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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Context, content and cooperation : an ethnographic study of collaborative learning online

Jones, Christopher Richard January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Att härbärgera det ohållbara : - en ministudie av härbärgerande och hållande i kliniska samtal / To contain the unsustainable : - a mini-study on Containing and Holding in Clinical Therapy

Diaz Römmesmo, Lorena January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Koncepce komunikačního a distribučního systému webového portálu / The concept of communication and distributional system of web portal

Krejčová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of functional solutions for the communication and distribution system project web portal AkceZ.cz. It was prepared on the basis of personal experience and knowledge of the author of the process of creation and functioning of the communication portal. The main goal of this work is to create a realistic picture of the communication and distribution system implementated still alive and functioning project.

In good communication and in bad: A study of premarital counseling and communication skills in newlywed couples.

Norvell, Karen 05 1900 (has links)
This study examined the effects of premarital counseling on newlywed communication. It was predicted that individuals who had participated in premarital counseling would have lower levels of demand/withdrawal communication and higher levels of spousal support. The effects of the format of the counseling were also examined. Individuals who had been married less than two years completed a survey measuring their marital satisfaction, levels of demand/withdraw, and perceived spousal support. Social learning theory was used as a theoretical lens. Results suggested that participating in premarital counseling has no affect on newlywed communication. Newlyweds who had been exposed to a group format during their counseling had higher marital satisfaction than those who had just participated in a one-on-one format with a counselor.

Automobile Control Systems : Transition from Controller Area Networks to Ethernets

Ekman, Rasmus January 2014 (has links)
Due to concerns about the negative impacts of powering vehicles using fossil fuel and the future availability of fossil fuel, there has been an increased focus on electric vehicles. However, current electric vehicle energy efficiency is a key problem as these vehicles are not as efficient as fossil-fueled vehicles. One way of decreasing a vehicle’s energy consumption is to reduce the weight of the vehicle, while still ensuring the safety and reliability of the vehicle. Controller Area Network (CAN) systems have been used in vehicles to realize real-time applications, however the low peak data rates of CAN have begun to limit the applications that can be realized. This bachelor’s thesis project focuses on secure communication within a vehicle using Ethernet. Additionally, the use of Power over Ethernet can be used for powering some of the network attached devices within the vehicle. The goal is to reduce the number of components and the weight of the vehicle while continuing to ensure the security and reliability of the communication – even when the network grows in size (either in physical size or in number of connected devices). This thesis shows that an Ethernet based system can serve as a possible replacement candidate for the CAN system due to its low latencies and high bandwidth. Ethernet is also a very scalable system with none of the limitations that a CAN system have. / Den negativa påverkan av fossila bränslen har de senaste årtionden haft en negativ på planeten, mängden fossila bränslen över världen konsumeras även i en högre takt än vad som produceras. Därför har fokusen för att finna förnybara energi källor som både är effektiva och inte påverkar miljön på ett negativt sätt ökat. Därför är elbilar en viktig del i konverteringen av enheter som drivs av fossila bränslen till förnybara energikällor. Ett av problemen i en elbil är att energi konsumptionen är inte lika effektiv som fossila bränslen inom bil industrin. Ett sätt att sänka energi konsumptionen är att minska mängden komponenter inom en bil för att minska på vikten, utan att påverka säkerheten och tillförlitligheten. Tidigare har man använt sig av ett CAN system för att försäkra sig om systemet fungerar felfritt i realtid, problematiken med detta system är att när nätverket ökar i storlek så sätter de fysiska begränsningarna av detta system stop för den garanterade säkerheten. Detta kandidatexamensarbete kommer att fokusera på den interna kommunikationen i en elbil med hjälp av ett ethernet baserat kommunkations system över CAN systemet. Power over Ethernet tekinken kommer att tillämpas för de systemen som kan drivas av detta system. Målet är att reducera antalet komponenter som behövs och att garantera säkerheten och tillförlitligheten av den interna kommunikationen när nätverket av komponenter ökar i storlek. Det här kandidatarbetet visar att Ethernet kan ersätta det nuvarande CAN systemet ef-tersom att Ethernet erbjuder låga latenser och hög bandbredd. Detta arbete visar även att Et-hernet är väldigt skalbart och har inte begränsingarna som ett CAN system har.

Technical Communication Strategies in Marketing

Howard, Laura 06 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

台灣宗教衛星頻道經營管理之研究 / The study of management of religion channels

陳延昇, Chen, Yan-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
當前台灣社會處於一股宗教熱潮之中,宗教衛星頻道近年也開始蓬勃發展。對於傳播領域來說,宗教衛星頻道非營利的理念與經營,加上宗教文化的背景,使得宗教衛星頻道已經自成一個獨特環境。對於宗教文化而言,宗教衛星頻道是宗教團體運用傳播新科技進行宣教與社會服務的新形式。從組織特性、經營方式、乃至節目呈現,宗教衛星頻道都顯得特殊。作為如此特殊的媒體,宗教衛星頻道在經營管理上和一般衛星頻道有所不同。本研究擬探討宗教衛星頻道經營管理之環境因素及影響,並找出適切的宗教衛星頻道的經營管理之道。 宗教傳播的研究尚在萌芽,國內亦缺乏宗教傳播理論架構的累積,本研究從傳播管理與宗教社會學、非營利組織經營管理三個學術領域為宗教衛星頻道的經營管理建立理論基礎,並從國外宗教電視上的發展檢視相關的問題。本研究透過文獻探討、深度訪談與節目表分析三種研究法進行,將目前五家宗教衛星頻道作為研究對象,進行慈濟大愛、佛光衛視、法界弘法、佛教衛星四家佛教信仰的宗教頻道與屬於基督教信仰的好消息頻道之比較分析。 研究結果顯示,經營策略運用上,慈濟大愛針對慈濟人進行訴求,並發揮在環境因素中的諸多優勢,屬於集中化的策略。佛光衛視同樣擁有許多環境因素優勢,但以維持現狀,追求效率策略,屬於經營較為寬廣的頻道定位。法界弘法頻道不具有所屬教團支持,優勢少,因而採取追求效率與服務多元的策略。佛教衛星以正信佛教定位作為差異化策略,所具環境因素優勢有限,差異化定位清楚但訴求略微小眾。好消息頻道係以唯一的基督教頻道、家庭頻道定位作為差異化策略,有別於其他以佛教、公益社教為定位的宗教頻道。 雖然目前宗教衛星頻道多以公益、社教作為主要訴求之一,或希望宗教與公益社教兩方面並重,但節目表分析發現三個特點:(一)節目類型集中,節目集中於宗教生活資訊節目、宗教講座節目、宗教教育節目、社教文化節目與家庭生活資訊節目等類型;(二)節目仍以宗教性節目為主;(三)節目策略運用缺少變化。整體而言,目前宗教衛星頻道的節目呈現與頻道使命、定位與訴求對象不甚符合。 因此本研究認為宗教衛星頻道的經營管理首先應重視使命,進而發展定位與訴求對象。在掌握所處的環境優勢之下善用策略。此外,基於非營利組織特性,更需發展募款贊助策略以維持財務結構健全。在人力資源上,應開拓志工參與,並加強整體、節目的行銷,與社會、系統經營者維持良好公關。最後在節目呈現方面,宗教衛星頻道應體認節目的重要性,節目不僅建構觀眾對頻道的印象,更影響捐款意願,所以必須靈活運用節目策略,建立節目評估與回饋機制,以掌握觀眾反應。整體而言,宗教衛星頻道的經營管理應該掌握環境因素,選擇有利策略,並重視使命以及適切之定位、訴求對象,在財務、人力資源、行銷、節目策略等層面方有良好表現。

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf interactions / Etude des interactions mère/jeune chez la baleine à bosse

Saloma, Anjara 15 June 2018 (has links)
Chez les baleines à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae), le maintien des liens sociaux entre les femelles et leurs nouveau-nés implique différentes modalités sensorielles telles que l'ouïe, le toucher et la vision. Si la communication acoustique chez les mâles chanteurs de cette espèce a été largement étudiée, les sons sociaux, en particulier ceux produits par les femelles et leurs nouveau-nés, ont été peu reportés. Cette étude décrit les sons sociaux présents dans les enregistrements acoustiques axés sur les groupes mère-baleineau et discute des vocalisations produites par les femelles et les baleineaux dans les interactions mère-jeune. En considérant les sons les plus fréquents de ce répertoire vocal, une analyse centrée sur la détermination de la source des sons de bass fréquence produits par la mère a été effectuée et des analyses ont été réalisées pour mettre en évidence l'individualité de certaines vocalisations appartenant à la mère et à son petit. Une description du contexte comportemental de leur production vocale a été réalisée et parallèlement, les profils de plongée des mères et de leurs nouveau-nés ont été décrits. En outre, les femelles et leurs petits passent beaucoup de temps à la surface de l'eau. Les mères sont souvent statiques à la surface tandis que les baleineaux évoluent autour d'elles. Cette étude est également consacrée à la compréhension de leurs comportements de surface, en tenant compte des comportements initiés par les baleineaux. Des séries d’analyses ont été réalisées pour déterminer si les baleineaux présentaient des comportements de latéralisation par rapport à leur mère. Enfin, en utilisant la méthode de photogrammétrie, les tailles des femelles et des nouveau-nés ont été mesurées, ainsi que l'espace utilisée par les baleineaux autour de leur mère. / In humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), maintaining social bonds between females and their newborns involves different sensory modalities such as hearing, touching and vision. While acoustic communication in male singers of this species has been extensively studied, social sounds, especially those produced by the females and their newborns have been poorly documented. This study describes the social sounds present in acoustic recordings focused on mother-calf groups and discusses the vocalizations used by females and calves in mother-offspring interactions. By considering the most frequent sounds from their vocal repertoire, an analysis focused on the determination of the source of the low-frequency sounds produced by the mother have been carried out and analyses were performed to investigate the individuality of some vocalizations belonging to the mothers and the calves. A description of the behavioural context of their vocal production was performed and the diving profiles of mother-calf pairs were described. Moreover, females with their calves spend a lot of time on the water surface. Mothers are often static at the surface while calves move around them. This study is also dedicated to the understanding of their surface behaviours, considering the behaviours initiated by calves. A series of analyses were carried out to determine whether calves exhibited lateralization behaviours in relation to their mothers. Finally, by using photogrammetry method, mother-calf lengths were measured, and calves spatial range around their mothers was investigated.

The licence as a mechanism to improve performance : the case of Cell C

Dippenaar, Jacques Roché 11 1900 (has links)
The licence is a regulatory tool that regulatory use to assist in their regulatory functions. Licences restricts operator’s’ functions, but also serve as a guideline of acceptable conduct because a licence is a legally binding document containing prescribed conditions that the licencee must meet. If the licencee does not comply with these prescribed obligations and requirements, the licence may be revoked or the licencee may be penalized (Bladwin & Cave 1999). However, in order fro the mechanism of issuing a licence to be an effective mechanism of regulation, the regulator needs to regulate effectively in order to ensure that the licencee’s performance is of acceptable standard. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between issuing a licence and the licencee’s performance; to investigate whether the performance indicators, as defined by ICASA, are adequate, and to develop appropriate performance indicators in order to evaluate Cell C’s performance. Issuing a licence to licencee does not guarantee that the performance of the licencee, such as Cell C, will be effective. Thus, the licencee needs to be evaluated. The case study design has been used for this project. The methodology includes in-dept interviews, documentary analysis, and implementation evaluation research. The report concludes that Cell C has met its licence obligations, that licencing is coupled with effective mechanisms to ensure that the licencee complies with performance requirements, but that, in order for the licencee to improve its performance, effective regulatory intervention is needed. / Communication Science / MA (International Communication)

The licence as a mechanism to improve performance : the case of Cell C

Dippenaar, Jacques Roché 11 1900 (has links)
The licence is a regulatory tool that regulatory use to assist in their regulatory functions. Licences restricts operator’s’ functions, but also serve as a guideline of acceptable conduct because a licence is a legally binding document containing prescribed conditions that the licencee must meet. If the licencee does not comply with these prescribed obligations and requirements, the licence may be revoked or the licencee may be penalized (Bladwin & Cave 1999). However, in order fro the mechanism of issuing a licence to be an effective mechanism of regulation, the regulator needs to regulate effectively in order to ensure that the licencee’s performance is of acceptable standard. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between issuing a licence and the licencee’s performance; to investigate whether the performance indicators, as defined by ICASA, are adequate, and to develop appropriate performance indicators in order to evaluate Cell C’s performance. Issuing a licence to licencee does not guarantee that the performance of the licencee, such as Cell C, will be effective. Thus, the licencee needs to be evaluated. The case study design has been used for this project. The methodology includes in-dept interviews, documentary analysis, and implementation evaluation research. The report concludes that Cell C has met its licence obligations, that licencing is coupled with effective mechanisms to ensure that the licencee complies with performance requirements, but that, in order for the licencee to improve its performance, effective regulatory intervention is needed. / Communication Science / MA (International Communication)

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