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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Química – nossa vida, nosso futuro” : análise discursivo-textual do Ano Internacional da Química na revista Ciência Hoje

Fukui, Ana 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-05-29T12:21:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Fukui_.pdf: 1987043 bytes, checksum: 2d159b17ac78ffbf699fae0d08bea5b8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-29T12:21:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Fukui_.pdf: 1987043 bytes, checksum: 2d159b17ac78ffbf699fae0d08bea5b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho pesquisou a divulgação da ciência sob o olhar da Linguística do Texto (KOCH, 2009) juntamente com aportes da epistemologia da ciência (BACHELARD, 1996). O principal objetivo foi entender como o conhecimento científico é construído em um texto de divulgação científica. Para isso foram definidas as seguintes ações: a proposição de um modelo de comunicação que identificou e descreveu as particularidades do corpus escolhido; a construção de um diálogo com uma abordagem epistemológica do corpus que permita entender como a ciência é representada e a busca de evidências dos itens anteriores em textos selecionados. A fundamentação teórica discutiu os modelos comunicacionais existentes na consolidação do conceito de situação de comunicação e contrato de comunicação (CHARAUDEAU, 2014) para entender o lugar da revista Ciência Hoje na mídia, segundo a Semiolinguística. Em seguida, houve uma articulação da referenciação (MONDADA, 2002) juntamente com a epistemologia da ciência para estipular a negociação de significados entre o leitor e o cientista ao considerar o senso comum, para, somente então, construir o conhecimento científico. A metodologia utilizada justificou a escolha do editorial de primeiro exemplar do ano, trouxe os critérios de seleção dos textos e dos trechos a serem analisados. Com esses instrumentos foram selecionadas as introduções de 8 dos 18 textos que compõem o corpus. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que foi preciso modificar alguns itens do contrato de comunicação para descrever adequadamente as condições de contorno da revista Ciência Hoje. A partir da análise realizada com instrumentos da Linguística do Texto foi possível entender como ocorre a construção de um objeto de discurso (MARCUSCHI, 2011) na divulgação científica, em que há uma aproximação entre a linguagem comum e a linguagem científica. Outro resultado a ser destacado é a presença de um plano de texto (ADAM, 2011) recorrente nas introduções selecionadas, que traz uma mesma estrutura argumentativa, embora as estratégias textuais escolhidas pelos autores sejam bastante distintas. Os resultados também mostraram que os cientistas consideram como parte integrante da ciência as emoções, a intuição, o acaso e outros saberes pouco associados à ciência. / The present work investigated Popularization of Science under the view of the Text Linguistics (KOCH, 2009) along with contributions of the epistemology of science (BACHELARD, 1996). The main objective was to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed in popularization of science texts. For this, actions were defined as: a proposal of a communication model that identified and described tje particularities of the chosen corpus; The construction of a dialogue with an epistemological approach of the corpus that seek to understand how science is represented and a search for evidence of previous items in selected texts. The theoretical basis discussed the communication models existing in the consolidation of the concept of communication situation and the communication contract (CHARAUDEAU, 2014) for the Ciência Hoje journal in the media, according to Semiolinguistics. Then there was a reference (MONDADA, 2002) articulation with an epistemology of science to stipulate a negotiation of meanings between the reader and scientist to consider common sense, only then to construct scientific knowledge. The methodology used justified the choice of the editorial of the first release of the year, the selection criteria of the texts and the sections to be analyzed. With these instruments 8 introductions of an amount of 18 texts that compose the corpus were selected to be analysed. The results obtained showed that some items of the communication contract were modified to adequately describe the conditions of framework of the Ciência Hoje journal. From the analysis performed with instruments of the Linguistics of the Text it was possible to understand how the construction of an object of discourse (MARCUSCHI, 2011) in the scientific dissemination occurs, in which there is an approximation between the common language and the scientific language. Another result to be highlighted is the presence of a recurrent text plan in the selected introductions, which has the same argumentative structure, although the textual strategies chosen by the authors are quite different. The results also showed that scientists consider emotions, intuition, chance and other knowledge associated with science as an integral part of science.

Pragmatická analýza profilu uživatelů internetových seznamek / Pragmatic analysis of profiles on internet dating services

Široká, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with a pragmatic analysis of profiles of online dating service in Czech Republic. The main objective of this work is to interpret a form of profile presentation on an online dating site. The profiles are interpreted in terms of communication situation, of communication strategies, of the differences between male and female profiles and of the differences between different age profiles. Interpretation of the data is based on stylistic and pragmatic analysis of individual profiles of online dating service and on the percentage of relevant data. The theoretical part of the thesis defines research of the online dating services, existing theories and research of internet environment concerning the foundation of internet dating services, gender stereotypes in online dating, self-presentation online and choosing a partner. The theoretical part consists also of a summary of my own brief survey about people's attitudes to online dating services. The theoretical part of the thesis defines also the pragmatic exploration which constitutes the basis of pragmatic analysis. The basis of practical part of the thesis is stylistic analysis of the text parts of profiles and pragmatic analysis of text and visual part of profiles and the comparison of the percentage of relevant data. Results of the...

Conception et mise à l’essai d’une séquence de situations engageant un travail de communication en algèbre en 2e secondaire : des apports pour l’élève comme pour l’enseignant?

Labrosse, Philippe 10 1900 (has links)
Nous appuyant sur le fait que la communication est essentielle à l’activité mathématique et qu’elle apparaît pourtant souvent négligée dans l’enseignement secondaire, nous avons cherché à concevoir et à mettre à l’essai une séquence de situations en algèbre pour des élèves de 2e secondaire visant à ce qu’ils développent et déploient une communication mathématique en classe. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que cette communication pourrait offrir, du même coup, un matériau utile à l’enseignant pour rétroagir. Une séquence de six situations portant sur l’algèbre (principalement la mise en équation et la résolution d’équations) a ainsi été conçue. Une analyse a priori a permis de formuler des hypothèses quant au potentiel des valeurs des variables didactiques identifiées pour solliciter une communication mathématique. Ces situations ont été ensuite préexpérimentées afin de les améliorer et pour développer une grille permettant d’analyser le travail de communication des élèves au sein de l’activité mathématique. Elles ont, par la suite, été expérimentées auprès de deux classes d’une même enseignante. Les résultats montrent que le jeu sur certaines variables, notamment la position attribuée à l’élève et celle de son interlocuteur, apparaissent des leviers intéressants pour permettre à l’élève de déployer une communication riche. La position « d’élève-enseignant », par exemple, joue sur la responsabilité de la validation du résultat assumée par l’élève et, en conséquence, sur le caractère a-didactique de la situation. Les résultats montrent aussi que la mise en œuvre des situations a donné à l’enseignante un accès renouvelé aux raisonnements des élèves lui offrant un matériau qu’il lui a été possible d’exploiter en classe. / Given the fact that communication is essential in the mathematical activity, and since it appears to be often neglected at the secondary school level, we wanted to create and put to the test a sequence of algebra situations for students in the second year of their secondary education in order for them to develop and expand their mathematical communication in class. We made the assumption that such a communication could offer, at the same time, a useful tool for the teacher to retroact. A sequence of six situations, based on algebra (mostly putting into equations and solving equations) was thus created. An a priori analysis made it possible to formulate hypothesises related to the potential of didactical variables values to encourage a mathematical communication. These situations were then pre-experimented as a means to improve them, if deemed necessary, and to create a grid that would serve to analyse the students’ communication within the mathematical activity. They were then tested in two classes under the same teacher. Results show that some values of variables, among others the respective positions of student and teacher, appear to be interesting triggers that help the student in getting into a rich communication. The “student-teacher” position, for instance, has an incidence on the responsibility of the validation of the result assumed by the student and, consequently, on the a-didactical character of the situation. Results also show that the implementation of the situations offered the teacher a renewed access to the students reasoning, thus providing her material that she was able to use in her class.

Čeština v L-balíčku / Czech Language in the L-Pack

Luhanová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
( Abstract(( This diploma thesis pursues an analysis of a language component in a didactical material called L-pack which is dedicated to A2 level migrants according to Common European Framework of Reference. This document projects an inner differentiation of the Czech language as well as communication needs of a focus group. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the importance of a situation in communication for didactical purposes considering the factual usage. In three chapters is focussed on pragmatic aspects of language behavior, to the choice of language and stylistic tools according to a character of a situation and monitors different approaches to communication situations to achieve optimal development of student' s communication competence. The methodological part presents the target and the work order and describes the didactical materials that have been analyzed. The analytical part of this thesis follows implementation manners of the L-pack in several dimensions. Selected cases are reviewed not only with respect to second language educational specialists but also with regard to the linguistic awareness of the Czech native speakers. In the end of this diploma thesis are suggested possibilities how to improve the implementation of the L-pack in relation to needs of the focus group of...

La Commission européenne et ses pratiques communicatives : Étude des dimensions linguistiques et des enjeux politiques des communiqués de presse / Europeiska kommissionens kommunikativa praktiker : En studie av pressmeddelandenas språkliga och politiska dimensioner

Lindholm, Maria January 2007 (has links)
I den här avhandlingen studeras Europeiska kommissionens kommunikativa praktiker i ljuset av de pressmeddelanden som dagligen distribueras till världens största presskår i Bryssel, men också via internet till andra journalister och allmänheten. Övergripande syften med avhandlingen är att beskriva textproduktionen i denna en av världens största textproducenter och att lyfta fram den, hittills förvånansvärt osynliga, språkliga dimensionen av kommissionens kommunikation. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i ett dialogiskt perspektiv på kommunikation, där kommunikation förstås som en dynamisk process i vilken människor (sam)agerar i ett givet sammanhang. Avgörande blir således att se pressmeddelandena som en del av den produktions- och distributionskontext de ingår i, både på lokal nivå och på en mer övergripande institutionell nivå. Empiriskt bygger avhandlingen på fältstudier vid Europeiska kommissionen och textanalyser av pressmeddelanden från kommissionen och från franska och svenska departement. Pressmeddelandena studeras både som process och produkt: formuleringsprocesser å ena sidan och textmönster och tempusbruk å den andra. Som ett exempel detaljstuderas produktionen av två pressmeddelanden mot bakgrund av skribenternas förklaringar och motiveringar till sina ändringar. Med sin unika inblick i hur ett pressmeddelande blir till steg för steg och av olika aktörer utgör denna del ett viktigt bidrag till forskningen om pressmeddelanden, som först på senare år blivit mer processinriktad. De olika delstudierna ger alla vid handen att kommissionen, enkelt uttryckt, måste arbeta mer för att underbygga sin argumentation och för att göra sina initiativ mer begripliga, legitima och motiverade. Detta kan i stor utsträckning tillskrivas den mer komplicerade kommunikationssituationen som gäller för kommissionen i förhållande till de nationella departement som är jämförelsematerial i studien. / The thesis investigates the European Commission’s communicative practices in the light of the press releases that are distributed daily to the world’s largest press corps in Brussels and on the Internet to other journalists and the general public. The overall aim of the thesis is to describe the text production of one of the largest text producers in the world and to highlight the linguistic dimensions of the Commission’s communicative practices, which until now have received little scholarly attention. The study adopts a dialogical perspective on communication, where communication is understood as a dynamic process in which people interact in a given context. This means that the press releases are seen as parts of the production and distribution context in which they are embedded, both on a local level and on a more general institutional level. The empirical data on which the study is based comprise field studies at the European Commission and text analyses of press releases issued by the Commission and French and Swedish ministries. The press releases are analysed on different linguistic levels, text pattern and the use of tense, on the one hand, and composition processes on the other. As an example, the production of two press releases is studied in detail, in view of the authors’ comments to and motivations for changes to the texts. With its unique insight into how a press release is drafted step by step and by the different parties involved this part of the thesis is an important contribution to research on press releases, which only recently has become more oriented towards the production process. The results of the analyses highlight the fact that the Commission, to a greater extent than the national ministries, must substantiate its argumentation and make its initiatives more comprehensible, legitimate, and motivated. This finding may be ascribed to the more complex communication situation of the Commission, compared to the national ministries, which served as material for comparison in the study.

Grammaire de l'infinitif injonctif / Grammar of the injunctive infinitive

Khodabocus, Nooreeda 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’infinitif est souvent présenté comme un mode qui ne présente ni les marques de temps, ni de personne, ni de nombre. De ce fait, la grammaire traditionnelle le classe parmi les formes non personnelles du verbe avec le gérondif et le participe. Cependant, l’infinitif sert à exprimer un ordre, un conseil, une interdiction, entre autres actes directifs. On le retrouve dans les modes d’emploi de divers produits, dans les recettes de cuisine, dans le code de la route, dans les libellés de conseil, pour ne citer que quelques exemples. Selon les grammaires, dans cet emploi, l’infinitif serait utilisé à la place de l’impératif, dont il serait l’équivalent. Au vu de ces affirmations, cette thèse se propose d’étudier les caractéristiques de l’infinitif injonctif. Pour ce faire, nous nous intéressons à la catégorisation de l’infinitif et aux propriétés de l’injonction. En effet, l’utilisation de l’infinitif injonctif soulève des questions. Le texte injonctif est associé à un acte d’intimation à l’action ; il s’agit d’un acte directif par lequel un locuteur veut agir sur le comportement de son destinataire. Alors comment expliquer qu’une forme qui serait non personnelle et intemporelle puisse être employée dans un genre qui s’inscrit résolument dans une situation de communication où la présence d’un locuteur ne fait pas de doute, et où le message est destiné à un public déterminé ? Notre recherche a permis de montrer que l’infinitif est une forme verbale à part entière, avec des particularités qui lui sont propres. Notre étude sur corpus vient confirmer cette position au vu de l’organisation des constituants très riche de l’infinitif injonctif / The infinitive is often described as a mood which does not possess time, person or number markers. Hence, traditional grammars classify it as impersonal, along with the gerund and the participial. However, the infinitive can express an order, an advice, and a prohibition, among other directive speech acts. It is used in instruction manuals, in cooking recipes, in traffic regulation texts, in advisory texts, to name a few. According to grammars, in such cases, the infinitive is used instead of the imperative. It would thus be similar to the imperative. On the basis of these statements, this thesis intends to study the characteristics of the injunctive infinitive. To do this, we consider the categorisation of the infinitive as well as the properties of the injunctive discourse. Indeed, the use of the injunctive infinitive raises questions. The injunctive text relates to a directive speech act through which the speaker attempts to get the addressee to perform the action described. How is it, then, that an impersonal and tenseless verb form can be used in a discourse which is clearly linked to a communication situation where there is no doubt as to the existence of a speaker and where the speech is directed towards a particular audience? Our research shows that the infinitive is a verb form in its own right, with its own unique features. Our corpus-based study confirms this fact, as shown by the rich syntactic possibilities with the injunctive infinitive.

Úvod do teorie jazykové správnosti / Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness

Beneš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness. The theme of this Thesis is the novel conceptualization of the subject field, which is, in the Czech context, traditionally dealt with within the theory of language cultivation, from the perspective of the so-called ontological "socialism" (esp. Itkonen, 1978; 2003). The first two chapters explain why the subject field of the (theory of) language cultivation is to be newly approached from this very perspective. The conceptual discussion in the first chapter identifies three underresearched factors (reaction of the Protectorate elites to the Nazi occupation policy; variety-based approach to the "language" and physicalism) that had negative effect to the debate on these questions and therefore they should not be taken into consideration; the terminological discussion in the second chapter supports the claim that it is not suitable to associate the traditional term (theory of) language cultivation with this novel conceptualization. The third chapter introduces in detail the so-called ontological "socialism" according to which there are not only spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language means, but also non-spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language rules qua actually existing social facts, in the subject field of linguistics. The fourth chapter provides a...

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