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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interim measures in international commercial arbitration : a comparative study of the Egyptian, English and Scottish law

Shalaan, Wael S. E. January 2013 (has links)
Interim Measures are viewed as an essential means to protect parties‘ rights in international commercial arbitration disputes. Most Arbitration Laws and Rules have recognised the arbitral tribunal‘s power to grant such measures. The success of this system relies on the court‘s assistance of the tribunal during the process. This relationship between the tribunal and the court is something vague under Egyptian Law, since there are no clear rules addressing the matter. Hence, this research examines the theories that explain the tribunal‘s authority and the relationship with the authority of the court. This study uses a comparative analytical approach in terms of analyzing relevant legal texts to determine the optimal legal approach to the issue. The purpose of the study is to address deficiencies in the Egyptian law – the Code of Civil Procedure and Egyptian Arbitration Law – and compare it with English, Scottish Arbitration Acts and international arbitration systems, laws, and practices. The findings of this research offer several recommendations that could help achieve a successful and smooth arbitration process. This study identifies and explains types of interim measures and explores the international practice of every type. It gives some important recommendations for future development and improvement of the Egyptian law. It also makes general recommendations that would help improve the efficiency of the English and Scottish laws.

Rozhodčí smlouva v mezinárodním a vnitrostátním obchodním styku / Arbitration contract in international and national business transactions

Hrubá, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis called Arbitration contract in international and national business transactions deals with arbitration contract and its position not only in legal environment of the Czech republic but also at international stage. First chapter focuses mainly on evolvement of arbitration contract from the Middle Ages till now and its modern form that is regulated in the Act No. 216/1994 Coll., on Arbitration Proceedings and on Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, in New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and also in UNCITRAL Model law. Next chapters discuss concept of arbitration proceedings and consider it important in order to better explain nature of arbitration contract that is one of the most important aspects of this kind of proceedings. Next chapter deals with essentials of arbitration contract from which its validity arises. Mainly, it emphasizes important requirements that parties need to agree upon while negotiating arbitration contract. It does not forget also additional requisites that are recommended. Particularly, it compares situation when parties also negotiate these additional terms and situation when they do not do so and draws some conclusion. The aim of this thesis is to also look at the right of appeal that becomes popular for the parties and therefore...

The three ages of international commercial arbitration : between renewal and anxiety / Les trois âges de l’arbitrage commercial international : entre renouveau et anxiété

Schinazi, Mikaël 15 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international, mode de règlement des différends par lequel les parties soustraient l’examen de leur litige aux juridictions étatiques et en confient la solution à une ou plusieurs personnes privées. Cette histoire peut être divisée en trois grandes périodes. Pendant « l’âge des aspirations » (des années 1800 à 1920 environ), l’arbitrage fut utilisé dans de nombreux contextes, tant sur le plan national (arbitrage corporatif) qu’international (arbitrage interétatique), ce qui a conféré certains traits caractéristiques à la pratique moderne de l’arbitrage commercial international. Pendant l’« âge de l'institutionnalisation » (des années 1920 à 1950 environ), des institutions clés, telles que la Chambre de commerce internationale et sa Cour d’arbitrage, furent créées, et on assista également à la mise en place de systèmes d’arbitrage institutionnels cohérents et efficaces. Enfin, l’« âge de l’autonomie » (depuis les années 1950) fut marqué par une spécialisation accrue et par les tentatives d’auto-instituer un corps de droit séparé et de justifier les fondements théoriques du système d’arbitrage dans son ensemble. Cette recherche démontre que l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international oscille entre des phases de « renouveau » et des phases d’« anxiété ». Pendant les périodes de renouveau, de nouveaux instruments, dispositifs et institutions furent conçus pour étendre la portée de l’arbitrage commercial international. De telles mesures furent contrebalancées pendant les périodes d’anxiété ou de remise en question, pendant lesquelles on chercha à limiter la place de l’arbitrage (afin, par exemple, de ne pas empiéter sur la souveraineté des États). Cette tension ou mouvement de balancier entre renouveau et anxiété est un trait caractéristique de l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international et permet d’expliquer les forces structurantes qui sous-tendent son évolution. / This thesis is an exploration of the history of international commercial arbitration—the mechanism by which the mutual rights and liabilities of the parties are determined with binding effect by a third person, the arbitrator, instead of by a court of law. It seeks to divide the history of international commercial arbitration into three broad waves or periods. In the Age of Aspirations (ca.1800–1920), arbitration was used in a range of contexts, both domestic (in local trade associations) and international (between states), as a result of which some of the defining features of modern international commercial arbitration practice were established. The Age of Institutionalization (1920s–1950s) witnessed the creation of key institutions, such as the International Chamber of Commerce and its Court of Arbitration, and the establishment of coherent and effective institutional arbitration systems. The Age of Autonomy (1950s–present) was marked by increased specialization and the attempt to create a separate body of law and justify the theoretical foundations of the arbitration system as a whole. The thesis argues that this history oscillates between moments of renewal and moments of anxiety. During periods of renewal, new instruments, devices, and institutions were created to carry international commercial arbitration forward. These initiatives were then counterbalanced during periods of anxiety, in which it seemed that international commercial arbitration should not go too far (lest it encroach on state sovereignty, for example). This tension or pendulum-like movement—from renewal to anxiety and from anxiety to renewal—is a key feature of the history of international commercial arbitration and helps explain the course of its development.

大陸涉外商務仲裁之研究 以台商適用為中心

蔡顯榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分六章,其主要內容如下: 1.緒論;說明本論文之動機、目的、範圍、方法及限制。 2.商務仲裁之基本觀念;說明商務仲裁之意義、優點,及為解決兩岸商務糾紛之最適途徑。 3.大陸涉外商務仲裁之體制;從中共成立政權開始其涉外仲裁制度之歷史沿革,看出一九七八年中共實施經改至今之努力,並就一九八八年新《仲裁規則》之特點作分析,瞧出所以成為世界第二大仲裁中心之端倪。 4.大陸涉外商務仲裁程序與台商應注意事項;從當事人提出仲裁聲請,經仲裁庭組成與開庭,至仲裁判斷之承認與執行,引用兩岸及國際上之仲裁法規,提出台商所應認知與注意之地方,並在我國仲裁法較不實用之地方提出建議,以符合國際潮流。 5.兩岸商務仲裁之合作與展望;先就兩岸目前處理商務糾紛情形作比較,之後從互納仲裁人、聯合仲裁、共同仲裁等仲裁合作模式中,藉以經濟效率角度,提出適合台商之有效合作方式。 6.結論;為本論文之研究總結。

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania Steenkamp

Steenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania Steenkamp

Steenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor is een van die mees gevestigde internasionale fundamentele regte.1 Die reg om verhoor te word deur 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige hof of tribunaal vorm deel van die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor. Beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje erken hierdie reg as 'n fundamentele reg. Alhoewel dit duidelik is dat hierdie reg afdwingbaar is in die gewone howe van state wat die relevante konvensies geratifiseer het, bly die vraag steeds tot watter mate die reg tot 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal toepassing vind in internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie verrigtinge. Verder is die vraag hoe die toepassing daarvan vergelyk met die toepassing van die reg in die gewone howe. Is dit dus moontlik om te se dat dieselfde toets wat in die gewone howe gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte te bepaal, ook gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n arbiter te bepaal? In die nasionale sfeer verwys onafhanklikheid na twee onderskeibare konsepte. Eerstens verwys dit na die onafhanklikheid van die regsprekendegesag met betrekking tot die wetgewende- en uitvoeren-degesag soos vervat in die leerstuk van die skeiding van magte. Tweedens verwys dit na die persoonlike onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte. In internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie is slegs die tweede konsep van toepassing. Internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie funksioneer normaalweg onafhanklik van enige regerings-instelling. Slegs die persoonlike onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van die arbiter is dus van belang. Wanneer die toetse, om die persoonlike onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van regters en arbiters te bepaal, met mekaar vergelyk word, is daar drie verskillende toetse wat van belang is. Sover dit menseregte op 'n intemasionale vlak betref, pas die Europese Hof vir Menseregte die geregverdigde twyfel (legitimate doubt) toets toe. Die arbitrasie instellings wat ingesluit is in hierdie verhandeling2 pas die regverdigbare twyfel Qustifiable doubt) toets toe. Op nasionale vlak pas beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje die redelike vrees van vooroordeel (reasonable apprehension of bias) toets toe. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die toetse vir onpartydigheid en onanhanklikheid wat toegepas word in die nasionale howe van Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje, die toetse wat op intemasionale vlak toegepas word in die Europese Hof vir Menseregte en die toetse wat toegepas word deur die onafhanklike intemasionale arbitrasie instellings wat in die verhandeling bestudeer is, tot dieselfde resultaat lei. Gevolglik sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat in Suid-Afrika die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid slaag in alle waarskynlikheid ook die toets in Engeland slaag. Net so sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat plaasvind in terme van die belangrikse arbitrasie tribunale en arbitrasie reels, synde UNCITRAL, die ICC, die LCIA, die AAA en die ICSID, ook na alle waarskynlikheid die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van arbiters in beide Suid-Afrika en Engeland slaag indien die toets wat toegepas word deur hierdie reels en instansies dieselfde is as die toets wat in Suid-Afrika en Engeland toegepas word. / Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania Steenkamp

Steenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor is een van die mees gevestigde internasionale fundamentele regte.1 Die reg om verhoor te word deur 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige hof of tribunaal vorm deel van die reg tot 'n vrye en regverdige verhoor. Beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje erken hierdie reg as 'n fundamentele reg. Alhoewel dit duidelik is dat hierdie reg afdwingbaar is in die gewone howe van state wat die relevante konvensies geratifiseer het, bly die vraag steeds tot watter mate die reg tot 'n onafhanklike en onpartydige tribunaal toepassing vind in internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie verrigtinge. Verder is die vraag hoe die toepassing daarvan vergelyk met die toepassing van die reg in die gewone howe. Is dit dus moontlik om te se dat dieselfde toets wat in die gewone howe gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte te bepaal, ook gebruik word om die onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van 'n arbiter te bepaal? In die nasionale sfeer verwys onafhanklikheid na twee onderskeibare konsepte. Eerstens verwys dit na die onafhanklikheid van die regsprekendegesag met betrekking tot die wetgewende- en uitvoeren-degesag soos vervat in die leerstuk van die skeiding van magte. Tweedens verwys dit na die persoonlike onafhanklikheid van 'n voorsittende beampte. In internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie is slegs die tweede konsep van toepassing. Internasionale kommersiele arbitrasie funksioneer normaalweg onafhanklik van enige regerings-instelling. Slegs die persoonlike onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van die arbiter is dus van belang. Wanneer die toetse, om die persoonlike onpartydigheid en onafhanklikheid van regters en arbiters te bepaal, met mekaar vergelyk word, is daar drie verskillende toetse wat van belang is. Sover dit menseregte op 'n intemasionale vlak betref, pas die Europese Hof vir Menseregte die geregverdigde twyfel (legitimate doubt) toets toe. Die arbitrasie instellings wat ingesluit is in hierdie verhandeling2 pas die regverdigbare twyfel Qustifiable doubt) toets toe. Op nasionale vlak pas beide Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje die redelike vrees van vooroordeel (reasonable apprehension of bias) toets toe. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die toetse vir onpartydigheid en onanhanklikheid wat toegepas word in die nasionale howe van Suid-Afrika en Groot Brittanje, die toetse wat op intemasionale vlak toegepas word in die Europese Hof vir Menseregte en die toetse wat toegepas word deur die onafhanklike intemasionale arbitrasie instellings wat in die verhandeling bestudeer is, tot dieselfde resultaat lei. Gevolglik sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat in Suid-Afrika die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid slaag in alle waarskynlikheid ook die toets in Engeland slaag. Net so sal arbitrasie verrigtinge wat plaasvind in terme van die belangrikse arbitrasie tribunale en arbitrasie reels, synde UNCITRAL, die ICC, die LCIA, die AAA en die ICSID, ook na alle waarskynlikheid die toets van onafhanklikheid en onpartydigheid van arbiters in beide Suid-Afrika en Engeland slaag indien die toets wat toegepas word deur hierdie reels en instansies dieselfde is as die toets wat in Suid-Afrika en Engeland toegepas word. / Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Contractual expansion of judical review of arbitral awards : an international view

Andrade, Francisco Javier January 2002 (has links)
In the last decade, parties to arbitration agreements have attempted to broaden the scope of judicial review of arbitral awards by contract, beyond the boundaries established in international and domestic arbitration statutes. This thesis analyzes this contractual expansion of judicial review from an international perspective. To this end, the standard of judicial review under the most important international instruments pertaining to commercial arbitration is examined: the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The study then addresses the question as to whether provisions for heightened judicial review of arbitral awards would be enforceable under the legislation of three major players in commercial arbitration: England, France and the United States. An analysis of the legitimacy of agreements that provide for expanded judicial review under the New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law follows. The thesis concludes with an assessment of the impact the mentioned clauses would represent for the institution of arbitration and its advantages.

Nové trendy v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži / New trends in international commercial arbitration

Javůrková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
New trends in international commercial arbitration The subject of this diploma thesis is the international commercial arbitration as a dynamicallydeveloping field and more specificallyselected segments of the development of this field. Due to the great popularity ofsolvinginternationalcommercialdisputestheotherwaythanincivillitigationinternationalcommercial arbitration is a very important and growing field. International commercial arbitration is pushed continuallytobeimprovedtobeabletoprovideaquick,qualifiedandfairsolution.Sincethereis changed competencefrom courttoarbitratoritis alsoveryimportant forstates toensurethat arbitrationawards that haveariseninthearbitrationprocedurerespectpublicorderandthattheprocedure keepscertainstandards of the process. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical definition of international commercial arbitration, the distinctions between arbitration and civil litigation and ADR methods. There are also named theoretical concepts of arbitration such as contractual theory, jurisdictional theory, hybrid and autonomous theory with representatives of each one. The second section describes the development of the international arbitration and covers all important sources of law of international arbitration. Since there are...

Contractual expansion of judical review of arbitral awards : an international view

Andrade, Francisco Javier January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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