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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av kommunikation under projektering i partnering / Analysis of communication during construction planning in partnering

Andersson, Robert, Gergesa, Igor January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: During the planning phase of a construction there are many participants involved; architects, building contractors, constructors, developers and so on. Communication problems occur between these participants and may lead to wrong planning and high costs. Partnering focuses on relationship-building, transparency and trust, which in theory should reduce the problems for a project. The objective of this study is to analyse the communication in the planning phase to identify how communication problems can be prevented in a partnering. Method: To achieve the objective, literature studies and interviews have been selected as methods. The interviewees were selected from two partnering projects that Skanska was involved in. Findings: Results show that partnering reduces communication problems and create a greater involvement and commitment of the project planners. However, some problem still exists such as the use of project portals, choice of communication channels, coordination and information transfer on a formal and informal level. To prevent these problems, literature studies and interviewees contributed a few examples; a detailed meeting agenda, add comments on the blueprints, production personnel should participate in planning meetings and economic incentives. The interviewees have felt that partnering has worked well which has produced good results during the project planning. Implications: To create an effective planning group and remove the participants own interest, partnering should be applied. Planners should work with one project at a time and should be located with each other to benefit the work and communication at formal and informal level. Planners should work in a project portal that they are experienced and comfortable with. Limitations: This thesis will only analyze the planning stage. The two analyzed partnering projects were under planning stage during the thesis, which made it impossible to continue the research on the handover phase from planning to production. The interviewees have been limited to architects, contractors, constructors, developers, electrical and plumbing planners. Keywords: Planning stage, communication, partnering, communication problems / Syfte: När ett byggnadsverk ska projekteras är det många aktörer som är inblandade; arkitekter, byggentreprenörer, byggherrar, konstruktörer, el- och VVS-projektörer. Kommunikationsproblem förekommer mellan dessa aktörer vilket leder till felprojektering och extra kostnader. Samverkansformen partnering fokuserar på relationsbyggande, öppenhet och förtroende vilket i teorin ska minska problemen för kommunikation inom ett projekt. Målet med detta examensarbete är att analysera kommunikationen i projekteringsskedet för att identifiera hur kommunikationsproblem kan överbryggas för partnering. Metod: För att uppnå målet har litteraturstudier och intervjuer valts som metoder. Elva stycken intervjupersoner valdes utifrån två partneringsprojekt som Skanska var delaktiga i. Resultat: Resultat visar på att partnering minskar kommunikationsproblem och skapar en större delaktighet och engagemang hos projektörerna enligt intervjupersonerna själva. Tyvärr förekommer det fortfarande vissa problem så som användning av projektportaler, val av kommunikationskanaler, samordning samt informationsöverföring på en formell och informell nivå. För att förhindra dessa problem har litteraturstudierna och intervjupersonerna bidragit med några förslag; en detaljerad mötesagenda, infoga kommentarer på ritningar, produktionspersonal bör delta i projekteringsmöten, samlokalisering och införa ett ekonomiskt incitament. Intervjupersonerna har annars ansett att partnering har fungerat bra och gett goda resultat under projekteringen. Konsekvenser: För att skapa en effektiv projekteringsgrupp och få bort aktörernas eget intresse bör partnering tillämpas. Projektörerna bör arbeta med ett projekt i taget och gärna samlokaliserat för att underlätta arbetet och kommunikationen på den formella och informella nivån. Projektörerna bör jobba i en projektportal som de är erfarna och bekväma med. Begränsningar: Examensarbetet kommer endast behandla projekteringsskedet. De två undersökta partneringsprojekten befann sig under projekteringsskedet under rapportens gång vilket omöjliggjorde vidare forskning kring överlämnandet från projektering till produktionen. Intervjupersonerna har avgränsats till arkitekter, byggentreprenörer, byggherrar, konstruktörer, el- och VVS-projektörer. Nyckelord: Projektering, kommunikation, partnering, kommunikationsproblem

Intern kommunikation för organisationens framgång : En fallstudie av kommunikationsproblem i ett mindre företag

Fresk, Maja January 2016 (has links)
Problembeskrivning – Intern kommunikation är identifierat som viktigt för organisationens överlevnad och övergripande resultat, men ändå är det många företag som har kommunikationsproblem och inte tar dessa på allvar. I små företag är det viktigt med den interna kommunikationen då man arbetar nära varandra och har en närhet till ledaren. Det finns få studier enbart fokuserade på interna kommunikationssvårigheter inom mindre företag. Syfte – Denna studie undersöker kommunikationsproblem som kan existera i mindre företag och ger förslag på hur man kan undvika eller arbeta för att motverka problemen. Metod – Studien är baserad på en fallstudie. Genom att ställa strukturerade intervjufrågor till deltagarna och genom observation har den största delen av empiriskt material samlats in. För att stödja resultaten har en litteraturstudie även genomförts. Resultat – Fallföretaget bidrog med indikationer om att en bristfällig intern kommunikation påverkar hela organisationen och ligger som grund till flera av problemen de upplever inom företaget. Slutsats – Studien identifierar typer av kommunikationsproblem som existerar hos fallföretaget samt bidrar med lösningar eller arbetssätt för att minska eller eliminera dessa problem. Studien belyser även hur viktigt kommunikationen är för organisationen och konsekvenserna av en otillräcklig intern kommunikation. / Problem – The internal communication are identified as very important for the organization’s survival and overall performance, but there are many companies that do not take their communication issues seriously. In smaller companies the internal communication is important because the close relationship with coworkers and the entrepreneur. There are limited studies focused only on internal communication within small companies. Purpose – This paper investigates communication problems existing in smaller companies and makes suggestions for improvements to overcome these problems. Method– This paper is based on a single case study. Through asking structured questions and a carried out observation the empirical evidence were collected. In order to support the findings a literature study has been conducted. Findings – The case company provided indications about an inadequate internal communication influences the whole organization and can be the bottom reason for multiple problems experienced within the organization. Conclusion – The study identifies different kinds of communication problems existing within the case company and contributes to finding solutions for the identified problems. The study also highlights the importance of communication for the organization and the consequences of a fallible internal communication.

Hur ett tvärfunktionellt samarbete kan motverka stuprörsstrukturer : Kommunikationens roll i det organisatoriska gränssnittet mellan olika avdelningar

Ahlqvist, Theresé January 2016 (has links)
Stovepipes, or also called silos, appear in many different organizations and sectors and contribute to problems when employees or managers tend to look more to their own, or the individual departments, objectives rather than to the organizations. The purpose of this study was to identify different communicative factors that promote stovepipes in order to further identify the most critical factor to disarm. A case study has been done at a selected company, with a stovepipe structure, in order to achieve the purpose of the study. The case study has included interviews and observations to identify different problem areas which then have been compared with three communicative factors identified in previous studies. The factor that had the most connections to the problem areas have been considered the most critical factor. The result of the study indicates that “A lack of understanding each other's work” is the most critical factor in stovepipe structures and that it can be prevented by following five recommendations: bring up positive collaboration continually, raise problems with each other instead of with others, identify different communication paths in and between the departments, implement a long-term model for preventing stovepipes and set up workshops between the involved departments. The conclusion of the study is that stovepipes create several undesirable effects in the organization but that the efforts to counter these problems do not have to be complicated. Following five small steps into a better collaboration and communication can be enough to be on your way to a better organizational structure. / Stuprörsstrukturen visar sig i många olika organisationer och branscher, där den orsakar problem då medarbetare och chefer tenderar att se mer till sina egna, eller den enskilda avdelningens, målsättningar än organisationens övergripande. Studien syftar till att identifiera vilka kommunikativa faktorer som bidrar till stuprörsstrukturen, för att vidare urskilja den mest kritiska faktorn. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en fallstudie genomförts på ett utvalt företag med stuprörsstruktur. Vidare har intervjuer och observationer skett för att kunna urskilja olika problemområden, där de problemområden som identifierats sedan har ställts mot tre kommunikativa faktorer som framkommit som bidragande till stuprörsstrukturer i flertalet tidigare studier. Den faktor som har flest samband med de olika problemområdena har ansetts som den mest kritiska faktorn i studien. Resultatet av studien anger ”Bristande förståelse för varandras arbete” som den mest kritiska faktorn i en stuprörsstruktur och att denna kan motverkas genom att följa fem rekommendationer: lyft positiva samarbeten kontinuerligt, ta upp problematik med varandra direkt när den uppstår, kartlägg hur kommunikationen går i verksamheten, implementera en långsiktig modell samt ha löpande workshops med inblandade avdelningar. Slutsatsen är att stuprörsstrukturen kan skapa flera oönskade effekter i en verksamhet men att insatserna för att motverka dessa inte måste vara invecklade eller vidare resurskrävande. Att följa fem enkla steg mot bättre samverkan och kommunikation kan vara en bra bit påväg mot en bättre struktur.

Hur mycket står risskotare stilla på grund av kommunikationsproblem? / How much impact does communication problems have on inactivity for residue forwarders?

Andersson, Anton, Davidsson, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
The communicative interaction between contractor and subcontractor of residue forwarder plays a crucial role in the efficiency of handling forest residue. Since that type of work is at the end of the harvesting process, it may be that it is not as prioritized as the previous harvesting measures. The study investigates the communicative interaction between subcontractor that drives a residue forwarder and contractor and its connection to work-related production stops. The study was accomplished by a web-based survey and quantitative interviews conducted with eight selectively selected residue forwarder drivers in southern Sweden. The result of the survey showed that the average of all total production stops was one hour and 52 minutes under an average stop period of 25 working days. Most of the stops were caused by other work-related problems. Communication problems accounted for 20% of the number of production stops and the average stop duration was one hour and five minutes. The time when a residue forwarder was inactive seventeen minutes per day. In conclusion, the communicative problems are not the main reason to inactivity for residue forwarders. However, communication plays an important role in productive harvesting and represent the biggest possibility for improvement in the communication between residue forwarder drivers and contractor, which could lead to fewer production stops.     Residue Forwarders, Communication Problems, Production Stop and Forest residue. / Det kommunikativa samspelet mellan uppdragsgivare och risskotarförare kan vara ett led i effektiviteten vid hanteringen av GROT, vilket är en förkortning för grenar och toppar. I och med att arbetet infaller sist i avverkningsledet kan det vara lägre prioriterat än de tidigare avverkningsåtgärderna. Studien undersöker det kommunikativa samspelet mellan risskotarförare och uppdragsgivare och dess anknytning till arbetsrelaterade produktionsstopp. Det gjordes med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät ochkvantitativa intervjuer som genomfördes av åtta selektivt utvalda risskotarförare i södra Sverige. Resultatet från den webbaserade enkätundersökningen visar att medelvärdet av alla sammanlagda produktionsstopp var en timme och 52 minuter under en medelvärdesperiod av 25 arbetsdagar. Störst andel stopp orsakas av övriga problem. Kommunikationsproblem stod för 20 % av antalet produktionsstopp och medelvärdet av stoppens längd var en timme och fem minuter. Tiden då en risskotare står stilla under en arbetsdag uppgick till sjutton minuter. Sammanfattningsvis kan det klargöras att de kommunikativa problemen inte är den största orsaken till att risskotare står stilla. Dock spelar kommunikationen en viktig roll för ett produktivt avverkningsarbete. Slutligen finns det förbättringsmöjligheter i kommunikationen mellan risskotarförare och uppdragsgivare vilket skulle kunna leda till färre produktionsstopp.   Risskotare, Kommunikationsproblem, Produktionsstopp och GROT.

Proposta de um plano para a comunicação interna na Empresa PI Acessórios

Orlandin, Maira Caon Pieruccini January 2016 (has links)
Estando há dois anos inserida no ambiente organizacional da empresa PI Acessórios LTDA, foi possível perceber problemas de comunicação interna, tais como: informações que se perdiam, assuntos não resolvidos, problemas de relacionamento, fofocas, ruídos na comunicação, clima organizacional tenso, dúvidas nas tarefas de cada um e problemas na produção. Por isto, a pesquisadora escolheu propor um plano de comunicação interna para a empresa. Por plano de comunicação interna entenda-se uma ferramenta estratégica de compatibilização dos interesses dos empregados e da empresa, por meio do estímulo ao diálogo, à troca de informações e de experiências e à participação de todos os níveis. Para direcionar a pesquisa foram escolhidos seis fatores principais relacionados ao plano de comunicação, com base no estudo da International Association of Business Communicators (IABC): Liderança, Comunicação, Motivação, Gerenciamento, Mensuração e Feedback. Um plano de comunicação interna provê a organização com uma direção clara e coordenação dos processos, estabelece uma estrutura de trabalho, deixa explícito quem é responsável por cada função, define orçamentos e cronogramas e cria um benchmark para a mensuração de resultados. Garante também que se tenha o maior impacto possível com o orçamento disponível. Para tanto, a comunicação interna deve ser entendida de forma integral, permeando todas as ações organizacionais, viabilizando de maneira permanente a construção de sua cultura e identidade, e marcando um estilo próprio e suas formas de projetar-se exteriormente (a construção de sua imagem). A comunicação interna é um meio para desenvolver a empresa. É necessário que as informações sejam tratadas como um ativo (que tem que ser gestionado) e um recurso (que tem que ser aproveitado). Ela permite criar um clima de confiança, motivação, relacionamento e comunicação por parte dos colaboradores dentro da empresa. Assim, foi realizado um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa e descritiva, por meio de uma pesquisa aplicada a todos os funcionários como também para a direção, observações, e-mails, conversas informais, skypes. O resultado do levantamento evidenciou e analisou os seis fatores acima relacionados a fim de que os funcionários se envolvam e participem ativamente na organização, bem como demonstrou a real necessidade da criação de um plano de comunicação interna na empresa. Sendo assim, o plano de comunicação interna proposto será avaliado e aplicado a partir dos resultados mensurados conforme a pesquisa aplicada e conforme a aprovação do cronograma. / Being two years ago inserted in the company's organizational environment PI Accessories LTDA, it was revealed internal communication problems, such as information that is lost, unresolved issues, relationship issues, gossip, noise in communication, tense organizational climate, doubts in each task and problems in production. Therefore, the researcher chose to propose an internal communication plan for the company. For internal communication plan is meant a strategic tool for aligning the interests of employees and the company, through the stimulus to dialogue, exchange of information and experience and participation at all levels. To direct the research were chosen six main factors related to the communication plan, based on the study of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC): Leadership, Communication, Motivation, Management, Measurement and Feedback. An internal communication plan provides the organization with a clear direction and coordination of procedures, establishes a framework, makes it clear who is responsible for each function, set budgets and schedules and creates a benchmark for measuring results. It also ensures that it has the greatest possible impact with the available budget. Therefore, internal communication must be understood fully, permeating all organizational actions, enabling permanently the construction of their culture and identity, and scoring an own style and ways of projecting outwardly (building your image ). Internal communication is a means to develop the company. It is necessary that the information is treated as an asset (which has to be gestionado) and a resource (which has to be used). It allows you to create a climate of trust, motivation, relationship and communication by employees within the company. Thus, we conducted a case study of qualitative and descriptive nature, through a survey applied to all employees as well as to the direction, comments, emails, informal conversations, Skypes. The result of the survey showed and analyzed the six factors listed above in order that the employees involved and actively participate in the organization and demonstrated the real need to create an internal communications plan in the company. Thus, the proposed internal communication plan will be evaluated and applied from the results measured as applied research and according to the approved schedule.

”They want to do sex rather than talk about it” - a study on hiv/aids communication problems in Uganda

Gudmunds, Ahnna January 2010 (has links)
<p>This is a study about hiv/aids communication between low- and non-educated women andhiv/aids organisations in Uganda. The purpose of the thesis is to define potential disturbance inthe communication using three organisations and 9 women as examples. The research is made with qualitative methods and most of the data is collected through field studies and group interviews.</p><p>The result of the study is that there are a lot of disturbance causing problems in the communication between the women and the organisations. Most of the disturbances can be connected to the women’s limited access to media exposure. It is also a problem that the interviewed women are more or less isolated in their villages, which mean they are directly excluded from all the information activities placed on billboards, posters, fairs, and events thattake place in the city centre or elsewhere. Even though there are a lot of community based information activities arranged by the organisations, these women will not be reached since most of the activities take place in schools where they don’t have access.The poor level of education results in two problems, first, the women cannot read and will therefore not access any print material and second, their English skills are not good enough to understand the meaning of the majority of the information material.It is pointed out that all disturbances are not communication problems. One of them is the gender inequality in Uganda. The gender roles and structures are too unequal and dominating that even if the women, despite all disturbances, receive information it is often impossible for her to implement the knowledge without consensus from her man.</p>

Mångkulturell läkarvård i Sverige. Utländska läkares upplevelser av stress på arbetsplatsen / Multicultural medical care in Sweden. Foreign doctors' experiences of stress at work

Toma, Eva January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stress hör till vårdpersonalens vardag och talangen att hantera stress är en lämplig egenskap för ett bra vårdarbete. Undersökningens syfte var att beskriva hur utländska läkare upplever stress på arbetsplasten i sammanhang med språkbarriärer, kommunikationssvårigheter och kulturskillnader samt hur dessa svårigheter påverkade deras arbetsförande och privatlivet. Via sju intervjuer granskades läkares tankar, kunskaper och upplevelser och resultatet visade att dålig kommunikation och okunskap från patienter och kollegor hade en negativ påverkan på stressnivån i arbetet. Medan otillräckliga språkkunskaper i svenska uppfattades som ett stort hinder av informanterna. Resultatet visade även att socialt stöd och hjälp från kollegor och ansvariga chefer saknades vilket påverkade informanternas privatliv i form av försämrat självförtroende och minskad energi under ledig tid. Ett par förslag på förbättring för att minska stressnivån på informanternas arbetsplatser ges i slutet.</p>

Att kommunicera mångfald : En undersökning om kommunikation och engagemang inom Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer

Samuelsson, Frida January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Communicating diversity – A study about communication and involvement in The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations.</p><p>Number of pages: 58</p><p>Author: Frida Samuelsson</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn 2006</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The general purpose of this essay is to analyse how the member organizations of LSU – The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, see the communication,activities and their influence over the organization. I aim to do an analysis of the target group to find out if the lack of involvement in LSU is caused by communication problems.</p><p>Material/Method: The method of this essay is quantitative and is based upon a web-survey.The chairmen of the member organizations have been asked to answer a survey about the communication in LSU. To get an idea of how widespread different opinions about LSU are the empirical data has been made into graphs to show the frequencies and also cross tabulations to find out if there are any correlations between the variables.</p><p>Main result: This study has shown that the problem with involvement in LSU is only partly a communication problem. One important result is that many member organizations feel that LSU doesn’t listen to their opinions and they express a wish to have more influence over the organization. The broad target group is both a strength and a weakness to the organization. It is a hard task to communicate in such a differentiated organization, since the members have many views on LSU and have different degrees of involvement. But it is also a strength to be able to create meeting points where different organizations can learn from each other.</p><p>Keywords: Communication problems, internal communication, involvement, non-profit, organizations, umbrella organization, youth organizations.</p>

Att kommunicera mångfald : En undersökning om kommunikation och engagemang inom Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer

Samuelsson, Frida January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Title: Communicating diversity – A study about communication and involvement in The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations. Number of pages: 58 Author: Frida Samuelsson Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn 2006 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The general purpose of this essay is to analyse how the member organizations of LSU – The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, see the communication,activities and their influence over the organization. I aim to do an analysis of the target group to find out if the lack of involvement in LSU is caused by communication problems. Material/Method: The method of this essay is quantitative and is based upon a web-survey.The chairmen of the member organizations have been asked to answer a survey about the communication in LSU. To get an idea of how widespread different opinions about LSU are the empirical data has been made into graphs to show the frequencies and also cross tabulations to find out if there are any correlations between the variables. Main result: This study has shown that the problem with involvement in LSU is only partly a communication problem. One important result is that many member organizations feel that LSU doesn’t listen to their opinions and they express a wish to have more influence over the organization. The broad target group is both a strength and a weakness to the organization. It is a hard task to communicate in such a differentiated organization, since the members have many views on LSU and have different degrees of involvement. But it is also a strength to be able to create meeting points where different organizations can learn from each other. Keywords: Communication problems, internal communication, involvement, non-profit, organizations, umbrella organization, youth organizations.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” : En kvalitativ studie av intern kommunikation i en offentlig organisation. / "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” : A study of internal communication in an organisation within the public sector.

Wernebjer Cervinus, Emma, Sjöblom, Sofie January 2012 (has links)
Intresset i denna studie låg i huruvida organisationsstruktur påverkar den interna kommunikationen. Studien utfördes i samarbete med Region Halland. Avgränsningen gjordes till HR-verksamheten centralt, personalchefer och förvaltningschefer, där syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva och analysera upplevelsen av kommunikationen däremellan. Alla organisationer behöver kommunikation för att existera, det är kommunikation som utgör grunden och framgången för en organisation (Falkheimer &amp; Heide, 2007 15-33). Genom kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer och inläsning på teorier om kommunikation besvarades nedanstående frågeställningar:   Hur sker kommunikationen mellan HR-verksamheten centralt, personalcheferna och förvaltningscheferna? Hur påverkar organisationsstrukturen kommunikationen och hur upplever medarbetarna att organisationsstrukturen påverkar kommunikationen? Går det att identifiera eventuella kommunikationsproblem och i så fall vilka? Vad upplevs som effektiv kommunikation och vad upplevs fungera bra idag? Vem upplevs ha ansvar för att information skall nå fram till den eller de som är tänkt?   Resultatet visade bland annat en upplevd otydlighet gällande information, svårighet med samordning, problematik kring förvaltningarnas storlek samt resurser på varje enskild enhet och svårighet att se organisationen ur ett helhetsperspektiv.

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