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Analyzing Hebrew Textbooks: Differing Goals and Identities in Language ClassroomsParry, Justin Tyrel, Parry, Justin Tyrel January 2017 (has links)
Among a rich variety of studies in second language acquisition research, relatively few have investigated the role of textbooks for language teachers and learners, in spite of their nearly universal importance in language classrooms (Kramsch, 1988; Plews & Schmenk, 2013). This three-article dissertation examines this issue for the context of Hebrew as a less commonly taught language (LCTL), through considering the goals and identities of four types of teachers (Native, Ethnic Heritage Language [HL], Linguistic HL, and Foreign Language [FL]teachers)and three types of learners (Ethnic HL, Linguistic HL, and FL learners). In order to explore these diverse goals and identities, this research included a mixed-methods approach in three stages: (a) a nationally distributed survey that included 18 teachers and 36 students in first- and second-year Hebrew courses; (b) a case study involving surveys, observations, and select interviews with 65 students and 5 teachers at two universities in the US; and (c) an analysis of the content related to goals and identity within five commonly used Modern Hebrew textbooks. Due to this unique context and research focus, these instruments are partially homegrown and partially adapted from past related studies (e.g. Allen, 2008; Burns Al Masaeed, 2014; Ducar, 2006). The first article of this dissertation consisted of a general analysis of these Hebrew textbooks, the second article focused on portrayals of pronunciation within Hebrew textbook pronunciation guides and explanations, and the third article on multimedia that accompanies Hebrew textbooks. Each of these textbook areas was compared to the goals and identities of the Hebrew teachers and students involved in the study. Findings included a general consensus that Modern Hebrew textbooks were lacking in many ways as far as meeting these goals and identities, although diversity in motivations and backgrounds led to a range of responses. Results also present several implications to improve the contexts of Hebrew, LCTLs, and language teaching in general.
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Pragmatics Instruction in Korean as a Foreign Language Programs in the U.S.: Overview of the Programs, Instructors' Beliefs, and Pedagogical ApplicationRyu, Jieun, Ryu, Jieun January 2018 (has links)
In the field of Korean as a foreign language (KFL) pragmatics, current scholarship documents a need for change in regards to speech styles as dynamic features (Byon, 2007; Chang, 2014; Cook, 2011; Jung, 2015; Park, 2012; Strauss & Eun, 2005; Yoon, 2010). However, speech styles are often taught at a pragmalinguistic level as a grammar point and in a textbook or in a classroom sociopragmatics presentation is limited to static contextual features such as one’s social status and/or age. Moreover, even though the honorifics system and speech styles are perceived as daunting by even the most advanced KFL learners (Brown, 2010, 2013; Byon, 2004, 2007; Choo, 1999; Shon, 1999; Yoon, 2010), the majority of KFL pragmatics research on speech styles focuses on students’ use and production of pragmatics features rather than focusing on the pedagogical application (see Byon, 2015; Song & Pyun, 2011). Instructors’ beliefs on teaching pragmatics and the background to their beliefs are also overlooked.
This study is composed of three interrelated projects and grounded in pragmatics instructional studies, Pragmatic Consciousness Raising (PCR) (Rose 1994, 1999), multiliteracies pedagogy framework, and teachers’ beliefs research. The purpose of this mixed-method study is to understand KFL educators’ views on pragmatics instruction and the current state of pragmatics instruction in KFL programs at tertiary level institutions; the next step is to design and implement pragmatics lesson plans that are more practical and adaptable to current KFL programs. To this end, the research questions are 1) What is the current state of pragmatics instruction in KFL?; 2) What is KFL instructors’ cognition (Borg, 2006) of pragmatics instruction?; 3) Is speech styles instruction based on a multiliteracies pedagogy framework effective and what are the students’ perception toward the lessons?
The research questions were answered through a survey and interviews of KFL educators as well as KFL students’ in-class and homework assignments and surveys before, during, and after the implementation of new lesson plans. The findings showed that the KFL field experienced positive changes such as collaboration with other instructors and curriculum development endeavors based on current theories and approaches in the field. However, similar issues and challenges to other less commonly taught language (LCTL) programs as well as their own unique challenges such as (over-)qualified teaching staff and an absence of equity and advocacy for instructors and programs still remained. The survey responses and interviews showed that both the administrators and instructors in KFL programs believe that pragmatics competence is crucial to developing proficiency in a foreign language and that pragmatics should be taught in class. The teachers’ own personal foreign language learning experiences were very influential in shaping their stated beliefs. However, it was also found that the teachers’ practices were based on their working definition of pragmatics rather than their espoused theories. In the classroom, textbooks provided the core element of curriculum and classroom practice, which the teachers thought contributed to persistently unsatisfactory approaches to pragmatics teaching.
Drawing upon the survey and interview results, a series of instructional units, informed by PCR and multiliteracies pedagogy, was designed to be integrated into current textbook-oriented curricula and implemented in an upper elementary level Korean course. Contrary to the concerns of the interviewed KFL instructors, beginner-level students successfully participated and interacted meaningfully using authentic materials. The students showed development in metapragmatic awareness and in both pragmalinguistics and sociopragmatics knowledge. In addition, the students exhibited positive attitudes toward the instructional units. Based on this evidence, this dissertation concludes with implications and future research recommendations for teacher professional development training design, KFL curriculum, teaching material design, and teacher cognition research.
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Portuguese as a Foreign Language: Motivations and PerceptionsOliveira, Desiree 12 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Portuguese enrollments have been on a continuous rise at universities in the United States. Due to this increase it is important that teachers and department administrators understand what the motivations of Portuguese students are. This study reports on the findings of a survey conducted with lower-level Portuguese students at Brigham Young University regarding their motivations to study the language and compares these motivations with those of students of French, German, Italian, and Spanish. In addition, the study reports on students' perspectives on Portuguese in contrast to their perspectives on these other four European languages. Other issues considered include Portuguese students' native and foreign language backgrounds, their motivation to further pursue the study of Portuguese in the future, and their interest in two different varieties of the language, Brazilian and European Portuguese. Results revealed that only for Portuguese students were career plans the main motivation to study the language. Most Portuguese students already spoke Spanish fluently, either as a native or foreign language, and were also greatly motivated by the similarity between the two languages. Many Portuguese students were interested in pursuing their language studies in the future. Students reported being very interested in Brazilian Portuguese, but minimally interested in the European variety. Portuguese students' perceptions of the language were for the most part more positive than their perceptions of French, German, Italian, and Spanish, whereas non-Portuguese students' perceptions of Portuguese were mostly less positive than their perceptions of these other four European languages. Based on Portuguese and non-Portuguese students' responses to the survey questions, the study gives recommendations to promote the study of Portuguese as a foreign language at the post-secondary level.
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Motivation and heritage learner status : modern Hebrew in the U.S. / Modern Hebrew in the U.S.Parry, Justin Tyrel 14 August 2012 (has links)
Most researchers in second language acquisition (SLA) concur that understanding motivation is vital to promoting success and both short and long-term interest among L2 learners (Gass & Selinker, 2001). Hebrew has become an endangered language in the
U.S. (Spolsky, 2009), as partly attested by a decrease in Hebrew language enrollments at U.S. universities (Furman, Goldberg, & Lusin, 2009). With this decline, an analysis is needed to investigate the diverse motivations of U.S. university students who enroll in Modern Hebrew (Feuer, 2009; Kaufman, 2010). This report examines research on this topic from both Hebrew-specific studies and general SLA research, through a discussion of motivation, heritage language learners, and Hebrew learners. Relevant issues and
implications are considered in light of five areas of discussion that are common to the Hebrew teaching field. / text
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Výchova a vzdělávání dětí - leváků / Upbringing and Education of Left-handed ChildrenČivrná, Simona January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the important knowledge related to education and bringing up left-handed children. The theoretical part focuses on the explanation of the term laterality and its diagnostics and also on the methodology of left-handed writing and the preparatory exercises for writing. Furthermore this part points to some various causes and effects suppression of left- handedness, and a brief insight into a former approach and an actual approach. This part offers information to the new trend in writing - Czech school font called Comenia Script. The practical part concentrates on the development of writing for left-handed in the commonly used writing alphabet, and in the font Comenia Script. There is also included a tentative questionnaire for primary school teachers and an observation and teaching of left- handed pupils in four different grades at primary schools. Keywords: laterality, left-handedness, upbringing, education, the commonly used writing alphabet, the font Comenia Script
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Teorie redistribuce a její aplikace / The theory of redistribution and its applicationMihalčinová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The theory of redistribution systems is a practical extension of a game theory, which deals with a redistribution within a social system of more than two players with di?erent performances and ability to create coalitions. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The ?rst chapter describes the known knowledge of a game theory. The second chapter deals with the theory of redistribution systems. Using an elementary redistribution system and its generalization group behaviour when dividing a payment, achieved by a collective performance, is described. This part introduces the extension of the redistribution system to a compound redistribution system with a fractal structure. Furthermore the theory of discriminatory equilibrium and the theory of commonly acceptable equilibrium are veri?ed using the elementary redistribution system and utility theory. The third chapter deals with an application to the allocation of funds among faculty departments. A game theory approach was used to reduce the game to a non-cooperative game of two players by using the forming of coalitions. Also the theory of redistribution systems was applied when a reduction was used to create a non-cooperative two-player game. This reduced non-cooperative game between two players was converted to a cooperative play of more than two players by changing the rules of the game and allowing a formation of coalitions. In the practical part both of these approaches are compared with real data and a current state.
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Teacher Cognition and Practices: A Case Study of Teaching Speaking Skills in aKiswahili as a Foreign Language ContextBimpong, William Kesse 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of the STARTALK Language Program on the Internationalization of Higher Education in the United StatesMwangi, Peter N. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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台灣原住民族土地財產權制度變遷之研究-日治時期迄今從共同所有到個別所有的演變 / A Study of The Changes of Taiwan Aborigines’Land Ownership Right Institution -- from Commonly Owned to Privately Owned since 1895吳樹欉 Unknown Date (has links)
五、本研究以「資源攫取」、「政權鞏固」及「制度相依」等因素分析原住民族土地財產權制度演變的觀點,均能從相關事實獲得合理詮釋。 / This dissertation conducted extensive literature research and field interviews in an attempt to explore the changes from the tribe ownership to the private ownership system of Taiwan aborigines’ land ownership right. The themes and the expected accomplishments of this research include the following:
1. To study the history and current status of Taiwan aboriginal land ownership right, to analyze the causes and consequences of the changes in the past, and to verify the findings with other scholars’ arguments in the literature.
2. To study the ruling mentality, rationale, policies and regulations towards Taiwan aborigines from the Japanese occupants to the ROC government, to analyze the impacts of these policies on Taiwan aboriginal land ownership right, and to explore whether Taiwan aborigines have benefited from such policies and regulations.
3. To study the overall impacts on Taiwan aborigines’ economical and cultural development, which was resulted from the changes to their land ownership right through the execution of different policies. The findings of this research could serve as recommendations to the government in setting up revised aboriginal land reservation policies for Taiwan aborigines.
Through extensive literature research and field interviews with a few senior Taiwan aborigines about their memories, comments, and expectations with respect to aboriginal land ownership right, the following facts can be summarized:
1. The Land Ownership Right Before Japanese Occupancy
a. The tribe leaders rule the land within a tribe’s territory.
b. Each piece of farmland, hunting field, and fishing field belongs to a societal/economical group within a tribe.
c. The societal/economical group has the right to farm or hunt on their assigned lands and owns the produce from the lands.
d. Because the land is owned by a societal/economical group, there is no inheritance issue. The managing of the land is by the leader of the group.
e. Traditionally members in a societal/economical group have the right to farm/hunt on a piece of land as well as to own the produce from the land.
2. The Impact of Land Ownership Right Changes on the Development of Taiwan Aborigines
a. The land ownership right policies have limited the accessibility of Taiwan aborigines to land resources. Each aborigine has access to less than three aches of reserved land.
b. The land reservation policy limited the aborigines to farm within their reserved land have changed the aborigines’ life style from half time farming and half time hunting to full time farming.
c. Because productivity of each aborigine farm on his own reserved land is very low, the gap between the average income of aborigines and nonaborigines has been widening. Besides, the majority of aborigines’ income should come from non-agricultural sources. This reflects the fact that giving aborigines a piece of reserved land did not benefit them economically.
3. The Comparison of Different Land Ownership Right Policies by Different Governments
a. The Japanese occupants’ aboriginal policy focused on seizing Taiwan’s mineral, forestry, and agricultural resources. While the ROC government’s aboriginal policy was only reactively trying to keep the stability of the aborigines.
b. The Japanese occupant’s aboriginal policy was to “manage” Taiwan aborigines. While the ROC government’s aboriginal policy was a land reservation policy.
c. The Japanese occupants ordered armed policemen to implement its aboriginal policy. While the ROC government’s aboriginal policy was executed by civilian officials in local governments.
4. Some Observations
a. The Taiwan aboriginal policies by the ROC government and the Japanese occupants have its relationship. The Japanese occupants adopted land reservation policy for the aborigines, which led to private use of reserved lands. The ROC government has consequently adopted a more extensive land reservation policy for aborigines, which led to private ownership of reserved land by all aborigines. The policy of awarding private use privilege of land to aborigines by both governments had always been accompanied by the intention to manage the aborigines.
b. Seizing Taiwan’s natural resources was the real agenda by the Japanese occupants behind their slogan of “awarding aborigines land to farm”.
c. Maintaining the ROC government’s ruling power was the main interest behind her aboriginal policy of “improving aborigines’ quality of life and social status”.
d. Even though the Japanese occupants and the ROC government chose different means and regulations to implement different aboriginal policies, avoiding pressures and satisfying their own agenda was what’s driving their aboriginal policies.
e. The Japanese occupants did not appreciate Taiwan aborigines’ perception of land while awarding reserved lands to the aborigines. However the Taiwan aborigines disrespected the boundary of their reserved land, and the issue became unmanageable.
1. Before the Japanese occupancy, Taiwan aboriginal tribes and the social/economical groups within the tribes rule the land they use. Members in a social/economical group have usage rights over a piece of land, and own the produce from that land. Because this system was well respected by all aborigines, there was little conflict or social cost with respect to land ownership right. 2. The past aboriginal policies failed to improve the aborigines’ quality of life. The interests of the two governments were either to seize Taiwan’s resources or to secure the ruling government’s political power. Taiwan aborigines’ welfare was sacrificed.
3. Taiwan aborigines’ perception about land ownership right changed from commonly owned by everybody to pieces of privately owned land. This reservation land policy for aborigines not only against the aborigines’ philosophy and lifestyle, but also violated economic principles of efficiency and productivity. Another conflict of interests arose due to competing over the reserved land to the aborigines by the nonaborigines. The land resources reserved for the aborigines have long been diminishing. Consequently, most Taiwan aborigines suffer from economic hardship and social disadvantage.
4. This research has explored the problems in the disputes land reservation policy for the aborigines. The following two recommendations are suggested:
a. The government should actively resolve all over the reserved land for the aborigines. This can give back to the aborigines such land they deserve for generations. Resolving land disputes can also improve the relationship between all residence in Taiwan.
b. Knowing the disadvantages of privately owning reserved land by aborigines, this research recommends that the government allocates additional portion from the total reserved land to the aborigines, which can be managed by aboriginal tribes and shared by all aborigines. Increasing the accessibility to more natural resources by aborigines will be a direct measure to improve Taiwan aborigines’ economic income, while in the same time, preserve their pride and cultural heritage.
5. This research has based on theories of “seizure of natural resources”, “securing governing power”, and “institutional dependence” to analyze the changes in Taiwan’s aboriginal land ownership right, and its negative impact to Taiwan aborigines’ life. Recommendations to government with respect to modifying the current aboriginal land policy were suggested.
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A Phenomenological Study of Learner Autonomy in Less Commonly Taught Languages (Swahili)Mose, Patrick O. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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