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The role of teacher understanding in aligning assessment with teaching and learning in Setswana home languageSebate, P. M. (Phaladi Moses), 1956- 27 March 2012 (has links)
The study investigates Setswana Home Language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment standards and determines to what extent teachers ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices are aligned. The achievement of the overall aim is facilitated by the achievement of a number of objectives, mentioned under Chapter 1 section 1.5. In order to answer to these questions; namely, How did curriculum changes influence teaching, learning and assessment practices in South Africa?, What does assessment entail and what are the principles of high quality assessment practices?, What is meant by the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment?, Do teachers understand the new approach to assessment and the role of assessment standards in aligning, teaching, learning and assessment?, To what extent do Setswana teachers use assessment standards to align teaching, learning and assessment in Setswana Home Language and what challenges do they face in this regard?, What can be done to help teachers to ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices in the teaching of Setswana Home Language are aligned?, the study utilizes qualitative research methodology specifically sampling and the three data collection strategies, namely, interviews, observations and document analysis, to obtain data from the research participants. The research acknowledges the educational changes that have been implemented in South Africa through Curriculum 2005, which was later revised and led to the development of the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10-12. The study highlights that the problems with these curricula led to the development of yet another curriculum, namely the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements.
The study investigates Setswana Home Language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment standards and determines to what extent teachers ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices are aligned. The achievement of the overall aim is facilitated by the achievement of a number of objectives, mentioned under Chapter 1 section 1.5. In order to answer to these questions; namely, How did curriculum changes influence teaching, learning and assessment practices in South Africa?, What does assessment entail and what are the principles of high quality assessment practices?, What is meant by the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment?, Do teachers understand the new approach to assessment and the role of assessment standards in aligning, teaching, learning and assessment?, To what extent do Setswana teachers use assessment standards to align teaching, learning and assessment in Setswana Home Language and what challenges do they face in this regard?, What can be done to help teachers to ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices in the teaching of Setswana Home Language are aligned?, the study utilizes qualitative research methodology specifically sampling and the three data collection strategies, namely, interviews, observations and document analysis, to obtain data from the research participants. The research acknowledges the educational changes that have been implemented in South Africa through Curriculum 2005, which was later revised and led to the development of the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10-12. The study highlights that the problems with these curricula led to the development of yet another curriculum, namely the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements.
The study investigates Setswana Home Language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment standards and determines to what extent teachers ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices are aligned. The achievement of the overall aim is facilitated by the achievement of a number of objectives, mentioned under Chapter 1 section 1.5. In order to answer to these questions; namely, How did curriculum changes influence teaching, learning and assessment practices in South Africa?, What does assessment entail and what are the principles of high quality assessment practices?, What is meant by the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment?, Do teachers understand the new approach to assessment and the role of assessment standards in aligning, teaching, learning and assessment?, To what extent do Setswana teachers use assessment standards to align teaching, learning and assessment in Setswana Home Language and what challenges do they face in this regard?, What can be done to help teachers to ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices in the teaching of Setswana Home Language are aligned?, the study utilizes qualitative research methodology specifically sampling and the three data collection strategies, namely, interviews, observations and document analysis, to obtain data from the research participants. The research acknowledges the educational changes that have been implemented in South Africa through Curriculum 2005, which was later revised and led to the development of the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10-12. The study highlights that the problems with these curricula led to the development of yet another curriculum, namely the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements.
The study investigates Setswana Home Language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment standards and determines to what extent teachers ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices are aligned. The achievement of the overall aim is facilitated by the achievement of a number of objectives, mentioned under Chapter 1 section 1.5. In order to answer to these questions; namely, How did curriculum changes influence teaching, learning and assessment practices in South Africa?, What does assessment entail and what are the principles of high quality assessment practices?, What is meant by the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment?, Do teachers understand the new approach to assessment and the role of assessment standards in aligning, teaching, learning and assessment?, To what extent do Setswana teachers use assessment standards to align teaching, learning and assessment in Setswana Home Language and what challenges do they face in this regard?, What can be done to help teachers to ensure that their teaching, learning and assessment practices in the teaching of Setswana Home Language are aligned?, the study utilizes qualitative research methodology specifically sampling and the three data collection strategies, namely, interviews, observations and document analysis, to obtain data from the research participants. The research acknowledges the educational changes that have been implemented in South Africa through Curriculum 2005, which was later revised and led to the development of the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10-12. The study highlights that the problems with these curricula led to the development of yet another curriculum, namely the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements.
The study recognizes the new assessment approach as an important component in the teaching and learning process because assessment provides teachers with information that is significant in decision making in the classroom. The study also discusses the launch of the modern standards movement and its roots in the back-to-basics movement and the reasons behind its formation. It also discusses the concept of alignment and its links with the two well-known taxonomies of learning. The study also embarks on data
analysis which brings forth findings that help develop recommendations and future research possibilities. / Linguistics / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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The specific outcomes framework : a tool for learning programme development and implementationPrinsloo, Glynnis Noreen 06 1900 (has links)
Van der Horst, H van R. / With the introduction in 1998 of Outcomes-Based Education in
South Africa, educators will no longer be passive recipients
of a curriculum developed within the ivory towers of a
Department of Education. Curriculum development will be the
task of every educator at the site of delivery. Media articles have painted a gloomy picture of the calibre
of educator expected to manage the demands of Outcomes-Based
Education. The researcher is of the opinion that there are
many dedicated educators willing to accept the historic
nature of the journey which lies ahead of them, and who,
with the adoption of an encouraging, supportive approach to
professional development, will be willing to work with,
adapt, modify and improve the Outcomes-Based curriculum
presented to them. Educators need to assume responsibility for the professional
development of Learning Programmes and the learner support
materials to ensure that learners get to grips with the new
curriculum. This task can be achieved through high-quality
in-service education, training and re-training of educators.
This study describes workshops developed by the researcher
to familiarise the educators with the Specific Outcomes Framework of Curriculum 2005, and to develop an in-depth
understanding of the Specific Outcomes without which, the
educators would be at a loss to develop meaningful Learning
Programmes. Examples of Learning Programmes developed by some of the
participating educators over a period of twelve months
indicate the levels of proficiency attained through close
monitoring and assistance offered by the researcher.
Outcomes-Based Education has been successful where all
involved have taken on the challenge to do their best and as
we collectively strive to improve the standard of education
in South Africa, let us, in the words of Jane Hofmeyer
(Article (b),Sunday Times, 25/10/98), "look forward to the
day when every child as an educational birthright, can claim
access to competent, caring and committed teachers and
schools that are organised for success." / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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The novice nurse educator's lecture room instructional management competenceDürrheim, Maria, 1949- 06 1900 (has links)
The lecture room instructional management competence of novice nurse educators (NNEs) in the
Republic of South Africa (RSA) was investigated. No comprehensive set of generic roles,
outcomes and competences for instructional management of nurse educators could be traced in
the literature, therefore an analytical study was undertaken. Adhering to the principles for
outcomes-based education, three models were established:
Q a model for the professional development of nurse educators
Q an Education, Training and Development nurse practitioner model, consisting of roles
and outcomes for lecture room instructional management
Q a model for lecture room instructional management that served as evaluation criteria
used in the instrument during the quantitative survey
These models were presented to, and evaluated by nurse educators of five universities.
The influence of mentorship, reality shock, and professional development on the NNEs' lecture
room competence was investigated. The target group consisted of NNEs, their mentors and
students in nursing schools in the RSA. A number of respondents were also interviewed and
observed. The analysed data indicated that NNEs were not competent when they started teaching,
and needed support and supervision from mentors. Findings also indicated the positive influence
of mentorship and professional development on competence acquisition. NNEs experienced
reality shock requiring support to acquire competence. These aspects justify further research.
The recommendations based on this study include that nursing schools use specific evaluation
criteria for le<,1ure room competence and for in-service training of NNEs and mentors. Nursing
schools should take a more active role in mentoring programmes. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T²-AfrikaansonderrigDilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D.Litt. et Phil.)--Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 2002.
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Grade 1 teachers' involvement in school-based curriculum development in the Northern ProvinceLumadi, Mutendwahothe Walter 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The bright future of education in South Africa, as in every developed and developing
country such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, France and many others,
depends greatly on grade 1 teachers' involvement in School-Based Curriculum
Development (SBCD). The fallacy that grade 1 teachers can be operated effectively by
remote control should be abandoned from the school curriculum. Success will always be
elusive task if grade 1 teachers are excluded from curriculum decision-making, because
their proximity to learners in the learning situation is a source of valuable information for
curriculum developers, a source which is currently overlooked. This warrants a paradigm
shift in teacher training programmes. A situation analysis in our democratic country
necessitates problem-centred teacher training which will equip the future generation of
teacher trainees and prospective grade 1 teachers with relevant professional skills,
precipitated by our country.
The bone of contention in this study revolves around the kind of teaching and learning
problems experienced by grade 1 teachers involved in SBCD in the Northern Province. It
is apparent from the thesis that grade 1 teachers' involvement in curriculum decisionmaking
is limited to a certain extent because members of the top structure of curriculum
planners are reluctant to quit their 'ivory towers' to perceive the real situation of the
noble profession of teaching. A profound problem in South Africa in general and the
Northern Province in particular is that there is a serious lack of consultation and
negotiations with grade 1 teachers, and the implications thereof are detrimental to SBCD.
The measure in which the grade 1 teachers are involved in participation and decisionmaking
is a determinant of the success or failure of the innovation project. It is thus
noteworthy to point out that the grade 1 teacher must be fully supported by his or her
academic seniors, to become actively involved in curriculum activities.
The overriding aim of this study, an exploratory investigation of the identified teaching
and learning problems by grade 1 teachers in terms of SBCD in the Northern Province
emanated from this need. It should also be pointed out that our world is characterised by
the rapid tempo at which knowledge becomes out-dated and is replaced by new ideas and
concepts. The twentieth century has become known as the information era. This has
necessitated a change of emphasis in education; instead of the transfer of knowledge, the
grade I teacher must rather be taught how to acquire knowledge on his or her own and
be provided with instruments necessary for exploiting knowledge.
The method of analysis began with in a literature review, with a viewpoint to provide
guidelines for grade I teachers' involvement in SBCD. After an introductory orientation
provided in chapter 1, the theories of SBCD and Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) were
examined in chapter 2. Qualitative research as a strategy to address problems in SBCD
was dealt with in chapter 3 by means of identifying the research instruments to be utilised
for data collection techniques and analysis. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher
elaborated on the types of qualitative methods, characteristics and outcomes of qualitative
research, phases of data collection and analysis strategies and qualitative research as a
remedy in SBCD problems. In chapter 4, the researcher elaborated on research
instruments, findings and data analysis. Findings were based on the implementation of
research instruments and literature review. It is in this chapter that the theories of SBCD
and OBE in chapter 2 and qualitative research as a strategy to address SBCD problems in
chapter 3 have been synthesised.
In the ensuing chapter 5, guidelines which could serve as a framework for grade I
teachers' involvement in SBCD were provided. It is strongly believed that these
guidelines will be useful for both Pre-service Teacher Education and Training (PRESET)
and In-service Teacher Education and Training (INSET) to keep pace with the changes
taking place in the South African society. Teacher training should thus ensure that teacher
trainees and prospective grade I teachers are sufficiently skilled to cope with the
tremendous escalation of challenges in SBCD. In fact, grade I teachers should be trained
to teach learners who must fulfill their vocational mandate some time in the near future.
The youth must be empowered for the future, which covers the period from the time they
enter school. These guidelines make it imperative for the trainers of prospective teachers
to predict the future realistically and to train grade I teachers in accordance with the
principle of constancy and change. Future education requires individuals who will know
how to apply principles, norms and values and how to design new methods for effective
instruction and learning.
The final chapter focused on the background to the problem, the methodology of the
investigation and conclusions. The study also highlighted recommendations for the
improvement of teaching practice and teacher training and the implications thereof. The
researcher summed up the study by proposing areas of concern for future research. / Die suksesvolle ontwikkeling en toekoms van onderwys in Suid-Afrika, soos in elke
ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende land, insluitend die Verenigde State van Amerika, die
Verenigde Koninkryk, Frankryk en vele ander, hang hoofsaaklik af van die
betrokkenheid van graad 1-onderwysers by Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling
(SBKO) . Dit geld ook vir die Noordelike Provinsie waar hierdie studie gedoen is. Die
aanname dat graad 1-onderwysers effektief kan deelneem aan die skoolkurrikulum deur
middel van afstandsdeelname, moet laat vaar word. Indien die onderwysers uitgesluit
word van die besluitnemingsproses in kurrikulumontwikkeling sal die kanse op sukses
bemoelik word. Hulle deelname aan en betrokkenheid by die leersituasie kan dien as 'n
bron van inligting vir kurrikulumontwikkelaars. Tans word hierdie bron van inligting nie
in aanmerking geneem nie. Hierdie hipotese vereis 'n paradigmaskuif in die
onderwysersopleidingsprogramme. 'n Situasie-analise in die Noordelike Provinsie het
getoon dat 'n probleemgerigte onderwysersopleidingsprogram nodig is om die
toekomstige generasie van onderwysers (veral graad 1-onderwysers) toe te rus met die
relevante professionele vaardighede wat so dringend in ons land benodig word.
Die kernpunte in hierdie studie handel oor die tipe kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme wat
graad 1-onderwysers ondervind m hulle betrokkenheid m Skoolgebaseerde
Kurrikulumontwikkeling in die Noordelike Provinsie, en in watter mate dit aangespreek
word m kurrikulumontwikkeling. Bevindings m hierdie studie toon dat
onderwyserbetrokkenheid beperk word deur die topstruktuur van die
kurrikulumbeplanners wat onwillig is om hulle ivoortorings te verlaat en sodoende nie
die werklike situasie in die onderwysberoep in aanmerking neem nie. 'n Groot probleem
in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen, en in die Noordelike Provinsie in die besonder, is die
emstige gebrek aan konsultasie en onderhandeling met graad 1-onderwysers en die
negatiewe impak hiervan op kurrikulumontwikkeling. Die mate waarin hierdie
onderwysers betrokke is, is bepalend vir die sukses of die mislukking van die
innoverende projek. Dit is gevolglik noodsaaklik om daarop te wys dat die graad 1-
onderwyser ten voile ondersteun moet word deur sy/haar akaderniese seniors ten einde
aktiefbetrokke te kan wees by sodanige kurrikulumaktiwiteite.
Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dan ook 'n ondersoek na die geldentifiseerde
kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme van graad l-onde111Jysers in die Noordelike Provinsie in
voorafgenoemde verband. Ons leef in 'n snel veranderende wereld waarin kennis vinnig
verouder raak en met nuwe idees en konsepte vervang word, die sogenaarnde inforrnasieera.
Dit noodsaak 'n verandering in die onderwys, waar die onderwyser geleer moet word
om eerstens self kennis te verkry asook dat die instrumente wat no dig is om die kennis te
eksploiteer, verskafword, eerder as om net op kennisoordrag te let.
Analise as ondersoekmetode is in die literatuuroorsig gebruik met die doel om riglyne vir
graad 1-onderwysersbetrokkenheid te verskaf. Na die inleidende orienteringspostulaat in
Hoofstuk 1, Is die teoriee van Skoolgebaseerde kurrikulumontwikkeling en
Uitkomsgebaseerde Onde111Jys (UGO) m Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek. In Hoofstuk 3 is
kwalitatiwe navorsing as strategie om probleme met Skoolgebaseerde
Kurrikulumontwikkeling uit te wys, aangespreek. Dit is bereik deur die identifisering van
die navorsingsinstrumente wat gebruik is vir data-insameling en analise. In die hoofstuk
bespreek die navorser die tipes kwalitatiewe metodes; die eienskappe en gevolge van
kwalitatiewe navorsmg; die fases van dataversarneling asook analisestrategiee en
kwalitatiewe navorsmg as instrumente in die uitskakeling van Skoolgebaseerde
Kurrikulumontwikkeling-probleme. In Hoofstuk 4 word verder uitgebrei oor
navorsingsinstrurnente, bevindings en data- analise. In die hoofstuk word die teoriee van
SBKO en UGO soos bespreek in Hoofstuk 2 en kwalitatiewe navorsing as strategie om
SBKO probleme aan te spreek, gesintetiseer.
In Hoofstuk 5 word riglyne verskaf wat kan dien as raarnwerk VIr graad londe111Jyserbetrokkenheid
in SBKO. Die verrnoede bestaan dat hierdie riglyne bruikbaar
sal wees vir beide Voordiensopleiding en Indiensopleiding om sodoende in pas te wees
met die veranderinge wat m die gemeenskap se leefwereld plaasvind.
Onderwysersopleiding behoort dus te verseker dat onderwysers wat opgelei word, en
veral graad 1-onderwysers, toegerus word om met die toename in uitdagings in SBKO te
kan byhou. In werklikheid behoort graad 1-onderwysers sodanig opgelei te word dat
hulle leerders kan onderrig en toerus om in die toekoms hulle beroepe te kan beoefen. Die
jeug moet bemagtig word vir die toekoms vanaf die oomblik dat hulle die skoolsisteem
binnegaan. Hierdie riglyne maak dit noodsaaklik vir die opleiers van voomemende
onderwysers om die toekoms korrek te voorspel en om die graad 1-onderwysers op te lei
in die beginsels van konsekwentheid en verandering. Toekomstige onderrig vereis
individue wat sal weet hoe om beginsels, nonne en waardes toe te pas en hoe om nuwe
onderrigmetodes vir effektiewe leer te ontwerp.
Die finale hoofstuk fokus op die agtergrond van die probleem, die metodologie van die
ondersoek en gevolgtrekkings. Die studie benadruk die aanbevelings vir die verbetering
van onderwyspraktyk en onderwysersopleiding en die implikasies daarvan. Die navorser
som dan ook die studie op deur areas van belang vir toekomstige navorsing voor te stel. / D. Ed. (Didactics and Curriculum Studies)
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Implementation of the curriculum and assessment policy statements : challenges and implications for teaching and learningMoodley, Grace 11 1900 (has links)
South African educators have experienced problems understanding and implementing various previous curriculum policies such as Curriculum 2005 and the Revised National Curriculum Statement. These problems have made it necessary for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to introduce the national Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) in 2012. CAPS was intended to improve teaching and learning, but as with the implementation of any new curriculum it implies the following: The need for educator training; Need for new resources; Change in policy;
An increased workload.
This qualitative study which was conducted at a primary school in the Imfolozi Circuit aimed to determine how CAPS is implemented and its implications on teaching and learning. Data collected from focus group interviews and document analysis revealed that while educators welcomed the introduction of CAPS for its clarity, structure, clear guidelines and time frames however they experienced challenges related to the quality and the amount of training, inadequate resources, increased workload and the impact of rapid pace of the curriculum on teaching and learning. Based on these results recommendations are made for the improvement of the implementation of CAPS. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Exploring teachers' enactment of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in selected Free State Province schoolsZano, Kufakunesu 06 1900 (has links)
The study serves to explore teachers’ enactment of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in selected Free State Province schools. The data was collected by means of semi-structured individual interviews. The respondents were grade 11 teachers whose schools were chosen by the researcher because all the respondents had undergone a week long CAPS training.
The study adopted a qualitative approach therefore a purposive non-probability sampling strategy was used to select the sample. The collected data from the respondents was analysed qualitatively and recommendations based on the research findings were made. In a nutshell, the teachers’ enactment of CAPS still remains a tall order for the South African teacher but with sufficient support and encouragement to the teacher from all stakeholders it can become a success story. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Kredietverwerwing deur leerders in tegniese hoerskole met spesiale verwysing na uitkomsgebaseerde modulere onderrig en akkrediteringPunt, Hendrik Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In terms of the latest education legislation, there is a shift of emphasis in the
approach to teaching. In particular, there is a move from contents-based learning
to outcomes-based learning. It has been shown that technical education is
becoming more and more expensive. Manual skills and the teaching of these at
school is therefore still of cardinal importance.
In the technical school the learner receives specialised training. Following the
successful completion of the Senior Certificate examinations, the learner receives
a matric certificate. This certificate does not give an indication of specific skills,
however. If the learner could receive some accreditation for the skills which
he/she has already mastered, it would count in his/her favour.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which the learner can
transfer his/her acquired technical knowledge and skills to other training
institutions or employers in the form of credits. In the first chapter, the historical
background of an outcomes-based learning approach in South Africa, as well as
the implications of legislation for technical high schools is researched. A number
of necessary concepts are also explained in this chapter.
In chapter two, the structure of a modular approach in technical education is
looked at in more detail. Different types of modules, the advantages and
disadvantages of a modular system, as well as different models for modular
curriculum design is discussed. The already tested competence-based modular approach, as well as the newly
proposed outcomes-based learning approach is discussed in detail in chapter
three. Since it is the competence-based modular approach which is largely used
in technical education, it is important to investiqate the shift to an outcomesbased
approach in technical education.
In the fourth chapter, specific modular points of intersection between the training
of apprentices and secondary school education are looked at. The feasibility of
acquiring credits in the technical high school is discussed on the basis of an
empirical study in chapter five.
The possible applications of the implementation of an outcomes-based learning
approach in technical high schools are set out in chapter six and the findings of
this research are summarised in chapter seven.
The subject of this research is currently very topical and if the findings contained
therein are applied in practice, many of the modern challenges faced by the
education system could be addressed. Learners should receive education and
training which prepare them practically for their roles as citizens, while also
enabling them to enter the job market or create work for themselves. The
importance of an education system which continually determines the needs of
both the national and international markets, investigates technological and other
relevant tendencies and develops current curriculums in such a way that learners
will always be competitive cannot be emphasised enough. An outcomes-based
approach places much less emphasis on content-based syllabuses and merely
exposes learners to balanced learning programmes in which the acquisition of
relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and values carries equal weight. Because of the changes in education and training, the teaching approach in the
technical high school is extremely important. To some degree, technical
education is already specialised education. Although learning takes place at
school, the acquired knowledge is not currently transferable to other training
institutions in the form of credits. This situation is contradictory to the National
Qualifications Framework, in which an outcomes-based approach to education is
proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volgens die nuutste onderwyswetgewing is daar in die onderwys 'n
klemverskuiwing ten opsigte van onderrigbenadering. Daar word vanaf 'n
inhoudsgerigte na 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering beweeg. Afdoende
bewyse bestaan dat tegniese opleiding al hoe duurder raak. Die noodsaaklikheid
van die ontwikkeling van handvaardighede daarin op skool is daarom steeds van
kardinale belang.
In die tegniese skoolontvang die leerder bepaalde gespesialiseerde opleiding.
Na die suksesvolle aflegging van die Senior Sertifikaateksamen, ontvang die
leerder 'n matrieksertifikaat. Hierdie sertifikaat dui egter nie spesifieke
bevoegdhede aan nie. Indien die leerder krediet sou kon ontvang vir die
bevoegdhede wat hy/sy reeds suksesvol bemeester het, sou dit in sy/haar guns
Die doel van hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die mate waarin die leerder
sy/haar verworwe tegniese kennis en vaardighede na ander opleidingsinstansies
of werkverskaffers kan oordra in die vorm van krediete. In die eerste hoofstuk
word die historiese agtergrond van 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering in
Suid-Afrika nagevors, asook die implikasies van wetgewing vir tegniese
hoërskole nagegaan. Bepaalde tersaaklike begrippe word ook in hierdie
hoofstuk verduidelik.
In hoofstuk twee word die struktuur van 'n modulêre benadering binne tegniese
onderwys van nader beskou. Verskillende soorte modules, die voor- en nadele
van 'n modulêre stelsel, asook verskeie modelle vir 'n modulêre
kurrikulumontwerp, word bespreek. Die reeds beproefde bevoegdheidsgebaseerde modulêre benadering asook die
nuutvoorgestelde uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering, word breedvoerig in
hoofstuk drie bespreek. Aangesien hoofsaaklik die bevoegdheidsgebaseerde
modulêre benadering in tegniese onderwys toegepas word, is dit belangrik om
die noodsaaklikheid van 'n klemverskuiwing na 'n uitkomsgebaseerde
benadering in tegniese onderwys te ondersoek.
In die vierde hoofstuk word daar spesifiek gekyk na bepaalde modulêre
raakpunte tussen vakleerlingopleiding en sekondêreskoolopleiding. Die
haalbaarheid van kredietverwerwing in die tegniese hoërskool word in hoofstuk
vyf na aanleiding van 'n empiriese ondersoek bespreek.
Die toepassingsmoontlikhede vir die implementering van 'n uitkomsgebaseerde
onderrigbenadering in die tegniese hoërskool word daarna in hoofstuk ses
uiteengesit en die bevindinge van die navorsing in hoofstuk sewe saamgevat.
Die onderwerp van hierdie navorsing is tans baie aktueel en indien die
bevindinge daarin vervat in die praktyk toegepas sou word, sal heelwat van die
moderne uitdagings wat aan die onderwys gestel word, aangespreek word.
Leerders behoort onderwys en opleiding te ontvang wat hulle prakties op hul rolle
as landsburgers voorberei en hulle ook bekwaam maak om tot die arbeidsmark
toe te tree of vir hulleself werk te skep. Die belangrikheid van 'n onderrigstelsel
wat voortdurend behoeftes in nasionale en internasionale markte bepaal,
tegnologiese en ander relevante tendense naspeur en huidige kurrikulums só
ontwikkel dat leerders altyd kompeterend is, kan nie genoeg beklemtoon word
nie. 'n Uitkomsgebaseerde benadering plaas minder klem op
inhoudsgebaseerde sillabusse en stel leerders bloot aan gebalanseerde
leerprogramme waarin die verwerwing van relevante kennis, vaardighede,
houdings en waardes ewe veel gewig dra. As gevolg van die klemverskuiwings in onderwys en opleiding is die
leerbenadering wat in die tegniese hoërskool gevolg word van kardinale belang.
Tegniese onderrig is in 'n sekere mate reeds gespesialiseerde onderrig.
Alhoewel leer op skool plaasgevind het, is die verworwe kennis tans nie
oordraagbaar na ander opleidingsinstansies in die vorm van krediete vir die
leerders nie. Hierdie situasie is in stryd met die bedoeling van die Nasionale
Kwalifikasieraamwerk wat 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysbenadering voorstaan
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Foundation phase educators' perception of curriculum 2005 in the Nzhelele West circuitRaselabe, Matodzi Johannah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This study is centered on the perception of Foundation Phase educators in the Nzhelele West Circuit in the province of Limpopo of Curriculum 2005. The implementation of Curriculum 2005 created much uncertainty among these teachers. The study took the form of a survey of published and unpublished sources, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Respondents were made up of stakeholders affected by the introduction of the new curriculum.
Recommendations have been made about how the new curriculum should have been planned, developed and implemented to make foundation phase educators feel confident and able to help in the interpretation and implementation of the curriculum so as to help achieve the developmental goals of the South African Education System.
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Generic learning outcomes in a technikon diploma programme : a critical analysisVan Schalkwyk, Susan C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1997, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) published its guidelines
'to provide for the development and implementation of a National Qualifications
Framework (NQF)' (Government Gazette 1997:35). This framework was to pave
the way for compelling transformation in the education sector. One of the key
features of the framework would be a directive that a series of competencies, or
generic skills, that SAQA termed its 'critical cross-field outcomes' would have to be
incorporated into the design of all programmes of learning. The publication of the
guidelines sparked considerable debate; a debate that, in the five years since 1997,
does not appear to have been resolved. As higher education institutions prepare for
the 2003 submission of programmes to SAQA for registration, the importance of swift
and meaningful intervention is self-evident.
This report gives an account of a study undertaken to allow for the critical analysis of
generic learning outcomes, or specifically SAQA's critical outcomes, as they present
themselves in a technikon diploma programme. While the initial impetus in terms of
the skills debate may appear to have arisen as a result of national imperatives, the
overview of the literature pointed to international precedents, particularly when the
issue of generic skills was contextualised against the background of the changing
higher education landscape.
Thus empirical research was conducted at the Cape Technikon using the National
Diploma in Human Resources Management, its academic staff and its second-year
student group, as its focus. The qualitative data, generated via multiple techniques
including document analysis, interviewing, and a survey, provided a wealth of
information and in-depth insight into the perceptions and attitudes of the
respondents. The researcher endeavoured to maintain a practical focus throughout
the study and sought to interpret and critique existing practice against best practice
as described in the literature.
The findings highlighted numerous issues relating to the integration of generic
learning outcomes into programmes of learning. Key among these were the apparent lack of clarity and guidance among students and staff about the meaning
of, and envisaged role for, the generic learning or critical outcomes; the fact that
many in the technikon sector are already employing those teaching and learning
strategies that are deemed appropriate when following an outcomes-based
approach; that the changing student profile has had a direct impact on what happens
in the classroom; and that assessment systems and practices appear to be the main
barriers to the effective development of generic skills.
In response, this study recommends that a structured, holistic, process approach be
implemented at those institutions that are serious about integrating SAQA's critical
outcomes into their programmes of learning. While such an approach would require
institutional support and guidance, as well as an overall commitment to staff
development, it is the contention of the researcher that the technikon sector, by
virtue of its career-oriented focus and the design of its programmes, is ideally
positioned to embrace the SAQA challenge successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasieowerheid (SAKO) het in 1997 riglyne gepubliseer
wat voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n Nasionale
Kwalifikasieraamwerk (NKR). Hierdie raamwerk sou die weg baan vir ingrypende
veranderinge in die onderwys. Een van die sleuteleienskappe van hierdie raamwerk
was die opdrag dat 'n reeks bevoegdhede, of generiese vaardighede, wat deur
SAKO as sy 'kritiese uitkomstes' beskryf is, in die opstel van alle leerprogramme
ingesluit moes word. Die publikasie van die riglyne het 'n aansienlike debat
ontketen; 'n debat wat in die vyf jaar sedert 1997 oënskynlik nog nie tot 'n einde
gekom het nie. Aangesien hoëronderwysinstellings hul voorleggings vir 2003 aan
SAKO vir registrasie nou reeds begin voorberei, is die noodsaaklikheid van 'n
vinnige en betekenisvolle besluit hieroor voor die hand liggend.
Hierdie verslag gee 'n uiteensetting van navorsing wat gedoen is om 'n kritiese
analise van generiese leeruitkomstes, of spesifiek die kritiese uitkomstes van SAKO,
soos toegepas in die diplomaprogram van 'n tegnikon, te beskryf. Alhoewel dit
aanvanklik mag gelyk het asof die debat oor vaardighede sy ontstaan aan 'n
nasionale opdrag te danke gehad het, het 'n oorsig van die literatuur daarop gedui
dat internasionale presedente ook daartoe aanleiding gegee het, veral in gevalle
waar vrae betreffende die generiese leeruitkomstes teen die agtergrond van 'n
veranderende hoëronderwyslandskap beskou is.
Empiriese navorsing is aan die Kaapse Tegnikon onderneem met die Nasionale
Diploma in Menslike Hulpbronnebestuur, sy akademiese personeel en
tweedejaarstudente, as fokuspunt. Kwalitatiewe data is deur die gebruik van
verskeie tegnieke gegenereer wat dokumentêre analise, onderhoudvoering en 'n
vraelysopname insluit. Hierdie data het 'n bron van inligting oor, en insae, tot, die
persepsies en houdings van die respondente verskaf. Die navorser het deurgaans
gepoog om 'n praktiese fokus tydens die studie te behou en om die huidige praktyk
te interpreteer en te beoordeel teenoor dit wat as suksesvol in die literatuur
bestempel is. Die bevindinge het verskeie aspekte ten opsigte van die insluiting van generiese
leeruitkomstes binne leerprogramme na vore gebring. Van die belangrikste aspekte
is die klaarblyklike gebrek aan duidelikheid en leiding, onder sowel studente as
akademiese personeel, oor die betekenis van, en beoogde rol vir die kritiese of
generiese leeruitkomstes; die feit dat vele akademici in die tegnikonsektor reeds
gebruik maak van die onderrig- en leerstrategieë wat as toepaslik vir
uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig beskou word; dat die veranderende studenteprofiel 'n
direkte impak gehad het op dit wat in die klaskamer gebeur; en dat
assesseringspraktyke en -metodes tans die grootste remskoen in die effektiewe
ontwikkeling van generiese vaardighede blyk te wees.
In antwoord hierop beveel hierdie studie die implementering van 'n gestruktureerde,
holistiese, prosesbenadering by die instellings aan wat erns maak met die insluiting
van SAKO se kritiese uitkomstes in hul leerprogramme. Alhoewel so 'n benadering
ondersteuning en leiding van die instellings, asook 'n algemene verbintenis tot
personeelontwikkeling, sal vereis, is dit die navorser se oortuiging dat die
tegnikonsektor, as gevolg van sy loopbaangerigte fokus en die inhoud van sy
programme, ideaal geposisioneer is om die SAKO-uitdaging suksesvol die hoof te
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