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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of telecommuting and communication media on perceived value congruence, organizational support and job satisfaction /

Welchans, Thomas Daniel January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Work images and clozentropy : a communication study of engineers at three levels of professional development /

Balog, Barbara Jean January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Organization communication: a review on the effectiveness of joint consultative committees in China Light & Power Co. Ltd.

January 1998 (has links)
by Lam Tsui-Wa. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-58). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / ABSTRACT --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.iii / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Background of CLP Holdings (CLP) --- p.1 / Communication in CLP --- p.3 / Background of Joint Consultative Committee --- p.4 / A Need to Review the Efficacy of the Joint Consultative Committee --- p.5 / Objectives --- p.7 / Theoretical Review on Organization Communication --- p.8 / Theoretical Review on Employee Participative Management --- p.10 / Chapter II. --- METHOD OF STUDY --- p.13 / Questionnaire --- p.13 / Pre-testing --- p.15 / Subjects --- p.15 / Chapter III. --- FINDINGS --- p.16 / Chapter IV. --- ANALYSIS --- p.29 / Power: Decision-Making Approach --- p.29 / Information Flow --- p.31 / Rewards --- p.32 / Knowledge and Skills --- p.33 / Chapter V. --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.35 / Use of Different Decision Making Approaches --- p.35 / Review of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards --- p.35 / Training and Development --- p.37 / Chapter VI. --- CONCLUSION --- p.38 / APPENDIX --- p.41 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.57

Communication training in the organization : an overview

Lovgren, Laurie J January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

The role of culture in coping with uncertainty /

Nardon, Luciara, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2005. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-116). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

Cultural Implications of Self-Other Agreement in Multisource Feedback: Comparing Samples from US, China, and Globally Dispersed Teams.

Lin, Yue 08 1900 (has links)
Application of multisource feedback (MSF) increased dramatically and became widespread globally in the past two decades, but there was little conceptual work regarding self-other agreement and few empirical studies investigated self-other agreement in other cultural settings. This study developed a new conceptual framework of self-other agreement and used three samples to illustrate how national culture affected self-other agreement. These three samples included 428 participants from China, 818 participants from the US, and 871 participants from globally dispersed teams (GDTs). An EQS procedure and a polynomial regression procedure were used to examine whether the covariance matrices were equal across samples and whether the relationships between self-other agreement and performance would be different across cultures, respectively. The results indicated MSF could be applied to China and GDTs, but the pattern of relationships between self-other agreement and performance was different across samples, suggesting that the results found in the U.S. sample were the exception rather than rule. Demographics also affected self-other agreement disparately across perspectives and cultures, indicating self-concept was susceptible to cultural influences. The proposed framework only received partial support but showed great promise to guide future studies. This study contributed to the literature by: (a) developing a new framework of self-other agreement that could be used to study various contextual factors; (b) examining the relationship between self-other agreement and performance in three vastly different samples; (c) providing some important insights about consensus between raters and self-other agreement; (d) offering some practical guidelines regarding how to apply MSF to other cultures more effectively.

Innovative internal communication of a new strategic plan : a case study with critical analysis

Swanepoel, Werner 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The real-life problem in strategy communication is generally defined as that strategic plans are not generally well communicated to the workforce and therefore not executed to their full potential. This leads to subordinate problems such as that the strategic plan is not bought into by the employees, which leads to a lack of commitment and involvement. When not well understood, the strategic plan loses its motivational power because employees do not know what their role is. The strategy thus is not likely to have the desired effect on the market. Isolated cases of successful communication and implementation of company strategic plans do exist, which raises the question of what is required from an internal strategy communication plan, and what makes it successful. The research report attempts to answer this question and hence contribute to this knowledge field to benefit future implementers. The literature was reviewed on current approaches to establish criteria for successfully communicating a strategic plan, and a successful communication strategy used at Sishen Iron Ore Mine was documented as a case study and critically analysed. Recommendations for future implementations as well as further research were made. This report identified five main groups of requirements for a successful implementation communication strategy. These areas include the need to engage in two-way dialogue, the need to repeat the message, the need to plan the communication rollout, the important role of the middle manager and the need to show the bigger picture. The methodology is more important than the medium (visual, auditory) used. It is further concluded that, if the skill levels of the workforce differ significantly. it may be necessary to have two or more different communication strategies. Simply delegating the responsibility of communication to subordinates creates the risk of failure. It is recommended that middle managers be trained for this purpose and that the progress in each department be appropriately monitored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die praktiese probleem in strategie kommunikasie is dat strategiese planne nie gekommunikeer word nie en dus nie tot die volle potentiaal uitegvoer word nie. Dit lei tot ondergeskikte probleme soos dat daar nie inkoop is in die strategiese plan of intensie nie wat beteken daar is 'n tekort aan toewyding en betrokkendheid. Die strategiese plan word ook nie goed verstaan nie en verloor sy motiverings krag omdat werknemers nie weet wat hulle rol is nie. Die hele strategie het nie die verlangde effek op die mark nie. Geïsoleerde gevalle van suksesvolle kommunikasie en implimentering word gevind, wat die vraag laat ontstaan; wat word verlang van 'n interne strategiese kommuniksie plan en wat maak dit dus suksesvol. Die navorsingsverslag probeer die vraag beantwoord en sodoende bydrae tot die kennis veld om toekomstige implementeerders te bevoordeel. 'n Literatuur studie is voltooi op die huidige benaderings om kriteria vas te stel vir die suksesvolle kommunikasie van 'n strategiese plan. 'n Suksesvolle kommunikasie strategie wat gevolg is by Sishen Ystererts Myn is gedokumenteer as 'n gevalle studie en krities geevalueer. Aanbevelings is gemaak vir sowel toekomstige implementerings as ook verdere navorsing. Die verslag het vyf hoof groepe van vereistes geïdentifiseer vir die suksesvolle implementerings kommunikasie strategie. Hierdie areas bestaan uit die noodsaaklikheid vir twee rigting gesprek, die vereiste om die boodskap te herhaal, die belangrikheid om die kommunikasie strategie goed te beplan, die rol van die middel bestuurder en die noodsaaklikheid om die groter prentjie te wys. Die metodologie is belangriker as die medium (visueel, auditer) wat gebruik word. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat, indien die vaardigheidsvlak van die organisasie baie verskil, dit nodig mag wees om twee verskillende kommunikasie strategieë te ontwikkel. Om eenvoudig die verantwoordelikheid van kommunikasie na ondergeskiktes te delegeer skep die risiko van faaling. Dit word voorgestel dat middel bestuurders opgelei word vir die doel en dat die vordering in elke departement dienooreenkomstig gemonitor word.

An exploratory Q-sort of crisis communications performed by public relations professionals / Exploratory Q sort of crisis communications performed by public relations professionals

Keene, Andrea. January 2009 (has links)
This study explored the attitudes of public relations professionals regarding crisis communication strategies and discerned patterns of preferred crisis communication strategies through the use of Q Methodology. Using the strategies proposed by Benoit, Fink, Coombs and Lukaszewski as the basis for the concourse, a group of public relations practitioners with crisis experience were asked which crisis response strategy they preferred. Respondents fell into three factors. “Speedsters” focused on achieving a speedy response and building/maintaining the organization’s reputation during a crisis. “Character Builders” use compassion to build/maintain a favorable image and reputation. “Reactors” are focused not just on speeding up the process of resolving the crisis, but on reacting within one hour of the emergency. Coomb’s compassion strategy was favored by all three groups, but was valued most highly by the “Character Builders.” Implications for future research are discussed. / Department of Journalism

The Impact of Contextual Variables on Internal Auditors' Propensity to Communicate Upwardly

Tolleson, Thomas D. (Thomas Dale) 12 1900 (has links)
The author examined whether contextual variables impact internal auditors' self-assessed likelihood of whistleblowing. The author synthesized a theoretical framework and developed research hypotheses that predict relationships between the self-assessed likelihood of whistleblowing and (1) magnitude of the consequences (2) channels of communication and (3) type of wrongdoing. To test these hypotheses, the author provided internal auditors (n=123) with a scenario and asked them to self-assess the likelihood of reporting evidence of a malfacation to their internal audit director even though their audit manager told them to ignore the wrongdoing.

Factors related to the experience of situations: Time of day, gender, and employment status

Unknown Date (has links)
Throughout the course of a day, individuals experience a number of different situations that affect how they think, feel, and behave. However, until recently, there was little research aimed at describing what factors may be related to the psychological properties of situations in individuals' everyday lives. Recent theoretical (e.g., the Situational Eight DIAMONDS) and methodological (e.g., experience sampling, Day Reconstruction Method) advances make the present research tractable. Based on the extant literature, three studies, employing different methodologies, were designed to explore whether three specific factors are related to the experience of situations: time of day, gender, and employment status. Study 1 employs data from 835 participants recruited on Amazon's Mechanical Turk (AMT). Participants reported a recent situation (single time-point method) and completed a 290-item measure of situations, the Comprehensive Situations Item Pool (CSIP). The results demonstrated consistent daily patterns in the experience of situations. For example, the situational characteristic Duty tends to increase throughout the day, peak at noon, decreasing thereafter. Study 2 uses an experience sampling method to further investigate the daily and weekly temporal patterns in the situational characteristics from a within-person perspective. University participants (N = 210) were contacted via smartphone and rated their situation up to 8 times per day for 7 days. The results showed that there are some similarities and differences in the temporal pattern of situations at the within-person level. Duty, for instance, exhibits a different pattern depending on the day of the week (e.g., negative and linear on weekends, but quadratic on weekdays). Overall, Study 2 demonstrates that there are clear within- and between-day patterns in situation characteristics. Lastly, Study 3 employs a full-day method using archival data from the 2013 American Time Use Survey (ATUS). Participants drawn from a representative sample of Americans (N = 11,384) reported all of their situations for a recent day using the Day Reconstruction Method. The results found that, in addition to consistent daily and weekly trends, patterns for situation characteristics are related to individual differences such as gender and employment status. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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