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Processamento e caracterização de biocompositos de PHB com fibras naturais de coco e sisal acetiladas e não-acetiladas / Processing and characterization of biocomposites of PHB with acetylated and no-acetylate natural fibres of coconut and sisalJesus, Rodolfo Cardoso de 28 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T05:07:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O problema do acúmulo de lixo urbano tem aumentado nas últimas décadas e o grande consumo de plásticos é um dos responsáveis por esta situação. Estes materiais possuem a capacidade de permanecer no ambiente por muitos anos o que dificulta ainda mais a sua destinação correta. Este problema foi a principal motivação do trabalho aqui apresentado. O PHB é um material termoplástico biodegradável produzido por bactérias que se alimentam de sacarose, tais microorganismo convertem a sacarose em PHB. O Brasil é hoje um dos maiores produtores de PHB, entretanto este material possui baixas propriedades mecânicas quando comparados' a plásticos mais usados industrialmente. Algumas propriedades mecânicas foram melhoradas com a adição de triacetina como agente de plastificação, mas a resistência ao impacto diminui com este aditivo. Fibras são materiais utilizados em compósitos de matriz plástica para conferir resistência e flexibilidade a estes materiais. Fibras naturais têm sido empregadas com sucesso na tentativa de diminuir custos de compósitos e gerar reforço estrutural, além de diminuir o impacto ambiental dos plásticos. Neste trabalho foram obtidos compósitós de PHB, Triacetina e Fibras de Coco ou de Sisal, acetiladas e não-acetiladas, através de processos de extrusão e injeção. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por Análises Térmicas, Mecânicas, Espectroscópicas, Microscópicas e de Biodegradação. Os compósitos obtidos apresentaram vantagem em relação a matriz de PHB nos desempenhos mecânicos e de biodegradação devido a adição das fibras naturais e da triacetina. A reação de acetilação aparentemente melhorou a interação entre a superficie fibra-matriz e aparentemente foi mais bem sucedida na fibra de sisal / Abstract: The problem of urban waste accumulation has increased in recent decades and the large consumption of plastics is one of those responsible for this situation. These materiaIs have the ability to remain in the environment for many years making it difficult further to provide its correct destination. This problem was the main motivation of the work presented here. The PHB is a biodegradable thermoplastic material produced by bacteria feeding on sucrose, such microorganisms convert the sucrose in PHB. Brazil is today one of the largest producers of PHB, however this material has low mechanical properties compared to most plastics used industrially. Some mechanical propérties were improved with the addition of triacetin as agent for plasticization, but the resistance to the impact decreases with this additive. Fibers are used materiaIs in plastic matrix composite to give strength and flexibility to these materiaIs. Natural fibers have been used successfully in the attempt to reduce costs, and generate structural reinforcement composites, in addition to reducing the environmental impact of plastics. In this study were obtained from composites PHB, triacetate and Fibers of Coconut or Sisal, acetylated and non-acetylated through extrusion ~d injection, processes. The composites were characterized by Thermal Analysis, Mechanical, Spectroscopics, Microscopics and biodegradation. The composites obtained showed advantage over the array of PHB in the mechanical and performance degradation due to the addition of natural fibers and triacetate. The acetylation reaction apparently improved the interaction between the surface fiber-matrix and apparently was more successful in the sisal fiber / Mestrado / Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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"Diagnóstico ambiental do solo e sedimento do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)" / "Environmental diagnostic of soil and sediment from Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR)"Jussara Aparecida de Oliveira Cotta 20 February 2004 (has links)
O Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - localizado no vale do Ribeira de Iguape, a 315 km de São Paulo, é uma das últimas áreas de mata Atlântica preservada e com uma diversidade enorme de fauna e flora. Por se tratar de uma região bastante complexa do ponto de vista ambiental, vários são os conflitos existentes no que se refere ao planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, dado que a região apresenta quase 40% de seu território bloqueado por força do que dispõem as legislações ambientais que, a partir da década de 80, criaram várias unidades de conservação ambiental. No entanto, cerca de 30% da área ocupada do PETAR é utilizada para atividades impróprias à preservação desse patrimônio público. Essas atividades são representadas basicamente por: agricultura, exploração mineral, descarga de esgoto doméstico não tratado e expansão populacional. A utilização de compostos organoclorados na agricultura e exploração intensa de metais durante anos na região têm contaminado o ecossistema. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia para avaliar a qualidade ambiental do solo e sedimento da região do PETAR. Considerando-se as características econômicas da região - agricultura, mineração e ecoturismo - o solo e sedimento foram analisados com respeito a compostos organoclorados e metais pesados. Os metais avaliados foram o chumbo, devido aos problemas com a mineração e, em adição, cádmio, cobre, zinco, níquel, cromo, alumínio, manganês e ferro, sendo estes analisados por absorção atômica. Foram avaliados os compostos organoclorados lindano, HCB e os PCBs. Para suas determinações foi utilizado um cromatógrafo a gás com detector de captura de elétrons. Os resultados mostram que, de modo geral, a região do PETAR encontra-se impactada por Pb, Zn e Cu, principalmente nos sedimentos, com alto grau de contaminação. Foram também encontradas concentrações de compostos organoclorados acima do valores permissíveis. / The Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR - located in the Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, distant 315 km from São Paulo, is one of the last preserved areas of Atlantic forest. It has an enormous diversity of fauna and flora. This is a region with a great complexity under the environmental point of view, so there are lot of conflicts referring to the land usage and occupation planning, once the region presents almost 40% of its territory blocked by force of what environmental legislation dispose, which since the 80s decade, have created several environmental conservation units. However, about 30% of the PETAR occupied area are used for activities that are unsuitable to the preservation of this common wealth. These activities are represented basically by agriculture, mineral exploration, discharge of non treated domestic sewage and population expansion. The usage of organochlorine compounds in agriculture and intensive metal exploration in the region during years contaminated the ecosystem. In this way, the purpose of this work was to establish a methodology to evaluate the environment quality of the soil and sediment from PETAR region. Considering the economic characteristics of the region - agriculture, mining and ecotourism - the soil and sediment had been analyzed with respect to organochloride compounds and heavy metals. The evaluated metals had been lead, due to the problems with the mining and, in addition, cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, aluminium, manganese and iron, having these been analyzed by atomic absorption. The organochloride compounds HCH, HCB and the PCBs had been evaluated. For its determination a gas chromatograph with electron capture detector was used. The result shows that, in a general way, the PETAR region find impacted by Pb, Zn and Cu, mainly in the sediments, with high contamination intensity. Organochloride compound concentrations also had been found above the permissible values.
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Obtenção do TiFe por moagem com alta energia / Obtention of TiFe by high-energy ball millingRailson Bolsoni Falcão 28 March 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investigou-se a elaboração mecânica do composto intermetálico TiFe por moagem de bolas com alta energia. Uma forte aderência do material moído, particularmente nas paredes do recipiente de moagem, foi o principal problema verificado com tempos de moagem superiores a 1 hora (moinho agitador). Tentativas para resolver este problema foram realizadas inicialmente com o emprego de agentes controladores de processo (ACPs), como etanol, ácido esteárico, polietileno de baixa densidade, benzeno e ciclohexano, em diferentes quantidades (1 a 20% em massa) e tempos (1 a 40 h), mantendo-se constantes outros parâmetros de moagem como a razão bola:pó em massa (10:1) e o tamanho das bolas (=7mm). Os rendimentos mais elevados (em termos da massa de pó não aderido) foram obtidos quando se utilizaram grandes quantidades de benzeno e ciclohexano (101 e 103% em massa, respectivamente), porém com a formação de TiC ao invés de TiFe em razão da decomposição do ACP e reação do carbono com as partículas de titânio. As moagens foram realizadas posteriormente sem o emprego de qualquer ACP e também utilizando um moinho planetário. Várias estratégias foram investigadas para se tentar mitigar a aderência incluindo-se: (a) moagem de uma pequena quantidade da mistura de pós de Ti e de Fe, revestindo as paredes do recipiente e as bolas de moagem, antes da moagem da carga principal, (b) moagem pausada com aberturas intermediarias do recipiente em atmosfera ambiente, (c) moagem pausada para rotação e inversão da posição do recipiente de moagem (apenas no moinho agitador), (d) moagem isolada dos pós de Ti e de Fe, antes da moagem da mistura, e (e) moagem do pó de Fe com o Ti hidretado. Os melhores resultados, em termos de diminuição da aderência combinada com a formação majoritária do composto TiFe durante a moagem, foram obtidos quando se adotou o procedimento de inversão/rotação, juntamente com o processo de revestimento preliminar do recipiente e das bolas de moagem (26% em massa). Rendimentos maiores foram obtidos com a utilização do TiH2 no moinho planetário, porém sem a formação majoritária do TiFe durante a moagem. / In this work an investigation on the mechanical alloying of the intermetallic compound TiFe by high-energy ball milling was conducted. Strong adherence of milled material, particularly at the vial walls, was seen to be the main problem at milling times higher than 1 hour (shaker mill), hindering the compound synthesis. Attempts to prevent this problem were accomplished first by adding different process control agents (PCAs), like ethanol, stearic acid, low density polyethylene, benzene and cyclohexane at variable quantities (1 to 20 wt. %) and times (1 to 40 h), keeping constant other milling parameters like ball to powder mass ratio (10:1) and balls size (=7mm). Highest yields (related to the non adhered powder) were attained with larger amounts of benzene and cyclohexane (101 and 103 wt. %, respectively), but with TiC formation during milling instead of TiFe due to the PCA decomposition and the reaction of the carbon with and titanium particles. Milling was conducted further without adding any PCA and also using a planetary ball mill. Several strategies were tried to avoid or minimize the adherence including: (a) milling of a small quantity of the Ti and Fe powder mixture, dirtying the vial walls and the balls surfaces before milling the main charge, (b) stepwise milling with intermediate openings of the vial in air, (c) stepwise milling with the rotation and the inversion of the vial position between the steps (only in the shaker mill), (d) milling Ti and Fe powders (apart from each other) before milling the mixture of them, and (e) milling Fe powder with Ti hydride powder. Best results concerning both yield and major TiFe formation during milling were verified with the rotation/inversion procedure combined with preliminar dirtying of the vial and balls (26 wt.% in the shaker mill). Higher yields could be attained by using TiH2 powder in the planetary mill, but with no major TiFe formation during milling.
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Processos celulares no desenvolvimento do olho composto de Apis mellifera / Celular processes during compound eye development of Apis melliferaDavid Santos Marco Antonio 30 May 2008 (has links)
Os processos que regem o desenvolvimento dos olhos compostos em insetos têm sido amplamente estudados em Drosophila melanogaster onde estes se originam a partir de discos imaginais. Pouco se sabe, porém, sobre o desenvolvimento do lóbulo óptico e da retina em outros insetos que, na sua grande maioria, não possuem discos imaginais de olhos separados do sistema nervoso central. Neste sentido, a análise comparada do desenvolvimento dos olhos de Apis mellifera pode contribuir não somente para aspectos evo-devo entre as grandes famílias dos insetos holometábolos, quanto pode elucidar questões de plasticidade de desenvolvimento pois os olhos compostos apresentam fortes características sexo e casta-específicas. Com o objetivo primário de elucidar os padrões de divisão e diferenciação celular durante o desenvolvimento do olho em A. mellifera realizamos análises histológicas e de imunomarcação durante o desenvolvimento pós-embrionário, juntamente com análise de expressão do gene roughest em tempo real. Para imunomarcação utilizamos o anticorpo anti-fosfo-histona H3 fosforilada que marca células em fase M do ciclo celular. Foram analisadas larvas operárias entre o terceiro instar larval (L3) até pupas de olho branco, rosa e marrom, com foco sobre o quinto instar larval que fica subdividida em fase de alimentação e crescimento (L5F), fases de tecelagem de casulo (L5S) e prepupa (PP). O desenvolvimento do lóbulo óptico em Apis mellifera ocorre por dobramento neuroepitelial, a partir de um centro de diferenciação, seqüencialmente gerando as camadas neurais do lóbulo óptico (lóbula, medula e lâmina). A lâmina (última a surgir) 6 apresentou-se com desenvolvimento mais lento e em duas fases antes da metamorfose: a primeira fase é o seu surgimento no começo do quinto instar larval acompanhando o primeiro pico de expressão de roughest e a segunda fase ocorre durante a tecelagem de casulo com o desenvolvimento do córtex acompanhando o segundo pico de expressão de roughest. Ainda durante o segundo pico de expressão de roughest os rabdômeros da retina começam a ficar visíveis, assim como os feixes axonais. Estes porém estarão completamente formados somente após a metamorfose.. O desenvolvimento completo da lâmina, lóbula e medula e da retina ocorre somente após a metamorfose. Durante a fase pupal as estruturas do lóbulo óptico estão prontas, porém na retina observa-se ainda gradual pigmentação, encurtamento dos feixes axonais e alongamento dos rabdômeros até atingirem o seu comprimento final logo antes da emergência. / The processes that drive compound eye development in insects have been broadly studied in Drosophila melanogaster in which they arise from imaginal discs. Little is known about optic lobe and retina development in other insects, most of which do not have imaginal eye discs attached to the nervous system. For this reason, a comparative analysis of eye development in the honey bee, Apis mellifera, not only contributes to evo-devo aspects comparing the major families of holometabolous insects, but also may elucidate questions about developmental plasticity because the compound eyes of the honeybee show strong sex and caste-specific differences. Since our primary objective was to elucidate the pattern of cellular differentiation and division during eye development we performed histological and immunolabelling analyses during the postembrionic stages of development, concomitant with a realtime analysis of roughest gene expression. For the immunolabelling experiments we used an anti-phospho-histone H3 antibody that labels cells in M phase. We analyzed eye development in worker larvae starting with the third instar until white, pink and browneyed pupae, paying special attention to the fifth instar which was subdivided into feeding phase (L5F), cocoon spinning phase (L5S) and prepupae (PP). Optic Lobe development in Apis mellifera occurs by neuroepithelial folding initiating from a differentiation center, in the larval brain. This center sequentially produces the neural layers of the optic lobe (medulla, lobula and lamina). Development of the lamina, which is the last layer to be formed, takes more time and happens in two steps before metamorphosis. The first step is emergence at the beginning of the fifth larval instar coinciding with the first peak of roughest gene expression. The second step 8 occurs during the cocoon spinning phase and is marked by its inner differentiation, again accompanied by a second peak of roughest expression. During this second peak of roughest expression the rabdomers in the retina become visible. These, however, cplete thir development only during the pupal stage. The development of the lamina, lobula and medulla is not complete until after metamorphosis, even though these optic lobe structures are structurally defined already at the beginning of the pupal phase. Retinal development in this phase is marked by gradual pigmentation, axonal bundle shortening and rabdomer elongation, which reach their final size just prior to emergence of the bees from their brood cells.
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Efeito da pré-oxidação, coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados em águas contendo substâncias húmicas / Effect of preoxidation, coagulation, filtration, and post-chlorination on the formation of halogenated organic byproducts in water prepared with humic substancesCristina Filomêna Pereira Rosa Paschoalato 29 April 2005 (has links)
A presença de substâncias húmicas em águas destinadas ao abastecimento tem ocasionado diversos problemas, decorrentes da formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados, principalmente quando se emprega a pré-oxidação com cloro. Os compostos orgânicos halogenados, reconhecidamente carcinogênicos e que podem ser encontrados nas águas tratadas e distribuída à população, são: trialometanos, ácidos haloacéticos, haloaldeidos, halocetonas, halofenóis e halopicrinas. Nas estações de tratamento de água para abastecimento (ETAs), a utilização da etapa de pré-oxidação da água bruta com cloro contribui para a formação desses subprodutos. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de formação de vinte e dois subprodutos com a utilização dos seguintes pré-oxidantes: cloro, dióxido de cloro, permanganato de potássio, peróxido de hidrogênio, ozônio e peroxônio. O potencial de formação de subprodutos foi simulado em uma água preparada com adição de substâncias húmicas extraídas de solo turfoso, por meio do uso da pré-oxidação, coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração. Os subprodutos foram quantificados por cromatografia gasosa com detetor de captura de elétrons. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o uso de pré-oxidantes alternativos, tais como: permanganato de potássio; dióxido de cloro; peróxido de hidrogênio; ozônio e peroxônio, associados à coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração formam quantidades mínimas de subprodutos. / The presence of humic substances in water destined for supply has brought many problems, resulting from the formation of halogenated organic byproducts, especially when preoxidation with chlorine is used. Halogenated organic compounds, which are admittedly carcinogenic and can be found in water treated and distributed for the population, are: trihalometano, haloacetic acid, haloaldehyde, haloacetone, halophenol, and halopicrin. In water treatment plants (WTPs), the use of preoxidation with chlorine of the raw water contributes for forming such byproducts. This research aims at evaluating the potential for the formation of twenty two byproducts using the following preoxidants: chlorine, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and peroxone. The potential of byproducts formation was simulated in water prepared with addition of humic substances extracted from peat soil by preoxidation, coagulation, filtration and post-chlorination. Byproducts were quantified by gas chromatography with electron capture detector. The results obtained showed that the use of alternative preoxidants such as: chlorine, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and peroxone, associated with coagulation, filtration, and post-chlorination form a minimum of byproducts.
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Optimization and characterization of bulk hexagonal boron nitride single crystals grown by the nickel-chromium flux methodHoffman, Timothy B. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemical Engineering / James H. Edgar / Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a wide bandgap III-V semiconductor that has seen new interest due to the development of other III-V LED devices and the advent of graphene and other 2-D materials. For device applications, high quality, low defect density materials are needed. Several applications for hBN crystals are being investigated, including as a neutron detector and interference-less infrared-absorbing material. Isotopically enriched crystals were utilized for enhanced propagation of phonon modes. These applications exploit the unique physical, electronic and nanophotonics applications for bulk hBN crystals.
In this study, bulk hBN crystals were grown by the flux method using a molten Ni-Cr solvent at high temperatures (1500°C) and atmospheric pressures. The effects of growth parameters, source materials, and gas environment on the crystals size, morphology and purity were established and controlled, and the reliability of the process was greatly improved. Single-crystal domains exceeding 1mm in width and 200μm in thickness were produced and transferred to handle substrates for analysis. Grain size dependence with respect to dwell temperature, cooling rate and cooling temperature were analyzed and modeled using response surface morphology. Most significantly, crystal grain width was predicted to increase linearly with dwell temperature, with single-crystal domains exceeding 2mm in at 1700°C.
Isotopically enriched ¹⁰B and ¹¹B hBN crystal were produced using a Ni-Cr-B flux method, and their properties investigated. ¹⁰B concentration was evaluated using SIMS and correlated to the shift in the Raman peak of the E[subscript 2g] mode. Crystals with enrichment of 99% ¹⁰B and >99% ¹¹B were achieved, with corresponding Raman shift peaks at 1392.0 cm⁻¹ and 1356.6 cm⁻¹, respectively. Peak FWHM also decreased as isotopic enrichment approached 100%, with widths as low as 3.5 cm⁻¹ achieved, compared to 8.0 cm⁻¹ for natural abundance samples.
Defect selective etching was performed using a molten NaOH-KOH etchant at 425°C-525°C, to quantify the quality of the crystals. Three etch pit shapes were identified and etch pit width was investigated as a function of temperature. Etch pit density and etch pit activation energy was estimated at 5×10⁷ cm⁻² and 60 kJ/mol, respectively. Screw and mixed-type dislocations were identified using diffraction-contrast TEM imaging.
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Combined effect of electric field and surface modification on pool boiling of R-123Ahmad, Syed Waqas January 2012 (has links)
The effect of surface modification and high intensity electric field (uniform and non – uniform) acting separately or in combination on pool boiling of R-123 is presented in this thesis. The effect of surface modification was investigated on saturated pool boiling of R-123 for five horizontal copper surfaces modified by different treatments, namely: an emery polished surface, a fine sandblasted surface, a rough sandblasted surface, an electron beam (EB) enhanced surface and a sintered surface. Each 40 mm diameter heating surface formed the upper face of an oxygen-free copper block, electrically heated by embedded cartridge heaters. The experiments were performed from the convective heat transfer regime to the critical heat flux, with both increasing and decreasing heat flux, at 1.01 bar, and additionally at 2 bar and 4 bar for the emery polished surface. Significant enhancement of heat transfer with increasing surface modification was demonstrated, particularly for the EB enhanced and sintered surfaces. The emery polished and sandblasted surface results are compared with nucleate boiling correlations and other published data. The effect of uniform and non-uniform electric fields on saturated pool boiling of R-123 at 1.01 bar pressure was also examined. This method of heat transfer enhancement is known as electrohydrodynamic abbreviated as EHD-enhancement. A high voltage potential was applied at the electrode located above the heating surface, which was earthed. The voltage was varied from 0 to 30 kV. The uniform electric field was provided through a 40 mm diameter circular electrode of stainless steel 304 wire mesh having an aperture of 5.1 mm, while the non-uniform electric field was obtained by using a 40 mm diameter circular rod electrode with rods 5 and 8 mm apart. The effect of uniform electric field was investigated using all five modified surfaces, i.e. emery polished, fine sandblasted, rough sandblasted, EB enhanced and sintered surfaces, while non – uniform electric field was tested using the emery polished, fine sandblasted, EB enhanced and sintered surfaces. The effect of pressure on EHD enhancement was also examined using emery polished surface at saturation pressure of 2 and 4 bars while the electric field was fix at 20 kV corresponding to 2 MV/m. Further, the bubble dynamics is presented for the emery polished surface obtained using a high-speed high – resolution camera.
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Active Documents and their Applicability in Distributed EnvironmentsFredriksson, Martin January 1998 (has links)
Active Documents is a technique for automating the handling and control of documents by making them a combination of service providers (mobile agents) and resources (compound documents) in the form of autonomous agents. The main focus of this solution is to provide an encapsulation of documents, including their data structures and related functionality, but also to enable documents to reflect upon themselves in respect of their computational environment, and take actions accordingly.
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Rôle de la chimiokine CXCL10 dans la réaction inflammatoire associée à l'autoimmunité : exemple de la pemphigoide bulleuse / Role of the chemokine CXCL10 in the inflammatory response associated with autoimmunity : example of bullous pemphigoidRiani, Meriem 02 February 2017 (has links)
La pemphigoïde bulleuse (PB) est la plus fréquente et la plus grave des dermatoses bulleuses auto-immunes caractérisée par une cascade inflammatoire impliquant plusieurs cytokines et cellules inflammatoires, avec la libération de protéases (MMP-9, élastase) conduisant à la formation de la bulle. L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser cette cascade inflammatoire en analysant la contribution de la chimiokine CXCL10 et des cellules inflammatoires comme les macrophages dans le mécanisme physiopathologique associé à la maladie. Nos résultats ont montré que CXCL10 est présent à des taux importants dans le sérum des patients et dans le liquide de bulle, de plus cette chimiokine reste fortement présente dans le sérum des patients qui rechutent. D’autre part nous avons montré pour la première fois que l’orientation des macrophages dans la PB est contrôlée dans un premier temps par les sérums de patients, qui préactivent les macrophages dérivés de monocytes, puis par le liquide de bulle qui différencient les macrophages vers une polarisation M2. Nous avons également montré que seulement les neutrophiles et les monocytes isolés de patients atteints de PB, mais pas leur lymphocytes, répondaient à une stimulation par CXCL10 par une augmentation de leur sécrétion en MMP-9 via l’activation des voies de signalisation ERK1/2, P38 et PI3K. Cette expression de la MMP-9 a été associée à une polarisation de type M2 dans les macrophages issus de monocytes de patients. Enfin, nous avons montré l’importance des activateurs sélectifs des récepteurs des glucocorticoïdes, tels que le composé A, qui était aussi efficace que le traitement avec la méthylprénisolone dans l'inhibition de la MMP-9, mais avec des effets distincts sur l'expression des marqueurs phénotypiques de macrophages. / Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common and serious autoimmune bullous dermatosis characterized by inflammatory cascade involving many cytokines and inflammatory cells, with the release of proteases (MMP-9, HLE) leading to the formation of the blister. The objective of this study is to characterize the inflammatory cascade by analyzing the contribution of the CXCL10 chemokine and inflammatory cells such as macrophages in the pathophysiology associated with the disease. Our results showed that CXCL10 is present at significant levels in the serum of patients and in the blister fluid, this chemokine remains strongly present in the serum of patients who relapse. On the other hand we have shown for the first time that macrophages polarization in BP is controlled by the sera of patients, which activate macrophages derived from monocytes, and then blister fluid differentiate macrophages in an M2 polarization. We also showed that only neutrophils and monocytes isolated from patients, but not the lymphocytes responding to stimulation by CXCL10 by an increase in secretion of MMP-9 via the activation of signaling pathways ERK1 / 2, P38 and PI3K. This expression of MMP-9 has been associated with an M2 macrophages polarization derived from monocytes of patients. Finally, we have demonstrated the importance of selective glucocorticoid receptor activators, such as Compound A, which was as effective as treatment with methylprednisolone in inhibiting MMP-9, but with distinct effects on the expression of phenotypic markers of macrophages.
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Exploring Sensory Function and Evolution in the Crustacean Visual System / Étude des fonctions sensorielles et de l'évolution du système visuel des crustacésParracho Filipe Ramos, Ana Patricia 18 December 2017 (has links)
La grande variété de morphologie de l’appareil visuel chez les arthropodes en fait un groupe unique pour l’étude de la diversité et l'évolution du système visuel. Cependant, la plupart de nos connaissances sur le développement et l'architecture neurale du système visuel provient de quelques organismes modèles. Mon projet vise à contribuer à l'étude de la diversité et de l'évolution du système visuel des arthropodes en étudiant l'œil du crustacé Parhyale hawaiensis; axé sur son développement, sa neuro-architecture et sa fonction. En particulier, mon travail vise à caractériser la structure du système visuel, à cartographier les connexions entre les photorécepteurs (PR) et le lobe optique (LO) et à comprendre les adaptations fonctionnelles de l'œil, par rapport aux yeux des autres arthropodes.Une description de l'anatomie de base du système visuel a été réalisée au moyen de la microscopie électronique, par immunomarquage et par la production de lignées de transgénique. J'ai trouvé que Parhyale possède un œil composé de type apposition avec 8 (chez les nouveau-nés) à 50 (chez les adultes) ommatidies, chacun formée par 5 PR (R1-R5). Nous avons trouvé deux opsines, nommés Ph-Opsin1 et Ph-Opsin2, exclusivement exprimés dans la rétine. En utilisant la séquence génomique comme guide, j'ai cloné des séquences régulatrices en amont de chaque gène d’opsine et généré des rapporteurs transgéniques qui récapitulent les patterns d'expression de Ph-Opsin1 et de Ph-Opsin2. Ces rapporteurs ont révélé que R1-R4 exprime Ph-Opsin1 tandis que R5 exprime le Ph-Opsin2.Immunomarquage ainsi que l'imagerie des deux lignées transgéniques, ont montré que les PR envoient de longues projections depuis la rétine au LO. Trois neuropiles optiques ont été identifiés: la lamina, la medulla et un neuropile plus profond qui est probablement la lobula plate ou la lobula. En suivant les projections axonales des PR dans le cerveau, révélant que tous les PR se projettent dans la lamina. Ceci diffère de ce qui a été montré chez les diptères et les crustacés, où au moins un PR par ommatidie projette ses axones dans la medulla.La microscopie électronique a montré que les rhabdomères des deux paires de PR, R1 + R3 et R2 + R4, sont orthogonalement alignés les uns aux autres dans chaque ommatidie, et que le rhabdome ne tourne pas. Ces caractéristiques rendent les PR intrinsèquement sensibles aux directions spécifiques de la lumière polarisée. Par conséquent, j'ai essayé de comprendre si Parhyale réagît à la lumière polarisée, au moyen d'expériences comportementales. Les données que j'ai recueillies suggèrent que Parhyale sont phototactiques pour la lumière blanche mais ne montrent aucune réponse à la lumière polarisée dans ces essais expérimentaux. Les problèmes potentiels liés à ces tests de comportement sont discutés.Enfin, je montre que l'œil de Parhyale s'adapte rapidement à différentes conditions d'intensité lumineuse. Ceci est obtenu par le mouvement des granules de pigments, situés à l'intérieur des PR, et par des changements morphologiques de la membrane basale du PR.Ce projet est pionnier dans l'étude du système visuel chez Parhyale. C'est la première fois que des outils génétiques ont été introduits pour étudier le système visuel de crustacés. Il établit Parhyale comme un puissant système expérimental pour des études in vivo de développement des yeux composé et de ciblage axonal du système visuel, un champ actuellement dominé par des études sur une seule espèce de mouche. / The wide diversity of eye designs present in arthropods makes them a unique group for studying the diversity and evolution of the visual system. However, most of our knowledge on the development and the neural architecture of the visual system comes from few model organisms. My project aims to contribute to the study of the diversity and evolution of the arthropod visual system by studying the eye of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis; focusing on its development, neuroarchitecture and function. In particular, my work aims to characterize the structure of the visual system, to map the connections between photoreceptors (PR) and optic lobe (OL) and to understand the functional adaptations of the eye, in relation to the eyes of other arthropods.A description of the basic anatomy of the visual system was performed by means of electron microscopy, immunostainings and by generating transgenic reporter lines. I found that Parhyale has an apposition-type compound eye with 8 (in hatchlings) to 50 (in adults) ommatidia, each one formed by 5 PR cells (R1-R5).Two opsins were found in Parhyale, named Ph-Opsin1 and Ph-Opsin2, which are exclusively expressed in the retina. Using the genome sequence as a guide, I cloned upstream regulatory sequences from each opsin genes and generated transgenic reporters that recapitulate the expression patterns of Ph-Opsin1 and Ph-Opsin2. These reporters revealed that R1-R4 express Ph-Opsin1 while R5 expresses Ph-Opsin2.Immunostainings and live imaging of the two transgenic lines showed that PR cells send long projections from the retina to the OL, via an optic nerve. Three optic neuropils were identified: lamina, medulla and a deeper neuropil, possibly the lobula or lobula plate. Following the axonal projections of the PR into the brain, revealed that all PR project to the lamina. This differs from what has been shown in dipterans and crustaceans, where at least one PR per ommatidium projects to the medulla. Electron microscopy showed that the rhabdomeres of two pairs of PR, R1+R3 and R2+R4, are orthogonally aligned to each other in each ommatidium, and that the rhabdom does not rotate. These features render the PR intrinsically sensitive to specific directions of light polarisation. Therefore, I tried to understand whether and how Parhyale respond to polarised light. I developed two experimental setups to address whether Parhyale shows behavioural responses triggered by light polarisation. The data I have collected suggest that Parhyale are phototactic to dim white light but show no response to polarised light in these specific experimental assays. Potential problems with these behavioural assays are discussed.Finally I show that the eye of Parhyale quickly adapts to different conditions of light intensity. This is achieved by movement of the shielding pigment granules, located inside the PR cells and by morphological changes of the PR basal membrane.This project is pioneering the study of the visual system in Parhyale. It is the first time that genetic tools have been introduced to study the crustacean visual system. It establishes Parhyale as a powerful experimental system for in vivo studies of compound eye development and axonal targeting, a field currently dominated by studies in a single species of fruitfly.
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