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Ukuvuyisana nabantu abadumileyo kumanqaku esiXhosa njengohlobo lokubhaliweyoNgcanga, Dorris Nosisa 04 1900 (has links)
This study has been undertaken to explore and investigate the genre-theoretic properties of social commentary texts in isiXhosa' -- P. ii. / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study has been undertaken to explore and investigate the genre-theoretic properties
of social commentary texts in isiXhosa. Five social commentary texts are chosen from the
Bona magazine dealing with social problems, which the writers want the readers to focus
on. The genre-based approach to the isiXhosa texts is employed as framework to analyse
social commentary texts.
The genre based approach involves the view of being explicit about the way language
works to make meaning in social commentary texts. This means in this study that the
engagement of students and language educators is important. The genre based approach
represents a fundamentally new educational paradigm of language teaching in Curriculum
2005. The implications for teaching isiXhosa will be given consideration given that texts
belong to different genres. Some of these implications of Freedom and Medway (1992)
are discussed. The genre-theoretic approach is utilized in such a way to form a framework -__ for analysing discourse properties of the isiXhosa texts.
The theory of text construction of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) deals with textlinguistic
analysis and the ethnography of writing. The following questions are examined: who
writes, what, where, why, to whom, how and for what purpose? These parameters of
writing give an explicit framework for the analysis. Textlinguistic properties are explored
and the isiXhosa texts will be analysed according to these properties. The five learning
outcomes which include: listening, speaking, reading and viewing, writing and thinking and
reasoning together with their assessment standards are into considered when dealing with
Outcome Based language Education in relation to the genre approach to language
teaching. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om 'n ondersoek te doen na die genre-teoretiese eienskappe van
sosiale kommentaartekste in isiXhosa. Vyf sosiale kommentaartekste is gekies vanuit die
BONA tydskrif wat handeloor sosiale probleme waarop die skrywers die lesers se aandag
wil fokus. Die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die isiXhosa tekste word gebruik as
raamwerk om die sosiale kommentaar tekste te ontleed.
Die genre-gebaseerde benadering behels die siening in hierdie studie dat daar eksplisiet
gewees moet word oor die wyse waarop taal werk om betekenis te skep in sosiale
kommentaar tekste. Die genre-gebaseerde benadering verteenwoordig 'n fundamenteelnuwe
paradigma vir taalonderrig in Curriculum 2005. Die implikasies vir die onderrig van
isiXhosa salondersoek word met inagneming dat tekste tot verskillende genres behoort.
Van hierdie implikasies, soos ondersoek deur Freedom en Medway (1992) word bespreek.
Die genre-teoretiese benadering word aangewend as 'n raamwerk vir die analise van die
diskoerseienskappe van isiXhosa tekste.
Die teorie van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) hou verband met tekslinguistiese analise en die
etnografie van skryf. Dit ondersoek die volgende vrae: Wie skryf wat vir wie, waar, hoe
en vir watter doel? Hierdie parameters van skryf gee 'n eksplisiete raamwerk vir die
analise van die Xhosa tekste. Tekslinguistiese eienskappe van isiXhoda word ondersoek
en die tekste word ontleed n.a.v. hierdie eienskappe. Die vyf leeruitkomste, luister, lees,
skryf, praat en denkvaardighede en argumentasie, saam met hulle assesseringsstandaarde,
van Kurrikulum 2005, word beskou in die lig van Uitkomsgebaseerde
taalonderrig en die verband daarvan tot die genre-gebaseerde benadering.
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A genre-theoretic analysis of human rights texts in XhosaMavela, Xolani Shadrack 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis employs the theoretical framework of text construction advanced by Grabe and
Kaplan (1996) for the analysis of human rights magazine texts in isiXhosa. The theory
employed in this study includes linguistic elements, which can be included in teaching
methodology for developing the learners' analytic skills in analyzing the discourse
structure of written texts. These kinds of analytic skills are strongly reflected in
Curriculum 2005 for the learning area languages.
The thesis employs a range of textlinguistic strategies for analyzing written genre texts on
human and civil rights issues. It is argued that the incorporation of these strategies by
teachers in the process of language teaching in Curriculum 2005 will enable the learners
to analyse texts successfully and to gain an awareness about how language is used in
texts. For the purpose of analysis in this thesis, texts from the Bona magazine with
contents ranging on human and community or civil rights were collected. The thesis
demonstrates that text analysis involves to a large extent, an investigation of generic
factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture and the community in which the
text is produced.
Following the discussion of the generic features of texts, a broad definition of the term
text is explored, and the textlinguistic construction and certain levels of analysis are
identified. In addition to this, the study demonstrates that analysis of the linguistic
structure of texts needs to incorporate the discussion of the parameters of the
ethnography of writing advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). The ethnography of writing
entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: 'Who
writes what to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how?' The study explores the
implications and rationale for incorporating text analysis in language teaching and
learning. Lastly, the relationship between the theoretical underpinnings assumed in this
study, and the learning outcomes of Curriculum 2005 are explored.
This study demonstrates that the theoretical framework of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) which
underlies in the construction of written texts, will not only introduce the language learner
to an inclusive language pedagogy, but can be employed for effective text analysis of
isiXhosagenre texts on human rights in popular magazineslike Bona. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis maak gebruik van die teoretiese model van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) vir die
analise van menseregte tydskrifartikels in isiXhosa. Die teorie wat aangewend word in die
studie sluit linguistiese elemente in wat ingesluit kan word in taalonderrigmetodologie vir
die ontwikkeling van leerders se analitiese vaardighede in die analise van diskoersstrukture
van skriftelike tekste. Hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede word sterk gereflekteer in
Kurrikulum 2005 vir die leerarea van tale.
Die tesis wend 'n verskeidenheid tekslinguistiese strategieë aan vir die analise van
geskrewe genre tekste oor menseregte en burgerlike regte vraagstukke. Daar word
betoog in die studie dat die insluiting van hierdie strategieë deur onderwysers in die
proses van taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 leerders in staat sal stelom tekste suksesvol
te ontleed en 'n bewussyn te kry van hoe taal in tekste gebruik word. Vir die doeleindes
van analise is hierdie tesis is tekste gebruik uit die BONA tydskrif met 'n inhoud oor
menseregte en gemeenskaps- en burgerlike regte. Die tesis demonstreer dat teksanalise
in 'n groot mate 'n ondersoek behels van generiese faktore soos kommunikatiewe
doelstelling, die kultuur en die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word.
Na 'n bespreking van die generiese faktore van tekste word 'n breë definisie van die term
"teks" ondersoek, en die tekslinguistiese konstruksie en bepaalde vlakke van analise word
geïdentifiseer. Hierbenewens demonstreer die studie dat die linguistiese analise van
tekste die bespreking moet insluit van die parameters van die etnografie van geskrewe
tekste soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Die etnografie van geskrewe
tekste behels dat die analise van tekste die volgende vrae ondersoek: Wie skryf wat vir
wie vir watter doel, waarom, wanneer en hoe? Die studie ondersoek die implikasies en
motivering vir die insluiting van teksanalise in taalonderrig. Laastens word die verhouding
tussen die teoretiese grondslae, wat aanvaar word in hierdie studie, en die leeruitkomste
van Kurrikulum 2005 ondersoek.
Die studie toon aan dat die teoretiese raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996), wat
onderliggend is aan die konstruksie van geskrewe tekste, kan aanvaar word om leerders in
te lei in 'n meer inklusiewe taalonderrig en kan aangewend word vir effektiewe teksanalise
van isiXhosa genre tekste gebaseer op die menseregte in populêre tydskrifte soos Bona.
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A process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care nursing educationVan Belkum, Corrien January 2001 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A thoughtfully planned learning program provides a blueprint for critical care
nursing and gives direction to theory and clinical practice. The design of a
learning program for critical care nursing that is adaptive, learner focussed and
integrated, helps nurses acquire the necessary competencies (knowledge,
technical skills and attitudes/values) needed for critical thinking. It also enables
critical care nurses to grow professionally and to develop expertise in critical care
nursing. Outcomes-based education has become the "new buzz word" in South
Africa, and a paradigm shift from content-based to outcomes-based education
has become essential.
Institutions are concerned with efficient and effective approaches to critical care
nursing delivery. The institution (nursing department) proves its worth by
anticipating patient care needs and planning its learning program cognizant of
the need to correlate activities with the institution's (nursing department) mission
and outcomes. Planning that meets the learning needs of the critical care
nursing learners not only provides the ability to meet job expectations, but also
experiences for professional growth and satisfaction. In an age of nursing
shortage, a well planned, integrated and outcomes orientated critical care
learning program is essential.
The outcome of the research was identified as a process of quality improvement
for outcomes-based critical care nursing education, which included validated
standards to facilitate quality critical care nursing education. This was
researched by utilising an adapted Laing and Nish Model for Quality Assurance
(1981) as the research strategy. Seven (7) steps were identified, namely: Step
one included the identification and clarification of values; step two determined
criteria, established standards for outcome, structure and process; step three
ratified criteria and validated standards; step four identified and analysed factors
influencing the results; step five selected appropriate actions to maintain or improve critical care nursing education; step six implemented the selected
actions and in step seven, assessment (testing) was done.
In steps two and three of the quality improvement process the Muller's (1996)
Three Phase Model for Standard Development was implemented. Seven (7)
standards were identified and formulated, namely: Standard one - Quality
improvement; Standard two - Standard formulation; Standard three -
Philosophy; Standard four - Legislative framework; Standard five - Curriculum
development (learning program development); Standard six - Outcomes-based
education; and Standard seven - Critical care nursing education. During the
process of validation of the standards, standards five and six were combined and
became Standard five - Outcomes-based learning program development. In
step three the Delphi technique as part of the second phase of Muller's model
(1996), was utilised to gain expert opinions / validation of standards.
Operationalisation and assessment of the validated standards as part of a
process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care education were
done in a higher education institution. The results of this pilot study that was
done supported the central theoretical assumption, namely that outcomes-based
critical care nursing facilitates quality critical care nursing.
The uniqueness of the research lies in the fact that in outcomes-based critical
care nursing education there is no formal process of quality improvement for
outcomes-based critical care nursing education. In this research, standards were
developed and presented as part of a process of quality improvement for
outcomes-based critical care nursing education. These standards should guide
the developer of an outcomes-based critical care nursing education program
during the development of the learning program (meso curriculum) and could be
utilised to judge the quality of the current learning programs' quality. Five of the
six standards are generic and could be utilised with minor adjustments in any
higher education learning program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Weldeurdagte leerprogram dien as 'n bloudruk vir kritiekesorg-verpleging, en
rig beide die teorie en die kliniese praktyk. Die ontwerp van 'n leerprogram vir
kritiekesorg-verpleging wat ge"integreerd,leerder-gefokus en aanpasbaar is, help
verpleegkundiges om die nodige vaardighede (kennis, tegniese vaardighede en
houdings/waardes) vir kritiese denke te ontwikkel. Dit stel kritiekesorg
verpleegkundiges ook in staat om professioneel te groei en om kundigheid in
kritiekesorg-verpleging te ontwikkel. Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig is die "nuwe
wagwoord" in Suid-Afrika en het 'n paradigmaskuif van inhoud-gebaseerde- na
uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig genoodsaak.
Instellings is begaan oor doeltreffende en effektiewe benaderings vir die lewering
van kritiekesorg verpleging. Die verrnoe van 'n instelling (departement
verpleging) om pasientsorq-behoeftes te voorspel en om die kritiekesorg
leerprogram se aktiwiteite in ooreenstemming met die instelling (departement
verpleging) se missie en verwagte uitkomstes te beplan, bewys die waarde
van die instelling (departement verpleging). 8eplanning wat aan die
leerbehoeftes van die kritiekesorg-Ieerders voldoen, bevredig nie aileen hul
werksverwagtinge nie, maar het ook professionele groei en genoegdoening
tot gevolg. In Goed-beplande, ge"integreerde en uitkoms-georienteerde
kritiekesorg leerprogram is essensieel in 'n tyd waar verpleegtekorte aan die orde
van die dag is.
Ten einde gehalte-verpleegonderrig te fasiliteer, is die uitkoms van die navorsing
as 'n proses van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorgverpleegonderrig,
wat gevalideerde standaarde insluit, ge"identifiseer. 'n
Aangepaste Laing en Nish Model vir Gehalteversekering (1981) is as
navorsingstrategie vir hierdie navorsing gebruik. Sewe (7) stappe is
ge"identifiseer, naamlik: Stap een sluit die identifisering en verduideliking van
waardes in; stap twee bepaal kriteria en skep standaarde vir uitkoms, struktuur
en proses; stap drie bekragtig en valideer die standaarde; stap vier identifiseer en ontleed faktore wat die resultate belnvloed; stap vyf selekteer toepaslike
aksies om kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig te handhaaf of te verbeter; stap ses
implementeer die geselekteerde aksies en in stap sewe is assessering (toetsing)
Muller (1996) se Drie Fase Model vir Standaardontwikkeling is in stappe twee en
drie van die gehalteverbeteringsproses ge"implementeer. Sewe (7) standaarde is
ge"identifiseer en geformuleer, naamlik: Standaard een - Gehalteverbetering;
Standaard twee - Standaardformulering; Standaard drie - Filosofie; Standaard
vier - Wetlike raamwerk; Standaard vyf - Kurrikulumontwikkeling (Ieerprogramontwikkeling);
Standaard ses - Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig; en Standaard
sewe - Kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig. Tydens die valideringsproses van die
standaarde, is standaarde vyf en ses gekombineer as Standaard vyf - Uitkomsgebasseerde
leerprogramontwikkeling. Gedurende stap drie is die Delphitegniek
tydens die tweede fase van Muller (1996) se model gebruik om
deskundige opinies te verkry I die standaarde te valideer. Operasionalisering en
assessering van die gevalideerde standaarde as deel van In sisteem van
gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde onderring is in 'n hoeronderwysinstelling
gedoen. Die resultate van hierdie toetsstudie het die sentrale
teoretiese aanname, naamlik dat uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleging
gehalte kritiekesorg-verpleging fasiliteer, ondersteun.
Die uniekheid van hierdie navorsing is gelee in die feit dat daar in uitkomsgebaseerde
kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig, geen formele proses van
gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig is nie.
In hierdie navorsing is standaarde ontwikkel en aangebied as deel van In sisteem
van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig.
Hierdie standaarde kan tydens die ontwikkeling van die leerprogram
(mesokurrikulum), die ontwikkelaar van In uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorgverpleegondderigprogram
begelei, en kan gebruik word om die gehalte van
huidige leerprogramme te beoordeel. Vyf van die ses standaarde is generies en
kan, met minimale veranderinge in enige hoer onderwys leerprogram gebruik
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The teaching of English in grade 8 in an OBE approachHansen, Jorgen Kristian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Towards the close of the last century, a new curriculum was introduced in South Africa: Curriculum
2005. This outcomes-based curriculum (OBE) was a radical break with previous education policy: it
aimed at eliminating discrimination and encouraging independent learning.
This new curriculum, however, left teachers uncertain and confused largely because the in-service
training provided did not provide clear direction. This study first describes the attempt by an
English teacher to explore the theoretical base of the new curriculum; it then attempts to ascertain
whether the teaching of English would have to change as a result of the OBE Curriculum 2005 and
whether material selected in the initial phase of Curriculum 2005 would meet the needs of the
The survey of the literature on language teaching pays particular attention to communicative
language teaching (CLT) with its emphasis on using the language for relevant, real-life
communicative acts. In addition, it investigates the origins and nature of outcomes-based education
to determine whether CLT and OBE combined are suitable vehicles for effective language teaching.
The literature survey also suggests a disjunction between the South African version of OBE and
CLT. The strong emphasis on achieving certain predetermined outcomes in South African OBE,
with the underlying assumption that learning is linear, runs counter to the CLT view that language
learning cannot be controlled.
The survey of the literature on CLT and OBE also reveals the need for relevant, interesting material
that promotes purposeful communication, encouraging learners to invest in developing their
language skills. CLT requires learner engagement in real communication and OBE promotes
independent learning and learner responsibility. In the light of the demands made by continuous
evaluation and other record keeping, it is unrealistic to expect teachers to design or even adapt
material for classroom use.
The semi-empirical part of this study attempts to test the appropriacy of the material and its effect
on teaching and learning. A qualitative case study traces classroom events in two grade 8 classes
over a period of five weeks using a module taken from the material which was in use at the time at a
particular school. This material was specifically acquired by the school with a view to meeting the
requirements of the OBE curriculum. Learners in the classes were taught by two different teachers,
who recorded their observations, in accordance with a basic observation schedule, during this time.
Additional data were produced in two sets of questionnaires. The learners who did the module were asked to indicate their perceptions of language teaching in the previous year as well as during the
five weeks when the module was , and a selected group of teachers at local schools completed a
questionnaire on their perceptions of the new curriculum. The responses to the questionnaires are
analysed in relation to the literature survey and the conclusions reached by the two teachers
This study reveals that the custom-designed OBE material is not much different from that in
traditional language textbooks. It also highlights the difficulties associated with finding language
learning material which reflects the dynamics of real-life communication and is hospitable to using
the insights of current language acquisition theory, while at the same time meeting the requirements
of a South African OBE approach.
In reflecting on what is needed in effective curricular change, this dissertation reveals the
importance of involving practising teachers in developing a new curriculum and providing them
with the necessary professional development opportunities. In that context, carefully designed and
selected learning material is likely to contribute significantly to successful change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die einde van die vorige eeu is ‘n nuwe kurrikulum, Kurrikulum 2005, ingefaseer in Suid-
Afrika. Uitkoms-gebasseerde kurrikulum (UGO), wat ‘n radikale nuwe benadering tot onderrig in
hierdie land ingelui het, was daarop gemik om diskriminasie uit te skakel en om onafhanklike leer
te vevorder
Hierdie nuwe kurrikulum het onderwysers onseker en verward laat vole omdat die indiensopleiding
nie duidelik rigtinggewend was nie. Hierdie study beskryf die poging van ‘n Engels-onderwyser om
die teoretiese basis van die nuwe kurriculum te peil en dan om vas te stel of die onderrig van
Engels sou moes verander as gevolg van UGO/ Kurrikulum 2005 en of die materiaal wat in die
aanvangsfase van Kurrikulum 2005 geselekteer is in die behoeftes van die leerders sou voldoen.
Die oorsig van die literatuur rakende taalonderrig gee besondere aandag aan kommunikatiewe
taalonderrig (KTO), met sy klem op die gebruik van taal vir relevante, lewensgetroue
kommunikasie. Verder ondersoek dit die oorsprong en aard van UGO om te bepaal of KTO en
UGO gekombineerd voorsiening kan maak vir effektiewe taalonderrig. Dit suggereer dat die Suid-
Afrikaanse weergawe van UGO en KTO nie heeltemal met mekaar versoen kan word nie. Die sterk
klem op die bereiking van sekere voorafbepaalde uitkomste in Suid-Afrikaanse UGO, met die
onderliggende aanname dat leer liniêr is, is teenstrydig met KTO se siening dat taalleer nie beheer
kan word nie.
Die literatuuroorsig van KTO en UGO openbaar die belangrikheid van relevante, interessante
materiaal wat doelgerigte kommunikasie bevorder en leerders aanmoedig om te belê in hul taal
vaardighede. KTO vereis dat die leerders deelneem aan werklike kommunikasie en UGO
beklemtoon onderwyserfasilitering en leerderverantwoordelikheid. In die lig van die eise wat
deurlopende evaluering en ander rekordhouding stel, is dit onrealisties om te verwag dat dat
onderwysers materiaal moet ontwerp of selfs aanpas vir klaskamergebruik.
Die semi-empiriese deel van hierdie studie poog om die geskiktheid van die materiaal en die effek
daarvan op onderrig en leer te ondersoek. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie vertel wat in twee Gr. 8
klaskamers gebeur het oor ‘n periode van vyf weke toe ‘n module, geneem uit die materiaal wat in
gebruik was in ten tyde van die ondersoek, in die klaskamer geïmplementeer is. Die materiaal is
spesifiek aangeskaf deur die skool met die oog daarop om die vereistes van die UGO kurrikulum na
te kom. Die leerders is onderrig deur twee verskillende onderwysers wat hul waarneemings neersgeskryf het volgens ‘n basiese waarnemingskedule. Addisionele data is verkry met twee stelle
vraelyste. Die leerders wat die module meegemaak het, is gevra vir hul persepsies rakende
taalonderrig die vorige jaar sowel as gedurende die vyf weke toe die module gebruik is, en’n
geselekteerde groep onderwysers aan plaaslike skole het ‘n vraesly voltooi oor hul persepsies van
die nuwe kurrikulum. Die response op die vraelyste is ontleed met verwysing na die literatuurstudie
en die gevolgtrekkings van die twee onderwysers wat betrokke was .
Hierdie studie onthul dat die spesiaal ontwerpte UGO materiaal nie baie verskil van dit wat in
tradisionele taalhandboeke te vinde was nie. Verder beklemtoon dit die probleme wat ondervind
word met die vind van geskikte taalleermateriaal wat die dinamika van werklike kommunikasie
reflekteer en die insigte van die huidige linguistiese teorie aangaande taalaanleer akkommodeer,
terwyl dit die vereistes van ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse UGO benadering probeer bereik.
Waanner daar gereflekteer word oor wat nodig is vir effektiewe kurrikulêre verandering, openbaar
hierdie dissertasie die belangrikheid daarvan om diensdoensde onderwysers te betrek in die
ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe kurrikulum en om hulle toe te rus met die nodige professionele
ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. In daardie konteks is dit waarskynlik dat sorgvuldig ontwerpte en
geselekteerde leermateriaal aansienlik sal bydra tot suksesvolle verandering.
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Die impak van die uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys-assesseringsbeleid op die werkslading van onderwysersArnold, Alvin Mark 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The aim of this paper is to obtain an indication of the impact of an outcomes-based assessment policy on the workload of six teachers of a secondary school.
Since the implementation of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) there are great expectations to implement new approaches in relation to planning, instruction and assessment guidelines that teachers should follow. Despite these guidelines assessment remains a problem area because teachers are still grappling with the assessment principles of OBE. The new outcomes-based approach to assessment encourages teachers to integrate their instruction with classroom-based assessment. Teachers however do not appear to be integrating their instruction with their assessment. Teachers are blaming the lack of integration to a lack of time.
This research is an attempt to assess the time teachers spend on instruction, assessment and extra mural activities. Although this is a qualitative research, it offers a quantifiable reality that is relative to the context of six selected teachers and the context in which the teachers and school is situated. Policy is not static and thus it should be continuously tested to determine whether the aim of the particular policy is practicable. Thus I am of the opinion that research of this nature can be an important mechanism for policy enactment because indicators inform policy makers about the policy.
The findings of this research proposes to "put in numbers" what teachers have to say, in other words, to reflect the quantified realities of the workload of teachers.
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Facilitating human rights values across outcomes-based education and Waldorf education curriculaDu Preez, Petro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The facilitation of human rights values might be considered a means to rethink and redefine
values education in South Africa. This study aimed at determining how human rights values
were addressed in the context of independent Waldorf Education and government initiated
outcomes-based education in South Africa, and how educators facilitated these values in
various circumstances. In exploring the philosophies, theories and practices of these
education models against the background of paradigmatic and post-paradigmatic
philosophies in support of the socially constructive curriculum theory, important notions were
highlighted that have preceded, and might follow, the facilitation of human rights values. The
epistemologies, ontologies and methodologies of the emancipatory paradigm and postparadigmatic
framework appeared to provide appropriate philosophical departure points
regarding the facilitation of human rights values.
This study anticipated the theoretical clarification of the concept human rights values and
included a discussion on the importance of these values in various school contexts. Values
identified from the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001), that were also
present in the Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa (1995), were discussed as
possible human rights values. Empirical research was conducted to explore how human
rights values were attended to in good practice scenarios in order to provide insight into the
questions posed regarding the facilitation of human rights values.
Through systematic ethnographic observations and semi-structured interviews it appeared
that in both school contexts human rights values were more frequently addressed in
incidental situations than in formal curriculum contents. This is interesting seeing that the
outcomes-based education model has a number of documents to guide the facilitation of
human rights values within formal curriculum contents, whereas the Waldorf approach has
no such supportive documents. One might question the value and influence of numerous
documents if basic knowledge that is required for the meaningful interpretation of such
documents is not communicated from the outset. Moreover, it became evident that since
Waldorf educators are adequately trained in Anthroposophy, the philosophy to which Waldorf
schools adhere, they deal with curriculum matters such as socially constructing a curriculum
more effectively. The training of outcomes-based education educators can be questioned
regarding the philosophy, theory and methodology of outcomes-based education in view of
the hasty implementation of this new model for government schools. As a result of this
hurried process, educators of outcomes-based education are experiencing numerous uncertainties when they have to manage curriculum matters such as socially constructing a
Recommendations and related examples were provided after the completion of the study.
This included, among others, the notions of dialogically facilitating human rights values to
promote learners' understanding of their rights, and the rights of others; to transform
incidental facilitation of human rights values into worthwhile teaching-learning experiences; to
use human resources - including learners - to convey human rights values; and to focus
educators' training (both in-service and pre-service) toward the inclusion of human rights
values and promoting an understanding of socially constructing a curriculum.
The study was concluded with the remark that human rights values might be an appropriate
means to redefine values education, provided that the facilitation of human rights values are
based on suitable theoretical and philosophical premises; and that those held responsible to
facilitate such values are assisted in this task. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes kan beskou word as 'n wyse om waarde-opvoeding
in Suid-Afrika opnuut te deurdink en te herdefinieer. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om
vas te stel hoe menseregte-waardes in onafhanklike Waldorf Onderwys en
staatsgeïnisieerde uitkomsgebaseerde onderwyskontekste in Suid-Afrika aangespreek word,
en ook hoe dit in die praktyk gefasiliteer word. Die verkenning van teorieë, filosofieë en
praktyke aangaande die twee opvoedingsrnodelle teen die agtergrond van paradigmatiese
en post-paradigmatiese filosofieë, ter ondersteuning van
kurrikulumteorie, het kardinale aspekte wat die fasilitering
voorafgegaan het, en moontlik tot gevolg kan hê, uitgelig.
die sosiaal-konstruktiewe
van menseregte-waardes
Dit kom voor asof die
epistemologieë, ontologieë en metodologieë onderliggend aan die emansipatoriese
paradigma en die post-paradigmatiese raamwerk 'n genoegsame filosofiese aanvangspunt
bied met betrekking tot die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes.
In die studie is die konsep menseregte-waardes konseptueel-teoreties verklaar. Dit het ook
'n bespreking oor die belangrikheid van hierdie waardes in verskeie skoolkontekste ingesluit.
Waardes geïdentifiseer uit die Onderwysrnanifes oor Waardes en Demokrasie in die
Onderwys (Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy, 2001) wat ook sigbaar was in
die Waldorf-kurrikulumdokument (Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa, 1995), is
bespreek as moontlike menseregte-waardes. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem om die
wyse waarop menseregte-waardes in goeie praktyk-scenarios aangespreek word te verken
ten einde nuwe insig te verkry rakende die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes.
Deur die sistematies-etnografiese waarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude het dit
voorgekom dat menseregte-waardes in beide skoolkontekste meestal in toevallige situasies
aangespreek word, eerder as deel van formele kurrikuluminhoude. Dit is interessant,
gegewe die feit dat die uitkomsgebaseerde opvoedingsmodel heelwat dokumente beskikbaar
gestel het om die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes te rig, terwyl die Waldorf-benadering
geen ondersteunende dokumentasie in dié verband bied nie. Mens kan tereg vra wat die
waarde en invloed van sulke dokumente is as basiese kennis, wat nodig is om hierdie
dokumente betekenisvol te interpreteer, nie eerste oorgedra word nie. Dit het ook gelyk asof
Waldorf-onderwysers beter met kurrikulumverwante sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van
'n kurrikulum, omgaan weens hul goeie opleiding betreffende Antroposofie, die filosofie wat
Waldorf-onderwys onderlê. Opvoeders in uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys se opleiding in die
teorie, filosofie en metodologie van die onderwysmodel, wat beïnvloed is deur die haastige
implementering van die nuwe model in staatskole, kan bevraagteken word. Laasgenoemde aspek blyk onsekerhede te veroorsaak wanneer hierdie onderwysers kurrikulumverwante
sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum, moet hanteer.
Ná afloop van die studie is sekere aanbevelings en verwante voorbeelde gegee. Dit het
onder meer die volgende ingesluit: dat dialoog na 'n wenslike fasiliteringstrategie lyk in die
bevordering van leerders se begrip van hul regte, asook dié van andere; dat situasies
waartydens menseregte-waardes toevallig aangespreek word omskep kan word in
waardevolle onderrig-Ieerervaringe; dat menslike hulpbronne - insluitende leerders - gebruik
kan word om menseregte-waardes oor te dra; en dat onderwysersopleiding (beide indiens en
voordiens ) op die insluiting van menseregte-waardes en die bevordering van begrip vir die
sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum moet fokus.
Die studie is afgesluit met die opmerking dat menseregte-waardes tot die herdefiniëring van
waarde-opvoeding mag bydra, gegewe dat dit op gepaste teoretiese en filosofiese
begrondinge gebaseer is, en dat diegene wat verantwoordelik gehou word vir die fasilitering
van sulke waardes, die nodige ondersteuning in dié verband sal kry.
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Die assesseringspraktyke van laerskoopopvoeders in respons tot die verwagtinge van die nasionale kurrikulumverklaringTruter, Linley Clive 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The political dispensation in South Africa after 1994 experienced a complete change in different spheres of life. Not only was the country greeted with a new democratic government system, but also with widespread educational reform, of which curriculum reform in schools was one of its main drivers. This study focuses on implementation dynamics related to the latest iteration of curriculum reform namely the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) that was introduced in all public schools in 2005. Educators were sent for in service training in order to implement the new curriculum in their classrooms. Continuous assessment (CASS) became the operative on everybody’s lips, though learners would be assessed according to continuous assessment activities. These assessment marks or codes, obtained by the learners, would determine progression to the next grade. This resulted in a new educator practice, namely an assessment practice. Their initial encounter was somehow problematic because they found it difficult in marrying this new practice with their teaching and learning practices due to various reasons. One of the main reasons was that the NCS was never part of their tertiary education.
The study’s main point of departure is that the assessment practices of primary school educators are diverse and divergent in response to the expectations of the NCS. The study uses the analytical lenses of forward and backward mapping as well as the ambiguity-conflict model in order to investigate and ascertain the underlying relationship between educator’s assessment practices and the assessment policy. The study belongs within the qualitative interpretative paradigm, as I attempt to form an understanding of the nature and range of their assessment practices. It emphasises the manifestation of the assessment practices of educators. Qualitative research instruments, which include individual interviews, were used to answer the research question and achieve the research objectives of the thesis.
The research shows how these educators experience, interpret and implement the assessment policy in unique ways. It indicates how they, in striving to adhere to the expectations of the NCS, respond by tackling their respective assessment practices in a diverse and divergent way and at times deviate from what is expected of them as set out in the NCS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die politieke bestel in Suid-Afrika het na 1994 ‘n ommeswaai op vele terreine beleef. Die land was nie net begroet met ‘n nuwe demokratiese regeringstelsel nie, maar ook met grootskaalse onderwyshervorming, met spesifieke verwysing na kurrikulum- hervorming, wat een van die vernaamste dryfvere sou wees. Hierdie studie fokus op die implementeringsdinamieke van die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklarin (NKV) wat in 2005 ingefaseer was en wat eintlik ‘n heromskrywing of herhaling van bestaande kurrikulumhervorming is. Opvoeders was bekend gestel en van nuuts af opgelei om ‘n nuwe kurrikulum in hul klaskamers te implementeer. Deurlopende assessering (DASS) was die nuwe wagwoord op almal se lippe, want leerders sal voortaan aan die hand van deurlopende assesseringsaktiwiteite geassesseer word. Hierdie assesseringspunte of kodes sal bepaal of leerders na ‘n volgende graad vorder. Dit het ‘n nuwe opvoederpraktyk, naamlik ‘n assesseringspraktyk, genoop en opvoeders het dit problematies gevind om hierdie nuwe praktyk met die onderrig- en leerpraktyk te laat trou.
Die hoofuitgangspunt is dat hierdie laerskoolopvoeders se assesseringspraktyke divers en uiteenlopend tot die verwagtinge van die NKV is. Die studie gebruik die analitiese lense van voorwaartse en terugwaartse kartering asook die dubbelsinnige konflikmodel ten einde ondersoek in te stel na die onderliggende verwantskap tussen opvoeders se assesseringspraktyke en die assesseringsbeleid. Die studie hoort tuis binne ‘n kwalitatief-interpretivistiese paradigma, aangesien ek ‘n verstaan rondom die aard en omvang van hul assesseringspraktyke probeer vorm en verstaan. Die klem val op hoe hierdie assesseringspraktyke sigself in die klaskamerpraktyke van opvoeders manifesteer. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsinstrumente, wat individuele onderhoude van laerskoolopvoeders insluit, is gebruik om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord en die navorsingsdoelwitte van die tesis te bereik.
Die navorsing toon hoe hierdie opvoeders die assesseringsbeleid op unieke maniere ervaar, beleef, interpreteer en gevolglik in hul klaskamers implementeer. Dit lewer verder bewys hoe elkeen, in hul strewe om aan die verwagtinge van die NKV te voldoen, hul assesseringspraktyke divers en uiteenlopend aanpak en tot volvoering probeer bring en by geleenthede daarvan afwyk.
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The township schools foundation phase teachers' experiences in the implementation of CAPSMagagula, Sihle Wendy. January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Management,
University of the Witwatersrand, in 25% fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Management (in
the field of Public and Development Management) 2015. / The purpose of the study was to explore the township schools foundation
phase teachers' experiences in the implementation of CAPS with regard to
curriculum implementation and how their knowledge and experiences
influence the implementation of the curriculum. The literature review
provides insights into the current practices regarding CAPS in the
foundation phase in South African primary schools comparatively
throughout the world.
A qualitative case study research was adopted for this study and semistructured
interviews. The findings highlight that although teachers
experienced challenges in implementing CAPS, they acknowledge the
benefits of previous workshops. The article recommends that curriculum
designers and the Department of Education need to urgently review
CAPS. It has been emphasised that teachers need to be actively involved
during the review process. Amongst all the requirements for curriculum
implementation, teachers need to be constantly monitored and supported
to ensure the quality of teaching and learning. / AC2016
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Investigating challenges that Grade 11 mathematics learners face when translating from word problems to linear algebraic representationsMadzorera, Andrew 06 May 2015 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. December 2014. / The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement document (CAPS) (Department
of Basic Education, 2012: 4) outlines some of the salient skills related to the modelling of
word problems that Mathematics learners are expected to acquire during the course of their
learning. One such critical skill is the learners' ability to represent and describe situations in
algebraic language, formulae and expressions. In line with this broad objective, the present
study investigated learners' linguistic knowledge and skills in translating from word to linear
algebraic representations. Particularly focussing on errors learners made during the translation
process, a class of 40 Grade 11 learners at one school in Gauteng West District were selected
and given a written test on word problems. To gain access to learner misunderstandings
leading to the observed errors and their sources, five learners were selected for interviews that
were audio recorded. A Mixed-method Sequential Explanatory Design was used in the study.
The major finding of this present study was that learners committed more semantic errors than
syntactic and schematic errors suggesting that they (learners) had challenges in understanding
the language used in the word problems. The major sources of semantic errors were found to
be learners' lack of vocabulary knowledge, inexperience in interacting with expository text
structures and their lack of syntax awareness. In addition to the above finding, learners
exhibited limited metacognitive skills essential in word problem solving as well as their
inability to reflect on the appropriateness of their written algebraic representations for all
categories of word problems. The study concludes by providing recommendations on how errors committed in word problem solving can be attended to
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Housing knowledge of final year student teachers at Esikhawini College of Education : implications for the development of housing unit standardsDlamini, Buyi P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MConsumerScience)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of housing in South Africa is a national priority. As many aspirant homeowners
are first-time homeowners, they are not necessarily informed about the pitfalls of home
ownership. Although the Government has attempted short-term solutions aimed at equipping
these housing consumers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed and
responsible housing-related decisions, research pointed to the need for a sustainable longterm
solution in the form of education and training of the housing consumer. There must be a
concentrated effort to provide housing education to consumers, since everyone has a
constitutional right of access to adequate housing. Unless consumers are equipped with
adequate knowledge and information to make informed choices, this right will not be realised
and the housing market shall not function effectively.
The main objective of the research study was to determine the basic housing knowledge of
the senior student teachers of the Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal. The
second objective was to develop an illustrative Unit Standard for teacher qualification
programmes on the fifth level of the National Oualificationa Framework (NOF).
The sixteen housing education and training core concepts identified by Serfontein (2001 :120)
namely Basic Housing Technology, Community, Cultural Aspects of Housing, Environment,
Financial Aspects of Housing, Housing Consumerism, Housing Design and Decoration,
Housing Market, Housing Needs, Housing Policy, Legal Aspects of Housing, Resource
Management, Role-players in Housing, Sources of Housing Information, Tenure Options and
Types of Housing were used to compile a questionnaire which was administered to the senior
students of Esikhawini College of Education. The aim was to determine the basic knowledge
that respondents possessed. The data collected formed the background for the illustrative
Unit Standard for Housing Education that was developed in this research study. The
development of Unit Standards for Housing Education is very necessary and timely as the
Department of Housing, who seeks to develop a systematic housing consumer education
framework for South Africa, have recommended that Housing Education should be included in
the formal education curriculum. If the recommendations of the Department of Housing are implemented and housing
education is included in the school curriculum, well-qualified and trained teachers would be
needed to facilitate the learning of the content. Therefore housing education should be
included in student teacher training programmes. The illustrative Unit Standard for Housing
Education developed in this research study is ideally suited for this purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarstelling van behuising in Suid-Afrika is 'n nasionale prioriteit. Aangesien baie
aspirant huiseienaars nog nie vantevore huise besit het nie, is hulle nie noodwendig ingelig
oor die struikelblokke van huiseienaarskap nie. Alhoewel die regering korttermyn pogings
aangewend het om behuisingverbruikers toe te rus met die nodige kennis en vaardighede om
ingeligte en verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te kan neem, toon navorsing dat daar 'n
behoefte is aan 'n langtermyn, standhoudende oplossing in die vorm van opvoeding en die
opleiding van behuisingsverbruikers. Daar moet 'n doelgerigte strewe wees om
behuisingsopvoeding aan verbruikers te verskaf aangesien almal die konstitusionele reg tot
gepaste behuising het. Tensy verbruikers toegerus word met gepaste kennis en inligting om
ingeligte besluite te kan neem, sal hierdie reg nie gerealiseer kan word nie, en sal die
behuisingsmark nie effektief kan funksioneer nie.
Die hoofdoelwit van die navorsingstudie was om die basiese behuisingskennis van senior
onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal te bepaal. Die
tweede doelwit was om 'n Eenheidstandaard vir Behuisingsopvoeding vir
onderwysprogramme op die vyfde vlak van die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk (NKR) te
Die sestien Behuisingsopvoeding en -opleiding kernkonsepte wat deur Serfontein (2001: 120)
geïdentifiseer is, naamlik Basiese Behuisingstegnologie, Gemeenskap, Kulturele Aspekte van
Behuising, Omgewing, Finansiële Aspekte van Behuising, Behuisingsverbruik,
Behuisingsontwerp en -versiering, Behuisingsmark, Behuisingsbehoeftes, Behuisingsbeleid,
Regsaspekte van Behuising, Hulpbronbestuur, Rolspelers in Behuising, Bronne van
behuisingsinformasie, Huisverblyfopsies en Tipes Behuising is gebruik om 'n vraelys op te
stel wat ingevul is deur die senior onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education.
Die doel was om die basiese kennis van die respondente te bepaal. Die data wat ingesamel
is, het die onderbou gevorm van die Behuising Eenheidstandaard wat in dié navorsingstudie
ontwikkel is. Die ontwikkeling van Eenheidstandaarde vir Behuisingsopvoeding en Opleiding
is noodsaaklik en tydig vir die Departement van Behuising, aangesien hulle poog om 'n sistematiese behuisingsverbruikers-opvoedingsraamwerk vir Suid-Afrika daar te stel. Die
Departement het aanbeveel dat behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit moet word in die formele
As die aanbevelings van die Departement van Behuising geïmplementeer word, en
behuisingsopvoeding in die skoolkurrikulum ingesluit word, sal goedgekwalifiseerde,
opgeleide onderwysers benodig word om hierdie inligting aan die leerders voor te hou. Om
hierdie rede moet behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit word in die opleidingsprogramme van
onderwysstudente. Die Eenheidstandaard vir Behuising wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, sou
optimaal aangewend kon word vir hierdie doel.
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