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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche sur l'articulation entre le droit commun et le droit spécial en droit de la responsabilité civile extracontractuelle / Research on the relation between ordinary law and special extra contractual civil liability law

Mauclair, Stéphanie 10 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, la question de la simplification du droit est au cœur du discours juridique. La multiplication des règles de droit, de leurs sources (nationales et internationales) comme de leurs supports (lois, codes, etc.), nuit à la lisibilité du droit et donc à la sécurité juridique.Ce constat peut être fait plus particulièrement en matière de responsabilité civile extracontractuelle où l’on trouve effectivement des normes de toutes origines, de toutes natures et sur de nombreux supports. Or, ces normes connaissent des champs d’application concurrents, de sorte que plusieurs d’entre elles peuvent jouer pour le même litige. Le problème qui se pose alors est de savoir à l’avance comment trancher pareil concours.Pour parvenir à articuler les normes de la responsabilité civile, il a fallu rechercher des principes permettant de désigner la norme applicable au litige. Deux principes sont alors ressortis de cette étude. Le premier, dit principe directeur, est le principe de subsidiarité, tandis que le second, dit principe correcteur, est un principe d’intérêt, qui repose lui-même sur plusieurs outils, tels que l’option, le cumul ou la hiérarchie. Le législateur, le juge et la victime sont naturellement au cœur de ce dispositif d’articulation qui, correctement appliqué, devrait permettre de résoudre tous les concours, en désignant la norme finalement applicable. / For several years now, the issue of the simplification of the law is central in the juridicaldebate. The multiplication of rules of law, of their sources (national and international), as well astheir foundations (laws, rules, codes, etc.), is harmful to the clear understanding of the law andconsequently to the juridical safety.This statement can be made particularly in the field of extra contractual civil liability where normsfrom all origins, all natures and numerous founding bases are indeed to be found. Yet thesenorms overlap and compete in their scope of application, so that several norms may apply to thesame litigation. Therefore, the issue which arises is to ascertain beforehand option, the how toarbitrate among such competing and overlapping norms.In order to structure the norms of civil liability, it has been necessary to research and findprinciples enabling to designate the norms to be applied in the litigation. Two principles stand outfrom this research. The first one, called the guiding principle, is the principle of subsidiarity, whilethe second one, called the principle of revision, is a principle of interest, which is itself based onseveral instruments, such as: option, plurality, and hierarchy. The legislator, the judge and thevictim are obviously at the core of this system of links which, if it is correctly applied, shouldenable to solve all the competitions between norms, by designating the norm which is finallyapplicable.

Statistical inference for non-homogeneous Poisson process with competing risks: a repairable systems approach under power-law process / Inferência estatística para processo de Poisson não-homogêneo com riscos competitivos: uma abordagem de sistemas reparáveis sob processo de lei de potência

Almeida, Marco Pollo 30 August 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the main objective is to study certain aspects of modeling failure time data of repairable systems under a competing risks framework. We consider two different models and propose more efficient Bayesian methods for estimating the parameters. In the first model, we discuss inferential procedures based on an objective Bayesian approach for analyzing failures from a single repairable system under independent competing risks. We examined the scenario where a minimal repair is performed at each failure, thereby resulting in that each failure mode appropriately follows a power-law intensity. Besides, it is proposed that the power-law intensity is reparametrized in terms of orthogonal parameters. Then, we derived two objective priors known as the Jeffreys prior and reference prior. Moreover, posterior distributions based on these priors will be obtained in order to find properties which may be optimal in the sense that, for some cases, we prove that these posterior distributions are proper and are also matching priors. In addition, in some cases, unbiased Bayesian estimators of simple closed-form expressions are derived. In the second model, we analyze data from multiple repairable systems under the presence of dependent competing risks. In order to model this dependence structure, we adopted the well-known shared frailty model. This model provides a suitable theoretical basis for generating dependence between the components failure times in the dependent competing risks model. It is known that the dependence effect in this scenario influences the estimates of the model parameters. Hence, under the assumption that the cause-specific intensities follow a PLP, we propose a frailty-induced dependence approach to incorporate the dependence among the cause-specific recurrent processes. Moreover, the misspecification of the frailty distribution may lead to errors when estimating the parameters of interest. Because of this, we considered a Bayesian nonparametric approach to model the frailty density in order to offer more flexibility and to provide consistent estimates for the PLP model, as well as insights about heterogeneity among the systems. Both simulation studies and real case studies are provided to illustrate the proposed approaches and demonstrate their validity. / Nesta tese, o objetivo principal é estudar certos aspectos da modelagem de dados de tempo de falha de sistemas reparáveis sob uma estrutura de riscos competitivos. Consideramos dois modelos diferentes e propomos métodos Bayesianos mais eficientes para estimar os parâmetros. No primeiro modelo, discutimos procedimentos inferenciais baseados em uma abordagem Bayesiana objetiva para analisar falhas de um único sistema reparável sob riscos competitivos independentes. Examinamos o cenário em que um reparo mínimo é realizado em cada falha, resultando em que cada modo de falha segue adequadamente uma intensidade de lei de potência. Além disso, propõe-se que a intensidade da lei de potência seja reparametrizada em termos de parâmetros ortogonais. Então, derivamos duas prioris objetivas conhecidas como priori de Jeffreys e priori de referência. Além disso, distribuições posteriores baseadas nessas prioris serão obtidas a fim de encontrar propriedades que podem ser ótimas no sentido de que, em alguns casos, provamos que essas distribuições posteriores são próprias e que também são matching priors. Além disso, em alguns casos, estimadores Bayesianos não-viesados de forma fechada são derivados. No segundo modelo, analisamos dados de múltiplos sistemas reparáveis sob a presença de riscos competitivos dependentes. Para modelar essa estrutura de dependência, adotamos o conhecido modelo de fragilidade compartilhada. Esse modelo fornece uma base teórica adequada para gerar dependência entre os tempos de falha dos componentes no modelo de riscos competitivos dependentes. Sabe-se que o efeito de dependência neste cenário influencia as estimativas dos parâmetros do modelo. Assim, sob o pressuposto de que as intensidades específicas de causa seguem um PLP, propomos uma abordagem de dependência induzida pela fragilidade para incorporar a dependência entre os processos recorrentes específicos da causa. Além disso, a especificação incorreta da distribuição de fragilidade pode levar a erros na estimativa dos parâmetros de interesse. Por isso, consideramos uma abordagem Bayesiana não paramétrica para modelar a densidade da fragilidade, a fim de oferecer mais flexibilidade e fornecer estimativas consistentes para o modelo PLP, bem como insights sobre a heterogeneidade entre os sistemas. São fornecidos estudos de simulação e estudos de casos reais para ilustrar as abordagens propostas e demonstrar sua validade.

國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools.

卓家意, Cho, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長競值領導行為與教師組織承諾之關係。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣北部區域之公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1043份問卷,問卷回收率為85.91%,有效問卷回收率則為81.30%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以百分等級、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下十項結論: 一、國民小學校長競值領導行為較著重「競爭行為」層面,且以「均衡領導型」比例最高。 二、國民小學教師組織承諾以「努力意願」層面表現最佳。 三、男校長在校長競值領導行為之合作行為層面有較佳表現,年輕校長在校長競值領導行為各層面有較佳表現。 四、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在校長競值領導行為各層面均有較佳表現。 五、年齡大的校長在均衡領導型的比例較低且在平庸領導型的比例較高。 六、小型規模、偏遠地區的校長在均衡領導型的比例較高且在平庸領導型的比例較低。 七、年齡大、資深及教師兼主任的教師組織承諾較高,小型規模及偏遠地區學校的教師組織承諾亦較高。 八、校長競值領導行為以「均衡領導型」在教師組織承諾的表現最佳,「不均衡領導型」次之,「平庸領導型」最不理想。 九、校長領導競值行為與教師組織承諾具有正向關連,校長競值領導行為表現愈好,則教師組織承諾愈高。 十、國小校長採行競值領導行為有助於教師組織承諾之提升,其中僅「合作行為」與「競爭行為」兩個領導行為層面具有顯著預測力,競值領導理論之「均衡觀點」宜適度修正。 根據研究結論提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)校長職前與在職訓練,宜融入競值領導相關課程。 (二)適度控制學校經濟規模,以利於教師組織承諾之維持。 二、對國小校長之建議 (一)校長應加強領導行為之複雜性,以增進領導效能。 (二)校長要不斷吸取新知與積極進修,以強化專業智能與教育熱忱。 (三)校長宜多關懷年輕、資淺及未兼行政職務之教師,以協助其生涯發展。 (四)校長須展現兼容並蓄的領導作風,同時採取競爭行為與合作行為,以提升教師組織承諾。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)研究對象可擴大至國中、高中等不同層級學校,乃至私立學校。 (二)研究變項可加入其他可能影響教師組織承諾的變項。 (三)研究方法可酌加使用質化方式之訪談,並在橫斷性研究的基礎上,兼採縱貫性研究,蒐集相關資料。 (四)競值領導理論架構需要國內更多實證研究去驗證其在本國教育環境的適用性與可行性。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. The reasearch method this study adopted is survey reasearch. Data were collected from 1043 teachers of elementary schools in northern parts of Taiwan. The response rates were 85.91%; the usable rates were 81.30%. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of percentile rank, t-test, one-way ANOVA, χ2 test, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are: 1.Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Compete” is the dominant in the elementary schools. And “Balanced Style” ranks the highest. 2.Among all of the dimensions of teachers’ organizational commitment, “Effort Intention” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Male principals have better performances in “Collaborate”. Young principals have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 4.Principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools have better performances among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior. 5.Among competing values leadership behavior of elder principals, “Balanced Style” ranks lower and “Mediocre Style”ranks higher. 6.Among competing values leadership behavior of principals in small-sized schools and in remote area schools, “Balanced Style” ranks higer and “Mediocre Style”ranks lower. 7.Elder, senior teachers and directors in schools have higher organizational commitment; teachers in small-sized schools and in remote area schools also have higher organizational commitment. 8.Underneath principals’ competing values leadership behavior , Teachers have the best organizational commitment toward “Balanced Style”, the next-best organizational commitment toward “Unbalanced Style” and the worst organizational commitment toward “Mediocre Style”. 9.There is a positive relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment. Principals with better leadership performances tend to enhance teachers’ organizational commitment. 10.Principals ’ competing values leadership behavior promote teachers’ organizational commitment. Among all of the dimensions of principals’ competing values leadership behavior, “Collaborate” and “Compete” have significant predictabilty, “Balanced Perspective” could be modified. Based on the findings, the study offers suggestions for the education authorities, the principals of elementary schools, and the future researchers, hoping to shed light on the development of elementary school education in the future.

Tre saggi su mobilità del lavoro e disoccupazione / Three essays on Labour Mobility and Unemployment

MUSSIDA, CHIARA 13 November 2009 (has links)
La tesi si compone di tre saggi su disoccupazione e mobilità del lavoro in Italia, presentando anche un focus sulla regione Lombardia, oltre che da una parte iniziale che inquadra tali tematiche. Il primo capitolo offre infatti una disamina degli sviluppi ed empirici connessi a disoccupazione e mobilità del lavoro. L’obiettivo di questa parte introduttiva è duplice. Da un lato si cerca di fornire un quadro pressochè esaustivo sulle evoluzioni teoriche ed empiriche connesse alle tematiche citate. D’altro lato si introducono le analisi oggetto dei successivi saggi come evoluzione degli sviluppi proposti dalla letteratura, enfatizzandone logiche sottostanti ed originalità. Il primo saggio analizza le determinanti della durata della disoccupazione ed i relativi “competing risks” per la regione Lombardia. La scelta di tale contesto non è casuale. La Lombardia, infatti, rappresenta una delle regioni economicamente più sviluppate ed i risultati ottenuti con tali metodologie di stima possono fornire spunti utili e rappresentativi sia delle regioni europee maggiormente sviluppate, sia di altre rilevanti regioni italiane (Emilia Romagna e Toscana). Il secondo saggio estende l’applicazione di modelli di durata e modelli a rischi competitivi all’intero territorio nazionale. In questo modo è possibile enfatizzare la rilevanza di tali tematiche per il contesto italiano, ed ottenere un quadro esaustivo circa l’evoluzione del fenomeno della durata della disoccupazione. Le tecniche utilizzate per tali analisi, ovviamente, differiscono ripetto a quelle impegate per la regione Lombardia, ed anche questo aspetto consente interessanti considerazioni. Il terzo saggio sposta l’attenzione alla rilevante tematica della mobilità del mercato del lavoro. Tale aspetto è ovviamente connesso al fenomeno della disoccupazione, e consente di approfondirne nonché di delinearne le possibili cause. In tale capitolo vengono proposte due metodologie di analisi. In primo luogo, ed a livello macro, sono fornite le stime aggregate dei flussi fra i principali stati o condizioni (occupazione, disoccupazione, inattività) del mercato del lavoro. Questo primo step consente appunto una prima quantificazione del fenomeno della mobilità. La seconda parte del capitolo si focalizza invece su una stima - a livello micro - delle determinanti delle transizioni fra gli stati del mercato del lavoro. Tale aspetto consente appunto di investigare ed esaminare le cause sottese alla mobilità riscontrata a livello macro. / Structured in three essays, this thesis focus on unemployment and labour mobility in Italy and Lombardy (the biggest Italian’s region). The first essay offers a picture of the main theoretical and the empirical issues related to these complex phenomena. The purpose of this section is twofold. On one hand we aim to offer an exhaustive picture of the theoretical and empirical developments of such phenomena. On the other hand, we introduce the empirical investigations of the subsequent essays as evolutions of the ones proposed by literature. We also emphases the original contribution and the logic behind. The second essay investigates the determinants of the unemployment duration and of the related competing risks (CRM hereafter) for Lombardy. The choice to concentrate the initial part of this dissertation on Lombardy is primarily driven by two factors. First, there is interest in applying relevant techniques to a regional context characterized by a certain degree of homogeneity of economic indicators. Further, Lombardy is one of the most important Italian regions (confirmed by many economics indicators), and is quite homogeneous in terms of labour market indicators (only little differences between provinces, with the north-east with the fewest unemployment problems), This allows verifying the effectiveness of these investigations of the determinants of unemployment duration and the related CRM without dealing with the typical dualism between north and south which is a structural feature of the Italian labour market. This is a way to investigate in depth the characteristics of the relevant phenomenon of unemployment for a significant partition of Italy, which is representative of both richest regions in Europe and Italian regions as well (such as Tuscany or Emilia Romagna). The third essay enlarges the attention to Italy by employing techniques of unemployment duration and competing risks to analyse the overall Italian unemployment and its main exit routes. Those are tools to get an exhaustive picture and relevant insights on the evolution of the Italian unemployment duration. The techniques employed for the overall country obviously differ from the ones used for the region of Lombardy, and these differences also offer the scope for interesting considerations. The fourth essay deals with the relevant issue of labour market mobility. This is a theme quite linked to unemployment, since it allows understanding and exploring its causes. We focus on two different kind of analysis. At macro level, we estimate the gross flows between the relevant labour market states of employment, unemployment, and inactivity (three-state representation of the labour market) to quantify the overall labour market mobility. The second part of this section, instead, offers micro econometrics estimates of the determinants of such labour market transitions, to investigate the causes of such mobility.

Strategic behavior analysis in electricity markets

Son, You Seok 14 May 2015 (has links)
Strategic behaviors in electricity markets are analyzed. Three related topics are investigated. The first topic is a research about the NE search algorithm for complex non-cooperative games in electricity markets with transmission constraints. Hybrid co-evolutionary programming is suggested and simulated for complex examples. The second topic is an analysis about the competing pricing mechanisms of uniform and pay-as-bid pricing in an electricity market. We prove that for a two-player static game the Nash Equilibrium under pay-as-bid pricing will yield less total revenue in expectation than under uniform pricing when demand is inelastic. The third topic is to address a market power mitigation issue of the current Texas electricity market by limiting Transmission Congestion Right (TCR) ownership. The strategic coordination of inter zonal scheduling and balancing market manipulation is analyzed. A market power measurement algorithm useful to determine the proper level of TCR ownership limitation is suggested. / text

Patient Safety Climate and Leadership in the Emergency Department

Al-Ahmadi, Somaia Unknown Date
No description available.

Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict and the Duration of Armed Groups

Noe, Dominik 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

知識創新學習環境量表之編製 / The development of the knowledge building environment scale

林奎宇, Lin, Kuei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在編製「知識創新學習環境量表」,以瞭解學習環境中知識創新氛圍的程度。透過三個獨立樣本A、B及C,分別進行探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析及複核效化分析。樣本A(332人)以探索性因素分析獲得因素成份,結果顯示此份量表有三個因素,分別命名為「想法因素」、「自主學習者因素」及「社群因素」。其次,透過建立本量表的一系列競爭模式,以樣本B(536人)進行驗證性因素分析之評鑑,結果顯示二階單因素模式為最簡效模式,並且量表具有良好之信、效度。而樣本C(536人)則作為複核效化之分析,結果顯示二階單因素模式具有穩定性與預測力。希冀本量表能提供相關單位做為教學及研究之應用。 / The purpose of this study was to develop the Knowledge Building Environment Scale (KBES). Three independent samples was used to validte the reliability and validity of the scale. Firstly, sample A (n=332) was used to generate the factors through exploratory factor analysis. It resulted in a scale of three factors which contains ‘idea’ factor, ‘agent’ factor and ‘community’ factor. Secondly, a series of competing models was established and evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis through sample B (n=536). Comparing with several competing models, hierarchical model was found to be the most efficient model with good reliability and validity. Finally, the cross-validation was tested by sample C (n=536) for hierarchical model to confirm the stability and predictive power of this model. The KBES can provide relevant institutions as a tool for evaluating learning environments.

專案型組織文化之情境配適與轉型 / The Cultural Fit and Culture Transformation of Project-Based Organization

呂相賢, Lu, Hsiang Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀「知識」成為各國經濟發展之主要驅動力,企業更多採專案型組織運作以靈活應變,如何有效管理知識工作者也使企業文化愈受重視。專案型組織因知識工作者增加、多角化跨入新業務型態而有文化轉型需求。本研究欲探討專案型組織於傳統營建工程、知識密集服務、複雜產品系統三種業務類型下之配適文化與轉型模式。藉由蒐集個案公司Kyowa Exeo和IBM官方資料與高階主管談論文化之內容進行文化元素篩選,經競值架構特質表檢驗後,得出應變型文化、家族型文化、市場型文化、階層型文化四種文化類型之佔比,依此繪製舊文化暨新文化之文化剖面圖以進行文化配適與轉型討論。本研究貢獻為專案型組織分類、專案型組織文化情境配適表與文化轉型模式,並確認「家族型文化」於三類專案型組織配適文化中皆為重要元素。後續研究可繼續完善專案型組織文化情境配適表,驗證家族型文化在知識經濟時代對於專案型組織之重要性。 / In the 21st century, “Knowledge” becomes the driving force of economic development all over the world. More and more enterprises choose to change their structure to project-based organization in order to achieve flexibility. Corporate culture is getting more important for enterprises to manage knowledge workers. The demand of culture transformation in project-based organization is derived from the phenomenon of booming knowledge worker population and the strategy of diversification into new business. This study aims to explore the most suitable kinds of organizational culture for three different types of project-based organization, including traditional construction, knowledge-intensive business service, and complex product and system, and discuss the process of the culture transformation. The initial data bank of cultural elements is selected from official information, culture-related comment from senior managers (Kyowa Exeo and IBM). These elements are sorted into four kinds of organization cultures by the characteristic table of Competing Values Framework: Adhocracy culture, Clan culture, Market culture and Hierarchy culture. Two cases are studied in details by grouping their cultural elements in accordance to the four cultural categories. The percentage of each culture of Competing Values Framework is calculated and the culture profile of initial culture and new culture are drawn for in–depth discussion of cultural fit and culture transformation. The contributions of this research are the classification of project-based organization, and their most suitable cultures and culture transformation model. Besides, “Clan culture” is a critical element towards all three types of project-based organization. Follow-up research can improve the effectiveness of cultural fit table of project-based organization and verify the significance of Clan culture for project-based organization in the era of knowledge economy.

Modelos de sobrevivência de longa-duração : uma abordagem unificada

Iritani, Mateus Rodrigues 13 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:06:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1988.pdf: 463519 bytes, checksum: ca45424706e2fdb08c40f42f1f560364 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-13 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In survival analysis some studies show a meaningful cure rate after treatment followup, so considering standard survival models can not be appropriate. In this work is extended the long-term survival model proposed by Chen, Ibrahim and Sinha (1999) via generating function of a real sequence introduced by Feller (1967). This new formulation is the uni_cation of the long-term survival models proposed by Rodrigues el al. (2008). Also, as in Rodrigues el al. (2008) it is shown that the long-term survival generating function satis_es the proportional hazard property if only if the number of competing causes related to the occurence of a event of interest follows a Poisson distribution. A real data set is considered to illustrate this approach. / Em análise de sobrevivência, determinados estudos caracterizam-se por apresentar uma fração significativa de sobreviventes, ou seja, pacientes em tratamento que não apresentaram o evento de interesse, mesmo após um longo período de acompanhamento. Assim considerar modelos de sobrevivência usuais, que assumem que a função de sobrevivência converge para zero quando a variável tempo tende a infinito, pode não ser adequado. Nesse trabalho é apresentado uma extensão do modelo proposto por Chen, Ibrahim e Sinha (1999), usando a função geradora de uma sequência de números reais introduzida por Feller (1967). Essa extensão possibilitou o desenvolvimento de uma teoria unificada para os modelos de sobrevivência de longa-duração, Rodrigues et al. (2008). Mostra-se que modelos já existentes na literatura são considerados casos particulares da teoria unificada, por exemplo, o modelo de Berkson & Gage (1952). Também tem-se em Rodrigues et al. (2008), que a função geradora de longa-duração satisfaz a propriedade de risco proporcional se, e somente se, o número de causas competitivas relacionadas a ocorrência do evento de interesse segue uma distribuição de Poisson. Como ilutração utiliza-se um conjunto de dados reais.

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