d’analyser en profondeur les lacunes et de proposer des remèdes. / Nowadays, the business relations are much broader and more complex than before. The extension of this area of activities requires the disputes arising out of business relationships to be resolved through the effective systems aligned with the nature of this area, i.e. the promptness, accuracy and expertise. Hence, over the last few decades, the national laws relating to the arbitration have been developed, and international conventions in this field achieved a great deal of success.The countries seeking to reform their legislation on commercial arbitration can adopt the well-known model law provided by the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration which has been adopted in 1985 by UNCITRAL and is now a reference for the realization of a legal system in the field of international commercial arbitration. Changes in national legal regimes began relatively early in some of the developed countries such as France, Switzerland and Belgium, while they were initiated fairly late in other countries, such as developing world, including Iran.In Iran, arbitration has always been admitted and practiced; nevertheless, the civil procedure in Iran was inadequate in this area, and revealed even more defects concerning international arbitration. Consequently, Iranian parties to international contracts could hardly convince their foreign parties to accept Iran as the seat of arbitration.It was in line with global legislative developments that Iran, while joining the 1958 New York Convention, has reformed its legislation on international commercial arbitration by adopting a law on commercial arbitration in 1997 in accordance with the model law proposed by UNCITRAL. This law marked a significant development in Iranian legislation as it established important rules aligned with recent trends in the law of international arbitration. Despite this, the practitioners discovered some defects and shortcomings. That’s why they call for a reform necessary to make Iranian law truly attractive. Nevertheless, the Iranian law of 1997 has never been subject of a comprehensive study so far. Examination of the laws of other countries such as French, Belgian and English on international commercial arbitration, as well as the study of other relevant sources, will pave the way to identify and analyze in depth the gaps and propose remedies.

International Arbitration under debate / Entrevista a Gary Born. El Arbitraje Internacional en debate

Narancio, Victoria, Núñez del Prado, Fabio 12 April 2018 (has links)
Is the choice of the arbitral seat still an important decision in international arbitration? Should arbitral awards be subject to greater judicial scrutiny? Should the appeal be in international arbitration? Is it possible that an annulled arbitral award is recognized under the New York Convention? Should the New York Convention be amended to achieve CNY 2.0? Is investment arbitration a system that works? Are the criticisms of investment arbitration valid? In this interview, Gary Born responds to each of these questions by addressing many controversial current issues in international arbitration. / ¿Es la elección de la sede del arbitraje todavía una decisión importante en el arbitraje internacional? ¿Deberían los laudos estar sometidos a un mayor escrutinio judicial? ¿Debería existir la apelación en el arbitraje internacional? ¿Es posible que en virtud de la Convención de Nueva York se reconozca un laudo anulado? ¿Debería enmendarse la Convención de Nueva York para lograr una CNY 2.0? ¿Es el arbitraje de inversiones un sistema que funciona? ¿Son las críticas al arbitraje de inversiones válidas? En la presente entrevista, Gary Born responde cada una de estas interrogantes tratando muchos temas polémicos de actualidad en el arbitraje internacional.

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